>pokemon fans riot against nintendo when they remove monsters from a new release
>monster hunter fans remain silent against capcom when they remove monsters from a new release
are monster hunter fans just more complacent?
Pokemon fans riot against nintendo when they remove monsters from a new release
Monster Hunter fans aren't entitled manchildren.
Just browse through /vp/ anytime, all they do is complain non-stop about a game they're all going to buy anyways
that's a pretty bad comparison my guy
MH players would get angry if capcom removed weapon types, actually I'm pretty sure they did when Tri came out on the wii
OK you're just playing ignorant on purpose.
>They did bitch about it and other Monster Hunter World changes
>MHW changed more than Pokemon Sword/Shield did, changing how the game plays almost entirely even if the core gameplay facets were there
In MHW's case it at least justified it with those huge changes, Pokemon is graphically behind and just gives off an air of being too lazy or incompetent to implement enough features to justify it. Also it's been cutting features left and right per major release, not being able to catch them all was just the boiling point.
Also helps that MHW is a good game and they're clearing adding onto it with their infrequent DLC releases, Iceborne is a full on old-school expansion pack with new features and monsters.
>Our new game will only have a fraction of the monsters. This is because of the new animations and models. But don't worry, we will be adding a lot in future updates.
>Game looks and animates infinitely better than previous monster hunters so you can see why it's taking then so long to add monsters
VS GameCucks
>Our new game will only have a fraction of the monsters. This is because of the new animations and monsters. Don't worry, your favorite pokemans might be in someday, but we will never have all the pokemens in one game because it's too hard.
>Game looks and animates like shit and it still looks and animates like the 3DS games.
This exactly. When I see a monster from monster Hunter world, it's sleeping, fighting, and all sorts of cool shit. When I see a Pokemon from Pokemon, it's t-posing all the time.
pretty much this. MHW is a high-end monhun game and something we all waited long for. It looks and plays great and had alot of content in the base game that it didn't feel like there was a huge hit, and they're adding stuff over time. The new pokemon game is a barebones cashgrab.
No because Monster Hunter World is leaps and bounds better than the original MonHun games in terms of look, feel and gameplay. The worlds are gigantic and the monsters are lifelike. These are acceptable improvements at the cost of a bigger roster.
>BUT 32 VS 100+!!!!
This is the logic of a child that has an entitlement complex. Iceborne is jumping our roster up to 50 or even 60 and with it a slew of new content and another new gigantic world. If upgrades are going to play out like this, the fanbase can tolerate them a lot more than Pokemon fans can when it comes to the state Sword/Shield is in.
>Pokémon has always had being able to transfer all Pokémon as a major appeal and there's always a big stink whenever that gets compromised
>Having all of the monsters at once has never been the appeal of Monster Hunter
redpillme on Monster Hunter, I've never played this game and I'm thinking about trying World once Iceborne is released but I'm still not sure if I should or not
This is quite possibly the dumbest post I've ever seen on Yea Forums.
>actually I'm pretty sure they did when Tri came out on the wii
Surprisingly there wasn't much backlash back then.
>look, feel and gameplay
Well 1 out of 3.
You're a hunter and you hit monsters until they die and carve them up.
Every new MonHun game never has ALL the other monsters from the previous ones. And there was a fair bit of complaining when it first came out. Im not overly bothered, but they did drag their heels a little on this one. It has about 10% of the total monsters of other releases
>this blatant room temperature IQ shitpost thread will get 200+ replies
I hate this goddamn board so much
Probably because of all the new blood and the fact hunting horn and gunlance were directionless pieces of shit that weren’t “fixed” until portable 3rd.
>fully fledged monsters with countless animations, high poly textures, lighting, and sound effects with an actual AI
>literally pixel art a child could do that hops up and down and makes a shitty midi noise when it appears
>Transition form clunky boring shit to fun well paced gameplay
Lmao keep seething nintendie.
monster hunter isn't a $90 billion franchise, and it doesn't revolve around "catching them all."
transferring all your bros from old games was pokemon's one unique selling point. what game freak just did is like if capcom made a monhun game with no weapon types and no armor sets.
everyone complained about it, and still does. But the thing is, there are actual, marked improvements in graphical quality, and wildly different mechanics in the game that justify it. Pokemon removed existing models that were downscaled for use on 3DS, EXPLICITLY for the reason of future proofing, then gave us bullshit reasons for why they were removed.
Okay, so here's the thing right.
Yes, while I do think how people reacting about S/S is melodramatic. It's hardly "entitled" considering every game previously has had all current Pokemon. In addition, the reason why Monster Hunter fans don't complain about it (as much, because they certainly fucking do) is because every game has had missing Monsters so it's expected that the roster is different.
Capcom are autistic when it comes to monster design and won't include monsters that suck or don't have a natural environment to inhabit within the game.
We dont want World
This desu. OP is quite the faggot. The backlash towards GF is actually justified. If pokefags DIDN'T complain about those things they would most definitely be the biggest sheeps in the industry.
muh 240p 10 year old models
Nintendo fans have been conditioned from young to suck Papa Nintendo off. That's why they are okay with getting jewed by Nintendo over and over again.
Pokemon fans are bitching because they removed Pokemon because "muh animations" but everything still looks like absolute horse shit.
MonHun World is an obvious upgrade in graphics and animation so it's excusable. Not ideal, but it looks like effort was put into World.
t. GameFreak shill
I still have a soft spot for old gunlance for helping me lame it out during the dual tigrex quest in MHF2
If you knew anything about either series or game you would understand what a terrible comparison that is.
Sweetie, it's actually remastered at 720p
Like absolute fucking clockwork. Monster Hunter threads after World are great to be in to get a daily dose of laughter at others' anger for free.
Most people didn't even play the game for more than an afternoon. There's no way normies would ever get to the endgame to see how absolutely fucking baron it is.