10/10 GOTY design right here bros

10/10 GOTY design right here bros

Attached: Witcher_sense.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

What point do you believe this webm is making?

... I don't get it. You have button for tracking and the game requires you to press it... to track?

Stick to licking windows mate.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

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He's seething that's it not like Gothic where you need to read 3 book pages and talk to 2 NPCs for 4 minutes to figure out where you need to go.

You are not Geralt. The point is that Geralt has super human tracking abilities that you would not. It would be retarded if you could just find shit just by looking around normally; because then how would Geralt be special at all

Fucking hell

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You see, there's nothing that speaks soulful quality RPG like keyboard-based camera controls.

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Still being a degenerate, BoTW shill?

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Kek you have to do all that shit in the Witcher too

Mad because it's true

cope harder

Detective vision is the worst part about this game

the combat is worse

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The Witcher 3 is just a tell tale game with combat.

Nah the horse mechanics are the worst thing in the game

See you in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

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while the main story in witcher 3 is shit I have a newfound appreciation for it after playing Dragon Age Inquisition holy fuck

Not being able to have a threesome with Yenn and Triss whenever I want is the worst thing about this game

i can hear the music

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this tbqhwyl

>no dragon tattoo/witcher crossover game

get help

you people are fucking retarded.
The webm is showing that despite the player very obivously seeing the footprints and whatever happened, the game doesnt allow you to rely on your own eyes, and prevents you from progressing the quest until you use detective vision.

It's shitty game design

>10 crowns received

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>caring about 10 second cuscenes that add nothing of value

Jesus, who fucking cares. Have sex.

every single time

You aren't bothered by the constant handholding the game does? I guess it's meant for players like you then

It's one of my favorite games ever but this pasta gets me every time

After playing Gothic 2 i realized that the Witcher 3 is fucking garbage.

>The combat is straight as-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

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Bamham combat at it's worst looks better than this

need arkham vision to see blood pools and creature from the black lagoon footprints

Is that supposed to support your point?

no idea but I have seen OPs webm used for many shitposting threads and pasta like

So it's like pressing tab in an infinity engine game to find out what you can interact with and this is your whole reason the game sucks? Seek help.

It's unfortunate that the contextual interaction is limited by that fact but it hardly prevents you from not using smellovision up until that progression point.

I love this game but for fuck sake this pasta

Should also include Geralt in MHW and SC6 and soon Smash

needs more wojaks

>He thinks waiting for a pop-up button prompt is more engaging than actually having to tell the game you want to "search" for that spot before the game gives you the ability to interact with it

The only bad aspect of Witcher Sense is turning relevant objects red.

Just awful, really.

Bamham combat on average involves Batman breaking laws of physics to deliver a punch to a that's face 15 feet away from him by simply pressing a single button.

Meanwhile in that webm Geralt slides all over the place and has a magic barrier that pushes enemies around while he spins around. All while pressing a single button.


>single button
Except that's objectively wrong, you fucking retard. TW3's combat is average as fuck, but blatantly lying forth sake of shitposting is more brisket tier that following Witcher Senses.

thats not what he's saying. detective vision is just unecessary unlike your example.

can't wait to play this at 540p on my switch with that smooth 25fps with dips.

Rent free.

What other buttons do you press to spin except light attack? I'll wait.

I mean it was officially stated the game will be running at 540 in handheld mode.

Explain cogently why this is the case.

>implying Gothic has 3 pages of books

Rent free

the prompt could appear when near the prints. doesn't really mean you need witcher sense since you see the prints with your own eyes.

too bad its final legacy will be:

Attached: Witcher Writers.jpg (700x845, 121K)

Get your shitty action adventure game off my Yea Forums

God, Poles are one of the most xenophobic group in Europe, I wonder how much they got paid to do that

That’s because Geralt is relying on his tracking abilities to pick up trails and scents, it’s meant to show that he’s a tracker and normal humans couldn’t do it. I don’t see the problem.

>literally has a mechanic to simply press a button to make it visible
nigga you weak as fuck

The reasoning is solid but the execution piss poor. Which is honestly the perfect way to descrive anything cdpr has ever done

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Yeah Geralt could just swing his sword when he's near monsters though, like what's the point of having you press buttons to decide what your character does? That's just silly.

retard is on board where people discuss games in a thread where people on nitpicking a game
>wHo CaReS!?!?!
neck ya self and get the average iq of this board back up to double digits please

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>muh internet points
Too bad it doesn’t make the game not shit

what is this from

>you people are fucking retarded.
says the guy getting mad at a 4 year old game over nothing

Looking at it from their point, wouldn't it make more sense to have the prints mostly hidden until you use his witcher sense? Like we can all clearly see footprints right there, don't need no witcher vision for that.

This game is actually still very good. Replaying it right now with some mods.

>BoTW shill

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Gothic had no books and was pretty fucking intuitive. Morrowind on the other hand...

Rather than books it had some rather detailed quest log.

>Game of the generation
You called?

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yoooo i love witcher 3 so much best gameplay evah!!!

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>series of the year

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>thread filled with retards completely okay with games treating them like unintelligent children that need their hands held
Tells you something, doesn't it?

>ignoring the fact that 90% of the time there is so much shit in the screen (because its a modern heavy game) that you will not be able to see what the fuck you are supposed to see, hence a mechanic to help you
Tells you something about your IQ, doesn't it?

Bullshit aside I don't think that's a good idea because in some cases the prints would just pop out of thin air.

>Game of the generation
Not until is on PC.
Protip: I'm so fucking mad.

>trying to justify shit game design with shit game mechanics used as padding to mitigate the impact of shit game design
It sure does, yours is below that of room temperature.

>Not able to counter argument, jumping straight to "shit game design"
Yep, i would say nano or pico IQ level for you.

Bloodborne is objectively the best game released this generation, it's also a 25fps motion blurred mess that hampers replayability significantly and From are fucking stupid for taking Sony's shekels as opposed to release a universally appreciated masterpiece.

I'd pay for a PS4 twice over, just to not actually have to fucking play this game on one, and I mean that.

nigga, go away

I don't think you know what this word means.

Better than resorting to personal attacks like you did since the very beginning. I'd like to see you argue that cluttering up the screen to the point that your own fucking eyes become useless and you need visual aids to track objectives, like you implied is the case, is good game design.

>cluttering up the screen to the point that your own fucking eyes become useless
>never stepped in a forest
Case closed.

I've been to plenty of forests and I had no issue spotting mice or even spiders. It's you that has no idea what he's talking about.

Netflix Witcher

>nah, i have spotted some mice and spiders (therefore i have spotted EVERY mouse and spier)

Never played witcher but Horizon: ZD is like that

>you totally NEED witcher senses to see those tracks in the sand the game is just too visually heavy to be designed in a way that enables you to discern them by the presence of visual cues that aren't arrows pointing in the exact direction

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>the game is just too visually heavy
>wanting a game to be less detailed in order so you can find only the obvious tracks, never in your life being able to actually follow footsteps in the woods

imagine "playing" (watching) shitcher 3 and pretending it's good instead of playing based jrpgs. yikes!

i can do both

You are legitimately retarded, and no you post is not ironic or a shitpost in my eyes you post tells you that you are a stupid individual. You are not getting away with the "only pretending" meme, fuck you.

>Factorio & Witcher 3
>Both games I love.

Nice counterpoint but consider this: you're a fucking lazy nigger who is criticising the fact that you have to press buttons to perform actions in a video game because you are so far below average intelligence that this simple action causes you a degree of mental anguish that hampers your enjoyment. Perhaps you should watch a "lets play" instead.

Other games would be:
>kill zombie
>get 10 exp points

That's why Witcher 3 is a masterpiece and objectively the best game of all time.

You literally could've followed the footprints and found the next clue without ever interacting with that spot though.
I did a playthrough of this game with all UI elements disabled and found out that a huge portion of these quest marker chases are actually quite optional, if you figure it out yourself and know where to go you can pretty much always just go straight to the actual battle or whatever lies ahead. Granted I had already completed the whole game twice before attempting no UI run so it was a lot easier for me that it would've been for a first timer.

The locked animation that follows from pressing glowey things can be thought as an extension of the witcher sense activation where the game spoonfeeds you some witcher monologue because you were too dumb to understand the situation without someone saying it out loud.
Only flaw here is that you should've been able to activate the monologue without activating witcher senses first since the game won't guide you further without "inspecting" those tracks, it's an inconvenience for those who do rely on the game showing you where to go and what to do.