Is Doom unadaptable?

Is Doom unadaptable?

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Nothing is unadaptable. All you need is someone with an understanding of the subject matter that isn't just surface level to head the project and not get cucked by studio execs, boardrooms of writers and producers and diversity quotas. Unfortunately because all that is so rare it does make it look like there are unadaptable properties.

That Doom movie with the rock, if they took the last 15 minutes of that where it's in first person like the games and did the whole movie like that it would work. Hardcore Henry pulled it off, I'm sure Dooom can too.

i dont like NuDoom, find it boring, am i wrong?

you're on Yea Forums, so yes you're wrong

Doom is probably one of the easiest games to adapt as a movie.
So it's insane how they've tried twice and both times have been fucking dreadful.

This. Just make Hardcore Henry but with Doom.

This, literally just take the "story" in the game's manual, mix it with bits of the first doom novel but not wholly (the sequels get into some crazy sci-fi aliens memery) and finish it like Doom finishes.

no, you can make a very good action movie if you get passionate people, which these vidya adaptations clearly don't have.

I actually liked the 2005 movie in all its cheesiness, how's this one?

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Just make it like John Wick, really

It isn't out yet but all signs are pointing to it being awful. Making a female Doomguy that's as thin as a rake is not a good start. They could have at least made her a brick shithouse or something more believable.

>female Doomguy
A better name would be Doombitch or Doomslut. Take your pick.

>Russians with a shoe string budget
>Make Hardcore Henry
>Ameribongs with the money to buy the Doom movie licensing rights
>Make a piece of shit that tries to ride the feminism train like Ghostbusters 2016 minus the marketing


Just make it John Wick with Demons and a more 80s protagonist.

i-is she at least cute?

Even the current Doom devs shat on it.


they can but they don't want to

Hardcore Henry + Evil Dead + Event Horizon = Doom.

That's literallly all the ingredients.

No, in fact the story is insanely easy to adapt.
Just a dude killing demons inside a space base and maybe travel to hell in the last 20 min of the movie.
The biggest problem could be the budget since the movie would be a complete gorefest full of zombies, gigantic demons and more crazy shit.
Hardcore Henry did a good job with a bunch of pennies as the budget so who knows.

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This, just use Hardcore Henry as base. Alternatively make a movie about the demon's perspective, how they view human and Doomslayer. Something like a lone demon survived every encounter with Doomslayer until the last battle where he managed to tear off Doomslayer armor but died in the process.

step 1: cast a big, hulking MAN as lead protagonist, preferably white.
step 2: give him a big fucking gun
step 3: make lots of demons for him to kill in creative and bloody ways
step 4: profit

That's all you need to do for Doom

>Hardcore Henry pulled it off
No, it didn't. That movie was boring shit. I can't even imagine how fucking retarded someone would have to be to think Hardcore Henry was good. POV movies always suck. Just play the fucking game if you want a first person experience.

I strongly believe the doom movie only worked because The Rock is in it.

Literally just do Commando with demons and a metal soundtrack, that's essentially Doom.

A great Doom movie would be a reverse horror movie, where the demons are the victims and the slasher is DoomGuy. Kinda make sense since Doomguy is mostly alone. Plus he litteraly has the slasher archetype : some silent terrifying looking dude, can't see his face, has a chainsaw and some guns, and brutally murder his ennemies.

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Doomslut sounds nice

They try to make it too serious and make the aesthetic just SWAT troops, for a doom movie to be any good they need to embrace pure cheese.

The story of the doom videogames in unadaptable to a movie without a complete overhaul which would kill the fans' interest and likely not attract any normal moviegoers because videogame movies generally suck.

Best thing would be to set a movie in the doom universe either parallel with the events of the game or slightly before and focus on other characters, doomguy can be a cameo

hardcore henry was fucking terrible. wtf are you guys talking about?

Doom movie with the rock in it wasn't that terrible

I really fucking love the cheesiness of it

A proper doom movie would just be alien with a dude protag, less horror and more glorified violence

A proper doom movie would just be a death metal/rock opera

proper doom movie would be a 1920~30s silent comedy

This. For the audience to care about anything happening and for the film to be anything other than mindless repetitive scenes of demons dying the protagonist(s) would have to be someone other than Doomguy.

Having the protagonist(s) caught in the middle of the clash between the demons and Doomguy, with them trying to avoid both as they don't trust a silent crazy marine on a rampage could work.

The actual plot of doom would make a pretty interesting movie.
However, everyone in hollywood seems to want to do their own thing and not follow it.

I really like the film with Karl Urban. I've never played Doom tho.

I prefer punching demons in the face more than I do shooting them.

No, just put Arnold into predator suit and make him murder demons in the most ridiculous ways.

Doom 2016 would be stupid easy to adapt.

Sorry to hear about your vagina user.

>Nothing is unadaptable
Try adapting Tetris, you stupid cretin

That could easily just be something like the emoji movie, there would he one retarded shape that doesn't fit in any opening and is despised by everyone else because he's fucking up the pattern but then he overcomes his insecurities and manages to find a spot that fits his shape perfectly and then everybody is cheering and happy and is finally able to move on to heaven

Use the story of DOOM 2016 as the basis. Pierce is still the villain and the story follows a couple of UAC personnel who haven't yet been slaughtered by the invasion. Preferably, start the story before the invasion and have a bit of buildup to Pierce and her followers unleashing Hell, showing her losing her mind, etc.

Give them some simple goal like reaching escape pods and the majority of the film is just following them trying to accomplish that, with deaths and madness occuring as they go. About halfway through the film, DOOMguy shows up and tears through like a force of nature. He "saves" the group but never actually acknowledges them, simply bringing destruction and moving on. Throughout the movie, the characters don't know if he's on their side or not and he comes down like a tornado of gore when he appears. He's not a main character and never actually speaks to them during the film.

In the end, there's a single survivor who ends up captured by Hayden and is forced into telling him where he's seen DOOMguy throughout the facility. He's then dispatched and the final conversation with Hayden takes place, setting up a sequel.

it would be hard as fuck, because the only way to make it work is to somehow have something cool as fuck happening for 2 hours straight with no padding whatsoever. hard, not impossible, would be a great blockbuster even but nobody is willing to risk that

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I would've been fine with female Doom if it were a buff Amazon muscle girl that barely said anything who also ripped and/or teared. My dick would not have been ready.

If The Lego Movie can be kino, then a theoretical Tetris movie has no excuse for not being kino.

DOOM gay porn parody when

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