Hey Yea Forums, what are some VIDEOGAMES?

Hey Yea Forums, what are some VIDEOGAMES?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lampaclima the Videogame

This board is not for people talking about video games.

This board is for shills to promote their games.
I think even some "scandal vidya threads" are just made for shilling that shit.
Cuz shit sells better if it offends some fags.

This place is dead give up.


It was actually pretty good for a few months, even some quality funposting for awhile, but these last few days have been especially bad.

I'm the guy who makes these threads

Attached: thinly veiled.png (286x347, 36K)

>that last thread

So true.
I've tried to save many threads of games that are actually worth discussing, only for those threads to die after a few posts.

posting pepe and wojak should be bannable offense
it's the easiest way to filter reddit faggots

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>then some faggot just scream shill/samefag at you and leaves

Mind posting a few screencaps? I could stand to see a few quality threads after the shit I've seen recently

moot honestly wouldn't have let it get this bad. Only reddit crossposters were anti-moot.

Attached: The state of veddit.webm (360x294, 2.23M)

>all these words
you just know it was made by a leftist

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>Orange man good

sometimes I post threads talking about video games but with gwen tennyson as the image
wherever it goes I don't care because I've already won

Attached: gwen vidya.png (655x1028, 653K)

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Politics is reddit.

alright you got me with the LOL

So, guys, what's your favourite, uhh, video game related... object?

Attached: cute blonde anime girl.jpg (600x700, 132K)

imagine being at computers
