What does Yea Forums think about collecting vidya?

What does Yea Forums think about collecting vidya?

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waste of money and space when emulators exist
also thanks to channels like this the entry price is way too expensive to start now

I think collecting is fine if it's something that makes you happy. I also in turn think people like in the picture are a burden on society and need to rot.

there is a difference in collecting and just having shit to have it.

I myself for example have every ogre battle series game/a strategy guide or two and one poster. I consider my collection complete for it. it's not that many games but if I decide to play one or the whole set, I can. This can be done with roms as well regardless but should I ever decide to sell the collection, someone looking for it would be estatic to save time and be able to pick up the whole lot at once for their own.

>collecting shit you can download for free any time
If you had like source code CD's or some shit then yeah but this is just hoarding.

If you're collecting games you want to play it's fine
if you're hoarding every edition of a yearly sports game for a full set you're autistic

just wanted to say im glad to see some like minded people in this thread.

-The ogre battle guy from earlier post.

Waste of money. Just invest in real estate and buy a few external HDDs lmao

It's dorky geek cargo culture. No one gives a fuck about the collection, adorning yourself with all that shit impresses no one. Just play the damn games, NERD.

That money would be better spent performing acts of mercy toward the poor and downtrodden.

I think it's dumb but who am I to say if you can afford it and it makes you happy?

but I can get muh nes cart for only 20,000 dollars.. is rare reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

No different from collecting model trains or stamps. Yea Forums just seethes about merch and collecting games cause theyre insecure

>I’ve never played Earthbound but this is such a monumental game in video game history that I had to buy it as a collectors piece. I probably paid more than I should but I mean cmon it’s earthbound!

I've moved 8 times, 3 in the past 4 years. Would be nice to have that white privilege I keep hearing im supposed to have. But being a NEET was never really an option for me.

Also fuck bandwagoners and sheeple

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>Buy physical vidya a year after it cones out for $20
>Over the years amass a massive collection
>People think I dropped hundreds of dollars for a well kept copy of a game because I don't use my disks like coasters or toss my cases around like frisbees
>Occasionally buy physical copies of older games Used to have or missed out on if I can find them in decent condition for a reasonable price ($20-50)
>If internet goes down for any reason or something gets pulled from the store page, I'll still always have access to the product I bought

I mean, if your a poorfag with literal zero room for physical storage I could understand, but if anyone is the worst for buying shit they'll never even play, it's Steamfags.

Flashcarts and emulators are better than collecting

Keeping physical media around because "the internet might go down" in the current year is some funny shit. "Oh no, I might have to stop gaming for 10 minutes while my modem reboots!"

>collects vidya
>doesn't play them
I don't see anything wrong with collecting unless you spend most of your free time doing something else than playing

this pretty much. im always 1 gen behind, im still playing through 360 and ps3 games. i love amazon/ebay and getting games for 5-10 bucks that were 60+ brand new

The only video games I collect are the ones I want to actually play or ones that are my favorite

Any other games should be archived for future documentation and historical purposes, so that video games today don't get lost to history like old ass films did
People that scalp games or collect just to collect games can suck a nigga dick

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I have a small collection of PS1 games, am i gay?

>Saying PS1 instead of PSX
Yes, you gay

depends on the games booooi.

how to spot the 15 year old. no one ever called it that until you zoomers started using the internet. it was either the playstation, or once the ps2 came out it was ps1

If I’m gay but say PSX what does that make me?


No bulli

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>I called something by the wrong name
>Therefore I'm right
Yeah, alright fag

>Throw away something because you finished playing it
Please don't tell me people actually do this.

I could have the same collection he has right now this instant, without boxes. That's what I think.


huge waste of money, like everyone has said. it's only really worth doing if you're trying to get a physical copy of a game you like and will actually play, otherwise its pretty cancerous.
i especially hate how certain games get memed into being "rare" like earthbound, a game that used to be bargain bin tier has now tricked the masses into thinking its worth the absurd amount of money it goes for.

Collecting is okay, its complitionists is what I have an issue with. Also a lot of collections tend to get out of control and need serious culling and curating.

Good selection of the essential PS1 games but you know how incredibly fucked we got with the PAL conversions, right eurobro?

Least the cover art is good

What's your favorite Playstation game?

pal versions of the crash games arent bad

Easily Crash Team Racing or Gran Turismo 2

>Letting literal corporations have absolute control over the media you purchased
The difference is storage space and the ability to wait literally 2 days. With Amazon Prime being a thing, there isn't even much of a convenience factor to digital purchases over physical.

You know they can and have shut down discs on xbone and ps4?

>only live once
>Choose to spend it collecting shit that will just be sold when you die
Unless you actually play every game you collect, collecting is a massive meme

Good taste
Didn't say FF7 so no homo


>he dosent know the PSX is a real system that plays ps1 and ps2 games while also being a digital video recorder
i bet you feel stupid now, stupid

false. tony hawk pro skater 2, legend of dragoon or colony wars are the only acceptable answers

Former Collectorfag here

>You have a fuck ton of games you never play
>They take up a lot of fucking space
>The novelty of having a fuck ton of games from all gens will wear off
>It's an expensive fuck hobby
>When people come over they're not gonna want to play fucking SNES games for more than an hour to justify going through the hassle of getting behind the tv to set
everything up
>A lot of those older titles are shit and just haven't aged well
>You're better off just emulating them what you're directly interested in at that moment if you're serious about playing

I just sold my old collection. I'm enjoying the cash.

Solid move man. I did the same a few years back and don't regret it at all. You can seriously emulate most retro shit if you get serious about playing anyway.

I started game collecting this month eventhough everybody told me not to and that it's too late. I've never made a good decision why start now?

Got Black and Crimson Skies on original Xbox (can play these in 4k on Bone X which is sweet) and the two No More Heroes games on Wii.

Discogs reporting in. Collect music instead.

Same level of mental illness as pic related.


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All I collect is controllers anymore. I just use the original controllers with adapters to play emulated on PC.

So what's the excuse for Steamfags? At least collectorfags can actually sell their shit.

I had to severely cut down on it, i feel like i just don't have the space anymore. I want to switch over to digital mostly but any game i'd love i'd probably then want a physical copy of too

why are you forgetting about piracy?

I prefer to play on original hardware, but flashcarts beat the price and inconvenience of a media library. And yeah, it's unsavory having a bunch of consoles hooked up. A hacked Wii will run just about anything 8 or 16 bit, in proper 240p.

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I doubt that these hoarders ever bother to make a rip of something that is really hard to find so it's fucking retarded.
I've got quite a lot of music CDs only because stupid japs rarely bother to use digital distribution platforms like Bandcamps.
Physical copies of digital media are fucking cancer.

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Why are your games ordered like that? It's not alphabetical, by year, or by region format.

If I only buy games I like and dont put them on the shelf until I have finished them at least once am I ok?

That's fine. I think when Yea Forums refers to collectors, it's the sad cunts that have walls of NES games that weren't even fun at the time.

Has anyone noticed that these guys that collect shit are complete ass in games?

I've noticed that too.

Like clearly you've never touched all that shit or you wouldn't be doing what you are doing right now.

>collecting because you enjoy collecting
can be based I guess
>collecting because you think they'll have value in the future and this is an investment
retarded and cringe

Yea Forums is full of zoomers and can't understand physical media


>buy video game
>the anticipation of getting it is more exciting than playing it
>play it for maybe 2 days than drop it and go back to one of like 5 games I always play
>sometimes don’t even play it

Surely the solution is to continue the cycle

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I like collecting games
in general I like buying things because I'm genuinely addicted to deals