Tell me what you want to see in 9.0 user
Tell me what you want to see in 9.0 user
The absolute death of blizzard. It's mutated beyond recognition as needs to be put down.
A livestreamed execution of this faggot
Your head on a pike.
You to go back to being a scummy state lawyer.
Blizzard's death
no stupid mobile games time gates and the game would be 80% better than it is right now, If I want to sit and grind all night, be it rep or gear, I should be able to, and not just have a checklist to do daily that are all repetitive and bland.
Is it his fault or the suits above him? If it's the latter then do you pity him for all the hate he gets?
If the latter is true, he's still a smug weasel and deserves all the hate he gets just for the sheer disdain he shows for the playerbase
Why the fuck are wowfags so mad
ONLY then would I seriosuly consider to re-sub.
But since we both know Ion that this is not going to happen, I don't give a fuck then.
>cosmetic race
>saving anything
It's not content - it's a jerk off material for fags.
The entire game rolled back to WotLK mechanically.
- talent trees
- meaningful class differences
- GCD-locked rotations instead of this fucking brainlet "herp derp I don't need to think about how to maximize my DPS when I need to use a utility skill because I have SO MUCH DOWNTIME"
- endlessly grindable *good* gear layered atop the limited grind for *great* gear (badges)
- no endless grind tied to one specific class or spec, most especially not one that gives meaningful benefits in game like fucking AP
- tier sets
- flying available the instant you hit level cap, this was just an excuse for lazy zone design
- overpowered as fuck heirlooms
probably more that's just off the top of my head
They've been playing a sub based mmo that's been shit longer than its been good?
Wipe everyone's gear and remove achievements, destroy all of the previous expansion zones after N'Zoth's emergence, cut off draenor and outland. There is only Fallen Azeroth, a dark and ruined version of EK/Kalimdor. Most flight paths are gone, and getting to the other continent is not easy at all. For the most part, Alliance are on EK, Horde are on Kalimdor. Server-wide efforts to restore cities and maintain safe travel channels. Including level squish and return to more holistic classes. Allow players to defect to hostile factions like the syndicate or other new rogue factions but with huge penalties to deter lots of people.
>feel pity for him
He chose the money, now he can deal with the heat.
This is what WoW is all about at this point. The game has stagnated for years, might as well start the fanservice already and die in a big and spectacular final bang. I think it makes sense.
stop making diablo 3 out of wow.
stop rnging everything.
stop making shitty one run dungeons timed, make them hard not fast
kill the factions
Why don't they just make WoW 2?
>Is it his fault or the suits above him?
he is the fucking suit, he worked as lawyer more than at blizzard
his speech can be condensed to 1/3 of time if you remove all the roundabouts he takes answering questions
I want all racials removed. People flood to the faction with OP racials and Horde have had them for too long this time. When Humans got Every man for himself back in Cata it got nerfed almost instantly, yet WotF is still OP as shit and Arcane Torrent was OP as shit for like 3 expansions.
Worgen paladins.
your execution on twitch you ugly greek son of a jackal
Level squish and more useful abilities instead of 4 basic abilities in rotation, 2-3 with longer cd, 1-2 burst cd and 1-2 defensive.
Take progression back to Wrath/MoP, removing bullshit rng grinds like Azerite or Xforging and focus entirely on gear and skill being what drives you forward.
worgen tails
playable horde vulpera
playable alliance sethrak
playable neutral murlock
topless female demon hunters
a new hero class
a new normal class
allied classes
no subscription fee
better writers
better level scaling so things aren't just a race to endgame
make the settings and atmosphere cool and magical again
place a limit on how many blood elves can exist on any given server
remove titanforging
remove personal loot
remove raid difficulties
remove cash shop
bring back linear raid progression
upgrade servers so they can handle big fights
9.0 should add NO new content
It should instead restructure the game to make all prior content relevant.
So much of wow is pointless currently
Ideally this and no expansion pack. It should be a transitional patch to prepare for WoW 2, making all content relevant for the following years until the new game releases.
Post your cuckbunny
Pristine servers. No cross realm shit, no LFG/LFR, one difficulty and almost no rng in loot.
Won't happen because it's also means no cash shop and WoW is currently game for whales.
Is it true that this fag used to be the GM of Elitist Jerks and that's how he got the job at blizzard? Or am i confused with someone else?
Orc players should be able to impregnate Night Elves
Yeah, almost all the current WoW guys are former big shots of world first raiding guilds, hence why the game has gone to shit. All the focus is on the end game raids, leveling is ignored, the world is ignored, pvp is ignored. Hence why WoW is absolute garbage today.
>Sylvanas dead and the Forsaken are no longer her slaves.
>Horde charged with warcrimes and has to rebuild everything they destroyed, including Thal'darah Grove.
>Alliance no longer the games Punishing Bag for the Horde.
>Development team stops jerking off the Horde all the fucking time
>An Optional third faction for those that don't care about the faction war.
>Get a better game engine for Warcraft.
>Stop Focusing ONLY on RAIDS and Dungeons, it's a fucking RPG not a Dungeons crawler.
>Ion demoted, Lore Fired, Half of the writing team replaced with people who know how to fucking write a good story that isn't just self insert Mary bloody sues.
But we all know this shit is never gonna happen. So just close up shop already and shut down the game. It's about time your company faces the reality that you are only famous because you have massive hold on peoples nostalgia with your warcraft IP which just started out as a copy of Everquest 1 but catered more towards the casual and raider crowd.
But the raids are good