ITT: Games where the villain was in the right
ITT: Games where the villain was in the right
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The FFXIV and GW2 snowflakes deserve death
I could heal big pulls as AST when leveling though Well.
Honestly anyone who plays an MMO these days is scum. If you want to lick your shitty grinding addiction, just get a job. A real job.
I still have this image in my tab, can you post something else instead
If you are a healer main please take note: You are at the very bottom of the totem pole. You get no authority/bragging rights, because you are the only one in the party that doesn't play the game and just /follows everyone else doing all the work for you. You are here because your role is a necessity. If we could replace you with a bot, we would. There would be no difference. Thank you.
Modern mmo's are not grinders anymore, my dude. Level/Itemlevel scaling prevents you from ever running into a wall where you would have to grind for better gear.
Used to play MMO's a while back, I can kinda get it. Healing in MMO's is fucking suffering, every fuckin retard runs behind a rock, sprints away from you, goes somewhere where they can't be healed and forces you to have to stand somewhere incredibly dangerous to keep them alive (putting the whole group at risk) just to satisfy their ADHD.
But once I realized that I switched to tank so I didn't have to deal with it, and then eventually gave up MMO's altogether because they're fucking garbage.
Replace this with DPS with and you'd be right
>That filename
Majority of the playerbase is PS4, holy shit you faggot nigger
Everyone told me Borderlands 2's Handsome Jack was some evil bastard, but considering how fucking annoying and unfunny every other character was I started to sympathize with him.
He's not wrong. The problem is that he is the very same blight as those people he despise. The "healer that refuses to pull more than a pack because he's afraid" is just as bad as "the tank that pulls everything like a retard and runs out of range".
A tank should always start slow and only increase pace if he sees the healer doesn't have any issues. A healer should always see how it goes before opening his mouth.
>SHB healing has been hamstrung
Does he play with 1 finger or what? I know someone with muscular dystrophy and plays with 1 hand and made it through SHB dungeons as fucking AST without complaining except for 1 run, on mount gulag he got a paladin who didn't know what rampart, hallowed ground, or sheltron were
obviously not, trusts proved that when the bots are DPS the dungeon takes 3x longer
but a bot that just spams cure is no different from 99% of the healer play-base
>You're useless
>You're a necessity
>There would be no difference with a bot but there would be if it was the tank
>get better gear so you can get better gear so you can get better gear
that's grinding.
>obviously not
spotted the DPS
>You are at the very bottom of the totem pole
You mean tank lmao. You can't clear shit without healer, but you can clear stuff without tank :^)
It's only a bit harder because summoners can't use titan to tank anymore :^(
>if you defend X then you must be one of them
>this console wars logic
I really hope you don't play my game and you just came in here to troll.
Punish me for being so worthless.
it's actually a skinner's box, but even thought it's different, the alternative of getting a job still works
t. soiboy
Did you read my post at all? This doesn't happen in the modern mmo anymore. You don't earn any gear anymore and you don't have to, because of itemlevel scaling. WoW, FFXIV, etc they all do this. You can raid with gear you've gotten for free and it would make no difference.
You're getting rather defensive after I called you a DPS. You're a bigger bitchboy than healers.
Thank you for admitting your loss.
>you are useless
>your role is a necessity
ergo a healer bot can replace a healer better than a bot could replace a tank or DPS. hello, healer babby that can read about as good as they can play games
>You can raid with gear you've gotten for free and it would make no difference.
I mean, you are not wrong. But your average shitter unable to beat unsynched ARR content with minimum 600 ilvl would disagree.
>no u
Nobody cares about you, DPS user.
In FFXIV it's pretty much common practice to pull all mobs until there is a wall blocking your path and if the tank uses cooldowns any average healer can manage it.
If a healer dies the entire raid collapses in seconds.
If a dps dies multiple times there is no noticeable negative effect.
All mechanics are healer mechanics.
Actually a tank bot would be better. Tanking is the easiest role.
t. someone who played all roles at high level
Ironically Tank is my favorite
Grinding in games is fun. A job is the opposite of fun.
t. healcuck
tank-kun made a big mess all over the floor when he pressed his big boy button, aren't you going to clean it up?
Why are DPS so salty about healers? Is it because tanking and healing are much more important?
All his requests would be fine if this faggot didn't threaten to go to the GMs
I know, I played it and in all roles. It's retared to pull everything immediatly without knowing anything about the skill of the rest of the party. The worst part is that most tanks are fucking bad and will stay in aoes (forcing dps to also stay in them) and the entire party will then kick the healer.
tell that to me and my PLD co-tank who finished the last remaining 40% of Levi 2.0 after the retarded healers died to easy mechanics
Why are healers so salty about a bot being able to replace them with 0 difference?
>tfw I play on a JP server and never ever have to deal with dumb shit like this
I'll take the perks where I can.
Healers adjust
Heal que is currently instant, with free complimentary materia. Tank que
Spotted the salty DPS
Damn, good thing I'm not a DPS cuck.
because nobody wants to play the most boring and absolutely gutted role this expansion
>temple of qarn circa 2019
>tank with no sprout keeps dieing to the 1st boss because of doom.
>keeps getting btfo
>healer politely explains how to get rid of the doom
>tank sighs first in emote and then in parry chat
Yeah tanks haha..
"get a job" should be the new "have sex"
>tfw flex between DPS Tank and Healer
Most people are too braindead to play healers and tanks.
"have sex" is the new "get a job"
Fuckin this
Imagine being so much of a retard that you don't expand your playstyle across all sides. Imagine not having the first hand experience for everything. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
Based and trans qt pilled!
Castrate all healers and turn us into cute healsluts!!!
>He's not wrong
He's wrong by virtue of being a casual.
>Plays on japanese server where he speaks -extremely- broken gookspeak and everyone around him tells calls him a gaijin and tells him to fuck off
Cope though, you'll never be "one of them", you're just a sad, fat, virgin weeaboo
Healer is only fun when you are dealing with big dick pulls and also trying to dps at the same time
Prove me wrong
Everyone hating on healers remember this, next time you stand in the aoe you’re not getting a heal from me! You can run back for all I care!
t. Falseflagging DPS tranny
Based retarded projector
Holy shit based
For fucks sake /vg/ is leaking again
This is they nuke XIV threads on Yea Forums
Friendly reminder those "mature ERP communities" are the ones who hate both trans and raiders, individually and mutually.
Fuck the current healer trope in MMOs, i fucking love playing support, but i love playing active support classes.
Buffers/Debuffers, and CC. This reverse DPS bullshit is boring as fuck, and i have no idea why anyone would have fun filling up bars rather than emptying it.
Pure healer archetypes are literally more braindead than DPS. A dps at least has to change targets occasionally. Meanwhile healers just have to keep the tank alive.
I also like playing healers with a more "active" role in combat. I don't want to be hiding in the back or feel at a disadvantage. Also sending out debuffs and shit is fun.
Lmao, they are XIV’s primary target.
>healing is only fun when the main focus is not on healing
Well, yea. I guess i can't really prove you wrong there.
Yea, i fucking love games where actually healing means someone fucked up. Dodge/block/absorb/shield all viable ways to mitigate dmg so you dont have to heal.
CC the fuck out of the enemy, have perfect rotations. Fuck, i also loved Ragnarok online, where healing pretty much was the absolute last resort and meant that someone in the party fucked up if the priest had to start healing.
>Implying I try to communicate at all beyond using the autotranslate for simple "Nice job" shit
I dunno why anyone wouldn't take up all of them now that Shadowbringers has Role Quests.
in the right? its just idiot fat kids pushing each other virtually for a chance to feel an accomplishment in their sad lives; all of them are wrong
mmos are garbage
>if the dps dies there's no noticeable negative effect
try not dying to enrage when your dps suck. oh wait, good thing baby mode content doesn't have those
Actually I did Titania for the msq yesterday and wiped like 5 times to the DPS check add phase (and never to other stuff).
God I hate healers with god complexes. Getting the easiest job most of the time and being passive 99% of the time. Fitting since it's the role mostly picked by females and trannies. And yes, I played healer in MMOs for years back in the days and these divas are insufferable.
what a self-important faggot. im going to harrass him in game on one of my 20 bot accounts
The way I do it is make my first pull big, and adjust from there depending on how the healer did
>complains about tanks with god complexes
>is an insufferable cunt with a god complex
100% tranny or woman(female)
Someone needs to explain to me why people take MMOs so goddamn seriously. The main draw to most MMOs is the immersion factor. Who the helol cares about the philosophy behind how tanks should and should not behave?
It doesn't get better in EX friend, sadly. As vital as good dps are, they're also most prone to the glut of bad players in this game. It's a shame cuz Titania is really a mechanically easy fight, she has like 3 mechanics. My advice, hope to god you don't roll Orbonne these days, it's a nightmare.
>plays mmo
>doesn't communicate at all with other players, one of the most important, if not the most important part of the mmo genre, historically
user maybe its time to stop playing videogames for a while
you can say this about literally any role, especially ice mages and ninjas/sams who refuse to do their aoe rotations
>wahhhh stop being more entitled than I am
I fucking hate people like these
Oh I'm in an english-speaking FC and talk with them, it's just that I don't have to deal with idiots met via the Duty Finder.
Besides, JP data centres are the best for where I am geographically, there are pros and cons.
most players have the opposite opinion; a tank who pulls slowly despite having the stats is an absolute pain in the ass. Tanks determine how much time you spend in a dungeon to a degree; the rest is the dps, so tank culture is a big discussion topic.
Where do you live? I've considered trying to play in a JP server but I live in the US so I would probably get bad ping
>The main draw to most MMOs is the immersion factor.
I'm starting to suspect this is false, or at least becomes false for a certain subset of dedicated MMO players. These people seem to play these things for a sense of accomplishment they won't/can't generate elsewhere in life. They don't have fun, but they keep playing because their meatspace life is so empty and pathetic. They don't dare risk trying anything else because it would force them to see exactly how hollow and underdeveloped they are.
>zoomer faggot that's never played RO
I just started playing XIV as a gladiator, what do I do to make people not sperg at me?
don't act like the retard in the OP and you'll be fine
I wouldn't worry too much about it user, I've played since ARR and have yet to discover obnoxious people like those, just enjoy the game
Try to enjoy the game, and if you are worried over tanking trials or some spooky-looking dungeons let people know it's your first time
Alternatively if you mess up apologize and say you have autism
using a psychological term in lieu of a colloquialism doesn't make you right or them wrong you fucking mong
Play the game normally. People with problems will have problems regardless how you pull
Don't pull too many mobs, use on-level gear, use cooldowns - that's it, most people don't care if you explore a bit
I can literally smell the DPS and Tank cum on your tongue from all the cock you guzzle, healcuck
I can't tell you how many tanks I see in Shad who never used cooldowns in SB because pocket of how healing worked I've seen.
Healing doesn't work like it used to and you should have been using cooldowns to begin with.
Are you supposed to use cooldowns as soon as they're up, or are there situations where you should "save" them for strategic use?
>I can’t cope the way I used too
>Go into game
>Be a cunt
>Just to post the image on Yea Forums
Nice OP. Hope they reported you to a GM.
You could argue that every game is a skinnerbox. Indeed, many do. Do you avoid food because it's a skinnerbox system?
In extreme raids it matters a lot if the dps or healer dies. If a tank dies it’s not that much of a big deal until the thank is dead for so long they can’t tank swap.
Using long-timed OGCDscorrectly is usually a weird thing for anyone. but what you need to remember is that it's usually better to use them than to not use them.
As a tank however, you need to use at least one cool down per dungeon mob pull.
For example: I use warrior. when I pull a fairly large pull, I'll use Raw Intuition - which is a 20 second OGCD and is pretty much a free cooldown for WAR to use and is a 1 - and combine it with either Vengeance or Rampart - two OGCDs with two different cooldown times.
I the fight is still going on about 10 seconds after your Rampart or Vengeance falls off and it looks like it will last longer, then pop thrill of battle. If it REALLY looks bad, then pop the other OGCD you didn't use.
For Trials or 8 man/24man you need to use your cooldowns right before a tankbuster hits if you are MT.
OT is somewhat different. I don't know what DRK and PLD have, but a WAR OT can pop all their Cooldowns and then pop Shake it Off which give a shield that scales based off how many cooldowns are active.You won't be using them much since you are OT.
get a life
>tank and healer are the same class
>If a healer dies the entire raid collapses in seconds.
I've lost track of the amount of times I had to resurrect stupid healers, I even finished some fights just Vercure'ing the tank with the subtank PLD being on healing duty too because it was just more MP efficient than resurrecting the fucktarded healers.
Yea kys and fuck off retarded weeb.
is there any sort of auto inventory organizer that puts all my crafting mats in some storage? my shit is full and but i dont really feel like going through 140 item slots organizing everything manually
Right click > Sort
that only sorts my inventory and doesnt move out mats and other trash to free up space though.
>"I won't make any effort if you do something I dislike!"
>"I'm doing my best to ensure we finish this instance"
Uh huh. Sure buddy.
Healing is my favourite role, I enjoy healing a lot. But goddamn healers have the most pathetic persecution complex, second only to Paladins and Druids who wanted to MT in Vanilla/TBC
give birth
I don't know how group finder works in FF15, but in WoW one of the most fun parts of the game was going through an entire instance and then kicking one of the DPS right before the final boss.
Enjoy your 1hr queue, sucker!
just know that your not a REAL GLADIATOR until you have the ultimate gladiator weapon.
>Meanwhile healers just have to keep the tank alive.
What is triage?
I'd leave that group the second i saw it, even if i wasn't the tank.
Warrior Priest in warhammer online was the fucking tits. Just pick a friendly secondary target and wail like a madman at the enemy. The more you fucked enemies up the more effective your heals were.
you are just as bad as the JAJAJAJA brazilians that play on american servers bitch
You get two free retainers to store items in and a chocobo saddlebag as well. Go talk to a retainer vocate in a city market area.
Picture here a man broken by early Shadowbringers GNB spam.
We don't
Learn to adapt
Fucking fake ass WAR mains. Literally play GNB if you want easy damage.
How big is the jump in dps from the 430 weapon to the 450 weapon?
>Healsluts thinking they have the right to order anybody around
>tfw need to poop but alliance roullette just popped
With decent melds a good 10%+ damage increase. So you definitely want it if you are doing savage.
>receive a whisper complement on your glamor
>pretend to be afk
Stupid sissy, I'm trying to be your friend
Fuck that noise. I demand that fell cleave and decimate have some healing on it hit, thrill gets extended to 15 seconds and intuition gets extended to 8.
These are my perfectly reasonable demands.
>You think you do but you don’t
Don't even fucking start with your ERP shit.
You know sissy was an insult before the fags appropriated it
not grinding?
do you mean that you dont grind some kind of material/currency for a single item but instead grind for actual items with incremental ilv upgrades?
still grinding.
You run +M10 every day for a shot at your new items with +5ilv on them or a chance for reforged. thats grinding.
I know. They still appropriated it and that's exactly how their ERP shit usually starts in a thread.
Shut the fuck up sissy
I regularly get people asking to take pictures of my character or people who line up to do so while I'm idle and I don't want to encourage any weirdos but it's nice people like my glamor
Why do people play these disfigured potatoes that are Lalafel?
Post it so we can judge your taste.
>modern mmo fags
Ara ~ And they call themselves adventurers ~ ? oh my ~
Playing chinkshit comes with the territory.
>Have an idea for the perfect Sukeban glamour
>It will cost £22 of mogstation outfits
>Only need one peice from each outfit
Why can't outfits all be sold in pieces ffs
>Why do people play these disfigured potatoes that are Lalafel?
Because they are cute
Keep up with your gear, rotate cooldowns on trash pulls, ask your healer at the beginning of the dungeon if they're okay with big pulls and if so always pull big if you are able.
Also, use your fucking AOE on trash.
Man I just want to mating press a cuteboy healer and fill him with cum
Crushing blows were a shit mechanic.
>idle in Eulmore while waiting in queue
>catslut starts carefully positioning themselves next to me really close
Creepy as fuck, judging by how close they did it I bet they used /gpose to hug me and shit and post pictures on their discord of her and her "bf"
Felt bad knowing that even though I moved away from her I was trapped in their gpose instance
>Why do people play these disfigured potatoes that are Lalafel?
because Lalachads are based and are statistically better players than you
You should report it for virtual rape
>played xiv for years
>never had to deal with Yea Forums tier autists like this
Do you guys just attract retards or what? Seriously if anything the ffxiv is snowflake as fuck and the furthest thing from hardcore
Had some random faggot /pray to me for some reason.
Because gear looks comfier on them.
Even worse, her aids got into the water and killed all the aquatic life.
There ya go. A picture of my bunny.
Guys I just got to leviathan. How much more until I'm doing heavenward stuff? I'm getting really tired having to constantly teleport across the fucking place just to get someone to tell me to teleport to another place. Or is this going to be the quests for the rest of the game and the 3xpacs? Also, what's with these primal fights, I'm guessing they all have mechanics but I never see anyone of em. I suppose this will stop later too?
Some do while others just look really fucking bad. I fantasia'd to lala once and fantasia'd back 2 days later because I couldn't stand coats on them
>let some video about MMO history play in the background
>youtube autoplays an Asmongold reacts video right after
>block all the Asmongold uploaders
>still happens
I am so tired of this shit. The only WoW videos I've watched in the past 2 years are fucking world firsts why does youtube think I want to see this balding ginger faggot?
As a white mage should i be saving presence of mind for an emergency or should i be using it more often for DPS and faster heals?
*puts a leash around the healer*
Stay close! Follow!
I don't quite understand how people find him funny
cute bundle of fluff
>Just got to Leviathan
Hahahahahahaha. Buckle up boyo, you'll be on the ARR train for awhile yet.
The teleport spam is greatly lessened in HW/SB/ShB though it still exists on occasion. No more "Return to the Waking Sands" bullshit at least.
goddamn I want to _pet that bunny so fucking bad
Based glorious Cactuar dunkin on niggas left and right. Get fucked other servers Cactuar a best gril.
I kinda like being a healer in this game. I get in groups with no wait time, my spells are dece strong and not letting my party die feels a little more high risk and exhilarating than just killing/tanking mobs.
Mobs don't lose their shit on you if they die. And sometimes people are nuts and die before i can even target them, sometimes it's like a struggle to keep up their hp while they're being murdered by 36 flans, sometimes the dps starts taking all the aggro but they have like 1000 total hp, etc. It's kinda fun, but solo content sucks massuve dicks.
I don't talk much in chat though or lose it on people when they fuck up, and I've never had a party wipe at least.
Did it die?
use it for more dps
>please don't be praetorium please don't be praetorium please don't be praetorium
>It's praetorium
>tfw you will never be able to mating press the Automaton Queen
its not fucking fair bros...
Did you really expect to just stand there and heal? Your job is to heal so make sure you're in the right position to land them.
>Doing msq roulette at all
That gives more exp. You should be hoping for that all the time.
>not going afk for free exp
i role healer 9 times out of 10 in most MMOs and i disagree with this cocksucking healer
>missing out on 19million exp at level 79 just to be semi afk for 40ish mins
Nigga praetorium gives a fuckton of experience and you can turn off you brain for it.
Fights start actually having real mechanics you can't ignore in HW. ARR is so old that even with scaling the fights are still just slapping the boss down.
priest tank best tank
>hope for Praetorium
>get chores and dinner prep done in between cutscenes
>afk for the vast majority of it
>get boatload of exp as a reward
its honestly the best one to get
damn thats harsh, if not hilarious. Didn't she suffer enough? Imagine getting turned into a godlike being and STILL suffering.
In XIV unlike most MMOs healers can have god complex and the best healers are played by doms, sissy healers are the worst performing players for every role including healer. The best tanks I've known are bottoms or secretly want to be dominated.
If I’m healing and someone pulls small on something like amarot I’m going to just let rod do the healing. Starting with a big pull at least shows that the tank isn’t a brain dead “respects the content” player. Maybe pull small if they’re using ast since it’s shit
Equally reprehensible people can relate to him
The entire point is that her powers come from her suffering. I mean it's even part of the in fight cutscene!
>Making msq roulette last any longer than it needs to be
I hope they kick you at the very end
I'd rather play my videogame than sit there watching a cutscene again for the zillionth time
Well everything has been buffed since then so of course ARR content is piss easy
I still see sprouts die to the earliest titan fight tho lol
>Happy i got level 70 gear doing job quest
>Find out you can buy cheap gear 100 ilvls higher in kugane
You should start with a medium pull just to gauge the healer's ability to keep you alive, then do a bigger pull next time if they did well
What's the problem? You can't avoid getting that gear and it's mostly for glamour purposes anyway.
You can get 390/400 ilvl gear on rhalgr's reach with poetics
No, I don't want any weirdos knowing who I am
>anyone cares who you are
Just post it you pussy, nobody gives a shit who you are.
>Finish my work in japan
>Have to go back to dealing with ala mhiggers
don't make completely bitchmade posts like this, for starters
Good man, don't let the /vg/ crossboarders convince you that you're in the wrong here.
Is there any r34 of it yet?
Are we ever going to get more Egi glamours? Shit I'd settle for Diamond Carbuncle at least.
>doing the same dungeon over and over again is now no longer grinding
Is PLD any fun? I'm playing GNB and enjoying it, also have a DRK but holy shit it's stupidly boring now that they simplified it
New to SAM. When should I use my kenki and what combo should I use first? What's my opener looking like?
>I'm just gonna uhh
>Avoid you
>Sorry dps
Well at least he apologized to them.
OP probably thinks "Yea Forums is one person" too
He's the only one who makes any goddamn sense.
Lilith has no fucking credentials being in a leadership position just because her boyfriend was.
Only if you can glamor other peoples' pets and one of them is "Emperor's new Egi"
>Can't heal big pulls in Shadowbringers
Bad healer. I had people pulling door to door in the second dungeon with just my eureka gear and did completely fine. Annoying. But fine.
>Is PLD any fun?
compared to GUK, no, at least not at a low level. PLD is still more desirable at high level tho.
Why the fuck would you be able to report for getting kicked? If 3 people don't wanna put up with your shit then that's up to them.
Why are people so spooked about posting screenshots? Is it because of /xivg/?
Why yes, I do play BLM, how could you tell?
>play on JP
>zone into dungeon
>pull wall to wall
>clear dungeon
>{Thank you!}
>3 commendations
>never have to deal with whiny NA trannies and faggots.
I had a healer with shit gear and he told me not to pull big. I just left but what's the best way to deal with the scenario? He was using i360 gear in mheg
Gear you get from 71 dungeon is just i390, so 73 dungeon with eureka gear should be just fine.
Even with AST there's no big pull that you can't heal just with benefic II spam.
I'm actually on Balmung so I have reason to be, I wouldn't care if I was on some random preferred server
Kicking him, there's no reason why they should be i360 in mheg.
>Oh my sweet, precious sapling. You know your [branch] would do anything for you, even as the tension of lust builds within your loins. You needn't carry this burden with you. Come, let me help you in all ways that I can.
>He was using i360 gear in mheg
Can't you literally buy 385 gear in Kugane?
Just starting out playing some tanks. Got DRK to 70 and really love the idea behind TBN. Feels like you're being rewarded for actively tanking. Do the other tanks get something similar, or is it mostly 1-2-3, expend gauge for certain abilities?
You just leave. Anytime I get a healer that's way below the ilvl for the dungeon I just dip, not gonna waste my time or the DPS's time because some faggot isn't doing the sidequests for ilvl 395 gear.
>PLD is still more desirable at high level tho.
Why? Sure it has more utility but GNB does more damage
Isn't Eureka gear strong until level 80 anyway?
In the Crystarium.
>Always top or bottom DPS
Truly the thinking man's job
don't think so, I don't think there is any art of it at all, official or otherwise
its a real shame
Aw. That's dumb. You can't do command missions if you left a previous duty finder dungeon.
I just left. I don't trust the DPS not to kick him.
That's what I was wondering. He had a PvP mentor crown too.
>50 minute dungeon
All tanks have their niche so to speak. GNB is more DPS focused, PLD is more tank focused since you have a powerful self heal, DRK is more shield focus with BLN. I haven't gotten WAR to 80 yet, but I have a feeling it's gonna be more like GNB where it's more DPS focused than tank focused.
MMOs really need to get rid of healers just to make these kind of people disappear
Seriously what is it with healers always starting shit and drama
Most of the time healers take unavoidable damage regardless of the tank, so it becomes a challenge to keep everyone up including yourself. Throw in mechanics that force you to move and penalties for running and healing and it becomes interesting. At least in the games I've played.
will i need the crafting mats in my inventory or will the game grab them from retainer's inventory automatically?
>doing the sidequests for ilvl 395 gear
You can get ilvl 400 with poetics now
Once had the timer run out teaching three sprouts how to play their jobs in stone vigil. We got to Isgebind, but there wasn't enough time to finish him off. They were mostly stuck on the first boss, with the healer constantly running out of mp and the tank getting into more trouble than he could handle.
They improved as we progressed, albeit slowly. I like to think they left the dungeon stronger than when they entered, even if they didn't finish it.
>speak about the obvious shit
>the viewers are ADHD kids at best or some rose tinted glass wearing idiots
>both lack critical thinking due to their best friends being their smartphone, and even if they have some sense its impossible for them to articulate without a medium
>the medium is also an essential big bro who they can obsess with, also they can have their community who can spam emoticons in a mob mentality
Its not about him being funny its about him speaking the obvious shit since the red shirt guy these people who were hiding in the grass popped out. Friendly reminder that these EXACT SAME people were the ones who defended blizz's bullshit, and to top this they were the one asking for it.
>losing packets all day
I just want finish leveling WAR without getting dced in the middle of the dungeon.
>qarn in level roulette the other day
>all 3 other party members die to doom
>healer was a mentor
I expected it for the sprouts but c’mon man
suck my fat tank cock
God does Swinge still fucking dunk people?
>wtf the boss turns around, starts casting and suddenly I take a lot of damage what do i do
Yes we call those mentards. Mentors are usually trash. Doubly so on Crystal.
>Hitler speech starts playing in discord
Yeah, but Thancred only single pulls
why do a lot of people in ff14 have cringey fucking RP names? i gave the game a chance with the beginner pass shit and every person had some stupid fantasy name
What is a good name?
Random name generator when you’re creating a character will give you a lore appropriate name. Also, kill yourself.
Lali Ho
>I like to think they left the dungeon stronger than when they entered
This is why I usually stay too. Maybe they won't be this shit, maybe.
And sprouts are cute.
why wouldn't you think a japanese mmo is filled with fat virgins that want to rp as cat girls
They force you to have a first and last name, so retarded wow names look extra retarded
>Dude why aren't people naming their characters Weed Lord?
That's my issue. What's WAR's gimmick? It's no longer THE DPS TANK because that goes to WAR.
Swinge absolutely fucking annihilates people to this day. Didn't help that the dps was a caster, so both the healer and dps stood some distance away and didn't think to follow the fucker, while the tank did what tanks do and stood in front of it, resulting in everyone but me eating the damage. Also the healer hadn't gotten the hang of esuna at that point, so the fire breath DoT ticks kept eating away at the tank.
The healer also had a nasty habit of blowing every single cooldown before the pull. It kinda looked like they were trying to pre-buff or something, like in a D&D-based game where you cast a billion stacking buffs on yourself before starting a fight.
When will there be preferred servers?
>t. neckbeards and tranny weebs
>dude fantasy game has fantasy names
>WAR's gimmick is no longer THE DPS TANK because that goes to WAR
so are you saying WAR's gimmick is the dps tank or not?
t. Critmypantś
Why was that fun? Seems kinda pathetic.
>Dude why doesn't everyone have retarded names like me wtf
I just woke up. I meant it goes to GNB
t. D̾a̾r̾k̾a̾r̾t̾h̾a̾s̾
>The main draw to most MMOs is the immersion factor
Not in this decade.
>try to log in twintania
>700+ player queue
The fuck? First time I see this happen
>healers thinking that they are special after lfg tools
Go ahead, leave and 10 secs later we will have another.
>Isn't Eureka gear strong until level 80 anyway?
Nigger what
You should have replaced literally all of your stormblood gear by level 77
t, Xxillidanx
The ramie clothes are top comfy
>What's WAR's gimmick?
getting buffed to the moon next patch.
t. Stâabbyýstabb
What's better? Farming white scrips for materia and sand or just grinding sand for Gil.
There's a reason why girls are mostly healers, you know.
curious gorge
Sound effect reversion soon, fellow gunchads
Don't pull wall to wall until you have the cooldowns to handle it, and check in with your healer when you can start doing big pulls.
Also don't cleave your party, point enemies away from the rest of the party.
Please only for the main combo
Every other attack sounds so much fucking better now
>revert back to the ringing steel sounds for the combos
>adjust the explosions to not sound like they are happening 100 yards away
>keep the blunt sound effects for that one PVP gunblade
4 servers became congested in EU, so now people from those congested servers can transfer to new servers for free.
m-muh dick
There's a sound reversion?
My augmented scaevan gear wasn't outclassed until level 75 or so, so I'd imagine Eurekan gear which is slightly stronger should last a few levels longer. I'm just pointing out that doing "just fine" in the second ShB dungeon with Eurekan gear isn't something to brag about
friendly reminder for fellow tank chads! Arms Length isn't just an anti-knockback, it applies a 20% slow to any enemy that strikes you for 15s, really solid mitigation for big pulls
>24-man as a tank
>one of the other tanks runs ahead and pulls
>alright you're MT I guess
>keep tank stance on for adds
>do my usual 1-2-3 with oGCDs
>steal enmity
why though
>t. Slurppy McNugget
Go fuck yourself. Healers can adjust.
Why is pretty much every second player I come upon named something cringy like "Akatsuki Miranomi" or "Uzumaki Naruto"?
>doing weekly Eden
>other tank turns off tank stance so I say fuck it and take the boss myself
>as soon as I pull he tries to steal enmity from me
>tell him to fuck off and proceed to MT
I never understand DF tanks, are they afraid to pull the boss themselves so they wait for another tank to do it then try to steal aggro? Why the fuck are they playing tank then if they're so afraid of pulling?
To be fair, you wasted the DPS' time anyways, they waited 20-30mins on that queue just for you to dip. Better to pull for a bit and votekick if he can't keep up
Eureka armour is i390 right? Which is just on par with unaugmented scaevan.
Eureka weapon is i405 which makes it outclassed by the level 75 dungeon weapon (Just barely, it's probably on par if you have good substats).
>being that retard that wants castrum instead
>try ex trials
>it's actually all about hoping your team isn't retarded and everyone sticking to an unfun script
>get gear that only matter for further ex trials
>Finally rolled a 99 on Wind-up Scathach
I deserve this for putting up with this terrible group.
If you log out when the cutscene is playing then log back in you'll have skipped the cutscene. You're welcome.
If hydaelyn bitches so much about how weak she is, why didn't she just suck up all the light from the First?
at 70 you’ll want to buff your Higanbanana anytime you need to reapply it. Small note, Higanbana is only worth it after 40s so only throw it on if you think you can at least break even on it.
Your opener can be Shifu,Jinpu>>>Meikyo,Yukikaze into Midare. The reason why I say “can” is because there’s a variety of openers that you can do if you wanna dump out a quick Midare in time for raid buffs, or a Higanbana. Experiment and find out what works well for you.
innocence is fun
i haven't tried titania yet
Only brainlets want castrum over prae
In the time it takes to relog, the cutscene will mostly be over anyways. And you'll miss all the terrible puns I tell during cutscenes to make it slightly more tolerable
How did they manage to make WAR even more boring to play now?
It's almost like she is a primal and has been lying to us the whole time
Because that would be a Rejoining you dingus. Stop skipping cutscenes.
The absolute bane of every PUG healer.
I never did any extreme trails because I was worried they would be hard. I angel man extreme yesterday and cleared it 5 times. It was easier than I expected, only thing that fucks it up and if someone doesn’t know what to do.
she's a bit more fun since you have more uptime in general, but pf groups are terrible at her mechanics and there is room for all roles to fuck everyone over.
>join static
>they demand I show them logs from last xpac
>I didn't play in SB and took a break, my old logs from HW are nowhere to be found
>they take me as a "trial"
>they can't clear Titania because literally all 7 of them are garbage
>Static leader tells me they've made a decision and I can join their static
>I was the only one alive for all the mechanics
>check ACR I was the highest DPS, even higher than the MCH getting the DNC buff
>tell them no thanks and go back to playing casually
Thordan was the last hard EX trial man.
What good is that if you're probably the only one doing it?
Hydaelyn absorbing Light from the First wouldn't be a rejoining, dumbass. A rejoining is when a world is completely overrun with that element to the point that it basically bursts a seam and leaks over into the Source, causing an element-related Calamity.
Water = floods
Earth = quakes
In Light's case, as explained in the cutscenes, it "halts" the Aether inside everything. That's why the area outside is a dead wasteland, and why you reawaken the elements via the Eden quests. Black Rose works similarly, and simply because of timing, if we'd never gone to the First, and Light had poured into the Source at the same time Black Rose was unleashed because we were present to fuck over the Empire worse than they got fucked already, the Light would have super-charged Black Rose and made the dead area of the first outside look lively by comparison.
Titania is not fun at all, what are you smoking? Fucking cancer not a fight.
Thats probably a bug. No matter how many people it says is in the que it seems to take the same amount of time to get you in, like a few seconds.
>Hydaelyn absorbing Light from the First wouldn't be a rejoining, dumbass. A rejoining is when a world is completely overrun with that element to the point that it basically bursts a seam and leaks over into the Source, causing an element-related Calamity.
The way Rejoinings function is that they cause a Calamity on the Source, then overload a shard with a certain element so that said element will flood into the Source's Lifestream carrying all of the shard's Lifestream with it.
So what would happen if Hydaelyn opened up the dimensional boundary to suck up the flooded element from the Shard, dingus?
>been playing since 2.0 beta
>have never done any of the extreme trials
>never done any of the savage raids introduced in HW
>just grab the tomestone gear that's only 10 ilvls behind the savage shit
Never got the appeal of savage, the shit that you get after a month of farming and wiping is invalidated within 2 months of getting it.
I had her since HW, you don't deserve her.
>15 minutes of unskippable cutscenes
>32 minutes of unskippable cutscenes
>same reward
You're a brainlet if you pick the latter
>GUK runs into the group
>uses bolide at full HP
>same reward
That's where you are wrong.
>same reward
Castrum has you run around more so you actually have to pay attention
You're right, but it's not a bug, it's a intentional fake queue to signify to players that the game somehow is alive.
Pull harder bitch. I want to test the limits of your hp bar and my mp bar
If Hydaelyn sucked up the Light, there wouldn't be an overload of light to flood into the source to begin with. The way you worded it implied she'd do it before it goes to the Source, or so I assumed.
Hydaelyn also seems to be assumed to be a Light element, vs Zodiark's dark - this isn't wholly untrue, but the assumption that they can just absorb their own element isn't one we know is even possible, yet. Just like we couldn't absorb all the Lightwarden's Light for long. If it was as simple as Hydaelyn sucking up all the light and blasting the Ascians like we did to poor Emet, I would like to think she'd have done it by now since, yknow, she's known for 100 years that the First was flooded with it even after Minfilia stopped the full flood.
>get a group that kills titania way before the enrage, even when a dps got disconnected before the add phase
>they disband after 3 kills
dont let shitty pf groups take away from a more engaging fight
>tfw hrothgar nuts
>its another DF healer with some "condition" irl that makes it so they can't play the game
>main the most integral part of any group, a healer despite having this "condition"
what the fuck is wrong with retards
>tfw sin eater nuts
Hydaelyn bringing over an excess of Light to the Source, even if it didn't cause a Rejoining, would still cause an excess of Light on the Source. Even the little bit naturally trickling over across dimensions was enough to begin thinning the aether on Eorzea. It would also mean she'd have to open a hole between dimensions would could be a disaster on its own.
Its been proven in the past that Hydaelyn hasn't given two shits about what happens in a world. The First's WoL had to fucking jump dimensions just to beg for aid.
Praetorium gives more bonus EXP
I play sch, I know the kinda tanks he means but I can keep up for the most part.
I like the added difficulty it presents, honestly DPS are the main annoyance
Tank takes priority and for the most part I can DPS.
I ran into something similar to this in SB.
>start of SB
>clear susan & lakshmi ex without too much trouble
>try to join a "midcore" static
>lol where are your logs
>tell them I have no idea how to set that shit up but ive cleared the extremes and the first turn of savage in pugs
>Yeah nah we want more "experienced raiders"
Yeah fuck you. Whats wrong with just doing a run or two with me, why do I have to put some shitty program on my PC and then do runs I don't even need just to gather data to put on what is essentially a freaking resume?
It's not engaging at all and I was doing it with a group that was killing it before 2nd tether. Try doing that shit on melee and I'm not even talking about tether that works however it wants, it didn't work properly in o10s and it's the same in tit ex.
Also, sometimes you get debuff from branches when you jump through them sometimes you don't.
Isn't asking for logs a bannable offense?
>>tfw nuting in Y'shtola
Wrong, Hydaelyn is benevolent to a fault and has been involved in other worlds. It's a factor Mitron and Loghrif used when they told Cylva to create Warriors of Light. They knew she would choose selfless heroes and grant them her power.
>same reward
Yea, logging in general is against the TOS
No shit they didn't want you, usually midcore groups want you to have cleared at least 1 raid tier.
I do that fight exclusively on DRG. Melee should never be doing tethers in any good group. DRG for some retarded reason can't use any jumps through the brambles, but you can use elusive to get past it, assuming you didn't sprint to your corner and break the chain quick enough to jump before the branches reached the center of the arena.
>tfw you will never make alphi do this face
>asking for logs so you can lvl CRP is bannable
>tfw mind controlling Y'shtola
I would accept that until the part of reporting people comes up
No if you do that outside of the game.
Don't you kill more stuff in Castrum and make up for some of the lost Praet exp?
Tether works fine, if you're running directly at her in melee range it will swap back to you. Don't do that.
Healing/support is the easiest role in any game and is marketed towards women for this reason. This isn't a hot take, it's a fucking business model the entire industry has been following for a decade.
No, and Lahabrea gives like 600k exp by himself at the end, and the roulette bonus itself is still almost double that of Castrum.
get out
it's fun
The fact that he has that saved as a macro implies he has to say this a lot, which means he's just a shit healer.
Sure thing, I'll just keep enjoying my instant queues and dick sucking, my dude. :^)
I could understand if they were looking to go for like world firsts or something like that but I assumed "midcore" was a bit more laid back. The fact that I was turned away without even so much as a trial run really didn't sit well with me and pretty much turned me off from raiding for the while expansion.
WAR here. When do I use storms eye buff in AoEs?
>usually midcore groups want you to have cleared at least 1 raid tier
No, usually """"midcore"""" groups are casual shitters who don't want to call themselves casual shitters. Any group acting like that one did is guaranteed to be full of flailing monkeys that parse blue on a good day and might clear the tier after a few months. The biggest meta whores and fflogs obsessed niggers are the worst players thinking that acting like hot shit will suddenly make them good.
"midcore" groups are just code for "we think we're hardcore and we totally could clear Savage in the first week if we had the time, but we don't. Also the real reason we can't clear in the first week is that we're actually kind of bad."
everyone just wants to be carried and is pretending otherwise
based retard
this is bait, midcore means we are bad and struggle at mechanics but spend a lot of time talking about optimizing and staring at logs trying to get our numbers bigger.
Daily reminder it's easy as fuck to do good damage, doing good damage and doing the mechanics right is where the vast majority of people fuck up at. It doesn't matter that you can hold server first dps if you are going to die 80% of the time in raid.
"midcore" are just casuals that, in my experience, never manage to clear the 3rd boss of a tier. I've just been joining PUGs since SB since I don't want to deal with the hassle and inevitable drama statics come with. Might be a hit or miss to clear every week, but it's better than dealing with parse trannies and literal mouth breathers.
t. Xxssjnarutoxx
So, if only 3 Ascians managed to survive then where did the other ones come from?
Did they create them?
they're shards that were uplifted. Emet explained this.
Yes, they can raise others up into Ascians, and usually pick the fragmented souls of Convocation members to raise up to the office they held in their original life.
Did you talk to Emet every time you had the chance?
He explained the three unsundered can restore the shards of the ascians to become a whole ascian. If all three unsundered die (two did), the ascians would eventually go extinct.
TANKS are the bottom of the totem pole.
Literally all they have to do is go in. That's it. Go in. Hold aggro. Nothing else.
Why are you angry about this? Clearly just a difference in play style. They don't owe you anything.
You know what, I think I may just do this. Rather than joining a group, I'll just pug via PF. It shouldn't be too bad since the cross world PF has been up and running.
This is why, to my knowledge. Only Warhammer Online ever had a fun healing class. The Warrior Priest.
Need to heal someone? Get stuck in and smash some heads. Contribute more then just sitting in the back mashing your hotkeys and tabbing occasionally.
The strength of Eureka gear was that it could be pentamelded without failure, over augmented scaevan which could not. It'll last slightly longer if you had full melds on it.
What the fuck happened to the Trinity?
Like when I was playing WoW until Cata it was literally
Tank- stay alive and hold aggro
Healer- keep tank, yourself, and dps alive in that order
Dps- Don't take stupid damage and kill everything as quickly as possible.
Why the fuck is it a buncha social contracts and high manner etiquette game? You're playing a video game.
I dunno, man. They seem to realized this and decided to actually start adding in tank mechanics where they actually need to pay attention. Like the fuck you beams on Eden Prime and Leviathan.
Elidibus is most likely going to raise an army of sundered Ascians within the next 2 or 3 expansions. And Unulkhai will likely play a role in rebuffing them, though Elidibus won't die until every Shard has been visited or otherwise dealt with, so he'll be a thorn in our side for at least 5-6 more expansions (or Shards' worth of expansions)
We'll eventually rejoin with the other 6 shards of our soul, and Unulkhai last since he's most likely our Shard from the 13th/Void and return to our Ascian form to finish Elidibus off.
Elidibus will probably be Chaos or some other all-encompassing boss like Emet was Hades.
there is no such role in FFXIV tho.
Never played WoW. But why heal tank over healer? If you die everyone gets fucked.
>love loli
>hate lalafell and went au'ra female for the hebe char instead
I really dont get who lalafell are for. Their faces can be decent looking, but their bodies are disgusting. Tarutaru, in comparison, weren't disgusting waddling gourds, they were plucky little chestnut things.
I really doubt anyone but the most stalwart of toddlercons would unironically, genuinely like lalafells. Someone help me wrap my head around this
Fags with an unwarranted sense of self importance.
JP servers are 50% Lalafell
>been doing the eden raids for the orchestrion rolls
>there are still some people who constantly die to avoidable mechanics even though it's not their first time
>still people who refuse to take 2 steps forward to get inside a sacred soil/asylum/earthly star
Have you considered that they didn't fucking design the race to appeal to a fetish you pornsick faggot?
I honestly just find them more interesting looking than the other races.
It also comes with the added benefit that you can do the fight on your time as opposed to being forced to set aside a couple of hours 4 days a week just to do a fight, then spend 2 of those hours waiting for people to return from being AFK.
This. Always go for the casual statics.
I don't care what sex this thing is. I want to conceive offspring with it.
>It shouldn't be too bad
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It's a lot worse than you think.
Weeks of trying to clear a single raid in "clear" parties, people joining clear parties without any experience, constantly hitting enrage because retards can't press buttons in order. By the time I cleared o7s with PF I wanted to strangle every person in pf.
I miss taru tarus. The fags that play Lalafell have some serious mental illness.
>back in 3.0
>get invited to an only Lalafell linkshell
>its full of fags speaking wike theywe wittle kids
>the other half is pedophiles with a diaper fetish
I wish I was making this shit up, never used a fantasia faster in my life.
They are supposed to emulate old school game sprites and aren’t meant to be seen as sexual at all.
what datacenter was that
>healers won't sprint
this kills me it makes each dungeon so much quicker but yea lets all take longer so that you don't have to hit one button
>create clear party yourself
>kick people that constantly keep dying
It's not difficult, unless you're a pussy that's too afraid to start his own clear party.
I was on Aether back in 3.0, but I've heard similar stories from people on other datacenters like EU.
good derailed thread
He's making just as many mistakes so he can't do this, he just doesn't want to admit it.
>tanks won't sprint
This one's even better. Double points if they try to big pull but sit in each pack doing a full AoE combo.
It's like they don't realize that they're being autoed the whole time.
I'm with you 100%. If lalas looked like this though I'd be all over them
good meme
How shockingly truthful.
>look this bitch up on the lodestone
>she's a white mage
Should've just kicked her. If she can't heal as the stronger healer class in the game she shouldn't be doing it at all. Doubt the GM's would do anything.
You don't get much to choose from when you're at the last 2 fights.
Stop thinking with your dick, user.
I want to mash that robot
Far cry 5. They literally only tell you 5000 fucking times throughout the game that he is right the whole time and you are wrong.
Yeah. I actually had a group of about 5 people from Yea Forums trying to do HW savage a few years ago and it was a nightmare. We had new people in every day and it was like starting from square 1 everytime.
Yes you do. People that have cleared those fights are still going to be doing at least 5 runs of them for the mount every week, if not daily. I'm one of those people.
Why can't I ever get hopeless people like this in my lfgs? I love pushing their limits and torturing the group. This person sounds like a lot of fun.
>no not EX just normal fucking titania
>dps retards keep standing in aoes and getting raped.
>no one is using a limit break in last add phase
I'm gonna start telling people to watch a fucking video.
I can understand Emet-Selch’s desire to wipe out all life to restore his people, imagine your proud tall race being sundered so badly to the point Lalafells exist.
After pugging Savage since T1-4 and joining various statics, I'm finally gonna embrace being a casual fuck like that other user. Even though I'm interested in the content, I just don't find raiding fun when you're not going in with close friends. Statics are often a trap and bar none the fastest way to burn out on the game, while adjusting to pugs constantly isn't worth the reward unless you're an unabashed gear whore.
>people joining clear parties without any experience
The bulk of people skip through quests, look up the best builds, items etc, and only care about getting to, and beating endgame content. Sure I'm competitive and want to deliver the best performance, but im still gonna take my time and enjoy the story and fun distractions.
I think what we're seeing now is the result of the MLG twitch crowds and social media crowdsourced opinions. They're reinforced by those upvoted opinions, and use them as examples of how to behave.
And how would you join duty complete parties without clearing it first?
they are goofy little people with fun emotes and the idea of playing a pint sized death machine is fun as hell, honestly I went lala and never went back, you have this unspoken solidarity with other lalas and you always stand out, get free /pets and in general, tend to get more comms
More faces and facial features FUCKING WHEN? I want an actual beard on my character.
lalafell looking like FF3 characters is why I enjoy them
people treating them like malformed baby fuckdolls is why I despise them
Based and lalapilled.
>people get upset when random people aren't good players
You are the death of MMOs and literally worse than absolute shitters. Go find a guild/corp/static or whatever it's called.
oh thank god I'm on Primal then, I never seen any of that shit go down from the years I've been playing there.
>Want to be a cute girl so I can ogle her while I level
>Already personally attached to my male character
Truly, this is what it means to be conflicted
Well you would expect something resembling competence and not blm doing 1k dps in Eden.
>tfw derplander gets stubble for his in game model in both the trailer and benchmark
>there is no stubble for midlander or anyone else in the character creator
>when asked about it, Yoshi says he didn't realise it was something people wanted and will look into it
this faggot knows people have wanted more options in the character creator for years and then acts dumb when pressed about it
I really wish mmos as a genre were not dying off. The type of people that play mmos need to be contained to their garbage. They are unfit for general society.
>needing LB3 to clear the add phase
I'm so sorry user.
Small indie company with server limitations, please understand.
What's the most fun you've had with a class in an MMO?
Primal doesn't have any of the shit that Aether/Crystal have, one of the benefits of having almost all the servers on primal on locked since 2.0 is that the degenerate faggots who flock to the game from Tera/Tumblr/Aion all fuck off to the DC where the RP server is on.
I'm going to heal your butt with my magic stick sissy boy
I have never had fun in an MMO.
Fuck you, my heals are amazing, I ain't gonna sugarcoat it
To be honest, we should just replace the tank/healer role with NPCs, would solve an absolute massive amount of problems. Queue times are long for the majority of players because they have to find two roles that aren't popular to play, there's always arguments on how those roles should be played, and there's only a simple pass-fail metric when you get down to it, meaning these roles have a very low skill ceiling. By converting all tanks and healers into DPS, we'd only need to find enough people to fill the dungeon to get in, the value of any player could be easily gauged by the DPS they bring to the table be it personal or group, and the classes could be better balanced between themselves while allowing for greater diversity of play due to not having entire roles shackled to certain expectations (All tanks need a taunt, gap closer, etc., all healers need a spammable low potency heal, a resurrect, an instant oGCD heal, etc.).
If we must keep roles around, at least make healers have only oGCD heals and give them charges that accrue over the course of the fight, so now a group can't be carried by expecting a healer to continually patch up their mistakes since healing would be a resource to be managed. And make the only requirement for a class to be considered a tank to be a low cooldown damage reduction ability to stop tankbusters, which would allow more jobs to fill the role, even in an ad hoc nature.
I'm playing with pubs wtf do you think? We practically needed a god damn miracle to clear it.
if you need lb for the add phase, leave asap.
It's like someone plugged a neural cable into my brain and uploaded everything I ever wanted out of a job onto the computer screen.
Rogue back in TBC. There was something magical about being in stealth 24/7 and ambushing people at choke points in the open world.
>take trust tank along
>they single pull every spawn and dungeon takes ages
>take trust dps along
>they single target dps and dungeon takes ages
>take trust healer along
Just let me queue up for dungeons as a duo with Alphinaud, SE.
I'm the tank so I'm not the one who is most responsible for damage. A good WHM can out dps a tank now.
BDO's Maewha
Lotro Minstrel before they gutted their game.
I played on Moogle and there was a lala LS that was pretty alright for the most part except for these creepy fucks who would run around naked and say stupid shit like "lalas aren't cute, they are sexy
warrior or dervish running droks
>You cannot genuinely enjoy the gameplay of something if it is new
I thought SAM and RDM was mediocre when Stormblood came out and I didn't even unlock Dancer.
I think you forgot to replace those placeholder question marks with "they single target dps and dungeon takes ages".
warhammer online squig herder
i miss the little fucker
>gutted the game
What do you mean? I haven't played seriously in a while.
post the AST and MCH one
Yeah you thought SAM was so mediocre you spent all your time playing it
Gnomes in WoW were butt ugly, but everybody played them anyway. People like being low to the ground tiny little shits so they can run fast, look up skirts, and make projectiles/fight stuff way bigger than they are
Project harder faggot.
T1-4 didn't have Savage
This kind of shit is why i've always stayed the fuck away from lala linkshells.
I remember needing to do it as SAM and we still got to like 97. The RDM was hardcasting nonstop and the other two were dead most of the time. Average DF run, honestly.
Imagine being this much of a special snowflake that you have to point out the sole reason you don't play the new class is just to be special. I'll take dilation for $1000
Sorry, the question marks were supposed to be "Average DPS improves and tank doesn't die randomly/after using all cooldowns"
If you can't heal big pulls then i'll eat the 30 minute penalty
I still haven't got Titania in roulette, but I heard constant horror stories in FC about people failing dps checks and disbanding.
is this thread a cover for the good ffxiv thread somewhere?
Even better. Leave or get kicked so you can requeue and get back in the instance with another group (hopefully with better DPS) quickly.
Back in my day we had creative text macros instead of someone playing the retard and everyone falling for it to be in with the joke.
Well, he is a sociopathic fuckface. He's right, but he's also going about it the wrong way. Thats why he's evil. You can be right and be evil, they aren't mutually exclusive.
a wise choice, I only got in because a friend invited me, big mistake, even it could be chill at times, it wasn't worth that kind of autism
no, the other xiv thread is about crying about dancer.
When it 1st came out you needed LB, also pugs are mostly retarded so you need lb.
Tanks become the most braindead job once you get to more difficult content, even now with changes to make them do stuff. The only people that think tanking is hard is because any fuckup is usually enough to directly cause a wipe, but the chance of a competent tanking failing is nil. Meanwhile, DPS have a sliding grade in their performance based on the amount of DPS they're putting out, so it's tough to say if a DPS is doing what their suppose to without knowing their gear and the job's maximum parse on a fight. Healers usually have an easy job, but have ten hours of boredom for ten seconds of terror every fight, so long as they are able to anticipate when incoming damage is about to land, they'll have no issues unless they fall asleep for more than 30 seconds or so.
This is all coming from a tank main, the only real challenge in the game are the trash pulls in dungeons due to needing to keep them clumped for AoEs while dodging their attacks and using cooldowns when needed. Stepping in to raid, I can count on one hand the amount of times I need to actually do something, Titania is especially bad (Two moves during phase 1, invuln during phase 2, tank an add during add phases while standing at the edge of a circle, three moves during the final phase.). A total of seven things I need to actually keep in mind during the fight, woo.
You lost give it up Micheal
it took 5 tries because dps refuse to stay out of giant rape zones and healers can't heal fast enough anymore to shrug off damage. I'm a tank - is the monster attacking me? good. I'm doing my job. Oh except with 5 clemencies I'm also an off healer and you fucks still managed to die.
I'll pretend like I'm struggling and barely let you die then get a new tank in 5 seconds who understands that big pulls are slower now that healers have good AoE damage
>When it 1st came out you needed LB
I beat it on the 2nd day of early access without LB for adds. I'm sure you need LB now though because all the good people already cleared/took a break while the shitters are trying to catch up like always.
Lose weight
Vanilla WoW Frostfire spec Mage in an autist pvp guild dedicated to ruining other guilds fun. Nothing will ever come close again, The Devilsaur Cartel shenanigans in Lights Hope was close but ungoro pvp is poopoo
Titania is a DPS fight more than anything, the DPS are the primary metric of pass-fail since the enrage is tighter than they can handle usually. Any of them dying is usually enough to cause a wipe.
it's not hard. It's hard to do optimally, same as every job in this game honestly. FFXIV babies whine all night and day without ever having experienced a real mmo like FFXI.
Stop playing on a noob DC lmao
I've yet to see a healer in DF who didn't AoE.
I play in cactuar don't worry about it just use your cooldowns people can wait before boss
and yet they still are apparently blind savages who can't see the GIANT FUCKING ORANGE AND BLINKING AOES FUCK
Are you confusing Titania with Innocence? Almost every mechanic in Titania is tank/healer related and the DPS checks are pretty loose, where virtually every mechanic in Innocence is DPS targeted and it has a tight enrage
FF14 requires zero grinding. You never have to do a dungeon more than once in order to clear all basic content, you never need to kill enemies to get experience, none of that stuff. And while some repetition is required to clear hardcore endgame content, you can only earn rewards from each boss fight once per week, so you can't grind more than that even if you wanted to.
>The main draw to most MMOs is the immersion factor.
I wish, this has stopped being the case for at least a decade. Everything now is about how to turn the game into MLG parsing speedruns, no one plays the characters they want to play, experimentation is discouraged, and any non-top tier content is expected to be speed cleared and farmed as fast as possible instead of doing it for enjoyment. I partially blame gear treadmills leading to this mentality since everyone wants to get geared as fast as possible and the amount of play usually burns them out, leading to simply wanting to clear stuff as fast as possible because they've seen it dozens of times.
>fellow cactuar brother
Gnomes are a different niche. They're deliberately ass ugly old men midgets. Riding off the 2000s midgets in movies craze. You play them solely for the memes.
Lalafell can have meme players, sure, who think their character is just one big circumstancial punchline to every situation they're in. Personally I'm trying to pick the brains of people who genuinely like the lala aesthetic and not just the gag nature of the race.
>Titania is tank/healer related and the DPS checks are pretty loose
No sweaty.
As a white mage i should never have 3 lilies for too long right?
if you have too many deaths in titania you're not beating enrage, whereas you can have 5+ deaths in innocence and still be good
and considering how many dps are somehow clocking in at 8k or lower in titania i can see what he means
Both of the fights are fun. But holy fuck, duty finder. Having a 7 player debuff is hell.
I beat it 1st try on 2nd day and everyone was new. We only needed LB3 for revives.
I've never wiped on Titania due to a tank/healer failure (Well, beyond the time we had a double AST who couldn't top off a DRK after living dead for some reason), it's almost always poor DPS on adds or the last phase. It got so bad I finally started doing the trial on a DPS just to ensure we're meeting the DPS checks, which has greatly helped with farming and clears. I don't really see public tanks having trouble with it like I do the DPS, at worse I've had some that are just doing very low damage but getting the mechanics right.
tera lancer
wish we had that chain leash skill for tanks
blademaster in bns was also really fun
The entire world shits on us because we're so sectarian but we're sectarian because everyone shits on us all the time. Fuck them, we gotta stick together to stick'em if you gnome sayin' ?
Guardian In latale. It’s fun flying around the map with flips, kicks, slides and uppercuts.
the reason why I hate ex primals/savage so much is because all it takes is one retard to wipe you.
>one guy gets feared during puddles part
>west puddle disappears
>can't do stack mechanic because puddle is gone and brambles are in bad pattern
Dumb frog poster
Imagine that but with 54 players haha
I was in a group where a SAM used the LB on add phase, the healer freaked the fuck out with walls of text and yet it was clear the group didn't have the damage otherwise to pass it. Pugs can't do anything besides follow a script.
They're super cute like dolls. They're not barbie or ken dolls like the other races they're more like older porcelain dolls you know for people with tastes in dolls.
Is there something in PF that makes people unable to adjust?
Had 2 people sitting in east puddle even though south one was free, tried making dps go north for knock back and it didn't go well at all. It's like I'm playing with actual NPCs.
They cute.
Hocus-pocus Sage in Ragnarok Online.
why are tarutaru wholesome and lalas evil sex gremlins?
People will sperg out no matter what you do. You can't expect to be perfect nor can you expect the other players to not blame it on you when they're not perfect. Just make some friends so you can laugh at them over voice chat.
Tarutaru were created to reflect the old 2D chibi sprites in the early FF games. Lalafell are just the evolution of Tarutaru. People play them either for that reason or because they find them cute. Japs especially love cute shit because their lives are so miserable otherwise.
You're playing solo in pugs, it's always bound to happen.
This is why people have friends, linkshells, free companies, discord groups, etc to help them out. You can bring someone you trust rather than relying on someone that could be a bot.
>cant do stack mechanic if center puddle disappears
your healer can use his brain, and suicide run the stack marker to a distant corner puddle, saving the run singlehandedly
unfortunately this requires on the fly thinking for the healers, which is a no no.
I've pretty much only seen groups that mess up vines wipe, I have only had a group get to Titania enrage and not clear it once out of 50+ attempts and it was a wipe at 1% where the healers both literally had 300 total encounter DPS
You're retarded
Warhammer AoR's classes. They almost all had great ideas, shame the rest of the game wasn't very great. PvP was a mess, which is a fatal flaw for a game all about it. I played Chosen, Choppa, Bright Wizard, and Warrior-Priest mostly, with a bit of dabbling in Witch Hunter.
Beyond that, I enjoyed the ability to do anything as a Paladin in WoW classic, I could step in to dungeon runs and fill the role of tank, healer, or DPS on the spot since specs were very weak for the most part (Or rather, ret was very weak, so you might as well go one of the other two and pretend to DPS). It's a shame that as you move into raids, the game rewarded specialization rather than generalization, tanking hinged on pushing crushing blows off the table and healing required as much sustain as you could crank out, which meant you were either playing Warrior to tank or specing holy to heal, and even then you were still outclassed by priests and druids.
RO's bard or Champion
All the healers I've encountered now seem like they have grandma tier reflexes. It takes them forever to react to mechanics or healing damage.
RP names are fine, it's the fucking weeb names that are really cringe. I usually never invite anyone with a remotely Japanese sounding name to content.
tarutaru had
>normal walk animation, they didnt waddle with stiff legs, had bendable joints
>inhuman nose to help prevent uncanny valley
>low graphics preventing uncally valley
>a christmas elf aesthetic, plucky chestnut body/head shape
>endearing character traits eru all their dialogue rhymed great eru
Controller players
Can you blame them for choosing controller though? They only have one dps button to push
if you're getting uncanny valley effects from Lalafell you might have brain damage. Lalafell are shit for other reasons though.
It's old content, it no longer has any relevance. So good luck waiting for them to update/nerf it.
Game didn't have 3 talent trees at launch and it never needed classes divided like that.
Minstrel/Captain were both fantastically designed healers/support and cutting them into pieces ruined them a lot for me.
I think it's already been nerfed as much as they are gonna nerf it. It'll never be soloable like most of HW relic.
They're even cringier if you understand japanese.
I play on controller and I do extreme stuff fine.
>Why yes, my hyur is named Charles Smith, how could you tell?
sorry but their exposed bodies DISTURB me
I think it's mostly a symptom of pugs. Taking the population as a whole, for every part of content up until normal raids and EX trials, DPS don't really have any responsibility. They can sit and noodle a boss however hard or soft they want, and the only thing that changes is the time you spend in the dungeon/trial. There's very few mechanics they actually have to worry about, as the biggest penalty they'll suffer is they themselves die while the rest of the group moves on to clear, carrying their corpse with them. Indeed, it's almost a bonus for them since they can tab out and do something else during this time.
It's then these players who haven't ever had to worry about their own failures show up in public groups for content they're not ready for and ruin it for everyone else. Suddenly, they're expected to show a modicum of competency, not only doing as much damage as they can, but following mechanics that can result in the entire group wiping if they don't handle them right, and suddenly they're faced with the fact that they don't actually want to play at a higher level. This doesn't actually stop them from continuing to queue for the content though, instead they simply expect that they'll preform however well they normally do and eventually someone will carry them through to the end. Which honestly, with the nature of public groups, is bound to happen eventually since someone far better than them still needs to farm something but might not have a full group on to do it with, so they're stuck with whoever happens to show up to party finder. A bad player now gets his clear and never has to confront the fact that he was dead weight carried on the backs of others, and continues to shit up more content in the future, further ruining public groups.
>Left: Soul
>Right: Soulless
>Why yes, my Midlander's name is Jayne Stone
Nice head proportions lmao.
soul adds quite a bit of weight huh
Most of them are just generic Japanese names, though that's still an instant decline.
More like getting the soul sucked out of you crushes in your ribcage so you can fit into uguu dresses~ just like Elin.
t. waddling diaper boy who twalks wike this
I'm pretty sure they look like that so they look less pedo
I think they make for good casters. The weird body proportions don't really stand out with a robe and from behind (player pov).
I don't play lalafell and I do wish they didn't waddle, but trying to make them "sexier" just makes them look stupid.
You can look at dwarves across multiple other fantasy titles to see how to do short stature without waddling or creating something toddler-esque.
God I hate elins so much. Fucking brawler elins before Amani brawlers. Yes I’m fucking mad.
I kept hearing of such tales and thought people were exaggerating, until I came across a fucking group of 5 sprouts in normal titty.
Not one, or two. FIVE FUCKING SPROUTS. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BOOSTED. I bailed out after the first wipe, I was tired and didn't want to explain 5+ year old mechanics to a handful of newbies.
If you're gonna slim down their body like that you gotta do something with the face too lol, quite the mismatch
>tfw my character is named and modelled on the villain of an obscure fantasy novel written in fake Shakespearean English in the 20s
feels p chad