Less than 5 weeks until we can go home, lads.
What will you main?
What are your goals?
Remember to ignore the FFXIV shills.
Less than 5 weeks until we can go home, lads.
What will you main?
What are your goals?
Remember to ignore the FFXIV shills.
Go home already loser
My plan is not to play because I guarantee beta was only a taste of how much a bastardization this experience will be of the true vanilla experience.
It's impacts still haven't been addressed outside of some vague cooldown, while it was one of the biggest issues in beta.
>Leeway mechanics
Completely fucking over classes in New ways that were never a part of the original experience all while blizzard says it is working as intended.
>400ms spell batching
Something I was actually in favour of when they first announced they wanted to replicate spell batching, until you realize that the range they have given for how it works is insanely aggressive.
These are just a few of the reasons that convince me that WoW Classic will be a far cry from the experience that true vanilla fans have been hoping for for more than a decade.
Blizzard has fucked it up and the only hope now is that a WoW Classic private server can pick up the pieces and save this shit.
For now I will just wait and see how it unfolds, no way I'm trusting Acti-Blizz with my money on day 1. Here's to hoping it'll be good, but I won't be too surprised if it turns into a dumpster fire either
>Leeway mechanics
Explain, I've heard 0 things about this.
my plan is to just remember the good old times before adulthood hit me
You clearly know more than I do, please expand on leeway mechanics and spell batching. Do you mean they're only actually going to check for casts and hits and shit every 400ms? As opposed to what number?
t. moron
Dworf woyer
For the past few months I keep thinking this is already released and this is like the 80th time I’ve realized that it isn’t.
I can’t possibly understand why people are so into this. It will never be as good as you remember, why can’t you just let those fun memories be memories.
Wait it hasnt happened yet. Jesus it's taking you guys forever.
Level til 27 and then quit.
What will finally kill retail wow? My big fat friend is still addicted. He has now been addicted for more than half his entire life, and it is depressing me so much. I can't help him. The game needs to die. At least he doesn't like Vanilla because it is "too slow", but is there any way that a successful Vanilla can hurt retail?
I want it all to fucking die.
>it will not be fun cause I said so
I will try it. I played vanilla only on private servers so i don't have much to compare it with. If i find a group of bros i like, i'll keep playing. If not, i won't, easy.
Simple as.
'ate elves
'ate trees
'ate wisps
love me axe
love me warsong
simple as
Being a hunter, stealing all the loot, and getting a T. rex from unga bunga crater
So will we be layered in our own capital cities, dividing our communities?
Inv to asmon layer pls I want to give him some gold
Dwarf hunter or orc hunter
I want to go Dwarf because I don't like being a horde nigger and squatting in niggrimar.
I want to go Orc because better racials and shit, I like orcs, friends probably want to play Horde.
I want to world pvp, screw around, gank, and avoid any autism, that is, raiding.
Anybody who played past WOTLK is a retard
Classic will flop
Ffxiv will die in a year too
MMOs are dead
You will never experience a compelling multiplayer rpg experience like og wow ever again
Seething trannies
inv to asmon layer
so you are going to tell me that this insufferable faggot spent months hyping classic only to talk shit about it and go back to farming mounts and transmogging like a casual? OH wait, that's because he is a casual. He's bad at WoW. He only likes being a noob and collecting cosmetics. What a complete faggot. Classic is better without him and his cancerous followers.
you fucking nost baby crying about real vanilla only having comparison to private servers
The beta ended. Of course he "went back".
>classic warcraft launches THE DAY BEFORE a major content release for fucking timeline progression Everquest
if i had one(1) wish i would request that warcraft be removed from the fucking planet
jesus christ stop killing my games and coming back from the dead to do it all over again you god damn menace
imagine being excited to celebrate the game that destroyed an entire genre by existing
Everquest was never relevant
yeah and he collects mounts and transmogs like a faggot. He actually enjoys doing that shit. It's fucking disgusting.
I think a group of men collectively sucking each others cocks while autistically measuring their junk is less gay than asmonfags mount contests
you can cross-reference almost every single aspect of classic warcraft back to everquest design theories, a majority of warcraft developers were also everquest players for years before jumping ship to create their casual-paradise sandbox
kazzak and azuregos are almost direct carbon copies of early everquest raid mobs, in spirit of being a 'contested world spawn'
everquest basically shaped the entire early genre of MMO design before warcraft turned it into an 'everyone is a rockstar' dopamine fix for babies
I just got into FFXIV but I'm really curious about this. Oh dear...what's it like to be playing 2 MMOs at the same time? Basically a full time job at that point?
fuck off everquest
fuck you warqueef
Because everyone had shit internet back in the day. There was a mechanic that increased a players PvP melee range by 5 yards if both players were moving. This means that in PvP a Tauren will have a 13 yard attack range.
I'm not sure if this only applies to auto attacks or also applies to melee attacks that aren't auto attack modifiers like Raptor Strike, but if it does that's going to be an insane range to hamstring people from.
>Remember to ignore the FFXIV shills.
idk what you're talking about i would love to play a game that ONLY gets good after 200 hours haha
You cant tame devilsaur in vanilla
>every spec I like is shit in vanilla
TBClassic when?
I had 10mbit in 2004
So it's going out after summer break end?
Great decision, gj blizzard
I was 14 when it came out and I played it.
Can't wait to play it again as a Boomer.
No one asked Jörgen.
It's possible. Assuming you've done everything in XIV at this point, your basically just in maintenance mode, doing your weekly Eden clears and dailies, unless you want to level something else. Classic is a large time commitment so it would have to require the majority of your time during the launch month.
I will just keep playing BfA because is a better game than a nostalgia fueled shit title from 15 years ago
because you are a casual and faggot that likes to collect cosmetics
enjoy your companion missions and island expolration dickhead
I don't get this complaint at all. If you were in middle or highschool when vanilla was out, you're mid 20s to early 30s now and probably have a job with saved PL do your should be fine. Zoomers don't care about classic to begin with, so the only people this really fucks are university students with difficult majors.
Not that guy but I'll explain: Spell batching is a mechanic where the server only processes actions every X number of milliseconds. This means that if you and someone else use an action within the same batch window, the server will treat those two actions as being simultaneous. This has implications for PVP, where you can get all kinds of weird shit like mages being able to polymorph each other or sufficiencly savvy players being able to cancel out a polymorph by using an item (like a dark rune) to inflict damage on themselves.
Vanilla's window was 200 ms to put a 400 ms window into perspective
doesn't sound any worse than LITERAL MONTHS of only molten core as game content desu
there's only 4-5 items(out of over a hundred) in molten core that are even worth using, most tier sets are complete total garbage
warcraft classic peaks during blackwing lair and the AQ gate opening event, then promptly goes back to being complete monotonous shit where all you have to do every day until the game dies is just farming gold for consumables or farming elementals for fire/nature resist pots
i'm not even oversimplifying it, that's all there is to do in classic. you achieve 'best in slot' ridiculously fast, and we're getting the most sterile iteration of classic ever, so no stupid fun shit like walljumping or weapon procs with unintended scaling to have fun with. 4+ months of farming elemental fires while chinese gold farmers inevitably destroy/dominate your economy from years of playing economy averages on private servers
the only good experience you will have in blizzard's dogshit bootleg of classic will be the leveling process, cherish it as best you can
I'm gonna live the comfy fisherman life.
>you achieve 'best in slot' ridiculously fast
Your realize there are 40 people in raids right?
ESO has more players than ffxiv, why are you even bringing those faggots up at all?
and i don't think you realize that most molten core and BWL era 'best in slot' items are still blues from stratholme, dire maul and UBRS
a full-blues dal'rends fury warrior can still top DPS parses well into late BWL gearing due to how fucking stupidly designed the itemization is in classic, the best healing gear is mostly all level 54-58 blues from dire maul, the best caster dps gear is literally green bind on equip gear "of frozen/shadow wrath" until AQ
very few true 'best in slot' items actually come from early raids. classic fucking blows dude
I’ll run my old character, but this time I’ll not be a complete dumbass
This is completely false lol. DM has good gear, but dm isn't going to be in to begin with. Green items for casters are good, but you will be complete dogshit if that's your gearset entirely, not only will you have nowhere near enough hit%, you won't have any mana whatsoever to put out the damage for long enough. Molten core has some great drops for literally every class
>Ger slightly hyped about classic
>come into classic thread
>see autism
>instant feeling of regret and disappointment
I'll have to avoid these threads if I want to play
going paladin or rogue. i've been playing on retrowow server instant 60, rogue is more fun but finding groups is so slow. as a paladin you're invited to shit so fast it's great. since i want to actually experience the raids this time, i think i'll main pala and alt rogue
>caster hit%
>a grand total of two or three items pre-AQ
good way to completely blow your entire argument out your ass lol
>you won't have any mana whatsoever to put out the damage for long enough
dark runes and mana pots remove the need for actual mana pool for basically every class, and frost mages have barely any mana cost to their spells to begin with. a warlock doesn't need mana to DPS, only lifetap and a healer - thus raw damage "of shadow wrath" is their best gear for DPS
>Molten core has some great drops for literally every class
yes, a grand total combined of maybe, -maybe- 8 items out of over a hundred in total if we're talking Real Items Worth Using, and not garbage trophies you want to wear because they have pretty purple letters in their name
i actually envy how little you know about the game, i wish we could trade that
Go rogue, with mining and whatever.
Sap people in front of nodes, and steal it.
Repeat until they get mad. Kill them for easy hatemail. Rejoice.
Is he right about classic, Yea Forums?
Enjoy farming two thousand pieces of shit to make a shit resistance potion for Molten Core only for a faggot to make you wipe and lose the potion
3/3 incorrect, strong retard
Absolutely, I would pay for the Scarab Lord title or the corrupted ashbringer
>'best in slot'
At leas you can reach best in slot in vanilla, lol. Enjoy your endless titanforge grind and inevitable 8.3 gear reset patch.
Why not just play on a private server?
>inb4 it's full of %ETNICITY_NAME%, it's not what I remember, etc.
Play Final Fantasy Shadowbringers
Probably maining a priest. I don't think I'd be able to handle playing a druid again without all the QoL fixes that have accumulated over the years.
Goals? Have fun, make some friends along the way.
server/faction transfers, name/race/appearance change. that's all that's confirmed which is all shit they were selling back in 2005 also. i bet there won't be tokens, or mounts or even pets, at least not in the first 2 year cycle, after that who knows
Unlike Vanilla players who pretend what they're doing is a better use of time
lag, disconnects, rollbacks, impermanence, broken enemies/spells/spawns, incorrect stats on most enemies in the game
There's + to hit items aplenty sunshine, it's okay if you didn't actually play when vanilla was out but don't try and talk shit my lad. Do we gotta go onto gear sites and go through them all with you?
>if you play like a min maxing private server retard then you don't need mana
Wow. First of all, you'll still run oom by miles, those won't keep you afloat with the cooldowns they have. Second of all, believe it or not 99.999% of the playerbase aren't that autistically retarded to play in such a way that every single minute they're just guzzling down gold to get ahead by a tiny amount.
>8 total
lmao. are you genuinely trying to argue there is 1 item per class of worth in mc? Bitch there's a couple of bis drops for every class in there for a significant period of time, and a lot of the other shit is a) sellable b) situational sidegrades or absolutely tiny minor upgrades that people just don't feel like wasting their dkp and shit on, because people always focus on the bis and ignore anything that might be in between.
fuck off you xiv tranny fuck
>the first 2 year cycle
most private servers (which average ~4000 players a server on the low-end) stagnate and die around the 5 month mark, 2 years of classic sounds completely ignorant if that's their actual timeline plan
I hear ya, friend.
sounds comfy gl on your benediction
My recommendation for you is to avoid all Classic media aside from news.
the timeline is just vanilla again, it's not accelerated, ofc it's 2 years
Of course he's not, there's no way to implement loot boxes into wow without taking away something players already expect, it won't work. You will never be able to buy that rare shit, the only thing they could do is make new gear models and let you get transmogs from boxes, but they won't spend the time and effort paying someone to do that.
Home bros...
>There's %to hit items aplenty
>for casters specifically
like what? neltharion's tear (BWL, not even in release) and that one belt from stratholme? hello team? lol
>First of all, you'll still run oom by miles
alright, show me the dps parse of a roleplayer boomer in full +int magisters beating someone wearing full +dmg gear using mana pots, or even coming anywhere close to half their damage output in a three minute fight
i'm gonna stop you there and tell you that you can't, and never will
>a lot of the other shit is a) sellable
so you're selling bind on pickup gear after it drops? maybe with majordomo's chest, most of the BOE tier 1 gear is not worth a purchase due to bad itemization. again i don't think you know how this works but that's okay, you are blizzard's intended audience, you _actually_ don't know anything about the game other than erroneous nostalgia blabber and you're going to have a good fucking time.
>-maybe- 8 items
Per class? Yeah that's about right. If you're wearing BiS in phase 1 about half your gear will be epics from Ony/MC and maybe 1 world drop and the rest will be a random assortment of gear from Strats/UBRS/LBRS fuck even BRD sometimes.
How's warlock in vanilla?
S E E T H I N G retail fags
no one will be there to look at your pretty mounts anymore
worse than shadow priest in pvp, worse than mage in pve
necessary in raids only for curses and soulstones/healthstones, 'upper middle class' DPS that will never top-5 a damage meter in a competent raid
Here you go user. At the end of phase 1 the average class will have a decent amount of epics. Some more than other.
Apparently Giantstalker for hunters is BiS, which is a shame for hunter because it looks like shit.
>reddit spacing
soul link spec is the most powerful 1v1 spec in the game, noone will fuck with you in the world, succubus is borderline op, and you can double sacrifice voidwalkers for 3 hp bars. and then you have fear. in pve they are mostly utility and low dps until like aq onwards. endgame warlocks are stronger than even mages in pve, since their tier3 gives threat reduction
both t1 and t2 act as bis for hunter which is cool if you don't like wearing clown suit
>shadow priest
For all of the one encounters you’ll get before going oom
Will main orc Hunter most likely, unless pet mechanics are still fucked at launch. My goals will be to PvP, run dungeons, level engineering, and have fun.
Hopefully layering will only be implemented during phase 1. Also I hope they overtune MC and Onyxia so people aren't downing them in the first month.
there isn't helping those types of people, if wow didn't exist he would be addicted to something else for worse or better it doesn't matter. my friend stop playing games altogether now he's an alcoholic
you might want to actually look at those lists and notice that outside of a few exceptions that actually have relevant tier 1 sets, (hunter and priest), nearly all of them are sharing the exact same contested items with one another (spell power/cauterizing rings, azuresong mageblades, choker of the firelord, accuria, etc)
that is the issue with molten core, out of the ~100 items, less than a dozen are actually relevant and can be used by many classes in that role - after the first month, you're basically sifting through unwanted garbage loot for the one good drop per clear. and you'll be doing this for at least five months until blackwing lair is out
this list isn't even accurate btw, it heavily exaggerates or excludes certain items for the sake of having something unrealistic in that slot (fucking mageblade on a paladin lmao, you get ~3 casters to /gquit on the spot if that happens)
You're right.
After all you Classicucks have so many mounts to look at... OH WAIT
Is there something more pathetic and seething than Classicucks?
if a shadow priest is out of mana in pvp, that means he just killed like six fucking people prior to that user
everyone is gonna shit and get tired of it in 3 months, lol.
It means someone looked vaguely in their direction and they cast one spell
I'm the same, i wanna pvp and piss about but my friend is playing priest so i feel like i have to play warrior but i know i wont play enough to even get the gear required
Again, you're full of shit. There are a whole bunch of caster items with +hit before even bwl
>in a three minute fight
Fights are not 3 minutes you dumb faggot
Once again, it's perfectly fine if you didn't play vanilla, but stop making up shit based on your retard autistic private server experiences which are not, and will not, be anything like a real server. Nor did anyone say "full +int", they said you will need stats and cannot get by on statless gear with +spell damage alone no matter how many consumables you use. Try again.
There's a reason everyone hates you brain damaged private server cunts lol. Never played vanilla when it was out, but think you know everything about it based on playing a sewn together copy with abilities not working, stats wrong and scripts not being accurate. The best part about classic is legitimately going to be seeing you retards cry when it's not the same as private servers and your dumb shit doesn't work out as well as you hope because private servers are not accurate.
>again i don't think you know how this works but that's okay,
The various boes you retarded cunt lmao. Believe it or not, SOME PEOPLE DON'T RAID, and they'll happily pay some cash for boe epics that whilst not exceptional, are still serviceable
I never played EQ. Would this content release be a good intro for a new player?
>less than a dozen are actually relevant
user I really don't feel like going back to the list and counting the unique items in phase 1. You and I both know it's more than 12 and it's sure as hell more than 8, stop exaggerating.
>it heavily exaggerates
All BiS lists do, they're inherently retarded. Which is why you're retarded. The epics you'd supposedly be sifting through are going to be used because no one is retarded enough to get full pre-raid BiS for MC and no one is going to expect that from them because it's MC and it's pretty damn easy.
in this list, clutch of andros is the only available %hit item you can get pre-BWL. please stop being a silly dingdong by pretending you know things about stuff - most of these are AQ era 'catch up' items that are implemented to UBRS etc later on down the line, and not available for something like over a year if they're following the actual timeline.
to reiterate, there is a grand total of ___one___(1) item in this list that you can acquire in early MC-era classic
>Fights are not 3 minutes
on most private servers (which, on average, intentionally raise the hp of raid mobs by a little over 20%), ragnaros is a 4 minute fight. Onyxia usually takes a window of 5-10 minutes, with lots of 'mana breaks' (potion/evocate timers etc) between phases
>The various boes
tier 1 bracers and belts are the only 'various BOE' items in molten core excluding the unrelated random blues you'd get from killing any other enemy in that level range
Everquest looks fucking awful though. And I enjoy runescape.
It has already been confirmed that WoW: Classic won't be faithful to Vanilla but a shallow remake designed to milk dumb zoomers.
I refuse to play it and I despise any adult who plays that crap. All of you should know better and have higher standards.
>It has already been confirmed that WoW: Classic won't be faithful to Vanilla but a shallow remake designed to milk dumb zoomers.
where and how?
private server babbys are mad that they're used to the incorrect way that their broken bullshit pretend servers process melee attacks, essentially.
Read more.
I'm not surprised I got a (you) from some dumbass who is too young to even capitalize. I will leave this shitty thread and let you zoomers go jump off a bridge.
This. I doubt I'll get past 30.
>Vanilla's window was 200 ms to put a 400 ms window into perspective
citation needed
most children are actually pretty keen on the shift key when it comes to posting shit these days, i don't think that tap of your pinky on the keyboard is making you read any older to others that chose to exclude their big dildo from their anus while browsing the chans
>going for BiS for fucking Molten Core
I’ve no doubt some ‘sperg guilds will require it, but come the fuck on
seethe more retail fag go do your "world" quests instead of making shit up
>having a dumpty-ass raid guild with everyone in random bullshit gear and no effort on consumables, that takes six hours over two split nights to clear just molten core
>or a half-optimized, decently geared raid force that dumpsters molten core+onyxia in an hour so you can go do other shit
tough choice there, you vastly underestimate how hard classic warcraft scales with effort when it comes to input/output of how many people in your raid give a shit vs. how fast said shit gets done
Middle of the road pve dps, then they get more hit rating with bloodvine & become good, One of the best in PVP
soul/healthstones & summoning (no summon stones in vanilla) make Lock quite useful, pretty much every class in vanilla can bring someone to the raid, unlike BFA, where a few classes don't get invites
raiding with guildies is the most fun thing in the game, why not spend longer doing it? also only priv server guilds will speedrun, 80% at least of players will be basically first timers having forgotten everything from 2005
>if you don’t have BiS you’re probably raiding in greens with no pre effort
user, we both presumably played the game. Don’t try that retarded false dichotomy.
shit like ironfoe is a 2% drop chance, people are not getting BiS before MC
>haha noone's gonna be zooming around on neon dragons in front of your face all day now cucks *dabs*
How awful...
i'm unironically excited as fuck to run brd multiple times a day on my rogue, it's my favourite dungeon in the game
There's a chance your shits gonna be wiped or the server taken down.
It's all feels meaningless compared to actual WoW for some reason.
Rank the classes from comfiest to least comfy. Regard both solo and group content.
dwarf holy pally to shit on horde rogues with my warrior buddy
>There's a chance your shits gonna be wiped or the server taken down.
So fucking what?
Isn't the whole point of Classic is reliving the leveling and exploring of pre-cata wow? If you get wiped, then start another char.
Sure, it might suck bad when you get wiped at 30-40, but then again, I hardly saw it happen.
Which streamer will you be watching on launch, Yea Forums?
You mom as she streams my dick into her ass all day
>Have someone pay me for an invite to Asmongold layer
>I'm not actually in it
>They're now locked from moving layers for a good 2 hours
Sorry, it’s a pally item ;^)
If your point is "it's the journey not the destination", consider that without a destination any journey is inherently retarded. I don't want to level only to have it wiped.
I got no idea what that item is worth. "How about 3g?"
PLAYER is ignoring you.
brd has like 20 good items for rogue or something, you could literally just run brd for months and steadily gear up, it's amazing
Gonna be running scholo for headmasters charge too
Vanilla items are so fun, everything post TBC besides trinkets has been boring stat sticks, it seems they have started to notice this in BFA
i loved legion legendaries just not how you attained them. with all leggos, and all sets to mix and match, i had so much fun optimising my character
yeah legion was pretty good for that, i dunno why they downgraded that aspect so hard in bfa
No it wasn't.
>slots you just will never replace but you still get loot for them
>many classes never changed legendaries period or outside of m+ at any point
>those that did had their ST/AoE balanced around using ST/AoE legendaries which made the game trash until you got them
>none of that mattered anyway because m+ had like 5 useful specs at the MDI
>throw in 2piece previous tier 4 piece current tier and legendaries and slots pretty much locked up for good
most of that is bs but i cbf fixing it just trust me
Orc Rogue PvE gremlin
No, they play private servers not because they are poor but because those servers are running a game that no longer exists
These retards need to learn how fucking stupid they are being, but I know they never, ever will.
>gonna be a tauren shaman and level with my friends that are returning
>gonna make a comfy guild and be the main healer
>it'll be good times
if anyone wants to join a non-autismo non-/vg/ guild I can invite you
realm info when
Human Priest but I'll still be playing XIV at the same time. I like both games.
My money is still on this dying after a month or 2, maybe it will make it to the end of the year, but I actually think blizzard is right and people dont want classic as badly as they allow their nostalgia to make them believe they want it.
>Remember to ignore the FFXIV shills.
imagine putting this in your OP because you're so scared of FFXIV
>stop discussing videos games in my e-celeb board!
tf2 threads and pre-asmonposter home threads are the best threads of Yea Forums because people actually talk about the game and not waifushit or e-celebs
and /vg/ is basically a fucking death sentence for any Yea Forums community. the Yea Forums tf2 threads are perfectly fine while /tf2g/ is filled with discord furries and other assorted faggots
>tfw playing on Netherwing
Imagine being such a constant shill that people have to warn about you in unrelated threads
imagine being an fftranny
homeposters live here
The absolute state of furfags
>Play WoW classic
>Know everything that's going to happen
>No surprises, nothing new to look forward to
>Just a boring as hell grind
For what purpose?
i don't remember anything about where quests are located and i played horde but this time going alliance. i never made it past golemagg. how is it not new
You're playing and mmorpg not a single player game. The novelty comes from interacting with people that behave differently.
No one cares about scripted cutscenes or whatever in wow. Everyone saw the cinematics on youtube weeks before playing the game and every piece quest flavor has been datamined already.
The only flavor comes from player interaction.
I just look at it like Ocarina of Time remake sort of thing.
Yeah I've played it before, but it was fifteen fucking years ago. I want to do it again.
>trannybringers still trying to shit up classic threads
Lmao keep coping knowing classic will kill your anime shit game
How long will it last for you? I think that I will drop after 6 month.
>Game is filled with millions of fucking elves