Nooooooo Antifabros.. this was supposed to be /our game/

Nooooooo Antifabros.. this was supposed to be /our game/...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Trusting game reviewers, ever
Nice trips tho

>thinking nuCuckenstein is good

just play doom instead of this cuck shit

What makes Wolfenstein "antifa"?

>Thinking nu-Chadenstein is bad

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You kill Nazis in them, and everyone knows Nazi's were just misunderstood and totally not the worst people to ever live.

You fags are tiresome.
The complaints are mostly because lack of story, the main complaint you fags gave to the previous game was too much story.
By you fags I mean these fags that i bet dont even play games, dont read anything other then the conclusion bit reviews, and are here just for (you)s

Well they weren’t the worst, The Mongols were infinitely worse

you mean Divisionstein?

Khmer rouge were a thing.

>be born male
>congrats now you're the worst person ever to live
Wow so this the official dogma of antifa huh

>this victim complex

What the fuck happened during TNO to TNC during development did Bethesda forced these pollocks into making the game into a garbage antifa dream game

Niggers were, are and will be the worst. No Nazis, Mongols, China or Koumentang will ever change that.

have sex

>Dyke haircuts
It was a diamond-hard pass since they dropped the trailer

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its made by zoomer swedes

>game gets empowered female protagonists
>doubles down on the punch nazis agenda
>still gets only a 6.5 even from woke journos

how bad is this game? the real score is probably in the negatives

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its basically like the division

Bethesda unsurprisingly buttfucked the game.

I thoroughly loved Wolfenstein New Order, then I played Old Blood and while i like the setting, the game's just boring. Haven't gotten to 2 yet but it looks like this was the same case as Old Blood where they made a standalone DLC.

Honestly after Nu DOOM the gameplay in Wolfenstein feels really stale and dated. Like if you're going to play a shooter for the sake of shooting, the visceral nature of DOOM, alongside fantastic enemy design, really kind of just makes "Killing Nazis" (something every other WW2 game is literally about) feel boring in comparison.

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It has more gameplay then the previous ones

okay bethesda shills but i'm still not getting it

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the company hosted antifa "meet-up and play" events. im serious.

>People made fun of me on twitter!
>I'm fucking oppressed! Wah! Waaaaah!


You literally fight fascists

>implying the infiltration is meant to make business successful and bring in profits
you're mistaking symbiotic parasites for cancer

Russian bots sure are active on Yea Forums huh

every single antifa member i meet never worked a single day in life.

> were just misunderstood and totally not the worst people to ever live.

This but unironically

AHAHAHAHA. Even SJWs hate this game.

Me saying that it's like division wasnt a positive thing

Why would someone employed be a communist?
They have money.

Cant wait I already preordered this game on ps4, my wifes son is agreed to play it with me

SFM when?

Yeah 6.5 for a SJW game from IGN most likely means the real score is like a 2 or 3

I'm glad nazis are gone because their sense of fashion sucks. Queers have it much more refined

Maybe your shitty personality, non-existing hygiene and delusions of superiority is why people shun you? Nah, it has to be everyone else

It would be 8.5 on Switch

And guess what? You didnt foresee that the media obsessing about Nazis and overloading the entertainment space with their presence is actually having the opposite effect.

>Bethesda, a really popular gaming company, gets 6.5 on his girl power game

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So if its not liek New Colossus then it means it's good?

its been over 40 years since the end of the war
you are not killing nazies, you are killing cops trying to stop the dangerous terrorists that blew up the moon base and killed people in national television from hurting anybody else

YOU are the badguy and a sore loser


The middle east is full of people who would finish the Nazi's job if they had the capability and are far more regressive.

It always boggles my mind that the people going "Nazi's are the most evil people evil" are the same one chanting "Stop persecuting Islam! Its a religion of peace!." Why are people who claim to be the champions of progress ignoring the elephant in the room in favor of beating the same dead horse over and over again? Are they just cowards?

>thinking that the game is shit because of story and "political agenda" and not because nu-wolfenstein's gameplay has always been shit and people are finally starting to realize it

no it's just a different flavor of shit
this time with corn

Have you ever heard of google?

I physically cringe everytime someone says sjw

>just misunderstood


>totally not the worst people

Also correct

You should pick up a book that actually talks about history before MUH 6 TRILLION and youll learn just how disgusting some civilizations could be.

antifa is literally the bully who gets away with everything because he's the teacher's pet

Is that a new thing that spread trough the twitter sphere?
First they dealt with it by saying its a good term and now its "oh people still use that term, what lameo you are."

I cringe everytime I see people ignoring or covering up shit to protect them

Because you vastly overestimate this elephant in the room. There are nearly 2 billion of them around the world. Dont attribute to them the schemes Saudi Arabia/Iran come up with.
Oh and would you look at that, they just got another weapon deal greenlit.
Clearly bombing Yemen can only have good consequences, there will totally no people with hate born from there huh?

some faggots that die if you punch then

>antifa: treat others with respect, and don’t be a jerk
>nazi:kill people for who they are
>you:ok what a good way to express freeze peach

Bunch of hipster twig-lookin millenials who LARP as freedom fighting communist revolutionaries but in return only attack and hurt mostly innocent people and resort to twitter raids and shitposting about the kike president
Also the media supports them, what a surprise

> Game review by a woman

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Grow balls

>>antifa: treat others with respect, and don’t be a jerk

Respect = bike lock to the head
Dont be a jerk = Beat the eldely and send then to the hospital

Did someone hit you with a bike lock?

I don't engage in the /pol/ shit on these boards but that's factually untrue. antifa is a terrorist organization

in what universe is a 6.5 game "ok"?

None of the nu-Wolf games are that good compared to nu-Doom honestly

Elderly nazis deserve to be beaten like every other nazi. What's the issue here?

>unironically taking other people's opinions into consideration while forming your own

This is the most beta fucking shit I have ever read in my life, you people make me physically fucking ill

is above 5 so its above average meaning its ok

>worst people to ever live
what is it with you retards? can you not go 1 minute without hyperbole when nazis are mentioned? it's the only reason nobody listens to you

>What the fuck happened during TNO to TNC during development did Bethesda forced these pollocks into making the game into a garbage antifa dream game
You do realise that TNO has an MC of 79 and TOB has an MC of 76, right? TNC, however, has an MC of 89, IIRC.

At what point did people forget that the gameplay focused Wolfenstein entries don't score as well as the story-focused ones like TNC?

Unrionically true, well said friend.

Too woke for todays incels.:)

Should we invent a new meme word?

i think you are a bigot and your naziphobia is disqusting

get with the times

user when you think about it logically for a second 6.5 points out of 10 does indeed mean "ok"

>Islam being a problem has only existed so long as America has
>Britain going to shit has nothing to do with Muslims and neither goes Germany
I get it you are a cuckold say no more.

They're a literal commie group. Yet the great irony of their group is that they are just as authoritarian as any fascist. Never trust a communist.

Yup. It's a sitewide phenomenon too. I just come here to steal memes and share them on normie social networks now. This town's finished.

It isn't a phobia if it's a rational fear

>Game is endorsing the kind of woke agenda gaming journalists like
>Only get 6,5
The game must be at 3,0 without the woke points. holy shit.

Its "I dislike the game but agree with its politics" score.
Anything under 7 screams "avoid like the antifa".

if you are not a jew you have nothing to fear
again stop being a naziphobic
everybody has the right to exist

Why are you using commas instead of periods like an idiot? It's a period right there in the image.

"everyone has a right to exist" nah m8. Nazis and capitalists need to be hung.

>Islam being a problem
The rise of Islamic Iran and the rise of Islamic terrorism both happened during the US era. There was no problem on that scale before that.
>Britain going to shit has nothing to do with Muslims and neither goes Germany

That's their bad immigration policies. The UK should keep them where they are and not import them. They're fine in their countries, we're fine in ours.

This but without even a hint of irony.

What irony?

Its almost like the nazi meme is tired and played out. Who would have thought that calling every white person a nazi for 3 years would get old?

>The rise of Islamic Iran and the rise of Islamic terrorism both happened during the US era. There was no problem on that scale before that.
Pro-tip. There weren't really bombs before the US era. If you want to sit here and tell me no before America Islam was a good boy then you can fuck right off you dishonest fucking cunt.

>calling every white person a nazi for 3 years would get old?
People only do this in your sad little head where man-spreading is a felony and having a dick makes you oppressed

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why are you assuming men must have balls, you bigot?

Calling someone a nazi has been the most common argument on the internet for the past two decades and in the past few years it has spread to be the default way to shut a white person up. Where the fuck have you been? Have you never heard of Goodwins Law?

>There was no problem on that scale before that.
LMAO next you'll tell me Persia was literally Agrabah

Godwin's Law got fucked up when Godwin himself showed up and told everyone it was okay to call people the other side of the fence nazis because FUCK BLUMPF

There goes the bonus

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Isn't Yea Forums, Yea Forums especially like 90% racist and believe that minorities should be kicked out of their countries for being brown, if not killed? Yea Forums is quite literally chocked full of unironic nazis.

it's a game score. 5/10 means "it's programmed well enough to run without crashing". 6.5 means it's just that, and doesn't have any interesting things to show or play. It's garbo. It's not ok, especially not in an era of abundance where good games are counted by the thousands.

>There goes the bonus
There is no bonus if you own the studio :)

>people got this game for free for buying an RTX Super

Bash the fash fellow comrade!

>good boy
Yeah, that's not the argument.
Your contradictory logic is that the elephant in the room would have finished the Nazis job, when in reality the Ottomans ruled for far longer than the Nazis yet there was no Jewish holocaust in their era.
Your argument simply doesn't make sense.

>RTX shit is still not implemented

what's the problem in asking africans and muslims to go back?
isn't diversity great? aren't all cultures equally good? aren't they proud of where they came from?
why is it that loathsome to suggest them to go home? maybe it's because they aren't so great after all
nazis killed jews. nazism wouldn't have been so bad if all the germans did was send them all back to Israel. to duggest sending someone home is nazi is outright rewriting history to downplay nazism's kill count.

>aggressively okay



I bet the bonus is not getting fired

There was no problem ON THAT SCALE. Show me something on the same level as 9/11 pre WWII

fuck you alanah is based shitposting aussie

remember when the black women killed the nazis? no? biggot

What's the ending? I assume they find BJ and a macguffin fixes him up enough to make him strong up to be the lead for the next core game?

Maybe dumping Aryanne will get this thread deleted...

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>what's the problem in asking africans and muslims to go back?
People can live wherever they want to live.
>isn't diversity great? aren't all cultures equally good? aren't they proud of where they came from?
Do you apply this same logic to colonizers?
>why is it that loathsome to suggest them to go home?
You're a sociopath if you can't see the problem with suggesting a native citizen to leave because they aren't the same color as you.

Todd has been taking a beating lately.

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>all of Yea Forums is /pol/
Shoo shoo resettrannie.

Ban me if you want; just please get this obvious bait off Yea Forums.

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you knew this thing was going to be a joke when they flat out cut all the marketing from it and price dropped it to hell before launch

I'll not be getting it after the shitshow that was The New Colossus

I'll just keep going, I guess

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>Do you apply this same logic to colonizers?
Not him but if all whites went back to Europe and all the other races currently in Europe went back then I'd happily take that trade. Aboriginals can have North America for all I care.

>NPC game made by NPCs turns out to be mediocre
imagine my shock

>People can live wherever they want to live.
no, no hey can't. Your white ass can't even live in their countries to begin with. the whole "it's their right" is literally a 3 year old political invention based on thin air and billions of dollars funneled in the ((((((media))))))

Nope its going to be femme and trans

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Commies were objectively better at slaughtering innocents and a good chunk of the middle east would happily pick up where Hitler left off if they weren't so busy slaughtering each-other.

At this point nazis are the generic bad guy who shouldn't be taken seriously, at least it was until the retarded culture war started and you niggers flooded the internet in a "fight" against SJW's

IRL Aryanne!

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65 is in the yellow zone for metacritic scores so "ok" actually works in this context.

>Your white ass can't even live in their countries to begin with.
not sure what planet you mean but on Earth there are white people living in black countries, and no they're not all persecuted South African farmers.

Is the show over yet? I've left when they turned the purple cunt into a deus ex machina and haven't been arsed to look what the show turned into.

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>People can live wherever they want to live.
Yes, but only IF they live under the rules. If you move to a better country and cry ''me so opressed, is it because I'm not white?'' just because that country has a different set of laws then you clearly have some problems, and those problems are not caused by people that surround you.
In your own 4 walls you can be whatever the fuck you want. But once you step outside you will do what laws tell you. Or go back. It really is that simple.

Also, what's up with that term African American? You don't hear blacks in Europe calling themselves African Europeans.

>People can live wherever they want to live.
crying "land of the free" doesn't fly when you're comitting crimes
>Do you apply this same logic to colonizers?
yes, otherwise I wouldn't be complaining about the current situation. it's the exact same thing. colonization isn't an exclusively done by whites.
>You're a sociopath if you can't see the problem with suggesting a native citizen to leave because they aren't the same color as you.
how can I tell if someone is native or not? specially when all they do is shit on where they are and praise their "home" country where they didn't actually come from?
and why aren't they considered sociopaths for lying about that?

RTX is going to go the same way of PhysX in a couple of years.

Weird Proportions Aryanne!

I dunno; I checked out at the same time. Purple was fucked just to sell new toys, IMO

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>People can live wherever they want to live.
Wake the fuck up, Reality says otherwise. I want to live in america but i can't. When you say stupid shit like that your argument goes out the window.

Just talk to the people you consider "Nazis" you stupid fucks. They are not violent and are willing to debate you about redpill topics and compromise on things such as killing non-whites

TNC’s story was shit compared to TNC and TOB, though

No, youre lying to yourself. People on Yea Forums spout all kinds of bullshit contrary to their actual opinions. Why? Because its Yea Forums. Assuming 90% of Yea Forums is racist is asinine. I know that in your bubble, anyone who doesnt agree with you is probably a racist, but its just not true. Try giving people the benefit of the doubt. Think deeper than surface level. I believe that you are smart enough to do that. Maybe calling everyone racist for years solely based on your small world view and personal opinions isnt the best course of action. Maybe the person that called you a nigger for making a dumb post was just shitposting. Dont make assumptions about a whole board just because you dont like what a few people say.

Cute Aryanne! (Aryanne is always cute, this one is just cuter than most)

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that and Communists

>People can live wherever they want to live.
get me an international passport for free or shut the fuck up, you hypocrite

Well, good luck with the horseposing. If I were you i'd post some horse pussy

>Also, what's up with that term African American? You don't hear blacks in Europe calling themselves African Europeans.

We had a little thing called segregation, you see...

How does posting nazi ponies do anything? Nobody is going to ban a thread just because of that

read up Richard Lionheart and Saladin

The Nazis clearly made America better.
Why the fuck would you fight them? That's insane.
They're not the bad guys when everything they do is for the betterment of everyone.

because the dead horse can't fight back. since it's dead.

I cant wait for the mod where every single nazi's face is replaced by Trump and we can shoot him in the face

>Antifa attacks minorities

>Good guys because I said so


This 100%. No one took nazis seriously. Why? Because they dont exist anymore. And no, i dont consider 300 people out of the entire worlds population to count. Before obama, race relations were at an all time high. Racism at an all time low. Race baiting from the left has done nothing but damage the world and make it a worse place.


Smug Aryanne!

Woah, hey! Aryanne is pure!

Really? I figured I'd get mass reported and the mods would just delete yet another politics thread on the video games board.

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That's your ancestors fault for letting jews flood your country with blacks.

>thinking 9/11 is relevant in any way compared to atrocities committed in the past

Go woke go broke, as always.

Let me remind you their last garbage game went on sale for half price after a month and it had a fucking pregnant woman sliding across the ground shooting people and an ugly fatass getting BLACKED
the series is worse than dead

god your a stupid fuck

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>Islam wasn’t causing terror before the US even existed

Your literally not even trying....

Maybe Barney will show up

So you love living in the past, right?

Aryanne speaking German!

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This but unironically

Lee's too autistic to spam threads that he doesn't make himself

REMINDER: 86 days left until you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.
Wait, nevermind, it looks like China is going through with leaking the rest of the last season early.
That means you only have 15 days left until your demise.
And even if you're planning on toughing it out until October, good luck on trying to navigate the Internet without coming across any spoilers between then and when the finale is SUPPOSED to air.
Tick tock, your time is getting short

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A therapist told me it's not normal or that common to need to go on an anonymous site to say how much I hate Jews, then again I think he is one of them and I don't give a fuck what Normies do

>aggressively okay
Is that like painfully plain?

Why does Wolfenstein trigger Trump supporters so badly?

Idk. Who is going to spend the time reporting horsies

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if Obama was there at the time instead of Roosevelt, Japan would have collapsed and Hitler would have a chance of winning

>Nazi's were just misunderstood and totally not the worst people to ever live.
Considering the amount of assassination attempts on Hitler do you honestly believe every single Nazi was a kill hunger hound that hated everyone of other nationalities?
I read slaughterhouse-five and it turns out the Nazis were extremely gracious to PoWs, and considering Auschwitz had a fucking movie theater a swimming pool and an infirmary I find it extremely difficult to believe these people were there just to work and be murdered.
However that's just an educated guess, I know we don't do those around here

Your strawman looks like it has down syndrome. Make a better one.

>All of Yea Forums is something I personally think it is

Your logic makes no sense....

Speak of the devil

you don't have to be a nazi to think that

The past doesn't disappear, especially when it happened within the last 100 years or so. There have been people alive at the same time as us that grew up with this

why do shills blame trump supporters so much for their failure?
living rent free 24/7

> Woman
> Australian
> Based
Please go outside


this. the whole ideology is literally just about destroying current society so they can start shilling their communist fantasies again once people are looking for an alternative.
it's not meant to work, it is meant to not work. they just forget that sometimes and sabotage themselves with it.

I don't think that's barneyfag to be honest. Not enough swearing.

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Yea Forums is a racist board, it is a free speech board, it is a truly diverse board.

You could ask every user to take a picture of their hand and you’ll notice not everyone who is racist or a “nazi” is white. You will find people with opinions and they will have either a deep or shallow reason for having them. Some people have shit waifus, others vote for a real reasons, and some think communism actually works.

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She's a foul mouthed Aussie so she gets a free pass.

yeah, such as those committed by Staline and Mao, yet always ignored.

Those are exclusively the payed reviews and not the literal thousands of regular reviews so you are very wrong and also a huge retard. Commit sodoku.

drink bleach

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Did the therapist tell you that cutting your dick off and dressing like a woman was normal?

Slandering a man who wants to improve the world and actually bring about justice should "trigger" anyone. People whodont support Trump are literal comic book villains

Has there ever been a good wolfstein game?

>Yes, but only IF they live under the rules
What do these "rules" entail? Be treated like second class citizens because you aren't white or a native?

budget title. Fuck wokenstein, they had their chance and they blew with TnC

and you are vastly overblowing it.

Agreed, Chinese and Russians were far worse

Be careful barney fag, those are the remnants of the mlpol.
If this thing even grow again, we risk having some country overtaken, turned into equestria and populated with weird nazis that do experiments to create IRL ponies, so they can have the queen celestia.

Remember those tweets Wolfenstein posted about trump being a nazi? Probably that.

RTCW and 2009

>wanting to murder a group of people based on who they are

That's what the Nazis did too

Imitators maybe, there appears to be at least 3 of them on Yea Forums at the moment
Hell for all we know there could be entire legions of Barneyfag clones holed up in some secret facility

That picture could be in the DSM-V under so many different disorders.

No, just to stop being a NEET because my mom and dad don't like me leeching off of them

Got em!

I've heard of reddit spacing but this is on a whole other level. Is this how they post on RetardEra?

the new order was legit good. everything else that came after it keeps going downhill.

die out fag

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>crying "land of the free" doesn't fly when you're comitting crimes
What the fuck are you talking about? Most immigrants commit less crimes than native-born citizens.
>how can I tell if someone is native or not? specially when all they do is shit on where they are and praise their "home" country where they didn't actually come from?
What does "shit on where they are" mean to you? You mean criticizing very real problems wrong with the system today?

I would rather get sent to a concentration camp a thousand times than get caught betraying the party in a communist regime

That first new one was pretty good.

The game has a heavy-handed pro-diversity agenda and portrays national-socialists as comically evil villains, undermines germany's technical prowesses by having them steal their technology from some jewish sect. They show a merry band of niggers, women, retards and cripples overpowering an army that conquered the world. The new colossus was especially bad, with the loud black resistance leader trash-talking the white male characters that do all the work in any cutscene she appears in, also smoking in the same room that her child sleeps in. They also had the main villain, general Engel shame her obese daughter(who later fucks the black guy), as if she wasn't over the top enough. They even gave BJ daddy issues and a black lover. The game looks and plays fine, but the story is just unbearable and the characters mean-spirited and insufferable.

>what's the problem in asking africans and muslims to go back?
People can kill and rape whatever they want to kill and rape and the leftist media should do their best to ignore and even promote it in order to get more “people” to move there


>trans people cutting off their dicks
This never happens. They keep the cock so they can have things both ways

>Auschwitz had a fucking movie theater [...]

No it didn't. None of the death camps did. Only certain "showcase" camps did, that they used for propaganda films, just so they could fool retards like you that the prisoners were treated oh so well.

Germans with any honour fought against the regime.

The game was going to be shit because it's a $30 co-op wolfenstein game with no playable BJ. Stop shilling politics. You're more annoying than the SJWs. Like, drunk uncle at Thanksgiving annoying.

Native born citizens commuting "crime" isn't the same as foreign invaders attacking us. The latter is actual crime and an attack on all of us

yeah the hand picked legal immigrants. literally every ILLEGAL immigrant is a criminal and thats like more than 70% of them. Mostly the ones being shipped in bulk.

>i know nothing about the crusades

>What the fuck are you talking about? Most immigrants commit less crimes than native-born citizens.
illegal immigration. and no, you can't go "BUT NATIVES COMMIT CRIMES TOO" as if this gives you right to do it too.
>What does "shit on where they are" mean to you? You mean criticizing very real problems wrong with the system today?
such as "REEE concentration camps"? fuck off

I admire your effort, but you will be showered by a dozen nazi larpers very soon.

Yes, now go spread the Word at reddit, Facebook and tumblr so nobody comes else comes here

>be WW2 veteran that fought and killed nazis
>get beaten for being a nazi
for antifa "nazi" literally means "white man"

Again with the assumptions. But then again the left is all about making assumptions based solely on feelings. Now you are obviously on the left. Based on the fact that leftists generally live with their parents and are content working minimum wage jobs, or content with being unemployed, i would venture to say that you in fact, are the NEET. Not an assumption, but a generalization based on facts.

>The barbary pirates did nothing wrong

Are you fucking retarded?

oh, the muslims did the crusades? I didn't know that, they raped women in Constantinople? Didn't know that either

You get two of his daughters instead which is more badass.

>Ignore every single other point
>"Showcase camps"
>Forgets the U.S. did the very same thing to the japs
Okay retard, time to take your meds

fuck wh*te people and fuck drumpfjtgdf

There were several strawpols done here asking whether the board was more conservative or left-leaning and the majority of Yea Forums always ended up being right-leaning. Thhere's shitposting, but then you have people here sympathizing with nazis while condemning communism, both should be condemned, but come on now.

It doesn't help that every time a brown character for some big videogame is announced as an MC Yea Forums blows it's top (((and starts talking in this totally not anti-semetic dog whistle echo.)))

I'm a vet of 10 years, but you seem very determined to keep this place an echo-chamber.

>never happens
Try again?

>treat others with respect, and don’t be a jerk
>also straight up execute anyone who disagrees with my political ideology


sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw sjw

Hope this gives you a seizure faggot.

>muslims invented piracy

>WW2 ended 70+ years ago
>people still fear Nazis

It's like American's view Talibans after the 9/11
>be American
>has the most powerful, most expensive, the bestest military in the world
>be afraid of some guy who lives in a cave and, for some reason, has a bomb to wipe out an entire city
Makes no fucking sense.

Yea Forums is the most progressive place in the internet and people calling it racist are taking things too seriously or are offended by how much freedom we have to say whatever we want. I myself am just pretending to be racist and jokingly telling people to kill blacks because that's hilairious when that actually happens IRL

If so, then the the therapist is NOT to be trusted and you should seek counsel elsewhere.

Because they are cognitively dissonant and supporting all minorities/brown people to them is worth hilariously betraying their progressive values. At the root of their belief in the 2010s is a hatred of white people, and they will sell their country out to regressive islamists just to screw over white people.

They conquered the entire middle east and genocided anyone who refused to convert

>The middle east is full of people who would finish the Nazi's job if they had the capability and are far more regressive.
Yeah bombing them and taking away their territories has in no way anything to do with that

>Makes no fucking sense.
It makes sense for the military industrial complex :)

How am I? Even today wherever they immigrate to rapes seem to sky rocket, murder raise and a lot of young girls end up “missing”. Also, let’s not forget the random fires and explosions that up happening way more often.
And finally......wherever the muslim goes.....LGBT end up dead or assaulted.

Surely someone like yourself would be against gays getting hurt right????


Most of them, especially people you meet online don't even try to transition or look passable. They just dye their hair and that's it, "I'm woman now "

>it's okay to kill people because they're inferior to me, be it morally or by nationality
>the people who did that were wrong, though

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> isn't the same as foreign invaders attacking us
How are they attacking you for trying to make a better life for their friends and family, especially if they commit less violence crime?
>Hand picked illegal immigrants
Holy shit, what the fuck are you talking about user? That's a dumb technicality and you know it, have you ever jaywalked? Guess you're a hardened criminal now.
I mean, they actually are concentration camps and should be criticized.

>unironically using the term "freeze peach"
I knew this site went to shit over the past few years, but jesus fuck. Yea Forumseddit really is a thing

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“I got no argument” ok I understand

no,i wish for a world jihad regime where every enemy of islam gets destroyed
including white people inventions like homosexuality and woman rights

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They gave it a higher score than I would

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>antifa complex
>better go into the street with my cowardly masked street militia bros and attack people doing nothing illegal


nazi killing is only good if its not trying to take itself seriously through over-the-top patriotism

these wolfenstein games are unironically as serious as a heart attack

What territories on a white man's earth belong to them?

you're right but that began before the crusades.
Conquest is not the same as concentration camps though. The current era is infinitely more peaceful than the past where conquest was far more prevalent.
>genocided anyone who refused to convert
not true, that would have been a shit load of people otherwise

>this justfies their bloodbath and we should bring them here to kill us as compensation
genocide to own the reps


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muslims hate homos but they're okay with transgenders, as it eliminates the gay problem

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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What about people escaping the bloodbath because they are also targeted?

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Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, etc.
we shouldn't bring them here, i'm against mass immigration

That doesn’t mean that’s all of Yea Forums. By your logic it’s okay if blacks commit a majority of the crime because not ALL of the blacks commit crime.

>they actually are concentration camps
you can't grant potential criminals a five star vacation resort whle documentation is being checked
also if you're so interested in freedom you should care about child trafficking. otherwise you're justifying kidnapping "for a good cause" of seeking a better life.

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Here comes the triggered alt right Nazi furry spammers.

Did you even read the fucking argument? Of course they didn't invent that, and they didn't invent martyring oneself for a political cause either btw. But they were pirates in the name of islam. And pirating non-islamists was a core part of their beleifs. They enslave 1.250 million people. They were a problem and their beleifs were a part of that

Fun fact, people for some reason think pirates were often capable of taking on naval fleets when almost all pirates would flee from them. This is because their ships were only really meant to take over trade ships and isolated ships.


You clearly have only seen niggers in movies and MTV. White suburbia protects you from these things I suppose.

The first wolfenstein reboot wasnt bad, it didnt take itself overly serious but the ones after it have been hilariously bad.

Those all belong to whites and shitskins are invaders. Iraq was once Babylon for fucks sake

I just hate /vpol/.

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>Muslims are okay with Transgenders

Go on stage at a Muslim gathering and say what you just said.

Palestinians are the only ones who legitimately have the right to do this. The rest are a bunch of crybaby militant islamists who made their own choices.

here we go.

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that's what legal documentation is for.
they want you to think all asylum seekers are being treated as illegals because they want undocumented immigration to become acceptable, thus resulting in mass voter fraud by importing third worlders and buying their loyalty with welfare.

Whether you consider asylum seekers criminals or not, they're still supposed to be treated like human beings via international law.

The people who actually do child trafficking have more than enough money and resources to ge pas the border.

>T.amerikkkwan citizen

well yeah it's like modern day pirates near Nigeria wouldn't dare to approach NATO ships.

But piracy would exist regardless if it's in the name of Islam or not. That's what you're not seeing, whether you kill in the name of Islam, or Democracy or for the Motherland, people WILL find a way to kill regardless.

oh yeah

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>Most immigrants commit less crimes than native-born citizens.
This point is repeated way too often and ignores a lot of nuance:
1. First generation migrants commit less crime
2. Second and third generation migrants commit more crime
3. When people talk about "immigrants", they are usually talking about both groups, but when people shill your statement in the media they are only talking about the first one.


Majority of crime is committed by rich white people who get away with it due to lawyers. The poor black fucks just happen to get caught more with petty local crimes because they can't do crime like the big league players who screw the whole country

I wish I could proudly say "I've never fapped to this!"
But I can't

>Second and third generation migrants commit more crime
Thus they are not immigrants nor migrants at that point but citizens and you gotta deal with it bucko :^)

I hope you fucking die

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I hope my vacation's worth it...

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I'm trying to piece together how that comparison makes any sense and it doesn't, you just wanted to bring black people into this user.

if you mean ISIS yes, but Syria or Yemen have effectively been destroyed by the most powerful western-friendly alliances in the region.

Game where you kill russian commies that committed so many atrocities that nazies look like children compared to them and killed many many more innocent people, when?

>the 1% commit most of the crime
they are worse than niggers wew

K E K. Galaxy brain shit

>Wolfenstein Youngblood has a level up mechanic
>you can't kill certain enemies if they're too high level

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How am I wrong? I'll wait.

trans genders aren't gay anymore? did i miss something here?

No judgement, user. It's preddy gud.

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Migrants and immigrants are two separate things for future reference.

where is the evidence that second and third generation immigrants commit more crime?

>Listening to IGN

That'll be a yikes and oof from me chief

>they're still supposed to be treated like human beings via international law.
potential criminals are not supposed to receive the exact same treatment as law abiding citizens.
get legal and you're free to go. if you're crying so much about it you wouldn't try to get inside the wrong way in the first place.
>The people who actually do child trafficking have more than enough money and resources to ge pas the border.
this is just as retarded as claiming "rich people can afford safe procesures so what's the problem in legalizing everything" or "rich people can afford expensive lawyers to get away with murder so what's the point in criminalizing homicide?"

What he's saying is that he's more comfortable with those crimes being committed by white people.

It's the only bit of porn from this IP I find hot

way to miss the point lol

the relationship "more migrants > more crime" still stands

Wonder if I'll have to dig up Hoof Beat 2. I bet this thread stays up that long. Mods seem to love /vpol/ for some reason.

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Not him. I'm unironically laughing at how it fucks his argument up.

That was the Fucking cuase of the crusade you literal nigger
If you are going to complain about nazis committing genocide they dont good a Fucking candle to muslims

Were nazis actually bad or have we just been brainwashed by jewis propaganda?


>this is just as retarded as claiming "rich people can afford safe procedures so what's the problem in legalizing abortion for everyone"

What you just said is highly racist against blacks. I’m so sick of bigoted nazi’s like you talking down about my race. Don’t worry wh*te boy. We will get our revenge on you. No more racist internet for you little bitch.

>inb4 nigger

Wish I had one of those auto-dumping scripts or whatever they are...

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history is not always written by the victors, contrary to what people want you to believe

Under that logic you will end up a migrant yourself, will you send yourself back to the country your grandgrandparents left?

Bleed to death


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A surprisingly good song to dump porn to.

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No they all have a right to remove Jews, anyone in america can completely understand why they want jews out of the middle east.

How do I make friends in college?

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If they weren't bad then they still were warmongers stupid enough to lose the only war that they themselves started, that's pathetic

How do we stop the political violence is acceptable meme?

not being full pony makes me feel good about fapping to this desu desu desuuu

The irony is that Antifa is the most Nazi-like group I've ever seen in the modern century US.

How are niggers worse than bugs lmao whiteboi spotted

I tried replaying TNO a week or so ago, but eventually dropped it despite previously completing it just because of how aggressively U entertaining the segments at the resistance base are. I honestly don't think Nu-Wolf has much less of a combat system than DOOM, with its neat leaning system and rewards for controlled stealth, but the game paces out the good arenas and enemy bases with either "take out three guys per loaded area" or mindless trying to find things in the resistance base. The best designed level in the game was the "Nightmare" mashup of old Wolf levels. Some user said the game needs a "horde mode" type of deal to capitalize on the combat and enemy designs without all the fluff people exclusively complain about, and I agree.


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It's based on a case in Egypt where a gender change was authorized specifically for the person to have the "correct" gender and not engage in homosexual activity

socialization requires compromise in moral values, ideology, respect and personal interests in return for acceptance
you will always give more than what you'll be taking

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i bet the tranny jannys are jacking off to this

slit your wrists

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I watched some of the intro gameplay footage and holy fucking shit I can't even remember when I've seen so much cringe in video game. It's even worse than Andromeda.

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No. You should interpret citizenship as something you "acquire" and are able to pass down to your children as property.

But even if you are a citizen, you are not necessarily a national. A nigger will always be a foreigner in Europe. But nobody minds giving them citizenship, especially if for outstanding achievements.

I want arkane to be free

Nazi ideology was bad, Nazis were just the people of Germany thrust into a fascist government after having a great depression so it was either you go with the government or you suffer miserably

Same thing with the Middle East, same thing with North Korea, etc. but all for various different historical and topographical reasons. The ideology is bad but the majority of the population just goes with whatever will keep them from getting killed. All humans are incredibly malleable to a horrifying extent.

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Make people take a sanity/violence test before they're allowed to use the net.

There is no such thing as a refugee who is fleeing poverty, asylum seekers are only ever asylum seekers if they are escaping war or persecution

You haven't played the games. Nothing about them is serious. It's as over the top as it gets.

>potential criminals are not supposed to receive the exact same treatment as law abiding citizens.
Except yes they are, not just by U.S law but by INTERNATIONAL law. You wouldn't want to become a criminal now, would you user? Never mind the moral lopsidedness of treating someone like shit for having the nerve to try to create a better life for them and their families.

The punishment doesn't fit the crime, to simplify it for you.
>this is just as retarded as claiming "rich people can afford safe procesures so what's the problem in legalizing everything
What the fuck are you talking about? These aren't even remotely similar, saying "hey maybe stop wasting our resources on poor people that are of no actual threat to us would be better suited towards dealing with actual cartel drug lords" this is actually the sensible path to take.

Better than yet another awful /vpol/ thread hitting bump limit.

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>and not engage in homosexual activity
lmfao yeah like that's gonna happen

OK Jeff Bezos


Leftists want an increased minmum wage and typically own businesses. All your favorite companies are leftist, yes even your children toys ones.

>hitler was bad
>I preferred stalin

Note: don't attempt what is depicted in the comic. Carrots are not dildos.

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>Gmanlives review
>Guy is just sucking on it's chode
Welp, another guy down the shill hole

f5 f5 f5 f5

>levels and grinding into Wolfenstein
There goes another beloved id IP, joining the grave with Quake.

All that's left now is DOOM.

They aren't just caught more, they're systemically hunted and more likely to be falsely arrested as well.

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If the Nazis won we'd be living in a better world right now.

Is the drug war not a war to you?

and equating them is retarded, there was no concentration camps or jewish holocaust in that era, blame the nazis for being retards and turning the world against them

The context intended by the devs is different from the old days when Nazis were just everyone's favourite punching bag. They're not giving you a gun and saying "Go mow down the nazi zombie horde and then punch out mecha-hitler, have fun", they're progressive propaganda. The New Order and Youngblood are both marketed and filled with the mentality that only makes sense to bay area cliques, and those who want to be in on them

I can think fascism is retarded and also be sick of your idpol sophistory.

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Most of Yea Forums was or still is NEET, even after the eternal summer and normie invasions

Their justification for piracy was in the name of islam and their prophet. Their leaders continued to say this unironically to many differnt countries. Piracy existed and terroism exists outside islam. But the justification to commit atrocities in the name of islam existed both in the past and in the modern era. Many think we have to take them at their face value and beleive what they are actually telling us. Their religion is the reason that THEY are doing this, and these actions happen a lot. Of course there are peaceful muslims, but there is unironically a disproportionate amount of harmful actions coming from islam. And a majority of muslims sympathize with terrorists according to polls anyway. People believe they are telling the truth in their justification which is why they beleive islam is the issue. The same is true of their previous pirate activities.

My personal beliefs are a bit different on terrorism, but that is how it goes in a nutshell.

There are black families in Europe that could prove older existence there than the USA's own time of existence, your argument makes no sense.


get stabbed to death

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Damn, 17 pages in and no ban? no deletions? Those hot-pockets must be fucking DELICIOUS.

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I'd suck Twilight's tits.

Why would you even acknowledge this game exists?

Well, America is backing up the isreali right to existance pretty hard. Don't you think we play a role in their subjugation?

I'd dump Two babies One fox, but I ain't ever saving that.

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>Except yes they are, not just by U.S law but by INTERNATIONAL law.
undocumented immigration is not exclusive to US law but international law as well. two can play this game.
>Never mind the moral lopsidedness of treating someone like shit for having the nerve to try to create a better life for them and their families.
sob stories don't excuse illegal conduct. it's that simple.
>saying "hey maybe stop wasting our resources on poor people that are of no actual threat to us would be better suited towards dealing with actual cartel drug lords"
>no actual thread
mass voter fraud and destruction of the economy by irresponsible distribution of welfare is a way bigger threat than the worst drug cartel that could exist today

Nazis don't even exist anymore you fucking schizo. Imagine being this obssessed with people that existed before you were born and comparing any politics you don't like to them. Like goddamn, get mental help.

I actually thought this when I was a leftie a few years ago as well.


it's going to age like buttermilk with all the political shit. nothing classic has a major focus on the day to day politics of its time.

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>Killing actual Nazi's is antifa

Just come out and say you are a Nazi and stop with the bullshit

>another single player AAA games gets shit reviews/ sales
This just disappoints me now. There are no good AAA sp games coming out and those that do fail, thus ensuring their devs will not keep making them and hop onto the battle royale train.
It was fun while it lasted bros, now its time for 10 years of battle royale.

Google is your friend.

First result

And instead of reading the first paragraph, read the individual cases by country.

Whether you call them nazis, neo-nazis, alt-right, traditionalists or whatever stupid label they come up with next: it's the same shit, no matter how you wrap it.

>Muh Islam
Reminder that Islam is small fry when it comes to the Abrahamic Religions.
Christianity(the original decoy religion created by the Kikes to destroy the White Race/Rome) did so much damage than Islam can never compare.

Kikestianity literally convinced the entire White Race to abandon its rich roots.

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I'm not even white and I've been called a white nationalist by white people.
True story.

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Any “Crime” as you whites call it are not really crimes. We had bad things done to us as slaves and are returning the favor in kind.

someone else is dumping that one in another off topic thread

>The Mongols were infinitely worse
You mean the people who brutally conquered but then let you live normal as long as you paid tribute? How exactly is that worse than the Nazis who brutally conquered you then systematically exterminates a portion of your population?

orange man bad

Leftists are also wayyy more likely to be educated which explains why modern nazis (right wingers/whites) are so mush brained.

well i guess it's the first looter shooter on switch

History is written by winners. The foundation myth which post-WW2 and the western world is built from makes nazis the ultimate evil.

If USA had gone to war with Soviet Russia and won, communism and soviets would have suffered the same fate.

god i wish that were me

so what? they are still foreigners

There are Europeans living in China or Japan for almost 500 years now. That doesn't make them Chinese or Japanese. We are fucking foreigners there. The same goes for the Europeans in Africa. They are still foreigners: so much that they were often kicked out for being so.

Based. Let's go drink semen and fuck men in the ass like based Odin.

This post timer is dicks.

Well fuck. Guess we're just turning Yea Forums into the Hoof Beat board.

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>"Hurr durr playing a game were you kill nazis is bad!!! hurr!!!"
>mfw amerifats are this retarded

My fucking god, how the fuck did america get so cucked by the left they basically defend nazis.

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Literally die

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Orange man good

Yeah, they are fighting for their families future and I am fighting for mine. These people do the shit they do because they know people like you will defend them. Even if they are found guilty for murder they are still fought for by people like you and Jerry Brown for having the right to be here, so STFU about you moral consciousness. It is driven by hatred of people in America and you won't convince anyone that is not the case.

>The game looks and plays fine, but the story is just unbearable and the characters mean-spirited and insufferable.
Sad to hear it's more of this. Wolfenstein was the first FPS I ever loved and while the new games have been visually stunning I try to keep politics separated from what I play as it's a game/story. This game doesn't seem like it wants to and instead of having anything interesting to share or show with us it decides to share how characters have irresponsible, hostile reactions to friendly people based off of their predisposition. I wanted to play a game, not have a message shoved in my face that's a very "No shit, Sherlock, unga bunga tribalism bad" in a way that makes me look forward to the next time I find myself alone in the game. It feels like the series has been meme'd into this state but god I hope Wolfenstein isn't under someone like that's influence.

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Exactly, so why are people so fucking mad when you say you want to kill them for being pieces of shit in the past?
They literally don't exist anymore.

So you admit being a foreigner in your own country? Cause last time I heard it was not Caucasians the ones supposed to exist in America at all.

>incoherent badly parroted babble

Even brainwashed drones like that usually aren't *this* stupid.

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You fucking faggots can't help yourselves, can you?

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I am not a furry but...

>whether you call them a National Socialist, Communist, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Constitutionalist, Anarcho-Capitalist, Theocratic Monarchist, it's all the same shit, no matter how you dress it up.
What a completely normal, healthy, and non-sociopathic worldview.

leftists don't own small businesses and they take over large companies via marketing departments. Those departments then revolt if their leftist demands aren't meant. I will tell you shareholders arent leftists.

>Nazis don't even exist anymore you fucking schizo.
There are still Nazi Soldiers from WW2 alive today and plenty of people who identify as Nazis or agree with them even if they wont come out and call themselves Nazis. Its like saying that Communists no longer exist because the USSR Communist party is gone

Not according to Tom Hall and Carmack. In fact, they mention specifically making BJ Jewish in the old game for this purpose

What is a foundation myth?

It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).

2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).

3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

this but unironically

the one spamming tails comic is me lmao

>who identify as Nazis
And men identify as women. It doesn't mean anything.

The USA was founded as a white country so no.


Unironically, it is. You can take a piece of shit and call it a rose, it won't change that it's a piece of shit.

>undocumented immigration is not exclusive to US law but international law as well.
Stop moving the goalpost.
>sob stories don't excuse illegal conduct. it's that simple.
user, why are you still pretending like you give a shit about the law? You just said you don't care if America violates human rights laws.
>mass voter fraud and destruction of the economy by irresponsible distribution of welfare
You realize that illegal immigrants pay the highest taxes whilst receiving no return, right?


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antifa are a bunch of fucking morons and LARPers

They killed six million people, user

Yes it does. Those men who identify as woman have become the moral compass for the modern western world.

I'm from Europe.

The US was not founded by native Americans and the land it occupies was either colonized or conquered. Nothing illegitimate there. But, user, is this what you're suggesting immigrants are doing to the US and Europe atm?

That's my line. You just can't objectively call anything you want a piece if shit. And since you deliberately don't want to be objective, why take anything you say seriously?

Wouldn't Trump supporters see that as a compliment.

You’re 100 percent correct

You have links to the sources in the article, for at least France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc. Not going to do the work for you, sorry.

What exactly did the Nazis do wrong? The people they "genocided" are now free and commiting some of the worst atrocities and human rights violations beyond what the Nazis could even imagined

He's dead bros.

You mean morale compass for mental illness?

>There is no empirical evidence that either legal or illegal immigration increases crime rate in the United States.
So this is the hill you've come to die on user?

I don't see anything stating that second and third generation immigrants commit more crime than their parents. In fact I keep seeing studies that show the opposite.

>some idiot king in your town doesn't surrender
>have your son burned alive, your wife publicly gang raped to death in front of the entire town, then get your head chopped off as a sign of mercy
Not only that, Mongols didn't exterminate a "portion" of the population - they exterminated THE WHOLE population. Even after killing everyone in town after 2-3 days they would send small unit of scouts back to town to finish off everyone who might have miraculously survive and was hiding among the ruins.

>daddy issues

How come it is not the father´s fault?

>Stop moving the goalpost.
there is no goalpost being moved. we are talking about illegal immigration and you're trying to equate it to legal asylum seekers. fuck off with that dishonest relativization, you're justifying crimes.
>You just said you don't care if America violates human rights laws.
there is absolutely no human rights law that forces countries to accept illegal immigrants. it's here that you're moving the goalpost to excuse this crime by guilt tripping the border security.
>You realize that illegal immigrants pay the highest taxes whilst receiving no return, right?
all the more reason for them to get back in line. thank the government for offering them this benefit instead of instantly sending them all back.

>have become the moral compass for the modern western world
Their game of pretend is never going to be true, mo matter who says it is. Same goes for any nazi or [insert political ideology] LARP. Facts aren't changed by the feelings of individuals.

The Jews aren't niggers, retard

>The game plays fine
Not even that

>Literally site Slaughterhouse-Five, the on site accomodations at a """death camp""" and the fact that the U.S. did it and didn't get their supply lines ripped to pieces so they could still feed their prisoners.
Keep going retard, what do you have to gain by validating the holocaust so badly, not like I'm going to change a city or a state's mind, do these facts wreak so much havoc on your soul?

Show me the document where America's creation specifies it's foundation is based on color at all. If not you're just using legalism when it's convenient for you.

>Nothing illegitimate there.
even the most staunch conservative knows native americans were persecuted

It's just a comparison, bro. A pretty fair one at that, too.

The tanked this series with the marketing of The New Colossus. They really fucked up because The New Order was fun but they bought into the Orange Man Bad marketing strategy and nobody gave a shit

What's happening in Palestine or in our media and financial systens pales in comparison to Tyrone stealing your radio

I think they just misread their audience by not including multiple QTEs where you watch that boon torture Donald Trump for 40 minutes.

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Nazis really are just a victim of the times though. Anyone living in Germany at that time, you, me, anyone would have done the same exact shit. Humans are not that special at the end of the day. Just like during the Salem witch trials we would have all been the same as them too, witches were real at that time, everyone believed in that shit including scholars.

>Show me the document where America's creation specifies it's foundation is based on color at all.
not him but i'm almost certain that one of the documents describe that immigrants should be anglo of a good character.

Literally black people in 2019

Comparisons are relative and biased.
>I'm not saying you're Hitler, but your LIKE Hitler :^)
You know what bullshit deception this is.

Haha, Punch Nazi*!

*Nazis are anyone who disagree with you

ls it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.

Attached: 1526838569460.webm (480x270, 1.31M)


Again, if you are drawing parallels between what whites did in the US and today, you are going to have a hard time, as you would be shifting the narrative to "please, accept us"/"it's only right, you racist" to "you're my bitch now".

The independence ones?

>Tyrone stealing your life
Fixed it for you

It's just you.

Not really. Still, calling the ideology shit that plunged the entire world into chaos is pretty generous.

>MSM review
>Its a 6.5 to them

What are the odds that it's real score is somehow much lower? Considering the person reviewing it is raging SJW?

Attached: 1564012633312.jpg (1080x1297, 70K)

More like they have only one predictable routine.

/pol/ is dying, thank dog

True. I like to call everyone I dislike a Nazi and it's completely fair and rational.

You probably believe that most of niggers in American jails are innocent too

>C O N Q U E R E D
do you actively deny history or what? Literally read any history book about massacres and landgrabs made against them

other thread got delted,i bet im not even banned

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox14.jpg (455x599, 95K)

Everyone is getting fed up with their repetitive bullshit

Unlike you, I can logically back it up.

>when its convenient metacritic scores are valid

You know what, they actually did make TNC political. This tweet from back in 2017 is an obvious Trump reference. You can't discuss TNC without discussing politics because they're the ones who injected it in, first.

Attached: 000.png (620x559, 281K)

Then you should leave the fuck out alrrady faggot, cry all you want about echo chambers, but you and the others only have a dogmatic belief that whites cannot be oppressed.

>you're trying to equate it to legal asylum seekers.
Because they are legally allowed to apply for asylum and shouldn't be shoved in cages for attempting to do so.
>there is absolutely no human rights law that forces countries to accept illegal immigrants
No, bu there is one about shoving them into cages and depriving them of food, clean water, etc...

The score does not only reflect the programming and technical aspects. A 5 does not mean it simply functions. A 5 means that ALL aspects of the game average out to totally acceptable but pretty standard, acceptable. If a game simply functioned properly but was terrible in every other way then it would average out to a 2 or 3. This really isn't hard to understand, you mouthbreather.

lol jannnys are such fucking retards

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox15.jpg (455x599, 107K)

I'll bet none of you have these smooth moves, now do you?

Attached: 1465171740478.webm (640x360, 1.98M)

>the joy of its predecessor
The New Colossus?

Holy shit, it's even worse than that?

Attached: 1560431034840.gif (896x777, 1.62M)

>punch someone for being a history enthusiast and wearing an armband of a very historically significant thing that doesn't exist anymore
Very mentally stable.

We didn't do anything to them that they weren't already doing to each other; at least we made something of the land and turned it into one of the most successful situations in history in a relatively short time. Maybe if someone conquered Africa too it wouldn't be a fucking blight on the entire world like it is today.


Fucking really?

Attached: 23.png (850x1200, 2.04M)

REMINDER: 86 days left until you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Wait, nevermind, it looks like China is going through with leaking the rest of the last season early.
That means you only have 15 days left until your demise.
And even if you're planning on toughing it out until October, good luck on trying to navigate the Internet without coming across any spoilers between then and when the finale is SUPPOSED to air.
Tick tock, your time is getting short

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

do jannys like /vpol/ that much ?

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox16.jpg (455x599, 112K)

>missing the point

This but unironically, reds are a greater threat to us than nazis ever were

Quite antisemitic of you, very cool!

> but you and the others only have a dogmatic belief that whites cannot be oppressed
How can you afford all of this straw to build so many strawmen?

>trying to cross national borders in secret is officially applying for asylum
You don't believe this. Stop shitposting.

I'm tracing this guy's responses and it's like taking a glimpse at pure insanity. If that's what this site turns you into, I'm taking a break from it.


Attached: 24.png (850x1200, 2.04M)

Does wolfenstien even still have occult shit?

agreed, maybe something will come out of China conquering Africa soon

Iran is OK with transgenders, it's not a common opinion in the Islamosphere

i remember when i created a serious sam thread and got deleted for not reason lmao

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox17.jpg (455x599, 116K)

we used to have comfy Wolfenstein threads

Attached: 22417480cd30.jpg (500x365, 31K)

Stop posting, fags. At this rate you'll hit bump limit before I even get to the next comic.

Attached: 25.png (850x1200, 2.02M)

>/pol/tard is a gay pedophile furry
No surprises here.


Attached: smug_reptilian.gif (600x800, 241K)

Wrong, It's just the people are coming to terms with the fact that nothing was wrong with nazism and fascism is misunderstood and not inherently the evil badguy from a starwars movie.
/pol/ won, it's just the first stage; Acceptance

How many have commies killed so far bro?

RTCW threads are still comfy

Yes and I'm glad it does

>Because they are legally allowed to apply for asylum and shouldn't be shoved in cages for attempting to do so.
if they applied for asylum in the first place they wouldn't be in the situation they are now.
>No, bu there is one about shoving them into cages and depriving them of food, clean water, etc...
scarcity of resources doesn't equate violation of human rights, as long as they stay alive and don't get ill the state is not obliged to provide any further comfort. their situation is the exact same as a person recently detained by police and awaiting due process, you can't complain "my feet hurt, these handcuffs are too tight, this cell is too small". you committed a fucking crime, don't expect to be rewarded for it.


now imagine what a Yea Forumsincel is

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox18.jpg (455x599, 94K)

This thread is on topic.

You know who's to blame for that?

That's right.

Attached: calm down incel.jpg (512x512, 15K)

100% truth, who gives a shit about some retard stealing from a 7/11 while bigwigs siphon billions out of our economy? /pol/ is getting played and always has been.

Attached: 26.png (850x1200, 2.07M)

The notion that so many anons could be shitposting as delusional leftist freaks, scares me as much as the possibility that they may actually be genuine leftist retards on summer vacation.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

Same thing.

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

Attached: 1398030510195.png (608x631, 628K)

Nobody ever liked /pol/ to begin with

Attached: 1535524818109.jpg (456x420, 31K)

Oh wow, I forgot all about this game. It's already coming out? I remember being annoyed that you didn't play as BJ.

Why do they have human vaginas
Is this common in mlp porn?

Attached: 27.png (850x1200, 2.12M)

based /mlp/bro
your sacrifice will never be forgotten

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox19.jpg (455x599, 84K)

Burn alive

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 9.37.12 PM.png (805x149, 43K)

100 million minimum. And that's just in Europe alone.

>Because they are legally allowed to apply for asylum
>and shouldn't be shoved in cages for attempting to do so

>he doesn't have a real life equestrian girl

Attached: 5858.webm (752x424, 1.99M)

>what are house niggers

In the anthro style, yes. That's the style of the comic. But when they're actual ponies they usually have horse genitalia, commonly referred to as the "ponut".

this fucking shithole being so overwhelmed with newfags today that shitposting seems to be the only routine of posting because they dont know any better

Have sex

Attached: 20190719_085905.jpg (392x392, 47K)

>Seems like everyone has turned against them.

Attached: 1502056813971.jpg (1200x1200, 185K)

stocking is hot desu

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox20.jpg (455x599, 78K)

>You realize that illegal immigrants pay the highest taxes whilst receiving no return, right?

lmao, written by a commie that never paid a day of income tax in his life You people live in an alternate reality.

>no return

Go to any grocery store where illegals land (TX, WA, CA) and watch wads of cash being pulled out to cover what the wic/food stamps didn't pay for.
Escaping income tax puts you so far ahead of the game you have no idea. Fuck I hate leftists.


Attached: 28.png (850x1200, 2.03M)

>White "people"
The ones who fuck your sister and oneitis, faggot

It's shooped retard.

Why is it always Nazis bad? Don't people see how much worse communism and (non-national) socialism are? People want America to turn into a pinko state but ignore the shithole that places like Sweden (basically soon to be the next Venezuela) have become because of it.

Thanks for the double (you) faggot. Hope you don't get to dilate yourself today.

>No, bu there is one about shoving them into cages and depriving them of food, clean water, etc...

>leftists: Illegals are being shoved into cages!!!!
>also leftists: support the wayfair strike so they can't donate any beds to orangemanbad and his cage factories!!!!

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox21.jpg (455x599, 106K)

>here's my anecdotal evidence bro lol
airtight, you beat him

Damn, there's the bump limit. This one's damn good too.

Attached: 29.png (850x1200, 2M)

Attached: 1341749__explicit_alternate+version_artist-colon-audrarius_angel+bunny_fluttershy_anthro_big+breasts (2206x3063, 3.41M)

In the United States, migrants converge to the already insanely high crime rates of US citizens, which include niggers.

In Europe, migrants overall commit more crime, especially second-generation. Read the fucking article.

I know what the first paragraph says and it is out of tune with the rest of the article. The fact there is such a denial of the shit people see in their daily lives is part of the problem. But when you actually look at the raw statistics, everything checks out.

>scarcity of resources doesn't equate violation of human rights
Except that's exactly what it is user, what the fuck? Article 24 states you have a right to leisure and rest, article 25 states that you have a right to an adequate standard of living.

"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including foods, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control"

Why are you just making shit up? At this point it'd be better for both of us if you'd just admit that you don't give a shit because they're brown and move on, you'e anonymous user, what do you have to lose?

>nazis universally the "worst people ever"
>commies killed ten times more but dindu muffin and are good guys
Good to know 6mil Jews are worth >100mil peasants

They shouldn’t be shoved in cages a black president built

Your right

It doesn't take much to beat someone claiming that people outside the system (illegal aliens) are getting taxed more than people tracked by the system (the disappearing middle class).

Another complete /vpol/ thread. Good job janny.

Attached: 30.png (850x1200, 2.01M)

aaaand bump limit

Attached: 455px-2babies1fox22.jpg (455x599, 106K)

I'm not saying I agree with the post, but the 1% really are worse than niggers. Blacks lack impulse control and abstract empathy for non close peers, the true elite don't need control and deliberately choose to eschew morality.

Attached: 984422__explicit_artist-colon-xennos_scootaloo_anthro_balls_bandaid_belly+button_breasts_clothes_cre (1200x1184, 1.16M)

Reminder that if you see someone use the term freeze peach they are a redditor and do not belong here.

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-23 at 9.27.29 PM.png (915x141, 30K)

What does conquered mean to you, you faggot?

There was a series of wars (formal or not) where the land was disputed. Whites won. Boo hoo.

This is what would happen if you said this irl

Attached: polfights5.webm (264x472, 1.88M)

>t doesn't take much to beat someone claiming that people outside the system (illegal aliens)
you know that most illegals are people that overstay their visas, right?

I could've used your help a few hundred posts ago, user.

Attached: 31.png (850x1200, 2.11M)


Its when a game is remaked and the main female character has a superior design intead of worse.

>Pffft hahaha dem statistics and data are for commies and libtards! My anecdotal experiences mean way more than all that data hubub.

They can keep posting if they want. They are failing to derail the thread anyway. Another political thread will be made and they will fail trying to derail it again.

I wish you were dead


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Shadowbringers threads still getting deleted though LOL

Attached: 32.png (850x1200, 1.98M)

>Places like Sweden
You've never been to Sweden have you retard? I bet you're one of those retards that post that meme video about millennials opening cupcake stores everywhere over there as if that was something bad, fix your country asshole.

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-14 at 12.48.17 AM.png (760x84, 23K)

Who do you think writes your statistics? It's not as unbiased as you think, everyone has an agenda

Oh shit user, you got em', he was totally defending Obama too!

You're braindead if you think any sizable amount of Trump voters would willingly call themselves Nazis or anything similar.
Fortunately thanks to people like you that will change.

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Attached: 1231456__explicit_artist-colon-atryl_oc_oc-colon-brann+flakes_oc-colon-milky+way_oc+only_anthro_big+ (855x1200, 970K)

Sweden is literally the migrant rapefugee capital of the world

Fucking kys


Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.57.27 PM.png (416x41, 16K)

Because communism is just a failed economic system, Nazism is "white people rule, everyone else sucks, we should rule the world."

Attached: 34.png (850x1200, 2.08M)

Attached: 432028__explicit_artist-colon-reiduran_babs+seed_trixie_anal_anthro_ass_babxie_choker_clothes_corset (769x862, 192K)

Meanwhile: 13 percent 50 percent = racism

Absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: 1562026629921.png (896x1289, 516K)

slit your wrists


Attached: Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 12.12.08 AM.png (1756x177, 43K)

Sweden is the rape capital of the world both because of feminist idiocy and feral migrants going rampant.

But the worst place in Europe now is Londonistan.

Lefitsm is basically "white people suck, minority rule"

Attached: 35.png (850x1200, 2.12M)

You mean rape capital?

>make a coop shooter that's about frantic run-and-gun action

Okay you got me hooked!

>No split screen
>Add rpg levels and enemy healthbars
>higher level enemies just absolutely dominate you because some Nazis have been killing more goblins than you
>BUT most enemies scale with you!
>Story involves three young women just hijacking an FBI helicopter and invading a completely Nazified Europe.


Are you thinking about me hurting?

>Manlets like that guy in the video are the sort of people that advocate for Nazi genocide
Polmutts are pathetic

Attached: 1019636__explicit_artist-colon-sugarlesspaints_princess+luna_ahegao_anal_anal+creampie_anthro_anus_a (1835x1371, 1.17M)

The findings of this analysis show that if a border wall stopped a small fraction of the illegal immigrants who are expected to come in the next decade, the fiscal savings from having fewer illegal immigrants in the country would be sufficient to cover the costs of the wall. This analysis takes the likely education level of illegal border-crossers and applies fiscal estimates developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) for immigrants by education level. NAS calculates the future fiscal balance immigrants create — taxes paid minus costs. NAS reports fiscal balances as "net present values", which places a lower value on future expenditures than on current expenditures.

Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.

im not a filthy fucking nigger either.

I think I'll stop at page 40. Let's do this again sometime, Yea Forumsirgins.

Attached: 36.png (850x1200, 2.11M)

>In the United States, migrants converge to the already insanely high crime rates of US citizens, which include niggers.
Dumb racism aside, not even sure what the fuck you're trying to say here.

>In Europe, migrants overall commit more crime, especially second-generation. Read the fucking article.
Okay cool, but MIGRANTS aren't the same as immigrants. Swarms of people who haven't had the neccesary time to assimilate are much more different than people who have.

>Fascism bad
>But fascism good used to fight """""""""""fascism""""""""""

Attached: 20190719_131647.png (2310x1556, 538K)

Drink bleach



Attached: Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 8.26.36 PM.png (910x82, 25K)

Attached: 1023010__explicit_artist-colon-sugarlesspaints_princess+celestia_oc_abdominal+bulge_ahegao_anal_anth (1808x2363, 1.64M)

Among the findings:

There is agreement among researchers that illegal immigrants overwhelmingly have modest levels of education — most have not completed high school or have only a high school education.
There is also agreement that immigrants who come to America with modest levels of education create significantly more in costs for government than they pay in taxes.
A recent NAS study estimated the lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) of immigrants by education. Averaging the cost estimates from that study and combining them with the education levels of illegal border-crossers shows a net fiscal drain of $74,722 per illegal crosser.2
The above figures are only for the original illegal immigrants and do not include any costs for their U.S.-born descendants. If we use the NAS projections that include the descendants, the fiscal drain for border-crossers grows to $94,391 each.
If a border wall prevented 160,000 to 200,000 illegal crossings (excluding descendants) in the next 10 years it would be enough to pay for the estimated $12 to $15 billion costs of the wall.
Newly released research by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) done for the Department of Homeland Security indicates that 170,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border successfully without going through a port of entry in 2015.3 While a significant decline in crossings from a decade ago, it still means that there may be 1.7 million successful crossings in the next decade. If a wall stopped just 9 to 12 percent of these crossings it would pay for itself.
If a wall stopped half of those expected to successfully enter illegally without going through a port of entry at the southern border over the next 10 years, it would save taxpayers nearly $64 billion — several times the wall's cost.

needs more filly

Attached: 37.png (850x1200, 2.03M)

America has been anti commie since it's inception, we are based capitalists. Fuck nazis though they started WW2 and were genociding

Attached: bigdab.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

>unironically falling for the meme

This thread is peak Yea Forums, this is why I come here.

Please jump off a bridge


Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 9.29.23 PM.png (781x140, 34K)

>Doesn’t deny Obomb did build the cages and also was against migrants

Oh no no no......

Attached: 1205640__explicit_artist-colon-sugarlesspaints_princess+celestia_royal+guard_abdominal+bulge_afterse (1846x1524, 1.67M)

Because it leaves out necessary context, like overpolicing, false arrest, framing, exoneration rates, etc..

Jesus fuck, why are they so violent and animalistic? Am I really supposed to believe that thing on the left is also a human like us? It moves nothing like one


The Importance of Educational Attainment. There is a good deal of agreement among researchers that the education level of immigrants is a key factor in determining their net fiscal impact. As a recent study by the NAS states, the education level of arriving immigrants is one of the "important determinants" of their fiscal impact.5 This finding is similar to a 1997 study by NAS that also examined the fiscal impact of immigrants.6 This conclusion also is mirrored by a 2013 study from the Heritage Foundation. Referring to the education level of household heads, Heritage concluded that "Well-educated households tend to be net tax contributors." But at the same time, "Poorly educated households, whether immigrant or U.S.-born, receive far more in government benefits than they pay in taxes."7 My own research has come to the same conclusion.8 The reason for this is straightforward: Those with modest levels of education tend to earn low wages in the modern American economy, and as a result tend to make low tax payments and often qualify for means-tested programs. The less educated are a net fiscal drain, on average, regardless of legal status or if they were born in the United States or a foreign country.

Happy to make your browsing experience enjoyable.

Attached: 38.png (850x1200, 1.99M)

die out


Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 10.39.25 PM.png (793x142, 33K)

Where are your arguments?

Why are you such a weak little cuckold? Grow some balls, pussy

Attached: 1174595__explicit_artist-colon-poprocks_edit_apple+bloom_scootaloo_sweetie+belle_anthro_armpits_band (2300x2300, 1.96M)

Education Levels of Illegal Immigrants. In terms of the educational attainment of illegal immigrants, there is a good deal of evidence that they have modest levels of education, much lower than native-born Americans or legal immigrants. The Heritage study discussed above estimated that, on average, illegal immigrants have 10 years of schooling. My own analysis for all illegal immigrants (visa overstayers and illegal border-crossers together) is that 54 percent of adults have not completed high school, 25 percent have only a high school degree, and 21 percent have education beyond high school.9 The Pew Research Center has estimated that of all adult illegal immigrants, 47 percent have not completed high school, 27 percent have only a high school education, 10 percent have some college, and 15 percent have a bachelor's degree or more.10 These figures are for all illegal immigrants, including those who overstayed a temporary visa, not just illegal border-crossers.

Attached: 39.png (850x1200, 1.96M)

Pass or Smash?

Attached: 68969.jpg (913x840, 225K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.40.58 PM.png (729x73, 26K)


Alright memelords, how about parroting literal lies, you guys look up "quality of life" by country, you will find out that Sweden is by far a better place than America will ever be so far as they keep you bickering against one another.

>If a border wall prevented
Its been shown time and time again that t won't. People can go over or under it. IRL isn't a 2D drawing

I lied. 41 is the end of this comic.

Attached: 40.png (850x1200, 2.02M)

No. They are naturally that violent. Do you want race is in the lead for killing the most blacks today????

Oh so they're doing their jobs too well?
Fucking retarded.
>False arrest
So they don't get convicted, mighty difficult to convict someone of a crime they didn't commit if they take it to court
"Policeman risks entire career to jail nigger"
>Exoneration rates
And they're no longer a statistic in the system because they were absolved of the crime and said guy gets free money for the false imprisonment
Kill yourself retard


Attached: 854862__explicit_artist-colon-conoghi_edit_scootaloo_anthro_anus_bottomless_clothes_female_foalcon_l (856x1000, 101K)

Unironically the best thread of the day so far

Attached: have sex.jpg (750x748, 105K)

Dude wtf just let me commit crime dude stop arresting me it's not fair

i was that one faggot spamming the tails comic
see you in another thread Yea Forumsro

>Dumb racism aside, not even sure what the fuck you're trying to say here.
That whites in the US commit as much crime as whites in Europe, and that the crime rates in the US are insanely high because of niggers. Now, add a population that is right on the average of these two and for white communities crime is effectively increasing.

>Okay cool, but MIGRANTS aren't the same as immigrants. Swarms of people who haven't had the neccesary time to assimilate are much more different than people who have.
Idk what's with this distinction between migrants and immigrants. I'm using them interchangeably, as someone who is born in a foreign country. You may also include their children in this category, as most people, but not academics, do.



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All right. That's it for me. See you all in the next /vpol/ thread. Because there's always another one...

Attached: 41.png (850x1200, 2.02M)

To be fair if that black guy was fighting you.....

Well, we all know you can’t win shit

Attached: 677861__explicit_artist-colon-xennos_silver+spoon_anthro_belly+button_blowjob_braid_breasts_cum_cumm (1003x1400, 820K)

(remove the first period)

fucking die

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 9.46.59 PM.png (966x304, 51K)