The phantom pain is the best metal gear game

the phantom pain is the best metal gear game

Attached: 1563871986153.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

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rhymes so it must be true

It wasn't even the best MGSV

Bait thread... to lure in unaware anons. Huh.

Attached: snake.jpg (225x360, 11K)

obviously, it's the most technologically advanced one

it has the best aesthetics for sure

Attached: Tumblr_nuivqcfkYX1sfo1z9o2_1280.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

kek true

>2 Eye patch
>2 Cigars
Eat your heart out Big Boss

wouldn't survive be slightly more advanced?


MGS3 is better, but close.

It had the best waifu and the most fun gameplay. 10/10 game of the decade.

If it's a reflection, why is there a patch AND a strap?

World could be more diverse, most of the time it's just
>rocky desert
>rocky desert camp
>concrete base

Attached: bibo.png (592x566, 642K)

you can see where the last bit of the strap is shopped in.

>biib boob

This. And don't forget Metal Gear 2.

Attached: MetalGearTier.png (1110x845, 967K)

>All these random outpost on the road for no particular reasons

Attached: 5129713742.jpg (210x240, 35K)

>BiiB BooB's sunglasses.jpg

it's not I made it in mspaint by copying one side and flipping it, I'm pretty sure I missed a little bit at the top or bottom too.
I got the idea from this youtube thumbnail anyway

I copied the right side of the thumbnail

Fun fact: if during the quiet mission you just get the fuck out and ignore her, Emmerich never gets framed for making a mutant parasite strain and you never have to kill any of your soldiers