Why did Point and Click genre died?
Why did Point and Click genre died?
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his eyebrow game is on point
Walking simulators are the obvious evolution of the genre.
And there's plenty of them.
Shit writing on most of them tough.
I recently played Samorost 3.
Shit atmosphere too, unlike the kino in OP.
at least Broken Sword made a comeback, I really enjoyed 5 and apparently 6 is in development.
what the fuck is going on with that collar
Broken Sword is kinda meh since 3 tho
3 and 4 are bad but 5 is really good, all the scenery is hand drawn again and stuff like that.
This is peak point and click.
It didn't, it turned into the walking simulator genre.
Because boring. I rather point and dick than point and click
what would the porn parody title be?
blade hummer?
Obsolete "game" genre, this is the shit old women "play" on facebook. It won't be missed press F to piss on myst.
Fuck yes.
regarding picture but rutger hauer died apparently. sucks.
Unironically this. Pushed so many new boundaries by incorporating RPG systems that changed the way the story itself unfolded.
Also fuck everyone who thinks Lucasarts games were better than Sierra because permadeath and retarded puzzle mechanics, that was the charm.
It hasn't though. Shit like the Zero Escape games exist still.
>annoyance is charm
is that why you fags continue to like chicks?
yeah that's what he was always known for
Portrait, of the sleep deprived.
more like pointless and shit
Blade Cunner. It's a loli porn.
What remains of Edith Finch is a great one
>this whole thread
dude. it's more of a game than anything after 1999.
i just noticed that thats a real person and they just cgi'd the head on there
>bad game design is a charm
LA Noire was a great way to integrate third person gameplay into point and click conventions. The interrogations were a bit contrived when two pieces of evidence could mean the same thing thing but the "walk around and examine things by rotating them" worked really well.
Except the gathering evidence part of the game sucked ass and completely brain dead.
Because 3D First/third person puzzle games are superior.
Fuck the haters I love free movement myst titles and their spiritual successors.
Gay Gunner, but it won't be a porno
Gone Home is a point and click game.
fuck, I seem to remember a news story that someone is trying to make the Blade Runner game work or re-release or something like that. or have I dreamed it?
It didn’t, check out Machinarium
Did you like it? I loved it. Never heard it talked about here.
Machinarium is 10 years old, nigga
Very cool. Very creepy.
>point and click genre is dead meme
I never knew why 3 was so much hated online back in the day. What caused that?
Also, four is my favorite for that god-tier Slavic atmosphere.
Has anyone played Salammbo: Battle for Carthage?
wait, did Vangelis end up doing the soundtrack for the game too?
Computers became more affordable and mainstream, meaning fewer players smart enough to enjoy the puzzles of point-and-click adventure games
TeChNoLoGy aDvAnCeD AnD It bEcAmE EaSiEr tO Do mOrE WiTh lEsS. aCtIoN-OrIeNtEd gAmEs bEcAmE MoRe aPpEaLiNg tO A WiDeR AuDiEnCe aNd aRe sImPlEr tO MaKe, So oBvIoUsLy bOtH BiG AnD SmAlL TiMe sTuDiOs wOuLd sTaRt gRaViTaTiNg tOwArDs tHoSe aNd aWaY FrOm pOiNt-aNd-cLiCk.
because they're boring
Best videogame trilogy
Primordia and Gemini Rue were dope, though. Tormentum was cool but felt really cheap.
go back to facebook
Probably because it was a departure from the action bar.
>third game lets you play as Malcolm
Fran Bow was pretty good.
Fuck this hit me with the nostalgia feels. That awestruck feeling 1st time seeing brando free that crystal girl
It didn't but they're usually budget games with micro teams, obviously. When it's not budget, they go the route of Longest Journey.
A recent one that is pretty decent is Hypnospace Outlaw.
Anything with a similar vibe? Loved the slightly more subdued horror vibe, but haven't been able to find anything like it since
Edge Gunner
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The dev is making another game with a similar vibe called Little Misfortune. There's a demo out on Steam. They've also confirmed a Fran Bow sequel is in preproduction.
So anyone else play Torin's Passage?
General refusal to innovate or try new things, both in gameplay and storytelling
Stuff like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton are beloved here and elsewhere and are still ongoing. It didn't die yet.
No, Frank Klepaki did
I thought that rebar in lower right is a sten