Wind Waker was the worst Ze-

>Wind Waker was the worst Ze-....

Attached: tetra.jpg (606x556, 40K)

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she looks like she fucks gerudo kings

Actually post the Zelda

Tetra is in her own catergory like Sheik

I don't know why anyone would say that when Zelda 2, Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword exist

>Tetra is in her own catergory like Sheik
That's retarded. She's still the same person.

Post the webm

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According to who, your ecelebs? Fuck off I bet you think it's equivalent to Simon's Quest or something retard. Zelda 2 is criminally underrated with the best combat on NES

No according to me, I played it and it sucked


But under a shite disguise that doesn't represent her real self

Nah you got filtered

Zelda 2 is criminally overrated you wet sock. It was terrible.

Another one pleb filtered

Tetra is her real self. The king literally just took her tan and put her in different clothes, also added makeup. Real weird shit to do to a tiny child desu

If she looked like that her crew would constantly rape her every single day. In the game she looks like an abomination proportion-wise.

Tetra is the real person. I think some people misunderstand the plot twist of Wind Waker. She wasn't Zelda the whole time, she wasn't in a disguise, she wasn't hiding. Tetra was who she was her whole life and the personality she displayed was her real personality, Daphnes just revealed her lineage and made her into the likeness of Zelda which also inexplicably altered her demeanor. That part is never really explained

>which also inexplicably altered her demeanor
I hate that part so much

-lda game yes but best Princess Zelda.

I wish she had good fan art


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If sailing was faster it would be the best Zelda

Sheik is Zelda in disguise. Underneath all that mystique its just Zelda playing a part. Tetra was born as raised as Tetra. When she is forced to be Zelda to play a part in some sort of cruel destiny drama she is still Tetra. When Ganondorf is defeated she goes right back to being a pirate captain, just the same old Tetra is not a little bit wiser.

Tetra is not Sheik, Tetra is not Zelda, Tetra is Tetra.

It didn't really change her personality, we just don't get to see her much after that, and one of the few scenes shows her pretty distressed about the revelation so not really able to show her typical personality. She still gives her signature wink in the final battle. Would have been nice to see more of her being a tomboy in a dress.

I can fap to her without playing the shitty game

Wow momma!! When I saw OP's pic I got SPRUNG!! I already love 3D graphics images of women, but fan art in the 2D (two dimension) gets me even harder!! Man!! What a good drawing.... MORE?!?! Source me? Sauce me up senpai!!

Man I am erect!

It should have been the spaceworld demo.

at least post the cutest ww girl

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Imagine being out at sea for weeks at a time with no one for company but a bunch of smelly dudes and a hot elf thot who walks around in booty shorts.

she'd have been raped a million times in reality

The canon explanation is that they're reincarnated nobles and shit pirates. You can see a picture of them in Hyrule Castle if you look around.

Of course there would still be rape.

The pirates' world, like other seafarers', was complex. Historian B. R. Burg interprets this male-only world as being a choice these men made to live where there were many opportunities for sodomitical conduct. Burg argues that sodomitical behavior was not proscribed in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and this allowed seamen to have the choice to live in sodomitical communities. While pirates, as described by Defoe/Johnson, did occasionally take wives and rape female captives, Burg argues that this was unusual and not indicative of a heterosexual pattern

Is not rape if she likes it.

Spirit Tracks was infinitely worse than Phantom Hourglass, which was merely mediocre.

They're all cute
Except that one that goes from poor to rich and fucks bokoblins

>Spirit Tracks was infinitely worse than Phantom Hourglass

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Not him but Phantom Hourglass is just too short. Spirit Tracks has my most hated overworld ever.

thiefing thot

Doesn't PH have like 8 dungeons? That's way more than Wind Waker ever had even if the ones in PH are pure trash.

It's really straightforward, like Zelda 1.


Pirating is not stealing we've been over this


>Increase sailing speed
>Put more content in the sea
>Make the islands have more unique attributes
>Double the dungeon count
Basically just give it an extra year of development, fucking Nintendo had the foundation for what would have been an absolutely mind-blowing game in 2002 and they fucked it up by rushing production.

That's not Medli

And nintendo even has the nerve to say that if you rush out a game it will be bad forever even though they did it countless of times themselves.

I have never ever played wind waker, whats the best way to play?

Is it coming to switch? or do I emulate on pc?

That Nintendo died when Iwata took over and demanded Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine be rushed out to try and save the Gamecube.
The worst part is the missing dungeons in Wind Waker were added to later Zelda games, so we'll NEVER see the completed masterpiece, just the rushed shit we ended up with.

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Tetra is not a good argument in favor of it since she becomes boring/irrelevant once she turns into Zelda, around halfway through the game.

>relax i'm just pirating that booty

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Except for that island where I had to make a cross and dig there. I ended up digging everywhere.

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I don't even think kids raised on Skyward Sword have such a bad opinion.

Emulate the GameCube version. You might also be able to patch in swift sail speed but it's probably better going for the pure experience first time anyway.

If you are saying PH is worst Zelda then I’ll shove this inside his arse

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the rest of the crew are cowards, she'd shank them for just looking at her

spirit tracks and zelda II exist, we only need just one more trash zelda game and phantom hourglass won't even be bottom 3 anymore

>implying anything is worse than the CD-i games

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Cute girls and best artstyle don't make up for the worst dungeons and most barren overworld in the series. People meme about BoTW being barren but WW is literally just a flat blue grass-field with a wooden horse.

Link’s crossbow training

Best dungeons*

Most linear dungeons*

>Zelda II
Just shut the fuck up already brainlet, you can't even tell me why it's bad

lda. Tetra was a more interesting character than that white-washed shit toward the end of the game.

Spirit Tracks Zelda was a more interesting "Toon Zelda" anyway.

And botw
Zelda 2 was good.

Zelda 2 is like a shitty proto-Metroid

the only confusing part of zelda 2 is death mountain
the original metroid is designed to piss you off and punish exploring

It had some cool ideas but the dungeons were disgustingly easy, and whatever that temple was called you had to go through like 5 times was stupidly slow because you had to wait for the slow ass enemies to move.

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I just want a zelda with good combat, I feel like I walk from a to b and sometimes mash the attack button
botw had the dodge rush and that dumbed it down even further in the end.

>fan art

shitty side-scrolling gameplay

>It's bad because it's different
Opinion discarded. It was the second game in the series, Zelda didn't really have a lot of set conventions yet. If you dislike it because of the side scrolling that's fine but that does not objectively make it bad. It's not an argument.

Tetra is the best iteration of Zelda and gets the least respect, never even appearing in Smash

Combat and the overworld sucks. Slso going back to the fucking starting temple when you die is a damn chore.

Go fuck yourself.

Pirates don't pirate, they plunder

Spirit tracks zelda was kind of bratty at first. Does she stay that way? Never finished the game

it might not have been bad at the time or even as a standalone game, but looking back at it and judging it as a zelda game in the zelda series it is bad compared to the other zelda games in the zelda series.

does this have a shitty self insert male protag or is it kino?

Overworld was fine as a hub from area to area, overworld exploration wasn't the point of the game but it still had some cool stuff going on and hidden grottos here and there. Combat is literally the best on the NES, with most enemies you need to make split-second judgements of whether to attack high or low, whether to jump attack, what magic to use and conserving your magic, protecting both sides of you, etc. Getting sent back so far on death is punishing granted but it's not a game-killing issue. Your opinion is not objective fact.

I disagree. Personally think it's easier to pick up and play today than the original LoZ, it maintains a steady feeling of exploration and progress without so much directionless ambiguity, except for maybe the mirror key item.

Shitty open world (though very cool at the time) polarizing art style, the density of the world didnt match its size. I know its supposed to be flooded but when you can sail for 10 minutes and not see much its annoying. You have very little to help guide you if you play it guidless for the first time. The entire big octo gimmick where it just shoots you away if you dont kill it quick enough(also fuck who ever designed it that shit gave me nightmares).

The rich girl on Forsaken Fotress who becomes poor (But still hot because superior breeding)

Mila or something

ST Zelda best Zelda

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The main dungeon in phantom hourglass was cool as shit, get fucked.

We don't acknowledge the existence of those things.

>butt pirates as historical norm

Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

And then I'm the heretic who thinks that Twilight Princess is really down there for being a massive OoT rehash with a muggy aesthetic, making hyrule field feel more empty than the great sea, being full of npcs with no charm, and the limited functionality of the wolf breaking gameplay.
Let alone such pitiful challenge that a mode that makes you take QUADRUPLE DAMAGE is something that they felt should be added.
Not claiming that its only claim is Midna, because it has arguably the best dungeon design out of the series, but damn I wonder how rarely it'd be brought up without her.

I don't think PH was necessarily very bad but WW is far better

I realize I am shocked I haven't come across a rendition of Mila getting the Link's Awakening THIEF treatment.

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Still waiting for a grown up Tetra.

Attached: tetra d19wtxt-4058426b-2a45-4691-81ea-38098205a9ee.jpg (736x1000, 117K)

>New game in the same timeline
>Has Ocarina-style timeskip
>All the kid characters are now young adults
>Adult Link
>Adult Tetra
>Adult Medli
>Teenage Aryll

Attached: Heh.jpg (640x854, 95K)

Ocarina of Time is severely overrated and actually sucks donkey dick.

Except yes we do you nigger.

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>Teenage Aryll
That would be really nice.

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Sorry but I love TP's melancholic atmosphere and NPCs. It was rough around the edges but a great game imo

YTP is the height of kino

Warning: Open at own risk. May cause heart complications.

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image of screaming ryan goose

>10 fucking years, a fucking decade ago.

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Too bad she became bland and irrelevant the second it was revealed she was Zelda

tbqh it had the best Link too.

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Based retard. See:

>Wind Waker was the worst Ze-....

...lda game is what you were going to say. I'm replaying it now, and it is pretty bad. The controls are terrible, sailing is a boring pain in the ass, and the MSPaint-tier graphics are not nearly as charming as I remember.

there's no males iirc, it's just about girls playing beach volleyball
but don't expect yuri either

Based. My earliest memories as a teenager are finding doujins of her and fapping to them.

I want to pat Mila so much

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Something something the magic awoke her memories of the lineage

And then immediately remove them at the end of the game?

I don't know let's just say that a Zelda bloodline that is in proximity to the triforce gets a little crazy

Wind Waker was alright but Christ I can't stand the asethetic designs of the other toon Zelda games

>MFW this is exactly the dakimakura idea I had, but with Tetra.

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Wind Waker fans are a childish as the artstyle itself. Just like Shantae fans. Just like Kirby fans.

I bet everyone here is a fan of Shantae. All you care is about cute things with big eyes and nothing more.


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I wonder how much link would have to pay to marry her. 50 rupees?

Brown and bloom bros rise up


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Expected response from WW babies. Everything short of overly saturated primary colors is brown and bloom to you.

nah Shantae sucks and only a few Kirby games are good, but WW is the best Zelda game along with OoT


Kill yourself, (you) subhuman mongoloid.

Except Tetra IS Zelda, its just that no two Zeldas have the same upbringing.
And i suppose thats the excuse they use to write them slightly different to each other.

Tetra is cute and funny