Ace Attorney

Bros, I just finished Investigations 2.
So this is the best game in the series, right? I don't see how they could possibly improve on this.
It's an absolute 10/10 and is probably going into my personal favourites of all time.

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Yeah it's among the best in the series.
The sheer jump in quality from the first Investigations to the second one is astounding.

Yeah, the first one was a fun romp just for the Edgeworth and having every case be connected by one plot thread, but not quite on the same level of overall quality as Trials and Tribulations or with the same highs as JFA.
But this game goes five cases without a single one dipping below "good", ties them together into one coherent plot, and an incredible main villain (plus that reveal). You also finally get to see just what exactly led to the DL-6 case and basically started the entire domino sequence.
My only complaints about the game as I was going through it were basically "Sebastian is completely pointless" and "Courtney is obnoxiously intrusive for no reason" and cases 4 and 5 made me do a complete turnabout on both, especially Sebastian. The catharsis from seeing his character development was something fierce.

>So this is the best game in the series, right?
Pretty much, it's basically flawless
>good characters
>good cases
>good story
>great ending

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>cases 2-3
>What is this useless idiot even here for?
>cases 4-5
>Must protect

I'm replaying it right now. I'm halfway through Forgotten Turnabout. Edgeworth is amazing in this case.

>body double retains muscle shape instead of regressing to FAT after his death

T&T> Investigations 2 > PW > SoJ > JFA > DD > Investigations
Haven't included Great Ace Attorney, how is it?

First is thick with atmosphere. Lots of stuff going on you're not let into.
Second game ties up ALL the looses ends with a nice bow, in a cathartic, but predictable way.

The whole package will burn you out if you play them back to back, as that often happens when you split one game in two.

On a case by case basis, the game has less to offer than the 1st investigation unlike the ongoing narrative, which is better than the aforementioned's sequel.

It's pretty good.

I got bored and stopped playing as soon as edgeworth's dad's flashback case started. Was it supposed to get good there or something, because the first couple of cases bored me to tears.

Basically, it makes up for all the character development that was missing since Takumi left the series, to the detriment of the perfectly timed highs-and-lows the series is know for.
The music is less energetic and more hummable somehow. I wouldn't call it pleasing but I sure love it anyways. Susano's theme is magical.

it's my favorite case in the game
>kay isn't her usual annoying self
>franzy whips sebastian into shape
>debeste is a great villain


I finished Justice for all last night and it kinda felt underwhelming. It's been like 2 years since I finished the last one but it seemed like there was a lot more going on with that games final trial. I didn't even realize it was the final trial until it was almost over.

tl;dr The Layton cross-over, except good.

Keep in mind 1-5 wasn't in the original release.
If you mean 1-4, then it's probably the virgin effect or something.
It wasn't meant to have a sequel in the first place, I mean you'd be crazy to think an ADV game about lawyers would make money in the first place.

I'm talking about the one with the police chief and the forged evidence and stuff, not the one with Emma Skye and surveillance camera stuff. I just felt like the evidence was a lot more complicated and satisfying to unravel, also the end of JFA just felt like a huge waste of time since you already know that your client is guilty and you're just bullshitting to stall for time. but I guess that was the point.

It's the most overrated.

first investigations was in development hell so it's understandable why it was so messy
but even if it's forgettable it's pretty fun to play

I liked the final case but I didn't understand all the love for it either, it's just "good" honestly
JFA is a really weak entry, keep going since T&T is fantastic

the only thing AAI1 does better than its sequel is the cornered music. a real shame it's stuck in a just "ok" game.
but yeah AAI2 is elder god tier

You were close.
AA > T&T = Investigations 2 > SoJ > DD > JFA > Investigations.

Layton v Wright is worse than SoJ but a tiny bit better than DD.

Get ready to miss the Investigations gameplay mechanics. Going back to teleporting around and breaking locks is very underwhelming.

At least Courtney's succulent tits made up for her occasional bitchy behavior. Sebastian was fun and Courtney showing her mommy side by the end of the game gave her some depth.

Best Boy

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It's really good. One of my favorite games as well. AAJFA has my contrarian vote for top fave though, not even sure why.

look at that jawline and upper body. miles mogs phoenix wright hard

the chad edgeworth vs the virgin wright

Nerfing Kay's ninja autism was a great decision.

Walking added nothing for me. Having nice, detailed backgrounds that looked like paintings were preferable to me. Logic chess was fun but not my favorite gimmick (I really liked observing from AA4, and multiple witness testimony from PWvPL and DGS)

yes it's the best game by far

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For me walking around gave the player a better perspective of the crime scene and how events could have unraveled. It also made the world feel more alive and vast. Using logic to piece things together was a great way to hint at the rebuttal answers without needing to rely on carrying 10 unnecessary pieces of evidence, it also made more sense for an attorney than medium magic. Hell, even the chess dimension genuinely felt like something a high iq attorney would do, with the over the top interface being Edgeworth's manchild side manifesting.

The environments just didn't do it for me. It looked like a GBA game (Battle Network specifically). Hard disagree that it made the world feel more vast though. It didn't feel smaller but it definitely didn't make it feel bigger.

>AJ doesn't exist
honestly based

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>It's a "the victim wrote the killer's name with his blood" case

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