$20 a year for roms and online that doesn't have voice chat or messaging?? Yikes!

>$20 a year for roms and online that doesn't have voice chat or messaging?? Yikes!
*hacks switch*

Attached: jig-nintendo-switch-rcm-mods-backups-homebrew-sx-os-reinx-D_NQ_NP_671973-MLM28019079493_082018-F.jpg (1200x800, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Basically this. SX OS makes it easy mode. I still regularly go online when I'm not running through their port library.

Nice. Enjoy those fun Nintendo games


There's no point in me hacking my Switch because I already played the games that interested me two years ago when they came out and its been gathering dust since.

>$20 a year
Yeah man, how am I gonna feed my kids?
I'm not saying Nintenbro Online is good, but is this seriously the most scalding critique your autism addled brain could manage to come up with?
Can you just not post here anymore?

Attached: get the fuck out of here.gif (350x204, 650K)

Um you know that's illegal right?

>$20 a year for something that was already free in games already released
>$20 a year when you could backup for free on the wii and 3ds
>$20 a year for games that don't support any sort of socialising
>$20 a year for 20 year old roms you already bought on other Nintendo consoles
It's just $20 bro. What are you, poor?



Help populate the servers faggots. Don't tell me that you still haven't hacked your switch

>Doesn't know "What are you, poor?" is a commonly used expression on Yea Forums.
Must be fun being a newfaggot

Must be fun waking up in a world where nintendo exists

great now he can't avoid prison time by say he didn't know it was illegal. good job.

So many people hack their Switch don't even know about this and it makes me sad.

Oh man, I modified a device I legally own which is my right as a consumer and owner of a product. SO illegal. Please imprison me!

Why is the switch cfw scene so shit? It's a shock after the 3DS scene.

No well maintained guides anywhere, bans are still really poorly understood, emunand is apparently out but no one talks about it and the best cfw is a 20$ dong with a killswitch.

>It's just $20 bro. What are you, poor?

Well? Are you?

That's because consoles are shit for multiplayer. Hacking it for actual games is what consoles are for.

Reminder that the Freeshop is dead forever and people got banned but my Gateway is still going strong


>people got banned

Attached: 1507229213648.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

People did get banned dude

>people got banned
>he doesnt know

Prease derete this thread think of the advertisers thank you

>which is my right as a consumer and owner of a product
no it is illegal you agreed to the EULA

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EULA is anti consumer so it can be disregarded.

Literally the reason why I hacked my switch. I'm not going to drain my phone battery creating a wifi hotspot and I'm paying for online for a console that doesn't even have a proper microphone solution.

why did you spend 20 dollars for a service that only costs 5 bucks? i'd guess i'd be mad too if i was too stupid to work the system lmao

you've been able to play online for literal years user you missed out

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