Play game

>play game
>get mad
>call someone nigger
>get banned

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Other urls found in this thread: Greatest Generation

lol u mad

>say words
>money stolen

mmmm i feel so free

>waaahhh my behaviour shouldn’t matter when I play online
This is the mentality of a child

>shit on playground slide
>kicked out of playground

Help help I'm being oppressed

stop calling me a homo

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>call someone nigger
>get banned
>play something else

>agree to never say x or money stolen
>say x
>money stolen

>getting offended by namecalling

this is the mentality of a child

strawmen: the thread, incoming

>Its user thinks everywhere is like 4channel episode

woooow you are retarded

time sure is flying by that was like 10 years ago

Maybe don't play games if you can't control your temper you dumb cunt.

>calling others nigger
>chimps out

really gets the old noggin joggin

>pay to use a service like an adult
>get banned when you can't follow their rules

Fucking weird! Yet if you act like a dumb fuck on a flight or something IRL they just let you stay on the plane, since you paid for your ticket right?

Stupid fucking child.

>noooo its not fair i should be able to obsess over black people without being ridiculed and ostracized

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How is your money being stolen? It is basically the same thing as going to an amusement park doing something stupid and getting kicked out.

The one getting offended wouldn’t be the one banning you, dummy. The service provider is. And for good reason.

>i cope by painting a mental image of anyone against censorship as a nigger-screaming crazy man

Maybe read what the topic is about, triggered cuck

I smell Autistic_Frog

Did i say i felt like my money was stolen nigger?

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>saying a no no word that hurts paper feefees is a good reason to revoke a service



Yup. Stay mad retard.

Just be glad you were only banned. Out in the real world you get the shit beaten out of you.

It is because the money of multiple people > the money of one person.

Use your brain idiot

>play game for thousands of hours
>want money back
>say words to get banned purposely
>get refund

>get play
>mfw mad nigger
>call banned get game

These threads are proof that Yea Forums is full of underage children, or people who never go outside. The rules are identical to any club, bar, concert, sporting event, etc. You could be kicked out for just being too drunk, even if you aren't being a neussance. Doesn't matter that you paid $80 for a ticket and you've only been there for 10 minutes.

i never agreed to play with niggers

The difference is that you can't effectively be muted in a real-life event, whereas you can in-game. I don't have too much sympathy for anyone who can't go five minutes without hollering nigger but the obvious solution is to mute them (up to indefinitely), not rip them off

It’s always hilarious to watch people like this just frustrate themselves constantly all their lives after college just because the real world didn’t turn out to be like their households where they could do and say anything to their parents without repercussion and they were neglected.

ok fags, I'm genuinely curious which of popular games does NOT ban you for racial profanity or (((intolerance)))
>overwatch does
>siege does(?)
>mordhau apparently does not
>rust possibly not
ark possibly not
>GTAO not sure
>For Honor not sure

what about fortnite, pubg, csgo, apex, lol, dota, tf2, rocket league, warframe, destiny, final fantasy? I'm honestly curious and want to know from anons playing these games.

>play team game
>some guy is an ass
>mute him
>still forced to play with him, or leave game and find another

Banning them is the better option in small games with 5 players per team where you have to work together for 30 mins.

Any matchmaking service will ban you. The only luck you will have is with player hosted servers and games that have server lobbies. And even then it will depend on the admins of those servers.

Or you know you could settle down about niggers and being oppressed for five minutes.

i know in tf2 you can spam shit like its nothing.
There isnt any report button, only a mute button
and a votekick button so there you can just spam nigger how much you want as long as less than 50% of your team doesnt get triggered

I had an n-word pass and warned everyone I was going to say it. I've raised a ticket about this.

That's reasonable. I could agree that a ban from ranked/competitive modes might be appropriate. I just don't trust mods/community managers to completely revoke people's game licenses when there's minimal reason for them to exercise discretion.

>he doesn't have one

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>Obtain license to use certain service under a list of conditions you agreed to.
>Break the terms of service
>Service is cancelled.

yeah you should you fucking freedom hating commie

It's literally in the TOS you fucking troglodyte. If you don't agree with that, don't buy the game. YOU are the fucking dipshit for agreeing to something that you disagree with without reading the goddamn TOS.
So, fuck you and fuck your mother.

>>play game
>>get mad
>>call someone swede
>>don't get banned
>>hear them seething across the sea

Is there any incident where this happened unreasonably? Every case I've heard of "I was banned for no reason" has turned out to be them saying nigger and other shit.


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then play with bots

You can just get on mic and flame even in Overwatch or just be really passive aggressive.
>Kill someone
>Type ?
>Watch them melt down

No one cares, faggot

>Play game
>Don’t get mad
>Bait the other guy into being toxic
>Send screenshots of his autism along with the toxicity report to get him banned.
It’s like you don’t know how to do this

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>play game
>don't get mad
>call someone nigger
>don't get banned because it's a private server and the owner isn't a snowflake
feels good

>Kill someone
>Type ?
>Watch them melt down
Every time. Same with always putting “:)” at the end of every apology to them

I've heard of stupid bullshit in WoW where people multi-boxing with 25 accounts can spam reports and get people autobanned, and Blizz basically said that's working as intended. You're probably right about most cases though. I guess I have sympathy for people who rage on occasion and think banning should be reserved for legitimately hateful assholes

>TF2 years ago
>Server regular saids "Engie build a teleporter, nigga"
>"Kritz me!, Kritz me nigga!"
>Some guy spergs out "Is there an admin here? This guy keeps saying the n-word"
>Admin asks who
>"It's server regular, he keeps saying it"
>He's said it like twice in a long ass 2fort game
>Admin: "Yeah but he's black and we know him he's not griefing calling people the n-word it's not the same thing"
>"But other people could be offended"
These are the kinds of people who report you for saying nigger
Later he tried to report the guy on the servers forums too

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I love doing this

>Play Yea Forums
>Get bored
>Report my own post so a jannie has to look at it
Suck my fat loli cock Jannie

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>plebs so lazy to mute they want companies to ban people for them for saying n word

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get owned nigger

>play game
>get mad
>call someone nigger
>use slurs for every race, sex and ethnicity
>dont get banned because i play milsim shooters and rts games, not some s o y lootbox lottery with inclusive gameplay and snowflake community
Just play normal games, bro.

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>noooo don’t ban me youre a pleb if you support this

hehehe *calls up an admin*

>Playing age of empires II
>Trash talk someone mercilessly in a 1v1
>He trash talks me back
>Win or lose, both sides usually say 'gg'
Just play old games you retards, bring the boom to the zoom and you're gonna have a bad time

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announcing reports is a bannable offense

Reporting somebody is the ultimate troll though. No anger can equate to the screeching of a kid who got banned by your report.

i dont get why people get so upset about this. games are for children. little kids. of course theres going to be attempts to curb the language and content in a game, its target audience is extremely young. imagine if the pokemon cartoon on tv just started showing straight up pokemon bestiality and transgender operations at 7 in the morning before school, and you had to sit there and watch to make sure you could censor it before your children saw it? it would be unacceptable. so why is it not unacceptable when a game for children does the same?

Most milsim servers have just as strict rules for racial slurs

you got what was coming to you you fucking racist idiot

>votekick appears on screen on any game for any reason
>dont even look at who, or why, just vote yes every single time
>when the votekicks for me, vote yes and tell others to vote yes
>lmao when it fails
>shrug, lmao and move to next server when it works

>imagine if the pokemon cartoon on tv just started showing straight up pokemon bestiality and transgender operations at 7 in the morning before school
haha that'd be crazy I'd probably check it out but ironically of course lol

We won white boy bbc rules all.

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if i wanna say NIGGER
im gonna say NIGGER
and NIGGERS cant stop me

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>get beaten in a video game
>get on mic and say something like "I'm going to slit your retarded faggot throat from ear to ear you and rape your fat bitch slut cunt whore mother as you bleed out, white power you subhuman monkey NIGGER"
>they type in chat something like "lol muted fag"
>immediately report them for sending abusive chat messages
>they cant report me because mic activity isn't automatically screened by an algorithm for offensive words yet, only text
>get a message next time I log in saying how long I got them banned for

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No one is imposing them, bro.

>get driving license
>run over a nigger
>driving license is revoked

that is liberal outage culture for you

ba esd

>be retarded
>do retarded thing
>get retarded punishment
>make retarded thread to complain

>muh libs
>it's the liberals fault I get kicked out of a restaurant for yelling NIGGER NIGGER even though I paid for my meal!!!
Based retard

>call someone a nigger in any game on Steam
>don't get banned

Feels good to not get cucked by other players.

for honor is normally toxic so i dont think they do
or at least try

I do it to get a kick out of people, nothing makes me laugh more then seeing threads like this pop up.

>be helicopter pilot in bf2 for a few hours
>drop offs, pick ups, whatever you what
>pretty gud at it, everyone wants to fly with the flyboi
>do this for 2 hours
>bail at the last second
>games server side scripting determines the pilot by whoevers in the highest numbered seat
>bail at the last second, so highest numbered seat moves to someone else
>impact: 6-13 teamkills assigned to co-pilot, who can do nothing but look around, zero control over the helicopter
>insta-permaban from all servers on that host to that character
>explosion kills me so im a "victim" as well
>leave server, move to next one right away
>mfw i perma-banned around 3000 people over 2 years from their favorite servers

anyways, just wanted to point out trolling used to be a art, but then you casual faggots decline to cavemen tier shit with your lame slur name calling. have a good one.

>play game
>get mad at teammate for doing something stupid
>argue with him in post game lobby
>turns out I was in the wrong
>apologize and move on
Can't win them all.

>can't see how the victimhood, outrage and offended culture is clipping every media nowadays
Based low IQ

>user can't use the nigger word online, fuelling his victim-complex even further
we get it, you're oppressed whitey. Cry more about it on your internet forums

what, you gonna say this kind of shit doesn't cause damage to the industry?
>also nice dodge of my argument there sweetie

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or this?

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please remind me, those writers lean to what side again?

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its just so easy to nail your below average asses to the ground...

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I can play johnny rebel over the mic in cs and not get banned

aw shit I didn't know the entire world took articles written by game journalists seriously, I thought they were mocked relentlessly by everyone online or something?
what a clown world we live in, right, my fellow oppressed white user? honk honk

>noo i just want to call people nigger, there is nothing else happening here, no, no, nothing like a meltdown of lunatics that demand censorship and are triggered by everything. No no...

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Imagine being scared of being oppressed by game journalists lmfao
grow a spine you schizo

yes my fellow white man, we indeed are oppressed

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yeah, dipshit, video games are for kids

>imagine disregarding an argument without rebutal proving its point

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>Yeah, I was around black people once and they made a joke at my expense.
>Instead of doing anything I withered and ran to the internet.
>The only thing I can do to punch up in my oppressed life...
>With this one word I type, I free my white brethren!

>lol imagine being scared of oppression by
>game journals. lol grow a spine

and call people nigger in chat
you can say more in cs than you can on Yea Forums

>320 million people in my country
>0.0000021875 of the population is holding me down

>nah its everything fine, nothing to see here folks, just usual libs censoring games, go on with your day

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>it's actually sony making the decision
>look man businesses should be able to do whatever they want that's free market capitalism
>except take boobies out of video games that's liberal oppression

Keep fighting the good fight, bruther

>walk on! walk on! nothing here! nothing here! Definetely will not affect what you like, walk on!

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lol, you guys from Yea Forums are so easy to stomp

Why would you resort to racial slurs in the first place?

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My anxiety has been getting worse lately, though I've had mild anxiety for years now. Going to the doctor this week to see if I can get put on something. Maybe Valium or Xanax or something. I over think and analyze shit, maybe if I take medication it'll change my personality and girls might talk to me or like me.

>accidently sign contract to sell your soul
>Your soul actually belongs to them now
This is your brain on how amer*cans think law works

>you're all just bootlickers
>I imagine the perfect free utopia
>where if I create a private space for people to enjoy they can do whatever they want on it
>even though it's my private property I can't tell them to stop
>true freedom is when people can trample all over things I have created

god damn it it is my right as an american to hold this one shitty opinion and I swear to god I'm going to defend it to the death despite all the really important things in my life

>being this intimidated by fucking gossip journalists of all people
please feel free to show the impact these "mind-warping" lefty journalists are having on the world, user. Show me the oppressed white gamers being dragged out into the streets

bro don't you understand opinion articles from literal who websites by literal who bloggers are so fucking important that I'm gonna clip them without the sources and without any comments and post them over and over and over in every thread that I can shoehorn them into to demonstrate my point that white people are being oppressed in video games

if you don't agree well shut up and dilate you stupid discord tranny lmao cope

hummm i don't know, how about the modifications in games? the fear of devs to create stuff? the constant use of "racist" and "nazi" terms making people getting literally attacked on the street like Andy Ngo?
But let me guess "It doesn't count" right?

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Instead of shittalking, just do this.

You just took me back to the past

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Don’t play if you can’t handle the bantz. I got banned more than once in Starcraft and DOTA for saying ‘gg 2 ez’

>like clockwork

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the worst part is the buzzwords are just me mimicking your rhetoric lmao

did that slip past your big brain

Honest question, do you think it must be hard living in pure fear of gaming journos like that schizo user? I can practically hear him shaking every time he hits post

>Unironic samefagging

quote the "samefagging" so we can humiliate you

>literally show you that outrage culture is a thing and mostly leftist
>"no u"
>"lol im so smart"


every game that does this doesnt even deserve to be played desu

wow what a revelation

the 100th time you've posted the same 8 images

i've finally realized that these same 8 images represent something so much larger

wow dude i'm oppressed how did i never see this

>Post unironic samefagging in any thread you suspect there is samefagging without indicating who you think it is
>Without fail the person samefagging will respond defensively even though you didn't directly accuse them at all. Guilty parties have trouble not acting guilty

>still hasn't quoted the samefaggers
scared, user? :)

>Whites are so oppressed look at this one African country


You retards know when you buy a game, or literally any one time purchase, you buy something called a "perpetual license" right?

That means the company literally signs away their right to manipulate your good in anyway shape or form. A car company cannot come and take the engine out of your car in the future. Same with software. A company cannot remove functionality of your copy at a whim.

You have a right to use that product and all its initial functionality, minus wear and tear, from the point of purchase until forever or you sell it, whichever comes first.

Let's not even get into the discussion that EULAs are just pieces of paper meant to just scare people into not sueing and aren't actually legally binding.

White bois should unironically be oppressed. Reparations should include mandatory blowjobs to black MEN.

>Actually buying a Yea Forums pass

Imagine calling yourself white lmao

90% of the world population can do that retard, its just mutts that get offended

>just Yea Forumsirgin things

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Apparently they can fucking dumb and retarded frogposter

this but (f)unironically :o)

is aqua a size queen?

It's a good thing i don't play multiplayer, You fags have it bad

>buy a game
>agree to abide by the rules in a space
>don't abide by the rules in the space you agreed to abide by the rules in
>act surprised when someone wants to break their part of the agreement after you've already broken yours
>actually no I'm entitled to your private space even though I broke our part of the agreement

okay commies

>Haha look I can say NIGGER on Yea Forums kek, Yea Forums is best and free because I can say nigger unlike reddit were I need to behave because of carma, praise 4channel and Nigger! Mom and the SJWs can't stop me here NIGGER! pepe.jpg

And this is why this place get's shittier everyday.

I know this isn't the place or time, but asylum needs to be sought through the legal ports of entry, not after you get caught trying to sneak in

Also running away from a shitty neighborhood doesn't make you a refugee

I'm telling.

stick to plebbit than, kid.

could someone make a game thats all about saying nigger

>break the TOS that you fucking agreed to
>get in trouble
m-muh freedom of speech doesn't mean you're free from consequences, you smoothbrain.

>Never ending war against spazz cases that can't control themselves and baby bitches that take everything they hear seriously.
I don't know what to think, really, but this only effects games with larger female player bases, so whatever.

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>Some one says something
>Chimp out
>Get shot
There's your consequences

no way bro freedom means I should be allowed to do whatever I want in someone else's space no limits

unless they're on the other team then I don't want to ever see their opinions or ideas in the media I consume that's just too far and not the kind of freedom that I'm talking about okay

yeah bro can't you see how this real world scenario is a perfect 1:1 comparison of social etiquette on a private server in a virtual world

Yikes. Have sex, seek help. Cringe...

Good thing i can say Nigger all day long on my 95% white island, Cope.

>physical shit
>non physical shit
>same thing
am I baited here?

Nobody wants a retard shit talking in your game anyway.

There is literally nothing stopping any of you faggots from saying nigger anywhere else, but since you all are in fact nu-male cucks, you seem to think the entirety of society is after you, as if anyone actually gives a fuck about you incels.

Your just wrong, if Nintendo made me sign my first born away in an tos that's legally binding and I just do it because I'm not a little bitch commie. Hell I'd even give them 2 of my first borns as a thanks for allowing me the privilege to pay for their digital media.

>*inhales every boot in 5 mile radius*
I'm sorry, I couldn't do it, I hope no one is actually retarded enough to think this post was serious.

That’s pretty antisocial of you user. I’m reporting you for being toxic to our community

i don't care what you say retard, don't you get it?

how have you fucking faggots not figured this shit out?


lmao dude why can't you get over yourself


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>play game
>get mad
>call someone a stupid fucking gorilla nigger
>don't get banned
Feels fucking amazing man

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when your kid misbehaves you put him in time out or ground him and take his toys away right? same idea here

this is low level discourse

this shouldn't feel amazing

An* art, nigger.

this whole post

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Cope or get the rope, Bitch nigga~

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>I don’t care and to show you how much I don’t care I’m gonna be a caps lock warrior to really drive the point home

Okay, but what am I coping with?
Explain it, and I'll own up to it.

>Y-you totally care!

Lmao I'm not playing this stupid game with you. I don't care about mosquitoes but I still slap them, dum-dum.

>Lmao I'm not playing this stupid game with you.
Yet you are.

it's just an example from a pro player in a pub match

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Your seething anger

Oh jeez, he's hungry for (you)s.

Here you go little guy, have a nice day.

And he keeps replying.

>you're angry!
Oh okay, I'm sorta rusty at these sort of conversations, hold on:

No u!

Yes, you did

>americans actively try to cultivate a culture of childishness and sperginess under the guise of “protecting freedom”.

Lmao mutts are being trained from birth to become jokes

>thinking corporations are his parents
Is this what its like to have mommy and daddy issues simultaneously with a hint of schizophrenia?

Time to grow up.

These threads are hilarious.

Imagine getting so upset by words in video games you end up supporting absolute sanitization and censorship BECAUSE VIDEO GAMES R SERIOUS BUSINESS AND YOU HAVE TO SHOW YOUR FACE IRL TO SAY HURTFUL THINGS TO ME

Like nigger, cry more.

>That guy who tries to shitpost and troll but ends up just as invested and angry as the people he was trying to troll
Always embarrassing

Sometimes the heat of the kitchen gets to you user. That’s why anonymity is so great, no one can actually tell who you are and you can just fuck right off to another thread to keep fishing for replies.

t. got trolled

behave yourself little timmy

>get banned
>call the admin a nigger
>he unbans me for being based and redpilled

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I have literally never been trolled in my entire life.

He's an incredibly intelligent centrist who doesn't have time for silly twitter posts but will reply to everyone who discusses these things and repeat ad nauseam about how none of this matters and you need to stop caring.

I mean, so what if he himself is a literal homosexual or tranny or a cuckold who personally supports the politics you are mocking. That has nothing to do with it. He's just really concerned about the integrity of his video game forum

Name (101) games that do this.

Any game with a speech or charisma skill

You just did, your welcome.

I'm not welcome, I'm user :)

>>play game
>>get mad

Your first mistake.

Imagine getting so upset over other people that you willingly get yourself ostracized and spend your days complaining about it to people that don’t care (because you lost all your friends).

>strawman cope

i'm actually a white male with a wife and kids sorry bro

>society: dont stick penis in shithole
>person: *does that*
>society: *punishes person*

noone cares

Delete this right now

>society: dont massacre people for their skin colour
>person: *does that*
>society: *punishes person*


>anyone who disagrees with me HAS to be a homosexual

go outside

>society: hey don't stick your penis in another man's shithole
>person: *does that*
>society: *punishes person*

>society: just wear male clothes
>person: *cuts off penis and wears dress*
>society: you're weird and we don't like you

Alright burger, that's fine. But don't act surprised or butthurt if you get booted from your video game, in which you agreed to the developers/publishers terms of service.

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>don't act surprised or butthurt if you get booted

Well, luckily for me I don't have a compulsive need to break the rules by typing slurs over and over.

>repeatedly write nigger in chalk on the playground
>get chalk confiscated and banned from park
Woooooow, why don’t they just ignore it and hose it down??

Except this is only how the world is now, zoom zoom. You could call people niggerfaggots on Xbox Live and they'd give yoh an achievement. You kiddos will never understand


>you can't effectively be muted in real life
I'll take "what is vocal cord removal" for 500 Alan.

>society: hey don't stick your penis in another man's shithole
>person: *does that*
>society: *punishes person*

>society: just wear male clothes
>person: *cuts off penis and wears dress*
>society: you're weird and we don't like you

>society: okay, everyone can get married to the opposite sex
>person: *marries same sex*
>society: that's not how that works, retard

Society is truly the most villainous villain!

Oh society how much do i dread you!

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>business: we're hiring workers
>person: I finna dun apply fo dis shit
>business: we appreciate that you can write your name, Jamal, but we're looking for someome else

how can you be so fucking retarded

Imagine being this entitled. Nobody owes you anything.

Why am I not surprised that Yea Forums of all boards is supportive of corporate censorship. Shit wasnt an issue a few years ago, and I would argue there were genuinely less racists before there was a hard push towards silencing opposing views.

Son i hope you are baiting, if not get help really.
You argument is so fucking stupid and retarded: treating society like it has been always inmutable and a natural law.
Jesus christ your level of retardation is incredible. Where you home schooled o something?

b-but the game journos are oppressing us poor white people.....

>water fountain company: we would prefer if certain people didn't use our fountains
>certain people: *uses fountain*
>water fountain company: *gets police involved*

i support it ironically so they will censor more things which will eventually lead to repressed anger and everyone will then kill whitey because oga boga nigguh.

Go change your diaper, big guy

>this entire post
Now this is good bait

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Racist white boys complaining about getting banned is like Christmas to me

>white people: Blacks please dont shoot each other and other people ok?
>niggers: *shoots*
>white people: *punishes niggers*



You are you retard monkey

Rocket league is a fuckin sucks. I've been banned twice without even saying nigger. I simply asked my teammates why the fuck would they play the game if they didn't even try winning. Of course I used mean words but nothing too bad.
I fuckin despise the game because of this...

Fucking retard zoomer

>white people: i hate niggers
>also white people: Please tyrone fuck my wife
make your minds up wh*toids

How seething of you


Based black man

>is a fuckin sucks
fuckin sucks*

nothing beats posts that actively make you stupider the more you read of it

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fuck my wife tyrone

>when marriage is a government service you have to pay for

>police: Don't attack us
>blacks: *attacks
>police: *shoots them

I would have banned you for having a limited vocabulary.

Your wife is Tyrone? Congratulations guys!

>play game
>get mad
>call someone nigger
>some nigger starts a votekick
>it's not pass
>I start the votekick for that nigger and he gets kicked

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>play TF2
>call someone a putrid fat lipped jigaboo
>nothing happens

>play overwatch
>say you're going to play X character exclusively because that's your main
>get banned

If you're worried about getting banned from certainvideogames I think I could save you a lot of trouble by reminding you that the games that ban people for being racist/combative/mean are usually bad games in the first place and not worth your time or money.

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>whites: omg niggers and spics are the worst I hate faggots

wtf? did you try getting a lawyer to defend your right to say nigger in video games? I'm sure that's an easy win in court.

>White people:We're not racists!!
>Also white people:Enslaved humans and treats them like shit

Why are you seething so bad?

If you pretend to be a girl your kick power increases. You can get any n*gro kicked.

based. if all niggers are violent chimps then all whites are cucks, there's no cuck porn for any race other than whites and japs


Ugh, how did you know I was in to diaping? I've been fermenting this hot, wet shit for about 4 hours now. It's really itchy. Can you come change it?

So true! Also dont forget the jewish holocaust.

ok ahmed, go back into your shit hole where you belong, NIGGER

>white people: dude why are you seething?

nice gif

You get an F-


>this entire thread

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Journalists should be massacred regardless of any political affliction.

that we can agree on, journos are subhuman


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Who are you addressing? The entire thread is reddit basedboys circlejerking over their god-given right to lick boot.

I mean they can threaten violence against us, say shit about us all they want and nothing gets done. It's only been in the past 2-3 years that certain services have been aggressively banning nigger and faggot.

If someone says the n word just fucking mute them you dumb asses.

wanna know what hapepns when you disrespect gamers?

Attached: pewdiepie.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

the only based post in this thread

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>tfw black and this entire thread

Why do you hate us so much? What did we even did to you?

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>be black
>cry about too many whites in movies
Literally every day.

If blacks spent as much time complaining about all the wypipo in film as they did working they would probably make enough to pay for their own abortions lmao

Remember that the negro is so insecure a word is enough to set them off. All of society has to be constructed in such a fashion to prevent the poor little monkey boy from hearing the no-no word lest his monkey brain get triggered to go into baboon mode and get shot by a cop or something.

The most pathetic things said by the most pathetic nazis on /pol/ are just daily statemrnts from the average mainstream negro figure.
>wah muh people are oppressed
>wah remember when we had to sit at the back of the bus!
>wah my test scores are low and its whitey's fault
>wah my free scholarships dont pay for my crack
>wah white girls dont like me
Every day. It's beyond pathetic and this has to be pointed out more often.

Look mom! He said the n word! He fits right in!

>Also Black People: Aayy sure, white man. I'll sell you this dumb niggas from another dumb tribe. Gold up front

not a black guy but I hate white people more because they let black people leach off of America and support bringing in more immigrants that will only make life in the U.S. worse

the people who say they hate niggers over and over again are just edgy, they've probably never spoken to a black in all their life
unironically the biggest indicator of whether someone's intelligent or not is if they think stereotyping is a good thing


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most of the "sincere" hateful assholes are probably 16, I was the same way back then

>black people: we are not criminals!
>also black people: responsable for the vast majority of crimes in every country in the planet
You sure want to play this game?

what games do you like user

These threads really expose all the bootlicking zoomers

reminder that anti-segregation boosted america's violent crime rate

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>>be black
>>cry about too many whites in movies
>Literally every day.
actually we don't do that, white people do it for us for some reason. People don't give a shit about race as much as white people do, the only ones that do are crackhead losers that can't be bothered to get off their ass to leave the ghettos

seriously, niggas don't actually care about "representation", all other blacks that grew up 2 decades or more ago still probably idolize goku to this day despite him not being a negro

First class honours in engineering and I've been shitposting in this thread.

You're a low IQ fucking retard who has to hide behind "intelligent" people telling them generalizations are bad.... missing the hilarious irony in such a general statement.

>tfw black and this post
Suck it up bitch.

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Good think you realize that it does represent something much larger. Like pic related
You grown up, i'm so proud!

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>You sure you want to play this game

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>going to clubs, bar, concerts, sporting events etc.
Lmaoing at your life

Black person, why do black people like Naruto so much?

But it's objectively true that stereotyping is something only retards do because they can't get behind the concept that every human is an individual and not actually all the same, because that would require too much thinking on their part
>First class honours in engineering
Yeah and I've got a PHD

"it doesn't count"

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playing games is only for whit*oids like you. We blacks are bussy fucking white women.

This is a conservacuck talking point.

Blacks are absolutely vocal about this shit.

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hate the whites that keep pushing the notion that blacks are still being nothing but oppressed by other whites/cops. that's the main fucking reason why we don't get reform in ghettos or any pushes to actually help the poorer communities by educating them. SJWs are so fucking braindead it's unreal, there are plenty of blacks that are tired by how shit and crime-filled their neighbourhoods are but their voices don't get heard because the whites love pushing the image that blacks literally are "dindu nuffins"

Ones that grew up in white neighbourhoods that go to fucking art college. No one else gives a shit, you never see people playing fighters maining black/dark characters exclusively, people don't give a fuck because they're not brainwashed into caring so much about their pigmentation being represented

you know who to blame

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growing up with toonami was the shit that's why. you'd be hard-pressed to find a young black person who hasn't at least seen some anime, black nerds are pretty chill in general

>negro music glorifies gang life and violence
>negros kill each other en mass

if I ever make a game the people that violate conduct will just be forced to play with other players that violate conduct

so if you're a nigger spammer you just play with nigger spammers

Every single nation in history of the world enslaved another nation
Read a history book nigger

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Again, you completely miss the irony in your generalization of generalizations, indicating that you are genuinely low IQ.

>every human is an individual

Have you ever considered that maybe there's a reason why people make generalizations naturally about all things but ethnicity in particular? Maybe that rationale isn't going to go away when the population continues to stay magnitudes higher than the majority of our past evolution... LOL

Okay yeah but there were also other shows there. I mean why Naruto specifically? It's about a little white/Asian boy getting punked on by his cooler friend for the first two arcs or so.

that's because of ghetto culture, not because they're black. ghetto culture is what ruins young blacks because it's so much easier to resort to living off of crime over getting an education in those neighbourhoods. that's the whole fucking issue that's completely overshadowed because libs think everything is the fault of the white man, if black ghettos actually got proper governmental reform with pushes to combat gang culture, a push for more job opportunities/actual proper education regulation black crime in america would dip lower than it's ever been

i don't hate blacks i just like the word nigger. nothing against you. somewhat like how I use faggot to describe a whiny person, not a gay person.

i would say most of these people don't dislike or hate blacks either, but hate the white people/jews who are doing the censorship in the first place, or would if they could think that far ahead.

>buy knife
>stab some whore
>cops take away my knife

wtf man


last time I called someone a nigger in a videogame I felt pretty bad about it

>another thread turned into nigger hate thread

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probably because it was just cool? Ninjas are always cool, plus it helps that the show early on had killer music, a decent dub and really well-animated fights

Nice try.

Don't get so butthurt, nigger, it's just a word.

Not him but basketball americans are drawn to battle anime because it's full of niggas getting stronger and stronger, and full of YOOOOOO moments. Like when the underdog suddenly reveals a secret move that turns the fight.

stereotyping is something literally everyone does. It's literally impossible to keep track of each individual person, so our brains form groups. Which is why we recognize oranges as sweet, citrusy fruit that aren't like apples. You're actually fucking retarded if you think intelligent people don't stereotype or generalize. Do you realize how much time would be wasted trying to remember everyones individual traits rather than trying to do important work?

>O-other people did it too!! XD

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Kek, maybe where you live, cuck.

>blame white men
>blame cops
pretty much

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Spergs don't belong in video games :)

>sign binding contract without reading it
>turns out you should have read it
This is how obsessed brains work

Someone should tell faggots that when they cry about going to prison for eating feces.

>strawmen argument burned
>denying history
>troool XDDXD /r/eddit!

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retards are the only ones that do that because you whites make it socially acceptable to discriminate against you. i don't agree with it at all but do you not get tired of how demonized you are in the media by your own race?

People love to shit on cops until they need them.
>black lives matter protest where darkies are chanting FUCK THA POLICE
>some shit goes down

>play ww2 game
>name Axis character Waffen.SS
>banned from server for hate speech
>try to appeal and explain how ridiculous that ban was
>German admin doesn't want to hear it, permabanned
Fucking Germs, I sincerely hope you get cucked by refugee cock and wiped from existence, fucking spineless worms.

I dont use them but I will sooner preserve the freedom to than allow corporations and the government to tell me what I can and cannot think. Slippery slope is real when it comes to liberals, just look at gun laws. We've been giving them inches and losing miles for decades. Always "compromising" and losing, never gaining. Once it's gone, we dont get it back. Not happening to freedom of speech


>get a message next time I log in saying how long I got them banned for

Bullshit, literally no company will reveal that shit

>Strawman argument obliterated
>But other people did it too!

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??? This doesnt make sense or seem relevant to anything, are you ok user? Can you hear me?

Gosh if only that rationale wasn't shared by people all over the world, regardless of race, your post might have meant something.

Yeah government benefits only help people who are otherwise unable to work. It doesn't really help people get a leg up in life, especially when there's no jobs to transition to.

>you whites make it socially acceptable to discriminate against you
Actually it's subversive academics in collusion with the media who are making it socially acceptable to be racist towards whites. Any resistance from anyone, regardless of color, is met with switch punishment.

Why cant gamedevs respect
Human rights like freespeech?

You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions, child.

Based and truthpilled.

>the entire prime point was about "whites" being responsable for enslavement
>showing clear lack of knowledge over history
>easily removing the cruz over white man being sole responsable for enslavement
>strawmen annihilated

>(i don't play uno man, I'm just using randoms) now)

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>Sign contract
>break contract
>service discontinued
Welcome the real world zoomer.

>black persons calls white person a cracka ass dick slurpin cuckolding retard bitch ass white boi
>doesn't care
>white person calls black man a nigger
>black guys seethes with the force of 1000 suns, he summons the force of his ancestors who all had never lived past 30, and starts chimping than any chimp could ever hope to chimp, destroying city blocks and cars till he is inevitably shot and killed
Sensitive little black boys are hilarous

Attached: really_makes_you_think_dont_it.png (241x401, 102K)

>could mute them
>report them anyway
>they get banned
GG, next time hide your power level. I dont want to have to play with edgy teenagers and NEETs in my vidya anyway with or without mic or chat, all you're doing is letting me get rid of you

whites are the ones glorifying it and you are controlling it you cracker bitch

OK so in essence whites just have to stop claiming that blacks are oppressed and THEN suddenly those reparations and projects to provide better education and living conditions blacks have had to wait 70 years for will start STREAMING into those ghettos.


Shared by retards of every race yeah.

Shut up mayo boy

Kek, got em.

That's what makes welfare niggers so despicable in my eyes, but at the same time those communities don't get anything other than welfare. if the government actually aimed to increase productivity in those areas by giving more opportunities for work and education crime wouldn't seem like a viable alternative anymore.
fucked up shit man. In one of my english classes we had to read a paper on Iggy Azalea and some shit about white privilege mixed with cultural appropriation and I just got pissed because no one else thought that shit was just flat-out insulting

user you were skipped, it's not your turn

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"shuddup cracka!"

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Shut up, cotton boy

Kek, he got the censortrannies seething to max temp with this one.

oh damn..

Attached: Okay.jpg (768x512, 29K)
European slavery is worst than Muslim slavery, go to /his/

die off cracker

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Im so glad germany lost ww2 guys

What a wonderful world we live in
Full of war, trannies, degeneracy

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Whites vote. It's the only voice that matters. Of course politicians will funnel resources to people that vote. There was an argument here 60 years ago, but today even black politicians do it because they want to be reelected. Get black people to vote. Handing them money won't change shit.

no you fucking retard. if the media stops shifting ALL the blame onto whites and instead shifts blame onto the ghettos themselves and the issues in those communities it'll garner a response that the government should actually move it's ass and help those communities out. not with fucking more welfare checks but by opening more schools, making it easier for young blacks to find places of work, literally just anything that's actually viable because currently it's way easier for young blacks to commit to lives of crime because opportunities are extremely hard to come by in run-down places

this is in bongistan right?

more confused than seething, really
As if your fat ass would've contributed anything even if the germans won, stop larping

Consider the history of both peoples in the US for a few moments before saying stupid shit like this.


Edgy teens

Stop ruining society, nigger.

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it's worth setting a precedent of governmental overreach into our private lives just to fuck over consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes for being different than me, epic bro

>implying they're capable of considering what it's like to be anyone other than themselves
user you have too much faith in people on this board

yeah but gay = bad because bible said so
checkmate atheist

This by chance removes the claim that slavery is today at its high in africa, done by africans?
Do you actually understand the point made against the prime argument?

>Racist comparing their struggles of being banned for saying Nigger to civil rights
Oh boy, we've come full circle.

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>whites are the ones glorifying it
who do you think I meant by academics? The people saying whites and asians aren't allowed in college because they've already met the quota for those races are white academics.

Stop replying to yourself, it's embarrassing and obvious.

Irish, koreans, japs, germans, etc. got tons of shit and yet they assimilated just fine. Wonder what makes nogs different. Oh wait. They're already violent

I just want them to try for once.

Maybe Europeans shouldn't destabilize African countries to get their corrupted politicians at their feets, China is doing the same the thing now.

>Its never muh fault cracka!
>tis always bad white mon!
>we good boy, we dindu nuffin, nevah

>he summons the force of his ancestors who all had never lived past 30, and starts chimping harder than any chimp could ever hope to chimp
my fucking sides holy shit

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>it's a communists turn into libertarians when it suits them thread
so funnie. How did you "people" feel about the guy who declined to cater for a gay wedding?

Whites have the highest suicide rates because niggers and spics die from gang violence before they get depressed

Fuck you nigger last faggot that tried that got banned with me I just had to cry about harassment. Companies are onto your faggoty ass passive aggressive low test bullshit.

maybe europeans should do a cleansing in their land first. Then go full towards africa black ass for that sweet rich land that will never be properly infra-estructured by monkeys

it's not worth it, this site's just always going to be an echochamber for them

>it was whitey
When south Africa ended segregation shit got worse not better for the Africans


How could African countries let this happen?

nigger carries more historic weight than cracker.

his loss since that's just him losing out on a customer, no big deal, the couple should just find a competent caterer instead
t. faggot

I'm not American, so I dont care.

Just out of curiosity, do you think rap has had an impact on the ghetto community? Like reinforced negative values? There's poor communities and peoples all over the world, some with next to nothing, but ghettos in the US are somewhat unique.

This. It should be an echo chamber for us instead.

These people didn't have laws targeting and limiting them as recently as 60 years ago.

Well that's actually reasonable.
The corporate media in the US will never acknowledge the real issues though because its business right now is to cause further division among the populace.
It's not actually trying to push for legislation to help black communities. Why would the rich fucks that own these media corporations ever want that? There's no money in it.

no its cause you know you are inferior to every other race out there

Serious question. Do you think 20 and below blacks who assault people over a word really care about "historic weight" or do they just want an excuse to act consequence free?

Yeah man, they picked up stones and mud and died of malaria or overexertion from slavery. Wow great historic weight you stupid fucking nigger.

Attached: 1560498081176.png (468x529, 441K) Greatest Generation

This is sad but true

Seething incel.

>don't play AAA garbage
>don't play shooters
>don't play ASSFAGGOTS
>don't get mad at videogames
>enjoy my master race life

Must be tough being a fucking pleb like yourself.

The segregation=good was never a thing retard, it has been proved with research that it only benefited Afrikaans

Having less technology and wealth than Europeans? Portugueses were able to destabilize easily Alfonso's kingdom just to get slaves

Not a argument

"We have to keep blacks in the victim list, so they will vote for us"
- you know who

all of them was given a status higher than native american blacks, they are not hold back like black people are.

>The race that made civilization
>The race that enslaved two separate races of retards (niggers and chugs) because those two races were so far behind in tech and knowledge they didnt know what property was
cope harder, nigger

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>Incel Incel

>historic weight
fuck out of here with this bullshit justification

it literally shouldn't, you corporate bootlicker


>race of retards

It was not an arugment genius, it was a joke about killing all niggers in africa

(that maybe is a good idea actually)

>no its cause you know you are inferior to every other race out there
>Having less technology and wealth than Europeans? Portugueses were able to destabilize easily Alfonso's kingdom just to get slaves
Which one is it?

i'd argue so, people mostly listen to rap because they take comfort in something from their "culture", music can have a big effect on people in general and unfortunately rap does enforce a lot of harmful stereotypes and views among thugs.
Unironically what I believe, the media is bullshit and that's what i tell everyone i know, you can't trust the shit they spout because there's always a hidden agenda behind it that only benefits rich fucks.
genuinely speaking, this is why the community of blacks that voted for trump are so outspoken and get so much flak, because they recognize this shit

World would have been better if germany won ww2
No more degeneracy

Heil Hitler

you didnt make civilization blacks did, you were living in caves before the black mors civilized you
>so inferior he could only enslave with weapons made to kill
>so inferior he couldn't do anything by himself
yeah and you are going extinct TODAY
hahaha white genocide bitch

Can you explain how it doesn't hold any historic weight or are you just gonna keep being stupid?

When will Yea Forums grow the fuck up.

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>tfw say every slur especially NIGGER over mic and text chat every night in game
>still haven't been hit with any consequences
Yea Forums lied to me AGAIN
At this point I'll get reported more for spamming SNK spoilers than calling people nigger faggots.

have you never talked with anyone outside this website who has different beliefs to you, user?

discard everything in your home that was invented by a white person

world would have been better if you crackers stayed in your caves and never touched other people

>"God I hate degeneracy"
>said the overweight user after finishing his plate of tendies that his mom prepared, opening a tab to beat off to trap porn

post your face

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nothing was invented by white people.
you dont have anything you stole everything

>which is it
what do you mean? Wasn't I clear enough?
Africa was progressing on his own despite a very harsh environment, but Europeans, who were more advanced thanks to much more convenient environment and exchange with other close countries, took advantage of Africans to impose them their own model of slavery based on a racial category and not on class

Absolutely. One of my best friends is a Bernie bro. I'm not sure what that has to do with you responding to yourself while whining about this board not conforming to you?

why the fuck are you here
I rabu piku

>Literally quoting racebait meme comics
I can't even take you seriously, you realize those are ironic?
Whites are gonna go extinct in much more time than you and your nigger-folk because you'll all shoot eachother to death before hand. You're passively killing your own race by existing and following your literal monkey primate logic. You have no understanding of peace and prosperity, so you'll just kill till your all dead.
And I relish every moment of it
More niggers die everyday than whites, and soon you'll be next.

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when rappers stop using "nigger" in every music that make millions to them, when black actors stop saying nigger at every scene, you come to me asking for "historical weight" and how bad it it to the black man to be called nigger
meanwhile, shush.

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When their ancestors were raped and killed to that word, yes. Also no one gets jumped for saying nigger. You might get punched, sure, but not stomped out.

Funny, a nigger accusing someone of stealing something

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How is the "death by homicide" rates for blacks again?

Fit white aryan
Im just sick of fags trannies and muslims ruining the west

blaks arent shooting eahother thats whtat you crackers lie about daily

its fact that you crackers will die out you inferior bitch

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You're either retarded or a dumb foreigner, "nigger" has an entirely different meaning to black people than nigga.

I'm not asking for the board to conform to me, just that it's not such an obvious echochamber where if you disagree with someone you're instantly labelled a tranny. How is that wanting my own echochamber?
then again in an ideal world we'd actually be talking about video games on Yea Forums

>You might get punched, sure, but not stomped out.
Go the race war thread on /gif and come back to me

kek, you want the black people's crime report of today or the week to stomp your argument?

you crackers are the biggest thieves in history kill yourself and die out with negative birthrate bitch

It's not the meme jews though, it's just amoral rich fucks without any principles.

Democrats are slightly more likely to push for that kind of legislation than Republicans, but not by much, because they're just neo-liberals that (poorly) act progressive when they're super-desperate for young and black votes.
Blacks just have to pick their shitty poison in this system.

Guys... Where are the video games?

Why is Yea Forums more political than /pol/?

>go to gif
I forgot how cherry picked WEBMS of black people being violent should be used as imperical data.

can you please shut the fuck up you dumbass ghetto nigger, you're only making us look worse

suicide requires an existential thought process and self awareness. See: "white man's burden"

post your lies cracker all you got while you are dying out you should worry about that
death to you and your white family you white cracker bitch

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>nigger is different than nigga
the low IQs just throw themseves into the spotlight with their trash arugments

Attached: What Nigger.jpg (256x197, 7K)

Punching is assault in most civilized countries user. Also you're overestimating people especially poor people who can barely plan paycheck to paycheck. They don't care about their ancestors past the extent it can get them special privileges. This applies to all races of course.


being an asshole isn't a crime you dipshit

>Fit white aryan
/trash/ is the RP board, user, I think you took the wrong door

>where if you disagree with someone you're instantly labelled a tranny
The problem with this statement is it applies to several things, not just politics and everyone says it to each other.

post your face. you sound very confident in yourself

>blaks arent shooting eahother thats whtat you crackers lie about daily
You cant even spell you stupid fucking nigger, youre seething so god damn hard you might get shot when you step outside
I literally cant turn on the news and go 10 minutes without some new report of gang violence in the ghetto and a bunch of black kids getting shot. Its not a meme, stop coping and hiding the facts. Monkeys are monkeys, they act violent, and they die because they have no self control or intellectual processing, no different to you
Do the world a favour, and just die. You're gonna die regardless, and youre not gonna accomplish anything before that, so why bother going on?

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Why are polcels so bitter and angry?

>Fit white aryan

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What is wrong with black people bros?

because fuckers just want a society where a group doesn't start screeching they are victims when commit over 50% of the crimes

agreed, that's why this board is bottom-of-the-barrel garbage. the 2016 elections were a mistake.

Gee wiz, its almost like making a /pol/ thread not on /pol/ is gonna be full of shitposting and bait.

Why are wokecels so bitter and angry?

Why are we all so bitter and angry?
let's talk about video games, what games are you playing/looking forward to bros?

They’re on the verge of suicide, so they shitpost to escape the pain

>This thread.
I love Yea Forums

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more lies from a dying ut cracker all crimes are done by you devils and you blame it on blacks, crackers dont even charged with anything, you inbred devil bitch die off already you inferior fuck

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let me guess "it doesn't count"?

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Fuck Nintendo.

Are you really this stupid and culturally ignorant? Yet you call me low I.Q? It's a well known fact that black people use the term "nigga" not "nigger" as a term of endearment. Meanwhile, you aren't using it for that, are you? You're using it to dehumanize and otherize.

>say slur in private, life ruined
>trump says whatever he wants, is president
So what's the difference? is it the confidence/attitude? Or is it dependent on the amount of power you have already? Really big ecelebs can pretty much get away with anything aside from a mild penalty. And jontron got out of permanent hate by basically ignoring media for a year.

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>the 2016 elections were a mistake.

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stop arguing with an obvious illiterate nigger man
blacks themselves know the black on black crime shit is 100% real, if the media acknowledged that and actually gave the government more shit for not dealing with it we'd be living in much safer times

Sure, but as a man you deserve to get your ass kicked for having the gal to disrespect another man.

why are you on Yea Forums then?

Yeah. I would say it didn't become near unusable until 2017/18 though. Before, you'd see an obvious /pol/bait thread and you could avoid it but now you'll be talking about a game and some /pol/tard/redditor/culture warrior will start bombarding the thread with screenshots from twitter or Resetera or wherever claiming anyone who likes the game is a badwrongthinker.

They use it with a hard-R all the time and nobody cares even when it's derogatory.

>And jontron got out of permanent hate by basically ignoring media for a year.
nobody but literal communists cared about what he said (which was accurate, BTW)

Way to prove my point

The elections prevented this place from turning into a libtard hive like retardera

why are wh*toid f*rstoids so pathetic?
>live in first world
>get triggered by race

>I would say it didn't become near unusable until 2017/18 though.

That's because you're fresh off the boat.

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no e dont believe that dumb shit, you do and you need to say it and lie about it cause hats the only thing you have inferior bitch dying out cracker

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>Way to prove my point
Keep cryin tranny

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still flexing about nigger vs nigga
holy shit you live in some kind of mind-utopy don't you
Its the fucking same, stop making bullshit therms about it. Or you are one of those liberals that have to give new meanings to words like "fascism" and "supremacist"?
Yes baby, i call you Low I.Q with every letter on it. And apparently this time it actually means it.

I've noticed this for a while, this board far has veered so off to the right that even having a moderate opinion is considered "leftist" and you get labeled a tranny.

"Hey can we maybe not rage about black people in videogames and just discuss the game on it's own merits?"

"Resetranny, fuck off." This place is dead, time to abandon ship bros.

>get triggered by a single word

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all of those people have brown eyes (not white) and vote democrat for government handouts

>it's another resetranny astroturf episode

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And instead it's become a hivemind full of people that call everyone trannies instead of talking about video games. What a better outcome!
>rage comics

no we dont we never do you lying cracker bitch

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Yes you do.

Well of course they can't stop you because they don't have jobs. Though the white people who want the black peoples money do have the ability to stop you though.

go get shot you uneducated piece of shit, you're the reason why we can't make any progress

Reminder that free speech is a human right by united nations

Devs are violating it by banning people for saying what they want

Kind of. I got here in 2014 so I'm pretty new.

>brown eyes
>black/brown hair
>slav/mongoloid facial features
yeah, definitely aryan, bro.

they are pure white Aryans just like you

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This is a great analogy because it perfectly illustrates that you fags can't tell the difference between words and violent actions.

No it's not the "same" holy shit you fucking idiot, this is literally a well known historic fact even BEFORE this culture war bullshit started going on. God I fucking hate this place post-gamergate.

how's that dilation pus taste janny?

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stop getting mad at videogames.

i loved that scene in bruce almighty where morgan freeman locked eyes with the camera and repeatedly said nigger for 3 minutes straight

everyone in the theatre wouldn't stop laughing and clapping

Maybe it's because you respond to obvious /pol/bait without fail and they know it gets responses. Like the person in the thread pretending to be a black man

hey this is kinda hot

Literal newfag, Yea Forums was always dead, it was never good, and you were never wanted.
So ill say it again, with no irony, no shitposting, no memes:
Fuck off to r/resetera, tranny

See? When you're God, you can do that.

you lying proves me right, thats all you crackers have, lies. no wonder you dying off naturally.
yeah a black man is the reason we cant progress not the white supremacists controlling the world, this is why you crackers need extinction, you ever take responsibility for anything. you NEED to die off.

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you are legally allowed to do that in america

>it was never good
Fuck off election tourist, only retarded zoomers like you say this to justify you turning this place into even more of a shithole.

>Play game
>Silently curse
>Call bullshit and explain why
>Become shocked that you died to bullshit
>Conclude the game is shit
>Call developers idiots for making game
>Sudden urge to throw controller and scream
>Match ends
>Anger vanishes
>Start new match
>Repeat cycle

Every time

yes it is the same. It has the same sensible meaning with a sliglty different vocal tone. You are making a big reach there buddy .
I guess you will start calling me fascist or a nazi soon

>me calling you a liar proves me right

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>white supremacists controlling the world
>except when Obama was the president tho
>but white supremacists controlling the world!!

>two different words are the same
there their they're

obama was controlled by white supremacists
dont come here with that stupid shit,
a black controlled president is now controlling everything fuck off devil.

People who shout nigger in public are WORSE than ponyposters post 2012. You are literal furries rubbing your filthy fucking ideology in my face. Maybe I dont want to see animal porn, maybe I dont want to hear nigger shouted everywhere, maybe I dont want SJW shit shouted everywhere too. Jesus fucking christ its like technology ruined peoples social lives so they live them out in some kinda fucking tribe.

>racism is over we got a black man elected sweaty :)

>white supremacists controlling the world
you mean jews?

>not even close to what is being argued here
nice try tho
also is contraption of "they are"
(two different words, maybe its new for you)

>calling me fascist or a nazi soon
Not every dumb racist is a nazi.

moralfagging was never seen favorably on Yea Forums, you actual newfag

>missing the point
yeah you're not doing this well

>it's not libs guys it's sony

Hitler wasn't racist. Let me guess, you think hitler was right wing?

ITT bitter wh*toid virgins

please give me the etymological radical of Nigger and Nigga. I will sure wait.

>People who use a slur word are worse than people trying to normalize fucking animals

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>Telling someone to stop bitching about a character's race and just discuss the fucking game makes you a moralfag
What even is the point of having /pol/ if you faggots just decide to congregate here instead?

Ive been here since 2012, its always been shit

ITT Niggers

He was economically centrist, socially very far right and yes he was a racist.


we wuz kings an shiet

Just stop being dishonest. And if you really think you're not being dishonest, stop being fucking stupid.

People who use nigger in public or in private are WORSE than pedophiles post 2012. You are literal pedophiles rubbing your filthy fucking ideology in my face. Maybe I dont want to see child porn, maybe I dont want to see nigger used anywhere

I reckon you're the kind of guy who justifies his pedo status by saying they're only cartoon kids.

Both words with or without the R have the same definition. Definitions don't change based on who's using them. Take your own advice.

>People who use nigger in public or in private are WORSE than pedophiles post 2012.
they ARE pedophiles too, since these sort of people must be at the very least right-leaning.

>game has chatmute feature
>game still bans you for saying things it disapproves of, thus making chatmute irrelevant

>Hitler wasn't racist
You have to be 18(EIGHTEEN) to post here.

If you say nigger in public you are a stochastic terrorist and indirectly lead to the deaths of innocent people.

noise, the reeeset era trannies can't resist responding

so fuckign easy

ok then, lets do a pratical test. Go into a rap concert, the most trashy you can find. And (being white) call Nigger and Nigga at a group of about 4 or 5 of them (they usualy walks in those numbers)
If you survive come back to tell your experience about the different black people's reactons to those vastly distant words.
Thanks pumpkin.

>He was economically centrist, socially very far right
>he was a racist.
he had black soldiers before the US and treated Jessie Owens with more respect during the olympics than the americans did. Slave owners were jewish BTW

Oh the irony.

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>admitting the youth have embraced national socialism
Shit's looking bad for you guys, commie. Keep cutting off your penises though so you can't pass on your shitty genes

Wait, why is the racist neo-nazi fuck arguing AGAINST "nigga" and "nigger" being different words, and the presumably non-racist one arguing FOR it?

They are the same word. The difference only exists in the sense that black people use the soft version as a term of endearment and acknowledgement of their shared plight. This does not translate to people of other ethnicities using either version.

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That explains why male feminists and left-leaning pedos have been caught.

>the racist neo-nazi fuck
But I'm neither of those things

>Wait, why is the racist neo-nazi fuck arguing AGAINST "nigga" and "nigger" being different words, and the presumably non-racist one arguing FOR it?
Because even the dumbest skinhead is more self aware and intelligent than a modern l*ftist

I'm sure you treat your dog or cat with respect too, you still view it as less than human and undeserving of the same human rights.

WW1 and 2 had black soldiers too, what is your point? This whole "I have a black x so i can't possibly be racist!" is so decidely shallow and transparent.

read a book

t. actually seething virgin

>Hitler was not racist

Yeah imagine that. A small minority group making everyone else uncomfortable by doing things normally publicly shamed. It's almost like people don't like it!

Why are you pretending two different people are the same person?

I never said that.
What does hitler's racism have to do with nigga vs nigger being the same word?

hmmmm, that delicious leather and rubber, that glistening steel-toed tip, that distinct smell of shoe grease, it just tickles my pickle

>use a slur is the same as having sex with animals

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not an argument

Like committing crimes lol

>And (being white)
please tell me you aren't being this stupid on purpose
neither word is culturally acceptable to say being white, the distinction is that nigga is a word that blacks are able to say and even then, they don't say nigger because wow, english is a constantly changing language whose correct usage is defined by a constantly society, who fucking knew

i'm about to commit your mom lol

>the distinction is that nigga is a word that blacks are able to say
Same with nigger

>they don't say nigger
They do.

Yet we punish people who do crimes.

>They do.
the statement is not an absolute, obviously
it's used in a very very lesser frequency than nigga

blacks say nigger and nigga. It has the same meaning but for some retarded (not surprised) reason the latter is more common.
You are hurting yourself in your confusion buddy.

>neither word is culturally acceptable to say being white
>but fine if you are black
and this, is racism

Woah now, I thought drawings couldn't be considered the same as the subject material? Are you saying people who read lolicon are pedophiles as well? Just to be on the same page. We wouldn't want to start thoughtcriming.

Not without people complaining about a small minority group making everyone else uncomfortable by doing things normally publicly shamed is treated with contempt and considered inferior.

I'm black, I have never in all my 25 years of life heard another black man refer to another as a nigger with the hard er. Why are you making shit up?

Gee, I don't know, maybe because you joined a fucking conversation on an anonymous imageboard.

>I'm not a nazi, BUT Hitler wasn't racist

absolutely. Saying ni-gg-ah even sounds better i believe. And since niggers are all to speak like monkeys, obviously they preffer that.
But saying that they have different meaning is borderline retarded

Those goalposts instantly teleported lol

Two different conversations one of which I'm not a part of.

That's true. The hard-R version is considered more offensive but black people don't experience any more social repercussions for using it.
I'm not, you're just sheltered. Get outside more.

>1 leftist in a million a pedo vs. tons of right-wingers and every single rich fuck that they represent
got me there

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>It has the same meaning but for some retarded (not surprised) reason the latter is more common.
Because it's an effort to break down the word and remove the ties that it's had in the past. It's not that hard to understand--it's like when women call each other bitches in an endearing way. Go outside.

>>neither word is culturally acceptable to say being white
>>but fine if you are black
It's not culturally acceptable to call a random woman a bitch, does that mean this is sexism?

>saying that they have different meaning is borderline retarded
English is a language that keeps changing. This is how words work. Slang is a perfect example of this.

I'm black, I have never in all my 2500 years of life heard another black man refer to another as a nigga without the hard er. Thank you for not making shit up

Anecdotal evidence is worthless and people who do this should be shot.

The conversation you replied to never mentioned Hitler.


>vs. tons of right-wingers and every single rich fuck that they represent
You won't post a single example though.

All I care about is that I hate niggers and trannies, so I don't even interact with them in an online game.

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>The hard-R version is considered more offensive but black people don't experience any more social repercussions for using it.
Yes, because of the ties behind the word being used to degrade them. They don't experience social repercussions most of the time, but it's dependent on context because, what a surprise, language relies on context.

>But saying that they have different meaning is borderline retarded
You're probably one of those retards that think nigger only refers to Africans and not dark-skinned people in general.

>1 leftist in a million
Try again

>tons of right-wingers
Such as?

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>every single rich fuck that they represent
the classic calling old jewish men "old white men"

You’re wrong though, seriously just get on porn hub. You probably only speak English so you might have to look around more.

look up the Jeffrey Epstein case, it's very obscure information, but I hope it's enough.

yes i know nigga is a slang from nigger
that is a no brainer
but both mean the same a contraction from NEGRO. the previous of all of those. And lo and behold, Negro is also used by them normally
watch more black comedy, black music, black culture not vicmized and then come back

Another victory for /pol/
>Right wingers: 104
>Leftists: 2

Hollywood is right wing now lol


oh damn i'm not in the mood to deal with brainlets that don't have arguments like yourself. Shush

Jeffery Epstien known right winger hanging out with right wing celebrities and politicians like Bill Clinton.

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>but both mean the same a contraction
Do you honestly believe that the root of a word is the only thing that should be applied when looking at language? Because you're going to have a lot of fun learning about other words, at this point.

>Negro is also used by them normally
Again, another attempt at breaking down the word. This is different, as Negro wasn't used in as much of a capacity as Nigger during the times this movement aims to act against. Do you really want me to give you a language lesson on everything?

>16 year olds are the same as 7 year olds
Yikesaroonie. I was hoping for an actual example and not stretching the definition to win a cultural argument.