>he does it for free
He does it for free
Other urls found in this thread:
I swear I thought it was an ass
same here
>making threads without any topic or discussion going on
>they get deleted
>without any topic or discussion going on
Same... I am disappointed
These are the people you may run a dungeon with someday.
"Her" logs
>less than 2k dps in E2 on a fucking BLM
>thread up about ass in video but ff14 thread gets banned
Kind of hard to discuss this VIDEO GAME on the VIDEO GAME imageboard when hot pockets keeps FOR FREEing them on sight while ignoring at least 20 other shit threads to tunnel vision on these ones.
I swear he's either got some personal vendetta against XIV (some generalfag that got spurned and jockeyed for a janny position just to harass these threads maybe?) or he is actually being paid to disrupt XIV discussion on Yea Forums and /vg/ (in which, he doesn't do it FOR FREE)
Either his fat ass needs to fuck off and leave these threads alone. When you aren't harassing these threads and making a scene they are more on topic than whatever shit post thread you are parked in and baby sitting and definitely better than 20 Smash threads you and the rest of the mod team give special treatment.
cumbrain gang
You know generals aren't allowed you faggot
hello newfag
much better, thanks user
the cope response
Fucking trash healers man. Healing in ShB has been so fun, the fucking 3 pack pulls in Akademia Anyder forcing tanks and healers to rotate and use all their cooldowns are fantastic. Also makes ex roulette fast as fuck.
I can't tell if I'm more disappointed in the actual content of the image or myself
I’m quite the paid lad
Fucking hell, you didn't even kick him?
so has the bunsplosion dented the cat population down to ordinary numbers? the lizards were the first chip off of it but I really don't see cats everywhere like I used to.
kinda makes me feel like being one for a bit.
you can't kick until 5 minutes in a dungeon
>spending 5 minutes with this retard
Hasn't even been a month since the expansion released, we're still in the bandwagon period. Expect to see a mass exodus off Viera/Hrothgar over the next several months as people get sick of limited hairstyles and not being able to wear headgear.
If anything the population that was dented was Au Ra. I still see tons of cats but hardly any lizards.
Just be a big titty middie
It's simpler than that. Autistic jannies think talking about a popular game regularly constitutes a general thread and general threads are supposed to go on /vg/. Autismals are also unable to notice their inconsistencies when it comes to their special interests, hence smash threads. It's bullshit, but understandable when you consider autism and incompetence. No mastermind needed.
You should play whoever you want to play, not whoever is less played because you want to be some sort of a special snowflake.
What is this guys deal?
>post SHB healing has been hamstrung
Every part of this is stupid but in case there's any confusion, as someone who levels everything and has played since ARR beta, it's stronger than ever.
good boy he dindu nuffin
>having big titties
midlanders are hands down the worst race in xiv
/vg/ was a mistake
at least before you would see many of the same threads but was that really a problem? the real problem is fags spamming threads and they will do so regardless
Yeah, I thought it was Tharja.
To be fair no one has big titties in this game. Max bust max height Roe/Viera are the very bottom end of what I'd consider the 'big' range and that's because they're 7 feet tall.
Yeah it was a problem.
Playing devil's advocate, but she died 5 times and one of those took a while to be ressed
Having /vg/ is good. The problem point is trannyjannies.
at least we have it better than the poor assfags
Midlanders look great as every job.
Anybody wanna dilate together?
There are way too many retards that keep creating new threads instead of sticking to the already existing ones and having multiple threads for the same game/topic serves no real purpose other than pretty much killing other more niche threads. And after that we get to smash/nigger jumping off a bridge levels of spam killing off other threads rapidly.
/vg/ is good containment to a certain degree, but threads popping up more frequently post release (like EDF threads for example) for a while don't warrant a general. I doubt EDF or FF14 threads will occur as frequently as they are right now in a couple of months
You should report for harassment. This inarguably breaks several points of the updated ToS, dictating play style to others, attempting to exclude others from play, allowing no room for discussion, etc. A 3-day ban would make this retard reconsider.
Not even a midlander but they're so harmlessly average it's hard to talk shit about them.
FF14 threads have been constant for at least a year. (I know because I post in them, I'm not against it.) It's doing very well and continuing to gain players, it's not just about the expac.
I'd hesitate to revive her if I was the cohealer. Starts flinging shit, get shit and throw in a passive-agressive comment for good measure just to see her seethe. How ironic that she talked about god complexes when she berates others to play her way. What a fucking cunt.
I think it's completely ass on AST while levelling until you get a few more key skills. Playing AST makes me want to kill myself, I really like Sleeve Draw until I actually have to heal in dungeons
is stating that they died 5 times supposed to make them sound less shit?
obviously the containment failed
i could show the same with overwatch threads pulling 14 threads at times, the point is nignogs lack self-control and the catalogue not being default is bad
in a way Yea Forums lost focus since the reoccurring threads served as anchor-posts
You've never had a healer let you die to unavoidable AoE? Or ress you and leave you there with 10% HP until the next AoE comes
AST is indeed the weakest, but still adequate. The larger part of the issue is people again forgetting the difference between piecemeal leveling gear vs. maximum item level sync. These exact complaints popped up at the start of HW and SB.
Your words not going to catch on faggot, get over it.
are there no lewd mods for the main cast? i remember there was one more lyse but anything for any others?
>by reading this message you agree that any attempt to kick me is an act of harassment
Uhh, sweaty, she's in the right here. Didn't you read her EULA?
>You've never had a healer let you die to unavoidable AoE?
I can think of very few times where raid AoE alone will kill a DPS outside of Ultimates.
God i wish Y'sthola would swallow me whole
The very act of saying that is against the new ToS. I think it's retarded myself but use it against them.
why did everyone drop WAR
>go to /vg/ they say
>People there discuss the game they say
Lower damage despite not having 1 billion "utility" CDs like gnb and pld
If the healer is shit enough it will.
Although I don't think there's any targeted stuff on titan so no excuse there.
You should know as soon as a class is bad, regardless of how long people have played it. They will drop it. Even in casual content.
And that's a good thing
Main reason is that it didn't get flashy new attack animations like the other tanks. It still feels good to play imo. 36k Inner Chaos hits are pretty fun.
I didn't
I wanted unga bunga and unga bunga is what I got
>tfw popping super potions just to see more green numbers
>WAR without WAR damage
What's the point?
Almost all the deaths are failed mechs though.
Most recent is Ion Efflux
Seiryu Ex buddhas probably count
DRK is basically WAR now but with cooler skills and greatswords instead of axes.
Yeah, I didn't say none. But in my experience people freak out if you don't heal their raidwide damage, even if they'll auto-heal to full before the next one.
What this bitch doesn't understand is that you need to be good and able to back up your assholeness. She's just bad and also an asshole.
I don't get it. The boss only does raidwide aoes at specific points so as long as they can survive it each time why should it matter. The playerbase has zero trust in Healers. Which is understandable looking at XIV's healing playerbase but still.
That would be true if they didn't keep removing all the best looking DRK animations. Bloodspiller looks fucking dumb.
New DRK is like SB WAR but more engaging and with more buttons to press. It feels the same to me but more fun, as an ex-WAR. It also no longer has anything that it does exceptionally well. It doesn't do as much damage as GNB, doesn't have as much utility as PLD, and doesn't survive as well as DRK. It has nothing that it excels at and doesn't have any real draw to it anymore. It's still fine and does everything fine, but there's nothing about it that jumps out at me anymore or makes me want to play it over any other tank. Also Mythril Tempest feels really unsatisfying and underwhelming to use and I wish I could just spam Overpower still instead.
Just pretend there's a bunch of "'s
well done op
I know you are memeing but I feel like ranting. I get not taking your favorite class to savage if its in a shit spot, but it genuinely makes me upset people used to be so enthusiastic about WAR but they dropped it cold turkey the second ((The Balance)) discord said it was shit.
It's fine though, I'll just play my subpar DRK for roullies and bring my PLD to savage.
My main problem with war was always.
>Neat cool moveset but now I have to somehow find a "knightly" axe to go with my knight sets.
Are thouest impressed with mine physique?
I suggest the moogle axe, the non glowy one.
>((The Balance))
Just as cancerous as Mr Brappy.
NA community is filled with shit.
>Mudfish only gives me a 5ms improvement
Who the fuck thought putting the servers in commiefornia instead of some central position was a good idea?
The tanks are more balanced than they've ever been. The Balance is a cabal of unbearable autistics who would call a job shit if it did even 0.001% less damage than another job in the same role. Everyone seems to agree they are complete faggots, yet they all also hang on their every word like gospel.
People just can't let go of balance discussion, they HAVE to know which job is the "best" even if the difference is so miniscule that you would have to be a complete retard to care. I don't know what it is about MMOs that does this to people but it's pretty fucking annoying.
I still play it for the big dick Inner Chaos
I usually went with the one from Castrum Abania.
I tried mudfish and noticed no improvement. Tried pingzapper and it made the game playable, been using it for years now.
Hey man I just went GNB first because it's new. WAR will probably be my main tank just because it's always so chill and straightforward to play. We're still here, bro.
>She will never be real.
splitting Yea Forums up just causes a bunch of problems. with /vr/ and /vg/ the only thing that strictly belongs in Yea Forumsanilla is console wars and flavor of the month games
I remember looking at suggested end of SB SAM sets and then seeing that going fast only did like a theoretical 0.30% less or whatever than the bis.
waste of digits
people dropping a war cause of a whopping 3% difference in dps OH IM LAFFIN
You are now hearing this with her dub voice
proof positive that healers are giga-chads
No I'm really not memeing
I don't want to see people playing a job that's considerably worse than the others and making things harder on the group, even slightly, because they played it in the past. This game lets you level every job on one character. Being stuck in a rut of having a "main" is totally stupid.
I am tired of seeing PFs filled up on ranged DPS and I feeling like I need to change up my main to another role, what should I go with? My mains are MCH and DNC.
yep, people literally autismo over the smallest of molehills in 14
Never underestimate parsefag autism.
Why would I not? Do I look like some shit taste retard?
>90% of what a WAR does isn't flashy or cool at all
>New SHB stuff is effectively on a long cooldown and you don't get to use it that often to do cool neat things
it's not bad but you know, didn't feel like WAR got much
That's kinda hot.
I think the only thing I don’t like midlanders is the female’s kawaii waifu run. It’s awful.
Any MNKbros here? Should I be clipping my demolishes?
>Considerably worse
In what way?
People on the balance still offered it and suggested it if you wanted to try it, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Unfortunately fast sam had those massive TP issues.
>Everyone should only play esports jobs
There is no job in the game that is so bad it prevents people from clearing content, people should play what they like and that's the end of it.
If it would fall off before your next couerl form attack then sure, clip it.
Ofc it's fine as long as you use your own brain to come to conclusions which set you want to go with and not just blindly follow their words as law.
Does 10% less damage
Bad group tools
It's alright in dungeons at least!
>tfw I died like 10 times as healer in E1 yesterday
>didn't say a word
>had one tank give me sass
>we didn't even wipe once
Same DC and server to boot
>10% less damage
Really? Where is that?
>Died in E1
I love running into stupid shit like this, it's what makes MMOs worth it
Reminder that both world first Ultimate clears were MT'd by a DRK despite it being "shit" at the time, simply because the player liked playing it
They didn't provide any words of law like that. They presented both fast sam and normal sam. They told you that fast sam is slightly worse but some people like it. They let you make the choice.
No. That can't be true. Only the meta classes can clear content like that.
They would have cleared faster if he liked playing the better tank
If you can't optimize your job choice then I'm afraid of what else you can't optimize
Kill yourself dude
>game discussion
Not even once, nigga
>Death 1: only 4 people stacked
>Deaths 2, 3 and 5: Didn't avoid the gigantic red zones with a 10 second windup and walked into the summoned minions
>Death 4: Got knocked off.
Save for one death, all deaths were his fault.
Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiasts at? Just imagine having a adorable Lalafell lass sitting on your lap and being able to stroke her wonderful hair
This guy has to be trolling right? He literally only casts Blizzard 3, Xenoglossy, and Flare.
literal autism
>Need 8 WoLs to beat Emet
>Beat Lahabrea easily even after he fused with another Ascian
Why was Emet so much stronger?
Tunnel visioned on dodging aoes during the corner strike once
didn't see tank tethers on the double buster twice
Hit by one of the add cleaves
died instantly a few times because I popped cds right before an aoe went off after getting ressed
I just let tanks do whatever the fuck they want and try to keep them up. If we wipe we just talk it out and adapt.
His constant body snatching made him weaker or something
WoL was dying of light AIDS
Emet-Selch explains this. Constantly changing bodies weakens ascians, and Lahabrea was doing that.
>level a job
>it now becomes part of your personal identity
>feel obligated to defend yourse-the job whenever someone points out it's not that good, can't let that MASSIVE investment go to waste
>meanwhile the good players have every job in the role levelled and didn't give it a second thought
This illustrates why mainfags are retarded
Go back to wow
Wake the metal!
Create the Metal!
Enfold the Metal!
Control the Metal!
Embrace the Metal!
Reraise the Metal!
Restore the Metal!
Live for the Metal!
>DRK gets turned into a slighty more complex version of WAR
>WAR gets almost nothing new except for one bigger Fell Cleave every minute or so.
It is a complete mystery.
I fucking hate you fags for making lalas seem almost as bad as cats.
Except that's completely and utterly wrong. In UCoB Eis switched from WAR to DRK because DM lines up beautifully and it was overall higher damage than running WAR and having to use IB at times. Then for UWU DRK is just a complete god.
Stop taking an out of context joke seriously, you are embarassing yourself.
>level a job
>find it more fun than other jobs
>play it and clear content
>Go back to wow
they're not the ones autistic about parsefaggotry
>tunnel vision as a healer
You must be quite horrible at this game and I don't say this lightly.
>i-it was good all along!
a war currently has the #1 tank parse for eden prime and is the #2 overall for current content despite being the "worst" tank
there would probably be more if people weren't slaves to "the meta"
How dare someone want to play more efficiently and waste less time wiping. They must be parsetrannyfurries from Crystal. They should play WAR like me and just do whatever feels fun, like spamming the helicopter move over and over.
>n UCoB Eis switched from WAR to DRK because DM lines up beautifully and it was overall higher damage than running WAR and having to use IB at times. Then for UWU DRK is just a complete god.
The only one being embarassing here is you. If that were really the case, why the fuck were they scratching their heads at the pick in the first place?
It has its niches, yes, just like almost every other job.
Are you retarded?
>There is no job in the game that is so bad it prevents people from clearing content, people should play what they like and that's the end of it.
This implies that people should play a job because they like it, nothing more, nothing less. Even if it is the only job they have leveled and want to play it literally doesnt fucking matter, while some jobs may be statistically better than others ALL jobs are viable.
If you want to be an esports cuck then by all means set up your own private secret club static group and only use perfected raid setups built by spending months poring over numbers. Otherwise fuck off.
Because they gave it dragon sight and I already hate dealing with that on Dragoon
>why the fuck were they scratching their heads at the pick in the first place?
because contrary to popular belief, the people running the balance are retards
Jobs are situationally good in this game if you're brand new and didn't know. The meta for every fight in Alphascape was a different comp.
The only ones "scratching their heads at the pick" were armchair raiders on reddit that had exclusively watched Mr Happy and Arthas stream this shit and never stepped foot in their themselves.
Take a look at the first 5 clears and check their comp.
>level a job
>main it forever
>it's always meta and relevant
Based DRGchads, who here from 2.0?
Have fun with those 2% enrages because you're adamant on not playing good jobs
>5.05 in a few days
I'm sorry bro...
cause after 18 months they finally came up with a appropriate narrative since they couldn't accept wf being done with suboptimal jobs
Been a DRG main since I started in 3.4, feels good being unstumpable and watching faggot's seethe over it
Even a shit comp can beat stuff before enrage when played well. If you can't beat enrage either the people are just bad players or people died too much.
I too like making up situations when someone proves me wrong.
>level both healers in 2.0
>keep both capped every expack due to momentum
>even if 1 gets shedded, i'll literally always have a relevant job
i hope they never add a 4th healer
Reminder that min maxing and tryharding will more often than not make a game more stressful than it needs to be and therefore less fun.
Based quads. Feo is the true best king(girl) of ShB
Makes it at least 5 times hotter
O7S had some pretty heavy targeted stuff.
Reminder that more World Firsts used "shitty suboptimal" comps than meta ones over the game's lifespan.
Meta comps dominating hasn't really been a thing until Creator/ SB onwards, and there it was mainly because all of a sudden the actual player skill required dropped substantially and a few DPS more all of a sudden made the difference between getting a kill 12h30 after the servers came up and 12h35.
Why are you sorry? More buffs incoming. Don't believe me? Screencap this post.
I dunno, it feels more desperate for some reason?
Half the shit that warriors got feel like they should have been baseline. Good job on hitting level 74 now your aoe combo isnt shit. Good job hitting 78 now you can have the half of thrill of battle that makes it useful. Good job hitting level 80 now you can have the single target half of chaos when Dark Knight got their single target and aoe upgrade at the same time so they could have an actual new level 80 ability
Also your gap closer still costs gauge and only has one charge when everyone else has two charges for free because fuck you
If you've ever raided in this game or any game you'll know that you'll go through dozens of pulls gradually getting better until you finally clear. By taking the better comp you will require less of those pulls because the cushion provided is bigger. You have doubtlessly experienced tons of wipes at low % and thought to yourself, "if only I didn't make that mistake there". This is a mistake that can be mitigated before you even zone in.
This is why you take good jobs. This is the actual reason everyone seems to obsess over DPS numbers.
Fucking here, my man.
Player skill has gone up astronomically dude
Don't make me link that T9 world first healer pov
the only utility gnb has that warrior doesn't have an equivalent of is aurora, which is terrible as actual utility
Good joke.
>You have doubtlessly experienced tons of wipes at low % and thought to yourself, "if only I didn't make that mistake there"
jokes on you my dad was a black mage veteran in the vietnam war, looks like you're getting banned kiddo
It's important to understand why "meta" exists, it's there to act as a safety net to players who believe they are more talented than they really are. They cling to the statistics because they lack the skills to think and act on their own.
UWU was cleared with Monk + Ninja, and Monk wasn't meta at all.
UCoB with a Dark Knight.
It's true player skill required dropped but it's just that everyone got so much better at the game that it's easy to master every class.
Also: Sometimes I watch old raid mechanics and wonder how could I struggle with that normal raid tier bullshit
stop responding to the tranny
If you don't prog with a BLM you are a sissy coward
I took the DRG pill immediately when 5.0 launched, before it was established to be an incredible job. Can I still join the cool DRG club?
Don't say I didn't warn you
Fuck off to reddit nofap cuck
Why lie online though
Every DPS isn now a selfish DPS
Utility is removed completely
The only thing that differentiates a DPS from the other is the rotation, gameplay, mechanics etc
Would it kill FFlogs autism for good?
Also keep in mind that people aren't actually concerned with speedkill metas, they're concerned with jobs that can fluff their numbers. NIN and DNC are not in a good place right now despite their raid damage buffs, and BLM is in a very, very good place if we're speaking just about speed. But people are definitely more concerned with getting a DNC+NIN into their parsefaggotry parties. They don't give a fuck about speed or efficiency. Raid DPS rankings can't come soon enough.
Basically what you're saying is, you're not the best player and you need crutches and the ability to blame losses on everyone except yourself.
>Wow we totally would have won if you were a DRK instead of a WAR and did that 2% extra damage bro
UWU had a DRK in it as well.
Then people would just all play the easiest dps dumbass
Thankfully i learned that pretty soon in my life tryharding pokemon games.
To be fair DRK in UWU is almost like cheating. He can achieve shit like taking 3 spheres alone, the ones before the Primal spam phase
No, it makes it even worse because now a parse is a measure of raw skill. Dancer is doing a better job of killing parse autism than removing synergy ever could.
Even the best player benefits from bringing good jobs
Playing warrior is like playing a DPS and refusing to use one of your ogcds that accounts for x% of your total damage. It doesn't matter if you're the best or not.
aurora sucks so much cock, its like 90% overheal when compared to clemency or equilbrium, i hate that i have to spam that shit
The game was just very different back then, you can't really compare it all that well.
Back in ARR you had nowhere near the amount of tools you have now and mechanics were a lot more obscure and basically never clearly telegraphed. Numbers were generally tuned a lot harsher as well, remember how many groups had to solo tank/heal T8 because the DPS check was just that severe or how you basically required Adlo+Stoneskin for every tankbuster?
The game was simply much more number and "puzzle" based than the bigger focus on movement you have now. Since SB in particular there hasn't really been a single mechanic that wasn't 100% obvious the first time you saw it, you have to do more dodges overall, but the amount of mechanics interactions and the actual DPS/Healing requirements went way down.
>raid team talking about BiS and parroting potential meta comps when they can't clear either EX trial without dying regardless of job
How long do people recruit for after savage releases? I got a feeling this one isnt going to last long
They should just remove MP bars from the party list. There's no longer any skills that allow you to affect the MP of other party members, so there's no reason you need to be able to see others MP. The only person who ever needs to see your MP is you.
>losing your shit like this over a couple hundred dps
go back to the balance
people recruit all the time, you're not gonna find a top group this late
Didn't even notice lmao
What an intense meme. How does someone like that finish the role quest duty?
user people are still playing NIN right now despite being complex and not being rewarding at all. People often play what they have fun with, not what's easy, else everyone would be playing SAM
holmgang is still the best immunity in the game you fucking stupid bastard
And yet you can still clear content with it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with playing any job in any level of content. If YOU have a problem with it you should stick to private groups, you have no right to get upset with anyone in a public setting playing what they want.
>Why strive to be a little better as a player when you can always play the top/easiest role
>Why play what you have fun with when you can pick your job based on a spreadsheet
what a sad way to live
Shut up and prep freecure
cumbrain symptom
I wonder if anyone has complained about DNC not buffing them because of “muh numbers.” It’s had to have happened already right?
I'm not losing my shit
You have no idea what the buster timelines will be in Eden savage
oh for sure it has happened, people disbanding parties over not having dnc partner
>sad way to live
>picking job 1 over job 2 because it's slightly better
Wow, so fucking despicable. Pity them.
Striving to be the best player includes both playing well and playing good things.
>try healer in SHB
>"hmm I should DPS more"
>people die
>"hmm I should err on the side of caution"
At least it's AST so no one expects DPS, but any tips balancing heals and DPS? Should I hold neutral sect for "oh shit" moments or are there spots it should always be used? Do I use Hororscope on CD or hold it for spots aoe damage is coming up? What about lightspeed since I know you want to use it with sleevedraw but due to how often you use essential dignity the CD might vary lining up
BLM has a few advantages in prog actually that get ignored by players that don't really understand the job. Recovering from death and you don't lose your rotation, just your stored xenos. SMN loses out on a shitload when they die, and you WILL die and fuck up in prog. You have self-mitigation with manaward. You have teleports in two different flavours. Mobility options from procs (using the proc you got from sharpcast at a slightly different gcd to line up with movement in the fight) and stored xenoglossy charges are actually pretty flexible. People really underestimate BLM mobility at this point.
Raid DPS rankings soon, rejoice.
>it's a Yea Forums seethes over players better than them rerun hour
yikes, someone change the channel.
>3 dots
>report post
Have a nice day, user.
Striving to be a good player means just that, it doesn't mean always taking the easy road and it certainly doesn't mean living your life making decisions based on what others tell you to do.
Again, for the 200th time, all jobs are viable for all content, if you NEED x job to beat a fight then you have bigger issues than comp.
>announcing reports
enjoy your ban, faggot
Source me you dirty ass branch
pixiv final fantasy 14 tag
No raise is a fatal flaw
It's definitely fine as a regular DPS but if it's your only caster slot (it should be for gear reasons) you're gimping the group by not having a third raise. I agree that people way overstate how hard it is to learn fights on it.
>Game replaces Inner Beast/Steel Cyclone with Fell Cleave/Decimate then goes back on it with Inner Chaos/Chaotic Cyclone.
I don't understand the point of keeping Fell Cleave/Decimate at this point outside of keeping people from bitching that you pruned ability animations.
virgin meta slave
Treat DPSing as more of an "I have nothing to do so let me mash this" kinda thing, you're never required to do DPS and it's more of a bonus if anything. Just keep your eyes up and try to think ahead to what's going to happen next so you can figure out what you'll need to do, don't waste your time worrying about DPS.
A job isn't better because someone said it is, it's better because your spreadsheet you made said it is.
I never said you need it. I said you're retarded foe not doing it anyway. You don't take the long route home every day. You don't purposefully spend more time trying to get your clear either.
I've done a lot of savage and can count the single digit percent enrage wipes on two hands probably. Usually it's either a wipe to a mechanic people aren't good at yet or we clear. That late in the fight the mechs are usually repeats, so once my team makes it there it usually just clears.
Level 90 trait will upgrade fell cleaves in IR to feller cleave with the same animation but more red particles
You won't waste your time wiping if you play non meta jobs you waste of skin. The game is fucking balanced around being played on a fucking controller with content that can be cleared by groups that flat out deny limit break accumulation. You're wiping because people you're playing with are shit, not the jobs that they play. You're creating a strawman and then attacking it fiercely in order to give your non arguments an illusion of credibility.
You're never going to listen and you're never going to learn, everything is viable, if you yourself always need to take the easy route then that's on you.
Normal people care about having fun while playing a game, and they clear content just as easily.
>The game is fucking balanced around being played on a fucking controller with content that can be cleared by groups that flat out deny limit break accumulation
This a million fucking times.
>Pld called pie charts joins my titty ex party
>Obvious parsetranny
>Asks for both dragoon tethers and dance partner
>"I want my 100"
>"You're just a 66% lol"
>Im literally undergeared from getting all crafters to 80 alongside btn and min
>"I will probably outdps all the dps this run"
>Dancer partners with me
>Pld instantly leaves
>Leave the instance and kick them
>2 days later gear up to max and become 95+%
Fuck you piecharts, are your shitty 123 button mashing class.
You keep repeating that everything is viable when that's irrelevant to the thing I keep repeating. Playing job 1 over job 2 also does not imply you're not having fun.
You will clear faster if you take "the easy road". That's all there is to it. There is not a big problem with this.
>literally only cast B3, Flare, and Xenoglossy
I'm not a meta slave by any means and I have never used ACT in my life, but just having the knowledge that you're this brutal metal berserker hulk out guy going all out smashing your battleaxe like a chainsaw into the enemy's face, and you're still doing less damage than the fruity catboy healslut standing there spamming his flashlight at the enemy, makes the job lose A LITTLE BIT of its luster.
I used my silver Khloe reward on a gathering chest that I plan to sell, did I fuck up?
You just linked two posts calling you retarded, I think you've messed up somewhere.
Oh sure, but it's not really that bad when you think about most of the world firsts that came before Stormblood. Literally half of the ARR/HW world firsts had a BLM. It also depends on your group and the content at hand. If you're literally racing for a clear for content that will be cleared in 1-2 days, then having a RDM clown car res party to see more of the fight more easily is very beneficial. That's why most people see RDM as extremely good for quick prog. That combined with the CD reset on wipe from Creator has made prog very quick for the more hardcore groups.
Ultimate usually has a shitload more of those 1% tragedies.
it's better to overheal than have bodies hit the floor.
>"selling week 1 savage and ultimates!"
>make throwaway discord account
>ask about prices
>week 1 savage+ loot 1500£
>ultimates 950£ a pop
are these niggers for real? whos buying this shit?
>tfw you have half the (You)s in this thread
Taking these bad boys to the marketboard
I have to wonder if people like you are as autistic about perfect optimization in every aspect of your lives and not just mmos. Like, are you also on some arts and crafts forum arguing about whether you should buy titanium scissors or steel scissors to cut a piece of paper? One of them has to do the job easier, right?
>wipe at 1% because DPS didn't use LB3 earlier
Is the janny the ninja cosplayer yoship called fat at one of the fanfests?
this guy
people with more money than sense
faggots that use non meta jobs since they're busy holding back their groups to clear
They stripped out all the flavour, it feels so fucking bland and shitty. Numbers are irrelevant.
I try to but I spend too much time playing video games to honestly say I am.
Also in that case you have to worry about cost. Those titanium scissors are likely prohibitively expensive for the scale of work you're doing. Meanwhile switching jobs is a few hours of levelling.
>still asshurt about being btfo'd about his 1% damage difference proven to be irrelevant unless people expect to get carried by the "meta classes"
>They stripped out all the flavour, it feels so fucking bland and shitty.
It's exactly the fucking same just with feller cleave after infuriate, they didn't strip out anything.
Makes sense since those last two digits are only used by healers.
I don't sell runs anymore
should i overmeld DH or tenacity to start on next weeks prog (PLD)
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
They removed the aggro combo nobody used, it's totally different.
Joke aside, I think it's mostly because they didn't get any real new stuff.
>wipe at 1% because the healer used LB3 to res one dps
yes these are real, and yes people really do pay those prices
Extreme is going to be great.
>same person
Report them.
The final trials of expansions get EX versions?
Thordan and Shinryu both did.
Same with the 3.3/4.3 trials.
Shinryu and Thordan EX have an entire extra phase that's not in normal.
Gin Ishi has been selling every day in PF for two years, now on multiple data centers at once. GMs absolutely refuse any evidence that isn't directly from game chat logs.
>The final trials of expansions get EX versions?
>What is Thordon
>What is Shinryu
Did you start playing with Shadowbringers?
>90% overheal
What are you smoking? It's like several hundred HPS and lowers tank healing needed significantly. It's great.
You obsessed metafags might as well be the same person to me, you regurgitate exact same arguments and always fall back on strawmen when presented with evidence that differences between job capabilities when it comes to performance are minuscule, with about 1% in variance and that unless you can clear something 30 seconds faster it's absolute shit, should not be played and wastes everyone's time and should be removed from the game.
Okay I've been wanting to know, but what makes Hades as powerful as Ultima, Knights of the Round, and Shinryu? Isn't he just one Ascian? Or did like all that abandoned city's hopes and dreams make him more powerful he can attest to their strength? Cuz he seems to be lorewise the weakest final boss except maybe Ultima.
Please delete this version and use this.
Put me in the screencap! XD
You have to learn the fights so you know when damage is coming. It's a matter of practice and at some point you'll get by without casting many heals at all.
>SEETHING this hard about being a shitter that can't clear content
Shadowbringers is my first expansion, I started while the Post-Stormblood MSQ was in full swing and while I caught up to the MSQs just in time for the release of Shadowbringers and have done the first two alliance raids, the alexander raids, and omega raids, There's a lot of content I didn't have time for. Titania and Innocence were my first EX trials and first EX clears. When will Hades EX get released? 4.1?
What are you talking about? Lore-wise the WoL soloed KotR and Shinryu, but you had to have backup from G'raha pulling time bullshit to summon seven heroes to just barely beat Emet. He's the strongest boss so far. As for why it's because he's a leftover from the original world, everyone else is at most 1/14th the power.
>mental leap to deflect from the original point
Not gonna work.
4.1 yeah
he's a complete Amaurotine operating at his full strength because he wasn't an idiot like Lahabrea bodyhopping every other week, and the WoL doesn't have their primal hax like with Thordan and Shinryu and doesn't have Hydaelyn giving them the allez-oup like with Ultima.
The argument is simple. No matter how good you are things will be easier if you play the best jobs. Things being easier means you'll clear faster. Clearing faster is better. I think the only people that can refute that are those softcore FC groups that don't make it past fight 2.
From there the "strawman" is assuming that because you don't do this you're a dumb mainfag that has some personal connection to their easily replaced job and trolls the group by bringing it everywhere. This goes even further and one can assume you also don't care about optimization in general, doing good damage, or being anything but a net negative to your group. I'm going to assume that about you.
That's him, that's Boardwarden Janny!
>see voluptuous pale butt with black lacy panties
>just some fat cunt
Can't report people for anything said or agreed upon outside of the game itself. They also cleverly disguise their PF messages with stuff like "Join this discord to discuss 'terms' "
>Everyone claiming muh meta muh damage
Nobody cares. People dropped WAR because it's visually fucking BORING.
the only jobs that will actively hold you back are AST and maybe DNC and NIN. The differences between tanks are so negligible as to not matter, even when playing at the absolute peak.
I drop war because it lost his lifesteal skills and the dummies fucking up tank queues.
Okay you have no idea what the current raid DPS contributions are for those jobs. Don't reply again.
>By far the tank with the highest self-sustain
>Fucking Nascent Glint
You have no idea what you're talking about.
I've been playing this game nonstop for 3 months or so ever since resubbing after not playing since ARR and got every class I'm interested in to cap. I am seriously considering getting into crafting and high level raids and shit since I'm out of story stuff to do. Is it a bad idea to fall down this rabbit hole for the sake of my real life responsibilities?
the fact you overheal with it all makes it dogshit, where as equilibrium is almost never overheal since its instant and you just do it after tankbusters, its almost always 30% overheal and ive seen it as high as 60%, its dog shit but I wouldn't expect someone who's never played the job to know
Run selling is good for the game so SE doesn't give a shit. Gives the casuals more reason to log on so they can afk in limsa with their bought title and shiny weapon.
We actually do know. FFLogs has its own raid dps column now. NIN and DNC are pretty far behind even after their raid buffs.
Oh great it's one of those Inner Beast spamming retards. Press your nascent flash button.
Are you a retard with no self control? Don't play MMOs. Are you a functional adult? Why are you asking this on Yea Forums
for AST, it's still considerably less than a WHM just going ape. And NIN and DNC are still pretty far behind other DPS jobs even with their raid DPS contributions, and NIN is the hardest job in the game on top of that.
Monster cardu
got the source for that?
Again idk where you're coming from with the overheal. You can use it on CD in most fights and it will barely overheal. Probably less if your healer actually notices. You can't use Equi on the other tank so it's not as good.
I've been playing GNB and WHM in the Ex primals but nice assumption.
overheal doesn't matter when it doesn't cost resources
Bumbleborb but his art has gotten much worse the past year.
Horses don't exist in her world though
>nascent flash
>have to wait until level 76 to get lifesteal back
It should have been a chocobo
Me too, I feel so ashamed
>I dropped WAR because it lost Fracture
>I dropped WAR because it lost 50 potency Brutal Swing
>I dropped WAR because it lost Mercy Stroke
>I dropped WAR because it lost 30 sec Bloodbath
>too insecure to play a tank because white mage is overtuned at the 99th percentile
the vast majority of WHM's dont even get close to outdamaging tanks
Don't skip cutscenes.
>I can’t cope the way I used to
can’t make this shut up
Stop putting words in my mouth you bundle of sticks.
This, as autisic as it is the gap closer still requiring meter was enough for me to look elsewhere and i agree with others that keeping storms eye up isnt as fun as dark arts
I picked up WAR and dropped DRK. DRK may have higher apm but nothing I do feels like it has any weight to it.
yes they do
Reminder that if you play any tank besides PLD, you're a detriment to your party and just an asshole wannabe DPS
I wish more DNC gear had skillspeed stats.
janny is more garbage than usual today, deletes video games constantly while leaving garbage off topic shitposting up all day
azim steppe retard
DRK is still the better MT
fuck metatrannies
fuck erptrannies
fuck parsetrannies
and fuck mhiggers
Watch out...
I'm boutta post it again
>PLDnigger at it again
Heal yourself with Clemency you dipshit my Glare does more damage than you
So now that the initial patch story is done, does the game hold up? I find it hard to hold my interest.
I got to 75 on new MCH and I'm giving up. It was fun at first but as I kept playing I became more and more aware of how the job is just flat out unplayable if you can't double weave, or single weave during heat blast. Entire job is designed around it and if you can't do it it's like the job is hamstrung. You either have to accept clipping, accept that you'll constantly be overcapping resources, or accept constantly delaying your cooldowns. Either way you're losing dps.
thanks user
>Leveling with just roulettes and doing story
>Make it to 80 before I even get to the greatwoods
I don’t remember leveling that fast in the other expansions, so now I’m leveling up another character to catch up to finish the story with another class so I don’t lose out on the EXP
Funny cause every PLD I’ve encountered is a lazy pos.
Level other classes, do hunts, do extremes, do eden raids or you can just unsubscribe.
I told you guys. It's so easy to level up right now that's why I was surprised some reviewers said they were having a hard time leveling up to meet story requirements.
here's the prequel: i.imgur.com
If there's one thing I'll give western trash over hentai, it's its capacity for filthiness.
>>less than 2k dps in E2 on a fucking BLM
how? just spamming blizzard continuously would be more DPS
Isnt this a dumb mentality since you have ogcd heals as well as afflatus heals which pay for themselves with DPS?
>Playing BLM
>DNC partners up
>later in the fight AOE marker on both me and DNC
>don't move because DNC can easily just move away
>they don't move away like a retard
>they dash into a wall instead of away
>both of us die
>later on we wipe
>DNC gets salty I didn't move
>partners someone else
>still out DPS their partner
DNC is a shitter magnet.
you shitpost for free
every single day the same boring "LOL HE DOES IT FOR FREE" thread.
you and the jannie are not so diferent, atleast the jannie gets Yea Forums premium for free
To be fair, tank queues at release were 30-50 minutes, and people who wanted to do SHB MSQ as a GNB for whatever reason were better off subjugating themselves to HoH from 61-70
someone is going to respond to this with some half baked response about how japanese hentai has a much greater capacity for filth than western, but i'm going to stop that right in their tracks with one word:
I'm glad the mods allow loli threads. I might not be allowed to discuss video games but at least I can share my love of Tanabe Kyou.
That just saves you a clemency
it is actually a DPS gain for the PLD to spot heal with Clemency so the WHM can keep casting Glare
I picked up WAR for the job fantasy but losing all the defiance spenders that let it play like a hulked out gorilla running on pure fumes really killed it for me,I don't care if it's statistically worse than SB warrior I just want my chunky self-heal swings back.
What the fuck? DNC doesn't have any mechanics that necessitate being close to your partner specifically.
look at their skills used, they're literally just going Flare>B3>Flare>B3>Flare>XENO>B3
Don't know what that is and I don't think I want to know
No because as I said, generally a WHM isn't even using GCD heals except for Afflatus in the first place so the PLD doesn't need to "help" with healing.
>play blm in janny ex
>dnc partners up with me
>we wipe a couple of times because of healers + all the new players just running around and killing adds in no order
>dnc is new too, learns to stay where i am because i barely fucking move and never take a hit
>just dances in my circle
I don't know it was cute
>lvl 80 WAR quest
Did the Hildibrand team write/animate this?
DNC has the best glamour, but it's kind of boring desu. It really is the ERP job.
It depends
>DNC has the best glamour
false, PLD exists
thats the point of the job desu
No wait janny normal, I'm just so used to typing janny ex
Sad war cant really get a outfit quite like to those heavensward knights
>lvl 70 WAR quest
Did the Hildibrand team write/animate this?
>fanta into a female character
>enjoying myself
>enjoy dressing her like a slut
>shame slowly starts to set in
>begin worrying someone from the FC I hardly interact with will notice me
>I used to be a tank maining highlander macho man
>shame overwhelming
>fanta back to highlander 2 days later
This is the second time I've done this...I'm just too weak....I envy the mental fortitude of trannys...they don't know my struggle...
this would be true if I actually saw midlanders using the AF and not unga-built highlanders wearing their hempen shit
Don’t be salty janny
>Doing all of the sidequest in Heavensward and Stormblood that I haven't done for the last few days
>Which is all of them beside the Aether current and the one needed to unlock the beast tribes
>All these Triple Triad players that appear if you complete specific quest
So this is where all these cards are that I never got.
Hentai is superior in every other way but there's something about the western style when it comes to the really depraved shit that sticks out.
>level 60 WAR quest
Did the Hildibrand team write/animate this?
Shut up and chimatsuri the boss
You are a faggot
Same except hrothgar when half the ones i see have "uwu trans rights!" in there discriptions
This. Trannies are the most motivated and self-composed individuals I have ever seen. I can only wish I had the mental fortitude of an unabashed tranny.
>highlanders wearing the AF gear
You're not allowed to call people faggots if you're a male character player
im not the one so buthurt that my shitty thread got deleted that i need to shitpost the same thing everyday for years
Japanese porn will always be strange. Fucking octopus in pussy and stuff like that. Old school Japanese porn was crazy aswell.
but sks is terrible for dnc
It's on mog station
pop nascent flash during IR
What fortitude? They give in the delusion and degeneracy. They bask in pretending to be what they're not. At least early on you heard the siren song and escaped before it set in.
>big dumb mhigger women trying to slutglam
Is there anything more pathetic?
Yeah, there are a bunch of jobs now that can't be played without low ping. They're usually fun to play since I have low ping, but it isn't worth it fucking over other people like that. I doubt it will change though because Japan always has low ping so they can always do the rotations.
>triple cast flare, then two fouls, a fire iv proc in between
Bamalam bros... why does it never stop feeling good?
>finally unlock Dancer
>learn the basics
>running around like a belly dancer shaking my hips and throwing chakrams
Not the recolored 58 armor the suits when they are doped up on KotR
The snowkeep recolor is one of my favorites tho
I'm sure your FC members would understand that you like to look at sluts
In the womb he was turned into part angel that could comtol other angels, he was promised kingship and rulling over all pretty much by his parents, gets killed defending that because what he thinks is right isnt right to the main character, You, its pretty sad, the villains are really cool even if one is a man baby angry over not having his way
I just think of my character as basically my daughter, so it's fine.
Is Ala Mhigo the only hyur nation in Eorzea?
It's a bit boring though.
>hating on the biggest milkers in the game
You're the big gay, I'm sorry
You fucks just can't keep harassing people over their logs huh? I bet it's not even that bad.
Double faggot
Just wait until you get flourish. With your level of enthusiasm, you'd explode.
just make an erp alt loser
I'm liking it
Think about it logically, user
It still is
Reminds me of that Bowser Jr smash close up that also looks like an ass
If you know Tekken terminology
WAR = Kazuaya
PLD = Heihachi
DRK = Jin
GNB = Asuka
Here's your FC leader
That's the beauty of it, you've created a daughter that will never fuck another man, preventing yourself from being cucked.
Am I the only one who saw this as a shit post?
Nascent Flash feels like shit to use,I don't doubt it's potency but it feels odd to have it tied to Foresight and require me to buff someone constantly just so I can barely sip my health back through a straw.
>GNB = Asuka
Explain shit stain.
GNB = Devil Jin
>not having a private FC with multiple airships and subs
>the year of our shadowbringers, 5.0
>piss easy "rotation" that basically plays the job for you
>partner mechanic
It's literally the job for "girlfriends who want to play with their boyfriends"
>come up with an amazing glamour
>cant post it because i'll be called a tranny
*hits pipe*
>buy fanta
>have to buy name change separately
They're taking advantage of us, rp bros!
Is she going to dominate me?
why does everyone in this game have white/silver hair?
>Boosted my SAM to level 70
>Didn't get the sexy artifact gear
I'm so pissed, can I still obtain it some how? I didn't realize that the game wouldn't give me the armor even though it automatically completes the job quests for you. Someone said you can get artifact gear from calamity salvager or something, but can you get level 70 artifact gear from them as well?
>SAM barely stronger than DRG
>zero utility
oh no no no no how will katanafags ever recover
>Asuka is one of the three Tekken characters I play regularly when I play Tekken
>GNB is my main tank and the Job I did my first run of E1 through E4 with
Could this comparison actually be accurate?
Would that make MNK Steve? and old TK rotation MNK Hwoarang?
thats why you pick a gender (and race) neutral name the first time
If you ask nicely
Fuck off tranny.
It's the Scion Conspiracy.
Man the stormblood story is kinda shit huh
>a lot of other retarded ignorance of the game
could have stopped with the first line
By defeating the ascians
>Came up with a non lore friendly name for a roe
>Find out after fantaing to highlander it fits perfectly with it's naming conventions
I do believe in destiny
At least oneSAMfag is absolutely required to kill Elidibus come 5.5,Please look forward to it
Just post it without the head
>been female character for years
>sick of horn & tail clippings
>don't even care anymore if people call me a faggot for playing a male character if I didn't care already
>make throwaway character to check animations
>actually quite pleased
>but would have to name change too
>can't pull the trigger
>tfw no FFXIV girlfriend who's good at the game for me to run through Shadowbringers with and always dance partner
Just kill me now bros.
Standard step should be 4 steps and technical should be 6, with both at high potentiates, debate me
>boosting SAM
>boosting to avoid a day's worth of leveling
>not making an alt for when you just want to play a slut
Completely anonymous and you can stare at your slut as much you like. Every now and then, I like to switch to my alt femLala and walk around in the sluttiest glam.
people get weirdly entitled to dancer buffs, like people who get pissed when dancers partner each other in dungeons instead of the tank and healer.
>caring about what obsessed tranny lovers say
The same autists in these threads think you're a tranny if you're good at the game
it's a considerable margin, but poor SAM if they dont get any big buffs in time for savage. There will be no reason to take anything but MNK+DRG
that's stupid
so the only way to get more than 2 retainers is to buy slots on the mogstation?
wtf is this pay2win garbage
Because nobody but yourself should care. The fags asking opinions about their glamour are often the worst and only fishing for compliments. And worst cases start lashing out if people don't like their stuff.
you guys are fucking retarded, elidibus threw the match on purpose so he could use zenos in his plans, do you really think some mortal with a weeb sword could beat a full form ascian in a peak physical garlean body that can also use magic? just think for one second
Current MNK is Kazumi
Alright Ascian boy,I'm surprised you get wi-fi up on that moon of yours
I wish people would hang out more in various parts of cities. Stop ERPing in the fucking aetheryte plaza and find some back alley to do it in, that makes it more fun to witness at least
because BLM under level 60 feels like absolute shit so we gotta feel amazing above it
YES! FINALLY! I have achieved peak weeb aesthetics in this game. I've wanted this artifact gear for a long time now and I finally was able to get it. Most SAM armor up to this point has been anymore from shitty to decent at best, but now I have an actual samurai garb. Now I feel like a fucking samurai and not some dude in shitty leather armor walking around with a katana strapped to his hip.
I feel so much better when my character actually looks like the job he is suppose to be.
>they lowered the required level to unlock glamours in stormblood
>now you just instantly unlock glamouring when you buy boosts in shadowbringers
>90% of boosted players STILL walk around in unglamoured welfare gear
>not caring about other players' glams
lol I bet you don't even check search info
t. Elidibus
Don't worry they will come back as soon as the obligatory overbuff happens. It wouldn't be right without it.
The weapons aren't part of it
>tfw no barefoot feet
Congrats you now look like every other samurai.
>no hat
it's shit
Wish I could post pics on Yea Forums but I am happy with the compliments I've gotten for my SAM glamor. It's the Sigmascape chestpiece, a keffiyeh bleached white from SHB, Ala Mhigan sleeves that almost look like full sleeves (upper bicep is visible if you look closely but because of the shoulder pads it gets covered up), Garlean-Doma greaves and poofy white pants (Not thavnairian, something else). It looks like to a T the mystic knight arabesque angle I wanted and as my boy is a dark as fuck mhiggerlander I rarely see anyone looking like him and if they do they don't go for the same aesthetic.
I still really wish SAM got more heavier armor sets and helmets, because this is the set I wore at the end of SB and I am pretty sure it will be the set I wear through the whole of SHB unless we get some decent gear later on from dungeons, PVP, or the next eden gear. I am so fucking mad at the maternity ward robes because the muscled cuirass DRG and AIM get would have been my dream armor set for SAM. Likewise in SB I really wish the DRG (and NIN?) chestpiece from omega 1 was Samurai because I love that Oyoroi look, while the one we got was way too asymmetrical and fantastical.
Neat look. Midlander?
I'll never forget how retarded it was, at least in that sense it was memorable.
I thought it was Mileena's
I know you're joking but at 2 dps, all things equal, healer LB3 is higher potency than melee LB3 if it prevents weakness.
I leave that to the /xivg/ trannies/faggots.
>generally a WHM isn't even using GCD heals except for Afflatus
Does WHM even have enough ogcd for that or are they all getting carried by their cohealers?
I'd rather have
in my dungeon than
I do the same thing, probably that's why I never dress up her as slut.
>Tfw you unironically play male lala and you see shit like this
There were several before the empire decided to civilize them.
>Yea Forums threads discussing gameplay get blasted constantly
>The fags on /vg/ have it good while ERPing daily
We're literally the citizens of the shards getting purged. Remember us....
>no, I do not want to have fun
I will pray for your soul.
I only watched the dub version
based and roganpilled
Should I be able to easily clear SSS for current EX trials with goetia tomes gear (i340 weapon)? For BLM specifically. I'm having a bit of trouble and barely having any seconds left, sometimes even failing at 4-5%.
>unironically play male lala
unironically kys
Outside of maybe E2 and once in a while in the ex trials, you don't even need to heal that much.
yes you should be
>being this insecure over something completely insignificant
How do you even get out of bed each morning without killing yourself from the anxiety?
I'm so glad I'm not on Crystal but every once in a while I'll have some fuck walk up to me and say some shit that I wish was reportable for how degenerate it is.
>goes to the trouble of acquiring Zenos' body specifically
>uses it a single time to job to Estinien
>abandons it at first sign of difficulty
what a master ruseman
Healing is a 2 person process user. I don't how much damage you think is going out, but 2 healers can do nearly all savage content using only ogcds and now afflatus.
From the lorebooks:
Limsa is 40% Sea Wolf Roe, 20% Sun Miqo'te, 10% other, 20% Plainsfolk Lala, 10% Midlander
Gridania is 4 0% Hyur, 105 duskwight Elezen, 30% Wildwood Elezen, 10% Moon miqo'te, 10% other
Uldah is 30% Hyur, 10% Highlander hyur, 40% Dunesfolk lala, 10% Hellsguard Roe, 10% Other. Refugees are not reflected in these numbers (said so as a note).
More Donuts is not available.
Ishgard is 70% Elezen, 20% Hyur, 10% Other
Garlemald the capital + full citizenship garleans population is 70% Garlean, 30% Other. This notes it does not apply all subjects who are not full citizens, saying the percentage of true blooded garleans would be greatly reduced.
Ala Mhigo is 60% Highlander hyur, 10% hellsguard Roe, 10% Midlander hyur, 10% Sun miqo'te, 10% other.
>b-but what will other players think of me if I put my toon in slut glam?!
meanwhile, other players
>richfag friend buys almost all lvl60 boosts
>stops playing
>fast froward to shb launch, none of those boosted classes leveled
>buys lvl70 boosts for the same he boosted to 60
>same retard that never touched a healer in his life can keep me alive in bigboy pulls but the lvl80 mentor healer can't
Not sure how I should feel about this.
Well when the thread starts with "does it for free" it's a mental trick that baits you into thinking it's an ass
riddle me this
what is 13, yet parses HALF?
more like FLAMING corporal haha fag
Disgusting. **Would mash**
Are garleans just hyur with forehead dot and no magic or are they considered a wholly separate race or are they a completely different classification (i.e. are there garlean forehead dot no magic elezens etc.)?
Just got PLD lvl 76: is there any rotation involving Atonement or do I just use it when I feel like it?
Was he a WoWfag?
Respect the crown.
Hingashi is 50% hyur, 15% roe, 10% spongebob au ra, 25% other
Doma is 60% Hyur, 20% Roe, 10% spongebob au ra, 10% other
Dalmasca is 40% Hyur, 20% Bangaa, 10% Seeq, 5% viera, others are 25%
No they are tuned pretty hard
You need to know what you're doing if you're undergeared
I would mash them aswell. With a hammer.
Highlander, yes. Midlander are everywhere
they are a race of three-eyers that cannot naturally manipulate aether like everyone else can
*partners you*
What kind of flaming faggot do you have to be to unironically walk around like this?
You go from goring RA RA to goring RA Atonementx3
They do not appear to be categorized as hyur but rather are a separate human race (all the playables prior to Hrothgar and Viera were treated as 'human' or 'man'. I am not sure if Viera and Hrothgar are).
>Not sure how I should feel about this
me neither, but I've played with enough BK crowns in my time to actually believe your story, so I'll join you in laughter.
>% of each city state
>doesn't actually tell you the population number of those city states.
Not very useful to gauge global population unless you assume each city state has the same number of people in it.
goring -> royal -> 3 atonements -> goring etc.
Atonement is just your new filler during FoF window. Goring > Royal Authority > Atonement x3 > Goring.
>not being confident enough to wear your sexual proclivities on your sleeve
Beta as fuck
is ishgard my best bet for an elezen wife?
I've seen this happen so many times by now, and almost all of them aren't even bonus either.
The more I play this game the bigger the crown redflag becomes.
Conflicting answers but I'll try to improve anyway. I think I can manage Thunder III better since I let it fall off sometimes, I'm probably underestimating its potency.
you spam it in between requiescat mana dumps to regen mana whenever you don't need to reapply dot
why has eating ass made such a comeback? I'm seeing it everywhere.
I’m going to report you because of your short message. :^]
Thanks, have my commendation and a headpat.
>Hingashi, the closed off isolationist island, has more 'foreign' races than Doma
They even have hingan xaela. probably because Doma was controlled by the empire for a long time but still
What the fuck is the other 10% in Ishgard.
wait, you get degenerates who hit on you too? Why does male Lala attract the fucking creeps? it's always midlanders too
>Soulsborne threads are all about aesthetics
>no one complains
>one single post in an XIV thread asking about aesthetics
>got blacklisted by the server's RP community for roleplaying an isekai character again
I cannot find anything to match the beach briefs and I worked hard getting the mats for it fml.
One that plays on crystal and waits in the quicksands to take screenshots of random people looking to ERP. Oh, were you talking about the degenerate in the picture?
>WoL is just capeshit from his crystal tele come to life for Gra'ha
not bad desu, shame you had to use paypig items
Probably Gridania given Ishgard is still liable to be very hierarchical and conscious of lineage and pedigree, hence Hilde being discriminated against for being half-elezen half-hyur both as a bastard child and because she's a half-breed.
I'd like to get a sense of the racial makeup of the first since all I know offhand is from the aether current quest where a pixie has you read books of Uriangers Voeburt was not Elezen-Hyur but rather was a union of Au Ra (In their word, I forget the term) and Roegadyn (Again, in their world). Lalafells are clearly only found in Kholusia, but I wonder what the original emperor of the Ronkans were. I don't think they were viera, I think Viera were their praetorian guard/Qizilbashi/Varangians.
Presumably a polygot of roegadyn/lalafell/miqo'te/highlander/au ra mercenaries, migrants, servants. The mining quest in Ishgard has you helping a bunch of mercenaries serving Fortemps and they include a Roegadyn, I think 2 highlanders.
Don't mind me. Just your average viera player.
Don't let thunder fall off unless it'll cost you astral, you can use it once in your fire phase now with the new mp costs.
Refresh thunder and use thundercloud as late as possible.
Use your weave tools to use sharpcast on cooldown. Hold Xenos for this. Make sure it doesn't fall off by casting thunder as late as possible.
Thunder and sharp are the two big changes from SB.
Is it even possible to play a male lala unironically? I've never seen one that wasn't a meme sperg.
Because this is my main look as PLD
looks like an orange parser to me.
Spotted fedora and spotted spencer. You look like shit to begin with so might as well go all in.
Topless of course
It's nice, just a shame that if you dont want to buy the nezha outtfit your options are shisui aiming that you will have to buiild around due to being undyable, and the AF4 if you want exposed tummy. I guess there is the old thavnarian dress, but it's strictly inferior to the AF which will be dyable in 5.1 or 5.2
Am I the only Lala who uses the forehead teardrop? I never see anyone else with it.
>trap lala
Based. I'd give you my commend.
It's probably because in lore, the world is much more populated than it appears in game. Like the Grand Companies are meant to have tens of thousands of soldiers, but you'll barely ever see more than about a dozen in the same place. So they want to avoid saying that a city has millions of inhabitants when in game it's like 50.
>using any of the facial decals
>multicolored eyes
everything else
That's hot.
I just wanted something that looked enticing, but i didn't want to go shisui or thav dress like literally every single dnc. the nezha outfit looks great and it's probably the first and last thing i'll ever buy, but the dyes for it are shit unfortunately.
What? I don't have heterochromia, my lala's eyes are silver
Thanks for the tips, I'll try it out.
Would mating-press mash into actual mash
I initially did trying to make an old man character
I want her to extortionate money off me for her glams and crafting in exchange for thighjobs
This game would be so much better without the stupid Japanese loli race that gets shoehorned into all their games.
I wanna level samurai purely because of their armor
Thanks. Muh dick took over my grammar for a minute there.
That's pretty normal if you're undergearedlike you are.
Especially on BLM dhcrits give a lot of variance, so you might fall behind because of 2 or 3 less crits than you should have gotten (which is 2 gcds worth of casting)
If you're in all 340 it should be easy to clear, your opener is probably fucked up
well he's at least 100 item levels under what would be reasonable so yes
>get whisper complement on your glamor
>pretend to be afk
This isn't stormblood my dude.