>ELEX was 2 years ago
I wonder what my eurojank gods are up to
Piranha Bytes
How successful was ELEX anyway?
This, duh. It's already confirmed.
What said since it was officially confirmed sometime after ELEX 1 launch.
Their best selling game since Gothic 2.
It seems to have the most Steam reviews out of every PB game, I guess the sci-fi setting pulled people in.
Gothic 5 when
Elex switch port
Good for them I guess. I've no idea how PB managed to survive for this long.
Passion and being a small ~20 man studio.
Gothic 1 and 2 merged remake
A man can hope
Looks like passion did not help them in making a decent fucking game since Risen.
Hey hey people
but user, I genuinely like all of their games, even Risen 2
Phoneposting while taking a shit, but this fucking game crash my 970 drivers every fucking time, doesn't matter the hours spent, the temperature, the graphic settings, the drivers themselves, ONLY this game does it out of my 1000 games on steam, stadia is unironically my last hope of enjoying this jank without having to rebuild a new pc.
Works fine on my 1050ti, and I haven't updated my drivers in half a year.
What is this nigger meme? Fuck off.
Sucks to be you, buying the meme card.
I got a 970 too and I experienced no problems.
Wish I could find enjoyment from such jank. And I love their first games, Gothic 2 especially, plus Risen. Everything else made by them feels like soulless garbage.
I even managed to play the damn thing on Linux with no problems on my 970
It was a late version though, if there's something I know is to NEVER play those games at launch.
ELEX 2 isn't officially confirmed but EU sponsorship documents leaked it
And ELEX was their most successful titel so far so no surprise.
THQ purchased them recently, so elex 2 is a sure thing now
THQ also now has all rights to Risen and Gothic.
They could fund future sequels for those as well.
sad that your only connection to these games is through some Unfunny meme montage maker
hope not, gothic is done with 2
risen 3 was okay but still I don't really care for that setting, and I did like Risen 2 for everything but combat and how they changed art direction, same story but with risen 1 art direction would be fantastic
I did like Elex setting, the jumbled feel of it, so i'm looking forward to fighting aliens in elex 2
It's Nordic, why do you call it THQ?
They just bought THQ's logo but it's still Nordic Games.
Besides thy got the rights from buying PB, PB always owned the rights to both series.
PB never sold the rights to Gothic, the Arcania debacle happened because of timed contract that allowed Jewood temporary (I believe 10 years) exclusivity rights to make games under Gothic brand, kind of like EA got 10 years for Star Wars from Disney.
That contract expired few years back and the rights reverted back to PB, which was confirmed by PB themselves BEFORE Risen 3 came out.
They could remake Gothic 3 as Himmler himself intended.
there is a lot of slavs and germans who would want that
personally not so sure I want it, replaying G2 with DX11 mod is enough for me