What games let you cannonball over the halfpipe?
What games let you cannonball over the halfpipe?
K Driving was a mistake. Should have been usable in tiles, instead of on the only maps where you can go even faster with Archwing.
>being a meta/grind slave
Learn to have fun.
It isn’t fun though. It’s too distinct from the game. If it integrated into your core movement set, a la Sunset Overdrive, it’d be fun. As it stands it’s just a slog because the only fun thing about it is using it to get between bounty phases, which you never do because it makes bounties take forever.
>being a meta/grind slave
Learn to have fun.
>his reaction to being told is flipping the bird
Wow, so angsty and underage.
Is this Destiny or Warframe
I learned to have fun a while back, which is why I stopped playing Warfarm
Yet you feel obligated to post in this thread
I still hold out hope that one day Warframe will actually be a fun game. I pay attention to the updates that are coming and what’s going on among players to see if Steve finally gets his head screwed on right and fixes his trash fire game.
But K-Driving is exactly the problem with Warframe, because every bad thing about Warframe suffers from exactly what K-Driving suffers from:
-It’s a neat idea that isn’t balanced or integrated well into the core experience, just taped to the side of it
-It gets no support or refinement after launch because Steve has ADD and once a thing drops, he forgets it and moves on to the next thing
-It’s impossible to enjoy it without hours and hours of mindless grind tedium to unlock the fun parts
I think that describes every single addition to Warframe since 2015.
Remember we have a medbay in orbiter?
Steve doesnt
>he played the game for grind
You have mental issues.
Why are you samefagging so much? I bet you still cry about coptering on daily basis.
Bullet jumping was a fine thing to get in exchange.
I also like the melee 2.9 changes, though I’m still pissed that it’s been a year and 3.0 proper is still not out.
The problem is they’re not FINISHING shit because they need the new grind treadmill. Gotta drop Railjack so you have more shit to grind out, then ignore it entirely and never update any of its systems until its deader than Archwing nodes because they’re gonna do that Duviri Paradox shit.
But honestly the straw that broke it for me was Nightwave. I got the Umbra Forma off series 1, despite hating it, and then stopped playing. I haven’t come back since then, and I won’t until melee 3.0 proper drops
Because they can't afford it. If they don't add shit to grind, even those small Tenno Reinforcements, they lose retarded active players who only play the game so they have to rank something constantly rather than because of the gameplay, therefore they lose money which are needed to add new content that constantly grows in quantity and quality (it's easy to point out often content droughts, but compare Fortuna and PoE in terms of content added with them and its general level of polish). They talked about it on noclip's documentary a lot, it's the catch of games as a service thing. They have to leave things half-finished to add new things to wow new potential players and give old players more ways to play the game. I'm still frustrated by how shit Kubrows are in current state of the game myself. You say you don't like K-Drive or open worlds, but these K-Drives and open worlds are not there to play like the rest of the game for that exact reason. When you get tired of mazerunning, you can switch to mining/fishing/something else without having to leave the game and play another game instead, that's how it's supposed to work. You might not like it, but majority of people do, so it works.
Nightwave is good, old alert system was worthless and Nitain was a pain to get if you weren't a NEET sitting home 24/7.
>the straw that broke it was an incentive to actually play the videogame
Nightwave is shit, it reinforces the “games as chores” mentality ruining Warframe. You yourself blame the players for “needing to always have something new to rank”, for rushing through content and then bitching about the drought, and poor DE can’t make the game fun or balance it properly because they have to keep up. But Nightwave encourages that shit, it puts time-limited FOMO grind into your every day experience, every time you log in you gotta do those Nightwave dailies and weeklies or you might NEVER get that exclusive cosmetic! And they make sure you know it.
It’s the fucking FortFrame battle pass, I hate it. It exemplifies all of the things wrong with WF. I’m tired of grind for grind’s sake. I come back when systems get overhauls to experience the new gameplay.
I don’t want daily log in chores. Let me play the game the way I want, don’t tell me I better get cracking on killing 3000 enemies with a secondary or bullet jump 20 times.
>I’m tired of grind for grind’s sake
But that's all there was when NW didn't exist. When instead NW makes you at least grind for something.
>Let me play the game the way I want,
No, to me it sounds like you just not want to play the game at all.
>Nightwave is shit, it reinforces the “games as chores” mentality ruining Warframe.
NW gives more of those short term goals everyone asked for, and one of the things everyone agrees was needed. Your contrarian opinion here is just opinion of a minority, same with "it's not fun", so I'm not sure why you're still trying so hard to shove it down my throat.
Nightwave is the same degree of grind as everything else, but Nightwave has to be done RIGHT NOW. Warframe has a thousand things to grind; I can work on lots of stuff at any time, depending on what sounds the most fun. But Nightwave is time-limited, so instead of doing the missions or content I want to do, I have to do Nightwave shit first.
I still haven’t reached max rank with the Ostrons because I didn’t care. It’s not worth it to chunk that out; most people did it in the first weeks of Eidolon dropping. I had that choice; all the Plains shit is still there waiting for me to finish it when I decide to.
But not Nightwave. Nightwave will be gone and won’t come back. Nightwave is an every-day always-on time-limited event where you’ll miss exclusive content if you don’t do it. It’s the Prime Vault except at least with primes you can typically bang the content out in a weekend and be set for 3 months, instead of it dictating basically all of your play sessions because of the mission rotations.
>Let me play the game the way I want
Only thing that prevents you from doing so is your autistic "have to rank up and grind" mentality, not NW. You don't like doing NW? Don't do them, they're still gonna get completed in background as you play the game normally and missions you missed out on will reappear next week if you compete some other weekly goal.
>more of those short term goals everyone asked for
Nobody asked for that. All anyone agreed on was “Alerts were stupid”, which they were.
Try WoW.
>ME = everyone
>keeps pushing his contrarian opinion like the only acceptable truth
>autistic mentality
Yeah, it’s not like the psychological impulse that drives FOMO is why systems like Nightwave and Prime Access exist, right? Only autists are upset when told “act now or it’s gone forever”, that shit has NEVER been used by businesses to manipulate their customers.
>instead of it dictating basically all of your play sessions because of the mission rotations.
I hope this is a joke from you because you can complete every NW in 2 hours when it comes out. If you waste time at all playing this game i don't believe you don't have 2 hours a week. Hell, you could just ignore it for 9 weeks and do all of them in the final one.
What the fuck are you talking about? I play the game slowly and itermittently. I just want to know it will be there when I get back, instead of trying to demand my attention for 30 minutes every day like some fuckawful phone game.
It’s not about “not having 2 hours per week”, it’s about logging in and the first thing you see is “here’s the chores I gotta get out of the way before I can go have fun”. It’s a couple hours every week, for like 20 weeks. Plus 2 or 3 more since the dailies drop off after 72 hours. So whenever you log in to play, there’s a chore for you to get out of the way.
Have fun doing what exactly? Playing the same repetitive modes? So nothing changes and you're just complaining about not wanting to something being "forced on you" while instead playing for absolutely no reason or reward.
>that shit has NEVER been used by businesses to manipulate their customers.
Daily missions were a thing in online games for decades.
I stopped playing a week before fortuna launched. How is the game? Is the new open world map better than the old one? Old one sucked balls, was fucking ugly and had nothing to do outside of onkos daily quests. The animal catching looked KINDA cool for fortuna but I'm going to assume it mostly amounted to nothing, just like fishing and mining
>Have fun doing what exactly? Playing the same repetitive modes?
If that isn’t fun, play something that isn’t Warframe. Why are you applauding the game for dangling exclusive shit on a stick to force you to play “the same repetitive modes” you’re clearly sick of? Shouldn’t you be upset that development cycle is being wasted on Nora Night and her bullshit, instead of on refreshing or overhauling the “same repetitive modes” you’ve been running for half a decade?
>I’m sick of grinding the same stupid fucking survival missions over and over
>but boy oh boy am I excited to complete that “do 5 survival missions” Nightwave weekly challenge!
Fortuna is bigger and more interesting as a landscape (and the Plains landscape got an overhaul) but it plays exactly like Plains did: get bounty, complete bounty, return to door, rinse and repeat.
what about the orb mothers? are they the same as the eidolons where they arent truly out in the world except under specific circumstances? Also do you need to complete some long ass quest chain to get a mcguffin or other useless ability OUTSIDE of its interaction with orb mothers to kill them? like the fucking kid mode to kill eidolons? That shit turned me off SO hard
It’s worse. The Eidos can theoretically be fought any time they appear, the Orb Mothers can ONLY be fought by engaging in specific bounties to make them vulnerable.
The narrative around the fights is more interesting the first time through as a result (LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU) but once you get into the inevitable “run it a hundred times for the rare drops” sequence, it’s much more of a slog because of that.
On the other hand, you don’t NEED to grind the orbs like you do the eidos, really.
not sure how to feel about that. Is railjack in yet? or soon at least? All I remember is the initial reveal of it and got super hyped. Biggest thing that pulls me out of the game is whenever I get into the endgame at a high level, the game is largely about fashionframe which I'm totally OK with, I like that shit, but the fact that all of the prime accessories are more of less impossible to ever get outside of their window and they cost 40 FUCKING DOLLARS every month. "Oh, whats that? You wanted to start decking out your kid form with cool armor? Heh, sucks for you, unless you played during and bought the prime suit/accessories for them you're doomed to looking boring for the rest of the game" kills a lot of my motivation. Plus chroma prime had just come out and they didn't rework him at all so he was still garbage, blows my mind how they do shit like that. Same for my man vauban. Has he gotten reworked or is he still broken?
Same old, soem QoL changes, PoE got major visual update and some new enemies. Fortuna is beautiful and got lots of new stuff to grind (Standing is much less grindy than in Cetus), instead of Grineer mines there are proper Corpus facilities that play out more like tileset missions, got vents for stealth and all. Hunting is pretty basic, but well done. You find droppings, follow the trail to creature's nest, then try to copy its mating call and take a shot. Get some lore or anecdotes from local hunter. That was also added to PoE. New Jupiter tileset is great, lots of new Corpus units, new boss is actually fun to fight. Wisp is amazingly good and borderline OP, her teleport has unlimited range and you can go from one part of Orb Vallis to another in an instance.
>If that isn’t fun, play something that isn’t Warframe.
But you're the one complaining about NW that encourages you to play those exact modes. Lost your train of thought there, autismo? People you're arguing with enjoy playing those modes, repetitive or not, you're the one crying about being FORCED to do something you don't like.
Nightwave as a replacement for alerts is great but this bullshit with its own battle pass-like reward tiers is absolute retarded dogshit.
What I’m being FORCED to do is grind 5 survival missions when I was in the mood to run some fortuna bounties, or do Void exploration, or grind up some unranked gear on Hydron, or run ESO.
I was working on a new Amp during Nightwave 1. What I wanted to do was grind standing with Ostrons and Quills to get all the shit I needed for that. Every time I logged in after the daily standing limit reset, before I did it, I had to dick around formaing gear or doing some retarded set of Fortuna bounties because those were my Nightwave chores for the day, and (unlike standing grind) if I don’t do them in time, I lose my shot at that fucking Wolf Armor forever. It was like 20 minutes worth of shit I didn’t want to do, that I had to get out of the way before it disappeared. And it’s not like faction standing or Sorties; the reward table isn’t always there, waiting until later when you’re in the mood to be grinding Nightwave stuff. Once the series is over, you aren’t getting that armor, or that syandana, or maybe even those mods, ever again. You can’t just ignore Nightwave until you’re in the mood for Nightwave.
Including Warframe: sorties and syndicate dailies are fine. They are made to stop you from grinding literally everything in 24 hours and being burned out. They won't go anywhere unlike FomoWave that creates constant pressure until you get to this fucking tier 30.
Can you stop trying to convince me that your opinion is fact? I already got that you're autistic.
Once I hit 30, I didn’t bother to prestige, and I didn’t bother with the intermission at all. I have enough Nitain, thx. But this fucking time-limited exclusive rank-up reward fortnite bullshit is the biggest turn-off the game has ever subjected me to.
It has SOME improvements including one decent boss, recurring glorified Mobile Defense event and Toroid farm like in good old days of chill resource grind with Nekros in endless missions. But overall it's underwhelming. The main problem is that it has lots of cool places that clearly have some story behind them and bounties could've utilized that but instead it's just "kill 30 Moas in 5 minutes lmao".
I think the worst thing is the overworld bounty-givers; because they don’t stay unlocked, nobody runs them, so you only get bounties centered on the facilities immediately around Fortuna. External givers will send you to the Spaceport, the fallen satellite, etc., but you basically never see those parts of the map because of the way bounties cycle.
In a game that's 99% 4-player coop PvE, where its purpose is using cool shit to kill cool shit in cool ways in order to get even cooler shit to kill even
cooler shit in even cooler ways, how do manage to deprive yourself from any fucking measurable semblance of fun?
I'll never understand you dedicated Warframe sycophants that harp on and on and on AND FUCKING ON about the same fucking shit like it's law.
You're all mentally ill junkies that simply replaced one poison with another; the difference being meth heads have never tried to replace all my pain
killers with cocaine, while you are actively enforcing your dogma down everyone's throats.
All that crap about DE's political and community ethics are legit I agree on that, but fuck ooooooooooooooooooofffff let us fucking enjoy ourselves.
>playing wartrash after they removed coptering
Literally what is the absolute fucking point.
>caring about coptering when these days you can go even faster with any weapon you want
Imagine being nostalgic over Mass Effectframe's alpha, yikes.
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
Imagine still playing warframe, jesus christ, do you hate yourself?
>any weapon you want
Imagine actually giving a fuck about melee.
>you can go even faster
Imagine never actually using coptering.
The game will always be a disgusting mess with some fun accidentally being implemented and then patched out. And it will always have drones ready to defend anything.