This game is actually decent

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It really was. But you know people, they love to feel included and share opinions, so people will say they hate it.


I got the collector's edition for $10 feels good man


nah this game is garbage

no it's not and dyna is a shit waifu

It is decent but it's going to take a huge while for people to just take it as a serviceable not-Megaman (if they ever do). Inafune shat the bed way too much with countless delays, more crowdfunders, and the promised hype to the most diehard had a snowball's chance in hell of happening (both becoming the NEW Megaman and "saving japanese gaming". Yeah, as if).
With crowdfunders more often than not you can't just separate the player base's attachment to the project and Inafune managed to do that with flying fucking colors. Like 5D colors or whatever. It added a new dimension to things with how badly he fucked everything up. The game was dead on arrival because of that, you no longer had any goodwill from the installbase for people to even give the game a chance.
But hey, Inafune basically lived on shitting on the Japanese industry for his late Capcom years, so, you know. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I wonder how many people here actually played the game instead of just saying ''it´s bad'' because their favorite eceleb said so

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Friendly reminder that backers still have not received their copy of the game for 3DS and probably never will.

>backing a kickstarter
They got what they deserved

Nah, it's shit. However, Mighty Gunvolt Burst is actually pretty great and what this should've been in the first place.

>it's shit
>nobody says why
never change Yea Forums

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>it's actually decent
>you don't say why
never change faggot

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>still not answering the question like a faggot
Just admit none of you played it, i like it because the gameplay is fast, i like the boss battles and the stage gimmicks and how the bosses you defeated can help you in other stages, the graphics are shit tho

Not him, but I'll say the only neat element of the game was the bosses coming in and helping in other stages. And the sniper stage, the boss was a bitch but it's a cool concept.

>presentation is atrocious
>music is bland and forgettable
>level design is complete dog shit
>absorption mechanic is retarded and counter intuitive at times
>and if you ignore it then enemies are just damage sponges and drag the game's pace down
It's fucking shit and one of the worst "Mega Man" games ever, develop some taste, you brainlet. Literally the only redeeming thing about this trash heap is that we eventually got MGVB.

Yeah it is!
Please buy it.

first learn how to read, i said decent not amazing or anything, second, while i disagree with you i'm glad you at least said why you don't like it, even if it sounds like ''generic'' complaints taking from a youtube comment

It's decent, but "decent" is not enough for a game that got funded for over 3 million dollars.

Fair complaint, Inafune promised a lot and did not delive, i just don't think the game is the horrible abomination people say, it's just decent, like a 6 out of 10

>6 out of 10
a 6 out of 10 platformer in 2016 is an absolute shit game.

>subjective thing is subjective
Not everyone is an elitist and thinks like you

I agree, the game does have redeeming qualities, it's certainly not an unplayable absolute abomination like some paint it to be. But it did fall flat on a lot of aspects. I mean, come on, the characters don't even move their mouths while talking, they didn't even bother to make textures for that.

>muh elitist
There is no excuse for a platformer to be shit after 30+ years of them existing.

Yes it is. Never thought i would see someome with good taste like myself on here.

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presentation and graphics are indeed awful
It's not the platforming that is wrong, it's the other elements, the game plays fine

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I wonder what's next for Inafune. I heard he was working on that YW mobile game lately, but since that franchise seems to be crashing and burning too, is he even gonna be able to find work? Seems like everything he touches dies nowadays.

Wasn't he making something called Crimson red ash or someshit? I cannot remember

>even if it sounds like ''generic'' complaints taking from a youtube comment
Zero self awareness.

>shit skin
>has shit taste
Yeah, seems about right.

>characters are the most lifeless stand-ins possible
>no themes or concepts that you couldn't already find in Mega Man
>mediocre music
>movement is less fun than even the lesser Mega Man X games
>Xel system has no tangible change to gameplay
>level design is about on par with the Wily Stages from MM2
>the fucking Countershade level
>the fucking Call level
>hideous stylization on the graphics

This game deserved every single bit of shit it received and probably more.

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His company, Comcept, went bankrupt and were bought out by Level-5, who put Inafune to work on Yokai Watch.

why you keep doing it black user? Do you like to trigger?

Really? Amazing, was level 5 not aware?

>putting words in my mouth
>the game plays fine
wew lad inafune paying you well?

Inafune wanted to fund his Not-Legends next which didn't work because he hadn't even released MN9 yet and he didn't even had the mental fortitude of telling people MN9 would be delayed ONE MORE TIME when he was running the Red Ash kickstarter. Red Ash was picked up by a chinese company that releases knockoffs of consoles for funding. It hasn't materialized.
Inafune's back doing press tours in Japan for a Level5-Comcept Dragons and something or another mobile game. Still no word whatsoever on Red Ash.

You forgot to mention that the weapons are shit (bulldozer especially) except for one, which in turn is OP as fuck (the sword).

Pretty much everyone with a PC played it it's not that hard to pirate.

They were probably keenly aware, actually. Inafune's mindset actually isn't all different from Level-5's they also hammer on all thrusters with any new franchises they make, launching games, anime and merchandise all at the same time. Only difference is that Level-5 actually has the budget and resources to pull off something like that successfully and doesn't have completely retarded PR people

The Red Ash animation that released was actually pretty fun, I wish that series actually kicked off

The game itself is mediocre, but it's the shit surrounding it that had everyone in a tizzy.

(you)s. hilariously, (you)s are intermittent reinforcements. its the core mechanic to why gambling is so addictive. you post your post and sometimes nothing happens...and sometimes takes the bait and you get (you)s. its why the posts of the most replied to threads seem to be carefully crafted to polarize opinions, or are a plain opening post, immediately followed by a extremely contrarian opinion. its by design to farm those (you)s for dopamine.

his blackness is a pretty basic (you) farm. simplistic, but effective.

>to work on Yokai Watch
No, just their mobileshit.

Actually, it's not a bad idea. Inafune is proven garbage at leading, managing money, and had no idea how to organize shit, but he is still one of the better character designers/artists in the business. Making him crank out yokais is a perfect use of his talents.

It would be an interesting project to try and mod the game into an unfucked, close-to-KS-pitch state.

>make your enemy cry like an anime fan on a prom night
what did its trailer mean by this?

That the firm they hired for PR has probably managed to go out of business by now.

That was Deep Silver and now they're doing sutff with Shenmue 3

So is their business plan to just ruin kickstarter revivals of old Japanese franchises?

Now why are the elevens so dumb to keep falling for it don't ask me.