Why are there so many black people in the fighting game community?

Why are there so many black people in the fighting game community?

>inb4 hurrr durr cuz they black n they gravitate towards chimp instincts

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Actual, non-meme answer:

Because arcades were a place for children from lower-income communities to hang out and have fun in a safe environment for relatively cheap.

The fighting game community historically gravitates around the idea of, you know, COMMUNITY.
From the arcades, to going to your friend house and playing them, to making long trips to get to tournaments and fight the best players.

Black people are naturally more social and able to talk shit with each other and stay friends, thus you get more black people in the community.
There's a "ghetto" feeling to some of the OC parts of the FGC.
The idea that you aren't that rich, so you only buy a system for fighting games, and a stick (if you can afford it), then nothing else.

Basically if i had to boil it down, actual FGc is all about human interaction and being relatively sociable as a person, and being able to read social cues and joke around with other people.
This is the biggest reason why fighting games are so alien to Yea Forums.
Yea Forums can't into social interactions.

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Arcades in ghettos and third world countries, that's why fighting games and hip hop goes hand in hand

Competition. Last genre were masculine behaviour and competition is not stifled by women and their hoard of beta male orbiters.Men require competition, women cannot understand competition as anything, but aggression. There's a reasons there's no e-girls in the fighting community, or at least actual women without a Y chromosome. RTS, old school high skill ceiling arena shooters, and fighters are the last few places where video games maintain their root simply due to the high skill ceiling and the competitive nature. If nothing else, this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the importance of gatekeeping and denying "accessibility" bullshit that's meant to remove all challenge from games so that low test soi bois can get insta dopamine hit and post on social media about to maintain their geek cred.

Also, stop playing charge characters.

>naturally more social
Why aren't they more represented in team games like MOBAs and CS:GO?

>Competition. Last genre were masculine behaviour and competition is not stifled by women and their hoard of beta male orbiters.
Nigga the FGC is full of women, trans, gays, furries etc.
I have no idea what kind of FGC and tourneys you go to but the idea you have in your head of what the FGC is today is very romanticized, to say the least.

RL social.
Not online social.
When you remove the RL component out of being social, the status quo shifts back towards white nerds.

cuz they black n they gravitate towards chimp instincts

Nice manifesto, kekoldstani.

>stop playing charge characters.
Make me.
I'll be waiting in the corner ready to flash kick or Sonic Boom

Cause they good at it

Post a single women (FEMALE, A MEMBER OF THE HOMO SAPIEN SPECIES THAT LACKS A Y CHROMOSOME) who got top 32 in any national level tournament in the last 30 years. I'm willing to even accept Japanese answers to this, and it probably happened in Japan since for some reason women there actually play video games for the love of the hobby rather than socializing.

only smash


It's the most socially acceptable genre of video games for black guys.

If you were black and got caught playing JRPGs, Visual Novels and etc, you'd be made fun of.

>le based Japanese women owo
Get back in your gacha containment zone.

Proficiency starts with interest. They're good at it, because they like it, and they like it, because it appeals to their sensibilities.

E-sports tournaments for both FPS and MOBA games are "RL social". They even have houses set up for teams to live together.

Are you being an uppity nigger on purpose? Most fighting game players play online, anyway, just like any other genre. This "RL social" aspect of fighting games is a relic of the arcade scene, and would exist if blacks never even heard of an arcade. (see: Japan, Korea, Mexico, ect.)

I like how you link one specific music genre to a whole genre of fighting games because of one game, Third Strike.

>for relatively cheap.
>Spend more than a console+game in a few months of play

Makes perfect sense if you think about it, niggers choose instant gratification because it's "cheep n shit" over long term gains.

Eh, I know a black kid that plays fightin games and never went to arcades. To go to arcades you usually have a father figure that takes you. Shits too expensive now for the average zoomer.

>blacks are naturally violent
>very low skill ceiling
>fighting games nothing but mostly memorization and a little reflexes
the best fighting game players in the world are asian and hispanic but still


Look at this DOOD

The most successful MK player is gay furry

The FGC is a complete shit show. Fucking degenerates everywhere you look from Smash to Street Fighter it's all the same.

>gaming houses full of white awkward nerds who never talk to each other outside of playing the game
>Literally people get fucking reeeed off these teams in the early days with people autistically punching monitors

Yeah really RL socially acceptable and everything :)

I accept your concession.

Isn't it sad that the only exception is Japanese, once again? Not a single none Japanese woman proves the rule wrong even with a fucking sample size of 30 fucking years across all platforms and games. Sadly, even as the exception, she doesn't seem able to break into top 10 at any tier 1 tournament.

There's a melanin requirement to play fighting games although recently they started allowing gags trannies and pedos to play too.

>You ain't gettin' no X-Bawks Jamal, Momma gots 5 kids to feed
>Take dis quarter n' git out da house, Tyrone comin' tonite to gimme dat good dick

The roots of the American FGC in a nutshell

its a residual culture

>they black n they gravitate towards chimp instincts

black people actually play video games, unlike white people and mexicans.
Why do you think Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games?

If you were white and got caught playing JRPGs, Visual Novels and etc, you'd be made fun of.

They are good at them. Many of them grew up in arcades or just playing street fighter 2 at the laundromat

>>fighting games nothing but mostly memorization and a little reflexes
I love this meme.

No such thing. White people can play any genre.

>inb4 hurrr durr cuz they black n they gravitate towards chimp instincts
Why ask a question if you can't handle the answer?

Just ignore, he does not play fighting games like 98% of Yea Forums.

I've known people to be laughed at in my workplace, just for watching anime. Rightly so, I must add.

>once again
I dunno I just named the first one that came to mind.
Besides, I see a fair amount of women at my locals. And plenty of em are decent at whatever they play.
Having top national results doesn't really matter that much, just people playing is enough as far as that goes, so I dont really see whats so sad about it.

There are few mobas or fps where you can game on the same machine with multiple people, especially nowadays that most splitscreen features etc have been removed
Fighting games though are made for rl social interaction because it's much much easier to visit a friend and play them together on the same machine, only introducing online modes fairly recently in comparison WITHOUT stripping away local multiplayer


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I'm pretty sure people call you gay and made fun of you for playing anything that looked girly like a JRPG or literally wasn't CoD or some other war game. It's just you're less likely to get your ass beat in and your shit stolen if you don't live in a ghetto for being made fun of or weird.

It's pretty simple -- FGC tends to flourish in places with active arcade scenes. for this reason, it's a scene mostly centered around the pacific rim -- all the best players are from like, Japan/Taiwan/South Korea/Singapore etc. places with extremely high population density -- Arcades can flourish commercially in such high population density areas.

In the US, Arcades can be seen as substitutes. In places where incomes are generally low, people can't afford consoles or sophisticated PC's (including additional games and peripherals) Arcades tend to flourish. So it's socioeconomic. Lots of Black and Latin Americans, whereas most White and Asian-Americans tend to be in console or PC games.

There is also some element of reputation and community for Black Americans that seems somewhat unique to them, that predisposes them to do well in a fighting game. Who knows, though.

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>broad statements without a single example
>Gilty, a tranny freak, assaults a guy in a wheelchair after losing in a fighting game
>LTG being one of the biggest lolcows in ALL gaming
>Random shirtless thug nigger gets on stage and demands Chris G play him in a money match in the middle of an ongoing tournament
>SonicFox, a gay furry guro fetishist, makes it a point to shove his degeneracy onto everyone around him
>Shitting in the stairwell of events
>Arturo and Ricky Ortiz fucking each other in the room next to Floe while he's asleep
>The e-begging every single time Evo is coming up
>Marn's Leg

Yeah I'd rather be the white awkward nerd thanks

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Why don't Smash players have The Gene?

>Still being around when the Xbox was out

thats kind of like the whole gay stigma specifically in the black community and/or hood, people literally fear for their life or at least getting instantly beat the fuck up due to that ghetto culture

>Fucking degenerates everywhere you look from Smash to Street Fighter it's all the same.

Went to a Tekken tournament last weekend, didn't see a single furry or tranny. No women competing either.

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Arcades are cheap and were everywhere in the 90s, black people on average tend to be poorer so that means more black people in the FGC since that is what they grew up on. For the complete opposite effect, look at Starcraft. We don't really have gaming cafes in the west so PC gaming was limited to richer families which means more white and a lot more Asian people. Due to culture, black people gravitate towards fighting games cause they see more representation there and are more accepted, even if they haven't grown up in the arcades. This is basic sociology, it's not cause fighting games have a low skill ceiling or whatever. The average Yea Forums poster struggles to do a shoryuken, it's why we see so many Smash threads since people here can't play real fighting games (even in Smash Ken and Ryu are the least played characters lol), don't listen to those retards like


fine, nintendo, whatever you pedantic faggot


You're singling out Blacks, but to be honest, the FGC in general is stupid diverse in general. Especially when compared to other gaming communities.

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FGC is the key to world peace

Tekken is the only game where there isn't autistic weirdos or gay furries or trannies

Except Kkoma dressing up like Kazumi, but it's somehow endearing

moving the goddamn goalpost

You forget Hispanics, hispanics blacks and eastern asians dominate this genre. But now you're starting to see dudes from Saudi Arabia compete too which is strange.

Didn't he say with the exception of Japanese girls in his original post? How is that moving goalposts?

Kokomer gets a pass because he's not a degenerate faggot, he's just funny, also amazing at the game.

monitor punchers are the best though

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Even the best European players are Black for some reason.

It's not known what they do in those houses because these people show up to a public event like 3x a year.

But I mean there's shit like
>Puppey beating his team mates and smashing monitors
>HotshotGG being hilariously autistic
>XJ9 existing as a person who leaked his girlfriends newds on facebook because she played a character he didn't like in League

Like most of the community of pros don't bother streaming in Dota2. It's just personalities that do it now and they're literally autistic.

Either way it's not an argument about which community is worse. It's an argument that these people are not really RL social and more leaning towards being online social.

Just because they have gaming houses doesn't mean when they're in Korea they'll be hitting up the internet cafes to try to hang out with people. They'll autistically sit at home and play their game and jerk off about having 3 ping.

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There are a few good female Tekken players. Some of them like Aruu are there because the cuteness, but Cuddlecore is legit good.

If you're ugly and uncharismatic and get caught doing anything remotely out of the norm you'll be made fun of, race has literally no say.


Check what I was replying to, dumb dumb.

How many black fg players you know, Yea Forums?

I did, how does it make my post less valid? There's no blacks or whites when it comes to social ostracism, there's the beautiful people and the ugly people.

Pokchop, speedkicks, lil majin, rick tha rular, king jae, low tier god, sonicfox

This is the 90s when the barrier of entry to SF2 was 25 cents which is a lot more affordable to low income black families than getting a gaming PC to play Quake or some shit. Thus black zoomers play fighting games even if they haven't been to an arcade since black culture is more ingrained with fighting games than FPSs.

Mike Ross

oh wait you said black, uh... SnakeEyes, his SF4 gief was too good

Doesn't Cuddle_Core make top 32 pretty consistently?

Tekken is currently one of the most popular fighting games, therefore there are absolutely all of those kinds of people playing it. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't out there playing.

12 off the top of my head

>Puppey beating his team mates
Those were dark times for /d2g/.

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because they are genetically superior

t. Brainwashed white cuck

You only needed 1 copy of the game, and if you’re broke, you just go to a friend’s house and play.

I would say that is also a thing in white trash community.

>a couple of black people become good at something
>woaaghh guyz there's so many black peoples here I guess they've colonised it haha


Arcade and tournament culture mostly

cuz they black n they gravitate towards chimp instincts

Dont expect /pol/ posters to be that smart

>be black
>me and my brother don't like fighting games
I honestly don't know why

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I grew up in the 90s in a pretty diverse area. If you weren't playing SF2 or Mortal Kombat on the arcade cabs, you were seen as a faggot by the browns.

Unironic answer:

High testosterone individuals like competition and proving they're the best. Fighting games don't have the liberty of shirking the blame of a loss to other players and requires players to tap into their competitive drive to get better rather than make excuses (it obviously still happens, though).

Why is this important? Because white men have dropped hard in testosterone levels in the past decades, while black men haven't really changed, meaning the fighting game genre is just naturally going to draw more black guys to it than not. You obviously get your exceptions to the rule, like always, but they don't speak for the majority. And yes, you can be an ugly nerd and still have high testosterone levels.

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And I like how you're projecting, since I was talking about people sampling SF 2 and other fighting games

Cause they're black and gravitate towards chimp instincts.
Inbefoing the correct answer doesn't make it less correct.

White, Asian, Indian, etc. They're all relatives to chimps. But one race dominates a game genre. The answer is not that simple dumbass, otherwise all races would be equally distributed in fighting game demographics.

Motivated. Determined. Resilient. Confident. Mentally untouchable. Notice I didn’t say physical because no man is. Unfortunately our physiology limits us anything past that. More words can describe my presence but let’s not be selfish.

I walk a path. A path that was aligned for me since the beginning of time. The Creator gave me life through abundance. Allowing the correct souls to cross paths but not only through eye contact but to share passion with one another. A passion that allowed human life to be conceived, over, and over, and over again. And through it all with proper planning, placement, and the correct space and time, here I stand.

Mistakes made. Battles fought. Time elapsed. Ridicule spewed. I refuse to let the actions of mere fellow humans distract me from serenity. In this life do you feel a purpose? A longing? A yearning? An itch for completion. If so than we both share something. Something unbreakable. Something remarkable. Never fall short to the false obstacles some call roadblocks. I’m a walking example and breathing blueprint to what resilience can display regardless of the sagittal dividing support.

You see.. hate? Hate is nothing but an expression of colluded emotions. Hate can be controlled. Hate can be tamed. Hate is nothing but an insecurity within one’s self, but can be overcome. Giving humans specific labels makes me slightly uncomfortable. But I thank all categories regardless.