6 years

>6 years

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Other urls found in this thread:


I stopped watching after Arin turned Super-SJW.


any patrician would have stopped after jon aryan jafari left

this shit was never funny


Pretty much the same time really

I find it hilarious how a 56% ugly fat mutt talks about muh European civilisation

They're trying to rebrand themselves as just The Grumps now. They are abandoning their dying lets play channel and are instead focusing on a completely new channel that is supposed to compete with Good Mythical Morning. Its cringe galore.


>10 years


Look at that beautiful "woman"

Why has all the times Arin said nigga not caught up with him yet?

>It's cringe galore

I bet.
They've never been really funny, the gameplay was the only redeeming factor.

Massively popular,and his fans are nut jobs.noone cares

>jon aryan jafari
LMAO. That name must be a curse if you're not white.

>Jon hasn't changed, he never apologized!
>Arin hasn't apologized, but he acts like me now so it's okay

I want to see him crash and burn because he is a genuinely horrible person.

If you rebrand yourself you can play it off as "it was a different time"

he's iranian it's fine

I still enjoy them,but Arin's SJW shit gets REALLY annoying fast..But when Danny just shuts him down on it,that makes me smile

>In an interview, Arin explained the extremely comfy times of early Game Grumps, where they would record some episodes, then Jon would edit and Arin would work on an animation at the same time

>she is going to show us how to make donuts

That dude doesn't even try to look feminine.
He has a visible beard shadow for crying out loud!

Then Arin realized what a goldmind he hit and manged to ruin literally everything.

I haven't watched GG in years, can you link some vids where SJW-Arin gets shut down

Yup..And the fans went complete PC nut on it
>omg she is so funnny
>hire her
>best grump ever

Are people REALLY that stupid?

California is a hell of a drug

Why do we hate Arin, again? I don't like him, just never really heard everything.

look at these blacks

You mean Suzy


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Danny pretty much just ignores Arin's "Or her"
And tells him,no dude


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at 9:48
link didn't work

They hated him because he told the truth

I can't believe people bring up Jon saying blacks commit more crime instead of this, it's infinitely more controversial.


Let's take a look at where they are now
>Jon Aryan Jafari
Very successful career of making what are essentially wacky reaction videos. Heaps of advertising money and investor cash.
>Arin Hanson
Didn't adjust to the changing market and stuck with the let's play trend for 5 years too long. Now playing catchup and will be out of a job in 5 years because he's not riding the wave anymore.

I didn't really have hope that you would deliver but thank you so much for delivering

>Or her!
>Uhhhh I'm gonna say it's a he.

This shutdown is way funnier than it should be

I don't know why anyone would watch modern game grumps, it isn't funny. Oneyplays and Supermega are good alternatives.

Jon's new videos are boring as fuck. Arin is stuck on the couch.

Jon's voice sounded terrible and his comedy only works when you can see his face.

Jon is just being smart and adapting his channel to what the market wants.

Well yeah, it was so bad that it was funny again.

it is..I'd say since Danny is older "40" he doesn't really give THAT much of a shit when it comes to stuff
Danny is still my favorite by far

>ever watching this massive waste of time

>he doesn't think chronic Jon coughs and echs are pure kino

Saying blacks commit more crime is not controversial at all. It's when you follow it up by denying all the factors that could help explain the disparity so the only thing left is literally black people just being inherently violent and low IQ.

He says as he wastes massive amounts of his life on this shithole.

If slavery and institutional racism are the problem, why aren't blacks successful outside of America?

more like woke grumps

Because white people are fucking retarded cuckolds who are too afraid to stand up for themselves.

hush, you'll scare the advertisers

Based Boomer Jew. The only good playthroughs have been with Danny playing and in-charge, which were around only 3

>my Mario Maker level happened to be played by them a couple weeks ago and appeared on an episode
It’s a weird kind of feel. I don’t much like the channel anymore but it’s nice to have a part in its history nonetheless. Felt pretty surreal watching it get played by them and getting a compliment.

I would like to see Danny in charge of more Sierra games,like Police Quest

She has a 5 o'clock shadow

I 100% trans rights
but that is not a woman,just a man trying to get "rights" and abuse it

Have some more estrogen, goy

there's good discussion here sometimes.
Arin and Jontron may have made good content on their own but Game Grumps is just them acting like retards over extended periods of time. It's cheap, lazy content and you need very low brain power to endure it for any length of time.

Holy fuck, kill yourself

Why do you think user? Don't look for easy answers, usually things are more complicated than just having one cause.

Did they ever go back to Punch Out? That was like the last full playthrough I watched.

On it

thanks bro

Watching Game Grumps in the summer of 2012 was comfy.
I don't really like it now, but I'll tune in every once in a while for a good series.
Leisure Suit Larry Magnum Cum Laude was the best they'd been in years.
Arin just doesn't do it for me anymore; I used to eat his shit up back in the Newgrounds days but now his comedy is forced and annoying.
It's probably always been that way, honestly, I'm just older now.

Kill yourself now

I hear it's more of a side channel like with GrumpOut (that got abandoned a while back) but the point still stands. Even some of their fans are like "Why put your most successful content (the live stuff) on a second channel?". Very strange.

Could be lots of reasons. When I look at history and see great empires across the world from different races rise and fall I'm assuming it's not because Whites were racially superior for a short while, then Asians became racially superior, then Arabs became racially superior. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

It was pretty hilarious watching the OneyPlays episode. Chris was mogging Arin in comedy

>all these races had empires except the negro species
makes you think

Jon actually said nothing inaccurate, it's just that he was stupid for going onto Destiny's debates, who never argues in good faith and heavily relies on his audience attacking whoever he is "debating" against

>I 100% trans rights
Me too. In that I think they are severely mentally ill and that quack doctors and psycho coasties convincing them to mutilate themselves is one of the most disgusting tragedies of our time.

>All the comments are about the Oney gang
>Not a single Arin or Danny comment
>On the channel run by Arin and Danny

>it's probably always been that way
This might be true to some extent, but there's definitely been a change in Arin's comedy. He went from being the straightman in JonGrumps to being an insifferable beatboxing doofus. He's just trying to give children what they want now. At least that was the case when I stopped watching, haven't kept up with it.

user, reread what you wrote and ask yourself why non of those empires that rose were from sub-saharan africa

Oney works because he naturally acts like he does. He is a naturally funny person and surrounds himself with mostly funny people. Arin has to 'turn on' his comedy and it doesn't work in extended periods of time.

Yes I wish everything was that simple anons. You might be right, but you might just as well be wrong so I'm just personally not gonna treat blacks as inferior just yet.

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He should open a gaming channel.

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Melvin Melvin

>It’s always been that way
Not really. Arin has been turning into a massive pussified tool over the course of the last 5 years. He’s completely lost the comedic ability he had and replaced it with this fake dudebro stock laughter comedy. His old shit is still funny. It isn’t you, it’s him.

Just watch any other lets play channel but with goat screaming playing in the background.

imagine the funny moments fans would remember for years like how we remember moments from the Jon era


>I don’t want to think of myself as “mean”

Too bad job stopped being funny

If you lived in Europe or Asia for a year and then lived in Africa for an equal amount of time, you would come to terms with things quite quickly.

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The same reason they never produced a functioning society in Africa. They have a lower average IQ.

God Tier:
First six months of Jon Grumps
High Tier:
First six months of Dan Grumps
Mid Tier:
Last Six Months of Jon Grumps
Six Months-1 year of Dan Grumps
Low Tier:
1-2 year of Dan Grumps
Shit Tier:
All other Dan Grumps

Arin is insufferable now

The moment Arin started acting like the "white niggas" joke, the show was dead. He's insufferably unfunny.

>I don't want to have an opinion; the post

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This is a decent opinion

There’s nothing wrong with understanding that blacks are genetically inferior in terms of modern society. It becomes an issue if you create a prejudice based off that understanding.

But there are successful black people in and out of America

>tfw no qt twink bf with tiny penis who cries when I say “mean racist things” but is addicted to my cock to slowly mindbreak and start dressing in Hugo Boss

Perfect ranking. Dan was actually really fun for the first few months because he played games he actually used to play as a kid, and he had a ton of stories.

His lack of experience with gaming and his inability to provide fun commentary that isn't just retelling the same stories on loop caused him to fall off after 6 months or so.

What does this have to do with race again? If I lived in Europe some hundred years it would be a complete shithole compared to today. Even Norway just a few decades ago was basically comparable to a slav country.

>record good lets plays with 1 friend with shitty mic and your friend
>record shit lets plays with a giant office and tubs of money and equipment and improv classes and years of experience and fifty employees

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Successful westernized or easternized yes. But almost no Afronized.

what i don't understand are the people who think arin is actually attractive
especially when you put him right next to dan

And to this day I've never once watched through a single video they ever put out before or after they broke up the group. Every single time I heard people talk about it seemed like the most god awful and dreary thing in the world.

Yet at the same time I started watching Jon's own videos instead and I find them to be timeless classics each time. Don't know what the hell that group was, but it from everything I've been told and the few clips I've seen of it it's very clear to me that it was holding Jon back, and I'm glad he's wrangled himself out of the claws of the unfunny cunt that is Arin "My Girlfriend Suzy" Hanson. Glad to see the rumps channel rot and die, as Jon grows more powerful than they could ever imagine.

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Plus, Arin actually fucking goes to Improv classes. He even felt offended when he asked a comedian if he took improv classes and he replied with "What's that?"

>I'm gonna form an opinion about another race being inferior based on incomplete data because that's better

It didn't work out too well

So for curiosity sake I watched them play undertale and they came up with this gem
>dan: so how is the new season of Attack on Titan?
>Arin: oh don't watch it it's super right-wing and racist right now, yikes
>dan: oh okay I'll avoid it
That really caught me off guard

Better to rank along other criteria, such as when Dan is playing or invested.

Incomplete games that are one-offs or like less than 10 or so episodes are usually bad as well.

As much as we all agree on how shitty its become, reading the video comments regularly shows their fanbase is the complete opposite and we're the minority probably.

On some versus episode Arin asked Dan for how to do something, Dan told him, and fans were like "If that we're Jon he would've been mean but Dan is so cool. Dan grumps is so much better than Jon grumps (+2549)"

Arin was objectively attractive years ago in his youth. Hes looked like shit for years.

Nigger, every single data point points to them being inferior.

Modern Dan has mostly stopped telling stories and instead swapped over to a form of humor based on being the viewer surrogate. Arin does something stupid and he calls him out on it, or he'll say the sort of thing the audience would be thinking. It sort of works, but unfortunately he's unwilling to go full hog on it (likely because arin is an asshat who would take it too personally and fire him). He will have some genuine moments where he fully points out how fucking stupid Arin is and then realize what he just did and dial it back following that, and when he's suggesting the right solution to a puzzle while Arin continues to do the same stupid fucking thing over and over he doesn't quite have the balls to tell Arin outright to stop being a faggot and just listen to him. But you can tell that he wants to.

He's an honorary white

Is jontron still funny?

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I stopped watching Dan grumps around 2014 or 2015, and that's more or less how he acted then as well. Sometimes he was a yes man, sometimes he would just take jabs at Arin without ever fully committing. It was too inconsistent for me to bear considering I wanted him to just shit on Arin nonstop given that Arin deserves to be shit on nonstop.

speaking of undertale, i was powering through twilight princess and in the scene where zant almost kills midna, episode is around late 30s or so, Dan said it was kind of like undertale and Arin actually stopped his beloved SOWACKY character voice and 100% dead serious was like "undertale is waaaay better than this" with a condescending snarky tone

Sure, and the (((scientists))) are just holding back all these damning facts because reasons, right?

Is Arin one of the prime examples of Cali Poisoning?

>I don't like or consume thing must I must share MY feelings and thoughts on thing I do not consume.
Are you a game journalist?

>attack on titan
>super right wing
god fucking DAMNIT why do these fucking american journalists have to keep misintepreting basic fucking storylines and fucking everything up for everyone else thanks to the american liberal hivemind

There was one moment in Twilight Princess where Dan pretty much legitimately told Arin to stop being such a fucking SJW and they had to change topics, but picked up a bit later again

>Holding back
user... Did you fall for the social science meme?

Mostly. His content is more hit or miss these days but the good bits are still funny.

lets players aren't funny. jon is a fucking sperg. its been this long and if you still like jon and his content you haven't grown and improved or refined your taste

Yeah, but this is the present. Live in any major city in the northern hemisphere, then live in Africa.

I can only hope that Arin's personality finally tears grumps apart from the inside.

Well, Dan can't be like Jon because he would be shitting on his boss. It's sad because you can tell he forces himself to be another person

>Lived in Florida for his youth
>Moves to Cali for Jon Grumps
>Jon moves back to New York to focus on his own channel. Stays relatively unchanged, somewhat less funny videos and "controversies" aside.
>Arin remains to focus on Dan Grumps and becomes wholly facetious.
Yeah that sounds about right.

>tfw the Starbomb/Duane&Brando collab album fell through

The facts aren't held back you ignore them. Studies show mixed race blacks in America with an 85 iq and nom-mixed blacks in Africa with 65 iq

Did he provide his reasoning?

I got kind of board of the show and read summaries. It seems too batshit stupid to even be interpreted as political in any way

Yes because only the finest consumers of high art browse this shithole.

any idea which episode that was?

>Florida boy with cool personality and dedication to his hobbies goes to California and becomes a faggot

well its summer so i expect a lot of underage or stunted adults to suck eceleb sperg dick

That sounds made up, but I fully believe it.

What the fuck is wrong with America? What happened? Why do people entertain mental illness?

user I don't remember saying social science. I said scientists user. This includes natural sciences user. user are you there?

Its been endless summer since 2012, you'd know that if you weren't so new.

>What the fuck is wrong with California?

The fuck are you talking about you spaz? Were you so desperate to draw the "muh same coin as SJW" card that you didn't even read that post? The Game Grumps are unfunny garbage, and always were.

nice strawman retard. remember you're here in this thread too so get off your high horse neckbearded bitch.

looking, for the time being enjoy the opening line from this video

It's on their final undertale genocide stream, it's like 20 minutes in.

This. Faggots who weren't here during the crackdown on NSFW shit will never know what they missed out on. Just like cutfags.

This is literally just California and NYC.

where are you from? if you do not have this sickness in your country please allow me to move there

this. Niggershill user would rather turn himself into a clinical retard than “feel racist”. many such cases

I think /pol/ might be wrong, Danny is based

>Arin doesn’t name his profile Egoraptor

"It's Just California™" - People who moments earlier were asking what was wrong with entire countries themselves, when speaking of one specific area of said countries.


Conversation starts at 9:02 (about American Pie)

>that new intro

He's an early millennial, there's probably a ton of deep-seated habits and tics he has that he represses while recording the show. It's not that uncommon for him to say something objectionable then immediately apologize.

that almost sounded like genuine anger when he was telling him not to sjw

It's always the effeminate low test white soiboys. It's never the people they attempt to be the white savior of

Fucking hell, Danny is based as hell sometimes.

Holy shit I thought you were paraphrasing


>Chris talking about the spinning tard
>Ding Dong and Julian laughing and going along with it
>Arin flipping out and going YOU CAN’T SAY THAT

Attached: KOTH laughing .jpg (508x720, 236K)

>there will never be a comfy playthrough starring only Dan playing Morrowind
The guy played it while he was a stoner, would probably be chill af

>"Y'know what's gross? Applesauce."
I've never heard someone change the subject that fast. Good on him.

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>"help :("

also after Dan tries to change the subject with the applesauce thing, the conversation picks up again a bit later at 12:35

I would imagine it's because Youtube algorithms.

>Do you know the movie you're talking about? Maybe you should watch it first.
Dan's early millennial instincts are genuinely too powerful.

He literally just called out his uptight boss who controls his cut of the profits/if he's even working there at all

If he didn't change the subject he was gonna get the boot

That shit's not cheap, you sure you're willing to just hand it out?

What makes a let's play channel enjoyable to you ?
I enjoy watching and making my own videos for tiny indie games (itch/gamejolt only tiny).
I just like to hear someone talking honestly and it's stories that I enjoy the most about grumps.

The solo Danny episodes of Space Quest were pretty good.

I like Danny a lot more than Arin.

Not always but the parts that are funny are really good and enjoyable to watch

not really. its not like his content is terrible it just doesnt hit home nearly as often as it used to. I more feel bad for him, its obvious the effort he puts into videos has gone way up while the entertainment has plateaued at best.

If you drink tap water congratulations. You're getting estrogen. Thanks to birth control pills.

Most likely that pot kept his mind isolated from the nu-male mindset influence and the fact that he doesn't have social media like Twitter accounts.

My tap has too much lime in it for me to really drink it, this backwoods water sucks.

I just drink bottled water now and fuck over the environment.

Entertaining commentary, game grumps is not entertaining because it is repetitive and it painfully obviously catering to a certain audience rather than letting the hosts speak their potentially interesting opinion (too scary, what if they say something controversial?)

>complains about having lime flavored water

jokes on you I live in bumfuck nowhere and drink well water

No friend, limestone.

>it was a joke


What a fucking bigot implying that there are only two genders as if it is a BINARY thing. God Arin gets me so mad with his faked SJW B.S.!

Also because he is Jewish he doesn't have to earn brownie points; he is immortal in the eyes of liberals by default

Not so much anymore...he stopped doing video game stuff and now has branched out into making videos. Most are about completely random things like Dan Akyroyd's vodka, workout tapes, some random neck...pillow thing I don't know what it is it was so forgettable.

They're all with his new crew that aren't funny, Jacques is gone and honestly so is about 90% of the humor which now is just
>I dropped 500 dollars on this random thing!
>look how random it is!

Yeah, I wish he went back to his roots but he has to keep up with what the viewers want...and that means more flex tape videos and shit.

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Eceleb shit needs it’s own board like maybe /trash/

yeah i know not enough polygon/kotaku article discussion

I wish Hiro would make a celeb board just so everything could go there.

There was literally a etika sticky. This is the eceleb board.

>celeb board
isn't that just Yea Forums?

>one started out as an energetic teen that wanted to share his love for video games by just filming himself with his home camera
>now fat and completely deadbeat, has a whole crew and budget but cannot do a funny thing with it, videos are grey, boring reviews of random fucking garbage
>the other started out as an active animator on newgrounds during its "random" era and actively constantly worked on new things
>now stuck in the most sellout career possible, too lazy to animate and has a girlfriend that looks like a troll
who ended up worse?

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You've been replaced.

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arin no question
the man is a husk

Didn't Jon lose most of the weight? I haven't watched his videos in a while but I remember him looking a lot better.

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I'm pretty sure Jon is in better shape now than he was before. He's also making a living off of videos that he seems to genuinely enjoy making on whatever schedule he wants. Arin is definitely worse off, pretty much pidgeonholed into making content he used to vocally complain about on a stringent, consistent schedule.

Overall both of them are fine tho. They're both filthy stinkin' rich. Once the youtube well dries up, they're both probably fucked, but for now they're living better than any of us are. Arin literally flies out to Japan like twice a year for shits and giggles, and has done so for years now.


he censored it out of metal gear awesome 2

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He lost it for a bit but then gained it back mostly. He looks like a amorphous blob nowadays with twig arms and a worm neck.

This website needs an E-celeb board, why can't the mods realize it's a huge topic of contemporary discussion.
Why was Jon and Arin's puerile screaming and lame comedy so entertaining to me?
It was because it threw me right back to those sweaty afternoons we had in my friend's basement gaming room, me and my teenage buddies playing whatever games and just cracking jokes, farting and punching each other, going NOICE at our plays, doing stupid ass shit, one uping each other's raunchy sex jokes and screaming and laughing until our heads hurt. It sounded a bit like that.

Attached: nostalgia jon.gif (400x225, 962K)

If they would accept ecelebs, then sure.

>One threw away everything that got him to where is and has to make videos on shallow shit that gets him views
>The other gets to play games everyday for a living with his Jewish rockstar love slave

Gee I wonder.

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>7 asses

>It's when you follow it up by denying all the factors that could help explain the disparity so the only thing left is literally black people just being inherently violent and low IQ.
yeah the problem is all these excuses never really fit the data very well when they aren't outright debunked, while also conveniently justifying whatever fucking lunatic policy or program the left wants to implement (which more often than not only benefits the person making the argument and actually makes social problems worse).

Basically, you cannot have any intelligence and knowledge of biology at all if you can't at least accept the high likelihood that different genetic populations of people might be more predisposed to certain kinds of criminal activity than others. It doesn't have to be the only explanation, it doesn't have to lead any kind of immediate and dramatic policy changes (other than occasionally nuking obviously retarded leftist ones), but the absolute retarded obsession that people like you have with coming up with ANY excuse, just anything, to maintain complete and utter blindness to the biological reality is far more destructive in the current year than the occasionally careless stereotype.

what the FUCK

theyre both way better off than I will ever be

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Yo what the fuck? I literally watched this like two weeks ago and it still had "nigga" in it. When did this happen?

>>now stuck in the most sellout career possible, too lazy to animate and has a girlfriend that looks like a troll
And he has a trailer trash marriage, minus the trailer.

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he reads these threads

Literally probably right after you watched it.

I remember he unsubbed from both shadbase and zone on twitter right as Gaymergate reared its head. And now he's censoring his stuff he made. He's doing this for something, I hope it falls through and he has no one but his gamegrumps audience. And eventually playing video games won't be something you can monetize.

sometimes i still turn on GG as background noise

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>What causes crime?
cue R^2 graphs showing that blacks correlate to crime but gun ownership rates don't

>Eceleb shit needs it’s own board
You're are on it

>Arin, even -I- am going to comment about how much you suck at Majora's Mask.
This was unbelievably based.

Citation needed. If I'm being honest I believe you but I wouldn't mind proof

How fucking new do you have to be to not know Arin has been a piece of shit for years now? Are you 16?