Now THIS is a tier list.
FPS Games Tier List
A fucking horrible one
Only games I actually finished
Too many mistakes and terrible choices to list.
Terrible thread.
OP is a fag.
old game good, new game bad
you got every tier wrong or with at least 2 mistakes. sage
If this isn't high on your tier list alongside other build engine games. Go fuck yourself.
I’ve come here to say TF2 is the greatest FPS of all time.
Halo 2 is better then CE in almost every way
To begin with, the core gameplay is better. Movement and jumping is more responsive, aiming is tighter, the gameplay is faster, etc. The MP map design is also a slight improvement, both have the same design philsophies to their map design but 2 has more solid levels then CE did
The writing/story is inarguably better: CE barely had a plot, with most of it being an excuse to justify mission transitions. Dialog had medicore delivery, there's barely any dynamic animation in cutscenes, and all the characters are cardboard cutouts. 2 actually has multiple narrative threads, characters that undergo development, real animations during cutscenes, symbolic framing, etc. If you PREFER a minimalist story, that';s fine, but don't act like it's better.
in terms of the campaign missions, 2 is a clear improvement and it baffdles me people think otherwise. People often argue that CE has "less linear" levels then 2, but The only non-linear level in CE is mission 2, which just plops 3 playspaces around the map and then has a giant, empty ass field with nothing in it between the 3. All that's gained from it's nonlinearity is which order you do each objective, wheras what you give up having any sort of good level design overall.
Beyond that, what people mean is that CE ostensibly has more large combat spaces then 2 does, but 2 has just as many and most are just as big, the only difference is 2 actually has buildings, trees, cliffs, rocks, and other structures inside those spaces to make the level design interesting, wheras in CE they are all mostly empty: which is bad since due to the geometry is always the same, the way you approach encounters is the same/doesn't matter, vs 2's more differing layouts and geometry means different encounters. And nearly all of CE's campaign suffers from the same copy pasted repetitive coirdodor shit for indoor spaces that the malgined arbiter levels do in 2.
All CE has over 2 is weapon balance
Make way, Elder God Tier taste coming through. Multiplayer garbage needs not apply.
The original trilogy is pretty close on how good they are, but I'd say Halo 2 has the worst level design in the trilogy, tight corridors, Master Chief is stupidly weak, being the second weakest entity in the game right before the flood infection forms, the flood is a pain, levels aren't too memorable to the point that if you search a top 10 best Halo missions you'd get at best 2 Halo 2 missions, legendary is straight up unfair... multiplayer and story wise it is a complete upgrade over the original, I will give you that.
>doom 3 at the top
nigga u high or smth?
See, I was replaying Halo CE PC on Legendary some time ago, didn't get far, but.
Mission one. Covenant is duking it out with human soldiers. Meanwhile you can use empty technical tunnels to get a drop on Elites and attach a grenade while Elite's attention is elsewhere. This happens several times.
Mission two. There is an arena you have to defend, with covenant desanting from their ships all over in waves. Except you can quickly bail out of the arena to where from you entered it, and funnel covenant to that entrance. You can even tuck an empty jeep the and use its gun as stationary turret.
Mission three. When you first enter the alien ship there is this gauntlet with invisible elites attacking entering the room through as much as four different doors with some lesser enemies, in waves. Except, you can when someone enters, just gorce yourself through that door, kill everyone there, then funnel the shits from the central room to that side corridor.
Notice a pattern yet?
>Far Cry in Utter Garbage
Literally git gud, pleb, Far Cry 1 on max difficulty is the best Halo game ever, and the most thinking person's FPS there is.
It's a good old FPS from back before map design became corridor-arena-corridor and all enemies were gun-toting undodgeable hitscan annoyances forcing you to play whack-a-mole the entire game long. And it oozed atmosphere, I value a good atmosphere highly (a big part of why I put FEAR 2 above FEAR).
It was janky shit and the monster designs were retarded. It was only good as a tech demo.
> tight corridors
CE has a billion fucking times more tight indoor coidoors then 2 does, though, and in terms of outdoor spaces I already pointed out how 2 isn't actually any less open then CE either.
>levels aren't too memorable to the point that if you search a top 10 best Halo missions you'd get at best 2 Halo 2 missions
My top 10 would be
>The Covenant (3)
>The Ark (3)
>Delta Halo (2)
>Regret (2)
>Tsavo Highway (3)
>Gravemind (2)
>Metropolis (2)
>The Great Journey (2)
>Silent Cartographer (CE)
>Long Night of Solace (Reach)
This is excluding stuff like Mombassa Streets or Lone Wolf, mind you. Most of the next 10 would be 2 as well.
Yeah, the pattern is you are cherrypicking shit. 2 has just as many options, moreso because it's geometry and layouts isn';t constantly fucking reused. The vast majority of plaspaces in CE get copy pasted over and over and over.
Where is that hugeass arena from Attack on the Control Room, if I am not mistaken? With that fuckhuge beam going diagonally upwards?
And yet, when you go to speeddemisarchive, and watch FC speedrun the only fucking glitches you can see there exploited is launching yourself out of the jeep to reach otherwise unreachable heights (funny thing, this is not even a glitch), and missing collision detecrion in a couple of specific points in the game. That's literally it. Meanwhile, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HALF-LIFE1 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
If you think any Far Cry game is good you're an irredeemable casual.
Guys. I know it's summer, but look..
Far Cry 1 on the last difficulty is easily the most taxing and nerve-wracking single-player FPS game I have ever played.
Halo CE, while still linear, gives you multiple choices on how to approach an encounter while in Halo 2 you don't have as much of it, so Halo CE creates non-linearity through, not only multiple paths and great landscapes but with the enemy placement, sandbox weapons, etc. Halo 2 has too many "survive 7 rounds each one getting stronger than the last one" pauses while Halo CE the ones that does have are pretty well done. I will say that Halo 2 does give a lot more meaning to each room in the map, making them fun to speculate what purpose they have, or playing on stuff previously seen in cutscenes...
>No 343 Guilty Spark on favorite missions
>New Vegas not S
>New Vegas the same as 3
Just leave
Needs a remake to fix the shit controls desu
Here. I made it better for you.
Am I blind, or is Unreal not on there, and thus this whole thing is worthless?
What? That Quake clone with Yet Another Scaarj Botmatch Arena every second step, not a single good mapper and with colored lights out of the ass?
>That Quake clone
It shares zero DNA in terms of level design, or enemy design, with Quake.
>Yet Another Scaarj Botmatch Arena
Yeah? Those were fun.
>not a single good mapper
What's wrong with Dusk Horizon? Bluff Eversmoking? The Trench? The Spire?
>HL 1 S
Dusk Horizon is a walking sim, as is Trench, Sunspire is a disgusting pile of cubes, and Bluff Eversmoking's author is McGee tier at best.
Dogshit fucking taste my dude, you were born after the year 2000 right?
I got a headache partway through. Sorry.
How are you dumb enough not to know how to rebind controls?
what the fuck, it deleted an entire row
Quake and Unreal literally had the same producer, Jay Wilbur.
>the Absolute state of zoomers
singleplayer only, genre hybrids excluded
>SSS Tier
Devil Daggers
Quake 1
>SS Tier
Descent 2
Doom 1
Doom 64
>S Tier
Perfect Dark
Duke Nukem 3D
Doom 2
Descent 1
>A Tier
Serious Sam: TFE/TSE
Turok 2
The Darkness
Half-Life 1 (+ OpFor)
>B Tier
Unreal Gold
Serious Sam 2
Marathon 2
Serious Sam BFE
F.E.A.R. 1 (+ EP)
Halo CE
Titanfall 2
Turok 1
Amid Evil
TimeSplitters 2/FP
Prey (2006)
>C Tier
Wolfenstein: TNO/TOB
Halo 2/3/Reach/ODST
Quake 2
TimeSplitters 1
Marathon 1/Infinity
>Dusk Horizon is a walking sim
Considering Unreal is a quieter, more exploratory FPS than its contemporaries with enormous bursts of action, yeah? You get to take in this planet you've crash-landed on. You learn a bit about Na'Pali from that one settlement. You get a good view of the environment before bring thrown against those dual rocket dudes. Care to explain what's wrong with this?
>as is Trench
The Trench is a gauntlet.
>Sunspire is a disgusting pile of cubes
In what way? The ever ascending battles was a wonderful motif.
>and Bluff Eversmoking's author is McGee tier at best
Agree to disagree.
Are you a retard because I think you're a retard.
>dusk horizon blablabla
XceptOne's only indoor lebel is Sunspire and it sucks ass gameplay-wise. That person was a good level artist, but he couldn't layout for shit.
>trench is a gauntlet
Yeah, ahaha, well, no.
Sorry, forgot the crucial word. Disgusting pile of COPYPASTED cubes.
>Myscha the Sled Gog
Played his Doom levels. The man is a one-trick pony. Goes like uuuuh dem proper ArChiTecTuRe load bearing columns and crossbeams everywhere to trick you into thinking he is smart and knowledgeable, actually turns out the easiest solutions to the problems in his maps are always the siplest looking abd most straightforward ones and you are supposed to GIT GUD and to faceroll through them. In other words, he tricks you to overthink stuff without conveying anything non-trivial.
>Duke Nukem Forever
>Anywhere but trash tier
Literally kill yourself you shit taste retard.
Could you simply talk instead of namedropping these people nobody cares about?
>and it sucks ass gameplay-wise
Why does it suck ass gameplay-wise?
>hurr because author
What is wrong with the loop? What was wrong with ricocheting the ripper off of walls to catch those bouncy fucks in the head?
>Yeah, ahaha, well, no.
You're right, I was conflating memories of an Unreal co-op server with addons and vanilla. Otherwise, I defer to my same assessment of Dusk Horizon. Unreal was more exploratory and atmospheric, with the Trench in keeping with that.
>Sorry, forgot the crucial word. Disgusting pile of COPYPASTED cubes.
Yeah I can see how that'd bother one. It bothers me in Halo 1.
>layed his Doom levels. The man is a one-trick pony. Goes like uuuuh dem proper ArChiTecTuRe load bearing columns and crossbeams everywhere to trick you into thinking he is smart and knowledgeable, actually turns out the easiest solutions to the problems in his maps are always the siplest looking abd most straightforward ones and you are supposed to GIT GUD and to faceroll through them. In other words, he tricks you to overthink stuff without conveying anything non-trivial.
Don't give a fuck about any of this.
Because you are wandering amongst copypasted oversized yellow cubes passing and riding copypasted elevators, fighting the same fights over and over again, and then you are like "wait, is this that room I've been to 2minutes ago or that one from 13 minutes ago"? The level is The Witness in miniature, that is, has 5x more content its novelty merits. In other words, it's blatantly self-repeating, that is, banal.
Incidentally, all the intermission levels play out extremely similarly with maybe only that church with the flak cannon in it sticking out in any way whatsoever.
Also, on Bluff Eversmoking. Again, all the levels by that person are built upon the same trick, which gets old. That Bluff Eversmoking is his biggest level in the game means nothing whatsoever to me, and that it contains a resolution to Kira's story ark has very little to do with actual leveldesign, that is, layouting and item/enemy placements.
>namedropping these people nobody cares about
Also, it's not like Unteal blatantly states in plain words the nickname of said level's designer on the start of an Every Single Level In The Game. Right?
>S Tier
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark
>A Tier
TimeSplitters 2
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Turok 2
You can rebind them but it still controls awkwardly. Have you even played the game?
You missing Apex and Battalion 1944. Apex would be in A and Battalion would be in S
A majority of games on that list I haven't played or I forgot I played them.
Hitscan cultists hiding behind corners able to fuck your ass in less than a second are well designed and contribute to fair difficulty. Sure.
Fuck off Bloodfag. Quicksaves aren't a valid argument btw.