>best JRPG gets an upgrade
How can other series even compete?
Best JRPG gets an upgrade
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I know where this is going so I'm just here to tell you that Futaba is worst girl and a redditor
Persona 5 was always trash and adding another 10 hours of cutscenes is precisely the wrong thing to do to fix it
What I'm supose to do with my copy? Stick in it my ass?
Fuck you Atlus, I want a dlc
>best JRPG
Pay the Atlus tax goy
Name one bad thing
Akechi being a cheap knockoff of Adachi.
Baton pass breaking the game
You mean being a better version of Adachi?
>Kasumi has a bigger presence in the cover than the protagonist
Stop playing on easy
I'm looking forward to P5R, very excited.
Every encounter being in your favour outside of bosses.
Being punished for not ambushing
Who is the redhead
It's fucking boring
By being perfect on-release and not needing an upgrade?
It works on all difficulties. In fact it's more useful in merciless because of that 3x damage.
None issues
You mean life sim waifushit game?
Negotiating being "press the two obvious choices and you win!"
Absolute garbage pacing
You complete one insultingly short and linear dungeon and you've got another hour of cutscenes before you can even go back to a normal schedule let alone enter another dungeon
No this isn't FE
And I love my wife Makoto
>short dungeon
Here's your You
>the two obvious choices
The choices were almost never obvious though
>he prefers the SMT version
>original game was already 100 hours long
>they are going to make it even longer
And supposedly it's going to be after the final boss.
Which is after they lose their powers.
Stop fucking lying you nigger, that shit is ambiguous at least 50% of the time. You try to convince me that you can correctly identify what a fucking "vague" response is half of the time. Gloomy personas were a pain in the ass.
The only way you could think Persona 5's dungeons are good is if you've only ever played Persona 3&4 or babbymode shit like Pokemon.
why do retards think he's at all similar to adachi beyond being a detective who commits crimes? his backstory and reasons for doing what he does are more similar to jun.
It's a single player game
>i-it's broken! I shouldn't be this good at the game
>that shit is ambiguous at least 50% of the time
Sure if you're an absolute moron otherwise anyone can see which one is right every time.
Oh yeah and another thing, shit like warning shot completely invalidates negotiations.
I don't like P5 dungeons but persona dungeons were never good and were always just a slog to get to more talking
Its good by jrpg standard
Honestly I'd probably take gen 3 to 5 pokemon dungeons over anything in Persona 5.
Playing Persona 5 right now.
The gameplay on the palaces is really good and the difficulty (on hard mode) is perfect.
Daily life is a chore though, it's slow, boring, the confidents are not interesting and the story is a load of shit. The only characters I like so far where the gym teacher, Makoto and her fine ass sister.
Game would be far more enjoyable without the daily life trash, which is why I prefer mainline SMT.
That is my point of course. All persona games have garbage gameplay.
Persona 5 makes minor improvements but still can't work up the balls to just let me play the game rather than sit around wanking off with endless text dumps.
Google dominant strategy.
>this much seething over P5
Just drop the Switch and buy a PS4 already. All the actual good JRPGs are here.
persona has never been known for great dungeon design. the pyramid and the castle are two of the few times where it's risen above mediocrity.
The worst part is now you can't even blitz the dungeons because there's something that forces you out whether it's obtaining a new party member, doing the calling card or something else entirely.
Already have the game and a ps4.
Also all of the good ones like Cyber Sleuth and Disgaea have been ported so the ps4 has no good ones left.
P3 and 5 were both held back by the slice of life shit
And that's not even counting confidants.
P3bros wheres our remake...
I have a PS4 and I personally thought that P5 was boring as hell. Shit, I don’t even have a Switch.
>Oh yeah and another thing, shit like warning shot completely invalidates negotiations.
you mean that perk you only get from stage 3 of a social link that doesn't even start until september? yeah, that totally invalidates all of the negotiations from before that.
That fucked me up on the first dungeon.
>Reach the end
>The next room is obviously the boss room and there's a save point outside
>"Okay I'll save here then come back tomorrow at full strength"
>Actually just triggers a cutscene that forces you to come back the day after that
It's shockingly amateurish design.
Cyber Sleuth was a Vita game to begin with. PS4's only decent RPGs were Vita ports.
There's more hours of dialogue than actual gameplay. What a fun """"""""game""""""""
P4 Daily life song still stuck in my head
Already forgotten P5 music
And i plat'd both, P5 most recently
smt5 will be better though
you got three versions of your game in a four-year span. wait your turn behind 1 and 2.
With what? I have the game.
yeah when its out
That will be another $60 plus tip
Nobody cares about classic Persona. You're smtfags now.
Watching a stream is not owning the game.
Nintendo btfo, never having such a masterpiece
>stage 3 of a social link that doesn't even start until september
You do realise that September is less than half way through the game dungeon wise, right?
Not to mention Royal is also going to add more after that.
>Sure if you're an absolute moron otherwise anyone can see which one is right every time.
Alright faggot, what's the correct response? The Persona is Gloomy.
Your options are:
>I can't show you now.
>I won't show you.
>Leave my parents out of this.
If you take longer than 60 seconds to reply, I'm assuming you looked it up.
Every difficulty is easy, you have to be a brainlet to lose.
It was the reverse with me. Last Surprise was vastly more enjoyable than any P4 battle theme, as well.
Didn't say it was shit, but P4 was just way more memorable
By not being shit.
You're right which is why I own a physical copy.
Why is it always sonyfags that struggle with accepting criticism?
>Literally releasing same game with some minor additions at full price on the same console
There isn’t a single JRPG ost in the last decade that comes close.
Couldn't possibly disagree more.
Bosses even on the hardest are boring health pools that don't have a cool weakness to play around and are just hit it with the biggest shit you have until its gimmick appears.
Dungeons are baby tier insulting crap and never feel anymore advanced then the first two
Characters are 1 dimensional as fuck and boring as fuck
Best theme is only played for the Twins/only worthwhile main game boss.
Dialogue is extremely annoying bait heavy and garbage.
Any twist can be seen a mile away by someone with a brain where as Persona retards with low IQ probably went ape shit when the "betrayer" was the one mother fucker besides your crew you were talking to.
>he hasn't played octopath or Xenoblade 2
Anyone else just not buying games anymore? I’ve not completed any game I bought in the last four years
This, especially when you add Apocalypse.
I'm certainly playing less than I used to but I eventually complete them.
How can you go through 4 without having every song burned into your brain?
>muh generic rick and synth
>muh generic orchestra
Literally referenced kek, and NPC"s. Futaba is a bonafide /pol/ browser
uhhh Automata?
>muh generic jazz
why do i even bother with this shitty board lmao
Time to Make History was seared into my brain, but only because it was utter rubbish.
Just admit you've never played those games. It makes you look much less pathetic.
>Muh generic jazz
>best JRPG gets an upgrade
>How can other series even compete?
>Kamoshida was the best boss in the game and was the first
easily, since it's the weakest soundtrack in the series.
>P5 jazz
Find me a JRPG with jazz like that
Pretty much any other jrpg with jazz.
which P5 substory is the best?
>Mfw the new neutral ending
P3 OST> P5 OST>>> P4 OST
P4 is such an embarrassment.
Really hope this game fleshes out the villains to be less mustache-twirling or completely changes Haru's entrance into the PT, but I know that won't happen so w/e
I haven't played P5 yet, but the new girl looks like she is going to be the best girl.
But RX Magnum isn't announced yet.
What is femc doing in P5!?
P5's soundtrack isn't even strictly jazz, it has a lot of R&B/funk undertones. Its jazz elements are far removed from classical jazz, leaning more towards acid jazz/jazz fusion. By no description is it generic.
t. Yea Forumstant
best osts are clearly p2, p5, pq and pq2.
its boring as hell how can this much people enjoy this shit
>it has a lot of R&B/funk undertones
Not really it's predominantly jazz outside of 2 or 3 tracks.
Which P2 because there is a big difference in quality between the 2 OST's.
The characters spam the same stupid comments in the groupchat if you finish a palace early.
You don't listen to jazz music.
There aren't many jrpgs left on ps4 so they're scrambling to put this on a pedestal.
both of them collectively have a god-tier ost.
Lmao switch has 0 good exclusive jrpgs
That's probably my biggest gripe with the game aside from the pacing in general, but it was easily remedied, so whatever.
That's fine although I personally lean more towards P2IS.
And you haven't played persona 5 apparently.
I didn't say anything about the Switch
Why does the switch live rent free in every s(o)nyfag's brain?
They can’t. Persona 5 is simply the best.
Clearly you haven't, either. Many tracks have absolutely nothing to do with jazz, even if the more memorable ones tend to.
Not Existing
>hurr durr ps4 has nothing!!!
>gets assblasted when told it at least has one good exclusive over the comptetition
>snoyfag says yikes
Imagine my shock.
P5 > P2 > P4 > P3 > P1
>one good exclusive
Eh, I'd say it's a bit more mediocre than good. That said one isn't a very high number compared to every other platform including the vita.
mien negros, SMT4 & 4A had godlike OSTs
I always assumed it was influenced by the French acid jazz scene in order to keep with the Marseilles Tarot theme.
The jazz is obviously inspired by David Lynch
The soundtrack can largely be defined as acid jazz, which inherits R&B/funk/hip hop elements, yes.
They aren't changing the original plot at all. There will be a new plot after you shoot god in the head to save Christmas though.
Why can’t this just be DLC then?
Because P-Studio are Jews.
Maybe the combat in Royal is drastically different from vanilla. That's the only logical reason it wouldn't be.
If not, then .
Yeah they aren't going to change it that much. I mean, they did have to work on the two dancing games and most of p-studio formed Studio Zero who worked on Catherine so I imagine they were split fairly thin.
Not drastically different, it just seems like they're adding special character duo attacks akin to the ones in Persona Q 2. Far from an overhaul, but yeah, there are changes being made.
1's is way better than 3 or 4's.
No one knows the full extent of the changes being incorporated yet, so debating whether what we've seen so far is worth a remake is meaningless.
the new FE is shaping up to be leagues better, it's more SMT than nu-Persona ever could be
>buying a movieplayer to watch censored films
for what purpose? Just get a proper PC and emulate Persona 5 like everyone else
I don't understand why people are so butthurt about Royal. It has tons of more new stuff just like P3P and Golden did or how DQXI S will have as well.
Good luck emulating P5R though.
what's the fucking point then
how do Fatlus get away with just re-releasing the same game for 60 bucks with shit that can easily just be released as 20 dollar DLC
Care to explain what makes it even remotely SMT-like?
why would anyone want to when you can just watch all the "new" stuff in P5R on youtube a week after the game's out? It's the same game after all
>No one knows the full extent of the changes being incorporated yet
Don't kid yourself we already know the main story is going untouched and the combat will just have the duo moves.
Mainly the 3 paths being quite similar to law/chaos/neutral, the game baiting at first with a more peaceful setting then diving head-first into darker shit that's actually well written for once in the series, choices that actually matter and affect the paths you take in the game, surprisingly quite a bit of future-fuckery too with shit like the villains summoning ICBM's/having Apocalypse-like crumbled ruin bases in some cutscenes
after e3 2019's trailer the game's done a complete 180, it looked like generic waifubait schoolshit at first but after the leaks this genuinely looks like the SMT x FE game we should've got. Leaps and bounds better than Fateswakening it's not even funny
also probably should add but the 4 paths are very fleshed-out and don't pussy out at any point in the game, including a path where you can choose to side entirely with the church for once instead of the series treating the church as the generic cover-up baddies for the evil dragon yet again
For some reason people think you can't release the game on PS4 again even when it has new content. They want it to be released as DLC but I dunno how that'd work since it's not just some simple addition to the game. The story is rewritten to incorporate the new characters, story elements and other stuff. It would also probably end up being 20-30GB and then people would complain how you have to have internet to access the full game or when PSN support for PS4 goes down it'd be lost forever.
They could easily release it as DLC since at most it's just extra padding and maybe 10-20 hours of new content. That's 100% not worth an extra 60 fucking bucks when the core game and pretty much all of the story is the same.
>it's not just some simple addition to the game
It literally is, we already have conformation that the only changes beyond the new moves are at the end of the story.
fire emblem fags continue to be utterly delusional. your new shovelware is a trails of cold steel ripoff with n64 graphics.
>It would also probably end up being 20-30GB
Are you retarded? The entire base game as it is isn't even 20. At best as DLC something like this would be around 5.
>implying FE has ever, ever been known for its graphics
whatever you say nignog. The game's already been confirmed to have the most in-depth mechanics and gameplay in the series, the most customization, and so far it's shaping up to have the best world-building, story, characters and writing too. Every path is 60-80 hours long too, considering there's 4 in the game there's more than enough content and quality for this to be one of the best RPG's on the system
now do you have any actual arguments to say other than buzzwords?
>wanted femc
>got a marie clone
>doesn't have slutty scene girl outfit like marie so no good doujins
what a waste
Nintendofags. They didn't get P5 on Switch so now they're shitposting non stop.
fourth post best post
No one mentioned Nintendo except for you Eric.
imagine having a company living in your head rent-free instead of being an idort
Nice games you've got coming up this year: DLC packaged as a 60 dollar game, Dreams, and Days Gone. Truly, Sony are killing it this year.
>cringe story
>shit designs
>garbage graphics
>shit artist
>shit gameplay
>tumblr garbage
>cringe setting
>wub zoomer ost
>CGs looks like fanart garbage
dumb FEcuck lmao
>gachafaggot yet again copy-pasting his shitpost with 0 arguments
How's it like being hated worse than idolkeks?
>fire emblem
loving every laugh. spoiler alert: it's going to be the same waifufag shit as always, except even more overpriced.
shit emblem will never match the greatness of final fantasy tactics, devil survivor, tactics ogre, or front mission.
>it just seems like they're adding special character duo attacks akin to the ones in Persona Q 2. Far from an overhaul, but yeah, there are changes being made.
but that could easily be DLC. I mean Square Enix used DLC to turn the Argmier in FFXV from "Hold O" to "mash buttons"
yes? It's objectively got the most customizable and in-depth mechanics and gameplay the series has seen yet. Top that off with 4 entire separate routes to play that each total at 60-80 hours each and you've got one of the best-valued FE games to date, yet alone one of the best-valued Switch games.
do you have any, maybe even one (1) argument that doesn't involve your scat fetish?
Posts like this really sheds a good light on the people who think these games are "LE BEST JRPG of the decade"
>spoiler alert: it's going to be the same waifufag shit as always, except even more overpriced.
the datamining and leaks proved it isn't tho. like, at all, the most you'll get is being able to S rank the character you like but aside from that you can't marry units to eachother nor are there any child units
want to try again, user?
keep coping
with not being associated with the worst series to ever come from Japan? Oh I'm coping alright.
I mean, look at Neptunia RB1. RB1+ never got an official localization but all the stuff in it was DLC for RB1 on Steam.
The only complication here would be the new characters being integrated in the story
>It's objectively got the most customizable and in-depth mechanics and gameplay the series has seen yet.
"it's objectively the tallest midget"
>Top that off with 4 entire separate routes to play that each total at 60-80 hours each
and all of them will be equally cringe, full of waifu pandering, bottom-of-the-barrel anime tropes and poorly written mary sues. fire emblem is trash. nobody would care about it if it wasn't a nintendo exclusive.
>being boring is a non issue
>fire emblem fags calling out "gachafaggots"
last i checked, fire emblem heroes has grossed over $500 million and counting. you *are* the gacha whales.
>cringe, full of waifu pandering, bottom-of-the-barrel anime tropes and poorly written mary sues.
Buzzwords aren’t an argument
lmao, you wish
is okay to be jealous tho. kek
>"it's objectively the tallest midget"
so you've got no argument against this yet again? Being able to fully customize your students to be any class you want, shit like Combat Arts and Batallions giving even further customization with there being 4 tiers of classes and 5 ability slots that can all be tinkered with as you play the game ISN'T gameplay?
>and all of them will be equally cringe, full of waifu pandering, bottom-of-the-barrel anime tropes and poorly written mary sues. fire emblem is trash. nobody would care about it if it wasn't a nintendo exclusive.
yet again, no argument other than buzzwords. The leaks have pretty much proven there's 0 waifufaggotry in the main stories and that all 4 routes maintain the old-FE tone of telling their stories and extensively developing the lore of its setting and developing its characters.
FEH is garbage, so was Fates and Awakening. Three Houses is the first game in the series in years that not only captures the greatness of pre-3D FE but in a lot of ways looks like it's going to surpass it.
I don't really particularly wish to be a Fatefag, nah. Suicide would be a better alternative than being a gacha husk
"buzzword" isn't a "get out of argument free" card. fe objectively panders to waifufags, objectively relies on anime tropes, and objectively makes their characters into mary sues.
that's fates you fucking retard. Everyone, EVERYONE hated Fates. Three Houses was feared to be the exact same shit but it's turned out to be the complete opposite, that's why even oldfags of the series are actually looking forward to it
I just woke up from a dream where Kawakami joined the phantom thieves
It started with her, Anne, Joker, Morgana, and Ryuji in some kind of metaverse mall and they were explaining all the things they have to do as phantom thieves when suddenly the Kawakami they were talking to turned into a shadow named Sadako Kawakami that was a Sadako parody and the real kawakami saved them by coming in dressed as a maid with a Jason mask on and chopping the shadow with a fire axe
What does this mean
Yeah 1’s is really underrated
why is the school theme so, so fucking catchy
it pops up randomly in my head way too fucking often. P1 and P2 had top-tier ost
sucks to be a seething boomer right? kek
Oh that makes sense, you have to be a brainlet zoomer in order to enjoy Fateshit? No wonder nobody can stand fatefags
not really
the designs and story is pathetic
or maybe your shitty memes have literally no meaning anymore and were already mainstream by the year 2016
/pol/tards really don't know when to fucking give up
Only pre-timeskip, which is to be expected since everyone's tied to their school uniforms. Post-timeskip when everyone's grown and they have their own unique armor and outfits the designs look way better.
>story is pathetic
How the fuck would you know? You clearly haven't even looked at the game post-E3 yet alone kept up with anything to do with the datamines of the story. If anything this game looks like it's going to have the best story yet, despite Fate/awakeningfags pedaling the meme that FE games can never have good stories for years.