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Dead game series

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>4k players


Any rooms up? New DLC missions are out

lobby up on hardest difficulty.
right now on mission 40
name:Yea Forumsdf

Whatever offtopic garbage this thread bumped off page 1 won't be missed anyways

>no smash general
>no e-celeb general

Friendly reminder to respect your brave Air Waifus out there

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Funny how you never show up to backseat mod in Smash threads...HMMMMMMMMMMM really makes me think

How the fuck do I beat mission 102? The green monsters fuck me up


Napalm air strikes and a red guard. Even on inferno it's pretty easy.

Why are they always stuck in a web?

Jack hammer & shotgun
Flashing spear & spreading mortar
Dash cell 3 Boost jump 3

Move like sanic, use mortar on shield bearer and jackhammer on pylon.

When green ants come kill then with mortar while in the fucking heavens.
Kill lmaos with mortar to the face.

jackhammer+dispersal mortar is way better since you can use the former for sustained damage or stunlock and the latter for burst damage against groups or single ayys. that way you can keep the second set for dual cannons to deal with shit at range
flashing spear is just absolute trash since it has startup time which is trash for a low dmg, high firerate piercer
and against greens I'd recommend a vibro roller since greens have minimal hp and a single attack removes an entire crowd


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Do you need the mission pack to join rooms running it?

>50k players daily
>But tf2 is a dead game guis
Lol, cope harder. 4k and dropping.

Trade/idle bots

jackhammer shotgun is probably one of the best sets just because of the ridiculous wall of damage it creates in front of you, mortar is better with an all purpose weapon like spear/ spine driver on your 2nd set

I'm getting FUCKED HARD in the mission pack on hardest level 3. Might have to come back to that one. 2/4 people die over and over and whittle my life down before I too die

The fuck? Who said anything about TF2, go be a fuckwad somethread else.

>clearing hardest or inferno doesn't also clear hard and below

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ulillillia is looking swole

because you need to clear the game to start either, and you should be playing on hard on your first playthrough which would clear everything

sorry for disconnecting my pc fuckin crashed - ran

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Because game is not made for faggots who want an easy life

But when playing a second character why do I have to play hard again when they basically have enough gear and armor for hardest?

i use a trainer for max pickup range because collecting boxes isn't fun

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>I'm cheating cause I'm huge faggot who don't want to play game as intended.

issue with the other piercers is that they have quite the startup and take quite some time mid shots.
also the jackhammer by itself has much higher dps than other piercers and the high firerate makes it perfect for stunlocking big targets.
thus the dexter is pure overkill at this point so you may as well just take a more practical tool instead.
the second set can then be used to bring specialized equipment like double mortars or whatever else

Game literally gives something for that and you're STILL a faggot

play online you faggot

>game about killing huge amounts of enemies and massive monsters
>80% of gametime is spent running around walking over green and red boxes

Eat shit, weeb.

I'll keep shooting giant bugs while you guys run around collecting boxes for 10 minutes

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Anyone want to do the dlc missions? Reply and I'll make a room if we have enough interested.
Will be doing Hard (thats all you need for the new weapons)

>EDF is purest videogame there is
>armor collecting is only for people who are really bad at the game and can't avoid enemy fire
>PC port happens - everyone fucking cheats like little babies they are
sasuga PC maste rrace
Or you could not get hit, but I guess that is too hard for shitter like you
Ah yes, because having million armor will totally not alienate experience game provides, making it boring shooter gallery you'll uninstall in few hours then proceed to shipost in threads about how game is shit

Its just a couple of shitters, everyone who plays online in these threads seems legit.

>Join a room with 2 chinks on it
>They loot al boxes at the end of the mission using the cheat, I don't really care since it saves time so whatever
>they start struggling next mission vs a million bees
>I'm fencer so I just get the fuck out whenever I'm getting zerged
>they both die so I turn back to ress them
>after I ress them and look at the map to get some health notice every fucking box is gone
Chink rooms, not even once

>install the steamworks patch
>profile disappears
>reappears when I use the old files

where am I supposed to move it to so I don't have to start from 0

I only cheat offline to get my basic unlock farming done, then go online to have fun. I only collect boxes within convenient reach rather than going out of my way for every last one.

If I ever find out who you are I'll kick you from every room and post your username here so everybody knows.
Fuck you nigger.

slowly unlocking new weapons, upgrades and increasing your armor is part of the fun user. I understand cheating a few hundred armor to jump to the next difficulty but maxing out all weapons is a bitch move

>basic unlock farming
fucking why. you never need to farm shit

You can only chain thrusts along the ground infinitely by spacing them out with certain CC attacks like blasthole.

Selfish atheist bug people will be bugs...

Because PC fags can't into proper videogames, user. Their IQ is ridicilously low. Dozens of first threads since port release had question about "what star means?" and similar.
Thinking or just enjoying the game is too hard. Everything must be spoonfed.

fuck off you dumb tranny

allkeyshop com/blog/buy-earth-defense-force-5-cd-key-compare-prices/

is there a better price available somewhere?


is a faggot


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I'm using a box count cheat so items are only occasionally being maxed out. Basic unlock meaning I aim to make every item available and with at least some upgrades so its usable for its level range, but I don't really care to get it fully maxed.

Unfortunately for you, due to my habits described above you'll never actually figure me out. Only choice is to be ultra paranoid and kick anyone with decent gear and armor.

>I aim to make every item available and with at least some upgrades so its usable for its level range
you do know that you get the same just by playing the game regularly online, right?

Eh well there's the kicker.

regularly doesn't mean picking up every single box on the map like retards make you believe. just pick up a couple next to a big target you killed and move on

>I only collect boxes within convenient reach rather than going out of my way for every last one.

Is it a good game to play in local coop with my gf ?

and you don't need to cheat for that, do you? now combine the fact that online you collect 4 times the amount and you realize that there's no fucking point to grinding shit out in singleplayer

please respond

I'm actually coming around to this line of thinking, for hard at least. I tried farming monster balls, once with each class and got almost nothing new/upgraded out of it.
Basically as long as your lobby is autistic about picking crates, you should be fine. It'll be rough in the beginning, but the earlier missions are not that rough anyway.
I'll probably do some farming runs for inferno/hardest before jumping in though, not sure if that helps considering weapon level limits.

is there a good boy lobby?

>Dozens of first threads since port release had question about "what star means?"
Those were in the ps4 threads too

Maybe its true what they say about playing video games rotting your brain.

>I tried farming monster balls
again, you don't need to farm shit. aside from that, it's pointless since you'll get higher level gear in later missions anyway.
Also the weapon limits are really fucking tight so you can't even use gear of the same difficulty in earlier missions.
Just skip all this retarded farming faggotry and play online right away. It serves no purpose and won't get you anything either

I'm not that guy though, I'm already at 80+ w/e online compared to 40 something offline. I farmed after that, which is when I noticed I got almost nothing out of it.

>grinding shit out
That's the point of using a fixed box count cheat with CE. I'm not grinding at all but enjoying the game solo and collecting my class medals, going through the campaign again on harder difficulties. The game is really more fun when you're not crate hunting (and more exciting when the mass of green dots turn out to not be health), which then translates to fun multiplayer because I can concentrate on killing ayliens and keeping everyone else alive.

the people who stayed after the election are trying to ruin EDF threads now?

again, you don't have to focus on collecting all crates. just pick up small piles next to you.
or heck, just leave it to the one autistic fencer/WD to do it for you. that way you won't have to cheat nor worry about it

But user, what if you are that autistic fencer but you're getting weapons/medals for slow classes and there's nobody to take over autistic fencer duty.

>Ah yes, because having million armor will totally not alienate experience game provides
Projecting far too much there. Nobody said anything about cheating armor values.

I can't approve.

if it's anything like 4.1 yes

>slow classes
none of them are slow per se. Ranger has vehicles and modded dash, WD dashes everywhere and AR drifts around.
And again, if you're playing multiplayer you only have to collect a quarter of the boxes you usually do since your other mates will be picking up some too

I started fixing my box count after trying out Monster Balls to see how fast it makes things. It really didn't. Its not even repeatable fun like the Red Ant Beach in 4.1 where you were free to try stuff like calling down a Balam because there are no ranged enemies in the mission.

>nip kicks me for some reason
>kills himself

i don't get it

It has splitscreen so yeah

Its probably something of a quick boost if you're having difficulties, it is pretty damned easy after all.

>since your other mates will be picking up some too
None of them are as OCD about it so I'm getting stuff at about a third the rate as if I did it myself.

So how's that secret weapon coming along?

>find save location
>try to overwrite
>corrupted data when I try to select the profile

anyone managed to transfer the save data another way?

Because they like bondage

thanks user.

>tfw zooming around the level in your grape picking up boxes before everyone else finishes off the last wave

farming is dumb and shouldnt be a thing in any game ever
every mission clear should give you some amount of armor on top of pickups
weapon boxes are fine, and weapon progression is pretty fun

i never felt like i needed to farm weapons
but i feel like i need to farm armor, cause if i switch from my 1k armor ranger that ive played for 60 missions i cant just hop onto my other classes that have like 300 armor

cheating more armor in for youreslf and reducing your armor in the loadout to a comfortable average in your lobby is the best choice

I felt exactly the same when I was trying to find and kill the last stray drone in the first mothership mission, while trying to dodge all of the projectiles.

and there he goes making excuses for being a casual

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who cares, im having fun
and i only gave myself as much as my ranger has but for the other classes so i can play them without autists kicking me for low armor and non meta weapons cause i dont know what meta weapons are yet

gee maybe if you spent time playing the game instead of cheating in artificial progression, maybe you'd have more armor and an understanding of the meta

So where are the lobbies

>but i feel like i need to farm armor
that's just an excsuse for being shit. the armor you gain is more than enough considering that you shouldn't even be getting hit in the first place if you play right, even moreso in multi where you can strategize with your mates and focus on multiple targets.

Just hurry up and kys loser

stop being such obnoxious faggots and just play together

Make one! Be the change you want to see!

Nobody ever joins mine

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be patient

i played up to late 60s on both mp and sp with my ranger
i want to play other things

>air raider doesnt need armor
>fencer doesnt need armor\boos unlocks to not die
>WD doesnt need the only two good weapons to be good

why are nips so racist, i didn't say anything and they kick me again

You have to do four playthroughs on hard for completion anyway. Just start from 1 on your unarmored characters!

nigga you ain't done shit why are you complaining
you don't even need that much armor for those levels

>air raider doesnt need armor
he absolutely does not. if you're playing air raider right, nothing should even be able to touch you.
>fencer doesnt need armor
he doesn't. every single setup of his relies on him being untouchable in one way or another
>boost unlocks to not die
aka shit that you pick up while playing with other classes. aside from that there's quite a few setups that don't rely on many dashjumps

im not gonna play through same difficulty with all the classes wtf

cause im getting kicked for low armor
even if im the one picking them up after they die with their 2.5k armor somehow

>cause im getting kicked for low armor
then host your own lobbies or play with friends

>just don't get hit bro, easy xD
I never fail to see your kind of faggotry regardless of any hobby.

>aka shit that you pick up while playing with other classes
thats just false
or maybe im unlucky

>he absolutely does not. if you're playing air raider right, nothing should even be able to touch you.
how is right
there is no situation where enemies dont get through
you cant bomb everything

They've ruined everything else, it was only a matter of time.

What do you even use to kill ayys as ranger? Nothing deals damage.

haha, f-friends
no one joins my lobbies
and no one hosts pirate lobbies here anymore

shotgun has really high dps
big grenades too

rangers are fuckin terrible bro, play anything else

High RoF sniper from a safe distance.
Shotty to the chest if you somehow are right on them.

the game gives you a fuckton of tools to evade/nullify any damage and you can clear the entire game on inferno with minimal armor.
It's not the game's fault that you're incapable of using these tools

>you cant bomb everything
yes you absolutely can. There's a reason why AR is considered one of the most op classes

Minion Buster

Gotta get my 100% somehow.

assault rifles with sufficient damages will stunlock them, so if they're alone it's easy
snipers are better than rocket launchers for long range/single target
aim for the head

>you can't bomb everything
are you dense or just a shitter

big fucking whoop

I thought piratefags were just bragging a couple days back about all being EDF. Pitiful really.

yea? im not spending a quarter of my paycheck for a video game
fucking deal with it

Try a Blast Twin Spear then, virtually no startup on the attack, helps you fly fast as fuck, pounds alien pussy into dust

>couple of ants flank you
>have to call down phobos on yourself and hope for the best

waiting for your inferno playthrough solo airraider minimum armor no damage taken video

>He thinks air raider has nothing but bombers

I really want to learn to git gud with it since the mobility it offers is insane

that's what gunships are for you moron

Weapons and movement are not the equivalent of armour because they eliminate the need for armour

still vaiting for that video

to what then, run away forever cause you cant deal damage?

you first, you can just cheat it like you have been you shitter

Cry harder noskillz

me first what?
you claim air raider needs no armor and can bomb everything
provide proofs


you're a retard and not even a good one at that

Nice reading comprehension fuckwit, I'm saying that if you have the ability to kill enemies quickly and the skill to position yourself properly, you don't need any armour

>still vaiting for that video

>position yourself
>have no weapons

>couple of ants flank you
>blow them away with your nix
>couple of ants flank you
>blow them away with your tank
>couple of ants flank you
>blow them away with your helicopter
>couple of ants flank you
>blow them away with your grape
>couple of ants flank you
>call down a minigun on them
>couple of ants flank you
>call down a rocket cannon on them
>couple of ants flank you
>use your limpet gun to kill them

have you never played with a semi competent AR?

if its so easy and common why cant you post a video example?

i suppose not

What's a good way for air raider to kill motherships with those red weak spots underneath?


>i suppose not
i guess so since you were too busy cheating in single player because you're a lonely faggot who is too poor to afford a single game for 60 bucks

Nix, sniper limpets or you can maneuver missiles inside with enough skill

im up to mission 70 in multiplayer
before the armor
i want to play different class now
and you cant post a simple video proof

>2nd mission pack
>heavy armored ayys with laser cannons

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keep on seething poorfag


imagine playing this game and feeling the need to cheat

what would you rather do
go to a designated farming level and spend 3 hours grinding armor or just get it in 5 minutes and keep having fun with the game?

if this is such a big deal why not be upset at people who grind too?

because the people that are grinding are playing the game

>he needs to grind

no theyre not
they are doing a tedious task\afk strats to gain the same advantage

i dont
read the chain

I'd rather be imagining what wing divers smell like tbqh.

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>go to a designated farming level
You know you can have fun while playing the game, right? I'm 70% down hardest and my armor is almost at the cap because I'm just playing what's fun in between progressing. Scuffle in the City is a fun level so I've played that a few times and it drops plenty of boxes.

>He needs to either cheat or grind to do well in video games

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>You know you can have fun while playing the game, right?
thats what im doing
i want to keep having fun instead of going back to the levels i DONT like and having to farm armor for the classes i happen to not play as much as ranger, which is by far the most boring class unless you start doing fun stuff with the lazer bike

>instead of going back to the levels i DONT like and having to farm armor
Now read the rest of my post.

>having to farm
or you could just git gud

i did?..
i cant play levels i like without grinding levels i dont like

why would i want to? i want to have fun

i bet you think pushing a single button to win a game is fun

yea thats exactly why i dont want to play a class with no weapon variety and the most boring kit

>i cant play levels i like without grinding levels i dont like
Okay are you seriously this bad at video games? In this game of 111 missions not one of them you can play that you like without farming something else? How do you even manage to breathe? Just out of curiosity, what levels do you consider fun, then?

then why the fuck did you even pick ranger

Did shield cancelling dashes get removed or just changed?

It was removed. You now do dash jumps, which get better with equipment.

he didn't even beat the game yet

yes, dash cancels are removed. instead the new meta relies around dashjumps (dash+boost jump)

cause you start with ranger
air raider at the start has jack shit
wing diver has no good weapons untill you at least get the lance
and fencer without boost is so slow it makes me want to die, and you cant even do dash cancels without gear

im pretty good compared to people in public lobbies
i liked that one mission where you and the boys defend a building from hordes of frogs
cant remember other missions right now

hold on now, you're assuming he's thinking about anything

The star next to the weapon name means it's fully upgraded right? What does the + next to the weapon level mean?

now, you can use the crate cheat all you guys want -- i have no problem with that -- but it's the fact that you guys fucking suck at such a simple little game
>so bad you THINK you need like 9999999 armor
>that leads to their thinking, "oh no i gotta grind for hours and hours! gotta get the crate cheat!
when that's not the case at all. it's your thinking -- your thought process -- in this matter that is bad and wrong (and exposing)

Yea Forumsdf
hardest 77

Star means fully upgraded yeah. I'm guessing something like 3+ means it's between 3 and 4.

I always thought that the + is just a "between stars" level.

>air raider at the start has jack shit
enough that you can deal with the most basic fodder
>wing diver has no good weapons untill you at least get the lance
yet they're still good enough to deal with basic fodder
>fencer without boost is so slow it makes me want to die
the first missions barely require any movement so it's not an issue. double blasthole dashstrafing is enough to dodge ant and spiderjizz

maybe ask them to play sum EDF with us

how does upping your off charracters to the same power level as your main character equal 9999 armor?
i dont even go over what i had on ranger, except for fencer, cause hes a big guy and having less armor on him would be weird
and having more armor on AR and WD would also be weird so i reduce it

>enough that you can deal with the most basic fodder
unfun weapons
>yet they're still good enough to deal with basic fodder
unfun weapons
>the first missions barely require any movement so it's not an issue. double blasthole dashstrafing is enough to dodge ant and spiderjizz
its just not fun
if the game isnt fun, why bother

why are you playing it then you dumb faggot

cause im having fun, now that i got myself some weapons from the higher missions that i was able to play without getting kicked cause i upped my armor

Ranger could use a third weapon slot.

again why are you playing a game that isn't fun

>first mission with war of worlds tripod
>Wow these looks dangerous
>Double 30mm CHADlic Fencer
Wow these giant robots are so fucking shit

i just told you it was fun and i explained exactly how i made it fun
what are you not understanding?
dont pretend that early missions are nothing but a tutorial slog

great game.
but these threads on Yea Forums now are an extension of the degredation of the community which i've been seeing since 4.1 dropped their price on PC. i used to think this game was made literally for everyone, but i was clearly wrong. a lot of these people should only really be playing on easy and normal, but their egos will not allow them to.

why are you playing a game when you aren't having fun?

its even easier with air raider
just call in miniguns\repeater cannons on it, push its head into the ground and fuck it

im playing the game and having fun with it


I see normal and even easy rooms on online. But Yea Forums would rather kill themselves before playing those.

hard is not actually hard if every class gained the same amount of armor regardless if you play them or not

it's fine if they can handle it and won't complain, but that's just not the case.

Cheating and complaining about it*
fixed it for you

why are you playing a game when you're not having fun

exactly -- they still need to be playing either normal or easy.

what the fuck is happening in this thread
is this how edf threads usually go?

but youre complaining? i fixed it and moved on

im having fun

why are you playing a game when it's not fun

one shitter is trying to justify cheating
threads don't usually go like this

>can't find a room around my level
>create room
>nobody enters after 10 min
>leave to join whatever
>1/4 room at the same mission I just made

A few days ago some faggot says only piratefags are allowed in these threads.

I'm guessing it's Yea Forums being Yea Forums.

its fun though, you ok?

why are you playing games that are not fun for you

Any piratefags on early Hard awake? I don't like playing with random chinks

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no one is even a piratefag anymore
pirate lobby havent been posted for days

no. up until 4.1's price drop on PC, threads here were an absolute pleasure. people rejoiced and simply had fun when it finally got ported.

there was also one poster before the price drop who liked to stir trouble on purpose. he's the guy who goes around looking for people posting about farming and he'll come in sayong that you don't need THAT much armor. i actually agree with him, but his intent was always bad. he used to seek people to argue with so he can assure that he's an "elite player" who "ain't need that much armor.

im playing the fun game thats fun for me and having fun
i dont understand what you mean, sorry, bye

i don't understand why you're playing a game that isn't fun

cause it is

The fact that you even reply to him makes me think there is some sort of guilt in you.

Stop giving this retard (You)

why are you pretending that you're having fun

im really confused
why should i have guilt for having fun

>sometimes mother monster acid does absolutely no damage to you
>other times it instantly drains your health to zero

This is fucking stupid and inconsistent

You know retard-user, you can't unequip your weapons. Did you bring two reversers into battle or something?


how else do you have fun?

Buy the fucking game and play with us, onii-chan.

it seemed like range and density of the spray

pretending like 90% of the weapons in the game arent useless bloat


more like you're too dumb to use them effectively

the acid sprays' hitbox seems to linger for a while after it "disappears", so a lot can stack up in 1 spot and fuck your shit up if you walk into it
iirc the big dragon in 4.1 worked similarly

>sort of game that is best when fresh and active
>bustling online community; probably biggest is has been
>makes rooms or just walk into on
>has to come here and ask for lobbies /discords
>scrolling through lobbies tells you almost every room is private
EDF players used to be men

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men are gay
become girl

How long does it take to unlock a shotgun with sub 3 sec reload time?

about 50 levels

The first monsoon is at level 20 something

Some of the slaughters get that fast, but only with upgrades. The Monsoon series is your go-to for fast reloads, usually sub 2 seconds, but they tend to sacrifice the other stats for it.

If you want 3 second reloads on a slaughter then you usually have to max out its reload stat.

because theyre always getting sticky white stuff shot all over them


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just join one. when did Yea Forums become such pussies? if anything, Yea Forums lobbies are containment for shitters.

>just join one
>all inferno games are shitty ass farming lobbies
>all nip inferno games kick out foreigners
>literally no one wants to play for fun

the literal opposite happens to me. i got my way to 70% in 4.1 by playing random lobbies or just making my own. Yea Forums is just fucking pussy now. it's as if the posters got replaced by newer, more-retarded ones too.

well id host a lobby if i was through hard
ill still host hard when i get back from wageslaving

Hard lobbies are still common though.

>it's as if the posters got replaced by newer, more-retarded ones too.
kids born in 2001 can post here

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The burst rifle archetype (NP3-A and onwards) are ideal for ayys because their cyclic rate is just slow enough for the armor to get out of the way of the second bullet and beyond. On Hard the NP3-C shredded both types of humanoids during the final boss battle for me.

The very last model is unfortunately a letdown with very strange stats and there's no DLC variant that makes it work at the highest levels.

That is literally exactly what happened and it gets worse every year.

I'm new to EDF, should I be playing always online? or should I play a little of offline?

Mix it up. Last I saw people here were saying you should at least play to mission 13 or so (when you stop being a civilian) offline before you get started online, but if you know what you're doing you should be fine.

>mission 99
>"Storm 1 YOU pilot the Barga!"
glorious mission, especially with camera vibration on.

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i kinda want the weapons from the mission pack dlc but i know i will never get around to actually beating that bullshit on inferno

>should I be playing always online?
yes. there's no reason not to

I already got most of the DLC shit, now i just gotta level up the ones i want before the 2nd DLC drops next month

What's the best anti air class?
I'm maining a fencer and I don't want another shit anti air class as my secondary class


The actual first mission on single player is a tutorial and introduces the story
At least play that before going online
as said, playing some early missions to get used to the game before jumping online is fine too

Once you've passed the 1st drone mission on hard I'll say you're ready to go online.
Although just in case at least reaching the 2nd frog mission where they teach you aggro is helpful so you don't foolishly trigger the whole map.

Frankly before going online the 2 skills which are must have imo is dealing with spawners and dealing with aggro, once you have a basic idea of each you'll be fine. 1st is not that important though as they'll probably be someone on your team who knows what to do.
Speaking from experience here, had mission 85, the cave mission with the miniport anchors go badly because the other guy kept staying back and trying to clear the swarm, while they kept spawning.

Faggot zoomer using doublespeak to avoid acknowledging he’s a faggot cheater

I remembered shitting out homing missiles nonstop with an emerald with a multi lock

You sure?
I played ranger for a while and my assault rifle sent drones into orbit and the rocket launcer never hit since they're so fucking slow

>assault rifle
>rocket launcher
oh shit what are you doing nigger, get a sniper and lockon missiles

Attached: 1560079862864.gif (600x386, 494K)

>Rocket Launcher
try Shotgun, for one hit kills
and missile launchers for either multiple enemy burst damage or single enemy chased down to oblivion

Shotgun/Sniper Rifle feels like a good "universal" loadout for Rangers.

Why didn't the aliens have a weapon of mass destruction to use against humans?

They did, but spritefall-sama hacked into it and stole it for the edf

I'm not too keen on most of the sniper rifles, mostly because of bad internet and bad aim
I can hit things with a shotgun fine though

Why fire a super-nuke at a planet you want to colonize?

why didnt the aliens just shoot down the satellites that helped us?
why didnt the aliens just keep making and and teleporting them in from space
why did the alien leader known as the nameless come down and fight
why didnt the aliens just put on even more layers of armor

desu i AA as fencer with heavy arty
rapes swarms of bugs and frogs
cannos rape ufos

question for those who bought the dlc and have cleared the regular campaign: is inferno unlocked for you by default in the dlc? I bought it but locked to hard as the highest available difficulty at this point, unsure of if it's because I haven't cleared the main campaign or not.

The goal is to claim the planet, not destroy it
The giant monsters also released a chemical into the environment that made the planet more suitable for ayyy life, we don't yet know the long term consequences of this

Playing 4.1 why is wing diver the only viable class

>bad internet
Doesn't matter because everything about the game's combat is client side.

They want to keep Earth free of pollution. Can't do that if you simply glass the planet.

When the monsters die they release microbes that clean up soil and air pollution.

doubt, I've seen enemies teleport at times

If you cleared the main campaign (offline or online doesn't matter) then you can do inferno on the dlc missions.


What weapon does the highest damage in a single attack?
Heaven's Gate D10 for the Wing Diver does 648k if everything hits for the full duration

>single attack
>full duration

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It's a grenade

Because ranger is the least mobile class with no vehicles, air raider does not get a map overview when calling down airstrikes and has fewer equipment slots, and because the fencer has much less vertical mobility and no way to reduce recoil if he decides to snipe.

The part where you throw it is the single attack

I have too, sometimes its rare, sometimes not so rare, but that's enemy positioning, it needs to be synced with everybody to an extent. If you're fighting something alone it'll never teleport. Unless someone else pulled an enemy at the same time and the game needs to decide which direction the enemy ran to, yours or someone else's.

nigger just pull the mouse down
what recoil

After my hard playthrough I ended up doing this too, with randoms even. Anyone that even noticed that was happening commented that was neat, did not see a single person complain.

For you autistic faggots out there, no one enjoys leaving a single enemy alive to collect Christmas decor for 2 minutes. It is not fun or challenging in any way and if a qol change in a future game happens in regards to this like with dynasty warriors I am sure you will be first in line ready to suck sandlot's chode.

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Imagine being such a tranny that you feel bad about cheating while playing a solo game.

Fuck you cunt, get out of my game.

As long as you only pick up the items at the very end of the mission when you're online, cause if you do it mid-mission when you're online, you're a total faggot for not leaving any health for your teammates.

I think doing it when there are no more enemies is fine. Do it when someone's fighting just removes health pickups when they need it.

Personally if someone wants to cheat online, I want them to let us know beforehand so we can leave if we want to. Its just common courtesy.
I'm paranoid about fucking up my save game.

Holy fuck, Melt Buster is great - my favorite vehicle so far.

don't be too paranoid, EDF5 has automatic backups, cause of cunt cheaters fucking up your save file in 4.1
Wibbly what mate? Its a fucking meme tank.

I dont play with retards its fine my dude.
Exactly what I do every time, only when the screen starts to fade out. I am not actually trying to bloat up everyone's armor and weapons to 9999999 and maxed or whatever, just what has dropped gets sucked up at the very end of missions if it didn't get picked up.
The autistic replies I see that other guy got makes it look like a devil incarnate cheat that clears the whole game for you.
They added a couple of save backups in this game if anything ever happens.

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DLC pack 1 mission lobby
The vidya
passcode: rage
Hard difficulty
starting from the beginning

Thats the only reason I haven't started manually backing up my saves.

>cheating online
get out of my game you fucking bugman
im helping :))) isn't a reason you are ruining this for me
luckily the people who do also have full starred gear and 5 digit health with like 5% progression fucking moron leave to the next flavor of the month already

>endless posts of "lobby where" instead of actual lobby posts
Do you retards need a tutorial on how to run your own lobbies? If you want to play a level just post your own lobby. Have a name that isn't complete faggotry, set the password to rage, and go masturbate to WD's ass. When you get done, you should have 4/4 players and be ready to play some videyagames.

Attached: too much garlic.png (720x859, 847K)

I'm busy eating, will be hosting hardest soon

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they're just fucking pussies who are actually intimidated by video games. at least normalfags jump into shit they like.

2/3 times I've hosted a lobby nobody joined for 30 minutes

im trying to play through the dlc solo ok

same, but go post lobbies anyway. That's just how contributing to a community works. When you get games with Yea Forumstards it's great

alright fags
Yea Forumsdf
Hardest 78

>playing with nu-Yea Forums
taking my chances and having great

>he doesn't know how to dance the jitterbird on top of moving vehicles

Attached: 20190724215516_1.jpg (1920x1080, 535K)

One open, 88 hardest

user NO

2 slots open, come join.

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omw lads

Why does everything just turn into an argument about semantics on this site?

fuck off newfag

So can you unlock the DLC missions on the buyfag version for free?

1 slot open

You can't be serious, this is bait right? A new game just came out.

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One open, 90 hardest

Go back to Gaia.

>babbys first game
you'd know about it wouldn't you newfag

Yes. It's free on the usual site.

>newfag so new he doesn’t even know what came before newfag
Kek. Way to out yourself. Bet you don’t even know what newfag is short for.

Is EDF toaster friendly?

you, newfag.

The game runs and looks better compared to 4.1
But when shit hits the fan
Don't expect anything good fps wise


Iron Rain is such fucking dogshit.

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It is in the spirit of EDF to run like trash. Every frame per second could have been another ant instead.


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Forced Entry is kicking my ass, I don't know how to beat it.
The black fencers run off into spider threads and die before I have a chance to recruit them and the attrition from all the spiders and bees whittle down everyone else before I can finish off the third anchor. By then it's me and a ranger or two left for the horde of green ants.
What's the secret to victory?

>beating missions on hardest doesn't unlock completions for hard and below
So fuck me I guess. Anyone want to run through some stuff on hard?

You seem to think spritefall can't protect itself and isn't made from their very technology but perfected.
They did 2
Three happened because he fucking got blew up out of his ship
Four because they did and they call those heavies.

how did you unlock hardest without beating hard?

They were arrogant, like super arrogant and for some reason they just wanted us dead while leaving earth as intact as possible. HQ even wonders why they didn't nuke us from space from the get go.

I miss the girl that gasped when you started up spritefall.

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>it's a pylon level
Equip phalanx and a +boost core on wingdiver, and dash around the map breaking all the pylons as soon as it begins.
Pretty much every mission with pylons can be trivialised like this.

They also needed to clean up the pollution first since they can't stand it. It's also why thousands of ayys were lost in China.

Why didn't the command ship have the shield generators inside the shield?


They weren't to keep you out, they were to keep god in.

I did beat hard. Only with ranger though.

At some point in the story, Storm teams start getting targeted, command says that everyone is dead and there is basically no reinforcement and then you've got a bunch of situations where everything is converging towards Storm teams and eventually the 11th mothership too. The Nameless could just float the fuck away and no one would be able to stop it but it stays there and fights Storm teams. I like to think that it's out of respect for the earth's strongest fighters, but that's just a theory, a game theory

How do I beat the final boss as Ranger on Hard? He fucks me by phase 2

Should I buy the mission pack?

Trying to kill them with minions didn't work the first 104 times, by the 105th time it was personal

i made a cum theory on your moms back
gay theory

Shoot it a lot
also don't get hit

Ranger is too slow and what weapons do I use

Shooting the Reverse bomber on your feet heals you too I think

But you'll have to give up one weapon slot

Two open, 94 hardest now

why did they remove the ant hill spawners?

Anchors serve the same purpose but have more potential in how they can be used.

1 slot open, 82 now

Make DLC room, niggers.

Lobby up
Mission 34 - Hardest
Help me please i've been stuck on this fucking mission for 3 days now

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>dive into a group of ayys with phalanx, burst one down
>use his corpse as cover, fire dragoon lance through his body to get his comrades with penetrating damage
>scram before phobos makes his run, then come back in to mop up the low-armor stragglers
how do people not enjoy WD combat?

>"Fuck reviving you noobs I'm gonna keep boosting around the map and carry this game and you'll all worship me AHAHAHAHA"
>10 minutes and one person leaving later we're restarting the mission
Is it an autistic trait to not know when to give up?

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forgot room info

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Can I somehow dodge the green rays in the misson 41 when the motherbase starts walking, or do I simply have to snipe those turrets?

>dive into a group of ayys with phalanx

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I usually snipe them. they are way too annoying.

you dodge them by blowing them up

if you're hella fast you can dodge them but they have very strong tracking

The enemy's monsters and clone soldiers are all dominated races, so wouldn't they be trying to do the same thing to humanity? If their goal was to just steal the rock, they could do that easily, but they want to capture powerful fighters they can use as combat troops. Maybe Pepsiman isn't looking at Storm 1 with respect, more like greed. Watching your battles and thinking about how powerful of a unit you would make in his army, and underestimating you until the end.

Is that the one with the giant acid fucking ants?
Is there a trick to not getting melted instantly?

>have to pay to unlock dlc that is already installed

Fuck sandlot

get a Wing Diver to circle strafe the mother while everyone else use non explosives so you dont kill your living decoy

No that's the Scarlet map with like 8 teleportation ships + mobile fortress + golden ants ship

Who the fuck even needs to be a Wing Diver to fly.

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Would that even work? whenever I see it spew it's acid it looks like it goes literally everywhere
It's like you're forced to draw it into a wide open room just to dodge it, even with a Wing Diver

my man

Attached: alien whacks harmless insect.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

>posting gr*pe pictures
this is a sfw board sir

Goddamn so thats what was happening? I figured the invisible bullshit but never imagined it was all piling up in one spot

i wish penetrating shots didnt get blocked by trees and lamp posts and such

old post but its not overkill trust me, especially in inferno even with both of them it takes a while to kill anything bigger than a frog

Just stay above it, or below it. They can't reach directly above their faces, and below them the spray is tightly packed enough that it's easy to dodge. That should keep you in phalanx/lance range where you can dump dps into the beast.

2 spots open

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The spray is really small if you're close to it, it only gets bigger with range, you can easily dodge it if you're close

>dominated races
when do they ever say that

they only say that about the colonists and even that was an speculation.

They talk about it after discussing the Beijing victory, when they found cybernetics that allowed the aliens to control the humanoids. Mission name Circle Formation, I think.

They didnt

Thats just how it is

Also the human beings don't have environmental protection unlike the ayys

i know they use the model for the very first mission

Keep playing

I live and die by my Spritefall wife.

For me, its egg-chan

remonder that buyfags and piratefags can acquire the dlcs, even the ones that aren’t even out yet, through configuring some settings on creamapi.

2 slots open, 87 hardest.

>chat disable

Reminder that fuck silver spiders.
What should I use against them anyway? Mirage 15 while my teammates bring the dps?

>Aw, that's too bad!

Anything that stun lock them or blow them far away so you get some breathing room.

haha how are spiders real bro just reflect their threads haha

Dragoon lance to the face.

Mirage 15 and Ghost Chaser are good, but for air enemies and pillbugs more than anything else.
Just use your Phalanx, Dragoon Lance, Stardust Cannon, or whatever else you're using for big enemies.

not-AI chan is the best.

Just lance them, most lances match or beat spider's range

can't find


1 slot

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A real Air Raider uses his team.
Get a Fencer with Leviathans to be your Tempest, Wing Diver with Heaven's Gate as your Spritefall, and a Ranger with a helicopter for strafe runs and "gunship" fire.

Bonus points for the first two working underground.

actual airstrikes are a crutch for people who can't convince their teammates to do things for them

I guess I should learn to dodge then.

What mass stun locks them? I brought Bulge Laser and it worked out fine, but its single target, Spritefall?

>using a leviathan underground
Has anyone been madman enough to try this

>dlc1 mission 8
can't wait to never do this online what the fuck

>fast laser beacon
>3 fencers with lev
Apex ayy didn't even fucking know what hit him.

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I think its pretty fucked that we only get like 2 missions with the underground base level layout when its the most aesthetic level in the game

Spritefall isn't a stunlock, each beam is a single hit.

>blast doors opening and monsters pouring out against a wall of concentrated fire
Truly a joy.

I think Mirage 15 is still the best option for stun, it's just that spiders aren't that susceptible to stun. You'll get a stun every couple of hits, but they'll still be able to jump and move, because their animations are pretty fast, and their stun threshold is higher than other light monsters.

Ghost Chaser is actually far better for stunning, because it's shots count as explosions, which have significantly more stagger than non-explosive hits. It'll always knock tadpoles and wasps out of the air, for instance, whereas Mirage 15 just sort of locks them in place.

That said, Mirage 15 has its own perks, such as lower energy usage and generally being easier to control.

Right, but I'm hoping it staggers them at least, ah well.

I don't know, they seem to stun pretty well. W/e, we managed to pass that mission already, otherwise I would have switched to that if we died. Which we did the 1st time. 2nd time we somehow got lucky and managed to lure most of the King's escort away. Finale was king and like 3 spiders.

Speaking of which, I've finally found the glory of Bulge Lasers, works well against those armored frogs.
What other enemies are from the DLC anyway? I've met green/gold ants, silver spiders and armored frogs so far. Only SS gave me much trouble though. Frogs just look scary so far.

>That one plasma cannon that feels like charging the spirit bomb
fucking love firing it up inside a transporter ship's ass.

Sounds fun, when I do solo I'll probably just run Geist 3.

Ghost Chaser is way too expensive for my taste. It burns your energy so fast, and you have to spend even more energy on hovering while you shoot. It feels more like a crowd-thinning tool for flying swarms, whereas Mirage is a sustainable support tool.

Your teammates are going to LOVE you for that.
Make sure to use it in a level with fast, aggressive enemies like tadpoles or green ants for even MORE fun!

Me too user. I miss feeling like hackerman. The new chick is fine too though, gives me a "big titty scientist who likes manhandling you" vibe

Better than the cave missions but I still don't like the corridor maps at all.

The energy becomes less of an issue as you get better cores, especially since if you aren't going for damage, you can just keep using the level 21.

You don't need to be flying to use it either, just stand on a building , aim up, or simply use it on the ground, the splash is too small to actually hit you.

You know what, that's a fair point. I've only been trying the DA version, and never gave the level 21 version a shot. I'll try it out next time I have to kill some baby humans.

I don't like Fenrir on WD, the homing shot just circle around the enemies if they do as much as strafing
Recommend me some effective gun to counter air as WD

I brought it underground once, never again. Although the only one who died was me as thankfully it was the multi bridges one rather than the tunnel one.
Very nice solo though.

Why's he holding it like that? You can't see like that, right?

The best anti-air weapon as WD is a full jetpack and a low-cost lance. Second best is a mid-range laser.

A real Air Raider overlaps his strike zones with the other three Air Raiders

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Stardust Cannon works great too.

Stardust cannon or Mirage.
You can bring Geist too but watch out. My favorite was actually bringing Geist 3 to the killing the hive mission in MP after suffering a few times through it in a duo. With a bit of luck you can catch the bird swarms as they are spawning and wipe them out.

Oh, Mag Blaster works too. I prefer that one actually. Its like a lance, but you don't have to be that precise.

hello piratefag friends
i am room
Yea Forums
level 74
come play

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also hard

got a list of weapons that work with air raider beacons ? i want to have some good coop fun

Anything that has a lock on

Every single missile weapon

Lance and dash dodging.
Alternatively spam Geist/mirage and let your teammates do the killing.
I always just spam mirage on the hive mission and let my team do the rest.

For the beacons, ranger and fencer have their multiple missile launchers, ghost chaser for wing diver can work, and the naegling for air raider.

For the guide kits, you can use fencer's big missiles, like the leviathans, or if you're feeling crazy, a ranger with an air tortoise.

They're pure kino tho.

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I heard the drill sergeant say the same.

Does spritefall/bulge still hit dropships?

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I've seen plenty of ARs using Spritefall on dropships, but I've yet to see one accomplish anything with it other than killing me.


Calling spritefall on the hatch as it drops insects will usually end up killing them all, at least

I chalk it up to the AR killing the monsters the ship's spawning rather than him trying to destroy the ship itself.

This is why I Spritefall it. Then I use limpet snipers to hit the hatch.

She was joking

that's what she wants you to think.

Already dead or full?

no one joined, i made an open room called "hello"

No, but spritefall destroys all turrets on the mothership just fine.

>first mission you fight Deroys
>take Air Raider
>drop your 3 highest lvl gunships on his head at the same time
>watch them literally get fucked so hard their entire body clips down through the ground and they instantly die
I'm starting to like this AR stuff

>Pirate EDF 5 before buying
>Everything ok
>Get into first mission
>Game runs at 10 fps
>What the hell? Lets lower some graphic settings
>Theres like 3 settings. Put them all on off
>Gain like 5 fps but the game is still unplayable
>I can run stuff like Witcher 3 on medium at a steady fps but this game just shits the bed instantly

I feel like im missing some kind of special setup to make the game not run like absolute shit. Its that or the game is just shit by itself.
Is there anything i can do or do i just resign myself to never play this game?

EDF really loathes nvidia's gsync. Turn it off if you can, or play in borderless window.

Being fullscreen sometimes fuck with the game for whatever reason

>Their IQ is ridicilously low.

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Beams will instantly destroy the legs since they can hit almost all the points at the same type.

He's still right.
PC gamers are the subhuman of vidya

>dlc super heavy frogs drop less crates then one silver spider
the real challenge is lack of drops

Just encountered the Gammas for the first time, these fuckers are FAST.

The easy way to deal with them is to get someplace where you can fit and they can't. Some missions with them make for easy farming.

>try inferno monster balls farming
>get bored after a couple runs
>mission select now defaults to monster balls due to inferno completion
Great, a reminder of my sins.

You will have to live it down

just go back to where you were and continue until you get there normally.

Is this worth 50 bucks?

It seems to not have a very big playerbase and its full fucking price.

The EDF playerbase is small, but particularly dedicated, from what I've seen. I can still find a good amount of lobbies on the PS4 version.

What was his fucking problem?

Attached: Archelus_Render.png (413x406, 68K)

I like it a lot! It's hard and really satisfying, and online players are reliable and friendly. At least, people in Yea Forums rooms usually are, idk about pubs. You'll definitely get a lot of playtime out of it, my first playthrough was about 70 hours long, and I still want more.

make Barga useless because it can't catch up to his rolls.

Why would I use anything other than the stardust cannon as a wd?

It's like, 99% of wd weapons are shit compared to the other classes. And then stardust cannon is the best weapon in the game.

Ranger is the only class where you get a feel for a mission's mechanics and tactics. Fencer can outrun the entire map, Wing Diver can outfly the entire map, Air Raider just kills the entire map. Ranger is the only class where you can have a proper appreciation for the design and thought behind every mission's enemies and spawns and will need a full understanding of it to beat the mission.

Stardust is completely underwhelming outside of singleplayer. I guess the electric proc is useful for stalling crowds, but there are better weapons for that. It's only good if you're playing WD like a girl ranger, which is a terrible way to play WD.

>wingdiver has his aggro
>flys of instead of standing under barga
>wow barga was sure USELESS
look here you little cunt

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Yea Forumsaliant infantry
Mission 19 Hard

What's the right way to play WD?

Class Ganon


Take advantage of her strengths, which are massive close range damage, vertical movement, and survival through dodging. Stardust is too energy inefficient, and hampers her ability to fly, without having the killing power of her close-range options. It's not that there's a right way to play WD, it's that the weapon impairs her strengths, and isn't really good outside of a few niche situations. I think stardust is good against big monsters that are so huge that the whole shotgun hits them, but other than that I avoid the weapon. You can do damage faster than stardust, and for less energy by just getting a little bit closer to your enemy.

bully this fatty until she throws up

The power lances are actually the best, most versatile WD weapons.


*back roll away from Barga*
*change target and roll toward them*
Nothing personal, Barga.

What's the best, most useful/versatile close ranged weapon for Wing Diver, the lances, phalanxes, or rapiers? Basically which close weapon should I bring with me 100% of the time for single target burst damage be it an ayy, a queen, or a teleport ship?


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Reposting this from last thread:
>These are the stats for a maxed Phalanx M3, which should be in your inventory by the time you start approaching endgame on hard.

>It shoots 6 beams 60 times per second. That means it shoots 360 beams per second. Each beam does 21.2 damage. That means this gun does around 7600 DAMAGE PER SECOND. It also means that dumping the whole clip will do around 30,600 damage total.

>For reference, it takes around 17,700 damage to burn through a heavily armored ayy's armor, and kill him, in 4-player online in hard mode, and around 9,000 for regular ayys. Obviously you're going to waste some of this damage by missing, or hitting parts that you aren't targeting, but the point is that you can absolutely dumpster ayys if you're in the right place with this weapon. Needless to say this thing is also great at destroying objectives. If you shoot yours at a dropship or a pylon, you generally won't need to reload before your target dies.

>It's also dirt fucking cheap. In comparison with other weapons, phalanx offers some of the best energy-to-damage efficiency in the game. Even if you only use half of your damage effectively, you're still rocking 171 damage per energy, beating out the dragoon lance's efficiency, and dumpstering the plasma cannons. It's the strongest anti-ayy and anti-frog weapon in the game, and it should be a close friend to any good wing diver.

Lance is the most versatile, Phalanx is the most powerful. Sometimes you'll want to change gear for specific enemies like deroys or big monsters, but if you have no idea what's coming next, lance phalanx is a healthy loadout.

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look i know wing diver doesn't require your brain to play but you can figure it out for yourself

>However, its flying ability is slightly reduced
>Flying Ability: Greatly Reduced

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The price of this game is goddamn hilarious. Based delusional publisher.

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>plasma cannons are described as having an "arcing, gentle parabola"
>they shoot straight as an arrow

Lance is def better against drones and other flyers because of the extra range and the fact drones will ping off when you hit them with a Rapier variant.

It does seem quite steep, especially with all the DLC and PS2 graphics.

I'm leaning towards piratan (especially since I hate DLC)

Yeah, lance combat vs drones is like a dream. Especially when you've got double or triple lance and you're using the burst correctly, it feels great.

Grab yourself the Plasma Heavy Cannon if you want to see the gentle parabola in action
Also any Plasma gun that doesn't have its range/shot speed high will do it too

They're going full Pararodox. I don't think they actually have a clue what the fuck they're doing.

Almost all the DLC is pre-order joke shit, its all useless.
The only DLC to actually get is the Mission Packs, and only get them if you enjoy the game.

>Plasma Heavy Cannon
Oh you mean my blue sniper rifle? I think the only weapon that actually has a parabola is the plasmafall. And that split ball, but that's a grenade anyway.

>only get them if you enjoy the game.

I have to fork over a full AAA price to find out

>lance phalanx is a healthy loadout
Two close range weapons? What about targets far away, targets too dangerous to get up in their dick, ayys being covered by other ayys nearby, or big mobs of enemies?

If you read the thread you'll find its easy to pirate and play online with other pirates
Try before you buy

>Close range weapons
Lances, phalanxes, and rapiers are all great, sparkwhips are a little less useful but are still handy for keeping stuff away during emergency recharge.
>Second column
Magblasters are good for keeping stuff away during emergency recharge, killing single weak enemies, and finishing off ayys if your thing from the first column didn't manage it. The reloading is a pain but they make sense as backup weapons.
>Lightning weapons
Crowd control, especially in caves
>Long range
Monsters and Raijins are both great
>Plasma launchers
Big plasma launchers, Heavy Launchers, and the 4 round burst one are all useful, the heavy launchers never stop being good.
Mirage-15 and Ghost Chaser are hard to beat for crowd control, especially for flying enemies and pillbugs
Heaven's Gate is arguably the most useful of the bunch, the Air-to-Surface is handy too. Gleipnir works well but consumes a ton of energy.

In general, learn how to manage your charge, and how to find safe moments to do the emergency recharge.

That type of multiplayer typically lasts about a fucking week lmao. Oh you sweet summer child.

You're an annoying twat.

buyfag lobby
Room: Yea Forumsdf
Pass: rage
Hard Mission 44

not me btw


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Excellent argument! Enjoy that multiplayer for about 5 more days I guess.

where do i download this

Insecure faggot holy shit lmao. Back to plebbit m8.

You only really need to farm armor for Ranger and Air Raider. WD and Fencer have such killer movement options that you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place.
t. played 4.1 and 5 almost exclusively as WD

If I get killed as WD, 95/100 times it was my fault.

Maybe, so why not give it a try?
I mean, most OFFICIAL DEMOS only last for two days, and you can always try the single player


Long-range enemies aren't actually that much of a threat, in my opinion. If you have cover, then you can just waltz up and steal a limb of your choice for free. If you don't have cover, you can avoid gunfire just by flying at a high altitude, not even spending dodges. You can drop out of the sky with a blazing phalanx, and if your angle is good, they should be missing shots on you while you come in. For a low approach with no cover, that's trickier. You'd fish for a stagger or a limb break with your lance while spamming dodge, then move in with your phalanx when you get it. Between that and reading the aggro, you should be able to get fairly safe approaches. And even if you can't approach, there's nothing wrong with bunkering down with temporary cover and waiting for an opportunity. The only maps where it's truly impossible to safely approach are the wide-open missions like Plains of Conflict, and then yeah bring a different loadout. I don't think this playstyle is for absolutely everyone, and there's nothing wrong with sitting back and sniping if you don't want to put in this kind of effort, but I find it thrilling.

Big mobs are great for phalanx, actually! 90 meters is quite long, and outranges everything except for spiders. And your lance does barely outrange spiders too. It also has the advantage of pushing corpses quickly, so most of your damage goes directly into enemy HP.
>targets too dangerous to get up in their dick
Name it and I probably have a solution.

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Good, stay away.

The all classes getting armour thing makes that a doddle anyway. After beating the game on hard online with fencer, he has enough armour for hardest and the rest of the classes have enough to make hard online pretty easy.

4000 players and dropping on the steam version. Hurry up , get that playtime.

Doesn't Phalanx have damage falloff?

Nope! I thought that too at first, but as long as the beams are hitting, you're getting max dps.

Oh people will, don't you worry about that.

I mean, you're basically the equivalent of a flea with a glock so I'd say that's pretty worth capturing alive.


Oh no, the game only has a few hundred people playing it and there's only twenty servers available with people playing normal, hard and inferno, what ever will I do!

Your posts were so atrocious that not even an anonymous piratefag wants to be associated with them lmaoooo

dont worry people are still playing 4.1 so I wouldn't worry about it. This isnt a competitive multiplayer series each room can hold up to 4 people max you absolute retard.

Does air raider not get EMCs and Railguns or was I unlucky ?

ranger only

EMC and Railguns are for Rangers
Also they suck

They're ranger equip now for his support slot. You won't miss them with how good strikes and mechs are.

Does WD get a better version of the BIG CORE or is it a one-off oddity? It totally dominated the hive mission combined with the stardust cannon A.

Air Raider railguns are now disguised under the Blacker A Series but they still aren't very good

2 slots open

>look ma! I did the thing!

This doesn't sounds very good desu bro

next one is the big bang core at level 78

So what are the best stages for farming armor.
I'm aware of the flying monster ball level but what else is there?
I think I saw some screenshots of people standing in a crack in a mountain somewhere but I dont know which stage.
Also armor packs always just give one armor per pickup, regardless of difficulty right?

Attached: EDF5 2019-07-17 20-48-11-17.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

Identical flight restriction or is it any less punishing?