Does this roasty not understand I already have a girlfriend? Is she retarded?
Does this roasty not understand I already have a girlfriend? Is she retarded?
She's trying to cuck your GF. She's that thirsty lad.
Double cuck Kanji and Rise is the most satisfying thing in this game
Why would you cuck your bro?
Loving relationships mean nothing to the slut
>Chie = Meh
>Yukiko = Boring
>Rise = Slut
>Marie = Who ?
The only answer is obvious
Quite literally your soul mate
roasties gonna roast
Well i only emulate the PS2 version (Undub) and watch the golden only cutscenes in youtube.
But i heard Marie is shoehorned into the story anyway.
she a slut
>I prefer men over feminine women
lol this fag
>Not giving an effort to turn Man (Woman) into proper Woman (Woman)
lol this fag
Just finished P4 and im having a withdrawal.
What to do, anons what to do.....
Play P3 or P5, or any of the spinoffs, Arena is the closest thing to a sequel to P4
Like i said before, im already played P3 and im afraid P5 story and characters isnt as good as 4.
She's ugly and stupid.
Blinded by cocklust
Naotofags will always be unironic faggots.
Name a worse character
its not gay if shes already a woman to begin with
Your retarded, she is your girlfriend!
why yall doin my nigga kanji like that
He's gay for the MC though
P5 is unironically worse than P3/P4, only gameplay is getting better/easier
I wish I could’ve been the guy to marry her voice actress, laura bailey.
Okay grandpa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eng VO
>hurr durrr user no like me onions game he old hehehe i'll call him grandpa eheheh
your point is?
You're clearly influenced by nostalgia and the common mentality trope of "old better, new bad" - just because you personally enjoy P3/P4 more than P5 does not mean it is "unironically worse"; idiots like you who claim objectivity out a subjective subject are wasted skin.
Also >Wojak
rise erp when
go eat tidepods, zoomie
dont forget to buy your epic morgana plushie
Rise is for Kanji's dick only
Naoto is for Jamal-kun's Ziodynecock only
Alright, nice discussion as usual Boomer - really proving your intellectual worth and capacity to create compelling arguments. Can't wait for your next set of "epic wojak memes"
Kill yourself
>Not using default name for Protagonist
stay mad, zoomie
>Not calling yourself Chad Ziocock
If you liked 3 and 4 you'll like 5 too. You don't have to put shit up on a pedestal to compare everything else against it.
Does anyone here watched P4 anime ?
How was it ?
5 wipes the floor with the previous games. Don't believe the contrarian shitposting you see here.
I play it someday. Need to sink in P4 story and characters first
P4 anime is really solid if you watch it RIGHT AFTER you finish playing P4. It's great to see what kind of Person Narukami is and see him face his own shadow in the end
What about Golden ? there are 2 versions of it but golden is only 12 episodes
>What about Golden?
Golden? There's a golden anime? No idea what you're talking about user.
We don't talk about golden
Oh right sorry I hate Marie too
Reminder that Nanako is Yu’s canon future wife and no amount of reddit seething will change that. Everything else is a meaningless high school fling with his Scooby Doo gang.
His official title in Arena is the Siscon Kingpin of Steel.
very much this
Didn't know Persona 3 protagonist was in Persona 4
You are right that the answer is obviously Ai Ebihara
He trying to cuck me
is tranny fantasy material, that's why is popular here
The Golden anime was bad enough that it singlehandedly led to Marie being the single most hated Atlus character of all time thanks to anime secondaries who never actually played the game when in the actual game she's just kind of there and inoffensive as side material.
Fuck off back to retortera
Trannies hate Naoto
play the game
Well to be fair P4G is basically a dead game now since Vita is dead
>not wanting to bully Marie
>not liking dykes and trannies means you’re from dyke tranny central
>single players games are dead