>kills your general
Kills your general
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to fuck that logo
So my general wasn't the only one huh
Honestly, I don't know why Yea Forums is still active when there's Discord available. Just... why....
Unironically it saved my general
Discord mods warn you for just breathing
discord is full of secret clubs and faggot drama
Discord for actual discussions and here is for shitposting
>Not using Discord just for friends and nothing else
>inb4 some pathetic asshole greentexts '>friends'
And that's good.
Yea Forums is still here so that discord faggots can bitch about eachother anonymously and turn the entire general into a teenage girl gossip shitfest
Discord are huge hugboxes where if you say any opinion that go against the norm you get banned. At least here you can say it and just be insulted and maybe find someone who agrees with you.
Being anonymous is a good thing.
generals were always shitty chatrooms anyway and should be purged from the site
>When you realize imageboards are an obsolete medium.
Its some faggot boomer gonna tell me otherwise? Even reddit has been superior for discussion than here.
Face it Yea Forums you peaked in 2008 and there is no going back.
This holy shit. I blame discord for the massive surge in trannies. Literally WHAT THE FUCK. How can "men" be so dramatic and bitchmade and passive aggressive is beyond me.
Just like jannies
>discord is full of secret clubs and faggot drama
>Implying Yea Forums isn't
>is one big hugbox
Sounds just like leddit
If someone make an anonymous Discord I would drop this hellhole right away.
I want Discord to use a biochip implanted into every user so I can start a selective genocide.
Dilate you fucking nigger.
>m-muh hugbox boogeyman!!!
cringe and gay
>Discord are huge hugboxes where if you say any opinion that go against the norm you get banned.
Sounds like Yea Forums for me.
my secret club good
your secret club bad
Nice, sounds like your circlejerk has found a proper home
Look at the discord trannies ITT defending their nest of tumors. Fucking cucks.
I don't understand why you'd use discord other than talk to your friends (IRL ones I mean).
How can i find gamer gf in discord?
Don't forget to swallow when your discord buddies tell you to.
However discord is literally full of secret clubs, you can't get into them unless you know a person willing to give you an invite. The public servers are all mega jannies that will ban you for a bad word.
because discord servers are pure cancer, while Yea Forums is also cancer yet mildly self disciplined. Mods don't give a fuck as long as it isnt porn and we use it to our advantage.
imagine 24/7 gay posting, anime avatars, and unattractive selfies added to shit posting but except now you can't call them losers.
Atleast I get to fucking vent here, then some rando says my favorite game is shit, should I dare to name it.
discord only works on private hang out servers in close friend circles, especially while it was objectively better than the old steam chat before the overhaul.
Fuck I miss /tfg/
The amount of RDDT tears that were shed was enormous.
Why would you use IRC other then to talk to your friends?
What general? There's plenty on Yea Forums right now, including the one the trannies tried to bribe anons to report.
As to /vg/, as much as it is already infested with faggots, most of them despise discord faggots even more.
>Implying Yea Forums isn't
It quite literally isn't.
Because I don't eat where I shit.
This reminds of these stories you'd read where a guild would get destroyed after a girl joined it. Discord's that girl basically.
Name 1 (one[uno{一}]) time you were banned for saying an opinion.
And the girl is a tranny
team fortress general?
no really what is the story behind this, i love autism tears
Discord is trash, full of cliques
Once I said that slav people are subhumans and I was banned for a month.
wahhhh someone talks somewhere else therefore it's shit because i don't talk there
literal ape brains
Exhibit A: the discord tranny.
If you were wondering who feels the need to make the smoothbrained cope/dilate/have sex/seethe posts, it's all discord trannies.
>i hate new thing because it is new
>What is IRC
Dilate discord tranny
Normalcunts didn't use IRC retard.
>can't post loli
into le trash
Just as with any sort of other communication program, if you're running into troubles with the people you're surrounded with then you're more than likely that furry faggot or the "BASED AND REDPILLED" inbred numale. Stop using public discords, they're worthless.
Dilate you triggered subhuman
Did you ever hear the tragedy of /gw2g/?
voice chat is fucking trash on discord. if you want to use voice chat for comms use teamspeak
>what is discord
an even more pretentious circlejerk platform
It died because it was on Yea Forums. Discord survived.
Find better servers.
>mfw furry discords
Literally nothing wrong with Discord.
What I don't get is why people shit on Epic for being owned by tencent while giving discord a free pass
Discord is like a cancer. It can't exist without the general, but it inevitably kills the general.
>general created
>everyone chilling and having fun exploring a new game together
>"hay guiys i started a discord :DDD"
>a few people join
>thread starts getting clogged with discord-related sidechat
>shitloads of in-jokes and clique references
>people join the discord to find out what's going on
>people who don't use discord leave the thread to find a place to actually discuss the game
>drama inevitably happens
>rival discord started
>shitflinging clogs up thread
>everyone abandons the thread to retreat to their own personal discord servers
>servers eventually die due to inevitable tranny drama
>a few months pass
>general created
The purposes are completely different
discord monitors all your posts and especially uploads so loli is NEVER safe
But thats a fact.
>posting in generals
>using Discord
I'll pass, thanks.
it's against TOS and if you think janitors don't sit at a monitor and look at every single message being sent, you're wrong
>>mfw furry discords
what's the point? aren't fur affinity, twitter and /trash/ enough?
No, what was it? Garden Warfare 2? I'm confused, tell me more.
Give links
>not ban evading
Guild Wars 2 general.
A story why furfags are the biggest subhumans.
fuck i am so gay
and horny
>cancerous people do cancerous things
Imagine my shock
You autists can blame yourself for all the discord bullshit, just use it as a simple skype alternative for you and your friends to play games with easy voice channel use
How's Discord any different from Skype? Everywhere I gamed and made friends online they'd eventually ask me for my Skype and to join their group.
I've yet to find a good Discord Server.
>What I don't get is why people shit on Epic for being owned by tencent while giving discord a free pass
Normalfags gonna normalfag.
Discord explicitly says they record EVERYTHING you do and reserve the right to sell that information. Yet people still use it.
sauce on image?
what do you eat on Discord, user?
>discord is full of secret clubs and faggot drama
...and Yea Forums isn't?
I have static IP for reasons.
>uploaded: 2 years ago
of course
The issue is about the degenerates that use it, not the platform itself like what anons ITT are saying.
I don't give a shit about trannies or furfags, I just wanna communicate with my partners.
why do you faggots come to Yea Forums to complain?
tranny Jannie needs to take your faggottastic garbage to Yea Forums where it belongs
not without discord
Discord has faggy rules.
no because Yea Forums is a anonymous board newfag, that's why people hate tripfags
It's a sad state of affairs.
Its not about chat app, /wfg/ was ruined by steam chat group.
No cunt.
Discord servers are just easier to use, and anons are suddenly aware faggots use the same tools as they do and are afraid of getting cooties
absolute fucking retards like you are one of the reason everyone hates discord here
because self entitled furries and trannu weebo who both have very little social skills
He posts every week user
But there's rarely anything I personally like
dilate. also learn how to read. there's much more to it than that
I don't see you using a tripcode
>made the discord that killed my general
>x is so much better than Yea Forums
>comes to Yea Forums anyway
For what purpose?
Because there are boards that serve different niches that simply would not be active enough as Discord servers. Where can you find a Discord server for papercraft, transportation, outdoors, guns -- you might be able to find them, but they'd be deader than the boards we have dedicated to those things.
Wtf is a diascord tranny
all generals deserve to die
the /vg/ split was the thing that ruined Yea Forums more than anything else
>hurrdurr let's remove the videogames from the videogames board
>wtf why is this board suddenly Yea Forums - ecelebs and twitter drama?
a tranny who is from discord
Considering the amount of 'slutposting' generals on /trash/ at the moment, it's hardly that much of a furry board anymore.
I've been starting to relate to normalfags more than people on here
There's a discord for literally everything, it's just a more convenient version of skype
I really don't get the sheer autism and drama surrounding discord talk
>tfw you find out people you thought were your friends are in a completely seperate discord that you haven't been invited to
>tfw you find out from someone in that discord they dont have permissions to view even more secret channels in said discord
>tfw you have a discord ready to go for every new MMO launch and plan on controlling and dominating that MMOs general so you can shit it up as much as you want and laugh with your friends about it and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me
Looks like Yea Forums was right about discords all along...
The cycle of /hg/ in a nutshell.
Remember when IRC was the /vg/ bogeyman
Nah it’s just that nobody can have a true debate if the consequences of going against the status quo loom over their head
Wait I mean >>>/r*ddit/ niggertranny
/vg/ should be transformed into /v2/, where you actually discuss videogames
IRC was dying before Yea Forums was even around, so it's completely on a different level
There's a reason why we decided against having a discord for /mkg/
>every new mmo launch
Enjoy waiting 9 years unless you speak chink or gook lol g
Yea Forums death spiral
That's why my shit hasn't been updated for over a year, but I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.
games for this feel?
discord is for relationship drama
Get out while you can, Yea Forums is getting shittier by the day and in another 10 years you'll wonder why you kept wasting your precious time here
You know that place you go to once in a while to rape and torture eastern european children? You can't do that in your business. Yea Forums is that but every day, you can get away with a lot more here than on Discord.
I need something to do while at work. Also I enjoy seeing people getting angry at the smallest things.
>Don't get the Discord hate
>Don't get the "discord tranny" spam wojakposters keep yelling
>Be in Patreon server of small YT channel I support
>Nice community and such
>Tell story about a course I took 9 years ago
>Give example discussed in class about an issue that confuses sex-changed individuals of some religion because of male/female exclusivity
>Get called out by the speech police
>Apparently I was supposed to say "transperson" or "transgender" because whether or not that hypothetical individual took the sex-change operation is none of anyone's business
>This probably transgender drops a full paragraph of the proper labeling of I don't even know what because I stopped reading
>Other server
>Open server of popular yet still somehow obscure YouTube channel
>Owner of the server, some random proactive kid, posts a sourceless image with text
>It says Trump is pushing a law that classifies a definition for biological sex
>Something that isn't affected by mental illness, just an easy binary variable you can easily and definitively test in a person's DNA
>The image continues to say this law strips transgenders of their rights and stuff, without providing anything to back up these claims
>The kid is livid
>Says Trump is a murderer because trans people will kill themselves over this new definition
>Tell him that's not what murder is
>He says this is an act of violence
>Tell him he should check the definition of violence because it doesn't apply
>He's infuriated
>Give counter examples of actions a normal individual could perform innocently that could result in an other's suicide
>He says that's not a good analogy
>Says transgenders will lose their rights and starts listing things that aren't rights
>Tell him so
>He goes ballistic
>Says that if I hate transgenders I should leave his server
>I didn't say a single thing against transgenders in the whole conversation
Forever #1 in our hearts
Fake oldfag, I have been here since 2006 and my life is fine. Mobile posting during your commute or taking a shit and trolling redditeers like yourself will never get old.
I got asked to join one since I always playing the same game at the same time as another person and got killed by him a lot but he enjoyed our fights.
Turns out the server had < 30 people and no one gave a fuck about what you said.
I sometimes go on just to talk to people there since it's pretty chill. The mod is probably a libertarian I think.
Did I just luck out?
>...and Yea Forums isn't?
It isn't full of secret clubs because Yea Forums is a public open forum where everyone is anonymous. Yea Forums is full of faggot drama though.
>look on the discord server directory for NSFW servers
>80% furfag and tranny shit
what the fuck I thought that was a meme
yeah 90% mods of anything are mentally ill
Stop hanging out in tranny infested servers, I'm in literal furry stuffed servers to sell comissions and I haven't seen a hint of tranny drama
better than pedos
Of course you do.
Because you'll never have any real power in your life and you never will.
But rest assured, you're not annoying people as much as you imagine. It's just that cockroaches are a nuisance and frankly disgusting and extermination would be for the betterment of mankind.
most of the tranny servers were loli shit too
discord developers are literally a group of furries, trannies and tranny orbiters
the whole thing is a joke but also bitter reality
It really isn't because the furfag trannies are the people you actually need to worry about leaving alone with children.
I use discord for three things.
1. WoW guilds, and I have them all muted. Only go there to check calendars.
2. Private server for me and my brother to talk and play vidya.
3. A group for old friends we use for being racists because we can't in games. Needs must.
Most discord servers are chill, the bad ones get really fucking bad though
I think the reason why Yea Forums has such a problem with discord is because whenever anons make a server they all turn out to be total fucking faggots
> we dindu nuffin
If I could kill every loli poster on here with my bare hands, I would.
every time, every fucking thread
>Dying by suffocation is bad
>Yeah but at least it's not Drowning
I just watch it dude but thanks for the (You)
Generals kill themselves just fine without it, stupid drama shit is not just on Discord.
Likewise. But I would want to use something more efficient.
Why does it feel like most people on the internet are lgbt these days?
I can't relate to normies, I get home and I can't relate to anons talking about dicks all day, I just cant fucking win. Its not even just a discord thing, its in any game with a chat.
>Discord are huge hugboxes
So modern Yea Forums?
Like what, delousing agents? ;)
Tell me.
Shotgun to the head?
is that bot still going at it
>'slutposting' generals
ITT:seething discord trannies
fuck off, nigger
It's not a boogeyman if it's real.
>Using Discord when Matrix exists
didn't one of the discord team try to defend cub porn
>yeah 90% mods of anything are mentally ill
I think it's because normal people look at an authority position and think "Man, that's a lot of responsibility, fuck that," while the tranny thinks "Finally, a chance to punish all the people who have the wrong opinions! GIMME GIMME GIMME!"
>Normalcunts didn't use IRC
How old are you?
Two faggots calling eachother faggots over the span of a thread that gets deleted has no lasting impact.
Not him, but basically ERPing generals from more popular series like Fate or Danganronpa.
Make a thread and find out.
Goodbye /csgog/, you will be missed.
He's not wrong
It's a shitflinging fest between everyone, I'm just here for (you)s
It's odd, but I've almost never had the experiences you guys had. I'm not saying y'all are lying, just that in the servers I happen to be in there isn't drama
have sex
For the same reason every CoD lobby is full dumb screaming children and teenagers even though the vast majority of people who play it are chill. LGBT people have the same rights as you and me but they are the only ones using it to get all up in your face for no reason.
then fuck off to your tranny discords, stupid fucking niggers
Go take a look for yourself, they're just basically proxy generals for /vg/ ones. Like half or at least up to a third of the threads currently on /trash/ aren't furry-related.
Good, generals have been a stain on board discussion since the start
Yes, and now Discordfags from othergenerals having dramas just slide a discrete "gw2" somewhere in their OP so that the bot also nukes their thread
>some csgo tournament is going on and want to talk about it
>no general up
Yeah so whats the point if they dont stay up?
You use words like you think it's gonna scare people away, niggerfaggot
I never understood that mindset.
when an user calls you a faggot loser, 10 people don't come out of the woodworks like the ending of a shitty anime, just to stir up drama. I rarely get a single reply when I try to start shit.
do you see any sympathy when someone calls your favorite game shit, or when something you post gets rated 2/10?
>hey user, dont listen to him, hes just having a bad day and I think you are great
>that guy just has a troubled life and one day we will all make friends to get us through the hard times :shitty emote:
When a mod gives you a 3 day ban from Yea Forums, be thankful they don't fucking rant at you before handing out a perma and you had to really fuck up to begin with (most of the time)
I really, really like this image
What's up with the /trash/ threds that basically flow like chatrooms? The anons in there don't even quote each other's posts
I like how the bot has a wind-up time of 10mins or so before it starts posting, so unless your general has a dedicated thread-autist who scans every OP for anything incorrect you can get away with a hundred or so posts before the thread gets spammed to shit. It's great.
>sfw server
>hasa NSFW channel
>take a peak
>its all futa and furry shit
you don't HAVE to do that
>using pubic servers
End yourself
Different personalities exist because they had some evolutionary utility, like say being willing to take care of a crying toddler.
Yiff in hell, furfags. I remember when furries were ostracized even here, now even 4chin is 85% tranny and 14% government agents.
I have just had great idea, thanks user.
I have literally no idea what this post says.
It might as well be in Nigerian.
alright tranny time to go back.
Keep seething pedo
the point was it used to be 24/7 shitposting about games/ecelebs/mm/hackers.
and then the fucking discord tranny weebs ruined it
I guess you're being replaced user ;3
I hope that idea is browsing the catalog for random threads that are near the bump limit and making a new thread with gw2g slipped in and watching as all the cliques of it start blaming one another for ruining the thread.
please join my server i need friends
/scv/ was the best
Because past the 15 active members every discord server becomes unusable.
You either stay in a private one with dedicated userbase or don't be in one at all. What's the point on being the piss stain in a lake.
Like /tf2g/? I've got no idea, I thought it was like a bot or something that received text from elsewhere and then punched it into a post.
Shit bait but you’re not wrong lel
I wish. My discord is literally empty, i don't even know why I have a discord to begin with.
why do people treat porn dump threads like chatrooms
>the overuse of nigger as if it means something on fucking Yea Forums
Embarrassing. Is this your first week here or something, newfag?
Do you have any idea how many actual trans people exist in real life?
This is some real schizo shit
Trannies hate homosexuals and hate being seen as "deviants", so furfag servers are among the safest from their ilk.
>the discord tranny believes this
Here's your average Discord pedo from /vg/
>let me just inject myself with ebola so I don't get aids
Thank you so much user.
what a funny youtube video, did you make it yourself user?
And what's the problem with that, normalfag? Go back.
Vocal minority dominates media
Yes, me
>Ur a normalfag if ur not a pedo xDD
Enjoy your ban cancer
What was that one Discord where the gay owner blackmailed kids into taking hormone injections?
IIRC the police got involved.
Die already, bigot boomer. Thx. :3
No idea, I suppose they want an anonymous chatroom, but you can just whip up an IRC channel for that, or a discord
People are fucking weird man.
the problem is that its 3dpd
third worst goat
God that guy's an absolute autismo, kinda glad to know theyre still going at it 5 years since I last spoke to them though.
This is why I make hiding my power level a #1 priority. It's also why I don't talk to anyone online or in real life
Not a fan of puppeteers, huh?
Come to think of it, a good few people in the servers love herms, we're talking hyper cocks and tits, the whole package, and I'm sure those kinds of furfags makes trannies seethe beyond belief
have fun with your botnet tranny
You deserve to be in jail if you want to fuck this.
Yea Forums is an anonymous discussion forum, most discourse may take place through shitposting or memeposting, but atleast it does take place. It's easy to use, large and convenient.
discord is a place for trannies to spout twitter memes in addition to being just a server for chatting.
Tranny is the new cuck and soiboy
Just the latest in a long line of meme insults that target anyone 'bad'
Yeah, I agree
Met my boyfriend through discord, all vidya generals in the world are a worthy sacrifice. Stay mad
holy fuck check out hose milk spheres
TL;DR version
some furfag got butthurt, he employs a bot that spams every /vg/ thread with guild wars in it.
What's stopping them from posting something like /gw-2g/?
This guy huh?
How come he deleted these the second he got mildly popular for making "le epic degenerate Discord" videos...?
why this if re ddit active ugh...
dickgirls and herms in general make trannies seethe once everyone rejects their claim of them(the dickgirls) being trans
I heard he is called "rapespammer" and used to spam /wowsg/ with chink yuri kantai porn and walls of text now.
>using discord for anything other than sharing gay furry porn
he'll find it and add it to the regex
The only discord servers I'm in are private ones with just a few friends, or ones dedicated to a project that I want to follow developments on. I don't see the point of those 1000+ user servers
Telling you right now whatever server on Discord that you're active in is gonna suffer a masive Drama wave that is gonna kill whatever fun you're having on that server and it is not gonna bring it back.
Think of it like what gamergate did to this board.
It happends on every single server including the furfag and tranny Discords.
Just in a month timespan i've seen 3 servers that have girls as the owner get full of pedophile groomers every single time and if you think that the moment they ban the problem it will be all get fixed you're delusional, at that point the server goes in decline.
Bonbi was one of those servers btw so enjoy whatever time you're having on friends Discord or whatever that it is tops gonna last 1 year or 2 MAX. mark my words Discord is full of the most fragile people i've seen, specially men.
Yeah and Hitler was a Jew.
It works for a few days but the bot updates too
They managed to have a "guild wars games general" for a little while but eventually the bot caught up
Now I suppose people just stopped caring since not even moot / chinkmoot could do anything to stop it
How can I get friends to play video games with?
you peaked when you were born and we don't complain about it faggot
Can't imagine how devastating it must be to look at women with functional cocks and vaginas when they have neither themselves
What are you trying to imply here.
take HRT and post pics of your legs in thigh-high neon-colored striped socks
Pretty sure he means titanfall general. As for the the autism tears it was mostly because the clan there would stack and absolutly body the reddit clan since they were slowfags and toneshitters.
Really activated my almonds there, buddy.
my discord channel is full of gay boys that make fun of trannies and people who power level too hard. drama immune
>Yea Forums
>also Yea Forums
Make up your mind
Absolute cringe there mate
>Yea Forums is one person
Don't need HRT for that user, a few years on /fit/ and the gym gives you much better sock pics~
Why can't faggots stop talking about being faggots?
thank you detective van
don't people feel ashamed of the shit they get off to
i do, im genuinely afraid of someone i know being in a degenerate server too and learning im into sick shit
You mean /hbg/?
it might as well be with how unanimous it is when talking about Generals
except when discord is involved, then they suddenly are a-ok with then
literally every community i was apart of has been destroyed
How do people even use that thing?
I always hear about the drama and shit, but for the last couple of years I've only used one private server for our WoW guild and for playing R6 with a coworker every once in a while. All in all, a pretty drama-free experience.
So, you just join random servers? How do you find them in the first place?
I'm just an autist that used to jerk off to his videos on NaughtyMachinima until his faggot-ass gained traction on YT and he deleted his account and all of his shit and the possibility of making more.
There's three in total, they all share the same title and are numbered 1 to 3, should be easy enough to find. There's also some more beastiality involving spiders if you're into that. Enjoy friend.
I never understood that since if its of tolerable quality it would most likely be posted elsewhere, or you could use any other platform.
I joined
> several fetish-related discord servers
> a mod-related discord server
> the server of my website
If somebody calls you a big gay faggot, no one will come to your defense. I disagree with the idea that Yea Forums isn't a hugbox though, you can post a thread right now about how "hard" it is to be a productive member of society and you'll get a bunch of people licking each other's wounds. I guess maybe hugbox is the wrong word, it's more like a misery bucket
>tits of a cosplay thot laying flat on her back
What? Also Neorussia deleted his discord account months ago last I heard.
It's a necessary evil. I know you faggots are here.
We had a weird drama due to some sheltered redditfag infiltrating our community.
Eventually he started losing his mind any time anyone made fun of him, made a competing server where he could control people and split our users.
But his server died because he couldn't stop sperging, and most of them came back, including the retard himself.
This, there's no escape, the best you can hope for is find a close group of people you can somewhat rely on not to be dramamongers and kick around with them. If you ever see a female in a position of power its doomed from the start.
I don't care for the fetishes. I'm more interested in the past and dirt that people have on em.
this. I've joined a lot that were good for a few months but they always go to shit. on the bright side I usually manage to make a couple friends
No, he got banned for cp. He immediately made a new account with the same name and display picture after he got banned.
>tfw you see a faggot get banned
Best feel
Daily reminder that unless you're part of the IRL social network that runs both the public and private discord, you'll never be more than a serf stroking their egos. Unless you have tits of course, but it goes without saying that women live life on Alinity difficulty.
How did you find about them? Except for the last one, of course.
Because as with anything that isnt Yea Forums you have to suck the cock of the server mods, their friends and older server users.
Trannycord, brought to you by Commiefornia
Yea Forumsedditors posting oh no no no bros......... kill more generals than discord do. You're cancer.
>try to find a server for the degenerate fetish im into
>cant even find 1
i dont know whether or not to take that as a good thing or bad thing
Ours has been around for a few years now and everything's still fine. Then again it's just a porn server so it's hard to make drama out of that.
basically a few weeks ago I started giving a few patreonbucks to fetish artists I follow because I needed uncensored pics, and I automatically received invitations to their related discord servers
Same for the mod, even though I started giving money to insert my OC into the game
Fucking based
Am I the only one who uses discord to chat with mates whilst playing games?
Get IRL friends then ;^)
No I also do that. It works better than Skype and Teamspeak did
disco tranny?
Do you want a hairy chubby gamer friend?
Is there a discord janny?
Reddit: the post
Literally the only right way to discord
Sounds EXACTLY like /gtag/ except that the general came back to life because of the recent dlc
>posting pictures of ACTUAL UNDERAGE GIRLS and barely 18 year old chinks with childlike bodies doesn't make you a pedo
What did this damage controlling autist mean by this?
I also know who you are. Come on Luger, fucking kill yourself already. You've got zero accomplishments in life and your mom is a crackhead.
>actual discussions
>posting pictures of ACTUAL UNDERAGE GIRLS
>barely 18 year old chinks with childlike bodies
Not pedo.
>18 year old
That's not pedo no matter how much you cry about it
>try to find servers about fetish
>end up joining two and one that sprung out from the first one, all chill, decently shitposty, mods are mostly shy perverts themselves and people can hold actual conversations, plus some artists in there hook you up with tips and tricks to draw better
I'm happy
It's what most people use it for, Yea Forums is just full of actual autists
>what is the Dead by Daylight general
>Yea Forums raids aren't allowed
>But Discord raids threads and generals as it please
Can we please have a report option that let's you report these discord raid fags?
>implying mods/hiro will do shit about it
hah, good one user!
It is damn near impossible to find a discord RP server for literate RP with people who want to play mature characters, not 15 year old anime tropes
ITT: bitter angry 4channers that didn't get invites to discord
The switch from irc to discord by the Yea Forums staff marked a huge culture shift. Fucked the site irreversibly.
Unrionically try F-list
Here you go, pedo apologist.
My general died way before Discord was released.
>sniffs your bulgy wulgy
F-list has a fucking hot garbage community and this is coming from someone that uses it a lot.
>implying you need an invite to join a furfag discord or some other clique-y shit by browsing a website for a link
Too many people
I'm using F-list by my own, and to be quite I can find some really interesting people there from time to time. But still, some people are awful as well.
It's a seething discord tranny, why are you giving him a (You)?
>That existential dread when you realize that the internet is pretty much a non-physical preview of reality about 10 years into the future.
>Tfw you realize that the internet sucks because all of the smaller websites that were separating communities along lines of interests and concerns have been falling one by one, essentially creating a borderless society and ultra centralized shitholes like discord are a preview of the utter chaotic bedlam we're about to experience in meatspace.
buuuh, is the little baby angry?! :(
>posting pictures of barely 18 year old chinks with childlike bodies doesn't make you a pedo
"YEAH BRO, AGE IS JUST A NUMBER! IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW OLD THEY ARE, WHAT'S LEGAL OR NOT SHOULD BE UP FOR INDIVIDUALS TO DECIDE!" said literally ever pedo ever. At this point you've become what you hate. Time to kill yourself bruh.
>mods are leaving this pedo post up
>o....only trannies use d....discord!!
>discord server is shitty
>discord server is good
how can Yea Forumstards be this mentally impaired?
>wristwatch threads on /technology/
>some power hungry freak tries to get the general banished to /fashion/
>it happens, thanks mods
>everyone confused, the same power hungry freak then creates a discord server and invites people in
>he moderates it heavily, banning a lot of people for shitposting and invites redditors
>one guy makes his own splinter discord
>he gets that one deleted and the owner banned within a month
>also there was another spinoff splinter that was even worse with people shitposting turning into talking about rolex and cheesy pizza at the same fucking time
>meanwhile the generals are dead, any generals being created on /g/ are insta deleted by jannies, any threads created on /fa/ die within a day because the /fashion/ crowd are a bunch of fucking poorfaggot college kids
t. upset discord tranny
4cels BTFO!!
>implying Yea Forums isn't
Yes stupid nigga it literally isn't, it's about as anonymous as anonymous can get and whatever shit gets stirred up in one thread never carries over into other threads.
Discord is the contemporary return to 2007-2009 internet communities, like those mid-size gaming forums and skype chats.
You have the:
>uncool 14-21 year olds making up 99% of the userbase
>power hungry mods
>furry guy, fetish guy, thirsty guy, stalker guy...
>occasional pedo/ephebophile/groomer(s)
>easily offended people who make massive drama out of literally nothing
in an even more streamlined and simplified interface. Bigger masses, bigger messes.
I can also absolutely see Discord dying in 5+ years or undergoing massive changes, like a change of owner or rebranding.
It's a fragile venture-funded business that has even bigger names behind it since last year, but they probably don't generate enough revenue to sustain themselves.
It would be hilarious and just if they died because of a massive scandal that entirely slashed their funding.
>My general
ok retard
There are some cool folks but since most of the community are furries you have to deal with the dumb ass drama that comes along with. Seriously, some autists on there just don't grasp the concept that it's all pretend
t. bitter angry tranny obsessed autist mad because he was left out
Yeah, the general I was a part of, my general. Get over it faggot.
Found the neogaf 2.0 pedo
I told you about discord bro, you should of believed us. Just use private servers with friends if you have em, fuck public channels.
>whatever shit gets stirred up in one thread never carries over into other threads.
lol. One faggot can derail entire threads.
How do I find servers for my fetishes?
Why does Discord make Yea Forums so angry?
What are the discord servers that you have discussions in?
I don't like how everything non-human has to be grouped under furshit.
I want to fuck mechs, why do I have to deal with furries, even adding -anthro to tags still has them pop up because people can't tag properly.
what server?
Same reason boomers get so man about cellphones and the latest fad.
They know they're being replaced
Because it's mainly used to talk with your friends which the average user on Yea Forums doesn't have, so it triggers them.
>come to this thread for a galaxy brain discussion about discord's effect on Yea Forums
>it's nothing but people obsessing over pedos, flurries, trannies and whatever other buzzwords are in vogue
>hurr durr why are the discords I use always filled with drama and shitflinging
This thread could use a giant mirror, big enough for all the degenerates to see that they've been the ones ruining discord all along.
Yea Forums is more and more failed normalfags with no sense of humor and no sense of what's good.
There are other sites that have users like Yea Forums used to be 5-10 years ago, but you have to pay attention to find them.
>all these people saying Discord is tranny because it has trannies
gee, better leave Yea Forums since there's a couple tranny threads on /gif/ right now
>thread with a decent amount of people
>discord server is made
>they start inviting randoms
>has about 150+ people in it
>thread starts speeding up because a bunch of the discord newfags start posting in thread
>thread blows up with discord drama, a lot of people leave
>been a couple of years now and the thread gets slower and slower every week
Drop a comfy server invite
furries are the jews of internet communities. they are expelled from every place they go to, and if there is a hint of a safe space for them, they'll flock over and try to overtake the community there and spread their shit everywhere
yeah /agdg/ used to be good
>Being this much of normalfag
2D lolis just keep the real pedos from fucking real kids if anything.
Furries are very similar to incels with yellow fever.
Or an entire board welcome for them
I have a discord exactly like that and a woman is one of the dramamongers. Shes actually the most effective one at it.
0 issues going 4 years now
Based Puro poster
Generalthreadfags getting out-cancered by discordfags is a fitting and cruel enough punishment for shitting up the site for several years.
>kills your general
>still fuckton of gacha generals on /vg/
Discord is shit, why can't it kill them?
Get irl friends?
If you need tits to get them then not only are you shit but the people you want to befriend are shit
Generals are cancer.
t. newfag trying to fit in Yea Forums
fuck off and die, I can already see that you're a spic or a chink
>thread with a decent amount of people
>game gets more and more popular
>other undesirable communities like Yea Forums start infesting it
>thread starts speeding up because a bunch of Yea Forums newfags start posting in thread
>they only post Yea Forumstard garbage and bait
>regulars that contribute to the general leave
>now it's just Yea Forums2.0 at certain points of the day
I miss the comfy general I used post in, and I was a newfag compared to other people there.
Wasn't Yea Forums related. Sucks that other groups had to deal with the same bullshit
I only use discord for talking to people I actually know. How is it anything like Yea Forums?
Heteros go to their breeding corners, non-heteros simmer about everywhere else, usually online now.
fuck niggers and fuck jannies
What else do people even use it for? Am I supposed to join a random group and start talking?
Yes, and tried to be sneaky with it too which is tragicomic
They had to be pressured into updating the rule on drawn pedo porn to be extended to
>non-humanoid animals and mythological creatures as long as they appear to be underage
Hasn't it got a little bit better? Come on, you mean they haven't already banned the crazy alcoholic pedo transvestite, gogem and that other shitposter
I haven't been there in 2 years.
Actually what killed the general I was in,was the game developer himself for not releasing updates frequently
seethe harder generalfag, rot with your dead pseudo-chatrooms.
Stop user, I don't need to be reminded
user please. It's obviously just the evangelicals, which exist in every community. Whether it's flurries, jews or liberals, the only ones we notice are the rabid ones who shove their ideology in everyone's faces. That's not to say places like Pol don't have their true believers, but it's not any fandom's fault that toxic faggots flock around certain things more than others.
At the end of the day the issue isn't a subject matter. It'll always be the mongoloids who seethe every time someone has a unique and original idea that exists contrary to their interests or worldview. That's how you even wind up with anti-degenerates sometimes getting more obsessively cancerous than what they claim is the REAL problem.
You know what's disturbing about it?
You're right. Me and my college friends had that happen to our discord.
We once roasted a friend of ours, until one of our other friends (who it was hasn't been clearly revealed) took it to far and told him to die and jump off a pier. Luckily he didn't but he was suicidal.
It all went downhill from there. There was a rich girl in our school who'd dad ran a few chain restaurants apparentky and shed constantly give us money, 10 bucks, 20 bucks, even 100s. She used to claim guys were sexually harassing her and that she was too afraid to confront them.
We thought she was right and banned one of the guys she claimed was responsible.
...then a few months later she falsely accused her boyfriend of attempted rape (when he was joining the military nonetheless) and we saw through her lies and manipulation finally. Someone banned her but she used one of our friends as a spy. When spy was discovered in the discord, our shorter body went to the comic club hunting him down wanting to fuck him up for the betrayal. He also report his game grumps YouTube channel.
She finally admitted her lies when I lured the truth out of her, turns out she did this since she messed around with her boyfriends friend out of school.
She wasn't finished. She was angry at us and got her then (literally special needs I'm serious) new boyfriend to report us for supposedly calling him a "fat retard" which never happened. However because my girlfriend didn't attend the school anymore at the time and despite the false claims the school banned her until she attends which made her cry and my friend punch a wall.
I screenshotted evidence against rich girl on discord and messenger and put it on a friends flash drive but the school took it and didn't respond.
Discord is insane. Not to mention the rich girls edgy white knight who called us "bullies" (he loved touhou) or the "pro" hispanic smash player who made fun of my friend's then recently deceased cat
the biggest problem with furfags is that most of them aren't even into the furfaggotry, it's all a persona and mask for them, its why so many claim it isnt a fucking fetish even though theyre all into even weirder shit like vore and scat
so they feel the need to plaster their OCs everywhere, if its their neon coloured fox with a rainbow dick they can't feel guilty about liking vore, it's not them, its their fursona doing it
>general gets banished to /vg/
>within the span of a year turns from a lively community to a dying furry circlejerk plagued with waifufags
no community deserves being sent to /vg/ hell
Because using your brain is hard and they need excuses and scapegoats to shift the blame for their lonely, sad lives.
I have 0 issues with this shit because I dont have to go looking for friends in shit discords who are based around shit fetishes
forgot to put this
even if you have a server with friends, KEEP THST SHIT ON TIGHT SECURITY
my friend has been trying to get a secret strict copy of our server going
looks like the containment worked. vg is like pol in that it's not a board you actually go on
>say nigger in Yea Forums
nobody gives a shit
>say nigger on a private chat in discord
>gets leaked on social media and your life is now ruined
Found a great server from a Pixiv artist and is the most comfy place I've ever seen.
Where the fuck did all you normalfags come from? whatever did you faggots do to cope when unteralterbach came out and people were posting laura b here daily? And now you're even bitching about loli. I've noticed its always discord niggers who cry about loli posts, why the fuck do you faggots even come here?
And yet here you are.
This, took me and my boomer friends awhile to get to using it but it's just a fucking great platform to shitpost with your friends, talk and even hear music together.
>tfw /mii/
i'll never forget the autism that spawned from that general and their discord
>Why does Discord make Yea Forums so angry?
I personally think Discord is an inferior social media tool to Yea Forums and overall overrated as fuck but I think it's because I don't have a desire to be part of a tightly nit group, I think Discord serves those that are emotionally unstable who can't function without that support recognition.
I remember when I was in high school, all of that's typical bullshit for people your age, it'd happen the same in AIM chatrooms
Try twitter, there's a lot of shit tier people on there but they're really easy to spot so you can just block and move on
these faggots also mass report shit they don't like whenever they link posts/threads in their gay chatroom too
I remember a general being sent to /vg/ hell and then months later gets sent to /trash/ double hell
Amazing really,they deserve it
Yea Forums has always been a furry website.
Obviously but that is not the same as drama, its just shitposting retards being shitposting retards. Most shitposters on this damned board don't even care about the topic at hand half the time, they just like stirring shit up for no reason.
Notice how he wasn't banned
>Use discord to talk with friends
>Disconnect when were done playing and do our own thing
>mfw this 'community' faggotry
Why would you ever do this. Forums already exist we dont need power tripping autist """""""owning"""""" a server to talk to each other. Play the fucking game and talk in game and make friends organically not this turbo autistic clique-y/memeing/to much information bullshit.
This sounds like a fucking movie.
Fuck Europeans
usa btw
Did you read the terms of service?
I'm just amazed how the internet was a crystal ball this whole time.
>saves you from corporate mammonist spying
I don't know either... maybe we should all move to Discord... I think you should go first don't look back...
That was /mii/ and honestly I have no clue how they let it get that bad that jannies had to step in and move the generals to /trash/ in it's final moments not even /ink/ was that bad.
yeah just look at those SCP discordfags for example
>closed group
holy shit I didn't think it was possible for them to get any worse
There was also /fnafg/ who got sent to the purgatory twice
anyone using discord should unironically hang themselves, is nothing but thought policing groups, the moment you get off your line, you gonna get tarred and feathered i don't get why people even use it in the first place, is no different from kiwifarms, just a bunch of psychopaths who can't into human empathy thinking they are on a high horse who can't do wrong
It's the only thing they've got going for them. Their entire personality is formed around their sexuality.
>this upset because he can't spam nigger
You're the problem.
How does that even work, I've never seen anyone use it.
MY generals are still there, maybe your game was that shitty to begin with.
>identity based communication
You get that slutty piece of filth away from me.
Beat me to it. It doesn't help when shitposters create fake drama either.
Lmao shut the fuck up nigger.
you must be fun at parties
make a fake identity, not like a nazi isnt used to that
I use riot
The issue is with games that are lacking in content. Eventually you run out of game to talk about so it inevitably turns towards interpersonal drama.
its even easier than discord and isnt bloated by info sales greed
wtf is this layout? that doesn't look like discord
>joins discord server full of fags just like himself
>complains about discord instead of the fags
Damn it tokop
I barely post on discord anymore and only use it to check pokemon revolution when maintenance is up.
this shit killed /hbg/ so hard, as if it wasn't dead enough with basically being a tutorial support page but now it's just sad.
No one doing projects, no one making homebrew, no news, nothing of value.
I love generalising retard propaganda posts like this, all I do on discord is hang out with friends and keep in touch with some obscurer groups like some artists or speed run communities.
But I guess I should hang myself for all this policing I endure especially when bantering with my friends.
Because nintendo switch has fuck all worth to play.
>4channel is supposed to be anonymous
>start discord server
>drama happens because you're not anymous anymore
wtf who could have seen this coming
Fire Emblem just came out
>CTR threads are kill
>But this thread is fine
Very cool, mods
not fooling anyone, tranny
is amost as if people are trying too hard to persuade you using their social media because that's how they can keep an eye on you
this is why you join servers that don't have any relation to Yea Forums whatsoever
Fuck generals, you want to know the real reason why discord is objectively cancer? So many community projects have completely abandoned the notion of having even a minimal website with docs and shit. Want help or examples or anything for, say, some plugin? Yeah sure bro join our discord. Discord isn't indexable by search engines, discord is extremely volatile and that server probably won't be there 2 years down the line because someone posted loli in shitposting channel, and even if it is, the best you can do is scroll through pinned messages, or join the help channel that is stuck in a perpetual loop of people joining and asking the same questions. Like give it a few more years of this shit and it will be genuinely harder to google for your issues, because those issues are not indexed and lost somewhere in the depths of yet another discord server.
Ah, I want to fuck a kemoshota~
I was mostly talking about the /vg/ discord servers and how could anyone think they're a good idea.
Everyone hates discord drama, even the people embroiled in it.
Then again, this entire thread is literal discord drama. Go figure.
So this thread is about cesspools becoming even bigger cancer and dying after half of the people moved over to discord?
WTF I love discord now.
>discord is made up of Yea Forums users
>full of reaction images as emotes
>people like chatting like they're on Yea Forums
>moderators can never resist the urge to become full jannie and use their power when convenient
>eventually becomes a retarded circlejerk of trannies because that's the only type of discourse that can survive in that environment long-term
Mostly because Yea Forums is fucking huge and mods prioritize getting rid of shit threads, porn and CP than just words. He'd absolutely be warned or banned if enough people reported his post, racist slurs are against the rules.
Like I said fuck all worth to play and the newest fire emblem looks like utter shit especially after the Fates abortion
My friends use email and IRC.
Much better
I've played it quite a lot, the graphics are absolute garbage making it look less polished than the 3DS games and I don't like the persona shit in the school but it's still decent.
Pretty much. Discords only come around when people get super familiar and develop personas in a general.
>why yes i use discord, how could you tell?
>mods prioritize getting rid of shit threads, porn and CP than just words
good one, because all i've seen in this board is the opposite, lots of shit thread porn threads and the rare CP but oh no, mods only care to ban anyone who talks shit about them
Can I get a sauce mate.
Discord is only good for groups of
I miss free diy forums from way back in the day. Indexed and slower than instant messaging, allowing a cooling off period that mitigated some of the cancer and drama. Not completely, but better than discord. Slightly. Also nostalgia.
People that use discord, are there any good creative writing servers?
JRPG general wasn't killed by Discord, it was killed by people being enormously, dangerously autistic
Ask wherever you found that picture from, I'm sure they'll gladly help you.
Usually only if it's in a thread, rather than a post, but obviously they'll ban posts too.
Super Mario Bros 3 is my favorite game.
this, 15 people max
more than that and it gets shit
I was in a discord for writing erotic stories, I thought it was pretty cool and I got some good feedback
Then one day the discord server just disappeared, and I hadn't friended anyone so that's gone forever
>Not posting the gif
>do voice fapping with anons because I want someone to value me outside of family/monetary worth and never cum from it
Sounds more like 95% of you are socially crippled faggots who think joining public discords is a good idea, because it's made out of also socially crippled faggots.
Wow wee, it's almost like modern Yea Forums is garbage and you're the reason why.
Discord was a mistake. People too stupid to set up a teamspeak should never of been allowed to congregate in voice channels they treat like Twitter.
How am I supposed to get these "mates"?
You have to go back.
But madoka, i can let you talk to all your friends and even make new friends, and play games with em. Just accept my Terms of service and turn into a discord user!
>reeee why am I being left out!??
It's actually better than teamspeak though
Yea Forums knows it's dying.
Irrelevant. Fuck Europeans.
Most generals, in my experience, are ruined by falseflagging more than anything. Or fans who start to get really weird
>Play XIV
>Discord for server
>Discord for static
>Discord for hunts group
>Discord for linkshell
>Discord for FC
>Discord for party finder
>Discord for PvP
>Discord for gathering
>Discord for crafting
>Discord for fishing
>Discord for race related stuff
>Discord for class related stuff
>Discord for housing
>Discord for Market Board
>Discord for Bard performance
Discord, Skype and IRC are all bad for imageboards. Have always been.
t.power tripping faggot in a throw away server no one cares about and thinks he's popular
Who's Neorussia anyway?
Because discord is a chat client and Yea Forums is an imageboard
>katawa shujo
>Join discord
>It ends up being a therapy session 24/7 for that "one guy" (usually an underaged kid)
Why the fuck does this keep happening...WHY????
/feg/ sadly is still around.
Such cute little dicksleeves~
Big part of why I stay here.
Reading comprehension/CD from elsewhere that makes it insufferable.
More like we just want you to fuck off and stay in your cancerous discord, Nobody cares about your teen drama, faggot.
It's dying because you normalfag discord zoomers come here and shit the place up with your faggotry, not because people are leaving for discord.
this. if you in a server with more than a couple dozen people it becomes a mod cocksucking contest, i know because i run a discord with 2500 people in it and it's kind of gross how people act
Still not KH2
im not tokop
No, instead here
>Try to talk about something
>All replies are pepe, wojack, smug anime reaction images
>"cope", "kys", "dilate", off topic shit
Unironically worse than discord
Okay, seriously. Why do retards like you constantly use this "~" symbol? Do you think you look cute in text or some shit?
>says while he posts a reddit image
Upvoted bro
You're telling me. Ironically sunibee (yes that sunibee the fur artist) who goes to our school helped us fin out what the special needs guy planned to do to us, get wants to ban all of us (even though he graduated)
Also a more mediocre furry artist in our server openly said he sucked his own dick and butted. When we confronted him about it in person he wasn't lying and seemed ashamed. He also has gingivitis.
These are the weirdos I attended school and discord with.
Also the edgy smash player in question is G-anne, I don't give a fuck about protecting his privacy he's cancer
>500+ people
ok tranny
Aww, is widdle user upset~?
Aww, is widdle user upset?~
Holy shit, I have just worked out who you are
>implying it's not discord fags who post them.
but you dont get it it's ironic so it makes it obviously 100 times more funnier and witty
I think it's Steam chat
Because people don't just ignore things like that, even if they should.
Also those kind of needy people always go to discords because nobody listens to them IRL
You don't.
This can't happen anywhere with anonymity. Noone cares about drama or holding grudges over things said in videogame chat rooms because the people petty enough to do so have nothing to latch onto other than feeding (you)'s to the point they shit up a thread and leave it frustrated. Drama and cancerous assholes who like to LARP good friendly people go hand in hand.
What said
What said
Because I fucking hate all of you and my brief interactions with anons over the years have generally been negative. Why the fuck would I want to CONSTANTLY talk to you assholes?
keep the tears flowing
what happened to people giving a shit about security
people are so eager to give away personal details nowadays
Had one of these in our server but I banned that boring piece of shit
join a discord server you like
I risk it to get closer to people and make friends.
How do I find one of those? And how do I make sure I don't just fade into the background?
we're social creatures and many of us are deprived of meaningful human contact so when a computer asks us about ourselves we're very forthcoming. We live in a society, and all that.
oh that's not a Yea Forums thing that's a you post like a fucking retard thing. just don't be retarded.
Not as much freedom to post on Teamspeak and it took a little more to find it than it does a Discord server. It was reserved for true autists before Twitter grandstanding ever became a concept. The bulk of Teamspeak servers had a direction and were used for games as well as a social supplement instead of jerkoff fetish channels, whiteknighting, oversensitivity being empowered and normalfags with a different cultural attitude towards banter coming online. Discord is a mistake.
Anonymity, my friend.
You don't
I made tons of friends in Twitch, it's really easy, what is hard is actually finding people among those that talk to you that you resonate with and want to share more personal things with (close friends). I only made a few of those over the years, but the more people you talk with, the more chance you'll meet someone you like and that likes you.
They emote like you did when you were 11 and are attracted to the same age group. One of you grew up mentally without stunting.
asmon is not your friend just because he read out your name when you donated 200g
we don't talk about that one
damn, you might be right. Thank god I got over that shit quickly.
I'd rather focus on the friends I have in real life rather than hope I can find a "real" friend online among the billion I've talked to. Strengthen what you have, not what you might.
I don't hang in big streams, I hang in much smaller streams and talk to the people in the chat. There's a night and day difference between a popular chat which is just people shitposting rancid memes nonstop and some smaller community of a smaller game where it's comfy and people are just talking about whatever. I know you're just trying to burn me but this is the best answer I could find for that other user's request since it has worked for me. Of course it doesn't start and end in Twitch, but it's a nice meeting point for people and then you find other ways to contact them.
Full of faggots and bitches. I spent months in one discord discussing films, playing games, and some of us ran short story competitions. The admin is some crazy 5'3 asian tranny that went crazy. He banned a dozens people.
>Made a server with friends
>Make sure that people wont try to start shit before inviting them
>Someone eventually slips up and it happens anyway
>Reboot server with only people who didn't get involved in the drama
>Went from no rule server to the only rule being "Don't be a faggot"
>Server is constantly spammed with scat to scare anyone who might try to start drama
It's worked so far most people are disgusted and leave instantly, If people stay for a few months and don't act like a dickhead or try to start anything we rank them up so they can chat without having to look at the porn spam. I have no doubt that someone will slip through and we'll have to start all over again though.
We try to be careful when we invite people, but some attention whoring fuck always turns up and ruins it eventually.
find a small server
But hoooooowww
The ONE non techsupport Discord I joined was discussing movies and music. The great "should an artists' quality of person be seperate from their quality of work?" debate came along and initially nobody thought anything of it until a mod grandstanded their opinion "they are inseperable and there's something seriously wrong with people who don't because I say so and believe you're a monster for enjoying music made by a bad human". It opened the floodgates to drama and posts that previously encouraged more discussion suddenly shut down conversation and made people take sides like highschool drama. The server will likely be gone in a year while mu will still be up and still be circlejerking the same couple shit bands to meme people into liking them among actual discussion.
I find one through Pixiv, one of the artist I follow made one and It's super comfy
Discord is simply more convinient than Teamspeak and has more build in features.
I also don't know why you give a fuck, I use it with my friends the way we used Teamspeak before, I don't give a flying fuck what some degenerates do on their degenerate channels and why should I? .
Well that's good for you but I don't speak japanese
>what happened to people giving a shit about security
>people are so eager to give away personal details nowadays
Convenience and making that ecosystem the place to be.
slamming uwu or owo makes anything cute
Pixiv is not only for the Japanese
God I fucking hate discord, my old work buddy only uses this shit. I want to talk to him while playing games not all his autistic discord buddies who don’t shut the fuck up. They act overly excited about any little thing that happens in game.
i used to shitpost in a discord, but what got me banned was calling its admin a pedo.
No, just mostly. Have yet to see a single English speaking artist on there
owo has too much of a furry stigma, I think uwu is going to have a similar stigma too but I can't help but lust after people that use it.
hit too close to home lmao
Is that scarjo? what is this from?
Likely. I caught one of them posting resetera posts, so I called them a pedo else well.
Drama finds Discords short of playing only with your irl friends and at that point you're not looking for a community built around something with higher quality VOIP than what is otherwise available. Teamspeak produced memegold like Vent did. Discord regurgitates the same shit and an essential part of a servers' deathcycle seems to be either when a private one goes public, or someone way too emotionally invested in griefing your discord because they don't like something you said either has a botnet, autism and too much time, or is underage and brings underage tier drama. Teamspeak took effort to find, a bit more to join, and at the time those using it had a different mentality than the common Discord user that finds themselves able to post once a minute and is confined to certain channels within someone else's server because whoever owns it is familiar enough with the servers themselves to know you confine cancer on the server and then filter in good people, or you are doomed to be overrun by cancer.
Fuck Discord, fuck trannies, fuck bantless normalfags