Redpill me on this. Is it fun?
Redpill me on this. Is it fun?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, and warbros ruined it
I'm new to the game, MR5. What is the easiest prime warframe to farm? Are all the blueprints acquired from rare relic drops?
its a farm
youre better off trading rare stuff you get for plat then buying the cheapest prime frame set from someone
trinity prime's entire set went for 50 plat at one point
Mesa prime is easier then getting normal mesa
Also Mesa will carry you through all he content
Do Ostron bounties for easy Rhino prime and Nyx relics, Mesa prime and Equinox prime are pretty easy to farm too.
>taking ESL bait
It's free, why don't you stop being retarded and try it yourself.
Gibe back space mom or RIOT!!!!
Nope, it's boring, easy, full of useless grind, broken features, and a pathetic developer who only knows how to shit skins and whore the community manager for the chinese, also, don't criticize Warframe.
its fun until you realise it isn't fun at all, which takes enough time to be worth the download imo
>calling perfect English ESL
>its not
I can't stand to hear his unfunny remarks every 30 seconds.
It's fun at the beginning when you're exploring new planets and gradually getting stronger
The you hit end game and it's one of the worst skinner box games out there
I hate the way you earn weapons in the game.
Other than that the game is a massive grind.
Best third person shooter on the market right now, basically like Vanquish but faster and with more variety.
Yea Forums loved it until it became big enough to appear on VGAs, now all board contrarians hate it.
audio settings
>DE still hasn't added an auction house
Lazy pieces of shit
Good in the beginning
Shit in the end
There is no Endgame, and no Sitting your ass on Mot and just Running a CO Pox, Redeemer Chroma, and staying there for fucking Hours isn’t Endgame no matter how many excuses you can make, Neither is the Orbs on Venus or the Edilons on Earth
Fuck off DE, stop shitting skins and create actual content, you fuckers have enough money to make the best action game, but you prefer to lay in bed with the fucking chinese.
>hating a shitty skinner box with no content makes you a contrarian
Take the best game ever made and the worst game ever made, insert into opposite ends of a particle accelerator, and slam them together, and the quantum vidya field excitation that results is Warframe.
The actual mechanics are among the best in any game I've ever played, the story and world and art are all great, even the music is pretty good sometimes too.
But the meta-structure of the game is so horrifically poisoned by its F2P games-as-service nature that it's impossible to play Warframe and not eventually grow into a hateful addict who can't bear to quit but resents the game for even existing.
Warframe is methamphetamine. Don't start.
>”basically like Vanquish but faster and with more variety”
That’s a horrible comparison
>official forum is full of fanboys
>fanboy who brown nosed janny rights is on power trip
What is the point of that picture?
this poster opinion is correct.
there is no endgame, there is no challenge. just a very satisfying progression and grind before you find out it's aimless. it's a great journey and the destination is a dried up pond.
Yea Forums's clan got banned for exploiting, thats why locals hate this game.
>That’s a horrible comparison
It's the closest thing to truth, weeb.
>Actually Using Vanquish as a reference when it’s nothing like Warframe at fucking all
Spamming Bullet Jump and then Aim Gliding isn’t even close to Vanquish
>Rhino prime out of the vault
dammit. I wasn't going to play again until melee 3.0 dropped. I might.
>Is it fun?
Yes. But only if you like grinding in games. If you grind too much you'll be left with nothing to do and the game will become boring.
>t. MR26 and 3200 hours
It’s fucking not you idiot have you even played Vanquish? They literally do not have anything in common
This, warcucks are on suicide watch.
It's free, monetization is fair. You can eventually access everything (aside from steam skins on pc) without spending a single dime. Gameplay is subjective, but boy can it get grindy and repetitive.
Autism is not an exploit.
It wasn’t fun when it came out literally 10 years ago. How is this still a game?
Its not, but autistic exploiters are
>third person shooter
>weapon limit
>different creative weapons
>accent on sliding around and using abilities
Seems like Vanquish to me.
inb4 some retarded shit like "i-it's not like Vanquish because there's no bullet time!"
>tfw you forgot to dilate and your wound starts bleeding
Devs changed many aspects, but autists say that game lost its """soul""" (it was local clan called warbros)
Seethe warbros
I think you're a wee bit to obsessive about trans people user
No. It looks really cool but it's a repetitive affair with lots of grinding. You also are forced to sell gear to buy new one because you have to pay real money for storage space. So you're never gonna get a collection of frames/weapons unless you fork the money or spend ages trying to get platinum from other players
Weirdly Lunaro was my favourite thing about the game (space soccer minigame)
It was autists using (((sleeks))) xD
I think you're a wee bit too obsessed about being an ESL faggot.
>ywn tiddyfuck space milf
More grind, open world meme, useless skateboard.
If you can't play 24/7, don't get mad at those who can, fucking normalfag.
>Resident Evil 4/5/6/2 Remake
>Gears of Wars
Hes not ESL, im ESL and you are blind fuck :)
>Implying I was ever in that
Nice Boogieman
Ignore all images containing devs fuck ups. They're from 2013-2016. The game's pretty confusing when you start playing it, but give it a few days and you might like it. It's true this game's a grind fest, but you might as well farm your favorite frame and enjoy it at your own pace. There are tier lists, guides and other helpful tutorials everywhere and community is for most of the time helpful to new players.
>slow paced horror games
>slow paced cover shooter
Nothing like Warframe or Vanquish. Keep reaching and keep seething, warcuck.
>50 replies
>22 posters
>you are only allowed to post once per thread
It's pretty fun and addicting but it takes hundreds of hours for you to get somewhere. There is a lot of stuff to go through and equipments to level for a new player. The fun is the journey though. I only have 1252 hours and I'm always logging every day.
>using a picture of some retard from 2014 to shit on the game
I had no idea Warbros were THAT salty.
Looking at Multiple warframe threads from the past it seems pretty obvious that there’s obvious DE shills and DE Hating Autists and it’s not even funny how obvious it is especially now. Plus there’s always seems to be people or just a few that are literally Obsessed about this Warbros clan like it’s the fucking disease
Why do you keep proving his point?
Warbros are stuck in 2014.
instead of shitflinging, answer me these
>can i customize my character to look cool
>are the enemies bullet sponges
>is coop good
>does it have predatory microtransactiona
Can you blame them? That's the only time they were relevant, when no one was playing the game to compete.
MR27 oldfag. I'll tell you all I know.
>The core gameplay
Really good, actually. Enjoyment guaranteed. Is good game.
>The farm/grind
Retarded until you get out of early game, gets better as you go. though! Only ever get worked up over event stuff. You can get everything eventually even at a snail's pace.
>The balance
Nonexistent, but it's also uncecessary to ever really abuse the system. Just get random weapons that are decent and you'll be fine forever. This isn't really a meta-based game.
>Pay to win?
Nah. Free trade means you can even farm cosmetics except Tennogen (and even that if you RMT but shh). Old players also love to be glorified pimps for noobs, and that's not a bad thing.
You'll get a scifi boner and not much else. Ugly sometimes. The people look weird. Pretty effects on abilities tho.
Good base plot but every single goddamn time it goes into detail it spews out shit.
>The developers
Inexperienced and slow, but they just keep going at it and fixing things. SLOWLY. You'll start loving them, then grow to be annoyed by them, maybe even hate them. They also put rivens into the game, so they don't deserve your mercy.
>get into warbros during Tethra's Doom
>shit hits the fan right after
I had no idea what the fuck was going on
>The community
Two-sided. Getting squads is cool. Forums and general chat are cool. People love to help out. On the other hand, the moment you point out anything wrong in the game, you will be shut down hard and called shit. I've personally suggested 50+ improvements, got called shit for it every single time, and yet today these improvements are actually in the game. Don't even try to contribute to the game, just draw pretty pictures because that's how demented the players are.
Use warframe market. Pretend rivens don't exist and you'll be fine. Eventually Jim will just make another video and the devs will remove rivens anyway. Don't bother. Prices are also fair as long as you don't buy vaulted stuff (just wait for the unvaults).
Warframe is one of the rare games where I can safely say it'll still be a thing in 5 years, if not more. As long as some specific shitfest happens, it'll keep growing/improving along with the community. One can't be 100% sure about anything though.
If you can bother sinking in a few months of grind (not necessarily unfun), you can get your hands on a game that other companies would sell for $60, however, it has many, many flaws, though they get fixed now and then.
Maybe DE shouldn't have sold their souls to the insectoids.
Glory days of selling invites
Vanquish is a rank-driven cover shooter with a vehicle-like sliding mechanic and max-payne slowdown. You can't even jump in Vanquish.
Literally the only thing Warframe has in common with Vanquish is that they're both sci-fi TPS games and they're both pretty fast.
some of them
people are split over this one. it's grindy and time consuming and the MTX are prevalent
If u like the grind itll take you about 50hrs to get the main plot and 20more to finish it. About a 150hrs will be wasted on time gates depending on when you start the open worlds. And before you know youll be 1k plus hrs in and be bitching about how there are no updates despite the fact that there are a few more frames to get but hv measly drop chances. Next stage is the jaded vet with over 3k hrs max mastery rank possible , all the shit in the game and a non existant sanity. Enter with caution. That is all.
>>can i customize my character to look cool
>>are the enemies bullet sponges
Depends on your build. one of the factions has high armor so you have to mod your weapons to deal with that if you're fighting vs their high level units. armor scaling is insane for that faction, but with all the tools you have to deal with it it's not so bad.
>>is coop good
It's pretty fun, tons of buff synergy between players and stuff. I usually recommend not playing through the star map in public mode though cause high level players will just speed through the mission and you won't learn anything.
>>does it have predatory microtransactiona
I would say yes, but it's not entirely unredeemable. It has a lot of mobile game style shit like "pay to speed up the process", but the fact of the matter is that farming the ingame currency is very accessible, and for most stuff you don't even need it.
>depends how much you want to give to them
>in later levels basically every single enemy
>no, someone will one shot everything on the match
>wait a week to build a thing, than wait another week to combine with another thing, speed the process with money
>can i customize my character to look cool
yes, as long as you're more or less okay with the base aesthetic, because playing as a humanoid beetle-shell is kind of always going to be what you do
>are the enemies bullet sponges
Not at all. I mean, it's a gear/rank/level based game so in a sense yes, because of how armor works, but the idea is that you build specifically to avoid the bullet sponginess of the enemies. You have to be ready to do that, though. If you just grab a gun and shoot things you're gonna run into a wall quickly, you have to build your gear to be effective.
>is coop good
I think so. People tend to be helpful, and the game is structured to be friendly (drops are instanced so you all share in rewards instead of competing for them, as a result people tend to tag good drops and are less frustrated by people who get carried through a mission)
>does it have predatory microtransactions
absolutely, a billion of them. The game is basically an unnavigable clusterfuck of grind/time walls with pay to skip buttons attached to them. You can bypass basically everything in Warframe without spending money, but the game is designed at every turn to try and squeeze premium currency out of you and you will notice it immediately and never stop noticing it.
Used to be, now not so much.
>>no, someone will one shot everything on the match
True, but if you're cooping with a friend that isn't a veteran or doesn't intentionally not use nuke frames then it's pretty fun.
I'll correct you on a few things.
>You can trade instead of paying to get cosmetics.
>Later levels are only reachable as a self-imposed challenge, so no, enemies aren't really ever bullet sponges in normal gameplay.
>You wait four days to build frames and one day tops to build weapons. This user's exaggeration only applies for weapons that require other weapons to build, and there's less than ten of those last time i checked.
What is maroos bazaar?
>Yes but you have to buy or trade Plat for the good shit but if you’re on PC but you want to buy a Tenno Gen item you gotta cough up cash Console does not do this
>Pretty much every enemy will become a bulletsponge late game especially ones with Armour but there are certain enimes that take it to the extreme
>4 player just depends Uses to have 8 but DE killed Raids
>Pay plat to rush for Timegated items or buy Skins and cosmetics
>You wait four days to build frames and one day tops to build weapons
As long as none of those parts require resources that can only be acquired through time-limited daily missions like Kuva or Eido shards, sure.
> with a friend
You can get banned if you trade with the wrong person, forcing you to give them money, DE have the tools to rollback the trades, but they prefer act as a cartel.
Why is it everyone is so acutely aware of the "pay to rush" on foundry timers but nobody ever remembers fucking slots?
You are going to bankrupt yourself on slots so fucking early, everything needs slots.
Fashionframe le endgame
>bullet sponges
If ur a shitter and dnot build properly yes
If u hv atleast few brain cells,no. The mod system seems complex st first its realy not once you get used to it.
Entierly avoidable since you can trade with players in game and its a open market for maxium jewing.
Only a few *player* made items "tennogen" need money.
>an auction house that lets you sell shit offline is the same as maroo's bazaar
I just wanna be a dick and pointout it takes longer to craft equinox which is why you are better off farming prime variant now
Yeah that's the most pressing thing definitely. I played with only volt and ivara for the longest time.
>can i customize my character to look cool
Yes, it's also the endgame.
>are the enemies bullet sponges
Not at the beginning, then yeah, a bit until you actually get powerful - then everything just drops dead and your only worry is to go fast enough so they don't actually shoot you.
>is coop good
Usually not annoying, sometimes you have good teammates sometimes you have one guy destroying all enemies before you can even see them, sometimes pubs ruin your spy missions (don't pub spy). It's okay.
>does it have predatory microtransaction
No. Most is for convenience (shorten wait times, inventory slots, grind materials faster). Currency is easily available with a bit of grinding and trade and it doesn't take much to get enough for essentials (warframe/weapon slots).
There kinda is a P2W aspect with the tradable rivens (heavily RNG'd weapon mods) but they're overkill for 99% of the content.
They honestly should've just made the base version a crafting ingredient for the prime version, it's retarded that the primes are easier to get than most of the normal frames.
Most players don't get tradebanned ever because people only do scams with large amounts of plat.
My protip is to always have 1k plat that you never ever use so that just bites the dust instead of your account if you ever get fucked.
(And for reference, 1k plat is like a few days worth of grind for a devoted player, so not rly that bad)
Just RMT. You can sell 1k plat (see above) for like 10 bucks and that's enough to get some Tennogen. Just remember to use a smurf account for it just in case.
>Actually using the Bazaar
I’d rather use trade Chat
>can i customize my character to look cool
>are the enemies bullet sponges
nope, if you have correct builds
>is coop good
it's more like, there are people around you, actual teamwork is very limited
>does it have predatory microtransactiona
kinda and not, everything is time gated, but can be aquired by playing, you can also trade for premium currency with ingame items
Only complaints on my end are:
-No actual endgame
-Everything is timegated
-Ridiculous story that they've definitely made up as it goes
Everything else is probably top of the line as far as third person shooters go, mobility, character diversity, most weapons are viable and fit a lot of playstyles, amazing gunplay and great game world, 10/10 would sink another 1000 hours into it if they added endgame.
This, its just like nuwarbros exploiting old warbros fame.
I'll chime in that the new player experience is an absolute clusterfuck, it's something so many people forget but it really is just about the worst thing imaginable.
tl:dr, it's fun and f2p, but don't invest too much time or money
Jumping around and killing dudes with laser cannons or plasma shotguns is pretty fun, but the novelty can wear off quick.
After you complete all the quests and get most the frames, there's really no reason to play.
New """content""" will just consist of skins, weapons and characters that are functionally the same but have minor stat changes.
New game modes and vehicles are tacked on and tedious to grind if you don't have any other content to supplement it with, said game modes and vehicles will never be expanded upon after their initial release and will be left to rot.
Lore and tone is also very inconsistent.
Farm rare mod/prime items
Its not that hard to get 20p even as a new fag and
dont forgot the 50p for 2 more slots you shitter
Read a guide,watch yt or join a clan.
Its not that hard holy shit.
>t. Warbro
Lmao look at these seething warcucks, delicious
it is fun, just dont overburn yourself if you really like it at start
>My protip is to always have 1k plat that you never ever use so that just bites the dust instead of your account if you ever get fucked.
That does not solve the problem, the player should never have to be worried this type of shit, basically DE acting like a gangster and asking for protection money.
>watch yt or join a clan.
Yeah, that is fucking stupid for a new player.
The fact that you can trade for premium currency is nice, but that doesn't mean that the game isn't full of predatory MTX trying to squeeze premium currency out of you. It's just that the way Warframe is monetized, DE is more than happy to let you trade for someone else's premium currency instead of buying your own.
The ways that Plat is designed to flow out of the system are still very much predatory, that's likely to be expected from an F2P game but it needs to be said. The game will jump up and down and ask for your credit card number every hour or so, it's just content with you (essentially) giving it someone else's credit card number instead.
I don't deny that it's utter garbage, but I did tell you how to not get fucked by it. If you want shit done the proper solution is to get Jim or some other big boy to shit on DE because:
1 - players will shit on you
2 - DE might not even see or care about your effort otherwise.
Very little in WF is predatory. Just slightly annoying at most.
imaging for some reason hating devs that much you start spreading lies on anonymous chinese forums
>stupid for a new player
How else are they going to navigate thru this trainwerck of a game
>1 - players will shit on you
randoms in wf are probably nicest people you'll ever meet in any online game
except tradechat and elitisting fucks in eidolon hunting groups, those are bad, but to be expected.
Post Meg
Yeah randoms are. They're the best. I'm talking about people on reddit or the forums who actually do the replying/spreading when you complain about stuff.
(And no, complaining to DE support doesn't do jack shit)
>the game will jump down and ask for money
Who paid for you to shill this much.
Try to play Warframe without spending Plat, and let me know how far you actually get.
Hell, take a look at how much Plat you've spent so far, and consider what you've gotten in exchange for it.
>don't even remember the shitty poem I used to get invited in back the second time around
>still have denorra friended on both steam and uplay for some reason
I miss coptering tho
fan sliding isn't as cool or as fast
>Who the fuck is Jim ?
This shit will never change because DE knows the type of people who waste real money for plat, all of them have Stockholm syndrome, they are afraid of losing those 1k hours they worked so hard for, they are pathetic fucks who create an emotional bond with a literal digital job, and they are not even being payed for those 1k hours.
I stopped playing WF because I realized DE is basically a stealthy EA, they are more efficient because they are small, all they do is release a gimmick every two years and sell skins in between.
I don't know, design the game correctly ?
if you enjoy autistically farming stuff for the sake of farming you'll love it. I called it quits once I was able to easily kill anything in the game but I know friends who want to be able to easily kill anything in the game with a lot of weapons.
Are there actual raid boss type fights in this game with tight mechanics or is it just Diablo rifts over and over?
Imagine ignoring consistent Developer failures for roughly half of a game's current lifespan just so you can feel better about yourself.
They removed raids to pander to shitty new players
>Are there actual raid boss type fights in this game with tight mechanics
there were
not anymore
Not really. You farm items that you then use to farm other items better. There's no real substantial change in the gameplay throughout the entire thing, just changes in tilesets. It's not like other games where you grind for new gear and skills so you can take on a big ass raid or something, you grind so you can grind some more. Some of the updates in the past couple of years have pointed at any effort to make the game more engaging, but outside of quests you'll only do once, most just trickled back into being a mindless grind.
So unless you're down with slide hopping for 20 hours so you can slide hop in a different suit for another 20 hours, it's not really going to feel like much more than a skinner box.
I fucking wish
>removed the only interesting, non-braindead content in the game
>all because the average player was too retarded and DE's code was several layers of spaghetti
I'm still fucking mad
keep seething raidcucks
no more easy plat for your arcane mafia
Iunno bro, I got to the "insane veteran" level without a single dime.
Jim Sterling. When DE was selling people shit they already own (with one new accessory), they didn't listen to hundreds of complaints but quickly fixed their mistake when Jim made a video about it.
Similar things occured when the guides of the lotus program they made got infested with shit. Several well-known youtubers had to make videos for DE to actually fix their shit.
So yeah, don't even try to appeal to the players or devs on their forums/reddit. E-mails or personal inquires are often ignored too. Just get a big face to make a video and DE will recoil in fear and actually respond.
Because yes, they're terrified of bad rep.
>Eidolons take a fraction of the time to get a group
>no daily limit on arcane drops
If you're smart then you can get all the plat you need for slots from trading junk and relics.
Your second point is completely stupid considering you're talking about a videogame, the value is entirely subjective unless you're making money from being a pro at e-sports (no competitive value in this game) or a streamer/content creator. If you value your time and money that much then why are you here on a Congolese baking forum, what are you getting out of it?
Nice shitposting
Edlions are shit , and were piss and Raids were the only Endgame the game ever had
>Actually shitting on the only fun thing the game had
>”But MUH Arcane Market”
Anyone could get the Arcanes In The Raids if you weren’t a complete Brainless moron especially in LOR
There was and they was fun, real shit grind for arcanes though (Only way to get arcanes back then), and running them with reddit randos caused me to scream at people on discord more than I'd like to admit, LoR was a specially shit raid.
Yeah the raids were garbage.
Eidolons are also garbage. I'd say they're better than JV but worse than LoR (these were the two raids, for those who don't know).
They did say they'd remake raids though. Knowing their pace it'll be in a few years though. Fuck.
Wow. They removed content? Why not leave it in for those that enjoyed that sort of this? Is the gameplay loop just running dungeons over and over with no goal to strive to? What is the point of loot if you have nothing to ultimately use it on?
yes, nezha is the best girl
>I'd say they're better than JV
Because DE does this shit all the damn time for better or worse and people will defend them for anything. Raids getting removed was universally hated and another that thinks that it wasn’t is either lying or just a Fanboy for DE
>forced into groups
>everyone are elitistic asshole
>do some absolutely retarded puzzleshit that isn't fun nor ever presented in any other actual mission, doesn't fit the major feel game has
>giant rng with artificial timegate for rewards
>"but you can join our gaydiscord where we could teach how, you just need to suck our cocks"
Devs stated reason why it was removed, it was 100% justifed, replaced them with Ayys who are somewhat fun to fight, and they are even soloable if you are good enough, they also drop acranes so everyone can get them without going though bullshit listed above, and are your major content to upgrade your operator.
Edilons will always be worse then Raids regardless if it’s JV or Lor
there it is, folks
the warframe common denominator
back to discord tranny
shut the fuck up dumb ESL.
Only and I mean ONLY - if you enjoy grinding and optimizing numbers in order to grind more effectively. There's absolutely no end-game or anything to build towards, besides the next "bigger number" increment. The game's very good at fostering a sense of progression, though.
Absolutely not. The gameplay itself is weak af, not even taking into account any of the other elements.
But if you find the gameplay enjoyable, your not alone. So why don't you try it out for yourself?
>hurrdurr look at me calling perfect English ESL
rent free
You can solo eidolons and not raids.
LoR was okay but let's not lie, JV was two people carrying six other people around, because it had so much idiotic shit to learn that no one really bothered.
There was also genuinely zero skill involved, whereas Eidolons can be killed casually by most people and are being speedkilled by more experienced folks.
They're better than raids, user.
...Though LoR was really good.
>no punctuation
see me after class, faggot.
yes. there is not a single game on PC even coming close to it, unless you wanna count dark sector.
people say its shit because no end game and that its just nothing but farming. you play the game to have fun. why do people need stupid shit like raids and dailies just to have fun? this isn't a mmorpg.
nothing in warframe takes any skill
>Is it fun?
Don't know but the porn is top quality.
So what, JV took negative skill? Okay.
because if they did, platinum would be even easier to get than it already is. just use warframe market you tard.
stop playing missions where enemies only get up to lvl 30 then you retard. people always say the game is fucking easy then they get up to 75+ and leave the mission because they think their shitty builds are good.
>pushing spores without breaking them
>not fucking up the archwing fly-ins into jordas
>not getting lost in the labyrinth that is jordas' guts
>find some beacons, don't let them die
>shoot the radiators harder
>Shiting on Raids
I swear people on Yea Forums don’t know what they’re talking
I think the game is fun and I respectfully agree that the porn is of decent quality.
>wahwah just use the website and stay online until you sold your shit
Fuck off
yes, if you have cool friends
not really, provided you're cool with incredibly long grinds. yes if you aren't cool with that.
>Bypassing the whole second part of the raid by rejoining after one person dies.
>Flying in with Amesha and literally not giving af uck
>Using Nova and Volt to kill Jordas' guts in literal seconds
>find some beacons, don't let them die
>don't get killed by an eidolon if you're solo
>use abilities and synergy (shields, vex, etc) to kill eidolons ultra fast if in a team
Excuse you. JV was a fucking joke and a fucking mess.
Never got to really play the raids because the netcode on Xbox was dogshit
nigger i made 1k platinum just selling voltaic strikes from void trader. git gud.
i know exactly what im talking about, no amount of bullshit you spreading here will change the fact that removal raids was a good thing for the game.
Nice r*ddit phrase, faggot
>muh Platinum's 2 hour long cover shooter that was forcing you to take cover if you want to have any fun with bullet time was PERFECT
Go dilate, tranny weeb.
>tfw you will never copter through hallways and complete missions in under a minute again
Even if they fixed the netcode the core problem remains, which is the xbone community being asscancer to play with.
the raids were garbage though.
>slow nova
thats all you needed to make the whole raid irrelevant. the only hard part of LoR was getting people to stand on the buttons for the puzzle. every thing else was just CC the fuck out of everything and afk at vor while one person solos it.
think again
nice strawman. thanks for playing.
Wanna know how I know you're a shitter?
Idk when I could actually get in a game most people were pretty cool. No where near as bad as the faggots on Destiny that refuse to run VoG without the whole team having gjallerhorn
not really. ive seen wukongs after recent rework just do nothing but copter and they do over 50% of everyones dmg the entire time. you can do it with zaws too
it ruined my immersion so im glad its dead
>not braindead
Just another Trinity main on suicide watch.
>Why not leave not fun content in for those that enjoyed that sort of this?
Because it's not fun. Why even keep parts of the game that will require tuning with the inclusion of new content and new tech? It's a waste of resources.
void dash is faster, and looks not as janky
also some frames with full meme build can be just as fast as tipedo/zoren copters where you getting stuck in walls because of immense amounts of accumulated inertia
>fact that removal raids was a good thing for the game.
No it wasn’t in the fucking Slightest and no amount of bullshit will make that statement and less true. The community never liked the idea of Raids getting removed and just to trade in for Edilons that are just a shit as Raids stop talking about you don’t know. The removel Of Raids did nothing positive for the game long term especially with DE promising all this shit like the Corpus Raid with Nef Anyo
you can do giga jumps.
>look to where you want to catapult yourself
>QUICKLY look down and slam. timing depends on melee speed
>you are now flying in that direction at breakneck speed
Fuck you warbro, let this shit go already.
>The community never liked the idea of Raids getting removed
your discord arcane mafia you mean
The raids were supposed to have come back a long time ago too I thought they said like 6 months tops when they pulled them
Nice fucking Boogieman
Again you know nothing
Imagine being so autistic that you cling to shitty glitchy mechanics instead of embracing real fast that is Zephyr's 1 or Wisp/Volt combo.
>JV was easier because you could abuse bugs
remember when Eidolons came out and you could just use shield disruptor and 1 shot the shield with the starting amp? good times.
Damn shame that DE actually gave half a fuck about eidolons because they were new and shoved into a starting zone.
what I posted can be used with wisp/volt combo for faster speed
>Likened removing raids to removing dark sectors
>everyone shitting on them because DS still hadn't come back after years
>immediately reveal """dark sectors""" are coming back
It’s the same situation as Dark Sectors but without a good reason
Void dash is great unless you're the client and the host is a 300ping cunt playing on public wifi
It's the truth user. People taught each other bugs in secret because clans/mafias would do muh exclusive runs with the bugs that only they found. In the end it was just people learning how to exploit instead of how to clear badly designed content.
Eidolons are people learning how to clear mediocre content.
again your little tranny hugbox isn't "The community", you aren't even trying to refute it, now go back before you embarrassed yourself even more
>game mode is broken to the point of near un-play-ability, alleviated somewhat by other bugs that skip the more broken sections
>this is somehow the playerbase's fault
You haven’t proved nothing but spout out Boogeyman Bullshit and Buzzwords and the fact that you’re still going only proves that you know nothing
You dense motherfucker. It isn't! That's why they removed the raids!
so instead of bothering to properly fix them over their 2 year existence, DE takes the lazy route and just deletes them.
>"im being forced to use those exploits! its not my fault"
>"wah shitty game de bad removed raids"
imagine being this fucking retarded
There is nothing to look forward to with grinding. You are just OP at some point but there are no challenging bosses or anything, just bullet sponges. Game is style over substance.
They said that they'd bring them back in a better state.
As I've mentioned earlier tho, this could happen in literal years, so you aren't too far off...
>tfw almost every single gun is pure weapon porn
Yeah it's fun.
It also has a lot of content and they regularly releasing new content
Until DE can give tangible proof that they are being actively worked on, raids as we know them are permanently removed from the game. They've almost been gone for as long as dark sectors were.
It's becomes the entire point at high levels.
If you do content at your level they should rarely be bullet sponges.
It's neither good nor bad, it's just more people killing more things.
Unless you have a compulsive need to buy every cosmetic in the game, no. Every cosmetic made by the devs can be bought with platinum, which can be obtained via trading with other players at honestly non-shitty rates. The only thing you can only get by paying is community made stuff.
If your definition of fun is "braindead, skill-free repetition and endless grinding for recolored items in a wasted concept of a game that's stuck in a state of perpetual powercreep and bloating with garbage features", then YES. It is 100% fun.