>Yea Forums says they'll boycott a game
Yea Forums says they'll boycott a game
Yeah stop having values and adhering to them everyone else is gonna buy product you might as well too!
Yeah! You have lots of disposable income, you might as well spend it!
Steamed hams
>find Yea Forums group on Steam
>90% of users playing it
You're already spending 60 USD, what's another 20 for the season pass? You'll save 5 dollars!
>Yea Forums boycotting anything
This is literally me with sony and sony games following the censorship
Won't have fucking effect
>Joined the L4D2 boycott group
>Many years later it eventually is given away completely for free by Valve
>Mission accomplished
If MW5 is Epic exclusive I'm asking for a refund.
>Let's Pirate Games to show them
>I'm not poor lol
>No don't compare me to a nigger
>I"m not black I'm a rich white billionaire
What i don't understand are the shills trying to convince user otherwise
Are they being payed ?
>it works
Wasn't it a Steam group dedicated to boycotting CoD that most the users were found playing the game?
Defend corporation. Defend brand. Beep boop
you can vote only once on the other hand you can buy something as many times as you want.
Is this porn
>I will not buy this because one of the guys who made it is a bad guy
>Bad guy wins 4999999 dollars i stead of 5000000
Having values is useless. You can not buy it and critize it but don’t pretend you’re changing somethings because you aren’t
It's a dog in a life jacket
you just lost yourself a seed and feed
there was a cancerous Yea Forums group too
That just means its even more important you dont buy games you dont agree with. Have to compensate for the fans, and encourage others not to buy it. If the fans buy 100 copies who cares its them going bankrupt.
>Yea Forums says sneed
vote with your wallet is a very slacktivist approach. making noise, convincing others why in an intelligent way, and making a powerful discourse however makes it far more effective.
>Vote with your wallet
>Don’t like it don’t buy it
These retards are all over the place, not just Yea Forums
What if I just choose not to buy the game
Steam drones are currently crying boycotts about Epic Store now when it's super successful
>developer laughs about selling out
>soon after their latest title has bitten the dust because it's lost in a sea of identical clones and people just keep playing what they already have