FE Three Houses is gonna bomb isn't it?

FE Three Houses is gonna bomb isn't it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Losing to fucking Fates

>The battle system is fairly impressive but still carries some of the flaws the series has had for the past decade
>playing FE for the combat

>getting lunatic difficulty at launch
fuck yes

>having lunch with classmates
Did that guy just get the entire premise of the game wrong?


>only bad reviews either say "it's too Japanese" or "there aren't enough gay characters"
It's gonna do great, faggots don't even buy games.

>playing games for the gameplay is somehow surprising and frowned upon
How low we've fallen

>Lost to fates and awakening

>That review
Man Fire Emblem really is doomed
At least Advance Wars died with dignity

>you shouldn't play this game for the gameplay

to be fair awakening highly overscored

That 60 and 70 lower the average quite a bit.

That one Daily Star review fucked things up.

The modal average is in the 90s, that's really impressive

Would been close to 90s if wasn’t for that one.

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they also complained about "insensitive MLM relationship" kek

>that daily star review
Why is that allowed

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Was it some SJW reviewing the game or something?

reminder that awakening is the highest rated FE game


The Daily Star review has to be a shitpost, right? What they said made absolutely no sense.

Daily star review 404s when I try to go to it from metacritic. Did they fucking delete it?

>SJWs mad that there are more yuri relationships than yaoi

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I still have no idea if I should pick up the game
I'm only in it for the SRPG part. If map design is good enough then i'll get into it. I haven't enjoyed Echoes too much & Conquest was alright. I usually skip dialogue and am not interested in any of the relationship part.

The scores is about what I expected. Those that play strategy rpg will love it while casuals will be meh to it. The fact that it's above 85 but not over 90 means it gotten a score where people can't shitpost for or against the game as much.

if you do get it for the maps, play on hard since they're nothing special

Same here now. It was still working few minutes ago.

>two negative reviews
>one complains about inventory and weapon/item/durability management, in a fucking Fire Emblem game
>the other says the game isn't gay enough
So do they have any actual valid criticism?

Why didn't they shit on this game?
Saying this because there is only white men and women in this game, you would think that these journalist would complain about the lack of diversity but apparently nintendo games get a pass

No, wait its still there. Metacritic just linked it wrong. Had to go to the site myself.

I seriously can’t trust these reviews if they’re only gonna talk about the characters. We get it, it’s gonna have some wholesome interactions and shit, tell me about the game.


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The daily star gave Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 a 100 lol wtf

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Yeah, it had too much gameplay.

enjoy kek

The only valid complaint one of them made was the terrible graphics, but that's genuinely it.

I fucking love the generics, they make such cute movements.

>not watching based Johnny for reviews

>plays anime game
>"it's too anime"
There's not enough ORA's for that kind of people


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Marvel is pro diversity so it's fine

>capeshitters reviewing a fucking japanese rpg

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>giving Daily Star clicks

Claude, Petra, and Dedue are brown. Also Nipponese games generally get a pass.

>Game has no diversity, only europeans
>Journalist praise the game
Why do nintendo games get a free pass to have no diversity but not snoy games?

Capeshitters are too mentally stunted to even comprehend a baby tier strategy game leave them alone


i think its moreover, the characters don't stand out enough to make me REMEMBER WHO IS WHO

fucking gimme new characters joining and shit.
its gonna be all students, right? no mercs or damsels in distress joining?

Different audiences.

>FE Three Houses is gonna bomb isn't it?
aren't you niggers tired of constantly getting BTFO after predicting failures that never materialize

I'm almost positive it will be regarded as one of the best fire emblems by the end of it.

They said it's bloated and the middle to end of the game sucked.

FE gameplay was already dogshit, removing the weapon triangle is the killing blow

Japanese companies are being infected with the SJW disease too, it's just slower

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Typical, I think they did the same thing with DMC5.

because does have diversity, that's why the last of us, detroit, god of war etc got high scores.

teachers also join

Claude and Petra are just slightly tanned, not non whites, and Dedue has european traits and a european name.

>Nipponese games get a pass
Usually in Japan, but here the game only has europeans but despite that, the game is praised by journalist

So western audience get a pass if they only buy from nintendo?

>kotaku review still not there
They are going to be assblasted like Daily Star, right?

Fates as a game was pretty good. But people seems to forget about the gameplay since I the vast majority of times someone complains about the game mostly talks about characters and story only.

its pretty good score for FEH 3 Houses

>sub 90

Nintendies just keep getting BTFO, why do they keep doing this to themselves? I guess this is what happens when you aren't fully mentally developed yet.

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Either he didn't finish the game or he simply just enjoyed the support conversations.

>wanting to play rock paper scissors

you're right, God of War got terrible reviews because of the lack of diversity

Not suprised, Pokemon is basically a western franchise now.

>It does has diversity
Show me a actual non white from the game and not just tanned europeans

>At least Advance Wars died with dignity

Only Conquest had good gameplay though.

didn't kotaku stop giving scores? I remember one of this shit sites stopped but I'm actually not sure if it was kotaku or not

They got away with it because Kratos is dubbed by a black guy

So this is better in what way?

All of them pretty much had the same gameplay. It's mostly the maps that differs.
Or in Hoshido's case, also easy mode weapons. But I agree, conquest is the best Fates.

>the timeskip kino where you have to kill your ex allies is the worst part
God, they wanted a happy friendship route, didn't they?


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who cares, cept Cougar, she can come

>Show me a actual non white from the game and not just tanned europeans
No, see, some are either gay or lesbian so it counts as diversity!

>local japanese lobster solos all of europe and then fucks his adoptive sister

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You're getting desperate here.

oh yeah, anyone know what the amiibo give yet?

It wont be worse than fates.

it is good to know that they learned from that mistake though.

It was the most sold item worlwide on amazon a few days ago

You're a blind dipshit if you didn't notice Pokemon was always like that.

I hope the Tiki amiibo gives Tiki as a unit.

>>one complains about inventory and weapon/item/durability management, in a fucking Fire Emblem game
Probably a Fates/Echoes baby

>It's mostly the maps that differs
It's also how the enemies are designed. Birthright and Revelations units usually have no skills, while most Conquest units have various skills that challenge your normal approach, like archers with counter.

I don't care what people say, watching Ryoma solo most, if not, all of BR was funny as shit and made me forget about the disappointing maps. Certainly better than the abomination that is RV

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Japan had yaoi and yuri since decades but their country remain racist (as it should be), gay ship with hot characters shouldn't be counted as "progressive", it's just materials to fap or self insert.
Feels quite good that japan love whites so much that they self insert as us

>the game is what the series is about, it's bad, it should be like my generic AAA grasscrounch simulator

>gets good reviews
>sells well
>it's genuinely a good game
>sony negros seething


That's true, I've never really reflected over that.

The game is about 200 hours long, it really should be 30 hours or so. That's way too bloated.

why does the dailystar gets a slot in metacritics, but not famitsu????????????
Why is their review considered the same weight as a videogame review site like IGN? Shouldn't we also allow all the shit like mickey magazine review in metacritics now?

Isn’t metacritic bad at JRPGs? Same shit happened with XBC2.

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>a japanese game gets low scores from western journos

so it's a must buy, means they pissed off the liberal sjw crowd somehow thus the game is good

I am ready.

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those look like reviews made during E3 and published without playing the actual game.

Famitsu is arguably worse

It has a shitton of good review retard

>low score

it's 200 hours long for all campaigns

it's nearly like weapons have advantages and drawbaks in real life as well... it's nearly like war used those units for strategy for centuries....

Yeah it should be 10 hours long a campaign.
That means the game design is too bloated which is why it got lower scores.

no it's not.

That's only if you try to do everything. Most FE campaigns are rather short if you did only the bare minimum.

the WT is now tied to weapon skills

metacritcs is not bad at anything they just complile reviews. videogame "journalists" are bad because they get triggered by anime

Not the other guy but the weapon triangle was reworked into "breaker skills" that cost weapon durability to do. I'd have to see how it plays out in game before I make a judgement call on it, but I didn't really like the weapon triangle anyway. It makes some units entirely irrelevant because they only use lances and they spawn in the priate/bandit chapters, and most units can just ignore the system entirely by mid-late game. So it's really just an early game consideration.
Ok, now tell me when Sun Tzu ordered his trusted mage to aurabomb the enemy commander.

>worse than revelations
Oh no no no....

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No, Nintendo audiences and people who like Nintendo games generally understand taht they cater to JApanese fans and as such don't really think of audiences beyond them.

>Romance options - which this game sells itself on to a lot of its audience - are limited if you’re playing as a straight character and straight-up disrespectful if you’re playing with aims of being a gay protagonist. We don’t want to spoil the narrative here, but the MLM options are either insensitive or insulting, and the WLW options (it could be argued) are more aimed at titillation than they are representation.


fuck off, that's shorter than Sacred Stones

why does the art style clash so extremely hard with the backgrounds which look like unity assets

Leaked ending of the Black Eagles route.

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I don't remember revelations being that good. Anankos was fuking hype, but the road to the fight was filled with boredom.

>This behaviour will be non constant on Yea Forums because Nintendo os releasing a good exclusive every month now until December


Have you seen the amount of porn bait (in a good way) that MUA3 female characters are? If they blast three houses for gay rep, then they should utterly hate MUA3 with every fibre of their soifilled bones, no consistency at all mate.

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it wasn't, it was the worst out of the three Fates games

>Gay females are plot important and can enter romantic relationships with other girls
>more aimed at titillation than they are representation

that applies to most japanese developers

LGBT and minorities cancer mostly comes from the west. When Japan does it, it's just to make a weird or quirky character, not as an attempt to promote "inclusion" or be an "ally".

Why do fags want everything to be gay? I don't understand. They're a fucking minority.

>Yea Forums hates journalists
>but somehow their rating of games is objective fact
I know it's 90% shotposting but why do you faggots do this?

SJWs ruining another score. Imagine my shock.

Which is absolute bullshit since spears, bows and other weapons with reach/range is king. Swords are used mostly as backup weapons.

But fire emblem is full of white people, not asian

See above

but it's made by Asian people, so it's ok.

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Are there any characters in the game which are actually lesbian or gay ONLY? As in, no hetero possibility?

So only asians can make pro white games?

i don't think so


Nope. Absolutely no true gay people. Just bi people

then why don't they make all characters bi then lol

Fire Emblem isn't pro-white, it just happens to take place on a fictional continent inspired by the european medieval era.
To be clear, FE games do have other ethnicities in them. Awakening had a distinct Japanese continent, and previous games did have black characters. Fates had what was clearly a Japan-inspired country and it also had some dark-skinned characters as well

I remember Jason Schrieir grinding a ton because he couldn't figure out the game mechanics.

>writing feels lackluster compared to the 3DS entries
This just might be a glowing recommendation

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Because for a lot of characters, them being bi wouldn't make sense.

go check revelations and ask again if you should trust that

FE Three Houses' normal mode is easy mode.
Hard is normal
Lunatic is hard

So I stopped going into threads since the leak but can any of you good fags give the rundown on the game.

Is it good? I need to know.

Why would anyone trust reviews for a Fire Emblem game after awakening and fates got great scores while being trash.

that muppet also said that big tits are lolicon bait, he is behind retarded

Are there any good reviews that you would say is worth a read/watch?

Are the maps good though? How are the mechanics compared to fates? I’m worried after I heard the weapon triangle was removed; is this going to be another echoes?

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its not fates

Better than Awakening and Fates story-wise for sure. The best route is Black Eagles

so it makes sense for the yuri and yoai characters to be bi what is this logic

>Fire Emblem isn't pro-white
>fictional continent inspired by the european medieval era
And the inspiration wasn't random, literally because white people=peak humanity

>FE games do have other ethnicities
Tanned isn't different race

>previous games did have black characters
Such as?
Why not anymore?
Maybe because japanese don't want them in thier games, which is based.

> it also had some dark-skinned characters as well
Again, tanned=!race

But what about the gameplay?

nope if any of this fucker were actually good they wouldn't be writing about video games

>The best route is Black Eagles
More the the shill route.

And this game got lower scores than both of them which means it's even more trash.

No weapon triangle but it's replaced by combat arts which affect damage, accuracy and crit rates. They make it much easier to break weapons since they can use up to 5 durability from your weapon.

No, it's because it's based on the same source of most JRPGs, which is Wizardry and Ultimate (ala Dragon Quest).
>Such as?
>Why not anymore?
Dimitri's retainer is black, he is very distinctly a different race in-game, in-universe
Also Basilio and Flavia were in Awakening, I think it's implied most of Ferox is black or at least middle eastern.
How can you make that claim, just because a character isn't depicted as something out of a minstrel show doesn't mean the intention wasn't to have them be a different race.
It might simply be how that art-style depicts someone who's middle eastern or black

What the FUCK are you playing FE for then? The fucking generic plot? The paper thin, Persona-tier "romance" shit?

So how easy is this game? We're all waiting for the lunatic update before starting our playthrough right bros?

please die

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They're passive skills so they take up a skill slot. Not a combat arts.

>Dimitri's retainer is black, he is very distinctly a different race in-game, in-universe
You mean dudue? He has white traits, and stupid racism between white people isn't new

>something out of a minstrel show
The ministrel show is often accurate, show me a african which do not have big lips, different sull shape and big nose without being mixed, good luck

>Story is the same shit everytime (big country bad, small country good, dragon/evil sorcerer is very bad)
>Characters are one dimensional so they can fill in as many trophes as possible for husbando/waifufags to choose from.
>Gameplay is calculating numbers and hoping they don't get that sweet 3% crit or that you don't hit with 95% accuracy.
I really don't know how this took off, it's one of the worst strategy series I've ever played.

Lunatic is included at launch, I believe

>No, it's because it's based on the same source of most JRPGs, which is Wizardry and Ultimate (ala Dragon Quest).
Then why keeping white names such as Jean/Mercedes if they're just inspired by the lore and not europeans themselves?
You're just delusional, japs want to larp as us in their games

Still trying to squeeze out one last shitpost before you'll be forced to actually play the games you shitpost about, huh?

>white traits
the last excuse of racists who want to like a non-white character

>it's another Yea Forums only gives a fuck about reviews if it caters to their already preconceived bias.

Can you all just fuck off already?

Also the maps are pretty big, there's fog of war as well as warp tiles back in the game. Canto is back and heavy units get compensation with the use of shields as well as teleport staffs.

>dragon bad
But Sothis is good, Cethlenn is good, Cethlenn's father is good, the only evil dragon is Seiros.
And the "evil sorceror" is evil because said dragon nuked the world so he wants revenge.

Get rid of the tan by giving him a white skin and you'll see that I'm right, check also "african albinos" in google, you'll see that skin color=!race

its what im noticing, fights aren't difficult, but they aren't simple that you won't lose a unit if you just rush shit.

I genuinely don't understand it. Fire Emblem is the only fucking nintendo game to actually attempt to appeal to these people, and they complain that it isn't far enough? What the fuck?

I have mixed feelings about the lack of weapon triangles. How do battalions work?

>are limited if you’re playing as a straight character

Pure autism

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>white traits
>i-it's not just the art-style that draws everyone a certain way, the character doesn't look like muh /pol/ memes
prove to me that it's not just the art-style


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so there's a serf, what the big deal

No, it makes sense for bi characters to be bi. They weren't full gay in the fist place even if you want them to be you fucking invalid.

>Anna isn't allowed to do her merchant business in Valentia
Why are Valentians such chads?

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I seriously don't get some reviews
>I cannot wait to return to this game and finish all the other routes!
>Wanting to go through 40+ hours of gameplay again when you gave the game a 8/10

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>prove to me that it's not just the art-style
Burden on proof is on you, in any case, we're certain that they avoided negroid traits for their art style, which mean no black people

Tanned=!different race

Is there a FE which is redpilled on (((them)))?

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There are different battalions you can hire like horses or mages and they give you access to gambits and special skills you can use. They can level up at well, increasing their stats. They also have a health value so they can die.
Also, the -breaker skills are still present so the triangle still kinda exists through them.

>Tanned=!different race
He's literally from a different country as the rest of his house and gets discriminated against ingame because of it.

Imagine playing it for anime and shit relationship sim. If you've never had sex you'll think the FE romance is realz

I don’t see the problem

>timeskip is embargo'd as fuck


>starts review by referencing the most kino FE game, Blazing Blade
>calls out the game's easy difficulty
>is actually a fan of the series

Or it might simply be a case of that person interpreting different races in that way
Awakening had an Asian person look indistinguishable from a white person because that’s what the artist knows how to draw
Given that Dedue comes from an area where its stated that most people there look like him, it’s clear he’s intended to be another race.
They do this in Ace Combat 7 too, where the nation of Japan and continent of Europe don’t exist but there’s people with European and Japanese names.
It’s a lack of creativity rather than some weird race emulation

People have different metrics. Like I’d give dragon’s dogma. 7/10 or 8/10 but that didn’t stop me from buying the game multiple times and dumping hundreds of hours into it.


Is it true gays got NTR ? lol

Doesn't he work for one of the antagonist of the game Dimitri? I've heard that dimitri is apparently a bad guy, woudn't look good for the only minority of the game to work for a antagonist, also the blond and blue eyed man saving a minority would imply white supremacy

He’s quite literally described as being of a different race than everyone else in his bio if you actually bothered to look into the game. Go back to plebbit

The protagonists are all antagonists on the other routes.

>there’s people with European and Japanese names.
>It’s a lack of creativity rather than some weird race emulation
Shit excuse, it's just that other races are irrelevant compared to Asians and Whites.

>Awakening had an Asian person look indistinguishable from a white person because that’s what the artist knows how to draw
Not really, white and asians look actually more simillar than other races, beside the eyes, we share a lot with asians such as Neanderthal DNA.

>doesn’t watch anime
tanned literally equals different race in most anime.
It’s just that most anime artists have 3-4 faces they know how to draw and that’s it
Just look at Kilik from Soul Eater and tell me he has any of the traits you mentioned
Then tell me he doesn’t look black

Ironic since the gameplay was good but the story and characters were dog shit

Is there only 3 routes in the game, or is there an option outside of siding with the 3 houses?

I'm a shitskin so I'll play the blond route, just to play with dudue, still weird that Japan hasn't got shitted on by SJW with the white man aryan saving a minority

>shit excuse
>n-nuh uh, that explanation doesn’t matter
Shit comeback
Learn to argue properly instead of being a sophist who reaches their argument first and keeps grasping for straws to back it up

If anyone wants the nsp file here you go drive.google.com/file/d/1pzGKXkD91Qi0MZAgTEfUXQ75gUG_-wad/view?usp=sharing
Been really enjoying it so far anons, it's a good game don't worry

Shit, 86? That's pretty fucking good. I'm glad I was able to keep myself from playing it despite getting it two days ago; Lunatic is a must for Fire Emblem.

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Edelgard is the one working with the villains, not Dimitri.

>>Romance options - which this game sells itself on to a lot of its audience - are limited if you’re playing as a straight character and straight-up disrespectful if you’re playing with aims of being a gay protagonist. We don’t want to spoil the narrative here, but the MLM options are either insensitive or insulting, and the WLW options (it could be argued) are more aimed at titillation than they are representation.

>Deep romance ever

there point of the romance shit is titillation it has always been that

>Been really enjoying it so far anons, it's a good game don't worry
How can I trust you?

Theres a church route that you can go on from one of the routes

Church route, you get it from siding with Rhea instead of Edelgard at the halfway point in the Black Eagles.

Is the FE community really that full of /pol/ shit?

Because I said I was enjoying the game and am still playing it after 4 hours

>Some reviews claim its 40 hours long
Is it...possible for the game to end at the time skip?

>>writing feels lackluster compared to the 3DS entries





I'm convinced that some of these S-Rank CGs are actually fanart.

Because this looks like fucking trash.

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>but sony
imagine being this guy

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They might be playing on easy and speeding through the school stuff to get the review out
Maybe there’s a bad ending that ends early though

xbc2 is not good though and your hypothesis is further destroyed by persona 5 and nier automata

Imagine being you blunderfag

No really, what the fuck?

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neither of those videos are me, seethe harder fanboy

>white and asians look actually more simillar than other races
Congrats being the biggest retard in this thread. Whites and asians look nothing alike besides paler skin tones. It’s just art style

no, it's one or maybe two guys on Yea Forums with too much free time

>neir automata

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gays BTFO

Just like my h-games made in a garage.

easy mode + auto tutor + turnwheel

is Phoenix and Casual in this game? that would reduce olautimr

To be fair, some girls were really ugly, especially Sothis.
>green hair
>short bangs
>thick eyebrows
Was it on purpose?

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>Still holding the throne


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>cringe story
>shit designs
>garbage graphics
>shit artist
>shit gameplay
>tumblr garbage
>cringe setting
>wub zoomer ost
>CGs looks like fanart garbage
ohnonnono FEcucks

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>mfw when yurifags, faggots and fujoshits are seething

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Not everyone wants to dates Bi people
Some people want straight characters not everyone is a degenerate that fucks anything that moves.

>Playing it before Lunatic comes out

I have never been this ashamed of Yea Forums before. if even you assholes don't care about gameplay, what hope does this industry have?

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Game isn't even out yet

Oh... I had hope for this game but look like it just more fatewakening garbage pandering after all.

it's 87 now nignog

>Game isn't even out yet
For buyfags maybe

Im waiting with you

Fujoshits get the rope

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I'm gay but I don't feel particularly btfo, can someone tell me why and how I have been btfo

>trying to insult anyone/anything
You are bottom of the barrel trash. Even idolkeks are more respectable than you

An 8/10 is well above average. It’s you faggots and Reddit who keep pushing the 7-10 instead of 0-10. Just use fucking stars if there’s too many numbers for you.

It's really not. They just kept the S-ranking for the player, they took out the kids which was the worst part of Fates/Awakening's pair up system.

>Artificial difficulty and inflated stats will save the shit gameplay, bro

They could at least make it a 10-15 second animation or something. If you remove the voice acting and cg's this game could be a Jap indie game. Where does all the money go.

you got BTFO because you didn't get any gay options despite you being able to marry Linhardt and there being numerous character endings between males that have romantic connotations like Lin/Caspar's


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This game literally got nuked by 2 outliers that give it a 6 along with a bunch of people wahhing about problematic pairings and gay options giving it a 7.5

this map is the definition of casual filter. relatively easy compared to the later levels once you figure out what you're doing

Not really, Fates never had dignity, FE had and traded it all away to appeal waifufags and fujoshits

You never, and I mean NEVER EVER give these people an inch. They take a god damn mile. They shouldn't have had gay options in the first place.

dedue is fucking based when dimitri dies

Is bazztek having a meltdown? Suicide soon?

>FEcuck thinks he has an opinion
go back to suck tumblr cock

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Go back, redditjak faggot

I like the lesbian options though. I can play as a girl and still fuck girls it's a dream come true.

Serious question. When are LGBT+ faggots and tumblr/twitter/reddit users going to be gassed?

And why did the FE fanbase over fucking night become hyper SJW?

Attached: fireemblemfans.jpg (1120x496, 364K)

so did I get btfo or didn't I?
going lions and recruiting Linhardt first playthrough btw

Give them an inch they take it all

obviously drawn by ISIS intern artists dumbass
they didn't want to pay the fujo artist for anything other than designs

They saw their way in with the normies being upset over Nowi and other dragon lolis.

We haven't had a single dragon loli since Awakening, fuck off Kana doesn't count

Fire emblem fanbase is one of the worst fanbase in video games history.

>can enter romantic relationships with other girls
only the female MC

You actually can't fuck the 2 old dudes regardless of gender.

That's even better but still doesn't negate the fact that I want to slam clams.

It was half assed. And one of the "gay" options is kind of homophobic.

it's second Yea Forums

And Dorothea:
>Petra returned to her homeland of Brigid, and inherited\nthe throne from her grandfather. As ruler, she declared\nindependence from Fódlan, and renegotiated Brigid's\ndiplomatic ties to that nation on more equal terms. At\nevery step along the way, she was accompanied by\nDorothea, who had left Fódlan behind to support her.\nDorothea used the connections she had made in her time\nat the opera to her benefit, and even worked reluctantly\nwith the Fódlan nobility for Petra's sake. The people of\nBrigid were skeptical of her at first, but warmed up to\nher over time. It is said that she became the person whom\nPetra loved the most.
>The Mittelfrank Opera Company was on the brink of\ncollapse until two of its star songstresses, Manuela and\nDorothea, returned to the stage and brought the troupe\nnew life and prominence. They toured all around Fódlan,\nsometimes even visiting troops on the front lines, soothing\nhearts with their beautiful songs wherever they went, and\ndonating their profits to the relief and rebuilding effort.\nWhen the damage from the war had finally healed, the\npair once again retreated from the stage, this time retiring\nto a private life together. It is said that their relationship\nwas full of light and love.

Good gas the gas base Nintendo

Lunatic drastically alters enemy formations and gives skills that chanes how you play the game on a fundamental level. You fucking casual.

Fire emblem is a sjws libtards franchise.

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I remember seeing a couple pretty fucking gay endings between your ally units.

no that would be nu god of war and horizon

Also Catherine/Shamir
After quitting the Knights of Seiros, Catherine and Shamir\nset out on a lifelong journey together. The pair were\ninseparable as they traveled across Fódlan, and eventually\nwound up in Shamir's homeland of Dagda. They faced\nmany hardships on their adventures, some of which were\nself-inflicted, as the duo had a way of sticking their noses\ninto others' business in their efforts to right wrongs. It is\nsaid, however, that no foe they encountered ever proved\na match for the combined might of Shamir's marksmanship\nand Catherine's Thunderbrand.

Kratos is straight and fuck women.

seems to me this just happens without the player doing anything

That's less gay than Dorothea's and more heterosexual life partners.

Why do people think this game will flop?
It's already doing great based on preorders

Yes user we actually used to do that before the series became waifushit.

Does it at least not have trapfag degeneracy?

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fail to see how this is gay

That's their A support.

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So it looks like awakening is still the best FE game? nice

Only 20 people reviewed it, that's why it's rated so high.

They literally said that nothing in the monastary changes and theres no new activities or anything to do. So I don't think anything changes other than portraits and story post time skip

you mean like Forrest? nah. there's a kind of soft and somewhat girly looking boy who you can gay marry but he doesn't crossdress or get mistaken for a girl or anything

There's a couple of male characters I thought were female but it's more like they're just mildly androgynous than traps. Only two I can think of are this guy and Linhardt, but again, they're just kinda androgynous and not actually traps.

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why do people call edelgard and dimitri kino

can the female MC date any of this?

if not makes no sense

they turned him into a literal cuck

What native Latinos look more similar to Asians than white people do we literally look nothing like them

For one route every route is completely different from the other so you actually got over a 100 hours of content there

Linhardt (the only real male MC gay option) also has quite close ending with Caspar.

I absolutely hate the voice purple haired neet has.

>white and asians look actually more simillar than other races
you fucking dumbass


>no Bard class
A dork like him would have been perfect for it.

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>El! So it's true... You're really going away? Going back home?
>There's nothing I can do about it. It's all happening so fast... I'm as surprised as you are.
>Um... Here. I want you to have this.
>El, listen to me. No matter how hard things get, you can't give in, OK? You've got to cut a path to the future you wish for, no matter what
>It's...a dagger? Why would you give me something like this?
>Oh, um... I'm sorry. I couldn't think of anything better to give you.
>Edelgard! What are you doing? It's time to go. Hurry and get in the carriage.
>Oh! I... I'm sorry, Uncle!
>I have to go now... Good-bye, Dimitri.

>I...I remember now. You gave me a dagger, all those years ago.
>Heh, I'm still sorry about that. I should have given you something that would've made you happier.
>Perhaps. At the time, I was quite flustered by such a dangerous gift. I left without giving you a proper response...and that was the last time we saw each other.
>True. It is a sweet memory with a bitter ending.
>I'm afraid it will do no good to reminisce, Dimitri. That girl you knew back then is gone. As good as dead.
>But...I'll tell you now what I wasn't able to tell youback then.
>Thank you.
>My dear, forgotten friend...because ofyou, I never lost my heart.
>As for the future...that will be decided in battle.
>King of Faerghus. As the emperor, I shall await your arrival in Enbarr.

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It would literally be at a 90 MC score if it werent for a couple clickbait outrage reviews screaming over gay "MLM" options.

And has better writing than the 3DS games

What more do you want sweetie

That's basically it
The reviewer played on normal classic and also only played through golden deer then complained it was easy

Really the path thing is probably the biggest issue with reviews on this game because dipshits will finish one path and think they "beat" the game but really there's 3/4ths of the game they haven't seen yet


Are the paths that different though? I imagine only a select few final maps are actually changed and ending stories.

Also gas fujoshits and faggots

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Edelgard/Church are broadly the same since they're split routes
Dimitri diverges quite a bit from them but still has shared ones just on different sides
Claude has a ton of unique ones

After the time skip the paths are basically completely different games with completely different stories, and prior to that the game plays very differently after the route choice due to you having completely different units with completely different abilities.

Take a wild guess

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Flavia and Basilio are definitely supposed to be black, even with the artstyle their facial structure gives it away, especially Flavia.

Why the fuck are trannies calling gay options MLM now? What are they multilevel marketing schemes?

Holy fuck I hope Drumpf wins 2020 and these LGBT freaks off themselves by then. Fuck off with this shit in video games, jesus they make everything political

it was obvious from the artstyle and main theme in the first trailer

still got some great music though

man love man
female love female

You have to get their support level with each other high enough to get that epilogue.

They sure love their acronyms don't they

Why not gay and lesbian

Because they're autistic AND gay so they have to make a special word for it.

Will amiibos do anything in this game? Don´t remember seeeing any info about it

ONLY 86, even with the nintendo bonus?! Lmao

I think they unlock music or something, it's negligible but there is a use.

There is an "Amiibo shrine".

it wasn't, FE was a very hetero franchise until the shitters complained about tomodachi life and since then nintendo's been begrudingly putting lgbt crap in their games, only limiting it to 2 characters in fates

The characters might have been hetero, but some of them looked gay as fuck.

give it to me straight doc, how much lgbt crap is in three houses? it's enough to turn me off the game, but I wanna know how much nintendo caved to the sodomites and what this may mean for future n games

If they keep this up with BOTW2, I won't even play it

Actually persona 5 further supports his evidence, it's a boring game. Same with revelations being rated highly. Metacritic is a poor indication for jRPGs, if you want another example FF13 is rated higher than smt nocturne

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They didn't cave. The LGBTs were the ones that gave it the 60s because you can't bone guys if you are a guy

Its enough to where Reddit is fucking seething right now over the lack of gay options. 3 gay male options turns into only 1 true gay option by the end. The first is a bait and switch forcing you to marry a woman, and the other says nah fag and goes back to his wife leaving you alone.

Absolutely based IS. Reddit right now has 1k+ upboated threads seething over the gay options while actual discussion of the game doesn't get attention

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I wish faggots would just shut up already

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As far as I've heard at least, there are three guys with gay options and five girls.
You don't have to go the gay routes just like in Fates, so I don't see the issue.

lmao thats pretty damn funny actually, I might get a switch

what about edelgard, did they do anything to her?

If there's some fujoshi shit in BOTW 2 I'm not going to even look at discussions of the game. Trapfags can at least contain their autism, but fujoshis bleed into every fandom

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>score of 80+
I don't think you understand what a bad game looks like, just in general

Doomposters reaches for anything, so nothing new.

>doing worse than Rev
>not bombing
Keep seething 3Hfags. Fateschads will remember this forever

She's gay if you want her to be.

Marry the bisexual princes Leia. Do it, faggot.

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it's a bunch of simplistic anime characters with no realistic racial features and a lot of them with dark skin color

Awakening was the best game in the series.

Awakening is still the best game.

How hard does the game go on characters from houses you didn't side with? I don't want to grow attached to characters only to have to murder them on different playthroughs when I go for different routes.

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I meant in terms of Metacritic score, which doomposters are using at the moment.

You can recruit everyone from the other houses except the lords, Dedue and Hubert, IIRC. If you don't recruit them they do show up as enemies. I don't know if they all do but I have seen an enemy Lysithea and Hilda.

As hard as you want it to, except for Dimitri and Edelgard.

Just bond with them enough

Attached: 1563930271648.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

Nice. So by the looks of it you can't accidentally kill someone you can recruit like that.

That's good then, the house leaders are obvious and I wasn't expecting them to get off to lightly. I'm glad to hear that they don't force shit on you because of what route you're on, can't wait to play it.

>What more do you want sweetie
Good and challenging gameplay. Sorry but I don't give a fuck about waifus garbage dating sims elements.

False, I'm buying BECAUSE I can destroy his boypussy

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It seems certain characters are willing to defect, although there're story reasons for it. In Lysithea's case it's because Claude supposedly keikaku'd her into your forces so that the alliance wouldn't completely die out, or something along those lines.

Is there a limit to how many characters you can recruit time wise or can you get them all recruited in one playthrough? it speaks to my completionist autism.

I still can't believe that box art is real.

Every character requires a stat level to recruit, so it's probably impossible unless your stats carry over.

>can’t recruit the only two characters I actually wanted to poach
Well fuck me. At least I can make byleth whatever the fuck now without having to meet arbitrary requirements.

why do lgbtq deserve any more rights other than death?
they should never touch a controller, let alone play a fucking game when all they know to do is destroy and ruin everything

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>This retard again

Just stop giving retards attention.

ng+ incentive then?

>FE3H story bad

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>only 2 in fates
>now 8 in 3H
Eventually every single characters will be bi. This is the cancerous future of FE and it will only get worse.

What's with the doomposting about the Switch?
>game comes out
>good score
>less good score
>multiplat not on switch
>multiplat on switch
>multiplat sells on switch
>multiplat flops on switch

Seriously what the hell

Shitposters gotta shitpost.

idiot thought he could romance alois

the fuck?
fucking faggot, only TWINK faggots you can marry, not ANY faggot!

Can you change gender on NG+?

If nothing else, all house leaders should have been made by instead of just Edelgard because she's a girl.
Like make just Edel/Rhea/Dimitri/Claude bi and everyone else straight as an arrow. No one would even whine that way.

Consolewarfags love to fight about which plastic box is the best. Just buy more than one, i don't get the autism.

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>No one would even whine that way.
How ignorant are you? SJWs will whine until every single characters become gay.

I just bought the switch and this game digitally. How does time work for the switch. I have US account because Nintendo doesn't exist where I live so do I have to wait until its 26th in burgerland to play the game? Or will I be able to play when its 26th where I live

Wait wait... This isnt fan art?? Lol I really thought it was fan art a few threads ago when an user was posting all of them

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dont forget
>game comes on PS4 first, then moves to Switch later
>game comes on Switch first, then moves to PS4

People build their personality around the brands they consume

They are quite literally obsessed

>game has on gay characters
>game has gay characters

IIRC should be going live at 12 midnight New York time tonight. If you'd bought the Japanese version it's live right now, same with the Australian version.

nope, encouraging lgbt in japan is asking for even more birth rate problems than present
they should have stuck to their guns and made a chapter where all three houses combine to defeat the lgbt menace

it's all completely avoidable, it's not like any of the characters talk about liking dick or munching carpet unless you intentionally go that route

I read the review, it's only a line. If it's really bad then I don't see an issue complaining about it. Most of the review is complaining about the battle system and the lack of innovation in battle though.

>The 20 reviews of positive are now 47 positive
You niggers aren't fooling anyone
Three Houses is going to be the best FE in years.

Do they actually carry over?

>If it's really bad then I don't see an issue complaining about it.
well it isn't

damnit, shouldve gone with the nip version. oh well. I'll just go to sleep early

Nip version is an additional ~$20USD, though.

Is this like the other FE games where the females can cuck you depending on your party composition or is everyone for (you)?

they're the most annoying people of all, that is the only important thing in the world to them, there are no other dimensions to the personality of a fag, a constant pride parade playing 24 7 in their empty skulls

I'd pay triple for nintendo to send out a patch that revokes all LGBT choices

You have never played the other FE games.

good, but I don't like how they're lowering their guard, give those bastards an inch and they'll take a mile

I preordered it :)

Protip, the homo relationships are literal fanservice for girls, which FE has always had.

I have not, that's why I'm asking. I heard that on previous titles female party members could romance the male avatar and other male party members. Is 3 Houses the same? Am I mistaken?

So the only reason the Score is so low is because the Homos? Thats fucking gay

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Yes, characters bond with each other they more they fight literally together.

every new game that comes out, regardless of platform, gets this same treatment on nu-Yea Forums. the nintendofag victim complex is hysterical.

OK this isn't for me then. Thanks for replying. have fun user.

5 of the females are bi, while 3 of the males are bi. Of the 5 females, there is a lord, while none of the male lords are bi. If you gun for a character of the same gender that isn't bi, you will end up marrying a faceless villager

Sonygaf hates Nintendo.

They also get bond points when they use gambits together

>Protip, the homo relationships are literal fanservice for girls, which FE has always had.
This, it's kind of weird how people say the female gay relationship options were just fancervice yet paid no acknowledgement to the male ones being the exact same thing. Why do the male ones get a free pass?

>while 3 of the males are bi
isn't it actually just Linhardt

he asked about straight romance

Girl on girl is hot, male on male icky, that's all.

He told you they didn't though. They won't fuck you unless you want them to, and they won't fuck anyone else unless you allow them to. Even if they build up enough support points they don't get to the next level unless you trigger a conversation to the next level, and even then you can always just S-Rank them, which only you can do.

Pretty much

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Is this for 3 Houses only or for older titles like Awakening/fates as well?

this, the reason there's more yuri in three houses is for incels to fap to

Newfag here, never played a FE game, but can we build a harem or is it all just one person?

Fates yes, Awakening has one specific point where the main character (not your character) decides he needs to sow some seed and just claims a woman.

>just claims a woman.
How is that decided?

Look at these pathetic retards who think fire emblem is a dating sims despite the romance shit being less than 1% of the games.

Whatever female character he has the highest support with just gets Chrom'd inside and spits out a baby after a year timeskip. If you're playing as a female he can do this to you, but he only has 4-5 female characters he can do this to, depending on whether you count the female player or not.

I'm sure the majority of articles and publicity about Three Houses was the gameplay and lore. Not the same sex romance and who could fuck who.

Sumia by default, whoever has a higher rank with if there's one.

>admit I don't know anything about FE
>somehow retarded for asking about an aspect of FE I don't know anything about
Average shitposting level of Yea Forums

Let's be honest, it's the only game we have while waiting for Astral Chain.
Of course we're all gonna overrate it

Fire Emblem was recognized for being a challenging strategy game before the animu garbage ramped up. Go away zoomer.

He picks whoever he has the highest support with at the time.
If every single marriage option is already married off before the time comes, however, then he marries a random village girl who disappears forever afterwards.

But do you think the majority cares about that anymore? Go to any game news site and see the headlines for FE.

Linhardt is the only good m/m option.

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>literally one reviewer
I understand how botwfags feel now

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Only if you're reading libtards site complaining about the game not having enough faggots garbage

If you're fucking buying fire emblem because you think its a dating sims you're a dumbass and should probably buy an actual dating sims game.

I was asking because I saw stuff like this on the wiki and most discussion I heard about FE was about "cuckshit" because every female party member could potentially and up with a bunch of people mother than the Avatar.

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It’s whoever has the most supports with chrom. As long as you don’t let chrom support with the person you give a shit about you’ll be fine. Unless that character is (you), in which case chrom takes what chrom wants regardless if you want it or not.

Just play Agarest or Kamidori user.

Revelations was full of gimmicky maps, and the balance was fucked to the point that half the units were already worthless on the very chapter they showed up in, but it was definitely the most entertaining of the Fates games.
Having both sides immediately brand you a traitorous madman because you didn't want to fight either of them had me rolling. It was also interesting to see the princes form their uneasy partnership.

isn't he actually the only gay option

They can, but they won't unless you let them.

How the fuck is that cuckshit? Are you retarded or do you just believe everything anyone tells you without evidence?

Seek help.

It's not cuckshit, it's a eugenics simulator. You pair yourself with the one you like and then pair everyone else with whoever works best.

>got rid of based cristina vee for some naruto hack


I think the only game i ever played with this kind of gameplay was the occasional battles in suikoden 2 and dabbling a bit into FFTA. And Disgaea but that's just grinding to see numbers go up.
But always curious about the FE series. Guess I'll just take the bullet tomorrow and see how it goes.


Tara Platt (Mitsuru) is good as Edelgard though. Christina Vee doesn't do many domineering women with conquest-related ambitions

Ah. She's good then

still have 4 hours to wait, being a digitalcuck is suffering

This is the worst

>listening to big review sites
Wait until people who actually play video games give it a try. Not just some faggot that plays five levels, abuse divine pulse and side with Claude because he's the only lord that isn't white.

It makes sense though, this game has some unique ideas but it's rough around the edges. Nintendo was probably prepared for a mixed reception.

>the writing of the central cast feels like a step back compared to the 3DS series entries
what the fuck? Is that even possible?

At least it has the most solid story they've done in fucking forever.
And they went full on with the freedom of choice in gameplay while getting rid both of S-rank instant marriages and kids.
It was ballsy, I can give them as much.

>the vast majority of my enjoyment was found having lunch
CAN WE GET PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THE FUCKING GAME TO WRITE THESE? Holy fuck I had a feeling the whole Persona-esque system pre-time skip was going to make all these reviewer retards judge the game purely on that.

No, Edelgard, despite the memes, is legit better written than any character from fateswakening.
She may be an idiot, but she's a really motivated idiot.

There’s one gay choice, Linhardt. There are two other male characters MByleth can S rank, one of them is unromantic unless you squint, the other one’s ending has you marry a village girl

I am 99% convinced the writer is upset there isn't a Lucina/Azura type character to leech onto the entire game.

>implying that all they did was remove the weapon triangle
It got turned into stronger but optional skills and they added like another 30 skills.

More like the Azura/Lucina is a warmonger hellbent on conquering the whole continent while massacring everyone and everything in her way.
Azura only did this in conquest because she was an idiot.

Oh yeah gonna wait on Yea Forums incels waifufags reviews who think that as long as a game have an anime girl its 10/10

wtf is divine pulse

>Medieval Lord actually wants to conquer shitters
>This is seen as bad
Awakening had you conquer the whole world in defensive wars. Having a main character actually acting like a conqueror and not whine about it is a nice change of pace.

>More like the Azura/Lucina is a warmonger hellbent on conquering the whole continent while massacring everyone and everything in her way.
Absolutely fucking based, this is exactly what I've wanted out of a Fire Emblem game for forever.

Mila's turnwheel from Echoes. Basically instead of resetting you can in-game rewind your turn to whatever point in case you fuck up. It has limited uses though so you can't spam it and it's optional so you don't have to use it.

Hopefully lunatic disable this shit.

faggot game for faggots

Dude, just don't fucking use it.

weaboo chess

8 on a scale 1-10 is a great you absolute mongoloid.
If anything under a 10 is shit, you may as well rate things on a scale of 1-2.

There's gonna be an added Lunatic mode for the Day 1 patch

They said later in the year.

>the writing of the central cast feels like a step back compared to the 3DS entries
That's quite the high hurdle, to somehow be worse than the main cast of Fates, so I'm calling bullshit here

>playing with english VA in the first place
Ultimate pleb move

It's still there, it's just limited to the weapon breaker skills now.


I’m not really following 3H but there are multiple better fire emblem games. Never have I been so disappointed from an FE cast since conquest

>bottom reviews knock off 5-10 points because not gay enough

>the writing of the central cast feels like a step back compared to the 3DS entries
holy shit, does FE3H have the worst writing in human history?

>This story from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, the first game in the series developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo, is what the franchise is all about.
>the first game in the series
I mean he could at least get himself a little educated on this series he enjoys so much.

All I want to know is this:

Will there be more than "Rout the Enemy" objective for every single fucking map in the nu-FE style

That legit pissed me off when I played Awakening.

>mixed reception.
>thirty one 90+ reviews
>seventeen 80+ reviews
>three odd outliers
>mixed reception

Attached: 1438415177336.png (919x720, 1.06M)

>both of the lowest reviews are British “”””people””””” seething about muh gays
Fucking island monkeys

There's also defeat the boss and a few different ones that show up more rarely.

Man this one review I saw is seething over the fag romance. Will they finally fuck off from this fan base now?

Pretty much everyone, other than that reviewer, agreed it is better than Fates for sure. Awakening is arguable for which is better.

The whole of the west is in on this shit.

Fair enough, though even knowing about Blazing Blade is boomer status. That came out 17 years ago

What are my chances of visiting the local Best Buy and walking out with a copy of the game today? I preordered

You could always try

as soon as a company panders even an inch to them, they all immediately swarm to it, designating it as a new "safe space" and try to take as many miles as they can get.
They're like a fucking swarm of locusts. Ruined the pokemon and competitive smash communities, hate to see it happen to FE too.

Really depends. If you got the time or if you are just passing by, then you could probably waste a couple of min to try it out. There used to have a small gamestore owned by some old folks that gave me discount and early copies of games.

We are now officially as good as Fates. Take that, Fatefags

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Wow....... what an accomplishment..........

I wonder if this could break 90

god i hope FE dies already. garbage franchise.

So now there are countless amount of gays saying
>I am done with FE forever
Will this unironically finally be the end? IS tried twice to throw them a bone and both times just got them even more outrage. They should go back to only straight as a rake romance.

i have absolutly no fucking idea what is going on in that pic and i don't want to know. people are scary.

Probably not since we’re also in a position where it’s the big Switch exclusive that’s been marketed a fair bit

No because I like being able to play as the girl and still fuck the girls.

Considering this one has a plot and morally grey to fucking dark characters, I'm going with better than awakening by default.

I don't think he meant the end of FE. The end of fags latching onto FE as their safe space. Like that one era faggot who says its "their game".

You're full of shit

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So I finally get to unironically be a conqueror without whining or idiocy getting in the way? Sign me up.

Awakening chads win yet again. gonna startup a new file this weekend boys

Did you read the guy he was replying to or are you just retarded and don't care?

What's the deal with fags and trannys in video games? Why do they have such an overwhelming influence in vidya despite being a small part of the consumer base?

>or idiocy
Edelgard is a tard, and her genocidal tendencies make her miss solutions with far less bloodshed.

>wtf why do people care about gameplay in vidya just play for waifus
How is this any fucking different to a snoygoy saying
>playing nuGod of War for anything but the story

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>Why do they have such an overwhelming influence in vidya despite being a small part of the consumer base?
Reviewers and Journalists side with them. Journalist despite what Yea Forums memes about does have contacts and some influence. So the real end isn't the shutdown of Twitter or Resetera. It's game journalists becoming fully obsolete.

Attached: 1563742977233.jpg (545x600, 142K)

That's just the nu-FE fanbase in a nutshell. Awakening fucking killed the series

>>playing FE for the combat
That's what you usually do
If I wanted to play a game for the "waifus", I'd just look up fanart on the internet instead
If I wanted to play for the story, I'd watch a Let's Play or someone streaming instead

I get being annoyed at a low review score, and I think it’s unjustified being as low as it is. That being said, everyone here complains about gay and trans characters being hamfisted in yet people eat it up. In this case, a reviewer complains about it being hamfisted in and how they’d like a more legit gay relationship, and now they’re the bad guy? I don’t like the daily star, but the way Yea Forums flip flops on why they don’t like gay characters in media is pretty stupid

>>playing FE for the combat
No fucking shit actual fans do you faggot. These waifu pairing supports outside of character endings hasn't always been a thing.

>In this case, a reviewer complains about it being hamfisted in and how they’d like a more legit gay relationship, and now they’re the bad guy?

That reviewer is acting as if gay dick fights is the only thing in Fire Emblem. He's acting like it's a huge travesty. If they made everyone bisexual they'd still whine that their aren't any unique gay supports. They'd whine that there aren't any implicitly only gay characters. Notice I didn't mention lesbians? Despite the lesbians having objetively cute choices these fucks aren't happy for them they're mad.

>as good as fates

Attached: 1562910098324.gif (400x400, 1.89M)

>Smashfags, FEniggers, and TrannyKongs seething beyond fuck

Attached: 1526408690449.gif (250x345, 374K)

>implying it's legit FE fans and not Fatesfags

They’ll probably just call it “problematic” and play it anyways so they can keep their SJW clout while not depriving themselves of the thing they like

They thought the one male gay relationship was hamfisted is what they were saying, if I read correctly. Like I said, I think it was unjustifiably low, but that’s an legitimate complaint against a mechanic in the game. I could see that docking the game 5-10 points if a thing your venue values.
If I read correctly, their criticism is mostly that there are so many lesbian options because it’s also a thing straight guys would do with a female MC, which explains why there’s only 1 male gay relationship. I think that’s a valid criticism if you’re judging how the gay relationships panned out. I’d have given it like an 85 at the lowest though

He’s not complaining about them being hamfisted, just that two of them are deceptive and not actually gay.

They should be happy they got any at all. Their gonna push until IS says fuck off and just stops it entirely.

I’m pretty sure a big part of it is that they recognize where they don’t agree with it. I honestly think that’s a cool thing to do though: consume media while still being conscious enough to criticize it. I think anything else is just absorbing it into your personality and circlejerking it.
So maybe the SJW’s are on to something here

>I honestly think that’s a cool thing to do though: consume media while still being conscious enough to criticize it.
Only they constantly say
>I'm never touching a Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/FireEmblem/Everything and Anything/ Again!!!
Then they go right on bitching the next game

Hol'up Yea Forums. They're mad that the two oldies aren't a legit faggot pairing now? Weren't they upset and disappointed that they were pairings at all?

I mean, fan protest is how companies learn what their fans want. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people who are gay and buying this have probably been long time fans since fates killed a lot of hype for the series. So just like changing mechanics, changing story, changing art style, etc., changing relationships is a pretty valid complaint from gay fans who want it included. Don’t see how it’s different than “make your story less reliant on anime tropes.”
Oh, the whole love line yet the S rank is a platonic thing right. I’ve seen people here complain that they can’t lewd up straight people in other games like persona, so I don’t really see how it’s any less of a complaint compared to those? Again, over exaggerated in score but I don’t see how it differs in principle

>day 1
More like in 5 months.

Yeah but that’s literally most of the people on Yea Forums with long running series for other reasons, be it art style, music, platform exclusivity, etc.. Look at Devil May Cry for a recent example

>Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people who are gay and buying this have probably been long time fans since fates killed a lot of hype for the series.
I refuse to believe this since most of them admit they are only fans because of the dating elements.
>changing relationships is a pretty valid complaint from gay fans who want it included
I get that they do. I really do but they can't expect every company and every game to constantly bend over backwards for them. Despite how loud they are gays are still like 6% of the global population.

Not just platonic, but marries you off to a random village girl as well.

lmao. Are we sure they aren't subtly telling them to fuck off with the fujoshit that way?

I’m pretty sure “most” is anecdotal evidence based on your twitter feed and general perception. I know like 7 gay people closely, and about 5 of them have been FE/console strategy fans since GBA and the remaining 2 liked FE after awakening. Most of the FE sales go the fan base these days
I get that you feel like they’re REEEEing at companies, but you have to consider that unless a group of people with common interest doesn’t ban together and write a lot of buzz on what they want, companies won’t budge on what makes them money. call of duty didn’t change at all until people actively criticized it and didn’t buy it. That’s why all criticism is necessarily loud.
Yeah the village girl thing is pretty bullshit though. I wouldn’t want my character, gay or not, to be married to a faceless NPC even if they didn’t get together with anybody