ESA Summer Marathon

Now: Final Fantasy VII
After: More Final Fantasy VII

Now: Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters
After: Densha De D: Burning Stage (Side-Room Stream; Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Race)

Attached: 546749.jpg (2508x3541, 2.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Now: FF7
Later: FF7
Much Later: FF7

ara ara...

Attached: heh.png (323x114, 47K)


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>Another good day of ESA ahead

They just keep winning

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Attached: mammary jamboree.png (500x500, 39K)

7th for giving Mommy a footrub for her hard work.

Attached: 2ccbdc50ba24b1a86d1bc27b0e0ba987.jpg (1600x2000, 1.88M)

I can only hope you don't get destroyed by midges where you are

>Parts of britain are now getting as hot as fucking Texas

Wew lad can it be 2 for 2 at ESA

8 hour (((speedrun)))

Attached: ok.gif (396x465, 3.13M)

8 hour Mommyrun

More like
>now: 26c
>later: 32c
>much later: AAAAAAHHHHHH

Attached: 1393226054990.png (600x800, 852K)

Say goodbye to mommy Tifa, she's sticc Tifa now.

I want to jiggle Tifas mammary materia slots

If I go out later I'll snap a pic of a walking route since it's quite gorgeous in this weather. It's all just fields, forest and a canal so you just gotta deal with midgy bites.
Though I might just lay low inside and take it easy today.

Attached: 1560640093342.png (640x800, 264K)

explain yourself, user.


8 hour milking

What do you think Tifa's paizuri would feel like?

Why is baldy suppressing his accent?

Attached: 1564047088783.png (612x270, 193K)

just woke up, how's going the ff7 run, it's comfy or boring?

It's mommytier.



I dunno, unless it's goulash I really don't like meat in soups. It disturbs the smoothness! Vegetables are fine though.

>tfw MOMMY is at her limit

Attached: 1498278975425.jpg (598x644, 234K)

>Final Fantasy VII
What the fuck is wrong with the bad image quality on stream?
For what purpose?

pc run is very different

>"Don't wanna mention the input delay so much, not gonna beat a dead horse."
>mentions input delay every other minute


PS2 is the fastest way to run PS1 games

>pc run is very different
No exploits or what?

I think it's for faster load times


I just woke up and slept through Tifa so I couldn't donate. Did Mommy win?

>milf feet
My nigga

When she sees your D

Attached: mommy.jpg (458x434, 41K)

We did it, lad.

>tfw Tifa is my wife

Attached: c3da53820d221328d8e360a2bd6a2c26.jpg (997x827, 79K)

Nice to see a fellow Scot trying (and failing) not to melt.

Attached: AineMio2.png (935x1055, 534K)

Attached: 1564044540715.png (1362x427, 763K)

You can use yuffie to teleport into the debug room and various other points on the map. PC record is 2 1/2 hours, compared to 7 hours on the ps.


Attached: file.png (793x575, 499K)

>PC record is 2 1/2 hours, compared to 7 hours on the ps.

>That seethe on the end right
must be a lolicon

I went through loads of places in Scotland recently with parents, mostly around the coast to avoid said midges since we were in a camper van and tent. Spent some time on Skye, traveled along the great glen and such. It definitely is a country to go for natural scenery
Also several distilleries

Attached: pretty_sure_this_was_at_Glen_Brittle[1].jpg (2000x1500, 791K)

t.ethic team

Attached: Snoy.jpg (368x496, 17K)


There was Kiwami $20% run. Please tell me someone donated to make them sing along Baka Mitai.

The best part is some dude tried to snipe it and donated $200 but he was like 10 minutes late.

Milf feet need the most care for all the work their soles get through.

Attached: d416a4c2c5d18f34089917273e4ffdec.png (734x900, 629K)

rough ride ahead

Attached: file.png (1087x615, 623K)

multi track drifting on stream 2

I can't remember which one but there was two karaoke songs they sang in game, and then another dude sang a couple Eurobeat songs by himself. That run was seriously fucking madness.

Will repost from previous thread because this needs to be known for prosperity.

The final MOMMY donation was at July 25th, 2019, 3:44:40 AM CST, this was RIGHT before they got to Tifa to name her.
This lad's $200 donation was at July 25th, 2019, 3:55:12 AM CST.
So not only did he try to snipe and wait too long, he was about 10 minutes off the fucking mark.


> tokyo drifting

Attached: aaaaah.jpg (600x800, 45K)

Went camping there a years ago it was nice. Never really realized how nice the scenery my own country was until we started camping

imagine handling Tifa's soft milkers while kissing her armpits

Attached: a0b10ca2f1654d8af9d4f9b255b0f235.jpg (724x1023, 88K)

Feel free to copy and paste this information throughout the run threads or when it's relevant information. I'm going to bed. Thank you for making MOMMY happen Yea Forums. Will siiiiip one with you when I wake up.

Wtf this Yakuza run is amazing.

>1 hour of eurobeat and drifting in stream2

Attached: rail drive.gif (480x270, 1016K)

Its time

Attached: linchman.gif (400x224, 2.7M)

sleep tight boomber

It sure is.

Attached: ESA Yakuza.webm (960x498, 2.87M)

>literally on rails "racing" game

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Make sure to hit the good stuff.

Attached: monster.png (474x528, 294K)

Oh fuck it's that fucking train game kek


i wanna if you know how they live in tokyo

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Why didn't Tifa have a huge fucking scar on her stomach from when Sephiroth slashed her?

Attached: 1502688682928.png (391x480, 63K)

Yeah, sometimes you need to leave the cities.
My parents have been going to France annually since before they had kids, so I've seen the scenery there so many times it's unbelievable but's got a very different feel (and not just because of the heat)

>They got a song made for ESA
That's pretty cool

Would Tifa be into face sitting?

> checking for AGDQ tickets


Attached: defunes3.jpg (1006x729, 158K)

wtf im havin a seizure

strap yourself in for the long haul pal.

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She blocked the shot with HER HUGE FUCKING TITS

Imagine licking her sweaty body in the middle of a heatwave.

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Attached: 073f34c06ddde875c92858d368f1847ccbca6a94.gif (450x478, 587K)

>stream 1
comfy as fuck
>stream 2

ESA schedule is so fucking good what the hell

Attached: 1564010794921.gif (300x300, 1.89M)

she's the perfect wife, she'd do it for (You) and then realize it's fun and feels really good for her, but would maybe be a bit reluctant to admit it.

Why didn't her tits have a huge fucking scar then?

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Shit iunno user why don't you ask her?

wtf that guy at end of the row turned into a dog

Amazing what you can do when you have something other than NES games like the majority of GDQ

I'll ask the next time I go over to drink her breast milk.

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They're getting bigger, how do we stop her?

>that LGBTQ+ genderfluid babyfur FAGGOT who donated TWO-HUNDRED (200) dollars in order to prevent MOMMY but it was 10 minutes too late

Attached: wheeze.png (593x580, 621K)

What train game?

First time watching ESA, what the fuck this is good, it's everything people loved about gdq

Stop it at it's source.

Attached: xZU-R638u.jpg (1280x577, 49K)

Based Yuffie

Attached: Yuffie.png (624x769, 435K)

>using metronomes to find the right BPM to time inputs during different sequences
God, that is beautiful autism.

> epilepsy warning for stream 2

Attached: baby.jpg (611x686, 37K)

i was wagecuckin' it all day, did i miss any drama or good runs?

Attached: esa.jpg (613x589, 112K)

>tfw no Priscilla gf

*tink tink tink*
Anyone got that new Necdaz animation of Tifa? That is all I had to say.

Attached: tink tink tink.jpg (1000x1000, 161K)

There's no stopping it, she's just gonna keep getting bigger and bigger.

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tits are the miracle of the universe

I've always liked ESA but I feel it really started to shine from ESA 2017 onward.

>2 hours already gone by
It didn't even feel like that long. Is this the magic of comfy Final Fantasy runs? I never watched one before...

Attached: snug.jpg (700x472, 27K)

jacuzzi 2 run was amazing

Please tell me you at least saw the Yakuza $20% run.


watch ff x and iii run from esa 19 winter

>1 hour trying to do that shit for the first time

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How thoughtful of ESA to play the opening ceremony now
Can't believe I woke up to this

Attached: thursgay.jpg (830x467, 108K)

what the fuck was heideggers problem?

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>900+ KM/H

Attached: 1533924564999.png (493x533, 390K)

>That speed

I went to bed after COTM, what good runs did i miss, how's FF7

Perfect and lovely

Based and necdazpilled!

Attached: smelly wine.png (645x912, 564K)

Max comfy

>Metako teaching the actual runner stuff about FF7

I really, really want her to sit on my face and rub that pussy on my face


Attached: NANI.webm (972x480, 2.71M)

This entire upcoming continent is my favorite part of the game. I love the music in Costa del Sol, the atmosphere in the Golden Saucer and Wutan, and the lore in that small town with the funny name in the south.


>Look at my magic trick
>He fucking kills himself

FFVII should have ended in the first disc, second and third are a mistake


Bro, the train run is fucking awesome

>Might have found a new strat
Fucking stream 2.

>missed Densha de D

Attached: 1561454793807.png (199x181, 6K)

F-Zero fuck yes!

Attached: 1561433882458.png (239x317, 156K)

>just want to clear my backlog
>ESA has fun runs today

Attached: 1560124728510.png (801x724, 707K)

>F-Zero next
This is the fast block

Attached: When this baby reaches 88fps.gif (288x287, 889K)

Attached: this is fine sgdq.png (105x120, 20K)

I got absolutely fucked by random encounters in this area


I'm gonna Pog even though I have no idea whats going on.

what a luckster
I like his humming

Attached: 1544984958761.png (184x184, 66K)

>This announcer

Attached: helicobter.gif (250x194, 47K)

What if you died in real life and resuscitated at the Golden Saucer?


Attached: 1502756093491.jpg (528x485, 52K)

how do i get a tifa GF

Attached: Tifa 7.jpg (1000x1414, 164K)

virtual reality

Attached: tifa80.jpg (1000x1476, 492K)

runners stuttery english is really cute

Attached: 1541865614298.jpg (1280x1267, 229K)

>all these repeated words
is this runner a skaven?



>Oda Non finally gets hired to do art on a game
>the game fucking flopped

what game

Attached: tifa54.png (2508x3279, 2.93M)

Here is a friendly reminder, user

Attached: lit zero.gif (400x305, 1.8M)

Metal Max Zero

it was some super low budget game though

How's the FF run?

>tfw no qt cosplay gf

Attached: 1560216973583.jpg (529x795, 44K)

thank you captain
this is a whore

Why doesn't squad mode work anymore?

Attached: 1552687876328.jpg (500x453, 17K)

Pretty damn comfy. The commentary is really good, as always with Metako.

what dialect is the announcer

Damn I'm gonna watch Trackmania over the ultra comfy FF run.

>Fail the trick 2 times
>Go for the third
This are the kind of balls you don't see an GDQ

Use instead

>take a shit
>miss F-zero

Attached: 1561494223082.jpg (720x480, 33K)

>shitting for 15 minutes


>missing all the yumps

>Metako's PB in this category LOSES Chocobo race

What a fucking lad.

im happy to see mommy won, but how the fuck did Bogart win over Caleb, fuck even is that

Attached: 1325526000851.gif (514x601, 395K)

This is why you keep an empty coffee can next to your battlestation

french autism

oh for fucks sake, no one cares about your dead relatives

It's baiting other people to donate for the name as well.

The announcer's voice worked well with that sobstory

Let's stretch our muscles anons!

Attached: 645740_drunkenlei_wii-fit-trainer.jpg (1500x1500, 941K)

tifa could manipulate my peepee if you catch my drift

>not resetting the timer

Attached: # NO TURKEY.png (736x601, 347K)
>bugenhagen himself donated
what's his end game


>7 hour "speed"run

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I want her legs around my head

Attached: 1547565617445.png (189x260, 49K)

Yeah I agree, Metako is pretty cute.


goddamn i though ff7 stream was on stream 2

I see Tifa, I click.

Attached: D9-n3wOXoAAkmiL.jpg (569x330, 19K)

Attached: Eh~.png (226x227, 47K)

holy fuck

Attached: 1563236761256.jpg (241x198, 4K)

Yuffie save file load glitch is bullshit and should never count. I only believe this because the save file being loaded has 50hrs or more save file that for some reason doesn't get counted to the overall time.

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>his name comes from Rey fucking Mysterio

go fast block has been pretty decent

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Metako LORE

Attached: Comfy.jpg (409x409, 75K)

>The runners explaining the origin of their names
This is reaching peak comfy levels

>good art
>good sex
>but scat and smellshit
I still fapped tho

Attached: 1501971780095.jpg (425x503, 33K)

I like this girl and I wish I had her merch!

Track Mania, nice

Did they fix the input lag issue? runner hasn't complained about it for a while

Smellshit I can stand (unless it's just straight-up farting) but scat is figuratively, subjectively, objectively and literally shit

this sounds complicated, is it really so hard or is he just playing it up

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nocturne true demon ending speedrun at esa when?

Attached: 1545767276520.jpg (500x588, 37K)


I used to love Trackmania so much in my teenage years. Playing in online in a populated server with a friend and getting places #1 and #2 felt always so good with the podium flag representation.
I fucking hate Ubijew for how they ruined the game with the separate ''game'' releases and horrible business models and shit over the years.
I wish someone would step in and did a similar game that would capture millions online and was as good as Nations Forever.

Attached: Uma smile with Liru oppai.jpg (1440x1080, 175K)

The way Harvey looks, im pretty sure he's gonna end up giving himself a heart attack.

fuck really? nice

Attached: 1562056629795.jpg (490x490, 48K)

this CWC announcer is getting on my nerves

>tfw we're getting animations with that model soon

what did the donation say? I was watching #2

He didn't want the whole run to be him whining so he just doesn't mention it.

>statue starts crying

wait uhh
is it still alive

just cast esuna, bro

what a lad

link to the donation here

FFIV has proven that shit does not work

>the world map song
Fuck, it's been a while since I've played FFVII.

thats cause it was self afflicted in FFIV

And it was self inflicted here as well

can mini tifa fit in my anus

i need to know


Can mini tifa fit in thano's anus?

>Have never played a Final Fantasy game in my life
>enjoy and watch every ESA and GDQ FF run
What did I mean by this?

Attached: Really makes you think.gif (260x269, 2.79M)

Attached: 1563539794225.png (405x347, 162K)


Can mini user fit in Tifa's anus?

Attached: tifa7.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Can I fit in her anus?

Attached: 1557631435324.png (123x258, 34K)

Who did this?

Me :)

Attached: WAS IT YOU.jpg (720x480, 62K)

Attached: 1562548665232.jpg (2048x1152, 229K)

Oh it's you thank you retard

I did her


Thx for the (you)

Shud I bother watching the FF run if I've never played an FF?



Watch stream 2 instead, the TM run is pretty nice to watch

Stream 2 is far better right now.

>I'm getting more used to- ...has this always been here?
>Yeah for like 2 hours

Attached: Aqua laughing.gif (384x372, 2.83M)

If you like really chill commentary and want to relax then yeah.

>dating Aerith

>no date with mommy

Attached: 1238428859040.jpg (853x479, 37K)

Charismatic commentary, occasional paraphrasing of the story, explanations of why they're doing certain actions. But if you don't care about jrpgs I'd say no.

Really depends. I find JRPG runs to be boring so I'm juts watching stream 2 while playing some vidya.

>didn't go on date with tifa

This Trackmania runner's precision throughout the run has been phenomenal.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-25 Twitch(2).jpg (1580x926, 383K)


I have never played any Final Fantasy, is it cringe? Looks cringe

>kiss the dragon

Attached: sexy snakes.png (1500x1125, 710K)

Because the scar is over her tits. It's obvious. There's a reason why she's one of the few designated sexy, busty girls in video games, who show zero cleavage.

Thanks anons. Will probably stick to Stream 2 because trackmania looks sick and I always wanted to play it

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Can we fix the bottom tier?

WTF is Cloud doing in that cart? Lifting weights?

Attached: 1452551372573.png (505x431, 205K)

It's free user. Go download it.

>not Tifa

Attached: 1562895883165.jpg (258x258, 15K)

stream 1 = reddit
stream 2 = Yea Forums

Dragons are high tier so who can blame Cloud?

Attached: 1561584944336.png (1080x1920, 3.21M)

Your post = Reddit
My post = 4channel


anything worth seeing since Yakuza last night?

Borderlands 2 should be bad tier.

I always really liked the endurance maps in TM. They really get you in the zone.

Attached: 1549104579616.png (342x342, 165K)

Big Jon's Golf, while not technically impressive, was wholesome and he was super happy he got to do it. Worth a watch imo
If you like fancy platformers and pretty great displays of skill, the guy who did The Messenger was great(he constantly went for hard tricks and landed a high majority)

sotn and bloodstained were alright

your post = cute
my post = funny

please fuck off with that reddit meme


i just woke up, did we secure MOMMY for tifa name?

Attached: monkaS.jpg (600x600, 41K)

I'll give you a D+, I don't really feel your shitpost spirit

Yes we did.

Hell yeah. Also, this dude fucked up so bad which made it even better.

absolute rekt

I'll give YOU a D+

Secured by about 30 bucks thanks to multiple last minute donations.

The tradition keeps on going

>metako will never be your RL friend sitting next to you helping you with the game you play

based MOMMY posters


Attached: 1551726476799.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Thank you for keeping that garbage in a pastebin now

Where is metako from? What is that accent?


>missed half of FF7
>metako co-commentary

i've made a huge mistake


>tfw no mommydom tifa gf that locks you up in chastity and then makes you eat out her pussy while you kneel before her

Attached: me_irl.png (509x619, 8K)

chastity and eating pussy are gay

kek was that snipe for that other guy's dead grandma's name?

get fuckt, naming this shit after sentimental shit like dead relatives is fucking retarded. based MOMMY posters win again

they also give you cancer

This Trackmania runner is insane.

Attached: Aiko shock.png (1600x1200, 272K)

It's been pretty comfy. The runner is pretty cool too and they've been having nice conversation.

tifa wouldn't do that, but aerith definitely would


Attached: Dq55sw_UUAAgMUn.jpg (831x1176, 261K)

>cant enjoy the mommyrun I donated for with the thread cause I’m camping
didnt even know metako was running it
ah well


Attached: commieflag.jpg (243x207, 12K)

>not watching FF run

what are you, fuckin gay??

Fucking campers

We appreciate your sacrifice.

Attached: Based Marina.png (512x384, 298K)

>watching JRPG runs

Attached: 1552073236592.jpg (1061x601, 144K)

>Demons Gate
Somewhere Caleb is smashing a controller.

thank you for making mommy tifa happen even when you couldn't be here to appreciate it, this is what true heroism looks like

Attached: impressed.png (600x769, 433K)

you did good user, have this Tifa to cheer you on

Attached: 6d084e66e7f292a07d5a566a9c8002ca.jpg (809x935, 234K)

i had to step out into the scorching heat for a bit, what is the reason for casting death sentence on Tifa?

why no E05?

its 1h long

MOMMY beating the fuck out of Demons Gate

>naming Tifa after your gran gran

Attached: 1563695637224.jpg (325x325, 16K)

That run was amazing.

Attached: 1561397512774.png (383x364, 108K)

Such a solid Trackmania run, good one Wirtual and riolu.
Still some shortcut showcase.

Attached: Uma witch - madara sai.jpg (717x896, 68K)

that was neat. powersoul tifa is dumb

bretty good time

Attached: forev.png (858x340, 31K)

His nana had big honkers.

and all that with a keybaord

yeah naming the fapbait character after you dead granny is weird enough. i think the only logic was that the granny's name was taifa, which is close to tifa

>divides your speed by 0

Attached: 1547295535053.png (629x680, 209K)

>Dividing by zero
Of course

Attached: Dividing by old memes.png (500x400, 59K)

Sad indeed

Attached: 1557900036628.jpg (1080x1349, 130K)

>that chestlet
>mommy material

>tfw brainlets think tifa is the worst character due to her limits
>don't know about powersoul
mommy a best

Attached: 1561310060689.jpg (600x697, 73K)

Holy shit those shortcuts in TM.

>not watching KinoMania


worst event ever nobody's shouting orb at random intervals

Those were F-zero GX esque, fucking sick. Realism racing games were a mistake

not surprised yetee staff is all tumblrinas and basedboys

Attached: 1535352514958.jpg (540x720, 33K)

Post 3d girls who do good cosplays of Tifa, enough with this 2d spam

>that menuing

Attached: ### IN THE HEART OF BATTLE.gif (293x199, 2.45M)


Attached: feels.gif (498x266, 965K)

Aeris impaling incoming

Attached: 1562552616072.jpg (601x625, 73K)

"um excuse me mr runner, if you could shut up for a moment we have a $5 donation from kittehpewpewxd and it says: 'greetings from yermany shout out to eifel 65, ps this runner is ebin. OOORB save the animalsXD'"

Attached: mpv-shot0357.jpg (547x339, 61K)

big oof
but here you go bro (extremely NSFW):
sauce is in the comments

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-25 Twitch(3).jpg (1912x926, 480K)

Pig got stuck with that pigsticker.


Attached: 1444314484129.jpg (479x370, 68K)

Time for Sanic.


She ded.

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Attached: vile machinarium.jpg (717x960, 63K)

>The angry Scot from the Yakuza run is commentating Sonic Adventure
Damn, both streams have been good for a while. This ESA has been great.

rest in peace aeris... rest in peace

Attached: rip.gif (500x229, 2.61M)

aerith dies and so does the run.

>if this smile costs only one gil it is a gogfuiadgubpd


Attached: FFVIIR_Aerith.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

nigga fucked up

Sha carried the run on her back


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Attached: 1564010570523.png (526x281, 96K)


you just know they're gonna add some side quest that lets you revive her

>Who said that? Gimme their username

4:29:30 / 7:40:00

Attached: 1543711291314.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Aeris is unironically the most overrated death in video games.

Keep telling yourself that kid

Attached: 1529386930701.png (503x174, 93K)

more like DLC
pay up gaijin

DLC mission to res her and another one to unstone Reds dad. 15 bucks each.

I think they already said they will keep the major events the same

And another $15 to revive Biggs, Wedge and Jessie.

More likely DLC to play a side-story that happens before the game's events with those characters.

>barret's wife stays dead
poor guy

This Sonic Adventure run is pretty nice so far.

Untrue. It's even the best in Final Fantasy. However Aerith's death is one of the least important parts about her character, so in that sense it's indeed overemphasized, but not overrated.

Indeed, I loved it!

No chance. Most it'll have is a moment like the Advent Children one before the final boss.

Sonic adventure's sonic stages had GOAT level design

is everyone kill

Yes, please cremate us.

Attached: Couch Pommy.jpg (643x687, 44K)


Whoops meant for

Why not speedrun the new version? You can enable god mode and no encounters in it. Wouldn't that make it faster?

>7m without posting
you guys alright?

I was taking my morning shit and I'm not a dirty phoneposter. Get off my back!

Attached: 1416582168263.jpg (372x290, 17K)

that would make it a different category, that probably no one would be interested in competing in since you might as well play a walking simulator at that point

Why not just play every video game on the easiest baby mode even when not speedrunning?

took 2-2.5 extra steps when taking that hidden chest, didn't figure it out, paniced and totally dropped it

>Wouldn't that make it faster?
Not necessarily. Some of the skips require esoteric means to trigger. And the PC version is already at 2 1/2 hours to complete due to poor programming.

They're just exercising user.

Attached: 75334635_p0.jpg (1203x1724, 407K)

Sonic's a bit meh and I'm not interested in FF7. Gomen.

Attached: Liru Getting Over It - seismic.webm (720x720, 1.41M)

the britons are melting in the 32c heat
oh no

Attached: ###1.jpg (251x241, 14K)


enjoy the runs, bois. i've got a half day at work, wont be back til after cuckhead but at least i'll see /our girl/ play sekiro. please god let her not have gotten fat

Tifa is love

Attached: 75847617_p0.jpg (800x1065, 354K)

>Finally played Getting Over It
>Those fucking controls
The acceleration is so horrible, I can see why so many people have trouble with it

Attached: 1368408151330.png (500x500, 507K)

>step outside
>heat makes me sweat and itch immediately
Makes me want to try out a sauna though

>IP range ban on images
the fuck happened with Bongistan shitposts then

Just lay down and let me do all the work, user.

Attached: 1560216845790.gif (500x400, 3.09M)


Attached: 1548699230296.png (399x421, 158K)

Who is Clyde and why do they keep talking about him?

Too much Boris spam maybe?

>the britons are melting in the 32c heat
It's above 40c in parts of France right now

Attached: tifa15.jpg (1440x1744, 197K)

you got me worried, don't do that again.

Attached: 1564061236277.jpg (1007x1034, 160K)

>I do not trust Tifa to screw me over

oh daddy....

Attached: file.png (108x174, 32K)

Nobody cares about the french

Attached: 1551464714326.png (215x248, 66K)

you are silly, ben.

>Metako telling the runner how he invented the strat he's using
Shit like this is the comfiest stuff in speedrunning.

But then what's the point of posting on an imageboard site if you get cucked by this

>ip range ban

rip user

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-14 Tennis - BBC Sport.png (633x358, 527K)

>5 hours has already gone by
Wow, the time has actually flown.

Attached: Yuffie cute.jpg (236x314, 23K)

what the fuck has boris done now

Attached: burmy sand 1.gif (44x61, 84K)

>Use the aircon
only my car has one. lucky these super hot days last only a week or so per year

>The dude Metako called out in chat actually donated


Attached: sample-af469e1ad0f13251b701853d01face42.jpg (722x1000, 83K)

Other than wipe his balls on every surface in number 10?

>PM for one day and country experiences level 10 meltdown
absolute state of britbongs

Attached: lol5.jpg (394x501, 83K)

Great, looks like this irrelevant country was unbanned.

Become PM

>british trump suggests amnesty for illegal immigrants
Yeah, no wonder every side is losing their fucking minds.

Attached: Maths.webm (416x264, 2.69M)

>tfw no black goddess to hang out at the beach at these temperatures

Attached: 1560197897181.jpg (720x714, 150K)

>british trump
never got the comparison outside of hair and maybe unfufilled promises/lies, but that's not an exclusive thing to them as politicians

>muffled porkduckrice in the distance


Attached: 1550767560502.jpg (1163x777, 226K)

populist that no one ever thought would get to power, and was subject of many jokes about their lack of prospects, until they won.

He was explaining a matching game from the Dora the Explorer run.

Attached: Spooky.webm (800x480, 2.4M)

Well both are utter morons for one thing

Eh, I was on holiday in the south a few years ago and it hit 42, it's nothing new

>not hanging out with a black god instead

Attached: 1552758891328.jpg (604x448, 140K)

>tfw no pasty speedrunner gf/bf (not a trap) to hang out at the beach at these temperatures

>it's nothing new
It literally is, as least as far back as records go. Records are being broken in like every EU country right now.

South of France (Algiers) or south of England (Australia)?

Reminder humidity plays an important role on bad the heat is.

>Parts of France
>I was on holiday in the south
Do the maths

I said nothing new about hitting 40+, not the actually temperatures

Do I really need to write entire paragraphs for you people to understand what I'm saying

haha nice
firepaw is pretty based

Attached: 1547347505383.jpg (365x365, 56K)


Attached: ##froge.jpg (300x259, 30K)

>breaking records is nothing new

>the joke
>your head


how can you be so autistic
Tifa is still hot as fuck, just look at these thigh highs hng

Attached: 1560217397671.png (286x922, 239K)

An internet connection is required.

Not good enough.

Did you really not understand that joke?

Attached: Shygal brain damage.png (612x563, 158K)

Is it true that Final Fantasy X and X-2 is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII

You can't read, apparently that isn't new

Australia and France are jokes, yes


Attached: Unzip.gif (500x283, 883K)

Attached: 1261e66b4e4c225d1bc860.jpg (850x1200, 132K)

Oh baby



the thigh highs and skirt look like shit, not to mention her body shape and ugly face.
dissidia tifa is superior.

the following runs after FFVII can be very kino

Attached: firefox_2019-07-25_15-43-46.png (954x290, 27K)

That mommy donation has been paying dividends for hours. Bless you Yea Forums

WHy can't the model be more like fanart

>cat in hiding under the drying laundry
>get on four to stick my head in and say hello
Damn it's so fresh and comfy I wish I could fit in there.
I got to spray my face in front of the fan to not melt.
Post nekos!

Attached: 20190725_140146.jpg (735x980, 186K)

it grew a lot on me

Attached: 0b26e68d2e5c671c865a758d51cf0f58.jpg (850x1204, 239K)

How come there is 2 ESA marathons happening at the same time and why isnt anyone talking about the SA2 run

what a cutiepie

>thigh highs on chicken legs

Attached: 1325750933536.jpg (248x252, 40K)

what's her name?

Is this FF run worth watching for someone who's never played anything in the series?

I'm worred the VC run will be ruined by re**it.

Yeah it's crazy how both of them managed to raise the same exact amount of money

People seem to be too busy shitposting about garbage.

good thing i got up early this morning

Attached: 1556656444713.gif (200x200, 104K)

the great emerald's power allows me to shitpost instead of watching sa2

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Race

>goes on top of pc tower
>accidentally presses the power button
>can't ever deny him from going up there because I don't want him to be mad at me

Attached: 1564062981327.jpg (4160x2336, 1.35M)

I can't believe user prefers Dissidias Tifa to mine.

Attached: van pattens card.png (1325x743, 1.28M)

I really hope it's like the yakuza run and she don't ruins it


Is FFVII worth playing?

Attached: Useful Goddess.png (543x672, 351K)

Based chad kitty asserting dominance over you

Attached: the alleged cat.jpg (1152x864, 319K)

My useful wife

your fault for not giving him a better high up place to lie in

All that cute fluff!!!!!!! I bet it's a nightmare to clean up your computer.
Mine does that too. Of course the PC tower is a warm place cats love.

what's like living on a island?

Of course it is.

God if only FFXVI was like this again. Something that pushes the boundaries not just of realtime graphics but those of the medium and genre.

It's never gonna happen, but I still can't give up hope.

Attached: 1488584853777.jpg (540x416, 58K)

>anons prefer dissidia tifa over the remake one even though her breasts are even smaller
oh no bros on what basis do we call them incels now

based, tifa is still a literal goddess, there's many reasons to get upset about the remake, but nu-tifa is not one of them

Attached: 0cb43b52c0a099b763c0a3337747a25b.jpg (1287x1500, 547K)

Which version then?

>PC case has a cover over the power and reset buttons
Thwarted, catshit.

Attached: 1304644768952.png (424x364, 17K)

pc or switch with the ai texture mod

PS1 emulated on Beetle-PSX


Attached: 974922499b58496233aba7ab0ede60cc.jpg (755x823, 404K)

Thanks user much appreciated

You can just emulate the PS1 version.

For what purpose?

Attached: 1429658997957.jpg (400x400, 74K)

You didn't rike the emo boyband and their car?

For maximum unf. You dumbass.

Attached: Max heart pupils.png (664x501, 362K)

Here I come, boys!

Attached: Yuffie jump.jpg (653x800, 360K)

The point of spats is to tear them with your dick at ramming speed.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-25 10-02-23-63.webm (726x690, 1.7M)

Attached: 1560217255418.jpg (500x500, 144K)

>naruto headband

why is sonic OOB fine but FPS isnt

they're being pretty faithful to the story and aesthetics while modernising the designs a bit or making them a little more believable

that they're making it a bit more of an ARPG is fine with me, the original is easy as hell for the most part on a normal playthrough and ATB isn't the greatest to begin with. hopefully they'll make it more challenging and expand the materia system.

why does tifa have to be death sentence'd? what's the reason behind this?

pic related is the single worst thing they've done in the remake

Attached: soulless vs soul.jpg (1018x666, 139K)

>ywn slap tifa's boo bees

although they are adding the ghost shit in the remake which I don't know what that's all about. hopefully it's not too stupid.

*unzips vagina*

More bigger increased damage.

Also look too much Anri Okita like.

FFVII is pretty fuckin anime compared to everything else in the series.

Is he the best thing at ESA this year?

Attached: Lt-yP4Xq_400x400.png (400x400, 154K)

He went home yesterday


Attached: 1560196722960.jpg (1024x1459, 327K)

that would be yakuza

Attached: esa fun allowed.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

His Golf run was really great.

As opposed to FF8? Whole party memory loss, chosen rivals, love triangles, "this is not even the final form of our gardens!" etc.

Death Sentence = 4x damage
Crit Health = 2x
Deathblow/Crit = 2x

Well, he was a part of that run too.

Only struggled against a few bosses, it's quite jarring when you can run for most of the game and then you get killed by a jump in difficulty.


His Golf run and the Yakuza 20$% run were shared podium for gold.

>Hang in there MOMMY
Boner no

damn. I never knew this, thanks for explaining this
t. 31yo boomer who grew up with this game

To believe that shadow's ark stage is a remix of final rush

I'm talking artstyle. It's funny how despite the change to a realistic anime style VIII's story is actually pretty goofy and lighthearted.

I always felt VIII is the darkest game in the series next to VII. I dunno how it's goofy or lighthearted. It definitely has moments like that but at the end you're travelling through time as reality collapses and shit. It's pretty fucked up!

Right. I get what you mean now.