CdProject again showing the entire industry how they should behave

CdProject again showing the entire industry how they should behave.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is the standard for most games.


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too bad they don't have a single good game

Still gonna pirate this bland game and uninstall after 30 minutes, without recommending it online as that would improve sales

Not AAA games

>CdProject again showing the entire industry how they should behave.

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Not for Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Bethesda, Santa Monica, Square Enix etc.

Nintendo might be in the clear but I'm not completely sure.


>he likes CDPR garbage

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No I'm not, why would anyone be excited for watered down slav junk

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did u last play games in 2001?

>cdpr farts

I mean I'm hyped for the game but this is getting a bit ridiculous.

Resetera hate it because they don't treat trannys and minorities as angels and Yea Forums hate it because gays,blacks and trannys are confirmed to exist in game. So which is it? Are they BASED or blue pilled?

Or are you people just tossing out words irregardless of context like you normally do?

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if only

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What is this imagine meant to convey? Are you expecting The Sims or Cyberpunk?

If you want an apartment decorating game, play sims you retard

>Nintendo might be in the clear but I'm not completely sure.

Itt: blind soiboi cuck fans. Cdpr has only made one below average RPG (the witcher 3) that sold well due to jewery. They are nobodies that just happened to 'make it'. Cyberpunk will prove exactly how bad they are when it bombs. You can't even customize your apartment lmao. Everyone ITT will be blown the fuck out once your favorite sissy streamers that you worship start hating it because it will be a steaming pile of meme shit.


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> CdProject again showing the entire industry how they should behave.
Spend 7 years to make 1 game? Establish own store?

Witcher 2 and Thronebreaker are some of the best RPGs ever made. Seethe tranny

Do you even have to ask?

Cool, maybe some good companies will follow suit.

t. bethesda marketing team

Bitcher 3 was downgraded junk but at least they're not turbo jewing everybody and their mother like the rest of the AAA publishers.

>at least they're not turbo jewing
Yeah, there's no Jewery involved in the constant advertising.

CDPR did this in 2015 and we still got lootboxes, actual scams and gambling, always online requirements, in-game online stores and the worst season pass DLC jewing we've ever seen from other companies.

I don't know why you're telling me.

You cucks are worse than the official forum posters. Some niggers actually brought up this "argument" in the official forum and they got shat on for it.

Think how much of a shillcuck you've become.

Wait wait wait, Dynamax STILL takes a fucking held item? Even though you're restricted to when you can use it? What the fuck.

Just saying that nobody followed suit. Things only got worse.
CDPR is still the only company taking a stand with the consumers.

But its not?

>Downgrade your game to look half as good as what you promised
>Try to hide the downgrade
>Then straight up lie about the downgrade to your customers
>Put DRM in it while you pretend to be against DRM
>Send out a ton of letters threatening to sue people for piracy, a practice described as "shakedown tactics" by court
>Cut content out of your game to later release it as "free DLC"
>Fill your game with socially progressive content because it's the current year

Truly, these guys are a beacon of hope and not like every other AAA dev.

So you're talking past tense in response to my future tense post. Look, do either of us have all day? Because this is the 4th post in this back-and-forth and it's already just tedious to reply to you.

>he doesn't

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Name a game, whether it be an action adventure or RPG where decorating and acquiring houses/bases was meaningful in any capacity.

Why are they doing expansions then so smart consumers like me have to wait for the Complete Edition

Downplay it all you want you piece of shit, you'll be riding their dicks once they shit out a DLC with housing mechanics like TW3

>I can't decorate my apartment
>y-you're a shill, user
I get what you're saying, but I don't care because isn't Second Life. I'm asking why you feel slighted by this but you don't seem to have anything to say about it. Do you even care? I'm actually asking you, bullshit aside, why this bothers you.

I just find it annoying. This idea that if you like X that means you are affiliated to Y because they to like X.

>I like God of War
>I like Mario
>Post of picture of a man holding a Switch that is in no way relevant to the conversation

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cuz id rather have the game come out in 2020 and not 2021

I'm really becoming a more empathetic person as I get older and happier because as much as I used to hate people like this, and as silly and childish as the behavior obviously is, that's a married man with a wife who has something he is passionate about. Maybe I think that the thing isn't worth that passion, or that his excessive display of emotion is over the top, but ultimately he's accessing a level of joy through something very mundane that I have trouble reaching even at the peaks of my personal joy. I don't respond like that when I ride down the craziest mountain bike trails or when I have the best fetishy sex of my life, and he gets it from watching a fucking Star Wars trailer.

I dunno Yea Forums maybe we're the bad guys.

This but unironically.


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I care more about being able to have multiple player homes in multiple districts. Less about "decorating".

And they did indeed promise multiple apartments so being a cuckold and screaming at those who are upset by this is full on slave tier.

>>Then straight up lie about the downgrade to your customers
I'll never forget this. What a fucking scummy thing to do, and they never even apologized.

Eh, there will probably be a mystery gift with the same thing some point down the line and you can always get one over the gts anyways. The shit where they make you physically go to stores or movies has always been far more annoying.

Witcher III was GOTD and didn't have any of this stupid autismal crafting shit aside from letting you waste money decorating in the last DLC.

Not all of us have autism and want to spend 500 hours on a single game designing shit. We want a good story, good art, good music, good atmosphere, and good gameplay.

This is why NV is far better than Fallout 4, despite the later having autismal building shitholes tacked on.

I didn't build shit in 4. I didn't use gay ass magic in Skyrim. Give me a big giant sword or big giant gun and let me on my way to beat that shit.

TW3 was a 7/10 at best.

answer the question, retard.
I've never bought any dlc related to meaningless cosmetic shit, so why would anyone be upset about not being able to decorate their save area?

This. Yeah, it looks retarded, and maybe he is stupid for literally crying and shaking in happiness over a damn game, but you know what? If anything that just shows he's enjoying his life way more than Yea Forumsirgins who constantly SEETHE over almost any given topic regarding videogames.

Eat shit you fucking nigger.

>Nintendo might be in the clear
exclusive Amiibos

>does the game have this completely optional feature that not's even a standard for games of the genre and adds pretty much nothing?

I guess that's why it has significant critical acclaim.
contrarian neo-Yea Forums zoomers are the worst.

CDPR really is the good guy company, if such a thing exists. I can't remember a single thing they've done that wasn't based.

More like
>does this game have this feature your promised?
>wow get pirated at launch lmao

>Witcher III was GOTD and didn't have any of this stupid autismal crafting shit
>Except it did have it

>Wanting features in your AAA tittle is Autistic, true gamers like me want a shallow walking simulator

It's really funny how that industry hasn't criticized practices like microtransactions and DLC up the ass for being exclusionary. I thought they loved poor and marginalized people.

whoa buddy, watch out, if your marketing lead catches you saying "nigger" you might get fired.

>this feature your promised
Now it's time to provide a source.

No, the crystals make those raid battles available so you can catch those peusdo's early on. Dynamaxing itself takes no item to do although you do have to catch gigantamax capable Pokemon in raids for them to be able to do that. Any imported Charizard won't be able to use the gigantamax form.

Now it's time for you to eat a dick you stupid piece of shit. Why even shill when you're not fucking aware of the situation? You demented blind fucking cuckold.

>FANDOM: Will you be able to buy apartments in different districts of Night City?
>Pietra: Absolutely. You will be able to buy a couple of apartments in different locations, so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game but saying any more would be too spoilery right now.

They also confirmed it in replies

Dragon Age 2 had significant critical acclaim too. Game of the generation right there.

Don't look so deeply into it. He's obviously playing it up for the camera and is also being subjected to a very insulated echo chamber of manchildren. I'm not sure I want to be envious over some soiboy being manically happy over some vapid movie franchise.

guys, this is not the place to discover wisdome and critical self reflection. Take some consideration on all the hateful alt-rights,trumpists,elitare leftists, hardcore feminists and the rest of the sad people here

Wouldn't decorating a house be closer to a walking simulator than the actual game?
In fact it's the most normal simulator-esque thing you could want. It's like wanting to have the option to browse products to stuck your virtual bathroom with.

This is just 1 of the examples of lacking content, if you want more just ask nicely

>No flying cars
>No join-able factions
>Only 3 classes which can be mixed up and rendered meaningless
>Can't kill NPCs (only ATTACK non-quest NPCs)
Pic related

By the time of release they will cut action game as well from the description and it will be a QTE movie game

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You seem to be sperging out over lack of apartment options and I find myself wondering: what is the difference between you and journo niggers sperging out over lack of difficulty options in Sekiro?

I understand it's a feature you want but it seems like the game doesn't have it, and if it's such a deal breaker, maybe the product isn't for you?

Holy shit, a list of things you can't do in a video games
CDPR is finished

What a retarded fucking comparison. Neck yourself but unironically.

>Holy shit, a list of fundamental Cyberpunk elements you can't do in a Cyberpunk video game*

>>No flying cars
... I don't care. I'll go on to address the rest but lets stop here for a second, it's clear you're after something else: Grand Theft Morrowind in a Cyberpunk world. As great as that sounds, this isn't it, so... Get over it dude. Evaluate the package when it comes out, pirate it, and if it's good then there you go. This shit where you're just listing random shit it doesn't have is fucking bizarre.
>no joinable factions
>classes aren't a big focus
>can't genocide the whole city

You want Morrowind. Play Morrowind. Why are you even here?

Cyberpunk was always going to be Deus Ex meets the Witcher, if you expected anything else you're fucking stupid and I just can't empathise with you.


English tip: the "critical" in "critical acclaim" isn't the equivalent of "professional critics".
Per metacritic
DA2 user score:4.5
TW3 user score: 9.4

Are their employees still working 100 hour weeks?

>other user doesn’t even bother trying to respond
Probably crying in his cuckshed

Struck a nerve did I, journo? No worries. Go back to your Kotaku article, cunt.

The game isn't meant to be a 1/1 copy of the pen and paper game, it's just a story taking place in that universe but you already knew that.

You actually wasted battery life to type this or pay attention to people like that. Wew

But they literally sold overpriced limited edition versions of the games which is just as bad.

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No. You just outed yourself as a relentless retard.

lolno faggot

See It’s not just that they didn’t deliver on a promise, it’s the glib smug way of saying “why would you even want a feature we promised? Have sex?”

>Make thread
>Go to work
>Come back
>Thread is a success because the CdProject shitposter is having an autistic tantrum


>Don't expect RPG features
Sure, it's gonna be an FPS action game then right? oh wait...

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>I can't have easy mode and 50 apartments which I can stock with dakimakura pillows this game sucks reeeeeeeee
The state of journos.

King cuck appears

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Have sex.

Keep going sperg.

See It was promised which means someone understood it was a wanted feature




The fucking state of Yea Forums, honestly.

So the last resprt from shitposters now is:

Thats the last bastion these people have?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA thats some pathetic shit.
Just imagine for a moment how retarded this looks:

No. Read Then read Then hang yourself.

Only if you feature me in your Kotaku aritcle, nigger.

Literally no one said any of that, not even your pic, just go play something else, you're clearly autistic

This is what the people sucking cdpr's cock look like.

Fucking journos asking for Ikea simulator and panning anything else, bizarre honestly.

They could promise a ton of other shitty features and remove them right before release and I still wouldn't care.

Keep going schizo.

If the game doesn't even have a quarter of the features that RPGs from 5-10 years ago have then is it really an RPG?

Hey you don't need to voice your mentally broken faggot slave mind. Everybody is aware due to your loud cock slurping.

Still gonna pirate it. I wanted to play as a corporate not as a merc

Can't remember any flying cars in neuromancer.
Can remember flying merc shuttles, which have been shown in the game demo.

>can't kill children due to ratings system and potential bans, and can't kill plot centric NPCs outside of story.
It's almost like nearly every game does this and the ones that don't just lock off questlines when you kill off every npc.

>Game doesn't have many "classes" ie the flavor classes that only work well in tabletop.
You know that virtually every commonly tabletop RPG has the option to mix classes at any leveling opportunity, right?

>no faction joining
Sure, but when is the last game with an actual good faction system where you "joined" them?
Even FNV you were basically your own agent since it was just a reputation system that only locked you into 1 route if you massacred everyone.

The issues with the apartment customization is that it’s the game was originally being made by bros you trusted and they suddenly Stacey’s jumped in and went
>Um, yeah, so we talked about it, and 80% of this game is cringe, okay sweetie? Have sex.
And then a bunch of cuck orbiters showed up and went
>Yeah, fuck you guys, you should respect Stacey's opinion (I hope she lets me sit next to her)
I'm not mad at the Stacey's, I'm disgusted with the beta orbiters happy with all the shit getting cut

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Low IQ

Name five games with zero pre-order bonuses that came out this year

english please

You mean the entire industry should announce games in one genre and then sneakily change them to another genre before they come out.

Avoiding scummy shit doesn't mean they should get away with how they fucked the game itself.

That's due to the western game industry becoming corrupted from the inside out. If no one calls each other out, then they can all fuck over consumers as they see fit and also gain the benefit of defending each other from any criticism.

>Give direct examples that plainly argue with points(a twitter dm that he didnt even read) made in post centered around complaints of adding very normal things or not adding abnormal things .
How's CC going?

still an RPG, no matter what u say incel :)

>person who has never played tabletop gets to decide what makes a videogame(rigid code with no gm) an RPG.
It's like a person who replaced their bike chain trying to tell someone how to replace a transmission.

Yaaas bitch shaaaade, draaag theeeeem huntyy yuaaaaas

>Can't kill children
Game immediately goes in the dumpster

Saints Row 2 had like 8 different cribs and all of them had 3 different interior styles and some extras like TVs.

Um sweety, that's cringe, maybe focus on having sex? This game isnt for you anymore
K thx bye


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>no flying cars despite them being shown in the trailers and shit
>no flying/hovering motorcycles
>no real classes
>GTA 2077

So what?
Imagine if each new game had to have every single feature from every other game that came out before, no matter how meaningless.

English tip: yes it is.

It's a fantastic game and easily the best in the last 30 years. It's disgraceful that some zoomer numale contrarian would go deriding the greatness of the critically acclaimed Dragon Age 2. Other thoroughly excellent games you should check out are Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite, both of which are held in sky high critical and user acclaim. Opus Magna of our times, really.

What a disgusting cuckold you are

Yeah that doesn't mean much. They're ready and willing to lie in the replies

>Keeping track of what they're saying
Um, that's cringe and stalkery, have sex please

At least GTA had aircrafts ever since Vice City

So what?

Keep typing out that Reset Era blogpost, kike.

Don't stop shillcuck.

You should probably look that up before you use it in conversation, user.

>game has nice little feature that people liked
>don't include feature in other game

It was also a bug infested piece of shit game with bad graphics, medicore gameplay at best shitty story but thank god we could buy apartments LMAO

How did they hurt you? What else do you have saved in your CDPR revenge folder?

>Promise nice little feature
>Change your mind and call it cringe instead, why would you even want it?

Not that guy but SR2 is still the best sandbox GTAlike on the market.

>what's a budget

The sad thing is guys like you are the majority

A reply straight out of trannyera holy shit kill yourself

>bad graphics
It looks very nice for its time. Gameplay was on par with GTA4, the story was neat the only real issue was that it ran like ass. It ran like ass on PC mind you, on console you're locked to 30 so it wasn't noticeable.

See They didn't say it was a budget issue, they said And called it weird anyone would even what it

>cant own flying cars
Never understood this point - do you think they all have pilots licenses or do you think the cars are automated? Serious question.

You will never, ever be allowed to own a "flying car", period. The risk of Achmed Abdul bin Yallah bin Jazir Mahmood flying that shit into a school is just too high, fortunately the tech to automate them already fucking exists, we already have it, right now in this timeline, so why the FUCK wouldn't they?

At best in game it would be a taxi, shit it probably is. What are you complaining about here?

Yeah I am sure CDPR doesn't have the money to feature multiple cribs in their game.

>It's ok if you have x apartments, because that one guy from that one movie also had the exact amount.
I am not taking sides here, but this is the most retarded argument I have ever read.

Keep working on that tweet, bug man.

Something you ought to use to create promised features instead of blowing it all on overpriced talentless Kikewood actors.

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>Achmed Abdul bin Yallah bin Jazir Mahmood
There's mudslims in the future??

You're just soulless, and so you envy someone who is married, yet cries at fucking nu-Star Wars.

You'll almost never see a publisher/dev talk about budget when mentioning cut features, at best they'll say it's time.

Come on spineless toilet cleaner, keep licking that boot.

Except by cdprs own admission it is no longer an rpg, look at the games twitter account description.

I truly don't understand the point of the post. The game is shit because my RPG isn't going to have a property management gimmick like GTA?

Yep. This game will have Muslims.
This game will also have Christian churches that you'll be able to massacre.

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There was a picture of a woman with a niqab or w/e the fuck it's called.

Islam isn't going anywhere lets be real.

>buy RDR2
>get money for fucking GTA:O
fucking what

Of course you can't kill children, that would get it banned in multiple countries
But the inability to kill others is indeed bullshit.

Based CDPR. Fuck wh*toids.

>he does

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Keeping working on that BotW fanfiction tumblr, faggot.

They don't have money to spend adding that feature. They're still a company making a product that's supposed to turn a profit.

Reminder that this game doesn't have classes anymore.

neither did deus ex :)

>comparing this shite to Deus Ex again

they both were also first person only :)

When are different pronouns going to be preorder bonuses?

Of course Yea Forums posters are the bad guys it's a bunch of bitter misanthropes who cheer for human suffering


>wanting games to have features you want
Um, entitled much? Have sex

No, we pirate the full released versions like any normal person would.

But you do you, feel proud to feed your shecklebucks into the big corporations which don't need them at all.

Try Dark Souls if you want to know what an actual GOOD RPG feels like.


nah i only support CDPR, all the jap and mutt corporations can go bankrupt with their soulless factory games for all i care

i did, its garbage, DLC was the only good part

White Knight Chronicles.

See? Easy.

Same. Day one GOG version pirate. They disappointed me on almost all fronts.

Maybe I'll buy it for half the price with all the DLCs later down the line. If they provide mod support and the community produces nice mods.

have fun pirating multiplayer :)

It's not for Triple A games sadly.

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I understand what you’re saying but don’t lose sight of the fact that he’s a hardcore faggot.

The only garbage thing about Dark Souls is the player.

So that speaks volumes about you, cdpr shill.

>>>>>>Supporting CDPR
>>>>>>Giving money to the company that makes their employees work 32 hours per day, 8 days a week.

Lmao, that's a good one faggo.t Sure you feel better about it.

Next time get some balls and invest your money in real life - I bet it would do you wonders.

>>>Unironically using multiplayer

Lmao, found the fortnite faggot

cope, at least fromsoft is now evolving, adding open world and maybe a good story, makes me wonder if their demon souls copy paste factory garbage games were intentional or they were just retarded, look at witcher 2 and dark souls in 2011 then look at witcher 3 and dark souls 3 in 2016


whats the problem? u can still play dota 2 or whatever games pirates play :)

didnt mention it, guess u better take your meds schizo :)

>conveniently leaving out the best game of the last decade, Bloodeborne

Bullshit. My money matters more if I bought the game before it comes out. I shouldn't be lumped in with bandwagoners.

You can also rip that sandnigger into pieces with your mantid blades if you want to.

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Yeah but they're yet to confirm that you can shoot up mosques like they confirmed that you can shoot up Christian churches

Those are the only things worth looking, the rest is obvious.

Dark Souls beats The Bitcher by 8 miles. Good gameplay & varied combat, plus lost history if you are bored enough to investigate >>>>>>>> Excesive story and alternate world for overweight neckbeards who have no life outside of their PC Gaming rig.

Try going outside for a while, broski ;)

I haven't been able to complete (or even get a quarter way though) any Witcher game because of how boring I find the combat and the lackluster RPG elements. But the company seems pretty bro-tier.

well Witcher 3 defeated Bloodborne without B&W expansion, but at least fromsoft there added new aesthetic and it was team B i think making it, it was a bit different, but in 2016 was their supposed main team on i and that wa defeated by B&W expansion as best RPG, pretty embarrassing. dont worry i dont think bloodborne is any better than dark souls 3 lol, just wanted to show that dark souls series didnt evolve at all

The only time in my life I've ever acted like vid related is when DMC5's trailer dropped at E3 2018, and I'm not in the least bit ashamed to say it.

i am not even disgusted, just lost at how does a person like that manage to live their life and not have the shit kicked out of them

>worth looking
>starts talking about other things
get checked

One is an action rpg, other a story driven rpg.
They are such different games that it's pretty pointless to compare them.

So I take it you have no reading comprehension skills. Gotcha.
Do your parents know that their 9 y/o is on the 4chanz again?

>well Witcher 3 defeated Bloodborne without B&W expansion
According to whom?
Witcher is pure hot garbage, because of mainly.

Overloaded story with a clunky combat system which is garbage. Just becuase you have 100's of fetch quests, doesn't make the game any good.

>the guy without comprehension skills calls others if they have comprehension skills
>According to whom?
everyone but you :D

>suddenly, mainstream reviews matter
Guess both Bioshock Infinite and Breath of the Wild are better games than the Witcher 3, shame. I'll grab my switch coz this game obviously sucks.

One is a game, the other is an alternate life, an escapism way for fatasses who have no real life whatsoever to actually live their delusions.

cuz of metacritic score? check the user score and goty count then, see who comes on top, hint its not those 2 games u listed :)

>metacritic, best games of all time
>bloodborne, page 2
>witcher 3, page 3
Lmao trash.

Why are you so angry? It's not good for you.

>Overloaded story
I'm not sure what that means, it's the third story driven game of a trilogy based on 7 books.

The problem with dum-dums in the this thread is that's they're expecting skyrim or GTA from Cyberpunk when it's going to be another story driven RPG much like witcher.

>t-that score doesn't count only my specific score counts
Whatever, faggot.

which page r u checking :)
>i prefer journalist scores over people scores
whatever faggot

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>my score matters more
No user, mine matters more. Get fucked.

Lol do you think this retard has ever ready any books in his life?


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>journocuck scores
How sad.
Also more people still play Skyrim/SE than any of the Witcher games.

Yea Forums only plays what makerting shovs down their mouth, everything else is "sjw indieshit"

its ok, have fun with skyrim and the porn mods, we will have fun with cyberpunk :)

Pirates play single player games. Just finished downloading Fire Emblem 3H

That's implying that the happiness is the most important thing in life

Except the Witcher 3 is the most awarded and beloved game of all time and objectively the best game ever to be made. Seeth fromshit fag. Sekiro will win fewer awards than fucking kingdom hearts

sadly the pirates cant pirate their wasted time back :)

Cyberpunk isn't going to have multiplayer at release, so it's obviously not that big of a deal

>the Witcher 3 is the most awarded and beloved game of all time
Lmao the state of these niggers.

>According to whom?
Pretty much everyone and their grandmother. Witcher 3 won the most GOTY's ever and had a fucking landslide win over Bloodborne. It also won 88 community GOTY awards compared to 8 from Blodborne. Face it, FromShit is garbage for autists and barely anyone likes it.

Since when does GOTY mean anything? It's pretty much just a popularity contest.

I don't think the entirity or the higher-ups even of CDPR are trying to lie about how many player apartments are in the game. I think it's different devs from different places in the company workforce answering similar questions at separate times in development.
Obviously things get cut.
Being able to purchase different apartments, especially different themed ones (Corp, street, techie, junkie, etc.) would be cool for rp and flavoring.
But is it really a fucking deal breaker that you can't interior design your cyberpunk apartment?
It genuinely bums me out, because that sounds like a great thing to spend money on and to put your characters ambitions towards. I mean who in their real life wouldn't like to purchase a better home for themselves with raw cash?
But it's necessary in anyway to have a good rpg

What are you even talking about

CDPR has people that say shit about which they know nothing about? What is this blasphemy?!

?? Those are facts, sweetie

Witcher 3 GOTY's - 257
Bloodborne GOTY's - 31

OHNONONONONONONON AAHAHAhahahahahaahah even the Witcher 3 dlc won goty awards AHAHAHAHAHAAHA FromShit on its KNEESSSS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ahahahahahahaah NO FUCKING WAY

It mean people like it more than FromShit garbage and when the odds are so heavily in W3 favor it means it's an objectively better game in every aspect. SEETHE

>cd projekt red thread
>of a game not even coming into nintendo
>nintendo defence force is already in the thread

Misinformation happens in these companies.
Particular teams are only concerned with their work and might not see much if any of the other team's work during development.
I don't think they're liars. I don't think they're incompetent idiots.
I just think you guys are bunch of pathetic man babies getting upset over bullshit because you quite genuinely have nothing better to do with you time. And yes I am projecting. Insert forum buzzwords here.

So GOTY is just a normie hype gauge?

>I'll never forget this
You live such a hard life tranny. One guy saying he doesn't see how the game was downgraded (because it wasn't) and it DEFINES your life. So fucking pathetic.

But every time they make an announcement something is wrong about it or they change it later.

xd In the span of one shitpost it's now slipped from "most awarded and most beloved game of all time" to "more game of the year awards than a niche PS4 exclusive".

It's a 10/10 objectively. If you have some sort of mental defect it might be lower depending on the severity of said defect.

>it went from most awarded to having most awards
Never go full retard. Always at least TRY to use your brain

even AAA ps4 exclusives do this shit

Attached: days-gone-preorder-bonus.jpg (800x554, 90K)

Give it a break psycho.

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Next it will be "It beat DA:I in sales."

Not when it's by this much. Read NIGGER! It's OBJECTIVELY A SUPERIOR GAME

>game of the year
>of the year
That's a little different to "most awarded most beloved game of all time" pal. You feeling ok?

>I-it must be j-just one guy, right?...

But you literally just admitted that GOTY is a normie hype gauge


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I get a sincerely bad feeling about this game.


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Most awards ever = Most awards ever

Difficult concept to grasp I know. Maybe in your world years are exclusive from each other.


>Yea Forums is so contrarian about CDPR they'll defend pre order bonuses when they do have them

>Comparing Witcher 3 to Last of Us
Not an argument

>my game is better than your game
All of you retards are colossal faggots. Just play what you like. Who give a shit?

But it hasn't got the most awards ever.
>Maybe in your world years are exclusive from each other.

it is, if you're not happy there's no point to anything

>about CDPR

You set your sights too high. Yea Forums is just contrarian period and if there's anything they can attribute to being soi they'll do it, even if it's counter-productive or hypocritical.

>cdprojekt says you can move your character around in the game

Attached: kjhk.jpg (227x267, 11K)

Wasted quints on autist.

There is no point either way

In my experience, preorder bonuses are physical pieces of merchandise.

This isn't impressive. I don't need an extra keychain.

Reminder that this was the actual news headline for RDR2

>But it hasn't got the most awards ever.
But it has got the most awards ever.

People will defend CDPR to death because they lost their videogame titty virginity to Witcher 3.

i try make points, it keeps me happy

This, thank fuck based rockstar and EA will always have based microtransactions and pre order content.

Video game publishers are not your friend and are only interested in making money.


Fuck you.

From who, the witcher 3 subreddit?

And you wouldn't be able to if there was one already. It's good that there is no point
Or else there'd be no point

>people like cdpr because tits
Are you retarded

Are you? Less than 10% of witcher 3 fans played the other games.

CP2077 is missing so much Cyberpunk stuff that it might as well be called GTA.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-25-19-37-16-1.png (720x771, 440K)


Tell me what game studio you like so I can shit all over that.

Based reply, the shill got fucked

Okay, and? That doesn't change the fact I don't want pre order bonuses in games.

Based CDPR stopping cuckrunnerfags from being K

christ you autists are the worst about this entire shit. no wonder project red is keeping the info pipe tight as hell so you faggots dont go off screaming every 2 seconds when they release something.

Someone hasn't been playing games for the last decade.

>it's another Yea Forums pretends cdpr was going to make mount and blade cyberpunk edition episode

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You very well could be right, but I guess I'm just an epic centrist and believe it is best to consider all possiblities

You are all mentally ill
Are you so lonely that these stupid arguments are worth having just so you can "talk" to another person?

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This is exactly why we won't ever hear anything official about Half-Life 3 unless it's right on the verge of release.

Assuming any of us are still alive by then.

>assuming epic doesn’t make valve bankrupt

>saying you're not sure about something means you are a defense force for it
>replying to a post 4 hours later
You're a fucking retarded, on multiple fronts.
I bet you're gonna call me a ninten year old defense force as well, because your brain isn't capable to break out of the NPC script.

It doesn't though.

guys what the hell i was told that cyberpunk twitter no longer says its rpg anymore???

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Based, RPGs are cringe
I hope they keep cutting things until it’s just a walking simulator that teaches you about trans rights

Frankly I've never seen this with a AAA studio ever, that's why I'm willing to draw conclusions.

Sounds funny coming from an anime poster

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Flying mounts killed WoW exploration.

Yea Forums is just being it's typical contrarian hipster faggot self.

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>remove rpg designation to attract more normies
>fucking Yea Forums

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But why not make it a late unlock? When you explored all districts. Or a NG+ addition like FFXV.

Imagine flying above the Night City and seeing this.

Attached: 1545240671807.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>getting assblasted some social media intern changed a twitter bio
>reeing that the game might appeal to normies thus not be your secret obscure hipster game

Yeah sounds like hipster faggot Yea Forums shit.

He said RPG you absolute retard

Since when is a developer catering to normies a good thing? Next you're going to start defending reddit.

It's the fucking twitter bio.

Who the fuck gives a shit if their twitter bio is changed to appeal to normies?


At best, they'll be fast travel sort of like taxis in GTA. You can either sit and watch the journey or skip immediately to your destination. At worst, there'll be a mission where you get in one and have to shoot out of it at enemies chasing you while someone pilots it and that's it.

>Who the fuck cares if the developer is marketing the game as something else
Are you black

They confirmed you will be inside of flying cars at different points but you can only fully opperate any land vehicles.

If it's going to be an RPG, why are they confusing people by removing all mentions of 'RPG' from the promotional material in favor of 'action-adventure story'?

Anything more then that. I'd be fine with them as a sort of premier taxi service or something. Was also wondering if you could steal cars, since wouldn't there be some sort of ID lock shit like in mgs4 with the guns to prevent you from using one you don't own or have clearance for? Then again you could properly hack it if so.


It's all semantic bullshit. People have arguments about what exactly constitutes an "RPG" and what constitutes "action-adventure". If you googled "rpg action-adventure" the first result is literally a CD Projekt game. Genres get blurred, games don't always fit neatly into categories.

Stop being autistic about what the twitter bio calls it and just look at how the actual game itself plays. Also no I'm not black you nigger.

His entire statement was completely neutral.

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>It's good that there is no point
There is always a point, a point that you can never get rid of. It's suffering.

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They confirmed in one of those big infodumps that you can steal any car on the street. Maybe there'd be hacking or something for better cars but you CAN allegedly rip people out of their car straight up GTA style.
I'm sure there will be a taxi service but who knows if it'll be a flying one. Trauma Team flys and the player will for sure have to ride around with them at least once in the story.
But yeah user, I agree. It would be fun to fly airborne cars into corporate buildings to be the ultimate anarchist

How is it semantics to the consumer? You wouldn't buy a fighting game and expect a compelling story and open world mechanics, would you?

If only. The standard for larger releases is universally "exclusive" pre-order bonuses (that exclusively get released as either paid or free DLC anyway, right now it's mostly cosmetics but increasingly usable items and expect actual content to be next).

It's going to be Skyrim but with even less freedom in exchange for a shitty branching storyline. No videogame has ever had a good story (outside of visual novels) so I don't see how anyone could be excited for this

did he die?

>visual novels
>good story
Found the autistic weeb.

Maybe a retard who only plays team fortress 2 like yourself might think so.

But all the big brain bois enjoy the game

If there isn't a quest where you cover for a injured trauma team member and spend the day riding with them, this game can go fuck itself.

Source: your ass. Designing games is an exercise in focusing energy where it matters, not stuffing it full of pointless content because why not. Pilotable flying cars in a content-dense open-world RPG likely isn't technolically feasible performance wise right now. Factions are good on paper and yet somehow fail ALL the time in almost every game that ever tackled it except for maybe simpler games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., the tabletop doesn't have set rigid classes like most RPGs so it doesn't apply, tabletop will always be more freeform than a fucking campaign obviously.

2077 will already have branching quests that affect other quests, having killable essential NPCs is one (somewhat pointless) expectation too far in terms of the amount of development it'd take for little to no benefit.

>Designing games is an exercise in focusing energy where it matters
In Keanu Reeves and Lady Gaga?

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Lady Gaga, sadly, will not be appearing in Cyberpunk 2077

>2077 will already have branching quests that affect other quests
You mean a story?

Weren't they getting money from the polish government or something? I recall hearing about this even before the e3 reveal.

They got a 7 million dollar grant to expand the game from the polish government

Ugly piggu nose, how much surgery did she get for that jawline?

How much dick did you suck for that faggotry?

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Many shills hate to admit it, but they got the money to put multiplayer in the game , this news came after they said "We hope to emulate GTAV's success through multiplayer." Shills were shilling against this for a good part of a year saying "This doesn't mean it needs or will have multiplayer." And just last month CDPR said it WILL have multiplayer, and within a few weeks the tone changed to "See, we told you it would have multiplayer."

I seriously hope these cunts are getting paid for this.

Lubisz CD Projekt red?

>CDPR said it WILL have multiplayer
Wait what?

Resetera is completely fucking retarded and CDProjekt Red does cater to trannies because of how retarded they are being.
Both can be true at the same time brainlet.

>neutral on nintengaf central
Stupid motherfucker

Hey Fellers what kinda V you gonna make?
I'm making mines a cowboy

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>Designing games is an exercise in focusing energy where it matters
Yes, like pointless B tier hollywood actors, and 100 tranny pronouns, instead of actual gameplay elements. Cool story

My V is going to be V. Just like your V. They'll act and sound the absolute same.

at least my v is going to be wearing hat so it's at least a little different

Yeah, this month CDPR finally admitted that they've been working on multiplayer for 4 years.
>The president added that one of the teams working on cyberpunk projects, located in Wrocław, has about 40 people. Kiciński reported that the development of the studio in Wroclaw is associated with the work on the multiplayer mode "Cyberpunk 2077".

I guess this is why we're not getting modding tools. How lame.

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Also expect no new groundbreaking news until just before release
>"A strong dose (new information about the game - PAP) should be expected at the beginning of next year, when the preview will appear. Then industry journalists will already be playing and writing about it "- said the president.
Do you feel like you know enough about the game to make your purchase?

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I know enough to be disappointed and pirate it instead desu.

ONE more gameplay demo and then it releases.

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I reckon they'll show a few more trailers before launch and some details here and there. It's not like we don't know much about the game already. What they revealed left little to imagination. Most of the features people expected are simply not part of the game.
They recently said they didn't yet finalize the shooting mechanics but honestly who cares about that since we saw everything it had to offer form that 40 minute demo. It's a bog standard console FPS.

I'm more interested in vehicle handling. Car physics seemed really stiff in the demo and we didn't see the car combat mechanics at all if you ignore the scripted turret section with that van.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 – official E3 2018 trailer.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


t. Redditors trying desperately to fit in

tfw no futuristic De Tomaso Pantera.

Attached: de-tomaso-pantera-gt5-2.jpg (2400x1601, 533K)

I wonder if they'll have more real world copies. We already saw a Veyron look alike in the neokitsch poster.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 – official E3 2018 trailer.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>game has subtitles that can be turned off

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The last several major titles to come out this year had pre-order bonuses. Even Crash Team Racing had fucking pre-order bonuses.

I'm really interested to see how complex the character creator will be. They said in interviews both from 2018 and recently that you'll be able to pick body types. But does that mean you'll be able to pick male/female body types and then choose a "gender" or whatever or do they actually mean different body types as in height/weight is unclear.
Would be pity of them to waste all this time and effort in tranny options instead of actually worthwhile character customization bits.

>This is something we are still working on, it's not as easy as it sounds.
At least the damage controlling shills can shut the fuck up now saying how tranny options are simple and take no developer's time/effort/money to implement.

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what korean MMORPG is this

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Nah, you are just a retarded faggot.

It's a phone game. Black Desert Mobile I think.

All you'd have to do to accomplish that is put extremely excessive auto-aim in the "tell me a story" option or whatever it was in Witcher 3.

damn phone games look like THAT?

Phone games are a serious market in Asia.

Attached: 1510281155981.webm (660x690, 2.99M)

>I'm more interested in vehicle handling
You shouldn't be, the person who created this game is working on it.

I wish I had the emotional range of a termite to find dressup games pleasurable.

Dressup is a vital part of CP2077 pendejo.

Attached: 1446358252509.webm (600x720, 2.85M)

>dressup in a game without 3rd person

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There's still the inventory screen, cutscenes and photo mode.
Gear affects your "cool" stats and how NPCs perceive you. A street thug won't talk to you if you're dressed up in a corpo suit. And vice versa. Recent demo details mentioned you'll be buying all sorts of layered apparels. Long jackets, sneakers, shirts etc.

>Don't worry you can take selfies in this game

>putting subtitles on the same level as a game not having garbage ass pre-order
retarded ass zoomer tranny nigger

It's the very least they could do since they forced FPS in a game that boasts about having a complex character creator.

It's nice that they added an instagram simulator instead of a 3rd person mode.

Does that guy suffer from ARS? He looks like he's decomposing, slowly.

Really? Source? Because that looks awful.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal — 48-minute walkthrough.webm (960x540, 2.94M)


I genuinely like preorder bonuses

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