Console Exclusive DLC

Whyyyy does this exist? Like does DLC really make more money if it’s exclusive to a port of a game? Wouldn’t it make less money since you’re alienating part of your own market?

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Only mouth breathing retards buy DLC, so it makes sense

So you’ve only played the first chapter of pretty much ALL of Telltale’s games?

>responding to a trip

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? He didn’t get trips. Wtf are you talking about?

i really want to believe the above post is bait, but i know it isnt

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He could've just googled it too, instead of making himself look like a retard.

Because google would have come up with what you guys meant instead of the fucking synonym for “journey”

Perhaps it can also be chalked up to keeping good relations to a company, or already having ones that affect that decision. Perhaps things like time restrain can also be chalked up to this, though that sounds unlikely as I say it.

But as a consumer it sure feels shitty, that being said DLC can often be just that. Though to be fair is it usually not cosmetic stuff related to pre-order that are platform/console exclusive?

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Hat in Time has whole levels that are exclusive to PC.

how are you this retarded user

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It's profitable because Snoy pays them money to keep it exclusive.

Worst offender was the dead space 2 DLC.
It still hurts

>Being too retarded to use google
Just search "Yea Forums trip" without the quotes, dipshit.

Not trips, he used a tripcode. Instead of "Anonymous" like every normal person on here, he put his name as "Supreme Poster of /pol/ and /jp/". Tripcodes are usually frowned upon unless you're someone of significance.

Don't spoonfeed that underage faggot.

your mom

Underage? I’m an old fuck! I work a 40 hour work week (on the night shift mind you) so EXCUSE me if I don’t keep up with Yea Forums terminology, zoomer.

Thank you for clarifying.

The rest of y’all are faggots giving me shit when y’all can’t just use the term “username” like the rest of the fucking internet? Fucking zoomer snowflakes.

Fair enough, and as sucky as that is it seems to be an outlier (so far) rather than the norm. There can certainly be reasons behind it that are not justified by an economical calculation, which could be nice since not everything has to be nickel and dimes, but in this case the end user gets a bad deal.

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I assume you're talking about dragon quest XI? First, Nintendo is clearly partnering with them to help market the game. Second, they want people to double dip and buy the game twice. The updates might come to other consoles as DLC eventually.

>thinking you need to "keep up with Yea Forums terminology" to recognize a term that has been used for about 15 years
Fuck off, newfag.

I’ve literally never heard that term used on here ever and I’ve been on here since 2012.

Fuck off, fagfag

>I've been on here since 2012
>never heard the term trip
It isn't nice to lie, user.

I’ve only ever heard “trip” when referring to “getting trips”. Never for a username.

See what you started? Thanks a lot. You killed the thread.

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>You killed the thread
He didn't, this retarded newfag in denial did.

>partnering with them to help market the game
I guess future business endeavours and the prospect of tying games closer to your own platform is an incentive for owners of the platform.

Well we have kinda dealt with the subject either way.

>true ending is locked behind DLC
>it's console exclusive

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>DLC is based on a first party IP, so it'll never get ported

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The worst was probably Tomb Raider Underworld which had an entire DLC campaign exclusive tot the 360.
Also what was exclusive to a specific version of Dead Space 2?

bless you user for living in blissful ignorance of those rampant attention whores