Post yfw Inhumans chapter is only a few minutes
MUA3 thread
Southern Goth Rogue or Southern Belle Rogue?
Rogue in X-Men: Evolution was my high school crush.
But user, the Inhumans suck. They're the X-Men, except they're complete assholes.
Southern Belle
That's why op's celebrating, they get barely anything
What even is the story with the Inhumans? Are they literally just mutants who just left for space and act they're better cause of it?
They're different from mutants. Basically Marvel was trying to create a replacement for mutants and X-Men since Fox had their movie rights.
Kinda sorta. Mutants were created through the evolutionary development of the X-gene in humans - the Inhumans were created through the activation of latent alien (kree, I think) genetic modifications made to humans via exposure to a substance known as terrigen mist (which, coincidentally, is toxic to mutants). The Inhumans mostly sit around on the moon, popping down occasionally to be assholes and rope in some poor idiot with kree tampering in his ancestry who breathed in some weird gas.
>Celestials come to Earth during the dawn of mankind
>Experiment on early humanity to create the Eternals and Deviants
>The X-gene is also created because of their experiments
>Thousands of years later the Kree come to Earth to create their own Eternals to fight the Skrulls
>They fuck up and create Inhumans, which are closer to the X-gene mutants than Celestials
>The Kree abandon them, and the Inhumans form their own advanced society away from humanity.
jesus, this reads like a fucking bogpill
Rogue will never be sexy again
Wait a minute that dance...
Why is the level curve on this game so high when the XP it gives you is so low
I swear every time I get a new hero they're 5 levels above the ones I've been using the whole time and the disparity is growing
You're meant to be grinding challenge rifts, I think.
The fuck? Why?
This game does not have the depth to sustain grinding for the fucking story
Get used to that happening really frequently. The game throws you most of the cast early in then trickles in the rest little by little and they'll usually be higher level than you. It's pretty clear you're expected to pick out a team early on and just swap out who you want as you get them but it takes away the fun of using multiple people if they're all too weak.
But FOX lost the rights, didn't they? So what's the point of the Inhumans? What even happened to the X-men, they went from heroes trying to fit in to just a mess of badly written drama and shit like Cyclops getting called Hitler for trying to keep his race safe.
Why were cartoon girls drawn in such a sexual way in the 80s and 90s and early 00s?
Holy fuck. The animation was great.
Not all of them
Because sexy cartoon girls are great, and back then people knew it.
Because it was drawn by men, not basedboys and fat women.
I would happily marry either.
Kamala is great with that spin kick. Also storm has a nice vortex effect if you don't have magneto yet.
I don't know, 2019 Rogue looks pretty good to me.
Kitty is hotter.
>Drowning in asian puss
>gets incurable oneitis with redhead
What’s this manlet problem?
a lot of action cartoons around this time were outsourced to japan
Is the game fun? What can I expect/compare the experience to?
its kinda rushed compared to other ones.
it doesnt have that "hard work hard reward" mentality
Thats just what happens when you deal with these X monkeys. They can't keep their laser shooting dicks in their pants around a redhead.
The game was in development before the Fox deal, right? Either way, they could have used X-Men in games but Ike's a fagit.
Do you like Diablo? Do you like Dynasty Warriors? Have you played the older MUA or Xmen Legends games? Are you a big Marvel fan? Are you OK with a watered down fusion of Diablo with some Dynasty Warriors thrown in? If you say yes to any of this, you'll probably like it.
But she could kill you, user
Cyclops getting called Hitler for literally preventing an ethnic minority from getting gassed to death will never not be funny.
Southern Goth Rogue
Hmm, sounds like a discount purchase then since nintendo is so well known for being generous with those , cheers anons
100% worth it
Rogue is perfect.
>So what's the point of the Inhumans?
user, Inhumans debuted in the 60s, they weren't created specifically to replace the X-men.
Jack Kirby just had a fetish secret, advanced societies.
>Using the M word
What the fuck Bendis?
That’s what mutie collars are for.
Belle > Goth but only by a small margin
oh he was talking about the nintendo game?
i tought he was talking about the rogue porn game
If you already know about the rogue WEG, I think you know what to expect user
who are the best ranged fighters?
dear fucking lord
Do you think Mystique ever grew a dick and hit her adopted daughter up?
I would, hahaha.
Muh Homo Superior
Pringles and daughter.
for me, its futa rogue on rogue
Mags, Wanda, Storm, Elsa
None of the X-Men are actually shit now that I think about it.
Wasn’t that how Claremont intended to explain how Rogue was conceived?
speaking of Claremont how come he is the only X-Men writer worth shit?
Nightcrawler, but yet.
Mystique was supposed to have turned in to a man and fucked Destiny.
But Marvel didn't allow it, and Mystique ended up being the mother. Later it got retconned that a demon was the father, because Scott Lobdell can be a hack sometimes.
There have been some but everyone suck up to his run forever.
Like Daredevil and Frank Miller
I enjoyed making those two lick each others privates in Rouge Like
why was the entire ultron section so tedious?
I really don't understand dancing. They just look like two retard spazzing out to me. There's no skill or style to it.
Playable when?
Dont marry muties you fucking race traitor
how am i supposed to get past the fact that the ai are retards who just stand there when bosses are shooting those lasers everywhere?
Apparently there were datamined playables like Valkyrie and Nebula.
the guard minigame, still haven't finished the Gamma trial.
late 90s dancing. wait wtf this show only lasted 3 years?!
Absolutely Goth Rogue, Based OP
You don't lmao
Someone's got to marry them, user, otherwise they'll just be having sex without marriage all the time. Do you really want that on your conscience?
Anyone have a full list of the NPCs confirmed playable in the datamine?
Inhumans used to not even be as bad as they are now. They weren't even mutant knock offs
>>That’s what mutie collars are for.
That's hot.
Have three friends in the room.
>no Gambit
>no Cyclops
>no Blade
>no Fantastic Four
>Blackagar Boltagon
>Dead Android
how the fuck do i beat the magneto section? when he drops the sentinels the ai are more interested in doing anything but helping me kill them, and when i do beat magneto the wave afterwards they're less than useless
This my wife, Illyana.
She is a little bit edgy, please be nice to her.
>I'm retarded and can't look up info
>THREE friends
I barely have 1, and he doesn't play video games.
Cyclops is free DLC at the end of next month
Blade is coming in the Marvel Knights pack, hard confirmed.
If I had to guess, I would think the Fantastic Four would be in the Fantastic Four pack.
Just those 4? No Beast or Winter Soldier?
That's a big sword
Southern Goth Rogue all the way.
Have three girlfriends in the room, then.
They are all coming soon. They had to make room for the important heroes first like.....Elsa and.....Falcon but don't worry we got.....Spidergwen.
It should say Cuck since she had a thing for Cyclops.
Elsa was a good pick fagit
Yeah, late 90s early 00s dancing was mostly just spazzing out. Look at VtMB.
Then you'll like this
Fuck you, Elsa is a great pick. MUA always made obscure picks anyway dipshit.
Imagine the shitfits there would be if you tried to depict female superheroes like this now.
Based OP
A lot of shit in Claremont’s run had some kinky subtext.
Hell, Storm is made of the guys fetishes if I remember well.
I was being facetious. Though SpiderGwen is unnecessary. Elsa is in my back up team with GR, Strange, and IF. Switching out IF with Blade when he is released.
dat Rogue tho
Sexiness bad
>Storm is made of the guys fetishes if I remember well
Holy fucking based
I can dig it.
>no Fantastic Four
I would prefer pic related
Is this out of context or something. What does her monologue have to do with what is going on aside from the obvious virtue signaling? Like if you are going to do it, save it for a time where it makes sense at least.
I love Kl'rt but I need Reed
Who are the best fighters in terms of melee?
>ywn smash Rogue
Hulk, Wolverine and Ms Marvel.
It is written by Jason Aaron, the same person who wrote Jane Thor.
He basically turned She-Hulk in to a giant angry Hulk clone, with the same level of intelligence as regular Hulk. Everyone hates it. So he devotes an entire issue to calling them sexist and stupid and completely misunderstanding Jen's character. He actually states that She-Hulk resented being a sex symbol and that she would get harassed. As if Shulkie wouldn't shut up anyone who crossed over a line.
Sorry then. Can't tell what's shitposting sometimes.
Holy Fuck that is bad. She would hate to untransform because she liked the way she looked sexy and hulk horny. She loved to sleep around and would be unashamed of it... except for Juggy. Isn't that the definition of female empowerment?
>Jason Aaron
Oh yeah he is Bendis Jr. trying to ruin as much as he can.
What's this from? My dick must know.
>resented being a sex symbol
Dude her latest ongoing was just her and Gambit fucking all the time.
goddamn, every single panel has an essay for dialogue
But of course, look at how much she hates this!
Nigga did you miss the Domino book recently?
the size of her dick?
Wasn't she dead?
How muscular should She-Hulk be?
>Comic book deaths mattering
Mugga, they just killed off half the original new mutants in the past 6 months.
Guess who has a new book launching in a couple months with the entire original team live and well?
more than that
She got better. Also every issue bar one had Outlaw in it.
Not too muscular but keep her nice ass cheeks
I just realized I can attack with both Rocket and Groot at the same time.
It takes a minute to get used to but yeah
Yes? They rack up a lot of damage because they're two dudes attacking together. Keeps your fingers busy, though.
what's the best way to farm ep?
>tfw no good animated superhero capeshits anymore like Spider-Man TAS or X-Men Evolution
It hurts
Basically Princess Trainer with Evolution characters, Rogue being the main character you focus on like Jasmine was in PT
Level up
shame their specials can't be mixed together, also their starting special is whack and synergizes well
Extremely buff but with a soft layer of fat over her giant guns
now we're talkin
Rogue Like by Oni
There's your problem
>He focused on Rogue
Rogue is only the focus if you allow it. Once I unlocked Emma, I dropped rogue like a lead balloon
How far has the development gone?Haven't touched it in a while.
There's 4 girls now with their core content pretty much done. Now he's just gradually adding stuff, fifth girl will probably be Storm
Meant for
They also had the misfortune of being a barely developed kinda dumb half thought through Fantastic Four idea that only got flushed out in the 2Ks after Marvel lost the rights to the X-Men. Hell even the X-Men got canceled in its original run and the only reason we know it today was the 1970s reboot which brought in Storm Nightcrawler Colossus and the Ensemble Darkhorse they thought about killing off Wolverine
I hope he doesn't have 4 stretching moves, one needs to be a gadget of some kind. And give me a wooden gun reference for good measure.
See You now have Rogue, Kitty, Emma and Laura, with 3some options and double dating
>Emma in a Princess Trainer
What's there to train?
>Jane Thor.
Was that as bad as some of the pages made it look? also i am not really hyped with the movies copying it.
Under Aaron it was absolute shit. Waid gave her a somewhat reckless suicidal streak in Avengers and she was okay in that.
Morrison was pretty good, and whedon on astonishing
It was pretty lame, for the most part. Of course, it didn't help that she got stuck in things like Standoff (aka Why Maria Hill Should Not Be Allowed To Run Things).
tfw no hela gf
Storm was literally a nudist for most of the defining X-Men stories. Then she stopped being a nudist and became a punk with a mohawk.
Claremont's X-Men comics were literally a different fetish every month.
Corruption, transformation, bondage, age regression, literally every woman lusts for every other woman, it just goes on and on...
The line was on purpose right?
Yes, user, it was. Hela takes war and sex seriously.
Would you?
Why is Captain America so cool and fun to play
and yet it was awesome and considered feminist and women friendly because of its portrayal of strong women that werent bystanders. He would be flayed alive for that shit nowadays but back then NOT having a female character raped by your own god-alien son from the future was considering amazing
Who wouldn't?
>reflecting every beam attack during boss fights
Good feel
More like analilation
Chocolate ass
What would happen if we merged Belle Rogue's design with Goth Rogue's color palette and personality?
You would need to shop for new pants, as your current pair would have a large, erection-shaped hole in the front.
She's an attractive redhead user. This is why the industry is trying to get rid of them.
Finished it yesterday, played through the whole game in 2 sittings with a friend, took about 14 hours in total
Final team was
My picks
>Ghost Rider
>Dr. Strange
>Hawkeye to fight Corvus
His picks
>Black Panther
Ghost Rider was the standout MVP
Dr. Strange and Corvus were easily the hardest in the game, Cull was a distant 3rd. Didn't game over to thanos or the infinity armor
the fact that we got willow+tara and not buffy+faith is a crime against humanity
do you think he energizes his sperm so it blows up inside her?
What would you call this Rogue?
i still haven't played my fresh copy. amazon was supposed to deliver on release day and it got delayed till monday and i lost all my hype and now i cant stop playing f2p osrs
>there's a gap between Storm's bra and her boobs
Makes me rock hard. What's this fetish called?
The other user calling it a princess trainer is a misnomer. It's more a dating sim
It's called good taste, user.
Doesn't he has to touch shit with his hand to get energized?
Well, back then feminism was all about sexual liberation and it just really worked. X-Men to this day has a cast of well-remembered female characters. Most of them much stronger than anything in the rest of Marvel. Hell, the only other female character they could even remotely build up for the movies was Ms Marvel and guess who's responsible for keeping her around? Although I guess the modern feminist writers at Marvel pissed her character away, but anyway...
I'd say all the fetish shit is kinda weird, but it also adds to the flavor of the books and prevents it from feeling sterile. X-Men as a franchise is just a little bit sexually charged ever since and I'd say it's better off for it.
For me it's Gambit.
How much content is there outside the story? I've heard it only takes a few hours to get through story but how much side stuff is there to do?
So hulk and wolverine are considered best whose considered second best?
he trained a lot
Goth no contest
Isn't there a big X reboot going on or something? is it any good or just another dumb gimmick to be retconned in a year?
X-Men has been bad longer than it was good and it was good for a long time carrying the comic book industry
>shielding in front of someone getting revived
>apocalypse has a bimbofication laser as one of his mutant powers
What timeline is this?
Wrong. They existed before the Fox-men ordeal, you casual.
Too precious for this world
Ms. Marvel is too low bros
I still believe they fucked over one of the richest most storied relationships in comic book history because a shitty writer used to jack off to B-tier Villain White Queen
This thread made me go download it again.
So is there a best way to grind yet? Just finished Avengers Tower and none of my team are level 20 which is what the think I should be for then X-Mansion.
Use the dupe glitch if possible. Otherwise just Infinity challenges nonstop
infinity trials
Fuck that grinding crap, i'm gonna play Fire Emblem
>the dupe glitch
I got Hulk to 30 in the 20 mins or so it took me to clear Raft to Avengers.
I really hate her hair like that.
Post crazy never ever characters you wanna see.
she can be anyone you could have the ultimate sex life
>slow walks
I'd be happy fucking her base form for the rest of my life desu
is that game good
Broken team combos? I found storm and magneto work disgustingly well together to aoe basically everything
Not enough Mystique Futa on Rogue
ass for days
>implying I'll play or buy this game
It's fun
Where can I get a real life Rogue gf bros?
not shitposting but remind me why is the game not multiplat
Howard the duck
published by Nintendo
Nintendo published it. It's never ever getting ported to a non Nintendo system.
Then Ike and their push poisoned the well, making Feige hate them. Most of their comics are unusable now too, since it comes from the knock-off X-Men push.
It's like if Guardians of the Galaxy or Eternals were revived and made into being ghetto Avengers and Green Lantern.
>nintendo published some of the best asses this year
nintendo knows whats up
Sweet lord,. We need more villains like her.
>that last panel of her big hips and ass in the shadows
Roguelike update fucking when?
>the only thing they're really interested in is the size of my...
I would love an action game with that iteration of Psylocke. Maybe do it like Ninja Gaiden. Fuck I want it so bad. Why doesn't anybody want to make my cool ideas come to life
First issue looks intriguing. They really moved the pieces around.
Almost all mutants have banded together under Xavier, Magneto, Scott founded a new island nation (again) and seem to work under some weird new mix of supremacy, isolation, but also some cooperation and assistance. It's some weird mix of Magneto's and Xavier's approach or something. They also give out wonder drugs that cure mental disorders, extend life and a perfect antibiotic. The mutants also have portals to embassies in the entire world and are basically taking over.
It's weird and I half expect it to turn into some mind control plot or an alternate timeline. But if they keep going with this for a few years, I'll probably stick around to see where this is going.
Although really, it's still a bit too early to tell. Maybe ask again in 3 months, once the introductory series is over and they relaunch a billion X-books in this world.
50's housewife
Both is the only correct answer.
man the airing for this shit was fucked, as a kid i only thought there where like 8 episodes cause fox kept playing them at random.
>only useful as infinity
my fav too user, but it's like they game him a cool power and nerfed it without reason.
But the Fantastic Four are already in the game.
>team of niggers
>the crew
how did Raimi gat away with this?
Is it bad I only started liking Psylocke more because of her hair in this game? Her normal hair like in isn't as appealing for some reason
because he's based
Who is The Crew?
I wish nintendo would hire me to fix these designs. They're just so... ugh
Post more
>tfw no mod with Hela walking ass shots
Falcon and Luke probably Blade too
Nearest trailer park
Perfection. Got more?
A team consisting of the Black Captain America's Son (who isn't The Falcon btw), White Tiger, War Machine, and some new guy. The second iteration has Black Panther, Luke, Storm, Misty Knight, and Manifold. Falcons not in any of these teams.
Shill me on this.
Is is going to be like the first two and over in about 8 hours. I mean it was fun, sure but it was still over fast as fuck and the only stuff postgame was "do side missions to level up to play the new hard mode since they have more health"
Where can I get an Evolution Rogue gf?
Back in 2000 when goth girls were a thing.
Does a combo of both exist?
Main story is about 15hrs. Two unlockable difficulties plus Infinity Trials.
Samus Aran tier
Big thing is Infinity Trials.You unlock groupings of them as you progress through the game, and certain individual ones have to be found in story mode. Completing infinity trials earn some individual rewards, one of the bigger ones being that the one you need to work towards in each grouping will unlock the villain characters (Elektra, Magneto, Loki, Thanos). You also get a solid chunk of the color swap costumes by completing certain trials or by completing enough/every bonus objective (die X times or less, complete in X minutes) in each trial. It'll also be your main source for grinding XP. Replaying the main story on harder difficulties gives access to some more infinity trials, nets you more color swap costumes, and has more gallery art for you to collect.
>outheals Dormammu damage in Ultimate easily
Why aren’t you playing a healer class?
post actual never evers
He was in 1 :^)
I guess I can be happy they finally got to be a couple after all these years when even Scott and Jean broke up
Why would he do that?
I still liked classic 80s Psylocke in the armor and the cute hair
Wanda's powers always confused me. That's probably why I didn't read most of her shit.
Then again there were so many god dam comics back in the 90's - 2k's that it was almost impossible to fucking read them all. Not to mention all the different reboots and shit authors were pumping out always made it difficult for me to even keep up.
Knowledge of the comic books not even worth it in the long run. Movies take very small amount of elements from them and sort of do whatever the fuck they want with them.
So i'll sit here and say X isn't wrong and everyone will just call me a fucking dweeb.
Just read the shit that you want to
pick your mommy for the day
The one with the bigger cock.
Even if there is almost no chance i hope they pick EMH Wasp as her alt costume.
Hela since her ass is nicer
Use your XP cubes, dum dum.
I didn't even read the comics and she's my main.
>highest dps in the game
>highest heals in the game
Only flaw is she has a hard time synergizing with other characters and she's somewhat squishy.
Honestly, all I want is a mode where I can select one team member and try to solo stages.
One, user
Got me there.
extra stimulation from inside the vagina
You don't feel anything further than 2 inches deep anyways so its pointless.
you dont feel it because its not exploding sperm
she would TOTALY feel that
Belle is hotter, but Goth is cuter.
She is my gf, fuck off.
Mad I left him behind. Feel like catching him up from level 8 would be a pain
>Snoybois are seething that MUA is on Switch only
>It's a fucking repeat of the Bayonetta fiasco
I thought Spider-Man was enough for Snoybois.
depends on how horny she is.
Jack Kirby was high as a kite.
The end.
There are plenty of good X-Men writers, but Claremont's run was so long he basically wrote the modern storylines that keep getting recycled.
Bruh, it just updated like 2 weeks ago
Jane Thor was actually a good run. Trying to do it again for She-Hulk was a terrible idea and his approving editor should be fired along with him.
>in high school when evolutions was airing
h-how old are you?
Why you gotta make me choose
This is the most emotive I've seen Rougue in this whole entire fucking show
32 :/
Secret option: I want to fuck Evolution Nightcrawler.
What happens if Rogue touches your penis
Goth makes more sense for her personality-wise, especially since she started out as a villain.
Say goodbye
Only fools choose goth.
I literally had to look her up because I thought she was a weaboo or a Liefeld/Wildstorm knockoff character but no, she was actual Marvel material from the early 2000s?
Out of all the characters, why her?
Both simultaneously
We always need an obscure pick. Moon Knight was a literal who when I first played MUA1
X-Men were always homoerotic to begin with. I mean, Nightcrawler now has 2 dicks. Who the FUCK gives a character, no, an X-MAN, TWO FUCKING DICKS?
Kl'rt is the Swiss Army knife like he was in MVC3 when they couldn't fit all the FF in there. BUT...I think the studio needs to reprioritize his moveset, or better yet, EXPAND upon it by giving him NEW moves of characters that are EITHER in his team or just A-grade tier villains/heroes moves.
With the powers of Thanos, Dr. Strange, and Ghost Rider all at once, he'd be un-fucking-stoppable
Southern Rogue
that accent, that hair, that spunk, wew, the body is but a bonus.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk...
>god gave that one dude two dicks
Is he an xman?
As a skin for Magneto
>>Jane Thor
>>Race mixing feminist that replaced a classic character because diversity fuck yeah
>>Said classic character turned into a failure unworthy of his own fucking power because Men are pigs
Yeah fuck you too
Wrong. Gamma Wasp is the correct choice
Moon Knight I don't think was THAT literal. He's mainly a B-lister with a damn good run by Moench. The most literal whos that I could think of at the time may as well have been the Wrecking Crew (because we never ever see them in any recent comics), Deathbird and the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, etc.
Hell, even X-Men Legends 2 had more literal whos than any other game in the series. I thought most of the bosses were exclusive to the game or something.
How the fuck do you build magneto? his most damaging abilities are strength based but his other attacks including his basics are mastery.
Lel no one knows yet
need that sauce
You dare seduce ME? I am the rocks of eternal shores, blasphemer, the purity of oblivion, and I shall purge the earth of benighted thots. You had your chance to be the first to serve my will but you're corrupt like all the others, you must be exterminated!
Its always so fucked up that because of the 90s TV shows success Apocalypse has been beefed up from a guy that lost to Cyclops 1 on 1 to a low level Celestial God just because everyone thought thats was how he always had been
OG Rogue
How do I make Elsa stronger, bros? I like that she curses.
>The Xmen are always top tier in any game they show up in
How do they do it?
Anyone want to play through superior?
name: JamesMadison1412
map: Raft
pass: nigger
For some reason it won't let me use this password.
name: JamesMadison1412
map: raft
difficulty: superior
pass: 1488
>for some reason
>no dazzler
Realistically goth (Realistically neither lmao)
Ideally both
my man
she becomes smaller, in your case
I mean, wouldn't that just be matter manipulation? He could probably do it legit, then destroy that bimbo with his APOCACOCK -- she would crash against it, and be broken.
No, it doesn't. It's just the most generic and juvenile option.
Her going goth makes sense character wise imo, her power literally makes her isolated. Either way, we can all agree shes the best girl in Xmen.
Shame the comics ruined her.
pants so far up her crotch she looks like she has a black hole in place of her pussy
My team right now is Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Scarlett Witch, and Iron Man and Witch can't use their special attacks or whatever they're called, can someone explain this to me? I just got this game and I don't know how to play it, help me I'm scared
Hold ZR, dummy
dumb cumbrains will play any trash as long as there's tits/ass
>because Scott Lobdell can be a hack sometimes
>Scott Lobdell
I swear to god every time I almost think he might have some small talent he goes and fucks it up. Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth and Happy Death Day were pretty great. But the current Red Hood falls back into the same awful mistakes he's made with the Nu 52 series and Happy Death Day 2U sucked donkey balls.
I am and the attack is greyed out, and it just throws a basic punch, is this a glitch? Witch is the same way
ruined her how? wasn't she created by the comics?
Where can I download it if I have 0 dollars
Came to post this.
Willow was pretty hot. Not Faith hot (well, maybe Vampire Willow was close to Faith hot) but hot nontheless.
Hypothetically speaking, how does one begin to play a game like this wothout joining patreon or getting a virus?
Just hold R, ZR is for synergy attacks
Idiot, user's talk about how she's currently being written.
thank you i got it now
I'm still in the middle of Claremont's run. Redpill me on nu-Rogue.
>I'm still in the middle of Claremont's run
Don't go beyond his run, for your own sake
Well what else am I meant to do I do when I finish it?
Commit suicide
I wish I had
Post Elektras walk animation God dammit
Also I want Rogue and Gambit
I choose Rogue after absorbing Nightcrawler's powers.
Songbird may as well have been, and still is, a literally who to the general audience this shit is aimed at.
Iron man has some of the best stagger damage in the game and one of the highest resilience in the game. He's a tank that kills bosses instantly.
Are the first 2 games worth playing nowadays?
Gamora has a nice ass.
Concept: >no ass
>actual game
You can see buttcheek if you walk to the side while the camera is focused in, but the clip I got is too short.
I also wish there was an easier way of getting captured video/photos out of the Switch that wasn't me just taking the SD card out. Uploading it to social media kills the already shit quality as is. They should have some kind of cloud storage.
have you seen the females on spider-man ps4? there's a reason they're port begging so hard and trying to convince themselves they'll get the game eventually
I feel like I'm getting memed on whenever someone posts their pictures cause they look fine to me and I'm not sure if this is a giant elaborate ruse or I'm blind
the females on spider-man ps4 are just "ok", which when compared to what's supposed to be supermodel good looks MJ and super sexy seductress black cat they look like they had quite the downgrade
Thor's really fucking up for not claiming Hela for his own.
you know they are related right
This Rogue was my first child cartoon love interest. From that moment I was doomed to alternative girls that would break my heart repeated times.
The 90s and 2000s were really the best time for X-Men wasn't it?
BASED user
Loki is Hela's father
>not fucking your hot as fuck thicc ass neice
Nay to thee
Her brother is a horse
Is this worth 60 bones or nah?
ok theres no reason she would ever want to fuck thor when she can just fuck her brother then.
cyclops is gonna be free
blade is confirmed dlc in marvel knights pack
fantastic four is a dlc pack, who else do you think is gonna be in it
gambit is like 90% likely in the x-men pack
Loki is the horse's mother though
Which version is up to date and where can I get it without patreon?
uh. the version at the end of that episode. you know the one.
Is this a Twin Peaks reference?
I already knew that part, just didnt know he actually gave birth to one.
What do you guys think of House of X?
He tranny tricked Svaðilfari
>Post yfw Inhumans chapter is only a few minutes
i would not be against them adding more inhumans honestly
hope black bolt and medusa are free dlc
Southern Belle. I fucking despised the Evolution Rogue, fuck what the zoomers think. In fact I didn't care for Evolution at all.
>release back bolt as final freeLC 2 years down the line
>he has 1 ability in all slots
>when you use it it just plays the end credits
What if I pick Japanese Rogue?
ok whats this stupid shit
Who wouldn't fuck Thor?
devs should left character design to japs, like mvc, all the marvel characters look much better than in the comics or tv series
what the hell are you retards on about
Literally a semen demon
She could teleport the jizz right out of your balls
The new relaunch of X-Men, all mutants now live on an island run by Xavier, and they give out super drugs to any country that recognizes them as a sovereign nation. In retaliation, a bunch of government organizations are rebuilding the mother mold in order to produce new sentinels that will quash this new mutant threat. It's off to an interesting start.
No she can't.
Nightcrawler has to be touching something to teleport it.
Magik could teleport semen out of balls.
idk, i like the mvc2 sprites a lot
didn't mean to call it stupid
Japan makes an equally sexy Rogue, definitely better than the Evolution goth.
they should at least hire actual comic book artists for these licensed ventures
don't know why more namable comic book artists haven't been called to do video game designs
i mean this game looks like Frank Cho did designs
guy they are using the original designs the west made what are you talking about
But I want Roguecrawler to be touching me
but now its anime
where is the joke here
>Doesn't have Valk
That's so obviously the Maker that it isn't him
thats retarded
Bouncing tiddies, nerd
>pregnant muscle mommy
On the second infinity board go to the rush mission: defeat 40 or more enemies on the raft woth your team of chouce to grind.
Not only will ypu get up to 10 exp cores for beating it but it gives you a shit ton of exp because all the enmies are bosses or stronger enemies that drop tons of blue core to let you ability spam
>add females to my party
>turn camera just right and lighting reveals toned tummy
When's Ultimate Destruction 2
Any takers on an artpiece for Hela, fellow artists?
I want to puke
Marvel has the rights again, but I doubt he will get in.
Stop pushing it back damn you
I guess this is a playable girls poll. Hela would either be at the top or under Psylocke.
>comics were the last bastion of retail media in which artists could draw attractive fictional characters if they wanted to
>suddenly around 2015 theres a big push by SJWs demanding this no longer be the case
>not wanting to get burned by a social media frenzy, Marvel and DC start pumping out new comics featuring female leads and major modern-feminism undertones
>comic sales nosedive ever since because the people demanding change where never actually consuming the media
not even capeshit is immune from going broke via the woke
fuck off retard
Its not like its helping them, the industry is dying since comics cost too much and contain no content. The fact they are appealing to the wrong audience just hurts them more, its why Civil War 2 and Captain Marvel are hated, and why Unstoppable Wasp was cancelled TWICE in the same year
>Thinking only Zoomers like Evolution Rogue and Evolution
Seek Help
How does online work in this game?
Is it just matchmaking and friends?
Or can you create public rooms/games for anyone to join?
And now it is happening to games. I used to be sad, then mad, but now I want Western AAA companies to go bust over this shit. Fuck them. Fucking traitors shit on us customers who made them to chase after female market, who never wanted to play games ever. They deserve to go bust.
SJWs don't consume any of the products they bitch about. They just wanna be in the right and have power over what people do.
I know it's not Marvel, but is Gold Digger any good?
Not God, dude... Consider who his father is.
Make way, most fun character in the game comin thru
Some artist from the X-MEN cartoon was interviewed years later, and he fully admitted that all instances of sexy, especially with Rogue, were fully intended.
This thread has convinced me that Team Ninja are ass men. All of the female character models need to be ripped for porn asap.
Please. Multiple writers have been shitting on their relationship for decades. There was the whole White Queen bullshit. There were the hints in the 90's run of the non-Uncanny X-Men (before the two married in issue 30) that Scott and Betsy were psi-fucking. There was the whole Jean dying and Scott boinking her genetic clone/random chick who appears out of no-where who happens to look just like Jean and even had the same powers as Jean but wasn't Jean at all what-so-ever. That's just three things off the top of my head showing that Scott and Jean relationship has been as much the whipping boy of comics as Jean dying/rebirthing has been the joke of comics.
F95zone is a protip
>dum dum
Dum Dum Dugan is in this game?!?!
It's fun, but a bit dull around the corners. Just feels like a cheap ARPG game made for mobile that was ported to switch last minute.
The Evo animators ripped off a LOT of other media for their animations. That dance, skateboarding animations, certain fight scenes, you name it.
2 is not, I know that much
Yeesh, the writers sure love fucking with the little kid characters' minds, don't they.
>her power literally makes her isolated
So she needs to head straight to Hot Topic? Her attempts at overcoming the disability her power causes and still managing to connect deeply with others is what makes her interesting.
Meanwhile, Goth with powers that are dangerous to others and wants to be alone(but not really) is overdone to death.
>MUA3 thread on Yea Forums
>buncha fags complaining that it’s a console exclusive
>MUA3 thread on Yea Forums
>people discussing comics and the game
Did I wind up in bizarro world? Since when is Yea Forums so level-headed?
>Jason Aaron
That explains everything.
squishy fodder
any board will be absolutely shit when discussing their hobby
Who's online right now that's willing to help me with trials?
>Jason Aaron
Of course the "Gorr was right" retard had to be behind such garbage.
Yea Forumsfags like Netflixvania, so all opinions they have should be ignored.