Kojima back to posting
Death Stranding
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the fucking madman is playing it at KojiPro's Bar
fucking hell Kojima
Early 2000s called, they want their ground textures back.
are you seriously talking about ingame graphics in a pic of a TV with the game?
at least complain about textures in the release date trailer
>look at image
what are you talking about it looks gr-
>bottom left
so... this... is the power... of the PlayStation 4 Pro...
Jesus christ Kojimjim.
Why you dont fire up photoshop and making one of those stupid image zooming on low details elements on games to troll fanboy, lazy fuck.
If you want to troll do the work, moron, kek.
jesus christ the seethe
calm down you autist
I could also complain about the grass sticking through his legs.
>noooooo make it black and white to show everyone what a true artist you are, kojima-sama
see, now that's a fair point
I'm actually really astonished as to how bad DS looks from a technical art perspective, it genuinely feels like it's an entire generation behind already and it's launching stupidly close to the next generation.
Who are you quoting?
>stupid image zooming on low details
You don't need to zoom in on anything, it's right there, in the foreground.
Can't wait for this hack to burn in shame after people realize he has no idea how to create games with a good gameplay and is there just to make "movies". The whole "idea guy" shtick was working when he was surrounded by experienced people that knew how to make games but now his incompetence is showing and no more fire wales in the sky or his dumb "story" elements nobody cares about will save him.
I am greatly concerned about this game. Every screenshot is the same. Every location the same looking, there is nothing in terms of design, it’s just empty landscapes.
Seething Xtranny.
do you remember when vidya ads/trailers/etc never showed you the game "per se"? Kojima is trying to emulate that but with ingame pics.
it's actually very clever from an advertisement perspective
So this is what Snoys are hyping up as the big new thing.. :facepalm_emoji:
well, duh.
its supposed to mirror the emptiness in our heart when lacking connections to others.
It's literally right there you snoy autismo
can't wait for haters like you to burn in shame after people realize that death stranding is great.
Let's take a look at Kojima's games from MGS1 and forward
So as you can see, 3 of the 4 games released since MGS4 are garbage and only is somewhat decent
This does not bode well for Death Stranding.
You mouthbreathers are a fucking plague on the video game industry. The sad truth is that his game will probably sale in around 5 million copies since the industry is filled with brain dead normies like yourself to such extent you can't fucking tell a difference between a game and a walking sim where everything is laid down for you. But please do tell me how is Kojima not a hack, tell me how is he going on about his game and his fundamental experience which is a fucking gameplay and not some B tier washed up actors, mocap and vague descriptions of said gameplay. Now stop embarrassing yourself since you and me both know that he wants to make movies and not games. MGS 5 was a solid game but it was not thanks to Kojima himself but thanks to the experienced Konami team that knew their shit and did a good job. The only thing Kojima implemented was a fucking story that sucked cock and was a slog to bear with and all those "wanna be" movie producer bullshit from western movies implemented with a vision seen from a perspective of a Japanese hack thinking he's creating deep and profound story.
You forgot the Boktai games which were all better than any Metal Gear. And Lord of Shadows which was tragically utter dogshit.
You can climb big ladders!
another classics on the way!
>MGS4 garbage
pleb filtered
>MGSPW garbage
opinion discarded
the only decent game kojima ever made was MGS
LOL holy fuck
They aren't. Just wanted a reason to post that stupid macro.
let me guess.. this game has a photo mode so whales can shill online with screenshots
I'll correct that for you.
>V(GZ IS PART OF MGSV you fucking retard)
Only a retard or a complete nostalgia faggot would say otherwise.
>inb4 muh plot in 1-3, Fukushima memes and regurgitated, parroted opinions you saw on Yea Forums
showing nothing but empty environment literal proof there's nothing to do in the game and the environment is to pad gameplay.
>recently started watching The Walking Dead
>Season 1 is just Daryl trying to fight things while people hold him back
>Season 2 is just Andrea and Shane pretending it's Opposite World, and ignoring everything everyone says
I am enjoying it I suppose, but the people in this show are completely unlikable-y dumb.
Do they get better? or is the entire show just them making problems for themselves?
Did we watch the same trailers?
>Icelandic looking plains
>snowy mountains teased
>barren ash wasteland
>deep woods
>ruined beaches
>buildings like factories, some kind of ruined mall, a home base
>WWI fucking badlands holy shit
You should be more concerned with content, not settings.
I bet you love Metal Gear Rising
This game will be a masterpiece, at first the plebs will hate on it because their tiny brains can't comprehend it's genius then when more smarter intellectuals figure out it's true nuances the plebs will follow and it will be the most revered game in history.
> when more smarter intellectuals figure out it's true nuances
Yes just like the vocal parasites, flaming whales, dumb and pointless plot that is good enough just for a single playthrough etc. Get over yourself you pseudo intellectual invertebrate. It's a game, to be fucking played, people don't want another interactive movie that's going to be forgotten in a week.
> the plebs will follow and it will be the most revered game in history
>Game is going to be revered "best" just because masses of normies say so.
I think this is exactly what Kojimbo is aiming for which is to appease to the lower denominator of audience that binge Netflix all day and crave for some trash tier story just to fill the void so yea, you are right since in the end masses of brain dead "individuals" will dictate it's a masterpiece.
>It's a game, to be fucking played, people don't want another interactive movie that's going to be forgotten in a week.
Go play fucking Tetris then, you piece of shit.
You don't get to decide what video games should be and what people should like. Fucking retarded cunt.
Can't wait for this game to flop.
Doesn't help that they've been developing it since forever now. The first trailer was impressive. Now it just looks bland.
Early 2017 is forever? Most AAA games take 4-5 years to make nowadays, Kojima delivered one in two and a half.
They first announced it in 2016. And it looked nice for the time.
They didn't even have an engine or a team in 2016. Sony forced him to announce him at E3 to build hype.
Other than ad hominem you have no structure and no fucking arguments whatsoever so just stop embarrassing yourself further.
>You don't get to decide what video games should be and what people should like.
I don't and stop projecting by putting words in my mouth which I've never said you mouthbreather. Every time someone argues hacks like Kojima, TLoU, No Man Sky, Uncharted and other games that provide single playthrough with no substance to the gameplay over all you retards show up just barking "NO YOU WILL SEE HATERS!" like this so just fucking stop. I've never said I want to decide for people what to play and like, just stated my opinion on a Hollywood wanna be and you went on a tantrum. This game will be "revered" just as Kojimbo is revered by god knows why and only do so for a week or two at best since it has nothing more to offer than "hey guys, travel guys, look at Reedus guys and some other unknown actors I hired!!" and nothing about a fucking game. Deal with it since your anger clearly shows I struck a never.
Kill yourself you fucking butthurt redditor
Based sperg out
Like a clockwork
>Deal with it since your anger clearly shows I struck a never.
the ironing
>are you seriously talking about ingame graphics in a pic of a TV with the game?
yes? it's a visibly ultra low res texture
Ds looks bad
>Announced summer 2016
>Launches 2019 fall
Literary 3.5 years of dev time
the power of Decima™ engine
They called for their water too
>Huge open world
>B-but that ground texture
That issue plagues all games, not only console ones morons
>b-b-but it's open world
that was a good excuse last gen
Its one thing when game is low res to keep up with high FPS. I mean it looks kinda like MGSV did.
The other thing is that they also put ingame model of Reedus on a cover, instead of a high quality art.
He didnt worked in Lord of Shadows, he just was an executive producer
>water autist does not approve
No shit they will put ingame model of Reedus in, it's literally the only thing that is a selling point for them. At least in silent hill PT Reedus was an addition to the game and not it's main selling point.
MGSV was 60fps, DS is 30
Worse than Morrowind holy shit
>DS is 30
What the fuck are they doing
just wait for pc or ps5 release
I get the feeling this game is going to be as empty and overrated as MGSV.
I just want good fucking environments with actual shit to do in them instead of wide areas of fucking nothing with copypaste bases.
Who the fuck excluding autistic zoomers cares about graphic?
should've used unreal engine and left this dutch crap to rot
>kojimadrones actually defending this fucking hack
Kojima is more interested in gimmicks that create a shitty cinematic feel than an actual fun to play game. fucking MGSV was utter dogshit, and i have the same expectations for DS.
everything that works on unreal is a fucking colorful play dough diorama, this engine is a plague for videogames
Most of this shit will be hidden by shaders and blur effects like MGSV was.
The environment will be all blurred to hide the low polygon and low res textures and only the character will look good
this, who cares about graphics when the gameplay is this good
Yup, it's starting to smell like bad choices all around slapped on a valhalla rising landscape walk simulator feat. bamham cqc.
>In a world where delivery companies get paid upon the reception of a shipment
It's already being blurred to hell in that second screenshot lol
fuck off retard boomers always cared about graphics, it's always been one of the main factors to improve as the industry progressed.
Only retired boomers who say "muh ZELDA game is the best game in teh world" and zoomers who want to LARP as if they grew up witht the industry pretend graphics don't matter.
Graphics always mattered
>t. an actual boomer who read tons of magazines and had friends who played games while growing up.
>le prowl and hide on tall grass like a lion meme
By Kojima is late to the party
>its going to play exactly like MGSV
>e.g. boring as hell combat with zero challenge and shit timesink mechanics like fucking resource gathering and probably shitty basebuilding
Goddamnit kojima
fuck you do in this game? do you just walk and climb shit?
What the fuck are you even trying to say you fucking clearly underage child?
This is the horizon game engine so expect to be able to phase through water and foliage like they aren’t physical objects
>walk/run to the next cutscene
>hold x to gather items
>maybe hit something with the triggers if you feel like it
Why do zoomers pretend kojima is some kind of gaming genius?
I'm talking about the filters, not the texture itself.
>t. brainlet zoomer scum
Exactly what I was thinking, MGE at max is way better than this.
Reminds me of those PS2 Japanese indie games that they'd put all in once CD
I know, there's visible motion blur there, not as bad as your picture but still there, try enlarging the image
thats the best they can do on the POS4
ANOTHER game that will come to pc 2 years later.
GOTY incoming, possibly game of the decade and game of the generation
This game really is a globalist shill isn't it?
>building bridges
>no more nations, no more borders
Sony california are behind it, so of course it is.
Oh yeah, when the world is FUCKING DESTROYED, there's no nations anymore. Doesn't the scotland yard need you, Mr. Holmes?
Sony is funding it lol it's never coming to PC
>Xcucks seething yet again
Can't wait until you all hang yourselves in November
uh sweaty...
>In a livestream session, Fucito said that Death Stranding would be a PlayStation 4 exclusive for a set period, before releasing on PC (but not Xbox). Regarding the possible length of exclusivity period, he added: “I don’t know if it’s a 6 or 12 months exclusive.”
>copy line
>paste in google
>google it
>it's some random game journalist
>the source of the speculation, an Italian journalist by the name of Antonio Fucito, previously leaked the game’s release date correctly (before it was officially revealed as November 8 back on Wednesday).
psniggers SEETHING
Resolution of textures is irrelevant when it comes to framerate.
>Game isn't even out and PCfags already seething and complaining
>Decided to play through all the MGS games and finally got to 5
>Open world with nothing in it
H-heh... Can't wait for Death strandings world....
I wish that was what he’s doing. But I’m fairly sure that this is all there is to it. Empty landscapes.
The most we’ve seen is literally like 4 tents in a shot. The rest is landscape after landscape.
anyone could've guessed that lol
This no borders shit is kinda hilarious to me because it runs completely counter to all of human history we have access to.
Doesn't matter if it's on a map or not, humans have always been more keen on building islands than bridges.
he didn't deliver since mgs3 and he's not getting any younger. it's now or never kojima-san.
>it runs completely counter to all of human history we have access to
that's because we don't have a literal apocalypse scenario in our history you paste eater
History has dictated that lack of segregation and open borders cause more harm than good.
history never had to deal with rain that reverses time, goo monsters and exploding shadowmen
You sure about that senpai? People have been around for a while, for all we know cavemen were fighting goo monsters.
>People have been around for a while, for all we know cavemen were fighting goo monsters
Go on.
>Sony is funding it lol it's never coming to PC
I'm just saying, like those cave paintings, a lot of people say the drawings look like mammoths or elephants or whatever, but for all we know they were big brown goo men, probably very stinky haha
It’s over kojimbo is finished.
Well if that's true, then how comes we've never found a goo monster skeleton, genius?
what are some games that have high detail ground textures when near them?
faggot this game has nothing more than few actors model scans, player equipment, few enemies, one type of vehicle, ground, grass and rocks for now
This reminds me of something that happened when I worked at a car wash. So all year round soap and chemicals builds up in the trenches of the car wash, so we have to clean it out every 6 months or so. I was lucky enough to be the one who cleaned it.
I hopped down and nothing smelled worse than that sludge, but as I scooped it I started to enjoy the smell, and after finishing up I kept a little bit of sludge in a cup and took it home. For a couple weeks I left it on my desk and would smell it every few minutes or so, but it wasnt enough. I put it on top of my radiator and my entire room smelled like sludge, it was so good it almost gave me sexual pleasure. Then in the heat of the moment I tried to drink it and puked and went to the hospital. Don't drink sludge from car washes, kids.
>Don't drink sludge from car washes, kids
I'm shocked it has to be said at all really
And we also don't know how society functioned when the cavemen were fighting joo monsters.
Of course people will be segregated, you can already tell that there are factions and seperated groups of people by watching the trailers.
In the world of Death Stranding, there are no more nations, because no one has the resources and capability to make or uphold any.
There are no territorial borders because there are no massive groups of people able to enforce them. Every square foot of land is ripe for picking, at the very most there are various bands of people who will defend the area they call home, and perhaps try to expand their territory slightly if they even get a chance, but the only goal of any person still alive is to live another day.
Bridges is a band of people who are coordinated and lucky enough to be able to have the goal of restoring the world to its former stability, by "building bridges" between as many willing groups of survivors as they can, in an attempt to band them all together and make new nations.
>Don't drink sludge from car washes, kids.
You've all been fucking rused. Where's Caramel?
Reminder that Sonycopes are furiously screeching because their god precious DS isn't an exclusive. It's great to be a PC player and snatching all console boy's games
You can smell the Xcuck desperation from this sperg