DaggerUnity finished soon
post your meme builds and jankey bullshit you've encountered
Daggerfall thread
I've been checking the roadmap every month. I'm gonna wait till the full release however
After decades I've taken the plunge and finally gone for a pure mage build
never done one before, always gone with "battlemage/nightblade" types for magic users
easier than I thought but things turn south quickly when one moment your blasting giants left and right and the next you're OOM and sprinting for your life trying to fend off Bengal tigers with your shitty staff.
also a map I made ages ago of vamp-bloodline regions
and map of political control post-warp
Also somewhat related, give this project for Arena some love guys:
I quite like Arena as well, worth at least one play
Id like to see it adapted to the daggerfall unity engine after it is finished
rather just play the original game honestly
I like the original but the bugs can be totally game breaking at times, and with DOSbox its even worse since a lot of things like climbing are totally broken with it.
the unity update is refreshing to say the least.
I played about half to two thirds of Arena and while it was an absolute pain at times, that just made it all the more rewarding. I ended up losing my save file and didnt want to start again i think. I'll definitely go back and finish the job one day
can't you just be normal and play Skyrim Special Edition
It’s really almost done?
yes check the roadmap
What's your favourite region?
who did you give the Totem to?
I like the NE of Hammerfell where its all jungle swamps and mountains, and Daggerfall province as well since it has the best houses.
I usually hand off the totem to the King of Worms desu, he's just so charming
Whatever happened to XLengine?
Wereboar is OP, prove me wrong
PROTIP: You can't
creator got shut down by Lucasarts
its almost up to parity I should say, that is having all the features of the classic game (in addition to new features and bugfixes which already are implemented)
dev was Spoony-level lazy and basically stopped working on it after a point and refused to share his work.
When should we start flexing on those sky-remake nerds?
>the virgin werepig
>the Chad Loup-garou
i used to follow that years ago. when i saw daggerfall unity i figured he saw that and decided continuing was pointless
That's a lot of green
man playing this game in earnest again really makes me appreciate how ambitious it was, especially for the time period.
full release as in the Alpha or the actual 1.0?
desu at the moment its pretty close to parity with classic, from the looks of it only a few bugs with some artefact weapons.
Lazy nigger just stopped working on it one day. Fun fact he announced DaggerXL's vanilla feature complete beta would be out by Christmas like 10 years ago, at that point Christmas was a few months away at best - it has yet to release. DFUnity guy is based as fuck, slow and steady wins the race.
their forums are good too and the devs regularly respond to issues with bugs or ideas for new features.
i wish they would update these old games to VR
with unity engine it will be entirely possible
though I wouldn't want to play Daggerfall in VR, I already piss myself playing it when I get jumped by monsters in a dungeon, I'd have a heart attack in VR
Reminder that Todd actually did the skeleton scream.
I've heard he'll do it for fans even now if requested.
How did he go from based, redpilled and ambitious, to out of touch sellout fuck boomer?
What the FUCK happened, Todd?
Todd doesn't control the entire company
honestly I think he does a good job as head developer ans seems to make an effort to balance what the marketing department at Zenimax wants and what fans want.
problem with Bethesda is they've lost many of their veteran devs over the years and have too many loser code monkeys pushing out shit.
Kindly reminder that Daggerfall has the best soundtrack of any TES game
its simple but hits the emotional points just so
May I suggest trying the RPG Codex.
You may find more interest there as they are fans of really old really shitty games. If you are looking for others in your niche try there.
Dust off your nostalgia goggles and head on over.
But Daggerfall Unity is a new game
lmao if you believe this will someday be finished. they ALL burn out eventually.
Its already nearly finished and practically feature complete
Why would they if the project is almost complete
You can play it and mod it from start to finish though
>nip slip without mods
how far we have fallen
God. I remember around the time Daggerfall came out it was considered shit. And now here on Yea Forums zoomers who live by the "old good new bad" meme pretend like its the best game ever.
The dragon tail mountains are where I usually settle down and I gave it to mannimarco
So one bloodline gets a highly valuable attribute boost, and the others just get a spell you could learn anyway, or are those spells particularly special for some reason?
Daggerfall received a lot of praise on release.
>when you want to larp a boomer but you mix up arena with daggerfall
is it still randomly generated?
PC Zone gave Daggerfall 65/100. PC Zone was literally the only trustworthy gaming mag of the 90s. The rest were shills.
If that is a brand new game the devs need to find a new line of work. They are really bad at making games.
Once we have a healthy number of sex mods
No it didn't.
It was a buggy nigh unplayable mess at launch.
It is still a buggy nigh unplayable mess today.
For most Yea Forums users Daggerfall was their first TES game, and Morrowind was a colossal disappointment.
>It was a buggy nigh unplayable mess at launch.
>It is still a buggy nigh unplayable mess today.
Like every TES game
Morrowind had really nice water effects for the time but yeah, it was a very different sort of game
A shame they couldn't keep more Daggerfall DNA, on some level it's hilarious that Todd won't let procgen go entirely but only uses it for garbage like radiant quests
Not even close to the complete shitshow Daggerfall was.
He's not out of touch. He just isn't the ceo. He's in charge of game development and the creative direction but he doesn't make the high level business decisions. He's not a sellout either. If he was he'd be releasing yearly mini Skyrims. Or paradox tier DLC cycles. Instead he wants to actually make quality games and build real worlds in them. He's /ourguy/
> For most Yea Forums users...
I think there is greater chance that Oblivion or Skyrim were Yea Forumsirgins first TES game.
He's been a trailblazer in pushing garbage microtransactions and reselling the same fucking game with ZERO bugs fixed multiple times instead of creating anything new, kill yourself Todd
You realize the average Yea Forums user is in their 30s, right? "Zoomies" or whatever you want to call them are an extreme minority, kids don't use the internet for anything but Fortnite, they aren't using Yea Forums.
No. Exactly like this user said And no it was way worse than most more modern TES games.
>daggerfall was most of Yea Forumss first TES game
Fucking what? Id argue skyrim or oblivion probably was
>If he was he'd be releasing yearly mini Skyrims.
Too on the nose, old boy.
You are fucking delusional. Where the fuck do you come up with these conclusions? Id put money that most Yea Forums users are early 20s at most
He’s been pushing for the simplification of the series since the early 2000’s
>makes neat feature/skill
>heavily strip down the feature/skill in the sequel
>claim said feature/skill is superfluous and remove it entirely in the next sequel
I would ask for a source but I don't want to see a pic of your ass.
A third of Daggerfalls skills were useless. They got removed for Morrowind. I fail to see the issue.
> But more is better because it is more.
Oh you are one of those.
>just cut them instead of making them useless
That’s just lazy. I guess you love the removal of spell making as well
Why don't you fags just play ESO instead?
>the average Yea Forums user is in their 30s
Dude, even the oldest of oldfags are just now hitting 30. Moot founded this site and he's only now 31. The vast majority of users find this site when they're kids, and arrived either in the waves of 2008, 2010, or 2016. You seriously overestimate the age and possible maturity of people on this site.
>playing mmos
Holy shit the LARPing ITT.
You know you could just try telling the truth, rather than trying to impress anonymous strangers with your fake epeen?
This is to be expected from hipster Daggerfags I guess.
They're the kind of people that would shill a fan project for a game that they've never played more than a couple hours of in the first place.
Didn't they say the wanted to add controller support at some point. Elder scrolls on the couch is always comfy.
>I don’t like this game therefore you are just a hipster for liking it
Shoo Todd-ler. Skyrim threads can be made later.
He was so redpilled that he knew making an ambitious game is pointless when you can make 100 times the money by pandering to the lowest common denominator
The game gives a good impression if you get 5% though it and don't realize you've seen 95% of the content.
Also your save is GUARANTEED to get corrupted unless you're playing like a speedrunner.
Daggerfall is a fucking honey pot for outing hipster faggots like you.
I wouldn't call money over artistic integrity redpilled.
>if you get 5% though it and don't realize you've seen 95% of the content
Good argument, bro, it's not like thousands of fuckers in the world do the exact same thing with other open world games.
>save is GUARANTEED to get corrupted
You realize Daggerfall Unity isn't the original game, right? It's a fucking remake on a different engine.
Other open world games have more than 3 hours of unique authored content, instead of copy pasting.
And yes, I know you're only here to shill for a game you haven't played, thanks for proving my point. I'm saying that that's shitty.
>The game gives a good impression if you get 5% though it and don't realize you've seen 95% of the content.
Given the size of Daggerfall you don’t need to see 100% of the content to enjoy it. The big appeal of the game is the dungeon crawling, the loot system, the interesting main quest and the life sim elements.
>Also your save is GUARANTEED to get corrupted unless you're playing like a speedrunner.
Not really, I’ve only had my save corrupted once although this seems to be a problem with Bethesda games in general as I’ve had many save files rendered unplayable in fallout 3, oblivion and especially Skyrim
>other open world games have more than 3 hours of unique authored content, instead of copy pasting
Name three games that are open world and can actually be enjoyed for 3 hours worth of "unique authored content", because the only one I can actually think of is maybe modded autismblocks.
what thoughts on mods though?
I want to play this, it looks really great but the controls were so clunky and I didn't manage to leave the first dungeon without getting killed.
Fallout 3 and Oblivion save corruption is mostly caused by recent versions of Windows not being compatible.
And considering the simplicity of Daggerfall's save system, the fact that it even can have a save bug is almost impressive.
What are you even saying you goddamned retard?
You hating all open-world video games might make you seem cool and edgy with your Fortnite bros, but I'm not that easily won over.
How you STILL do not understand the fundamental difference between Daggerfall and other non-procgen open world games can only be explained by your lack of Daggerfall experience.
You keep proving with every post that you're ignorant the the very game you're shilling, which makes me feel like you're wasting my time here.
Have they fixed the save bug from spending too much time in dungeons?
I’ve had the save corruption on both consoles and PC.
>You hating all open-world video games
When the fuck did I even say that? I said to name three open world games that can be enjoyed for 3 hours of what you claim to be unique authored content.
>you're ignorant the the very game you're shilling
How does one shill something that's fucking free? That doesn't make any fucking sense, dude.
>seething morrowbabs
You'll never be free of us, we'll always be here to remind you that your game is themepark bullshit for ADHD casuals, directly caused Skyrim and that TES is a full-fledged fantasy life simulator in another timeline right now.
MW slides further into obscurity every year, even DF is usurping it lol
>skyrimfags accuse oblivionfags of being nostalgic hipsters
>oblivionfags accuse morrowindfags of being nostalgic or hipsters
>morrowindfags accuse daggerfallfags of being hipsters
Are there even Arenafags?
Nope, Lucius got fucked by IRL job and familiar problems, so he Released the source code to ther community, Sadly no one wants to pick it up, DarkXL is 99% playable besides the stage bugs
PCzone was always garbage.
Most of the Biased reviews were from tight ass idiots that were always anal towards pc gaming at most back then.
back then there were Shitflinging fights over Console and PC RPG games.
Bethesda/Zenimax lost the their nerve with DLCs when Oblivion's took such heavy flak so earlier into the DLC-phenomenon
had they began with Skyrim instead and had seen companies like Paradox manage it they would've gone all in
IF chronicles of elyria comes out and it manages even half of its promises it'll be Daggerfall tier ambitious
100% of Skyrim's problems in development and later lifetime were caused by SONY, 90% of it was trying to make the Engine and Scripts run on the garbage PS3 Architecture, while Xbox and PC were fine.
Game is absolute shit
No because it is genuinely even worse than Daggerfall. No amount of nostalgia can make someone legitimately believe its good.
>the user (anons?) Itt claiming Daggerfall is a fantasy life sim
In what way? Ive never played the game but this intrigues me. How does it fill that niche?
Seeing through the system and exploiting it for your own gain is literally the definition of redpilled.
it has additional stuff like courts and there's more of a focusing on roleplaying as your character
it's good in theory and I would like to see some of that philosophy come back into the series but most posters who talk about Daggerfall essentially being broken and not finished in a lot of ways are correct
Villagers avoided that stretch of river by the woods. Chanting from the ruins, they said. Delirious chants, inhuman. The hazy-eyed slattern at the inn said it was orcs, zealots of Molag Bal. The innkeeper said whoever it was were too crude for Daedra. Dirt worshippers, stone worshippers. Folk so crude that just an old building could be worshipped, and there were cattle missing and blood in the snow.
Would worship this beautiful icon.
You can buy houses and ships, take out a mortgage to buy said houses and ships, fast travelling requires you to either camp out or spend money in an inn, the court system which allows you to either plee innocent or guilty and if you’re a member of the bark brotherhood they sometimes will use death threats against the judge to get you free and the thieves guild does something similar and there are holidays
>chronicles of elyria
I like Arena. Once you rebind the fucked jump controls it's pretty enjoyable as a simple romp.
you think so? it looks really cool
probably BUT they have released a video of their world generation which is pretty impressive
I think they're overly ambitious, I think they're definitely leading on their forum posters way too much in a way that kind of seems suspicious to me
still I've not given them any money and won't do so until I see an alpha version at the least so whether or not it's ultimately a scam doesn't bother me too
I hope someone does this with battlespire one day although it’s still being sold
If it allowed more modern controls like daggerfall does I’d be interested
I was able to wasd and stuff. Just have to add a key to toggle between regular keyboard so you can type stuff occasionally.
I like to cheat player speed and jump really high and run and bound across the world like Superman. That's fun.