Is there ANY Switch port that isn't dramatically inferior in some way to the versions on other platforms?

Is there ANY Switch port that isn't dramatically inferior in some way to the versions on other platforms?

Attached: blazing chrome.webm (1186x665, 2.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Honest question: you keep making threads like this almost every day.
Switch sales keep rising and show no sign of stopping anything soon, especially with the Lite releasing around christmas time, it will push sales even higher than before.

What is it, exactly, that you hope to accomplish with this?
You're not gonna make a dent on this.
You can't even change the overall opinion of the board itself, 80% of everyone here already owns a switch.
Don't you think this is pointless?

Why did you remake this thread?



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when was the last Xbox exclusive? when was the last PS4 exclusive.
No E3 for Sony at all.
Switch is literally the only relevant system this year but some people can't tolerate it.

It's being patched in


OP is a shitposted

500+ reply thread despite this

Didnt we have the same thread yesterday with the same WEBM?

Nintendo and Tencent are having a press conference in a few days about the switch releasing in China too.

Expect 30+ million sales from China alone. Switch is going to be fucking massive.

Nintenkiddie defense force is going all out. Next level cope wow

>It's being patched in
I believe you, but post a reliable source on this.

Aren't games like Doom and Skyrim on the switch? Why would they need to downgrade a pixel game like that? Is this a genuine comparison or just a troll?


yes we did!

That game is supposed to look like a ganesh game, and the one in the right has too many detail and particles to be a "real" ganesh game, so to be honest, the right actually looks better.

It's kind of funny how in all the console war threads with people shitflinging sales, almost no one has mentioned how Sony are selling a shit ton of Playstations in China while Nintendo aren't Selling Switches.

>seething snoyboys remaking the exact same thread out of butthurt due to people making fun of them again
poor, poor baby
> Blazing Chrome continues to draw all frames but gameplay speed is reduced as a result, so you get actual slowdown. This too is being fixed and the slution is fascinating. Basically, in its current form, the flame effects rely on particles - the collisions of which present an issue for the Switch's CPU. The upcoming patched version uses sprites instead, which run faster and for my money, looks better too.
>firstly, the Switch version is missing animated ejected bullet casings due to the collision calculations - this is being added in the patch
Kill yourself tripfag

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Also quite funny seeing how snoyfags keep trying to turn a blind eye to the fact that their console got BTFO'd in its home country by the Switch in 2 YEARS

wait a minute i didn't make this thread...?


>snow particles
>bullet case drop
>boss that slowed the level down

these caused the SHITCH to shit itself, actual LMAO

Why tho? The switch is more than capable of handling graphical effects of a pixel game. Doesn't make sense.

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Is today grounhogs day?



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watch that video, the switch CPU is so weak that simple particles kills it.

>Why tho?
Poor coding it seems like. See it's being added in. It also means that it could have been in at launch, but wasn't. It's all on the developers.
At the very least they're fixing it.

>Why tho? The switch is more than capable of handling graphical effects of a pixel game. Doesn't make sense.

The SNES can play 2D games but will literally choke if there are too many sprites on screen

Attached: snes.jpg (1280x943, 57K)

Who cares about the sales?
The point is that switch is weak and not comfortable to port to.

it's an issue of optimization though, games like Hollow Knight and Rain World run pretty much flawlessly on the switch.
also it's getting patched with the physical release anyway

>he still doesn't understand that a handheld 1/5th the size of a console is weaker than consoles

stop comparing apples with bananas. you don't compare the nintendo 3ds with the ps4 either, so why compare the switch with the ps4? you're a literal brainlet if you do this.

slowly in easy words for your brainlet brain:
Switch is a handheld. Dock mode is nothing more than an addon, the goal isn't to bring max FPS and visual clarity, but to provide flexibility to play how you want.

also, some games look fantastic, look at donkey kong tropical freeze or mario kart 8 - nintendo licensed things usually do very well in graphic fidelity and FPS.

>I’ll be eating shit along with my favourite based chinks!

Hollow Knight isn't graphically complex

You're basically a retard who thinks Doom should run at 60fps on the SNES and 32x just because it's also 2D

Attached: 3do_doom_screen4.jpg (649x396, 216K)

"not comfortable to port to"
shitty optimized games you brainlet. most games are fine 90% of the time, considering you can play it anywhere in short bursts. you can't do that with a console. you literally don't understand the point of the system, so why keep focussing yourself so much on it? do you also expect your 400$ laptop to play games in 4k 60fps?

PC + Nintendo console has been the norm here for well over a decade.

Console fags are usually just using reddit or some other mainstream gaming forum.

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particles =/= sprites


Oh boy another fucking console war bait thread. And it’s using the exact same .webm the last one did.

youre right though it's not a console war thread, switch isn't a console, its a handheld with a tv passthrough. brainlets just don't get that.

Just catching up to the Snoyfags on that one now, user.
why are you putting words in my mouth user? Rain World is, still, and yet it runs as smooth as butter on the Switch. Again, it's optimization that's an issue, not the console itself.
why are you repeating this argument again when we know that this webm will be outdated when the physical release drops and they patch the game to fix this?

The games made in fucking Game Maker Studio. They made zero optimisation for switch. But based on sales apparently doing well on switch they said they've solutions already in place to fix it.

>>Hollow Knight isn't graphically complex
Yeah and Blazing Chrome is even less complex.

The problem is that GMS2 is an unoptimized piece of shit. More complex looking games like Cuphead or Hollow Knight run fine because they run on good engines

I'm not so sure most of Yea Forums owns a switch, heck i'm not even sure they own a new gen console. I stopped with gen 7 myself and own none gen 8 consoles, bar 3DS which isn't a modern console at this point anyway.

when will retards stop comparing handhelds with consoles? i'd like to see you compare the 3ds with the ps4 OP, would give me a good laugh.

>consoles have 1/4th of the power of the average pc
>switch has 1/5th of the power of average console
>costs the same price
>is barely portable
>is probably weaker than most phones with less functionality
If nincels could live without their fill of Bing Bing wahoo shit for 1 generation it’d have sold like trash. It’s not the switch that sells it’s just Nintendo, Nintendoids are on blizzard levels of CONSUME CONSUME
$130 is a reasonable price for the switch considering how fucking overpriced it’s games are too

I really hope they talk about the fucking Wii ports they have been making on chinese Shields. I'd kill for portable 720p Mario Galaxy.

The Switch is marketed as a console.

>a handheld outsold the most powerful console of this generation in its home country within 2 years of being released
S-Sonybros I don't feel too good....

repeating what argument? that the SHITch can't even use particles? because the CPU is completely garbage the dev had to replace it with sprites instead. You know what can handle particles, a smart phone.

Then why isn't this game on phones? *Dabs on you being retarded*

>Yeah and Blazing Chrome is even less complex.

Wrong. Even Digital Foundry says its snowflakes are too much for the Switch's weak CPU.

Of course it would, it's a fucking handheld. Everybody was crazy about handhelds, and they are now in Japan.

Because people substitute owning any console for it and because it’s games and switch itself are hideously overpriced? Its not about comparing the hardware it’s about comparing purchasing decisions

This image is a comparison between the PS4 version and the PC version. Nice try OP.

>that the SHITch can't even use particles?
despite it already being said in the article that they're going to patch the game to run just fine WITH that?

because that would require the dev to port it to android, *Dabs on you FOR being retarded*

Oh look, another thread made by Eric.

no, it is marketed as a handheld with tv passthrough. it is your false interpretation that it's a console. check the marketing material and you will see in 90% of cases the switch is shown in handheld mode. only for few games (which have 0 problems with fps/graphical fidelity), like smash or mario party, is the switch shown more often docked than handheld. if you dont believe me, watch the marketing material.

It's a hybrid actually, bit embarrassing that it's completely outsold the PS4 in its home country and its sales are only going to keep rising and rising.
What a shame, at least you can still play your adult censored movies on your nogames machine

>handheld has to make concessions so it can run and play PORTABLY
Given that the last powerful handheld was the Vita, the Switch is a pretty competent successor.

>shitty optimized games
Never heard that one before.
Look, if 80% of all ports are "badly optimised" that probably means something.

Is the game good?

Switch is not a handheld

Yo, I own the Switch, no need to shitpost to me. Just stating the obvious, most handhelds are money makers in Japan.

Yeah don't ask questions just gobble up the crap that Nintendo craps out. Consume like a good consumer.

Then why don't you buy one of those if you're so fond of them? You keep shilling smartphones like some braindead nigger. Oh wait, you are a braindead nigger

Switch is clearly doing its job, people feel so threatened by it. The fox and the grapes style posting is insanely prevalent.

Yeah, Blazing Chrome is honestly the best game this summer.

80% of the ports are not "badly optimised" on Switch, really, just a bit low res and that's it. The only really badly optimised ports I can think of are DQHeroes, Ark... which else?

>my console is better
>no my console is better !
>your console sucks
>no your console sucks !!!
The absolute state of console gamers...

>just a bit low res
Yeah, a bit

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The Switch mindbroke Niggarell. And now he's relentlessly shitposting out of pure frustration. It's almost sad to watch.
Bloodstained, I believe.

Niiiice. Might get it on a sale, love Contra.

they're not though. 80% of games are fine. you're like one of those climate change denier morons, literally spinning facts around.

Exactly PC fatso always win, everytime.

Easy (You)'s.
Yea Forums is all about (You)'s now since underage Mexicans rule over this site, and they're all trying to compete with each other to get some kind of satisfaction out of their terrible lives.

If Hiro just rangebanned Mexico (and Latin America in general), we wouldn't get threads like these so often. Maybe once a week instead of a dozen times every day.

This has literally been the fucking case since the Sega Genesis hit the scene

It's definitely up there with games like Contra 3 and Contra Hard Corps. It's got a decent difficulty curve, beautiful graphics and a rocking soundtrack, good bosses. Really, it has everything a good Contra game does.

Quiiite a bit, allright.

Yup, but they were gonna work on optimisation, no?

Do we know how much PS4 has sold there? When did China lift the console ban again? 2/3 years ago?

Whoever buys their kid a switch must really hate them. What a piece of

This is just fucking shameful at this point.

>most of the concessions Nintendo make with the hardware is made with the handheld mode in mind
>dock is a glorified TV Out that can maybe run games at a higher resolution because of better power draw, but doesn't do much else
>the main unit is the handheld, and the dock is the accessory

Yeah but those are also not great ports either I think that was part of OPs point.

DESU all companies have been downgrading for a while now you can see videos on YouTube about how much they've left out of recent versions of games compared to their previous versions like far cry 5 vs fc1 or GTA 5 vs 4

Skyrim for Switch was a pretty good port, all the glitches that happened (specially audio) are things that would happen in any vanilla Skyrim anyway. Haven't played Doom on it and might not do it if it isn't very cheap.


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>Wow why do these switch guys keep accepting these low standards of quality and poor price points, Japan is really out of touch, how do they think this is what anyone wants? Surely allowing these practicing to continue will lower the industry as a whole? I wish I could Enjoy some Nintendo classics on a cool new handheld but the switch just isn’t it for me
Nintendo fans
>HahhHhahahHhhahah what did you just say SSssssnnnooooooy, are you mad that my anime titties and squid Lolis look so good heheheh. Im having soooo much fun on my rehashed collection platformer with bright colours #216. Bet you wished you had quality games like these you stupid snivelling SNOYS. Omg a $20 amibo collection Zelda figure, BAAAAASSSSED NINTENDo does it again wahoooo, I guess you could say HES IN BROOOOOOS Xd glad we won e3 this year with yogi bear in super kid happy playfight mechanical downgrade ultimate!

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Im only getting a switch for bayonetta 3 and luigi mansion 3. Ps4 for all games

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>low standards
yeah, the ps4 is a kids joke compared to the pc and the ps4slim is a even cheaper console with the same price as the ps4 what a fucking piece of shit


The Lion King remake is hot trash but its setting records left and right. Sales don't mean shit for quality.

Cuphead is literally perfect, to the point where the xbox one version (which is technically running at a higher res) is visually identical to it in side by sides done by Digitial Foundry.

In terms of minor downgrades Valkyria Chronicles 4 looks and runs pretty decent on switch despite a lower resolution and low detail on distant environments.
Skyrim is also higher resolution with a higher framerate on Switch compared to the PS3/360 versions.

honestly 540p anime titties will always be better than 1440p uncanny realism lesbians.

No matter how shit the Switch is, it still has more than 1 good game.
Consoles in general are just trash right now, I hope next gen doesn't suck as hard.

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You're not allowed to use logic here

>Skyrim is also higher resolution with a higher framerate on Switch compared to the PS3/360 versions.

This is what you guys have now: Bragging about being better than last gen hardware

yes, it's a handheld better than last gen hardware.
fucking shocker.

Are we supposed to compare a tablet to the loud as fuck black boxes we sit under our TVs constantly chugging power?

Well yeah. The Switch is in the comfortable zone of being slightly better last gen hardware. Up til now, the measure of thumb was that a portable console was two gens down the line (GBA displayed 16bit tier with some exceptions, DS and PSP displayed slightly worse and slightly better graphics than 32/64 tiers, 3DS and Vita were both slightly worse than PS2/GC/Xbox gen graphics). It's pretty good.

literally you asked for it you fucking nigger

also nice goal post moving

>Current gen handheld is stronger than last gen console

How is this not impressive? This is perfectly fine.

can't wait for Witcher 3 on switch

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Other bad port would be DQ Builders 2 from what I've heard? Have held off playing it because of it.

Reading my post is really hard isn't it

I think you mean range banning the eurofags. They are snoyfag central.

>Switch's weak CPU
On a core-for-core basis it is faster than the PS4's CPU, so I don't see how that is the case

Sony only has a strong foothold in Europe.

Don't know. But Sony have their own branch there to allow them to sell in China, and the PS4 has become their most popular game system ever.
Granted that it's hard to say how much they've sold there from that alone since there hasn't really been much competition so there isn't really much to compare to. But still. It's probably a lot still.

Nintendies mad as fuck

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switch version is straight up broken, docked mode runs much worse than handheld.

Other ports fare far better, such as Valkyria Chronicles 4.

right looks better

>Switch sales keep rising and show no sign of stopping anything soon
Not enough. First of all, it's the merger of Nintendo's homeconsole and portable lines, it should be doing as well as both but it's not. Secondly it pretty much matched PS4 sales for 2 years, mostly with PS4 slightly outselling it month per month, I haven't kept up recently but even if Switch is consistently slightly outselling PS4 now it seems a bit too late.
Lastly "no sign of stopping anything soon" have you forgotten that next-gen is just 1 year away for the other companies? You seriously think this won't impact Switch sales, when Switch is only now matching the already long lived PS4 on its deathstrokes?

>What is it, exactly, that you hope to accomplish with this?
He's clearly shitposting and wasting his time, like all of us are. Doesn't mean it's not truthful. Some games like DQ11 I understand the downgrade on Switch, but for others like the one OP posted, Bloodstained, DQB2, and many more non-demanding games, Switch's performance/graphical downgrades are straight up embarassing. And things will only get substancially worse as years go by.

the shitch is simply a nightmare to work on for everyone, its simply to shitty to run anything so they have to make compromises every step of the way for the tiniest thing a console would not even struggle with.