Games for this feel?
Games for this feel?
Not one.
Solus Project
Ice Climbers
thank god i don't live in europe. thank fucking god. where's your superiority complex now you europoor fuckers
lost planet
Who here remembers ?
yuros have no AC?
I thought Europe was supposed to have cool summers...
It's gonna happen in most places you dumbass.
>eurofags die from meme temperatures
jokes aside if its really hot stay away from consoles/pc especially if you dont have AC it'l turn your room into a sauna quickly
>people don't have infrastructure for temperatures that are 10 days a decade thing
I have it at my grandma's (Belgium)
difference is most places have AC
Estonia, Latvia, and Belarus seem not as hot, if my ac breaks I know where to go.
I wish we still had real winters and bearable summers.
No, ACs are illegal in europe.
Man it feels good to live in a place with averages of 14 year round and a max of 24 on the hottest months.
Same, good thing it stops tomorrow where I leave, I'm about to start rampaging on shits.
Whats that little green meme island?
no because this is the one week of the year where it'd be turned on
anything above like 75 degrees warrants AC
is that rare?
Super Mario Bros 3.
i do, programed to turn on an hour before i get home.
Eve Online HQ.
Seriously what the fuck do you do when it's 32°C or 90°F inside ?
>26-30C in july are in red
it's a fucking political scam at this point
like just stay indoors lmao how can heat be real when ac's are real
they do
>mfw I do it anyways
The highs for today are 35C (96 F) and sunday is going to be 39C (102F)
You too can enjoy mild and moderate weather, but only if you insert pic related into your CD drive.
Europe has a moist climate.
Steel Division Normandy 44
44 was a hot summer.
It's concerning that it's happening in most places at all. I'm not worried about feeling hot, I have excellent A/C. It's just that these temperatures becoming common in the summer is a sign of things to come.
my parents have a heat pump they use for months during the winter. they could use it as ac for a week or two during summer when it's hot, but my dad's a cheapskate and doesn't want to pay for the electricity so they just "air out" which means it'll be as hot inside as outside.
Thats a good point.
Lets just make a giant AC for the whole earth and stop climate change.
>75 degrees
i'm gona assume you mean Fahrenheit and if you do you are out of your mind
Sweat. 32 isn't even that hot, it only gets annoying when you have a weeklong of around 38C.
Where's this? I see a few places on the map like that.
Lift weights in a parking lot.
I was about to ask about the humidity levels
Hang on there eurobros
Here in spurdoland 75F is traditionally peak summer. Hotter than that is extremely rare but these days it seems every summer we have these 85F segments. Last year's summer was particularly tough and made me wish I had AC but not wish it so much I would splurge on something I only use one season of the year and not even the full season most years.
>these temperatures becoming common
Oh no, two "hot" years in a row! The end is coming!
>africans flock to paris
>paris turns into africa
These temps at bullshit. It's over 40 here in france. And yeah the colors are weird, it's yellow in scotland with some 18°? You wear a sweater at fucking 18
>Climate chance makes outside shit
>people have more demand for inside entertainment
>VR gaming develops as a way for people to go "outside"
>Literally Ready Player One
Are you staying /fit/ enough so you live long enough to see it anons?
Mad Max
>200W tdp turning anything w/ windows into sauna
are you living in a shoebox?
tuesday, please come sooner
>You wear a sweater at fucking 18
Fucking meds.
thats insane, where i live 75 is an average high deep into winter
It's been more than two. More like since 2015, we've been breaking records every year. What I care about is that the places that will become uninhabitable will mostly be third-world shitholes, and then we'll have even more "refugees" to take care of. The heat makes no difference to me personally, because as I said, I just blast my A/C.
And this is from a Canadian, not some Eurotrash.
>haha global warming still isnt real guys it's just a hoax haha le drumpft orange man bad dumb fuck nigger nigger tranny cuck sjw nusoy autistic incel furfag numale virgin
Funnily enough, modern theories suggest a similar situation will occur when endgame global warming becomes a thing.
Yes, Fahrenheit. Room temperature is maybe 70, go just a few degrees higher and it starts being uncomfortable
>It's been more than two
2017 was a cold and wet summer.
Feels good man
Living 2500 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains and close to the equatorial line to avoid major fluctuations year-round. It's also a great place to not have any natural disasters because of the geography. The extremes to living here is just whether you put on a jacket or not depending on the temperature.
>my dad's a cheapskate
Those are the worst kind of idiots, I stress tested this winter by keeping every room in my flat at 21°C (70°F), bills increased by 50€ per months and if I turn it off or down at night, when I'm not at home or in the rooms I don't use as often, it just increases by 20 fucking euros. But sure, let's freeze.
I can't say for other people, but when it comes so me... I do have, but I am not working in an office. I'm outside, and this heat is fucking killing me. When I get home I am so tired I just want to lie down and never get up.
I am the guy who puts earphones and goes on walk at -15 Celsuis. Everything above +18 is too much for me.
>euros acting like this is hot
These are just average summer days here in canada
We have these threads every year, dude.
in norway where i live that's a warm day, about average for peak two/three summer weeks.
it's 88 now which is extreme, hopefully won't last long
It was like that all over the world, I'm sure. Averaging 26C in Montreal isn't exactly cold, but yes, colder than other years for sure.
No loicense
Africa is going to burn into a crisp, there will be massive waves of climate refugees coming to Europe in the next century. Look how many problems western europe has with accomodating 1 million of refugees, the shitstorm that will happen once there will be 50 million - 100 million is going to be absolutely immense.
>tfw +35C
>Can't move without starting to sweat
>When I open the window at night I get swarmed by insects
>If I don't my room turns into a gas chamber
>it's currently 41°C outside
games for this feel, bros?
So, a global desert?
I just hate the fact that images like this makes people say this
When in just another summer, the image is exaggerating by making it bright red when is just 30c
didn't the lore state it was ayy that drained the water?
Ok, so where exactly? Like a name. I'd like to fucking live there at this point.
Yeh, you might laugh at me sweating my ass off in mere 85F but it's all about conditioning. On the other hand I don't need a jacket until it's below 40F and 20F is like "better close the jacket too".
>it finally cooled off
>because it's been raining non stop for 4 days.
Sounds like bullshit all right.
>average in canada
Spec Ops: The Line
>mildest summer in years
feels good to be in the PNW
Back to sub 20c tomorrow here in glorious norf england.
forecast is giving me +30 peak for saturday and monday is +10 peak
>When I open the window at night I get swarmed by insects
Get a screen?
You have to factor in humidity as well. We have 33c here BUT with 49% humidity, clear sky and a slight breeze.
By midnight, humidity is forecasted to rise to 86% with no wind at clear sky. That's fucking ridiculous. But even that's not the issue.
Nobody's telling us about the extremely intense geo-engineering being done the past 25 years with all the crap they spread on the atmosphere, about the pollution caused by 3rd world countries, China and India. No word about the Sun's rapid rise in activity the past few years or Earth's swifting magnetic phenomena. All the crap around us has been coated with metallic particles, that's bound to fuck up with temperature when subjected to intense sunlight.
The Long Dark
Yes. As it turns out, warmer oceans will make clouds rain while they're still on the ocean, reducing rainfall on land.
Well, I did say "similar."
Sure does.
Everyone knows the water war will be a thing.
The only way to prevent it is to master nuclear fusion and run desalination plants 24/7.
Won't global warming theoretically normalize? Since Humans are the ones causing it through mass production and general destruction of the environment, won't the heat just kill most of us and sort of solve itself? Without the Humans we won't produce or destroy on the same scale, so nature will just naturally build back up.
apparently i'm canadian
Pretty accurate for Canada. 0 degrees is literally perfect. Throw on a sweater and it's peak comfy.
We have stone houses. They are quite cool most of the time. Its just 2 week heat a year. No one needs AC for that.
Fallout: New Vegas
thats chilly tho, for summer at least, most tempratures pass 37 Cº, hell 25 Cº is what i have in my AC
It was 76 a few days ago in good old upstate NY
Iceland pls adopt.
Post your favourite summer themed vidya songs
>hot for less than a week a year
no, why would I?
I just need to make it through one more day and then the forecast for the next 2 weeks doesn't have a temperature over 25C
Florida seems like a really chill state when it comes to weather, how hot does it get over there?
The whole point is to avoid half of the human population dying off, but yes, no need to worry about the Earth really, we need to worry about us.
You fucking gullible misinformed retard, can you even comprehend how much fucking water there is on the planet? Do you know how much fucking energy it'd take to somehow evaporate enough of it to create global deserts? And just because water evaporates doesn't mean it completely disappears fro reality, what will happen to the vapors?
Wake the fuck up.
>tfw 26,8 C inside
god bless AC
Only Portugal. Portugal is the Florida of Europe
I hear Greece is not bad either
I gave up and opened it
Went under covers and prayed to pass out before it starts to itch
still need to solve overpopulation
wat game?
Or perhaps the intense heat will force us to evolve in order to survive, maybe we could get cold blood like reptiles to better handle the heat
>live in hot, humid southern USA
>Everyone has ceiling fans and AC
>Keep house at a comfy 72, even though it's only been in the high 80s for the past two weeks.
Feels good man. Euros need to buy some fans FFS.
I think your AC is broken dude
A city in the Andes in northern South America is as far as specific as I'll get. Should give you a pretty good idea. The place I live in is specifically categorized as a Subtropical Highland Climate.
Open windows. Or go grilling. Shit like that. Now it's at 40°C. Now we just sit at home with windows closed and fans on max. Thankfully the weekends supposed to cool down with thunderstorms and next week returns to the normal 25-30°C.
>You have to factor in humidity as well.
no you don't. Europe is dry all the time. 26-30C dry is normal july temperature. It should be literally green. Herr Macron is spreading fear to excuse his next tax increase on fuel and other new bullshit he hasn't revealed yet outside "it's coming".
If it wasn't raining all day long it would be low to mid 90sF in July. It almost never gets over 100, but the humidity is always high.
There is no overpopulation on the world scale
i'm at 30 , its actually colder than a couple of weeks ago, so suck a dick and fry my dude
>55% humidity
Fuck summer, man.
Get in the fridge before it's too late
I mean do we? A majority of the destruction is caused directly by generally shitty people. It's not like Ontario is going to fucking die. China will basically implode, the coasts of the US will enter turmoil, and a majority of central europe will stop existing. So basically the world gets taken over by non-industrious and non-rich locales. Like fuck I live in Seattle and I don't think we're worth saving.
I think that's Rage 2.
Wow what a pussy lmao
The oceans will stay, of course. It's just that it won't rain on land anymore.
Painfully accurate
>t. PT
>Europe is dry
>Europe is dry all the time
Uh, have you ever heard of Great Britain
This is kind of what I was expecting. The same with the oceans losing 90% of their life. The 10% would just be adapted to the new temps/flora and would grow appropriately. The world will never truly die.
Dominions series of strategy games. Abysians love this heat and spread it everywhere.
Is this bait, or just Burger?
>clap doesn't know the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit
By the time we as mammals would have somehow managed to become cold-blooded, we would have already died long before because the adaptation could never happen fast enough.
>no you don't. Europe is dry all the time
we need to nuke africa so its heat stops immigrating to other countries in the world
My room has been over 30° for three days straight, this is unbearable.
weren't a bunch of you nyc fags dying when it hit 100 the other day? lmao
>avoid half of the human population dying off
Is this a bad thing?
>Currently 20°C
I fucking hate summer so much, how do people like this heat?
Its 108F
Thanks babe.
There's a big rainfront coming onto Europe during the weekend. Just two more days for it to cool down.
>literally surrounded by water
>still die
jeez lmao
what is this?
number of rapes committed by foreigners?
just pump it out of the ocean then lmao
Get dabbed on
Yes, when we can't be sure which half.
I feel like humans in general are much more adapted to the cold than the heat at this point, just culturally. We can bundle up and light fires and basically survive in -50C but if we're outside in 43 C we're basically going to die in a few days. Can't really do anything to lower the heat aside from getting wet.
>Europe is dry
I actually fell for it this time and you deserve this (you).
>Literally says temperatures in the pictures
Figures that the American can’t read.
>been reaching 98% humidity in North Central US lately
Fucking Hell winter can't come soon enough fuck this swimming pool air bullshit
Because they're psycho. If it's cold, throw on an extra layer, but what the fuck are you going to do if it's hot, rip your skin off? I seriously don't get how people fail to see this.
How the fuck is that even going to work?
Will celestial bodies suddenly cease producing gravitational pull? Will winds suddenly stop blowing across the entire planet? Will sea stop flowing? Do you even process the information you're consuming?
I want to jog down to the lake for a swim, but probably not a good idea in 30c.
Maybe in a few hours.
Portugal gets set on fire every summer
>Europe is dry
rage 2
Just survive until Tuesday
Summer can go suck a dick
15C is peak temperature for human existance
WTF i live on Brazil and even the hottest days of summer the temperature don't go over 32°C
Not even mad.
Actually I am mad because this has been my entire "summer"
heh, implying I don't love the nice weather
fucking amerilards can't take the heat
I don't get this shit, unless you're running for like an hour you're not going to die in 30c.
People aren't made out of fucking ice cream.
I don't, but I know that many do.
If I had an AC I wouldn't get to complain, where's the fun in that?
Top comfy
Humidity is absorbed by all the rotting corpses of murdered people in the streets.
It's comfy. Just imagine being in a warm whirpool or between the tits of a giantess
I'd consider that old russian classic
>raining all day long
>the humidity is always high.
pretty sure "f a m" is still wordfiltered
weird how people ignore the glacial age now, and how it was never there to stay. "normal" earth is tropical with deserts everywhere. the north pole is abnormal. Most of the species that we "must save" were temporary post-crisis forms to begin with. mammoth were still there 3000 year ago. People fear change more than normality at this point.
console bros actually win
i've been living downstairs playing the master chief collection on the xbone
sorry pc but you're an oven
>humans in general
You're thinking of Europeans and North Americans. Most humans on earth casually live in humid 43c temperatures. Anything below 10c and thousands of people in Africa die.
Damn I would love to live in some comfy icelandic town or city
This thread and their ''don't you guys have AC??'' proves, yet again, that Americans don't leave their houses.
You're overestimating Dutch and Germans.
Only if it's cool outside of it. Your own body heat + the body heat of another feels comfy because it's not omnipotent in the air.
You fucking yuropoor faggots complain about the summer heat for MONTHS. Don't pretend it's only a few days
huh, i was gonna say Elite dangerous
>Colder than literally any other EU country
What the fuck am I reading. You go outside and it's >45ºC during midday. It's only 30ºC at night.
Clouds will deplete all their rain while they're on the sea. It's been happening for some time, too.
Wouldn't it be fun to live in a place that won't get the rain front? haha
It must be amazing. Living on south Brazil, 900 meters above sea it's nice, but the summers are kinda hot
I want to retire in Greenland
How many homeless and elderly are going to die this time around? funny how this is never reported in the news, as if record breaking heatwaves are no big deal
tfw you live in Poland and its 27C lmao
Probably need new shoes too
I slept kinda bad so something felt off with my back
maybe I ate too recently as well, so probably best to not go out for a jog
Seriously, fuck summer.
Thanks for continuing to deny climate change you fucking boomers. The only solace is that you'll be dead soon.
>Amazon is hotter than Africa
how the fuck is that possible?
>It's only 30ºC at night.
I cannot fucking sleep above 15C
It's the other way around here, ps4 yells so loud I've simply stopped using it whenever it's too hot while my 1060 doesn't seem to mind.
No, we are actually environment friendly
I'm dying in this heat.
>average summer in Europe
>How many homeless and elderly are going to die this time around?
A lot less, people are prepared now.
Third world tropical shithole master race.
>"damn that's a lot of red, must be pretty bad"
>highest numbers are around mid thirties
Fucking weak cunts. Wouldn't last 2 minutes in the Australian summer.
Niggas I haven't seen the sun for 40 days straight and it's been rain, rain and more rain. Around this time we should have really comfy 15-20c weather which allows for hikes with makeshift BBQ's with the lads.
>Anything below 10c and thousands of people in Africa die.
This is basically only true for northern africa. Most of south africa actually isn't nearly that warm in the winter.
>this will only get worse in the years to come
Tell me again, what is there to look forward to in the future?
>import africa
>become africa
how's that working out for you
the climate is changing but nothing can be done about it its just a natural process.
literally hell
>want to jerk off
>genuinely not sure if i'll survive the exertion
Australia weather is just Spain's weather you poofta cunt, who you trying to impress.
seconding this
literally not
great britain is exiting europe
Hope you like swamps
I am pretty sure i am sweating my semen out of my balls
but it's humid as fuck so that's still terrible
>Niggas I haven't seen the sun for 40 days straight and it's been rain, rain and more rain
top top comfy
Australians aren't human. Come on everyone already knows this.
what the fuck is up with Poland that its exact shape is green?
Hope your air conditioning breaks and faggot
Shooting niggers as they try to invade your country.
I can feel my belly roasting like bacon...
What is this enchanted magical valley?
water traps heat
And also not wanting to be drenched in sweat
>Clouds will deplete all their rain
Do you know how clouds work?
>start jerking off
>after a while ass is so sweaty that I have to drop wanking and go take a shower
Probably Poland.
Nigger, I have to leave in 30 minutes. The thermometer in my garden is at 42ºC and that's in the shade, I sure am looking forwards to the asphalt reflecting the sun's heat back at my fucking face.
Is playing vidya in this heat going to damage my consoles?
>implying dehydration nut isn't the strongest
it may be your last too
also drink more water
At least you're not being grilled man. With heat you can't do anything without feeling like shit, but with rain at least you can chill at home or something
how is a wallaby posting on Yea Forums?
Fuck me dead wally,how'd you do it
stop eating red meat every day
stop driving your car every day
UKbros WW@
Looking like it might thunderstorm for 2 days straight
Literally not the coldest country in europe right now you dummy
>sunlight is just god trying to smite africuns
feels good to be an islander its literally 19º right now where I'm at
Unless you like in France, holy shit you are a bitch.
and rightoids don't think climate change is real top kek
>36C outside
>45C inside
goodbye anons
>want to edge
>literally can't make it
>have to force myself to do those shitty 5-10 minutes quick fap sessions just so I can get the cum out
Are people retarded or something, this is normal July weather.
Get AC you cheap fucks if you need to complain.
Canadians are honorary eurotrash bro
Why not jerk off in the shower in the first place
It's not that hot or at-least were I am at the moment only 24 Celsius. I wanted a reason to go out swimming in semi cold water but nope, it has to be just OK temperature.
That's not what I typed though, learn how meme arrows work you dumb nigger.
Moscow. They're testing their new climate control device.
Bollocks we'll get a bit of drizzle at best like always, cunts always hype up thunder then only a bit of wales gets it.
Fucking welsh.
as long as you are hydrated, your body is a beast at looking after its self
if you have blood pressure or heart problems, probably don't
Last july was worse iirc.
Had a lot of rain this july so it's been cool for most of it.
But seriously, the weather is crazy here in the last few years. I will show you 2 pics, taken in a span of only 10 mins. This is probably normal somewhere, but not here.
>pic 1
but the allies are supposed to get the weather control machine
buildings in yurop typically predate AC accommodation, save for malls and theaters
>pic 2
Only 10 mins apart.
Having such a consistent temperature all year seems pretty comfy.
The issue is relative difference. Going from -30C in the winter to +30C in the summer is hell.
I hope you guys really hate the sun.
>The whole point is to avoid half of the human population dying off
...Why tho?
It's been like that for few recent years, yeah. People in britland has been talking about heat waves every summer. When it's every fucking summer it's not a heat wave anymore, it's just fucking summer. Still there's not a lot of infrastructure done for AC unless it's a very recent building. But at this point I think we should all start considering getting an AC unit in every living space if this trend will continue, and it most likely will.
>finally got an A/C after last year's summer
Don't think I can go back now.
It mainly comes down to intense corruption and incompetence on just about every level of fire prevention.
Fucking this. Jesus Christ I'm horny but I will turn into a sweat-pig if I as much as touch my dick.
So why not get a window AC?
it does not look that bad.
The same happens where I live, the weather it's crazy
>It rained a bit then stopped
Fuck the sun
>identical temperatures to 2009 but now its bad BECAUSE ITS RED
muh global warming fags are retarded
Welcome to die
don't complain when the world descends into chaos within 20 years while you sat on your hands repeating "lol there's nothing we can do lol"
you asked for this future
Where do you think people will move to before any of this happens you fucking geniuses?
I wanna go to Iceland
That's what they want you to think.
are you 10? sudden storms in summer are normal. Literally normal. They are abusing children ignorance to spread fear on the climate, despite it being fucking normal. At this rate this winter they will have "white solid water falling from the sky : we are dooooomed" messages on TV
global warming is just a hoax guys ;^)
>all the retards in this thread that don't understand how humidity works
Holy shit just off yourself.
>usually have pretty chill summers (20 tops)
>this summer and last has been 30+
>aiming for glorious 40 tomorrow
I'm just going to sit here and try not to die. Vikings weren't made to survive this shit.
>20 degrees in the fucking summer
Gee, what a fair looking map.
That is average Florida summer. Every afternoon the winds blowing off the Atlantic hit the gulf and it pours rain for maybe half an hour then stops.
This damn stalled tropical depression has been dumping buckets on us for days now though, so the afternoon shower has ramped up to serious thunderstorm levels.
nope, but i like gators
>pharmacy temperature
>ever accurate
Why the FUCK does everything cost so much in England? Want an AC? Dude drain your electric lmao, brother of mine has a portable one and it cost him 10 quid in one day
Fuck this shithole country and enjoy the brownpeople who love this weather
>34 degrees
>50% humidity
do I just die
What do you think heat goes you stupid faggot? Water evaporates, goes up and forms clouds, then the clouds piss all over the ground. Did you not get taught the water circle in school you troglodyte?
Yes user, you're smarter than everyone else. those idiots don't know what they're talking about!
We have to purge climate deniers because we can't stop tens of millions of climate refugees.
It's not normal HERE. What is so hard for you to understand?
epic le mudslime meme
thanks user yeah i know
not really
>Identical temperatures to 2009
>Highest temps ever recorded everywhere in France
What did he mean by this
You didn't have any clear idea of what global warming is supposed to be until 2 days ago and the recent heat "confirmed" your theory huh
Rain doesn't ever stop after it starts?
Well yeah that is weird.
Our windows are usually the inward or outward opening types, at least for the 40s housing around here. Window units are a pretty rare sight in general.
How are there retards still denying global warming
Why did I move out of yurop? I guess it was the weather
Yeah I bet
Great day for a swim
>€50 per kw/h
No I don't have ac because I also need to eat
Has anyone ever re-gased their A/C in their car? I'm too Jewish to spend £60 to get some guys to spray a can into a tube, but don't want to cause an explosion by doing it wrong.
I've been driving around in an oven recently
End my shit krautbros, how do i survive until next rain?
>rest of Europe hotter than Spain for the first time ever
>mfw seeing fr*nchies and g*rms reeeing
the west can't do shit about the whole climate thing because 90% of the problem is China, India, Africa, and the USA. Europe going full Nazi on plastic bottles is irrelevant. chinese daily farts alone produce more dangerous gas than Europe entire industry in a week.
The whole phobia on atomic energy doesn't help. having people raising "BUT WHAT ABOUT TCHERNOBYL AND FUCKUSHIMA" when talking about building new plants in safe space is just the proof it's too late.They literally want to die in misery.
In my town humidity will go to 86% by midnight
My town broke a temperature record this week that stood since 1937.
you wanna snuggle? O3O
>sweat droplet from my leg nearly landed in the plug socket
ok thats enough i'm moving away from this arab conquored shitheap
>live on a tiny island
>shit costs more
It's because you have to import all your fuel.
>difference is most places have AC
we should install ACs in every home so we kill the climate even faster!
It's actually about 36 where I am atm. Funnily enough I was in Japan a couple of weeks ago and in Nagoya it was about 28-31 every day I was there with about 60-70 humidity, and it feels the same now because the humidity was much higher in Japan than it is in my town, so it evens out.
I would say 'fucking kill me' but I'm next to a fan so I'm all good
But it's raining here in the north of Portugal...
Ok user.
Just close all you windows in the morning. I have currently comfy 26C without AC inside and 35C outside
French temperatures record are suspiciously recent. But we know from history records the country always had fucking insane random climate rape at time. Like during revolutionary times. They just didn't measure it.
it needs to start with the burgers leading the way and imposing drastic sanctions on china to reduce pollution but we all know the likelihood of that
what are you on about?
Probably cold air masses moving from the northern seas and gradually heating up. We had colder days last two weeks now it's getting hotter again.
>35C in germoney
>riddick on earth
>35C in turkey
>mildly hot summer breeze
humidity and lack of wind is the killer
I'm scared of launching a game because my computer would heat up the room even more
>mfw afraid to immigrate to UK because it gets so cold
>mfw turns out Allah has seen fit to remove that obstacle the summer I got here
>mfw me and my family are literally loving the weather
>have AC
>never adapt to rising temperatures, die without AC
>no AC
>painful but slowly adapts
Sorry ACfags the future is ours.
Simple lifehax tip from me because I like Yea Forums:
If you have no AC empty a windex cleaner bottle and fill it with water. THen spray that shit on you. Then use a fan on yourself or improvise one
Do you think Africa is just a barren wasteland with starving niggers or something? It's on its way to becoming China 2.0, quite literally.
Fucking pussy.
Masturbate and after that take a good whiff at your balls. The smell is fucking intoxicating that it will make you get addicted.
It's interesting, but if you look at that map the temperature is higher in the countries with most immigrants.
get one of those ice packs you put on picnic baskets inside your rig.
Most people are too stupid to understand the whole "close windows from sun, open at nitght" shit.
Fuck, every heatwave, people die because they thought they could do their afternoon jogging as usual as because "they totally could handle it lol"
You get used to it. I don't even sweat anymore if it's 30°c indoors and I find 20°c so cold that I actually wear a jacket now and don't turn on the AC (a real one, not a fan) if it hits 28°c indoors. What really fucks you over if there's 2 weeks of 20°c, because then you get used to that and any rise in that temperature will make you feel uncomfortable again.
>tfw dabbing on everyone above the tropic of capricorn
>but tfw I know I'll pay dearly for it in 2 months from now
Are you saying going full Genghis Khan on China again instead of bleeding heart would help?
NOOOOOOOOO not the poor poor africans nooooooooooo
Objective : survive.
>temperatures reach up to 45C in the summer
>average per year is 30C
>coldest it will ever be is like 15C in the winter
europeans have it easy
What is this a map of? Migrant rapes?
>Muslim countries suffering the wrath of God
Hell of a time to get a 3900X
>Doesn't experience cold
>Thinks he's tough
Heat > cold.
Completely surrounded by pain
It's 35 here and I'm just laying around in the nude with ice cream and a fan on my bollocks. Quite nice actually
I'm pretty sure its Allah giving the Nu-euros a welcoming gift
wait for the next week
Tell that to Spain who has 0 trees and has to rely on AC like it's Phoenix.
>PC in room
>Comfy chair and sofa
>But paint melting off walls
>PC in garage
>snuggle blanket while drinking hot coco
>But also more spiders than australia
They're spared from the worst of the heatwaves. While places in France or Germany go over 40c they only go up to 30c or so.
i deny it being caused by humans
Starting a war with a superpower that 1) we depend on >2) has nukes is not reallly an option
I recently heard that here in the UK only 1% of houses have AC installed.
Bought a large floor fan for my parents to stay comfortable inside, we had a flood warning the other day and now it's hot and sunny.
Boys, I'm not made for this heat, I'm too used to constant grey skies and rain.
Nigger it's -10° in winter where I live, and it's fucking 40 now
>yuros realize summer is hot
You put icecream on your balls?
>nooooo amerilard don't remind us of our countries turning into caliphates dedicated to raping white people to death nooooo
>you better stop amerilard or I'll vote left again to prove you a lesson!
t. retarded american, what else is new
>this kills the german
i've been playing ffxiv in an attic room all week, i can't take this heat much longer
>central europe
>hottest summer is 42C
>summer lasts from april to september
>lowest temperature in winter is usually 8C
I wouldn't mind the extreme temperatures if summer didn't fucking last so long. I remember 30 years ago, when it would be still snowing in april and when nature was blooming. It hasn't snowed in the past 8 years anymore and all the trees look like deadwood and the grass is fucking hay at this point. Getting a central AC unit early was the best investment I've done in a long time.
>unusually hot summer for several years in a row
because the guilt trip to westerners while the source is in asia and africa is purely meant to indoctrinate the population. If politics cared, whina would already be carpet bombed. But noooooope, let's fund more factories there, 'they promised to care" with us....
Quite comfy in spain, I work with an oven so im used to +40 degrees every day so now 31 feels quite nice
>A part of the population gets temperatures they aren't used to at all
this seems very good for europe
surely this will clear the streets of immigrants
they're probably used to 100 degree weather who am I kidding
It was much hotter last summer, a single fan does the job anyway.
Feels good man.
>surely more CFC and faster ozone destruction will save us!
Literally any country in Europe is Hiter than the jewnited states lol
One in 2 kids under the age of 5 in the US is a nonwhite fyi
the atomic phobia is probably engineered by frenchs and germans leaderships since all their nukular factories are getting so old and it would be expensive to build enough new plants instead of buying gas from russia
European climate was never stable. peak of cold and heat were already recorded in the middle age. It's only the average values over centuries that matters.
Do you wear strings in public?
jesus imagine being more third world than fucking MEXICO
>be American living in comfy racist as fuck finland
Sure is nice here euro mutts
god i wish the memes about it always raining in britain were actually true
mostly because rain is objectively the best weather and i will fucking fight you over it.
Good ol' progressive brittons even making sure their weather accommodates immigrant scientists from Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. You social credit goes up!
>complain about heat throughout the summer
>its just a week bro
euros are so dishonest holy shit
>Paris and Belgium being consumed by hellfire
How do you like that autistic shithole?
Multiple historical record highs have happened in the last few years. You should look at the trend. In a system as large as the Earth's, consistent rising temperatures is very disconcerting considering the incredible amounts of energy that needs to distribute to raise temperatures in that many places. Either heat from the Earth's core is radiating much more significantly to the surface (which is worrying), or the earth is retaining more heat from the sun which is also worrying. Don't ignore the facts and the fundamental mechanics that go behind these facts.
>live in southern USA
>dead of summer
>cold fucking winds and temp dropping to below 70 in the night
what the actual fuck
I've used a fan my entire life.
>chink rats living more comfy life than euro poors
buy a mobile ac my guys. im relaxing in my chilly 16c room all day
>temperature fluctuates
>wow lets ban energy production and prevent development and growth and tax farmers before we all die like the left wing politicians said we would
>This makes the euromud literally melt away
this is all summer here basically
never too humid, always a cool breeze, doesn't even really feel hot when outside
everyone has AC here though cause it's not the 1800s anymore
>smug anime retard obsessed with ameritards
>out of touch with reality
every girl are in short-skirt, checkmate
>go to get fan out of the cupboard
>it's not there
i'm already dead fellas
please tell me Lindy has made a video about the superiority of rain and british weather and how it makes for stronger people mentally or some shit
>£60 to get some guys to spray a can into a tube
That's not how it works
And you need to be a licensed refrigeration technician to legally do it yourself anyway so forget it
It doesn't get hot like this. Here in bongistan it normally gets around 20 degrees C in summer
I live in Spain and I've never used an AC.
Mostly because I've never lived in a house that had it.
French atomic electricity is the safest, they have nothing to get to create a phobia of technology around it. It's mostly governments that are playing the fear of atom to have people accept higher electricity prices (rising again this years for literally 0reason out of politics), in preparation of the law against gas vehicles forcing electric cars to be as tax-profitable as the normal ones.
Can't you close the shutters ?
Why dont you euros use AC?
I-is this true?
>Ctrl+F "Command & Conquer"
>0 results
>throughout the summer
that's the media title, not the reality of the values.
>amerishitskin cope
Bro because the bill at the end of the month is gonna be super huge
That's because you live in a desert
> tfw i'm in poortugay and it's 20ºc, raining, and the clouds are so thick I have to turn on the lights
Get fucking dabbed on Europe, you take the heat now, last year we were having 40ºc+ by this time
do girls sex drive go up in heat
And a nice ooga booga bix nood muffaga to you too, good sir.
It gets hot enough for ac like 7 days of the year in most of europe
Had to pay 3000 euro, but being able to sleep, game and fap normally even with this weather was worth it.
God damn I wish I lived in Europe. Short skirts are literally my biggest fetish.
Based and peninsuled
>hottest temps in Paris
based God, burn out all the darkies
Not really. half of them are short shorts.
it's not consistent if you need to pick the values at different places every time
Yeah, gonna need some kind of verification on this one. Preferably visual with zoomed in photographs to ensure they aren't photoshopped.
Do you think these zoomers even know what C&C is about?
>short skirts, tank tops and summer dresses everywhere
God I love summer
inshallah brother
i don't care, it's fucking 33C here, i wouldn't do a threesome with models if they begged me
Try +100 F
Can confirm this works, especially when you have a small room. Improves quality of life immensely for just 200-250€
You have to let the hot air escape somehow.
RIP French Bro
we are welfare cheap fucks, some people actually sit around in supermarkets/shopping centres due to them having AC
No I live in the sub-tropics. It should never this cold in the summer.
>Andalucia's cooler than the rest of Spain
I claim bullshit on this map.
Texas here. Y'all are a bunch of a pussies.
>only 33C
Literal homosexual
You don't know how energy flow works, do you?
That's what the exhaust does.
Who /coldshower/ here?
You wish I was ameritrash. That'd validate the schizophrenic delusions that come out of your indoctrinated mind.
You just can't fathom the possibility another european hasn't surrendered his soul to the new world order. Cry, Σοyboy.
>have naked women in winter turn into just naked women summer
its pretty based and whorepilled
fuck leggings they are boring
hottest temperature ever where i live, used to 24 max in summer. i am melting.
Games for this feel?
t. from Krasnoyarsk, it's like Silent Hill here
They deny supposed countermeasures working because most of them are scams for sapping money. Co2 token trade cost us over 300m in tax fraud.
Whenever someone riles up you to support them saving the planet you gotta look deeper. Ain't many true saviors around.
Found it so frustrating after fukushima how the germans wanted to roll back on nuclear energy, which they mostly replace with horrible coal.
Nice that the french have like +90% nuclear.
Im poor as fuck and i still use 2 acs in my house euro bro. Its not that bad
Ive noticed that in spurdoland those shorts that look like they burrow into the asscrack are popular
Yeah, because the temperature rising in Europe is all the evidence we have ever had to prove climate change. So I guess this user here who must have a PhD and has published something to disprove climate change is right and we can go back to dumping CO2 like we did decades ago. Thanks.
>tfw I take hot showers even in summer
I legitimately cannot stand cold showers.
I never leave my house,checkmate.
imagine the smell
Power is more expensive in uroland IIRC
yeah and it has to go outside through an open window
They certainly are. You can totally see the shape of their underwear or if they're wearing any.
What you consider poor as fuck I'd probably consider upper middle class. 100% sure I'm way poorer than you are.
you use words you don't understand
>hottest is 98 F
Oh, so it's a cool day in Florida? Got it.
You fucking homosexual gay faggot.
I'd have steamy sweaty sex and run my tongue all the way from their sweat drenched abs to their armpits ALL DAY LONG
you're ideally supposed to take lukewarm showers since the body is an annoying cunt and wants to stay at 37C constantly and it warms you up fast in the cold
thanks a lot, Angela
>You have to let the hot air escape somehow.
I think he meant blinds, to stop sunlight coming in and heating shit up
>parents keep tellin me an AC costs too much
>proceeds to smoke a pack a day
shits on fire yo
We need one of these babies every 4 meters of beach
>You wear a sweater at fucking 18
18 is shorts and T-shirt weather you crazy motherfucker
You sweat it out, admit it sucks and stay hydrated / don't overexert yourself.
>Portugal is the Florida of Europe
that made me laugh more than it should've
Such as?
Where's my cool loli?
jack off using the sweat of both my balls and brow as lubricant. seriously i just spend fucking days going to pound town until the heat dies down
Europe, the peninsula of peninsulas, dry. user might be suffering from heat stroke
lmao that's not even that bad just turn a fan on
"energy flow". You are a human study shitter trying to take revenge over the smart guys at school that scored actual jobs
>pussy ass yuros complaining about some warm weather for a couple days
Try working construction in texas where every day for the past two months has been 95+/35+ degrees.
Good thing no one will ever ask you that under any temperature
Russian here. Mostly true. 90% of females aged from 5 to 55 wear short skirts or shorts.
sorry carlos
us white people aren't used to third world heat
Euros have this meme where they think they don't need AC. China has a higher AC adoption rate than Europe and they're just now leaving fucking third world tier levels of wealth. It's actually pretty embarrassing. The average temp of most of Europe is around the same as New England, Northern California, or Michigan. It's not a particularly cold place. They just have this stubborn cultural idea that ac isn't necessary. Then they complain for the entire summer that it's so hot and spam threads on every board. Maybe this "heat wave" and the ones that will follow annually will be a wakeup call though.
proper wallmounted ac units can be used for heating during winters
more effecient than electricity radiators and your temperatures wont fluctuate as much as with plain woodburning
EU will probably outlaw oil and peat heating soon
>he doesn't know how energy flow physically works
Must suck not being able to think about abstract concepts.
>the climate changes
Yes, we know that genius.
>this is all mans fault
Prove it.
i bet you have low humidity and lots of air moving
>Try working construction
I have a functional brain, I don't have to do dumb labor
>euros are too poor for a fucking wall unit ac
truly europoors
No we're not. Florida is wet and humid Portugal is wet but dry.
>hotter in France than in Spain
I guess that's the result of having some many black people in your country.
that probably helps a little, but won't save you from a 35C hellfire
>OH NO IT'S 100F
Nigga try living in Texas. It gets that hot for like two months straight every year.
>trying to play superiority on a working texan manly man
Nah youre just a fat pasty NEET is all.
Hottest it gets inside is 28C and that only happens around this time of year if it's around 35C outside. Not really worth it.
Euros fucking burn peat to heat their homes?
Jesus christ where did the Marshall project money go?
what the fuck? not even an hour ago it was bright cloudless day, when did that happen?
Haha like just put a bunch of clothes on and shit hah
Cheaper than turning on an AC
>hot day
>fill bathtub with cold ass water
>point fan at self
>sit in it for 4 hours
Based me.
people actually consider well being and health important issues here, so I'm not sure why being forced to do labor work in excruciating heat is supposed to be some kind of flex on yurop
It was overcast all day here.
t. North
Honestly all you really need is 1 good fan. I have a pretty solid 50 dollar fan, crank it up to about half speed and I am now completely comfortable shitposting at my PC all day.
at least the mosquitos aren't as bad because of it
Does your fucking room heat up to 35C?
sorry, i have an actual education and don't resort to slave work, while you're out in the sun i'm comfortably in my office "working" with the AC next to me
>wow it's hot
>how about you live in a fucking desert bro? that's where it gets real hot
I have this weird shit with fans, it works for a couple hours but as the hours go by it's almost as if it starts irritating my skin. I don't know if it's dehydrating it or what, but it eventually starts feeling like blow hot air in it and the coolness effects clearly start deteriorating.
Mostly gas heating. Electric is pretty rare.
peasants literally burn their garbage over here
sure felt like it before I got AC
not during the morning
>t. also North
also post more PT anime girls
>wut is a summer job durr hurrrr
>try living in Texas.
Absolutely not. Why on Earth would I want to do that?
I bet you're from Porto and think you're North
Mine went up to 45.
Fans do nothing except blow air around, putting more money into one does nothing
Unless you just let the sun shine into your room all day long that shouldn't happen. It's 36C outside and my room is at 26C right now.
>Boiling alive at home
>At least 10 degrees above outdoor temperatures
>Can't open window or I'll get eaten alive by insects
>Can't install screens to keep insects out even when I offered to play for them because my mother thinks they look ugly
>Finally starts cooling of in the evening
>Starts heat up again
>Touch radiator, it's boiling water
>Go and ask parent why the heat is on
>Dad doesn't respond because he doesn't understand the importance of hydration and subsists on coffee and cheap beer so he's barely alive
>Mum say "I was freezing so I turned it on, don't you go turning it off again like you always do"
Also I've been playing Arkham city to answer your question.
last summer every apartment in the building I live in went up to 32-35c
>32 C
AHAHAHHAHAHH that's fucking nothing
>50 dollar fan
holy shit it better wipe your ass for that price
>not having one of those huge chink fans
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
Imagine not living in the greatest country on earth. The world's sole superpower, where it's simply a standard for all homes to have central forced air conditioning that activates automatically. Imagine reclining in your chair, cracking open an ice cold Coca-Cola from your desk side mini-fridge, and taking a delicious sip as you chuckle at the less free peoples of the world.
You will never be a sweaty, smelly mess all day long, lethargic, having to soak in tap water or manually fan yourself just to keep from passing out.
You will always be an American.
Vila Real actually
>15C in the winter
It bounces between -10C and 5C here
I remember some old lady telling me how fans will chop up the air and be bad for your health
You homeboys are alright
Don't come to the Reconquista tomorrow
>that's fucking nothing
Not at 50%+ humidity and barely any wind, it isn't.
Especially not when it's just the average and it can get up to 38 with over 50% humidity, you're more or less in a constant sauna wherever you go.
>chilling in the dark abyss
feels good
>You will never be a sweaty, smelly mess
What did he mean by this?
And you will always live with your parents, there's the tradeoff
Because it's a humid fucking jungle.
Nope central texas is an moist smelly armpit.
Ninja, we Europeans have insane numbers of adults living with their parents, that's not a thing you can pin on ameriburgers
Holy shit.
>not honest to god beer
is it because americans cant make a beer that doesn't taste like piss?
this, American parents kick you out of the house on your 18th birthday
new subnautica DLC looks cool
That highly depends on the country and culture