fact: bioware has never made a good game
Fact: bioware has never made a good game
fact: you are unqualified to make any such statement, and therefore nobody should base any of their beliefs or decision on it.
facts: There is no possible way in the currents times for a person to change gender
Anal ''sex'' is not sex since the anus is not a genital, vaginal ''sex'' with a condom is not sex, you are still a virgin if you have never had your penis inside a vagina without wearing a condom.
Science doesn't know the cause of homosexuality but chances are it is nothing but an illness due to the anus not being a sexual organ.
All the degeneracy in the western world is the fault of the jews all jews must be killed and racial mixing shouldn't be allowed.
How can they look in the mirror and think this is fine? Everyone knows they are disgusting and better off dead and they know that everyone knows. Why would you want to live like this? Why would you want to live as a literal abomination. These "people" are worse 4han dogshit on my shods because you can't just wash them away.
fact: Devin Townsend has never made a bad album
How do you look in the mirror and accept yourself? That's right, it's called being comfortable in your own skin.
This tbqh
the mass effect trilogy is good
imagine the smell
/thread tbdesu famalampaitachi
Imagine owning a restaurant and seeing all these people come in. Scarier then any horror video game.
I agree as a jew, offing myself tonight
if you had to fuck one of these "ladies", I mean a gun is put to your head and you absolutely have to do it, which would you pick?
I'd go with Ben Franklin. the tits look kinda okay actually.
the 2nd bottom right
They did, it was just a long time ago.
Just to be clear, there's not a single biological female at that table, right?
how is that child support going tyrone
yeah i gotta agree with , she is the only one who you could probably put up looking at
Imagine the orgy.
I'd sincerely choose the gun in my head.
Fact: sex in a vagina without condom is warm and nice
Any of you losers experience it?
Fact: no
never bothered trying, dont see the point in trying with how low quality our women are nowadays
I warm my Onahole and lubricant to 100 degrees farenheit so yes, I basically have
Fact: your open wound will never look like, feel like, smell or taste like a real vagina
Based. Flawed as it was, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.