No wonder everyone hates this redesign!
Tifa looks like THAT?
I like her more like that haha
Baby is going to be black
Bitch who hates that design??
>tfw that basically a 1:1 of my gf, except slightly smaller gut
why can't I convince her to work out just a little bros she'd be perfect ;_;
>pic related, exactly how my gf looks minus the monster shit obv
What's wrong with a plump gut?
tits too big
The baby is going to be black
She’s very obviously not pregnant, idiot.
Well, she's not just a fling. She's a long temr gf so I care about her health and ability to bear children. My experience has shown that women who look like that when they have kids blow up and never come back down.
Gut fat is the least healthy fat, visceral fat around the organs is awful for longevity and health. And she already has a trophy figure, its just trapped under lots of fat.
reeee. desu, she's asked me to take her to the gym but I just haven't had time
She's pregnant with food not with baby you delinquents
Left is 100x better
Thicc Thursday thread, I see.
She's pregnant with a BLACK baby.
>Axel Rosered
Fucking disgusting
Nothing but balloon guts and body parts and it always looks bad. At least post the god tier belly artist
>you will never slap Tifa's overstuffed gut and send her into a belching frenzy
Why live
This crappy meme has lasted long enough.
ok user
Thank you, lets get to business
fat enablers deserve the rope
Absolute shit taste. Immobile is not hot
yes lad
The closing of Gravity Rush 2 servers and unforeseeable future of the game has hit Raven hard and heavy
What vidya character do you wanna see more fattywank of?
I think being fat should be a taxable offense. It's one of the most shameful things a person can do. I unironically have more respect for drug addicts.
Palutena. She is already a tall goddess, make her wide and she is the perfect package
best picture in thrrad. Not stupidly fat
And that's why the "baby" will be so brown.
What qualifies as stupidly fat?
Stop posting guro you degenerates
She looks like a disgusting man in that picture. Why is there no good fat art of Overwatch characters? It's always way too much
Too big. Great example of how Tharja has no good fat art
Kip is garbage.
why y'all gotta make em so fat
just chubby is fine
Tifa pubes
good thread OP
Thanks, just trying to spread the plump belly love around
Belly bump