This game cured my depression/anxiety

>this game cured my depression/anxiety

Attached: did it really.gif (300x356, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish a game would cure my anxiety.

imagine being so pathetic that you have a depression lmao

life for turbo-normies must be so fucking nice.
>oh no i get down every once in a while i must be depressed :(
>oh wow! [Consumer tested, mass marketed product] saved my life! It cured my depression! Id be dead if the higher up responsible for greenlighting this didnt want to make money! thank you!

Yeah user, tell me more about how nobody understands your plight and how we all live in a society and it really makes you think.

Isn't depression something you can't control? like needing to pee

nah, just stop being sad lol

You have to go back

ah, a man of colour.

all this thread is missing is blaming symptoms of depression as the cause of depression

Has anyone ever had the weird feeling where they feel like a presence is there but nothing is around you? Its like you can feel the air around you

If you've had "depression" or "anxiety" for a long period of time you're a fucking lazy retard. Instead of acting so afraid of your impending doom learn to be above it, Don't tell me you need another person to help you too, If you can be strong enough mentally you'll realize how easy it really is to overcome
T. person who attempted suicide more times than can count

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>T. person who attempted suicide more times than can count
Shame you did not try harder.

>you'll realize how easy it really is to overcome
oh please, you overcame it easily because you were in the right mind set to get over it. You wouldn't have been able to pick yourself up if you had the chance to talk to your younger self.

Still, Forcing yourself to not think year to year, thinking about wasting your life rather than thinking of the present really fucks over all advances you'll try to make.The first step anyone should do is overcome the thoughts of Death, The Afterlife (If it is real), How reality happened, if we exist forever, etc. It's hard but you need to.

baited for this EXACT response

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>your streams helped me during hard times

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lol! The sheer class of this maniac!

this one too

playing EYE while depressed was a nightmare. I felt stoned, wanted to cry, and kept gaining brouzouf

>markiplier starts crying

I'll show you what I think alright
*punches u in the stomach*
*buries ur face into my crotch as your hunched over clutching ur stomach*
Your just
*twists ur face further into my junk*
My little bitch
*chuckles as you pull back gasping for air*

I think some of the messages in games can help with, but not outright cure depression. Most people assume they have depression because they feel down. I currently actually have depression that manifests itself as anxiety, which means I never feel comfortable and like the person I used to be even when I turn my brain off. Life's literally hell to experience now but games can help keep me occupied and distracted.


Super Mario Maker 2 only made me feel like I didn't have depression for a few weeks. Then I went back to being myself again.

Go see a doctor and get medication for it. Seriously, I spent years think I could just wait it out and it never happened and made my life hell. Everything corrected itself after a month after taking medicine.

why would anyone play that shit lmao, that thing barely counts as a videogame.

>randomdipshit500 has donated 50000 bits!
>"hey I just wanted to say that i've been really sad with depression lately but ur stream made me happy again and made me not kill myself"
>streamer then goes on a 5 minute speech about how thankful he is and how suicide is bad and shit which then causes more people to donate $100 which makes the streamer talk about those donations and now he's not even playing the video game anymore
I love jerma but fuck me I hate his audience

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thanks for the (You) my man and thanks for the next one. I'll screen cap it.

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Imagine being such a loser that you can't even kill yourself properly.

Depression has both internal and external reasons. People who have good lives don't get depressed as often.

Not him but you can have my (You) too for being such a nice guy.

Depression is a bitch, you sorta control it but once you're depressed God help you if you don't have family/friends who take pity on you and help you out. Otherwise, just try not to kill yourself and push through it with willpower. A solution that isn't practical for people who suffer from not having willpower or drive.

always 5 steps ahead of (You)

Can you show me how then friend? I'll follow your lead

>couldn't even manage to kill himself
>thinks hes a chad

>this game gave me depression/anxiety

>T. person who attempted suicide more times than can count
You didn't attempt shit. Shut the fuck up.
You were never depressed, simply starved for attention which you must've gotten from your "suicide attempts." Don't talk like you relate even remotely to anybody with actual depression.

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I genuinely don't understand how "this game helped with my depression" thing gained traction. It doesn't even make sense. Maybe if you're sort of sad. I don't know about you, but if I play a game and I feel like crap, I'm still going to feel like crap.

But I'm starting to believe the cynical view of Twitch that has been tossed around recently, where people treat it as a friend simulator. Money in exchange for attention kind of deal. Meanwhile there are others that just treat it as a livestream or podcast.

This but unironically

>Say something in chat
>Streamer reads it out loud and laughs about it
>Mfw paypigs who give money will never have the satisfaction of making their favorite streamer genuinely laugh no matter how much money they give him

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Cope shithead, I didn't cry about it on social media like a pussy, Nor did I tell retards about it either, Sounds like a bit of projecting

Depression is "fashionable" these days, vast majority of people thinking they suffer from it are self-diagnosed, and I can imagine a lot of people who were simply down got uplifted by some game, and interpreted that as "game curing their depression".

They do it for attention, that's literally all it is.
Depression in 2019 just means that they're bored and maybe a little sad.
I don't know what the fuck happened but for some reason it became trendy to be depressed. People wear that mental illness like a fashion brand and parade it around everywhere.

>Typing in chat at all
>Having a favorite streamer

>bring up topic in small speedrunning race stream
>they discuss it for 20 mins and have good banter
Take the smallcommunitypill

>this game gave me depression/anxiety
Why is ng+ Father Owl so hard?

My depression came about following a traumatic experience, I've been taking Sertraline for a year and a half now but never got a proper therapist until next month coming up. (first one was lazy and would outright ignore my concerns) Honestly not expecting anything to work at this point but thanks for the concern user.

I honestly don't see the point in watching some streamer with thousands of viewers. Haven't used Twitch in years but I always used to watch smaller streamers, since you could actually interact with them.

Bite your tongue you lazy fucking retard

Name (one) game except for NieR and Spec Ops: The Line.

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it's like, "our fans are all society's rejects"
>I really need that LBGTQP+ representation in my games or I can't deal

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This. Victimhood in general is fashionable and depression is the easiest way to gain sympathy points. Besides that there are too many people who mistake depression as what is really a lack of social capital.

The real kind, i.e the kind that you inherit, is something you cant control.

For the other kind, go outside and unironically have sex

It was a hologram
*teleports behind you*
heh, looks like the end... for you
*walks away after slicing you 10 million times in an attosecond*

Saints Row IV made me feel better. Having superpowers made me feel stronger.

>T. person who attempted suicide more times than can count
t. attention seeking worthless cunt

>Honestly not expecting anything to work at this point but thanks for the concern user.
Not a good attitude to have.
And just a few small notes:
Speaking from personal experience, it took a year and a half before I realized my therapy IS ACTUALLY working, so please be patient. Of course, if you immediately feel like the therapist is ignoring your problems, or you are otherwise uncomfortable with him, switching is the correct response, but just... a fair bit warning. These things really take time, and the change is so slow and creepy you almost never realize when it comes, you only realize retroactively. Very, VERY seldom does psychotherapy work like you see in movies, with that one amazing moment of catharsis when you say something and suddenly everything is clear and solved.
Second of all: while it is hard, try to enter every single treatment process genuinely open to the posibility that it may work.
It won't. Not in MOST cases. Depression is a bitch and out of dozens of possible therapies, there is usually maybe one or two that will work for your specifically.
But that is all the more reason not to ruin that one option by shutting yourself out. It's incredibly easy to make something not work by just not expecting it to work.

Last remark: There are tons of other options. Aside from there being dozens of types of medication, and usually taking five or six different tries before you stumble upon one that genuinely helps, there are multiple different schools of therapy. On top of that, there is group therapy, mindfulness meditation therapy, transcranial magneto-therapy, recently developed ketamine medication, piloting research programs on psychotropic therapy, plus there is SO much you can do in terms of lifestyle, including dietary regulation, excercise, fuck, even fecal transplant therapy which seems to have some amazing potential results, regardless how fucking shitty (pun intended) it sounds.
It's good to be aware of the options.

Depressed? Here's a hint: don't be ugly. That's it. If you can stand looking at your reflection, you have no right to complain, because everything else you can get through hard work. If you're ugly, then well...good luck in your next life.

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Really worked out for Elliot Rodgers.

>Your videos help me with my depression

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>implying Elliot Rodgers wasn't a deformed la creatura americana

yeah imagine not feeling like waking up tomorrow ahah

Hotline Miami

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I made Carcinogen laugh once. It was a good feeling. I almost see why the zoom zooms love watching streams so much.


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so you can't count at all is what I'm getting from this?

No It just means your life is shit because you suck at it

You can practice coping strategies to keep up your resilience and live with it without getting profoundly sad for long stretches of time. But it's something that will always be there.

In his head maybe. Outside he's definitely above average and rich too.

I can see. You come from a shithole worse than Reddit. Go back.

Tf are talking about? It was the other way around. He was a delusional weirdo.

>having definite depression
>not getting depressed only when you're bored until a new anime/game/ERP partner comes out

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Literal retard with nothing to say and no argument. Cry more

Yes, that's what I'm saying. But at least he wasn't ugly.

Fuck you

you mad?


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>have instant wit and quips out the ass in chatrooms
>autistic, bumbling retard on voice

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>autistic, bumbling retard on voice
I'm 99% sure that's how I'd be too, which is why I never use voice chat.

Just be autistic, quiet and just hangout and chill.

Worked for me user, after about a year it flowed as I got more comfortable being in voip.

>game is comfy

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>I had depression and with effort and willpower I was able to get better
>REEEE no you were NEVER depressed to begin with you have NO IDEA what REAL depression is like you CANT get better fuck offf AAAAAAA
Every time.

Klonoa 2 made me optimistic and hopeful for the rest of the day after i beat it at least

Undertale permanently fucked me up and made me even worse

>ah-ha-ha-ha today kids I’ll be counting the stages of grief
>one denial and isolation
>two anger
>three Bargaining
>four depression
>five acceptance

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>try 5 different meds
>try TMS
nothing. now i am depressed without any amount of hope.

>I had depression and with effort and willpower I was able to get better
>And also it was very easy

That's the marker of someone who's had a very easy life and mistook one speedbump for depression


Still quite a few options opened.

like clockwork.

You're just a very dumb person with no real depression issues ever. Everyone here can tell by how you talk about it


>this stream cured my depression and anxiety

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The head designer of that show burned alive a few days ago

Man I don't even know if I'm depressed all I know is I'm a sad fuck, that "it cured me" shit sounds stupid.

Virtually all of them actually died of smoke inhalation long before the flames reached them.

Man, I really have to wonder: what the fuck did you think you'd achieve posting this shit here... Did you actually expect anyone to take you seriously? What reality do you live in?

No. At least 4 of them died at the reception with the initial deflagration. We won't know who

you're fucking pathetic, you know that?

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I know right, imagine talking about your twitter victim complex on an anonymous basket weaving forum and pretending anyonr cares.

well there's a spectrum of Depression. not a spectrum of "taken seriously" but of "threat to self and others".

we can all fall into the void of depression. there are some people though, that don't come up as fast as others. then there are some that never come up at all and need to be taken care of/hospitalized.

the idea of "effort and willpower" to those on the severe side seems like an insult. (i don't think it is, only that it can be read that way)

yeah but apparently everyone is in the severe state of the spectrum.

yeah we have a tendency to believe our pain is uniquely bad in order for us to seek help. diminishing pain only makes it worse.

except they don't seek help, just complain and diminish other's pain and accomplishments by saying they were a-ok to begin with.

depression is ugly. those that are deep within it see a long dark trail and mountains of weight to get through to the light. they see you in the light and project envy.

There are plenty of people that do take action and get out of it, being depressed doesnt make you a shitty person by default.

As someone with depression I don't think it's an insult to say there's a lack of willpower. Not everyone's willpower is the same.

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i dont a guy that cant even kill himself properly should be giving advise

A game has never cured my depression or anxiety. The most it does is help you relax or take your mind off your problems for a little while.

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This whole thread reeks of people trying to pass as edgy trying to pass as being sarcastic and at the same way somehow applying the very same type of lack of empathy other people on their life applied to them to now in some sort of bizarre generational trauma condition other people to get tougher despise many of you here could really use psychological help

Being a sad weaboo cunt is one thing, being a weaboo with delusions of self grandeur who thinks is above depression and tries to pass it as being too cool for school will always forever baffle me

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Depression in men is strongly linked to how they perceive their environment, namely how valued they feel by family, community, and work. This is why depression has spiked upwards since the internet took off; suddenly you don't matter.

Your family has learned that society doesn't need father figures and women can do what men do, you're just a charicature so you're no longer valued at home.

Community is no longer trusting, you're normally just a ghost, unless you fuck up and then you're a sideshow. Get famous and you're no longer even allowed to be a ghost, people will hover around waiting to document your fuckups.

Work, and in extension hobbies, skills, and sports, you're no longer perceived as the best at anything and people don't need to come to you for guidance or your talent, they can find someone to replace you in a day.

A man's capability of handling these three factors is a direct factor in how severely his depression will act.

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>that spacing
you have to go back

That's how you use correct spacing son. It's Thursday, shouldn't you be in school?

but you understand that it could be taken as insulting to those that lack control over the external pressures that are causing long term depression?

i didn't say it's inherently insulting, only that some could see it that way.

a shitty person or just ignorant? that might make them shitty, idk.
i had a fuckin nurse say to me "can you get out of bed? then you aren't depressed"
stared her in the face with disbelief like bitch, i could end your career with that statement.
she was let go or something a few weeks later, can't imagine why...

>People messaging streamers about how they saved their life from depression/anxiety or they are the only good thing they got going for them in their life.

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Pro tip: if you are obsessed with being depressed (like 50% of retards in the internet) you'll never stop being depressed. You won't let go of your obsession.

Not so fast! You cannot possibly stop my Stand! Raging Autism! Stop Time!
*throws a metric ton of grenades at you then has sex with your mom while time has stopped*
*time starts again and you died. Everyone claps.*
Mission accomplished.

It doesn't exist. The "chemical imbalances" are caused by the shitty lifestyle that depressed fuckwits have. They're unfulfilled and miserable because they live like shit, then they blame their shittiness on something that's magically out of their control. They take drugs to make themselves feel droopy. Fuck depressed people. Games don't cure shit. Games are for productive people who want to unwind or have a fun break from work.

my depression was just helped a bit by knowing I'll never be as retarded as you

Dude, first of all, the whole "you have to tough it out like me, look at me hahaha your troubles are easy for me!" schtick is fucking pathetic ANYWHERE.
And here - especially, where you know that people with clinical depression are fairly common, and the rest is so insecure that they would especially see this kind of bullshit as fucking terrible:

What the FUCK were you thinking?! How could you ever fucking think people will not just fucking laugh at you? Are you actually clinically retarded?

I don't know if my depression evolved, Or i got over it, But i wan't to live despite my shitty situation. I'm no longer a moany bitch but more of cheerful cynical prick, It truly is a society to ponder.

>he didnt pretend he got depression because of something that happened on the job and get 200k free gibmedats in repair

Sheep will seethe. Pathetic

Depressions and anxieties have been cured by much less than games.

I'm sure you will try again

I envy retards like you who are either ignorant of the condition or in denial of it existing altogether to be honest family I wish I didn't know what it felt like either.

Really tiresome. Btw a lot of these "clinical depression" people are basically the same as autodiagnosed ones but got memed into going to an "specialist" who seller them some pills.

>this game cured my autism

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Beer cured my self diagnosed depression

>bethesda 2019 E3

>Game cured my normieness

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Watching the VidyaOP synchtube helped me with my anxiety back in the day. Distracting myself with you retards was fun

>who else watching 2019?

i wish i was younger

How old are you?


unironic based and correct response

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You're not that old.

Ahahaha dont worry your manic phase will soon be over and it'll be back to crying on /soc/ or taking 3 painkillers after writing a suicide note you tranny fuck

>it doesn't exist
>*proceeds to explain how it does exist just is circumstantial*
Yeah into the trash bin you go.

Stop sucking user cock and learn to read

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>It doesn't exist.
Maybe educate yourself on the subject before you spout shit.
How pathetic do you have to be to screech about subjects you are entirely uninformed about and how you are better than they are?

Do you not realize how pathetic it shows you to be?

Nice non argument lad

>posts le sad anime picture
yeah stopped reading there man sorry

The "tough it out" or "it doesn't exist" people are always those affected by survivorship bias and employ the just- world fallacy. You can simulate mental illness through heavy withdrawals of certain drugs. Heavy amphetamine users can't even do anything with a mental task set in front of them let alone get out of bed.

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Don't need an argument when yours contradicts itself.

Nah nigga. Adults can control their emotions. Little kids throw fits and cry because they didnt get their way:(
There are some very young adults and very old children in this world.

Depression isn’t even real. A lot of these guys are mad because they like almost all the females they see on Tinder but don’t get likes back.

t. 12 year old


I’m literally serious though. Think about the amount of “No gf” or “what does sex feel like?” posts. You all literally put sex and women you don’t even know on a pedestal and get mad that you can’t get either.

it's summer, retard.

I think most of them are just incredibly insecure and need SOMETHING that gives the impression that they aren't at the very bottom of the human scale. It's most commonly a "my life is absolute fucking shit but at least I'm still better than those people who think they depressed, haha look at those pathetic people, it ain't even real man I'm so better than they are hahaha!" sort of logic.
Sadly, 99% of what you see around here - or in the nastier parts of internet in general, is a product of insecurity, and desperate search for something to look down upon so you would feel better about yourself.

I'd be fucking lying if I did pretend I'm not guilty of it myself, sometimes.

Plus, a hefty dose of simple baiting too.

Don't call Robin Williams pathetic.

>it's another "depression thread on Yea Forums hits the bump limit" episode

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>theGDshow is talking about world of tanks getting big in Korea
>post my imgur album of the Korean girls who dress scantily clad for the World of Tanks shows/tournaments.
>chat picks it up and starts spamming it
>it gets opened on stream and they rate the girls for the next few minutes

Chrono Trigger did helped me a bit during a hard time.
More specifically when some japanese stole all my shit and only left an old K6-1 computer that was just barely fast enough to run snes9x.

>Think about the amount of “No gf” or “what does sex feel like?” posts.
Did you somehow come from 2011? Because that shit hasn't been prominent for a very long time.

Nowdays "Haha women are the worst!" that is the new "tfw no gf".

>Going to sleep at 4am
There’s nothing wrong with that as long as you don’t sleep for 14 hours