>If the woman's design is not sexy, why bother?
Holy fucking cringe
If the woman's design is not sexy, why bother?
I agree. I don't play video games to see ugly women. If I wanted to do that, I'd just leave my house.
Incidentally, I don't play video games to breathe air either. If I wanted to do that, I'd buy an oxygen mask.
Do people ever complain about ugly men in vidya? If not, this seems like a very problematic double-standard, to be quite honest :^)
I don't play video games for relatable female characters. And women who play actual video games don't want to be a regular woman in a video game either.
wow Reggie said that?
Pretty based
It's the incel mindset, generally shared by braindead anti-sjw types that eatup shovelware shit
>just scan some goblinos face and put it in the game, who cares if she looks like an ogre
the state of AAA studios
If every woman is cute or sexy, the game feels phonier. By going overly the top in its fanservice pandering, it becomes a much less effective form of escapism. This is why I hate most harem shit.
Imagine playing a game with ugly womans when you can just go outside
Literal autism
I'm glad gachashit exist to hopefully contain those dweebs away from real vidya.
Imagine playing a game where you aren't having your dick sucked by anime girls at every second. Could you be any more of a cuck?
Incel mindset is expecting entertainment from an entertainment product?
>I can only be entertained if every woman in a game makes my dick twitch
That is incel mindset, yes.
Cumbrained incels BTFO.
Have you ever had sex in your life?
Incels are the ones who try to have sex desperately with anyone
People that actually have sex prefer attractive people
If you put more value in muh anime tiddies over any other aspect of a game, sure. You dweebs shill the worse games if it just has some anime tiddies in it.
But you aren't having sex with any of the characters, you dweeb. They're not real.
So you are willing to have sex with Gertrude 150kg just for the sake of it ?
Definitely sound like you are the incel here
I hope you realize the post you're replying to is being sarcastic.
No, because men aren't naturally insecure- and scummy creatures.
>The characters from video games aren't real, dude, you're not actually fucking any of them
>Hahaha, so you want to fuck a fat chick
This is your brain on inceldom
You’re just intimidated by porn and people that are more attractive than you and try to blame it on others by calling them “incels” because they find sexy things attractive
Liking sexy things is what normal people do, not incels
kill yourself, sexless freak
>Holy fucking cringe
>pretending to be retarded is still retarded OP.
I didn’t even read it, I just like typing fpbp to the first post
You do realize the sjw mind set is also extreme yes?
But men are the ones bitching about ugly women.
There's nothing wrong with calling sexy things attractive. But the idea that games should be all attractive women is absurd.
This. I'm so fucking sick of anti-sjw's.
Like wtf is wrong with justice in our society?
Fucking incels.
>But the idea that games should be all attractive women is absurd.
Who says they should? There are plenty that dont make them attractive just based on art style alone.
Yes, but it's generally the other throwing $$ at shovelware games lacking anything but some fanservice
Nice Discord thread
>muh why aren't you having sex incels huh
>muh incelsdoms
So you try to make other miserable so you can have a chance with women ? if you ask me you are even more stupid than i thought
I mean, the whole premise of this thread is pretending Reggie said that. We were just fucking about until some legitimate incels came into this thread crying that their viewpoint was being mocked.
So what fuckface don’t act like you’re not superficial
You have made fun of someone ugly in some recent point of your life and by your logic that makes you a fucking incel
I am superficial to an extent, but not to the pathetic extent of crying if a game has a woman in it that is not attractive.
Not him but
1) the justice you seek isn't justice, its payback
2) if you want to enjoy games with out the sexy looking characters go to those games, no one will judge you for your tastes outside of Yea Forums and internet.
3)social justice warriors are shallow people who don't actually know what's going on they are bored and like to complain.
Now it's cool you want to be nice to people but don't ever expect someone to do the same in this unfair world of ours. Often than not the next person who isnt a celebrity you seem racist could have had it really bad and is an ethnicity that isnt white.
You mean like phone games women play? Or the Visual Novels that are just avatars changing 2 positions? OR another areana shooter rts game for the current new generation? Safe to say neither side is morally better than the other, they pick and choose what's ok in the end.
>If the gay is not alive, why worry?
Jesus Christ Raimi
Then why are you surprised some retarded people took your bait friendo?
I mean incels aside, you do know that this place is incel central, right?
Reggie doesn't even work for nintendo anymore dumbass.
I'm not surprised. If anything, I'm enjoying the opportunity to mock them further.
Beautiful women in games perpetuate the idea that women are wonderful people that are to be sought after. Meanwhile, most real life women are awful people. You have people who fall into the meme that winning a trophy wife is the goal of life and then end up realizing that women are shit after the fact, but then you put shitty women in games and media and it becomes abundantly clear that women are shit. Meanwhile, women still want to be objects of affection.
The perfect redpill
Fair enough just dont be surprised you end up pissed off and angry in the end. Just saying.
what everhappened to that fucking show?
You know it's kinda hilarious coming from the guys who brags about how they lost their virginity to a random female and go brag about it on an anonymous website but when the incels counters they act like the victims.
Really hoping someday your dick is going get you killed you depraved fools.
Who's acting like a victim here, you spaz?
Ratings dropped to 40%.
>Beautiful women in games perpetuate the idea that women are wonderful people that are to be sought after
your own fault if you confuse 2d with 3d
The ultimate cuckoldry is watching porn. You're watching a guy fuck another woman and jacking off.
While you could instead play a game where you actually have the control over the characters.
>Holy fucking cringe
I agree, it is pathetic. And it's incredibly pathetic to see that what passess around good female character design around here is god-awful bland anime chicks.
But it's not quite as pathetic as getting angry at women being sexualized. Judging a game based on how cheaply sexual a female character design in a game is means you are massively insecure and very unhealthy sexually frustrated.
Renouncing a game based on the fact that a character is sexualized however makes you insecure and brainwashed CUNT, either so fucking uncomfortable with your own identity that you demand others to change the world for you, or you have been straight up brainwashed into theory of conflict style ideologies, literally brainlessly carrying out agenda's of arrogant social engineers that will stop at nothing in persuit of power.
I will still rather deal with immature man-children than destructively insecure cunts or brainwashed zealots.
TLDR: caring about sexualization of females in games is sad either way, but those who fight against it are worse than those who demand it.
Because stating facts make me a victim ? fucking kek
Go fuck someone or whatever you dogs in heat does in your free time
You are what is wrong with society. you think you can have the benefits of law and order without any norms. You want formlessness and will never, ever attain it.
>Like wtf is wrong with justice in our society?
I know this is a bait, but the problem is with people who are arrogant enough to claim they have the sole authority to decide what is and what isn't "just" - especially since the base of their judgement is 150 years old raving of narcissitic mad-man.
>massively insecure
Massively immature. Sorry about that.
What? You were the one who was accusing someone of playing a victim. I don't know who.
There's a place for all kinds. A sexy Mortal Kombat design would be out of place in Life is Strange and vice versa
You might have control over the characters, but they're still not you.
based and consideratepilled
No, fuck that. SJW cunts have infected enough games. Don't give them another inch.
You have to have a brain to hate sjws.
have sex
Because more Sexy woman design = more fun for me
>Incels seethe and punch their walls if girls aren't designed to be 10/10 with great fem assets
>Incels also seethe when women want their men irl to be tall and handsome with great masculine assets
If they could get these girls irl they'd be the same way.
You guys are boring, just go jack off to porn if you want your pp to be hard
>still crying about a pair of video game titties
>Falling for the jewporn
good goy
>Still crying that video game characters aren't attractive enough for you
I dont even know what the term incel means anymore, wouldnt incels also hate sexy women in games?
so when did Yea Forums become invaded by resetera trannies and actual unironic real life pedophiles? this is relatively recent isn't it
>muh resetera trannies
rent free
games feature hot women because gaming, outside of skinner box bullshit on mobile designed to reap cash from the simple minded, is largely for men still anyway. women aren't entitled to shit, and if they want games for them they can start making their own (pro tip: fails every time)
they're lucky the representation they DO get revolves around them being beautiful and protected
Yup, they will not stopped until all Jap developer follow the same path as their western one did.
Turn all Jap dev to pander to all western LGBTQ subhuman trash.
I swear to god, I will destroy all of that shit stain trash of human as much as I can.
Fucking faggot ruined our gaming industry.
This isn't about games catering to men. It's about men bitching that there are games that don't cater to them even though they're the main demographic.
Incels feel insecure that they are only 98% of the demographic instead of the 100% they used to be. It's pathetic.
Why do fat ultra turbo nerdy dudes always end up as trannies who get outed as pedophiles?
Either that or they end up as incels fapping to VNs. One or the other.
Yes. It's why I personally can't get into the Division 2. One of the main parts of the game is customizing your characters outfit but the game randomly generates your character which looks like dog shit. The same thing happened in Rust and now nobody talks about either one of those games because they're not popular as a result.
And it's still infinitely better than anything you people can come up with to fix literally anything on a daily basis. Nobody can and ever will go to one of you people to fix anything that needs actually to be fixed because you'll just fuck it up even more than it already is.
>developers forced to cover the women in light ray burkas
>we aren't taking your games away fucking incel, there are plenty of games for you :^)
Men aren’t important
Then it doesn't matter then. Does it?
O mean it's kinda why I could never get into Oblivion it's jarring how fucking ugly everyone in that game is
Yeah, they do. Did you not see the amount of bitching surrounding Aquaman's face in Injustice 2?
>Yup, they will not stopped until all Jap developer follow the same path as their western one did.
Well, they just got a rock hard boot to the axe wound just now courtesy of D3 Publisher.
All that hard work, whining and bitching and for what? For the next installment of Omega Labyrinth to release uncensored WORLD FUCKING WIDE.
D3P>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>DPD
Or you could just use your lungs. You don't have to do only one thing at a time. You could play games to see sexy women and breathe at the same time, or you could go outside to see ugly women and breathe at the same time. It doesn't always have to be one or the other.
I like when women are smart AND attractive. Which is why I liked my ex gf who was studying to be a Pharmacist.
So why does it matter if they're not ugly?
I hope you recover soon user.