Other urls found in this thread:
Blame climat change and retards that deny it
what card
just change the fan curves, even if it's 40C and being 100% used it shouldn't go that high if the fan is doing its job
That's within operational limits, boy.
by just using a bit stronger fan settings it could be running at 60-70C though, there's no reason to leave it so close to operational limit (which is 94C for a 1060)
It's too hot to play videogames user. I feel like I'd die if I spent another 5 minutes at my PC.
how old are you
Or you could just undervolt.
Sorry, lass, I didn't know you were a girl.
imagine not having air conditioning. imagine living anywhere but florida with our heavily insulated houses that both withstand hurricanes and keep the AC in.
gt 530
>Being a UKuck who can't afford AC
GPU fans are cheap. Listen to this guy get MSI afterburner and if the auto fan profile doesn’t cut it crank that bad boy up.
Outside of this your only other option is getting better case fan or a new case.
Blame """climate change""" and the jews that keep raising your thermostat to corroborate it
ATI Radeon 80
Well clean your case, bitch boy. You are not special, you are not living in some unheard of heat videocard manufacturers never could imagine. You are just a pig: a dirty fucking pig with a dirty fucking case and fans so dusty they looi like your mom's cunt. Unfuck yourself.
Consoles win again :)
GPU fans rarely run above 40% even during stress test, crank that shit up
Toast a baguette on your case.
The PS4 sounds like a jet engine though
>the most expensive 1060 model
>only 1847
nigga my 3gb 1060 clocks at 2050 no problem, factory overclocks are very tame
now run a game...
>1847 MHz
wut happun?
This. And that's with room temperature at 20°C
>tfw 42°C
end it all
>play Squad on max settings at 1440p
>it's 39°C outside
>room is small and heats up fast
>PC is noticeably loud
>70°C on CPU, 80°C on GPU
Could be worse, but this PC is really just adding extra heat to the room.
Post fan curves
Everyone in the USA is laughing at you, comfortable in our air conditioned homes.
wooden homes*
Wildfire says hello
>dark skin
I love it when memes are accurate
>Meanwhile half the country gets swept away by 2 floods 3 hurricans and an earthquake
This is God's punishment for you trying to escape reality, like every human.
Our doom is near.
Buy liquid nitrogen cooling
consoles run at high 70s, mid 80s
jamal stealing is not ok
it's okay when it's video games
>Be Britbong
>Too hot to play vidya
>Turn on AC
>Too cold to play vidya
drink some facking tea mate
>American House
>Heavy insulated
Is this bait?
>The PS4pro sounds like a jet engine though. Fixed the slim isn’t that loud
>mfw I was freezing last night
>It's 20c outside today
I don't even need an AC, we get like 5-6 days at 30c each summer.
you're not fooling anyone
Where do you live?
just turn down your gfx ingame settings faggot or use a frame limiter. holy shit you zoom zooms
I guess that settles it. Hope I can handle the Canadian brand of autism.
then turn the fucking fans higher
they're probably running at 50% or whatever stock garbage you have it set to
Goddamn leaf i envy you. How much for a flat fiber monthly?
replace the thermal paste on your card too that worked on my last card make sure you scrape off the old dry shit
this is what i do
game at 720p30fps
my gaming laptop never overheats, i know because the fucking thing vibrates when it gets hot
He's running it in gaming mode instead of oc like a retard, if you switch over it's like 70mhz more
it fucking snowing outside retard
I just upgraded my PC with the new ryzen chips and at idle it's only about 80% as loud as my old PC, which was pretty loud sitting at idle. It doesn't get too much louder during load, but my friend's recently built PC is pretty much silent at idle and most of the time at load. I have 4 case fans installed, two in the front, one in the back and one on the top.
Is this a BIOS issue? I'm using a B450 board and I used a boot kit to get it up and running, I heard that the new BIOS is smaller and only in beta, which might have fucked up the fan settings. My fans are 3-pins, which sets them in DC and in BIOS I can't seem to change any fan speed settings, only the source which they set themselves at. Any input?
90c on the GPU is within tolerance. Go above that and it'll throttle.
Depend on the fans and the aggressiveness of it's settings, Ryzen come with good but pretty noisy coolers.
>Ryzen come with good but pretty noisy coolers
I'm using the 3600 with it's stock Stealth cooler, which I've heard sticks to quiet settings most of the time without overclocking. Like I said, I can't change any fan settings in my BIOS.
I don't like hot tea
It's true though, go ahead test me
Remember to stay hydrated
Room temp is 94.
I drink at least 2 gallons a day.
My PS4 sounds like a fucking jet engine in this heat.
>Having AC
Posh cunt
lmao pc gaming is such a joke
AC with a computer in your room is peak retarded, because
>AC tries to cool room down
>PC is literally as in literally a 110F heater
>lmao pc gaming is such a joke
I don't even feel like playing vidya right now cant concentrate at all.
Imagine how many ps4's are going to die in this weather because of the shit cooling system
Think about all these cockroaches suffering inside overheating PS4s.
You're the joke.
xbox wins again
>tfw 26C with 74% humdity
Haha my man, look at this snowball I'm holding. Now explain that RETARD
if you have one of those tempered glass meme cases, remove the glass.
>tfw playing games on a laptop
I have a define r4 which is also a restricted airflow case with all the filters on and the fans running around 900rpm and it doesn't go over 40c at idle
can you really call that living then?
If you're feeling like a pimp, nigga, go and dust your computer off.
Gamers is pimps, too, go and dust your computer off.
Your temps are crazy, baby, don't forget that boy I told you
Dust off your computer.
Just checked my temps and I'm kinda impressed.
Pic related were the temps when running the witcher 3 on ultra settings and 4k. And the fans were actually still kinda quiet
>he doesnt know
undervolt the GPU, I dropped 15 to 20 degrees with little to no performance impact
>Playing Divinity 2 while 32C here in Scandiland
>Feels like a blowtorch is hitting my right leg every time it's the AI's turn
>Takes longer and longer for it to execute it's moves
>Check RM
>EDC at 98%
How the fuck does this happen?
I use a manual profile.
The only upshot of this shitty heatwave is being able to identify a seething europoor so easily. No America is complaining about heat because we're all sitting comfortably in our air conditioned homes and offices.
My heat pump is on a different floor though.
I'm sure that won't impact the life expectancy at all.
Speak for yourself faggot my house is hot
>Runs GPUTweak
You have no idea what you're doing do you?
>undervolting will kill the card faster
just put ur pee cee in the fridge bro
>affording a tower but not air conditioning
that's that gucci purse with the snap card life bruh
I was maxing out BF5 and my CPU hit 82 and GPU hit 75, what do I win?
Nothing because you play BF5
Say that to my face motherfucker
just put some ice in there itll fix it bro
>not pointing a desk fan into your case
Aight let’s see ur face nigga
>tfw live in cool basement apartment
>tfw the people above me are 500lb whales that fight all the time and the female cries like a dying cat
>tfw cpu stays at 40°c even in the summer
be careful at 100 degrees is when flames are created because the air is getting boiled
It will improve the life of the card. Manufacturers set voltages high by default because it's the range all of the cards will operate at. Due to silicon lottery some cards will not be able to run stable at lower voltages. The only time you're going to damage the card is if you have to go beyond manufacturers spec in order to perform extreme overclocks. The best thing you can do for a card is undervolt and increase the power limit to the card. On my RX 480 it shaved 20C off my temps, 20-30 watts off my power consumption and eliminated card throttling which would drop frames and I even put a slight overclock from stock frequency.
Turn on the air conditioning.
haha yeah dude! btw we need more regulation on first world nations for reasons
climat change is happening way before humans even existed. They blame on us to sell "eco friendly" products.
>europoors don't have air conditioning
lmao DEAD ASS DEAD ASS just be American you faggot like seriously
But I'm from europe and I have an AC.
>this poor burger constantly talking about AC
>needing to have AC and heating because your house is made of plywall instead of brick like in all civilized countries
>be american
>turn on your A/C
>get shot
>a thousand threads a day about how "it's so hot inside my house"
>it's all obsessed europoors who apparently live in "civilized countries" but can't regulate their houses to anything below the temperature outside
Stay mad and stupid, you fucking retard
>He doesn't have an all bills paid apartment
>He doesn't keep the A/C on 70 degrees all day
>He doesn't have a case with lots of fans on it
I feel like such a chad compared to you people. It gets ice cold in my apartment, so the heat doesn't bother me at all.
where in canada?
Pick one
Even though I rent, I own the place! :^)
All about confidence. You gotta OWN it in your mind.
>He pays property taxes and thinks he actually owns anything instead of leasing it from the state
I'd fucking freeze in 70 degree AC air. Do you people wear sweaters in summer or something?
When I was a kid I read some news about a man dying when a stray bullet punched through his wall. It really scared me, knowing something like that could happen.
That's when I learned the vast majority of american houses are built out of this cardboard like material and that's the only reason things like that happen. Everywhere else, most bullets wouldn't even be able to fully penetrate a wall.
UK bro here. Pls make it stop.
I sit my fat ass in my computer chair while in my underwear and play games and jack off, also watch anime sometimes. I like being cold, like I keep it cold on purpose in my apartment. It feels relaxing and comfy.
Cap frame rates
Turn anti-aliasing off or to FXAA
i'm a little autistic
Lol my 1070s fans don't even start spining till it hits 60c
>"I call climate change deniers retards so that cancels out my CO2 emissions!"
Kill yourself. Even your rotting corpse isn't CO2 neutral.
protip: if you have a high hz monitor, set it to 60hz or cap your framerate. high framerates = more your cpu/gpu has to work = more electricity = more waste heat
>Nearly every game in the shot runs better on PC , Xbox, or the fucking WiiU.
Boy do you suck at stealing games Jamal.
I didn't even know there was a heatwave i'm perpetually living at 21°C. It's good for me and my computer, i might go fetch my slippers feet are a little cold.
The thunder actually concerns me more since that means there might be power cuts if it gets really bad.
>tfw got a Vega 56 instead of a 1660Ti because my old GPU is starting to die and I need something now
Did I fuck up
Not really it's an undervolted OC champion that should last long enough for AMD and Nvidia to start competing again.
shoulda waited for AiB 5700
That is why in the summer, you should schedule your gaming sessions late at night or very early morning when temperatures are cooler.
Oh right
It's not really a loss friend unless you want to have to edit the powerplay settings to get around the clock lock and deal with beta testing cards that are failing pretty bad at the moment.
True, but it's gonna eat me that I forgot about the RX5700 that I could've just thrown about another $50 when they get better coolers
That and I can't really figure out how of a difference it'll make coming from an R9 Fury X
I got an airblower one and am pretty ok with it, the max temp so far was 73c on Doom. The only thing that worries me is that on a really humid day I heard some fucky sounds from my case after a play session so I started having my AC on to keep the air in the room cycled. I still might get a noctua or watercooling since i am a paranoid shit and 70 still sounds too hot for my taste
Get fucked PCfaggots
Literally getting cucked by your overpriced trash that you have to replace every two years.
Is your A/C broken?
Europoors still haven’t discovered A/C. They also have to pay to use the bathroom.
Sensible people don't replace that often and you can recover 30-50% or more of card cost on average selling them. By the time you buy a next gen console with a cut down and castrated 5700, pay for online and pay a premium for new titles and a dwindling number of exclusives you could have bought a mid range rig with more power and applications outside 4K 20-30 FPS.
Unlike proud americans, who shart their jorts for FREE(DOM).
Seething poorfag
I spent $600 on consoles in the last 13 years and I only get games used or on sale. Get fucked.
Get a look at this poor fag you're seething so bad you're boiling over. I didn't know flip phones could post here.
Europoors still drink bagged milk, that's how third world they are.
tell that to the pirates
I don’t blow my money on stupid shit. Everyone who isn’t a retard and actually has money lives frugally. Have fun planning your retirement and realizing you have no money.
you're supposed to put a pea sized drop, not a gum sized drop.
There's hardly any "pirates" left, they've almost all given up on it after the crackdown on piracy by so many naval forces around Somali waters.
What are you smoking nigger? I have spent about 2000 bucks over the last 8 years by being a smart shopper. That's 20 dollars a month on entertainment. That's eating fast food twice a month lmao. Even people buying high end parts are not spending much in the scheme of things. I have no debts and my computer fund I stash small amounts in now and then is over 3K just waiting for a good reason and I could bump it another several grand just by selling some stocks I went 4X on. Keep coping.
>tfw you never exceed 76c gaming with nvidia gtx 970
Yeah man let's all get AC so we can use it the three or four days a year it gets hot enough to justify using it.
Time to trash that card.
Sorry that your country hasn't advanced beyond the Industrial Revolution. Let us know when you want to join the modern world and we'll lend you a hand.
And I spent a quarter of that without having to fuck with a pc getting new components and fixing it .
That's why to put non-conductive paste.
That way you can be as messy as you wish.
get fucked my oven fixed gpu hits max 62C
Do you honestly think a PC is more complex than plug and play? I've had a single drive failure over that time frame which consumed about an hour of my time putting a new drive in and setting up Ghost to recover my data. Over the time I had the computer it's earned me over six figures in stock and crypto while you're dumpster diving for old games.
>live in florida
>live in a old trailer
>have GTX 970
>run PC and game 24/7
>never have these issues
>tfw 2500k OC'd to 4.4ghz and still doesn't thermal throttle after 10 minutes under full load stress test
I am gonna upgrade my PC soon, but goddamn this old beauty is such a beast.
Tell all those celsius to get out of the road if they don't want to get hit by your graphics car.
Friend converted his back into an XP box for running older games as a retro machine.
California gang dabbing on all you niggers
Coastal Winds and Sunny days will come but only if you post "Surf's up Brah" in this thread
Nature dabs right back at you.
>anxiously waiting for newegg RMA
>praying to zeus UPS doesnt fuck up the return
>RMA status shows 85% refund even though im eligible for 100%
No that's just Australia and the retard who decided to bring it over here.
>just bought a 1060 a week ago
>currently 78 degrees fahrenheit
>gpu doesnt hit 60 celcius under heavy load
>consistently in the low 30s on idle
is it because i dont live in europe
>102f/40c where I live
>1060 (KFA2 one so only 1733mhz but pretty decent cooling) still doesn't go beyond 65-70c in DOOM 2016 or DQ XI
>be american
>get shot
I live in yurop and my gard goes above 60 only when I played this shitty porn game a few days ago
USA just got out of a heat wave last week
>he doesn't have an AC in his room