Gratuitous fanservice does not make a bad game good. And it doesn't make a good game bad either.
Gratuitous fanservice does not make a bad game good. And it doesn't make a good game bad either
it's a hook
if the game underneath is bad you're still not going to want to play it
likewise, if the game underneath is good you'll keep playing
The only way it will not influence the game at all is if it is in a vacuum
At which point, it doesn't matter if the game is good or bad, it stands on its own separate from it
Based reality bro
Yeah that's called a gimmick
just because you played it as a kid doesn't mean it's good
>patronizing the consumer
>not detracting from the quality of the media
It dosent make good game bad...
There is no point in adding a playable female character and not make it attractive.
You can add BRAVE WOMAN THAT NEEDS NO MAN and pretend you are serious, but we all know you are trying to satisfy some sickness in your head.
Good job repeating what he said
I agree
Just because I enjoyed it when I was a kid doesn't mean I only enjoyed it because I was a kid
nope. games that revolve around fanservice only are incelbait and are genuinely bad games. If you value fanservice over actual gameplay or story, youre trash.
I'll *bzzzt* your *ding* you motherfucker
No, but the memories you have of that period were good. Since you associate it with those memories you'll be more forgiving of its objective flaws.
Friendly reminder that fanservice by definition can't be a negative thing. It literally means to pander to the fans (the people playing the game the most and more likely to spend more money on future games).
This, if all you want is the fanservice you can just jerk off to the hentai and lewds.
It can be if it's to pander to the fans when the gameplay sucks dick.
Bad gameplay has nothing to do with an overabundance of fanservice.
Just because somethings old doesn't mean it's automatically good, and soul is a non arguement. That said I recently played the original fallout when 3 was my introduction to the series and enjoyed it a lot more then NV or 3. So far I'm not enjoying 2 as much, though I only reached Gecko so I'll give it a chance.
While he speaks the truth, the problem is that the fanservice is now a marketing gimmick, thanks to two groups.
One group is the horny idiots who literally do want games with gratuitous fanservice so that they can play the game with one hand.
The other group are the anti-censorship crowd who will jump on any example of fanservice being toned back from previous expectations as an example of SJW overreach or whatever.
Both of these groups increase the chances of a niche game being able to sell based on having "uncensored" fanservice, so it means the devs can be lazier with the game, make a worse game as a result but rely on it selling just because they put in bikini costumes for their big tittied main character.
I had the same experience with Fallout. Loved the first one, couldn't really get into the second one.