Goldeneye and perfect dark are playable with mouse and keyboard, why arent you replaying them yet?

goldeneye and perfect dark are playable with mouse and keyboard, why arent you replaying them yet?

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It's neat but it fucks with the physics and makes the game too easy.

lengthened mouth

the original is perfectly playable if you aren’t a dumb zoomer with sub 80 IQ


Rather have that than awful controls and the framerate of a slide show.

I’d rather play the game as it was originally designed (pro-tip, the devs knew controllers aren’t very accurate for shooting and built the game around this) rather than mess with its mechanics due to austistically refusing to adapt to an old game

Control method 1.2/2.1 basically give you modern FPS controls and the game plays perfectly. Framerate is very bearable outside of the Jungle level. Perfect Dark on the other hand, is super rough framerate-wise.

why not just play the source port?

Did they ever finish the PD port?

Bros my brother has a 360 collecting dust, could I still buy the remastered perfect dark on it? Do I have to be subscribed to xbox live to do so?

So what? Doom is easy, Half-Life is easy, that doesn't mean they aren't enjoyable. Why one should torture himself with poor controls and framerate because "it's the original!!!"? Relying on that to make a game challenging is the epitome of artificial difficulty

Autism is being "obsessed" with the "original" even if it isn't playable anymore and there's a much better way to play

>Why one should torture himself with poor controls and framerate because "it's the original!!!"?
Yes, everybody should mod Deus Ex to give JC Denton all of his abilities from the very beginning of the game because, why should somebody torture themselves with poor initial aiming controls because "it's the original"? Relying on that to make a game challenging is the epitome of artificial difficulty.

fucking idiot

To be honest it felt harder to me, I don't know if it's because I didn't ramp the sensitivity up high enough but it felt like your mouse was drenched in molasses.

No. The way guards act and animate is based on the limits of the controller. With the mouse aim mod you don’t even get to see the guards move because headshots are laughably easy. It’s not very fun or engaging. It’s been said in several interviews with the dev — they programmed this “dance” in the AI that revolves around you trying to aim at them with the controller, which is completely lost in the PC hack.

Seethe more, nintenkiddie

>you're not playing Mario unless you're doing it on an original NES, because "muh developer's intention"

In Deus Ex, you're are able to improve your abilities by earning skill points, in GE/PD, you improve by finding better controls to play. Different solutions for different games.

Of course, if you had a brain and actually knew anything about Deus Ex, you'd know that you're supposed to raise your pistol skill to advanced at start, so you can have good aim right off the bat.

No you dumb shit. Your aiming skills aren't for twitch snapping people in the head during the game's beginning because Liberty Island is supposed to be a stealth level. Even raising your pistols skills doesn't fully stop it being one.

Goldeneye is meant to be a stealth game, at least on 00 Agent, the game's actual difficulty mode (Agent and Secret Agent are just training for 00 Agent).

mouse and keyboard play worse for the intended control scheme, I don't use reddit and emulators are the inferior experience.

Absolutely based

>want to get crt with n64
>afraid they set on fire while i sleep

>deliberately plays with shit controls
>calling anyone "dumb shit"

Look on the mirror to see a dumb shit

Turn it off at the wall before bed?

That's fucking retarded

>Goldeneye aged badly and is unplayable

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>opponents can combo me in fighting games

>You're not playing the fighting game unless you're doing it on the original arcade machine (no revisions allowed). Sure, the buttons are completely dogshit unresponsive, but at least it's the REAL game

But it hapened to someone in /vr/

It's not the game that aged badly, it's the means of playing it. Luckily, there's a way of playing it today with acceptable settings, look at the OP's link to know how.

It never happened

so, before watching this, IT MAKES THE GAME NOT EASIER? RIGHT?

because unless the AI and shit is adapted for fucking 2019, idiot, the game is going to be STUPIDLY easy.

and it wasn't that hard on anything BELOW 00 Agent difficulty

00 Agent wasn't even the hardest difficulty

007 wasn't a real difficulty, it was practically a mod option

>moving the goalposts

Autism is using "quotation" marks where they aren't "needed" and making facetious statements because your point holds no merit

hi /vr/ here
there's an edited version of the mouse injector floating around with a trojan inside
careful what you download

>enemy guards will spawn clones to hunt down the player when they are located in an unloaded area offscreen

I never knew this. Quite interesting.

>download file
>get free condom
Careful about what?

but it was,. you got to choose difficulty, bullet damage, etc etc before starting.

lol this was never proven to be true. but yeah the most popular version out there is the "virus-free" one

Cry more, sperg

I only play it with a keyboard

Thank you for agreeing that it's a difficulty

Didn't really age badly but there's so many better shooters now

>there's so many better shooters now
There aren't any shooters which do the kind of thing Goldeneye does better than it. At least the single player. Multiplayer was better in Perfect Dark and Timespliters.

>Loved these games as a kid
>Requires "Mouse Injector"
>Seems sketchy but download anyways

The link in the thread of OP's post is riddled with viruses, fuck that shit.

Attached: Scrn7252019.jpg (587x313, 76K)

because this has been available for years now and i do replay them pretty regularly

nice try retard.

Attached: ars.png (1666x1284, 1.05M)

Not him, but it's more of a mode. You could argue that every possible combination you make in it is its own difficulty, but just saying "007 is a difficulty" is really inaccurate. It's kinda like taking games with arcade/arena modes that also incorporate various difficulty settings and calling the arcade mode its own difficulty.

This, Goldeneye is better than most modern FPSs. Despite what zoomers will have you believe.


is this true? i remember back a long time ago i downloaded project64 and it had malware