Rogue-like game can easily be beaten in a matter of 2 hours even if you're a shitter

>rogue-like game can easily be beaten in a matter of 2 hours even if you're a shitter
anything like this? i remember there being some.

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ryan gosling

Roguelike or roguelite? Rogue Legacy takes basically no investment or skill to beat.

She is so cute, would form a family with her

Can someone post gosling gif/webm? Thanks.

gotcha covered fa m

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kek, i have never seen it before

Binding of Isaac, but it depends on your definitions of 'beaten' and 'rogue-like'.

This one is pretty good

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Dungeons of Dredmor since any magic skill breaks the game

also dead cells

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Ziggurat, if you play on easy mode since a lot of people say normal is difficult. But I've beaten the game in about 45 minutes on normal.

Name 1 (one) roguelike that you can easily beat even if you are bad.

Downwell, returns the feel of the original merio to aged gamers

>reverse image search
>origin :
>even those faux chads are getting laid

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i dunno if a run counts
but slay the spire was pretty easy, kinda mad it didnt go into an endless mode after the 3rd chapter

That's umbra, yeah? Shame she's a lesbian.

God I wish I had a girlfriend.
A hundred video games just leave me feeling empty inside.

Goodgf>nogf>badgf most girls end up being badgf

have sex


is badgf>neverhadgf ?

i just want to cuddle

>implying having a girlfriend won't leave you even more empty inside, and stress you out to the point of losing hair
I'll stick to videogames bro, thanks


>bad memories vs no memories

Enter the gungeon

i only have bad memories

>is badgf>neverhadgf ?
Depends on the level of bad.

Absent-until-horny can be bearable. Fuck-best-friend-and-spread-false-rape-allegations isn't so great.

Do females even have the capacity for thought or do they just respomd to stimuli like an amoeba?

Have you ever met a woman with an interest in something that wasn't just what their boyfriend/ex liked?

Sort of but it has to do with how girls are raised.
Girls are raised to not have real thought.

Downwell isn't a roguelike.

>Girls are raised to not have real thought.
Imagine believing that.

I think it's just something to do with their chemistry. Something about having a brain of mostly estrogen produces thought pattern and subsequent action that just isn't reconcilable to male logic. I don't want to be the angery incel and say it's worse, but it fucking feels like it's worse.

I knew a girl who was into 2hu. She was really good at it too. I made her cum multiple times.

pretty much

not intentionally (in most cases), but the conditions they encounter slowly encourage it
>people provide shit for you and protect you
>you probably aren't as good as boys around you at sports etc.
>your social structure is group-based and highly connected, discourages doing anything weird
if that was me I'd probably be (even more) boring, too

They're not encouraged to develop creative thinking or independent thought because they don't have to try at all whatsoever in order to find a mate, and thus, reproduce.

Have sex, cringeworthy incel. I genuinely mean it. It's not too late

iter vehemens ad necam. its a crap shoot how far you get and completely up to chance