When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design good? I'm so sick of awful designs like pic related that are considered """"""good""""" because "hurrrr it make my pp hard"
When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design good...
Other urls found in this thread:
It also doesn't make the character design bad, so there's no reason to hate on it or to actively avoid it.
>on a outfit that's used in combat
It's fucking awful. It's also generic as fuck to boot.
so this design is bad ?
It’s a stylish black dress, get over yourself
by that logic every design would be the same tacticool shit
See >a generic black dress is amazing design
Stop thinking with your dick
It's a bipedal robot that can do flips and teleport while fighting multiple enemies with swords twice it's size
Being able to balance in heels isn't much of a stretch
>good/bad character design
where is a definition for this that everyone agrees with. I haven't seen one yet
>stop liking things i dont like
feel free to contribute anytime
fpbp /thread
Tasteless sex appeal would be if she were in a bikini all game.
Gothic influence is usually a ticket to good, or at the very least, interesting design. Get some education and maybe you'll develop some taste, plebian.
The design is good because it's instantly recognizable, memorable and nice to look at.
Why make this thread?
I feel confortable at staring at this and it doesn’t ruin my immersion
Makes me cringe, strikes me as unrealistic and pandering shit
>muh realism
fuck off
I don't get ithe outrage. The design isn't even that sexual unless she does her suicide mode and wears only the leotard.
Actually it does, it's unrealistic, impractical, and is eye-rolly if you're not a teenage boy or incel. With female characters consistently being oversexualized in their designs, society will never see gaming as anything but an immature hobby.
after you
>tfw no titty goth android gf
yet women love it -- and it's usually the ones who are at least above-average in looks to like it ugly girls are just mad and spiteful.
But 2B IS a good character, I love her, Much like all other female characters of Yoko Taro games, manga, stage plays, and novella.
Any girl that doesn't is just a fat tranny that gets insulted a good character can be sexy as well.
Good. Fuck society. Keep the normalfags away from my games.
I think you have a brain hemorrhage if the design was so generic name me one more game with this design?
I cannot think of any.
There's literally no reason to hate on her design, it's the main thing people are drawn to the game and why people keep talking about it after a couple of years. The only people who dislike it are the ones who haven't actually played the game.
>society will never see gaming as anything but an immature hobby.
also good
Calm down tranny
Absolute shit taste, it's not only sexy it's a sleek classy design that shines as one of the pinnacles of the gothic maid look.
Besides this whole HURRR MY PENIS argument is bullshit since girls love this outfit to death too and no amount of contrarianism willl change that cocksucker.
It's still good character design
And it makes my pp hard
Pick another japanese game to preach your SJW nonsense
left can't meme.
and yet, despite not having played it myself, me, and many other people can instantly recognize the design of this character, over any other blackdress, high heel outfit/character instantly.
Are you sure?
Its not a good design.
Tiny boobs, short hair, that stupid mole, the needless blindfold...what's the appeal?
this, we need to be realistic and not have females in combat at all
2B is unironically one of the best character designs I've seen within the current gen.
>consists of 2 neutral colors
>black contrasts with white sleeves, cleavage, bare thighs, and white hair
>puffy black sleeves and skirt are very fantasy-like
>battle-damaged look is just as memorable due to the leotard, lack of a skirt, and eyes being visible
I've never played NieR: Automata by the way. These are just based off observations.
That's a really good character design!
Who is it?
KEK this is today's "gamer."
this is who companies like sony replaced their core audience with KEK
tip for you, man -- stay contained in consoles.
>shit on design for being too sexy
>redesign from people complaining about it are even worse
>meanwhile redesigns from people that enjoy the source material are enjoyable and fun
It's an instantly recognizable design so your argument that it's a generic black dress is nullified.
Wow, the first post was the best post.
opinions remain opinions.
if its trying to portray itself as a serious 1:1 of our current world/reality, then that would make sense, but in a game that flip flops from taking itself seriously, to one that doesnt take itself seriously (in plot, not art direction) this argument isnt valid as "fact" but instead just subjective opinion.
Oh boy, look at all those sexy heroines in the marvel and DCU comics and movies.
And all those sexy female characters in other movies.
And models.
And singers.
It's just games, ladies, games are EVIL.
Fuck off, fat bitch. Go do 10 sit ups every day and plank at least 30 seconds but I bet you can't even do that without collapsing and having a heart attack.
Post things that people wear IRL that look just like 2B's outfit if it looks so generic.
Fuckin' based
Good design isn't realism, it's something likable, identifiable and memorable. 2B is all of these, sexual without being tasteless, and evokes the look of a maid, reinforcing her characterization as someone built to (blindly) serve.
muh dick
I really hope OP is just trolling
t. dicklet
why are you not bitching about the disgusting DLC where they slap Kainé's outfit on her for no reason other than it shows more skin?
It's literal perversion. She doesn't even look good in it.
See? Now you can complain like a feminist and be right for once!
wearing a blindfold isnt practical for combat either yet all you trannys complain about is the dress
they're androids, the rules of human combat attire don't apply to them
Technically you are comiting suicide by going through trans surgery so it's 100%.
I'm gay and therefore not attracted to her, but I like 2D's design.
That would imply this falsehood Yea Forums clings on, that more than half of these retards actually ever had surgery.
>I only like realistic things therefor I am better than u
autism is one hell of a dysfunction
>2B's outfit is generic
Literally go and kill yourself you irredeemably retarded pile of shit oh my fucking god
>it's another seething SJW uggo mad that fictional attractive women exist
Yeah how fucking generic and not iconic in the least. All these hundred thousands of bitches trying to out do each other by cosplaying this shit only chose it because it's so generic they don't have to put any efford into it and because this game is one of the most normie games in years.
>normie games in years.
i'm not who you are replying to, but this doesn't matter. if you want to show how generic it is, post examples of people wearing something like 2B's outfit IRL for everyday wear. nike generic, for example.
I'm not sure this logic even actually works. The shape of the clothing is irrelevant, we see in the game that they have full on reinforced armor for heavy combat missions. What 2B wears outside of Route C is essentially scouting clothing. It's an outfit for general purpose missions and the like. Outside of the heavy armor, the android's protection is not coming from clothing but from having an artificial, reinforced body. Standard fatigues isn't going to be any more helpful than a bikini when your skin and subdermal plating is far more resilient and protective than either.
At worst the skirt potentially catches on something (it's not very long) and the tradeoff is completely impacted movement.
Likewise, I'm not sure heels are all that impractical considering they are built into the android models. Most prosthetics balance on the ball of the foot, a heel that can micro adjust it's position might be very close to the same effectiveness on an extremely advanced robot. When you get into arguing this though you have to start asking shit like "Why do they even have feet when it's be more effective for them to have doc ock tentacles or some shit.
>post examples of people wearing something like 2B's outfit IRL for everyday wear
You're just fishing for pictures of me, aren't you?
Let's not forget the skirt comes of if looked funny at so that problem was actually taken into consideration.
I hate women so so much.
What is it about 2B's design that elicits endless [AUSTISTIC SCREECHING] from brainlets?
If you can pull off 2B's cute gothic combat meido style, absolutely.
>Nier Automata takes place in the year 14000 or so
You fucking idiot. Also this character design is just a bait and switch for a thematic purpose introduced later. People who get off to 2B haven’t played it.
2B honest, its perfectly possible to play and enjoy the game for its themes and still fap yourself into a coma over 2B.
>it needs to look realistic!
>we want female fighters!
Nigger pick one and fuck off.
OP clearly has no sense at all for good design. She's hung up on evaluating realism which is the lowest form of design and aesthetic criticism.
It's the polar opposite of generic. It's so distinct as to have a very unique style.
I still don't like it compared to Zero though.
That design is good, but also sexy.
>simple color scheme and overall design that doesn't have a lot of noise
>covered up but still alluring (as in it's not just a bikini)
>good shape on design to help emphadize arms, head and legs so you can easily see what the character is doing in this fast hack n slash
>has cloth to help give a sense of movement, which is important for games like these
>while overall the materials and clothes are simple and flat, they have some details on the dress to help give visual interest
In all honesty, it's a very well designed character.
You're too hung up on the character being sexy that you ignore all the legit good things in the design, which is not a good thing to do. It prevents you from being reasonable.
Shut the fuck up, Boco.
Most people already know that, its just that Yea Forums is mostly desperate incels so they have different criteria theyr looking for in desitns
I'm all for shitting on that retard but this is a dumb arguement when talking about an android that could punch your head off clean, even if the arms where even twice as thin.
I'm rather beginning to think europe time Yea Forums is mostly asian (all of it) ESLs shitposting because they are shit people in general.
the game is ridiculous all around so who cares
dumb thread, post 2Bs
Using your logic Dante also has a shit design
>base chest and no armor to protect himself
>big clumsy shoes
>hair that looks like it will get in the way during combat
>long coat that would get in the way during combat
>coat belt has sharp points that could hit him during combat
>sword strapped on his back isn't ideal for quick easy access during combat
The setting and tone isn't super realistic. The only thing that matters is it being belieavable and consistent in the game's world.
she has a skirt and heels, therefore generic weeb design. Now let's all praise every generic marvel-esque body suit the west gives to their characters.
Wtf is this logic based off lol, in the first place that demographic isn't even on Yea Forums, let alone on vidya to discuss an android wearing a skirt in combat
Hang on do people actually like Dante's design and consider it good?
Hint: it's awful
The only people who get assblasted about sexy female characters are women and sexual predators trying to camouflage themselves as "woke" in order to get close to women in order to abuse them.
It's perfect for the kind of game DMC is.
A design has to fit the game. A design that works in one game doesn't magically work in another.
>implying you've fucked anything other than your mouth
funny how it's always you unfuckable m'lady tippers that get mad at sexy looking women in video games
A good design like Thor works in any setting.
today's leftists and trannies have always been the incels
Yeah, it's like they went apeshit when they changed it or something.
That design isn't what makes your dick hard, it doesn't have anything sexy in it, what makes your dick hard is that the game allows you to look under her skirt and see her huge ass with a leotard.
It's not generic, there are barely any games with designs like this.
It is good design because it's pleasant to the eyes, it's easy as fuck to recognize just by the silhouette, this is anything but generic. You have no real reason to complain about this other than realism, and why the fuck would you even want realism? Specially in a game that doesn't aim to be realistic, but stylish?
Maybe because you're just baiting.
The design is not sexy at all, it's just that you can get her almost naked or look under her skirt, but the design doesn't have anything sexy in itself.
What makes a character design good is completely subjective though. There is no template on how to design a character.
Technically 2B is the most memorable character of the whole gen without even having good dialogue, that's entirely on her design, so it's easily the best design in vidya this gen. She's from a niche as fuck game and made it into Soul Calibur.
>When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design good?
When Touhou took over Japan.
yeah nah
haha dude everytime you shower technically youre committing suicide because you shed dead skin cells
haha appendectomies kill ur real self because ur real self had an appendix
There's a reason people only like the ass, you're just grasping at straws to convince yourself or something you decided a long time ago, the outfit itself is not sexy. There are hundreds of sexy outfits in vidya, even thousands I would say, this is not one of them.
boobwindow itself invalidates your entire argument
the outfit is maid fetishism
the point you should be making is that there's nothing wrong with it because it's a fucking videogame, but going off the other way in denial is just pathetic
>unironic left can't meme
>dumpster tier used goods jobless fat fuck """women""" complaining about 2B
no matter what she wears that makes her a great character
I can't for sure know what he meant by that, but I think he meant it in a more philosophical way, in the sense that a tranny is "killing" the person they're born as in an attempt to become someone and something else.
This actually makes a lot of sense, considering that "people" coming out as trannies usually radically change their personality, appearance and name.
How about you hit the gym and stop being fat ugly bitch that gets insecure looking at fictional characters?
You only say that because she's hot. NO ONE here would like her and consider her a good character if she looked liked an actual woman and not a a oversexualized barbie doll.
>This actually makes a lot of sense, considering that "people" coming out as trannies usually radically change their personality, appearance and name.
They don't really CHANGE per se, they start expressing a person who they've always felt like internally, at least in the traditional instance of trans people coming out.
You have people who start expressing "trans traits" but these people are usually either peer pressured, bullied, or just plain stupid.
This is funny in an ironic sense because trannies are usually the biggest incels ever, even to the point that the become the girls the could never have.
Not as awful as your taste.
>2B is an android
>everyone calls her a she or a woman, and is also programmed as one
>trans people
>they know that they can't be a woman
>A good design like Thor works in any setting.
It seriously doesn't.
Prime example, if you went dressed like that and Marve's Thor wouldn't have been a well known character people would've regarded you an idiot for walking around dressed like that. While on the other hand if you were dressed like Dante people would've regarded you as being dressed far more normal.
Now imagine a scenario that leans more into realistic territory like say CoD or something. Thor would've looked out of place as fuck and just plain stupid.
I can GUARANTEE you OP has fapped to 2B non stop since release
He's just one of these autistic retards that will go against everything they love just because it's popular in order to get some (you)s to validate their shitty existence
Seek help before it's too late
>You only say that because she's hot. NO ONE here would like her and consider her a good character if she looked liked an actual woman and not a a oversexualized barbie doll.
>They don't really CHANGE per se, they start expressing a person who they've always felt like internally, at least in the traditional instance of trans people coming out
That's bullshit and you know it. Obviously a person isn't pretending to be somebody else for about 20 years before they realize that they're somebody else. You can clearly see how forced the "girliness" is among trannies, it's like they're trying their best to act like anime girls instead of how a normal woman would act.
"Generic" is the brainlet's go-to argument when they can't think up genuine criticism but really want their autistic hatred of something to seem analytically valid.
You can literally call anything "generic". It has as much meaning as criticism as calling something "poopy".
>That's bullshit and you know it. Obviously a person isn't pretending to be somebody else for about 20 years before they realize that they're somebody else.
you're retarded and know nothing about human psychology. i can't wait for a global mass death event that includes you in it.
Ironically, nobody who says this actually ever talks about her design, meaning they base their entire opinion on her based on her attractiveness. There's no difference between only liking a design because it's hot and only hating a design because it's hot.
careful user, shitting on neir is like shitting on EVA.
also fuck asuka and rei, shinji is real waifu
>you're retarded and know nothing about human psychology
Says the "man" who thinks chopping off his dick will solve his mental issues.
> i can't wait for a global mass death event that includes you in it
I don't have to wait for anything, your kind is already committing suicide in astonishing numbers. Though, I wouldn't be against hastening it up even more.
Why would they call addressing and referring to them with their birthname as deadnaming then?
>posts fatty who people only like because she's also a cute elf
>muh ultra utilitarian, unisex realism
You're not exactly one to be calling out awful, generic visual design with tastes like that, user.
>hurrrr it make my pp hard
And thats a good thing
Is there any taste more cucked than a realism fag? I don't see fantasy niggers making close to near the same demands, you unpleasant pile of slurry.
It’s bad if you want me to take a character seriously
boob window is a pretty typical thing in dresses you faggot and/or tranny dyke
I am not going to give you an account on why I find a character's design attractive, professional baiter and shitposter.
If the design of a sexy female insults you so much, don't play the game and play something else. Simple as.
God you are such a fucking cuck. But sex appeal aside, the west is terrible at character design.
Look at the main characters of the critically acclaimed 'The Last of Us'---how the fuck do you cosplay as these two? Dress like a hobo? They have no discerning characteristics or notable accessories to identify them.
A good character design you can identify by silhouette alone.
yes, sexy ones
>When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design good? I'm so sick of awful designs like pic related that are considered """"""good""""" because "hurrrr it make my pp hard"
You judge video game characters based on how easy it is to cosplay as them
He says that the design of character's like 2B are very stylized and much more interesting to cosplay then a bunch of people dressed in simple everyday's clothes. Like in TLOU.
>muh realism
You fucks are the reason games are so fucking expensive and take years to make.
Look at the output of quality games in the PS2 ERA and compare it to now.
I wish every game for the next decade was cartoonish or anime inspired just to spite you.
Yeah and it's hilarious
>color scheme contrasts well with in-game surroundings
>easily distinguishable silhouette
>simple, but elegant and poised like a dancer
>evocative of a maidservant in a blindfold, which is thematically relevant
Fuck realismfags and fuck their "muh pp" non-argument
Have you even played the game?
She trips up on fucking everything.
Roastie toastie
>it's a robot
>the point was to be sexually appealing because that's what Taro wanted, Bayonetta is the exact same thing
>sex sells, stop pretending it doesn't, men are more sexually inclined than women and sperm is significantly cheaper than eggs and an incubation period making it an obvious biological development for men to have the more active sex drive and for women to be pickier
>it's better than whatever """non-sexist non-generic""" design you or some SJW garbage designer would come up with
Things can be sexy, and that's okay. But then again, you're probably just a contrarian looking for things to argue about. Had sex about 12 minutes ago btw
What is hilarious?
No its not, there are plenty of fictional western characters that are well designed and guess what? Shit tons of people dress up as them for Halloween.
I know you are a pathetic fatass that never has fun. But lots of people enjoy dressing as characters besides cosplayers.
Why would realism matter in a video game? Why would practicality matter in a video games? Your assumptions are pure cringe from the start.
go back to resetera and circlejerk your tumblrina designs, incel.
Then don’t buy it? Why complain about something you don’t like, just don’t support it.
By looking at this picture my cock doesn't go erect, while I am straight, but it's still pleasing to the eye. It's a good design, regardless of what other effect is may or may not have.
this advertising thread just made me buy the game on sale for $28
hit me with them android buns
dilate, freakshow
You know what looks generic, those neo-burkha full body leotards in mk11. Add some detail for fuck sake.
I'm absolutely tired of these repetitive bait threads. Isn't there something else you can get (you)s from?
Seriously, how do people like these find and end up in Yea Forums of all places? Let's not joke ourselves, everyone knows the general culture and opinions of this site specifically in matters like this for example.
And the style, structure and wordplay of these posts are very similar in general. Very weird...
UNLESS, of course, posts like these are been made by either shitposting user trolls just to bait and "for the lulz", or by foreign people outside the chans throwing their opinions. Most likely redditors or resetera.
Why are Western artists so shit at making appealing or iconic character designs? I'm actually having a hard time trying to remember iconic characters that are Western. Much easier time remembering Eastern ones.
Could your taste be any more shit?
>wah wah wah waaaaaah
Dumb frogposter.
Lose weight.
There is nothing more teenage than trying to appear mature.
There is nothing more incel than trying to appease woman. If you want to get laid, try acting like a man for once.
Who's this? Reverse image search gives nothing.
I'd love to pin her down and fuck her in the asshole. I'd love to lick it clean too.
They even took an already recognizable character like Kratos and almost made him fucking forgettable with the new game. I will not remember god of war 20 years from now. Western artists and writers are absolute garbage.
Do you even know how the skirt is removed?
>waaaah why isn't fantasy fiction 100% realistic?!
>tfw you don't really dislike Automata or its character designs, but you're too intelligent to really enjoy it because you already played Nier first
>When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design good? I'm so sick of awful designs like pic related that are considered """"""good""""" because "hurrrr it make my pp hard"
OP, you realize that sexual appeal IS a completely valid aspect of aesthetically conscious design philosophy, right? I'm not claiming it's the only thing that matters, but it definitely is a contributing factor to aid in the composition of a sufficiently pleasing character design. Have you never taken a single art course in your life? Hell even high school level art classes cover this type of basic material...
So glad that society has people like you to appoint themselves the arbiters of good taste
>Implying a character design that is immediately recognizable as a unique character from a unique title is just another set of heels, stockings, an outfit and sex
>Facetiously making the argument for realisms' sake rather than simply admitting the design has a level of sex appeal that makes you uncomfortable
My fucking mom played through Nier Automata and commented that 2B is pretty and has a cool dress. She also made the objective criticism it's not as good as DMC mechanically and that the world felt padded out rather than intended from square one. Quit your bitching, a chick who is in her 60's from sexually puritanical America enjoys the game, stupid trannies.
You know heels on shoes were originally used for combat purposes, right?
It's a great character design, sex appeal or not.
>It also doesn't make the character design bad, so there's no reason to hate on it or to actively avoid it.
If it's so out of place that it takes the player out of the experience, then it doesn't work. Nier Automata is consistently in its wierdness so 2b doesn't stand out as much, and she changes her gear during the invasion, thus she always looks like she's in place.
But, if 2b was surrounded by a bunch of hard edge military dudes, and she was the only character who looked like that, then she would stick out like a sore thumb, and people would be far less forgiving. Sex appeal is not an inherent good.
Actually, now that you say it I remember Kratos. That's a dude though.
Disappointing thread tbhfam
nice gravity
it does though
You and your kind are pitiable and pathetic.
good designs are felt and you can't expect every fan to articulate beyond surface level. The fact that the explanations exist (in this thread, even) and are true should be enough.
>When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design bad?
very good
2B’s design is shit just because it’s fucking boring. Ordinary silhouette in an all-black dress with white accents? There’s nothing special or memorable about it except the blindfold.
It has nothing to do with “sex appeal bad”; Haydee is great character design. 2B is not.
Well then, show me the rest of the combat robots that are fighting in embroidered formal uniforms unsubtly declaring their purpose as stewards and servants to long gone masters.
Please. I rather like the design, and would like to see more like it.
Reality proves you wrong, but you go ahead and believe what you want.
How does “reality” prove me wrong?
If 2B’s design was from any other game you’d shit on it.
Why would I, exactly?
I want to marry and impregnate 2B
Because it’s a generic dress. No color, no interesting detail that suggests something about the character, no uniqueness in the silhouette. Just a chick in a dress, wearing a blindfold.
Find me ONE other game with a character in a plain black dress as the lead that you would say has “good character design”
It's an unpretentious military uniform designed by androids to distinguish her as a YoRHa operative, user. Why would they overdesign it?
It’s a terrible “military uniform”; it doesn’t have any indication of rank, it doesn’t seem to have any functionality that would make it useful in a combat situation, it doesn’t provide camouflage, it doesn’t do anything but be a dress.
It’s also NOT a generic YorHa outfit; pic related is a generic YorHa outfit, you can actually get it in-game. Note how it has color variation, interesting lines and details, and seems designed for its intended function. This is what all the YorHa you fight in-game actually wear.
She doesn't have a womb, sorry.
they're androids fighting machines, like as if they need clothing to identify others when they can just scan them up in real time. Machines would find them with or without camouflage.
No, you're just incredibly insecure and frankly childish. Mature people are comfortable with sexual things and don't go "EWWW GIRLS HAVE COOTIES".
I recently beat her game, what did I think of it?
You don't know the definition.
Let's see, show more examples similar costumes in different games to prove your point.
>Find me ONE other game with a character in a plain black dress as the lead that you would say has “good character design”
Easy. Nier Automata. Nier Automata has some of the absolute best character designs in not just games, but any medium, and your little tantrum doesn't change that fact.
You loved it unless you're a contrarian shitposter, in which case you'll pretend to hate it, but still secretly loved it and wish it got a sequel.
Why are you trying to use “it’s just a generic military outfit” to justify how simplistic and detail-free the character design is, but then proceed to engage in all manner of mental gymnastics to justify high heels and a dress as a military outfit?
If we’re willing to suspend disbelief to let heels and a frilly dress be a combat outfit, we should be willing to suspend disbelief to let a more unique and interesting design be a combat outfit too. You can’t justify boring design as a “necessity of the character” and then bend your explanation into a pretzel to justify it anyway.
How do you retards fall for it every single time.
If people LIKE a character, it is well designed because characters are DESIGNED to be liked. Watching ameteur youtube videos about art and video games doesn't make you a master of it.
Nobody likes 2B. They like her ass and they like her game; SHE’S the most forgettable member of the entire cast.
I know people always focus on her ass and it's really nice but for me it's the combination of healthy thighs, hips and a petite (but not flat) chest.
Ass, stockings and thigh high heel boots do it for me, bud.
I've got a promising career ahead of me as a character designer, don't you think?
Those too. Also stocking bulge.
it's called skin indentation
ITT: seething incels
So you're retarded and you're projecting yuor retardation onto me. Cute.
Who fucking cares except you autists, it's a fantasy sci-fi game.
So you're literally blind and retarded
Half the reason why this game was enjoyable is you got to see that ass while travelling through the otherwise empty world.
I don’t want realism, I just want interesting character design. I’d be thrilled if every character in Automata was lifted straight from Guilty Gear, but I’d settle for the level of character design Taro gave to Kaine or Zero, or Emil, or Nier, or really anyone in any game he directed until Automata
This actually bugged me a lot. A2 should've had it no question.
But then again automata's DLC was completely pointless and added nothing so whatever.
>When will people realize that sex appeal doesn't make a character design bad?
>I'm so sick of awful designs like pic related that are considered """"""good""""" because "hurrrr its woke"
>no interesting detail that suggests something about the character
She's an all-purpose combat unit that dresses like a blindfolded french maid and rigidly follows orders without question. It's not even subtle, user.
>sex appeal doesn't make a character design good
WRONG. It's literally the only purpose for female characters.
What's so horribly generic and bad about Automata?
When will OP have sex?
The characters don't dress like a clown so obviously it's generic.
that's not even comparable to 2B's outfit. You're actually blind and retarded.
sex appeal is great character design, all you want to do visually is appease the public
nobody cares about 2b because she has a nice dress, they just like the fanart from the fan service and accidentally the character's story is well made
caring about character design is as pointless as all the cumbrains who just want fat ass and titties in every game
Yeah, me too. I'm so sick of people implying that being attractive makes a person attractive. I mean, I don't even ... Why would you be attracted to an attractive person? Why would an attractive person make doing the thing their doing more attractive? It makes sense.
>being this desperate
>It’s a terrible “military uniform”; it doesn’t have any indication of rank, it doesn’t seem to have any functionality that would make it useful in a combat situation, it doesn’t provide camouflage, it doesn’t do anything but be a dress.
Also you:
>I don’t want realism
I said that to explain why “it’s a generic military uniform, it’s not SUPPOSED to be elaborate” is a shitty defense of the dress.
It's weeb trash, what did you expect?
Shut the fuck up, Faggot.
2B is unironically the best character design of the decade.
Plain black dress is plain. It’s just very uninteresting.
I don’t even have to defend this position, the outfit was factually designed primarily to be “easy to cosplay”; Taro requested a design that was simple and uncreative on purpose to make it easier for cosplayers to advertise his game for free.
bayonetta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this cringy shit
it just screams: "I want virgin weebs and roasty cosplayers audience!!!"
I honestly don’t even believe you think that’s a well-designed character.
>Data: The Williams Institute
Shit meme.
Here is an actual data for suicide attempts after therapy. Dilate.
This, the design isn't bad by itself, it's just not fitting, much like 90% of character design in jap games.
They just put whatever gives them a boner into their game with little care for consistency or realism (as in realism in the setting of the game), everyone is just a walking-talking fashion disaster.
I feel bad for you. Your pathetic little mind honestly believes this
>my opinions are facts, waah waah
Literally looks like a tranny.
>its an OP knows nothing about Videogames episode
At some GDC presentation from Nier automata devs, at some point they went over about composition in games and how they made the focal points etc.
They intentionally made the skirt more "flowly" than usual to bring the most focus on the center of the character's figure and therefore she shows more ass. The light colored parts of the character contrast with the black/dark parts; if you have a black paper and draw a white circle in the middle, then the eyes will focus on that white circle immediately and will have trouble focusing on the other parts that take up the paper. Its composition 101.
(I forgot if it was specifically GDC but it was a dev interview)
Her outfit isn't that sexual anyway compared to Kaine(but she had a reason for wearing revealing clothing)
Well done, user, you actually detected when someone was being facetious. I know your crippling autism probably makes such things very difficult, but you somehow managed. Good job!
It's an android fighting in a war in the year 11000something, who cares
Are you saying Taro DIDN’T give Yoshida two instructions for the character design, and that those were “she’s wearing a blindfold” and “it’s easy to cosplay”?
Because that is absolutely how Taro tells it. I know he’s a self-deprecating little shit but I never read that as sarcasm.
Just because there's a lot of work and thinking put into the design doesn't mean it's good.
See any big name fashion designer.
All I hear from you is "Why isn't it some military outfit covered with medals and flashy stuff that hypnotizes me like a bug to a light?".
>it's bad because it's not realistic enough
The problem is that it’s all black to begin with. There’s nothing to break it up, visually. This was actually a huge problem Plat went through designing Bayonetta and it’s why she got so many revisions, because Kamiya wanted her to be in black for thematic reasons but didn’t want her to look plain. It’s actually why the “clothes come off for the weaves” mechanic was introduced, because it was the best way they could devise to give Bayo some visual diversity while still putting her in an all-black outfit.
2B’s design obviously didn’t get that level of creative iteration, unfortunately.
he's right though, and you seem to have forgotten to dilate
>good thing bad
I’m saying, why not just make her look like pic related and handwave THAT as her “military outfit”? I mean if we’re gonna invent really stupid justifications for how her outfit is a military uniform, let’s do so for something that doesn’t bore me to tears. I could maybe buy it if 2B was presented as some sort of Generic Buzzcut Soldier, where the outfit was clearly uninspired on purpose to fit with the expectations of the story, but if we’re gonna send a robot to war in a ridiculous dickbeater outfit let’s at least pick one that’s fun.
another obsessed trannylover
if i could gas one person on earth, it wouldnt be Ilhan Omar, it would be you.
No further discussion needed.
He also said that the ass had to be perfect
2B doesn't even do anything for me but that most certainly isn't a prime example of bad design.
It's simple enough. It's not overdesigned. It has a clear silhouette. Is evocative of the heavily fetishised french maidservant, with a gothic lolita twist.
Those last two themes are particularly relevant to the work - in both the subservience of the maidservant and the artifice inherent to gothic lolita.
On some levels I agree with your sentiment OP: there are a lot of bad designs out there that aim for sexual appeal. Often enough crude efforts, failing at proper eroticism.
But you could not have picked a worse example.
>ultra-camp dominatrix that looks like a teacher
>stoic sci-fi dominatrix that looks like a maid
Wow, it's like night and day. Definitely no overlap in appeal to certain demographics, no siree
>see hot female
>roll eyes
normal men get a boner, faggot
I don’t think he did, but actually all he said was that she had to wear black. It was Saito that said she had to be easy to cosplay. Both of them, in interviews, have basically said her sex appeal was down to Yoshida being a thigh and ass man and that being how he wanted to design her.
>why do people have to make different things? why can't everything be exactly like one thing and one thing only!?
Incels are not normal men. Seethe and cope, nu-male cuck.
Look up interviews. He said he'd fire his entire staff if they didn't make 2B's ass perfect.
I mean, nothing says “original and inspired vision” like a black maid dress.
Just some amount of color and variation would have been nice. Zero was a fantastic design, why couldn’t the characters from Automata looked like the ones from DoD3?
>it's another salty thott thread
Sorry, 2B is leagues ahead of your gross ass tattooed up caked on makeup clown face
Not that user, and I will look up the interviews, but that sounds a lot like a joke.
That does read like a joke, though. Taro also said he writes all the stories by drinking too much and that he spent most of his time getting in Plat’s way, acting like he’s a bad game director is part of his humor.
>one makes sense in its over the top setting and is also tongue in cheek
>other is an obvious fan service for waifufags that looks out of place
wew lad, literally the same
weebs are braindead and think with their dick
>because this game is one of the most normie games in years
I don't think you have fucking any idea what that word even means.
I mean, why does everything have to be bright shiny special snowflake uniqueness in order to be good?
As opposed to incels who think with their rage and hate?
you have made one hell of a boogyman.
i'm sure your incel wiki loves it.
Because it’s the main character of a video game and visually interesting characters is part of creating compelling fiction? 2B’s personality sure isn’t carrying her.
Look at every female character Taro designed up until Automata, and compare them to 2B.
I like it because it's original as far as android dystopian future stories go. She doesn't look like a generic anime robot, she looks like what her character is.
Boob is just a plus
So again your argument is "Everything must be overdesigned in order to be considered good". Do you look at your dog and whine about him being so badly boringly designed and wish he had robot legs and breathed ice?
You’re being disingenuous. I wouldn’t hold my dog up to the world as an example of “great character design” because he’s just a fucking dog. I wouldn’t want to play a game about him just being a fucking dog. I wouldn’t want to engage in a 50+ hour experience about his dog-tier bullshit.
You’ve got an android supersoldier in a post-apocalyptic wasteland fighting to save humanity from killer robots and your creativity peaked at “chick in a black maid dress”, don’t try to put it on me “expecting too much” that you gave up that easily.
Hell, A2 is a pretty cool design, what with the paint-worn “censorship” and visible doll joints and such. At least she looks like a post-apocalyptic combat android.
>With female characters consistently being oversexualized in their designs, society will never see watching movies as anything but an immature hobby.
why are your analogies so shit? Just stop lmao
Procreate, femcel.
Man, i didn't even play the game and even i know that 2Bs dress gets torn down fast and you mostly play as A2 with short hair. Your argument is fundamentally flawed since 2B looks literally the same just with different hair and actual clothes.
Also, humanity doesn't exist according to the preqeuel and androids can build themselves however they want. Who are you to decide that high heels aren't practical? In fact, i would argue that high heels are more ergonomic for androids due to me watching boston dynamic youtube videos.
Less replying to attention whores. More sexy androids, thank you.
>Man, i didn't even play the game and even i know that 2Bs dress gets torn down fast and you mostly play as A2 with short hair
That's only the second half of the game, but that's A2, not 2B.
>2B looks literally the same just with different hair and actual clothes
It's almost like the boringness of her outfit is what's being discussed. Take her out of it and put her in something else, and she (A2) becomes a more interesting character design? No way! I can't believe it
>Also, humanity doesn't exist according to the preqeuel and androids can build themselves however they want
Spoiler alert you faggot. Humanity is supposed to exist and it's a plot twist of the final story route that they don't, androids perpetuate a humanity myth to have a reason to go on existing
>Who are you to decide that high heels aren't practical?
When in the fuck did I ever say that? I don't give two shits about 2B wearing high heels. I just wish they were bright red or something. I wish there was anything to break up the god-awful visual monotony of her outfit. I actually took 2B out of the main outfit and put her in the Yorha heavy armor for playing the game because I found the main outfit so uninspired.
You sound like a incel lala homo fruit. Honestly, your fixation on her outfit seems borderline psychotic. I hope you don't burn down platinum for this.
>what's being discussed
>"character design"
>no wait it's "outfit design"
>"it's a bad design"
>no wait I'm actually arguing that it's not a great design
make up your fucking mind
>mass-produced androids built to serve and protect a race that has long since perished
>wearing modest black uniforms with vague visual elements of domestic servitude and elegance still incorporated into their design
Is the justification really that stupid though?
>female character should be ugly
I don't get it, isnt better for your kind when non-western devs (for obvious reasons) make female characters good looking or sexy? You can make a bunch of articles about and promote traffic with your fabricated outrage.
Cool mom
>society will never see gaming as anything but an immature hobby.
Unlike... films? Like disney movies or just cape in general? Netflix productions?
It's shit design is all, you don't see me complaining about stupid slutty outfits in porn, but it's pretty embarrassing seeing this in a game that's all about muh super serious and deep story.
So, with which well-designed character would you replace 2B to make the game better in the eyes of society?
2B doesn't do Kaine's outfit any justice, neither would A2, their boobs are too small
Now A2 as Brother Nier looks great, dem white pants look great on her hips
Again, you're missing the point in your obsession with political correctness.
>look I bought and played the game to make my retarded opinion sound less retarded.
this is some impressive reverse mental gymnastic.
Again, with which well-designed character would you replace 2B to make the game coherent with "muh super serious and deep story"?
If super serious and deep story is all you got from any of Yoko Taro's games then you're seriously mentally deficient. That's like an absolute basic surface level first impression of his works.
I'd rather let someone who's actually a good designer decide.
Be careful, seething like that, getting angry like that can break the sutures on your new vagina and make you bleed a lot. Please dilate responsibly.
Top tier gothic lolita aesthetic that also arouses straight men with taste. What's the problem?
Wait, so... you are not a good designer? But it seems you are capable of pointing out a bad design? But then how would you know if something is a good design? Will you just use the opinion of a good designer to decide or something?
OP can't be her.
>moving goalposts again
You don't have to be a professional to tell when something's off.
But you do need to have an idea of what you're talking about. Which you clearly don't, since you refuse to elaborate.
Don't have to be a professional to tell that you're blind and retarded either.
But you actually need to be a professional to determinate when something is actually good, right?
Feel something, femcel
The only thing I dislike about 2B is how her dress shamefully comes off, I've seen her without the skirt more than I have with it on. It completely ruins an otherwise lovely design
It's a nice design, I like the game, but It doesn't make ma dick "hard". Princess Peach make my dick Hard, not 2B
Why didn't I think of this bait? Good job OP.
i thought trannies loved dresses. KYS OP
Yeah it is a nice dress.
The only way for her skirt to come off is if you willing use the self destruct of buy and equip a module. So no, it doesn't easily come off unless you want it.
What's there to elaborate? As I said, it's a design that only exists to please your dick and sell copies to weebs, it's not fitting with the story that's being told or the abilities of the character.
It's a game with a good story, average gameplay, awful pacing and terrible character and enemy design, that's the product I was sold and it's not good enough for me to care about Taro's work on more than surface level.
I'm not even against the game, I liked it enough to finish it after all, but I can't stand people calling this good design when their only reason for doing so is "muh dick".
>is this good design
it's alright as fapbait
>does the game have good design
based retard
>another Yea Forums contrarian thread made by an angry tranny
It's a fucking android it doesn't matter what it wears considering it's near invincible to a mere human
>it's not fitting with the story that's being told or the abilities of the character
And covering up a bit more would suddenly make it fitting with both those things?
she doesn't fight humans though...
OP, to these thirsty Neanderthals making their peepee harder is considered good character design.
Not an argument
Not an argument
>is eye-rolly if you're not a teenage boy or incel
Not an argument _AND_ bullshit.
>With female characters consistently being oversexualized in their designs, society will never see gaming as anything but an immature hobby.
Not an argument and also bullshit.
guaranteed 500+ replies due to tards tho
>it's pretty embarrassing
Something is only embarrassing if you're embarrassed. So really this is your fault.
when the first post is simultaneously the best post
>has shit taste
it checks out