How do we save WoW?

How do we save WoW?

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Other urls found in this thread:!

It's not worth saving
Nu-blizzard a shit

release the next expansion.
every second expansion is good so just wait for the next one

don't believe me?

>wotlk good
>cata shit
>mop good
>wod ubershit
>legion good
>bfa dumpster fire

Imagine being a stealth marketer on Yea Forums.

FF14 is casual garbage, gated behind hundreds of hours of unironic cringe inducing weeb story. The only people that actually like and play this game are drooling retards that want to play in their "friendly" feeling shield cult of fags to feel good about their shit life choices.
Fuck outta here with this shit every day.

wotlk and the expac after it weren't good.
In fact bfa is the same.

not OP but I played ffxiv for a bit and I fucking love this visuals like my waifu looks hot as fuck and all the armor looks dope but nothing will ever be as good as wow gameplay-wise. Especially shadow priest. wish they just copy-pasted the class over to ffxiv and reduced the shitty GCD on everything.

>90+ scores from critics
>metacritic must play stamp
>i-it's just some retarded players who like this game!
>s-stop bringing up how much shittier wow is in comparison, that's not allowed here!

>legion good
Lol nonono...

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WoW died with the Lich King. Everybody knows this, why dont you, autist? Face the facts, asshole.

obvs never raided past heroic.
legion was overall a very good expac

Have you actually played the game or do you just take the opinions of others as fact?

Then you must love BFA

going to actually explain this shit instead of just replying with stupid shit

The RNG grind for BiS legendaries to actually raid was some fucking bullshit. AP grinding was awful too. Legion was OK.

Cata wasnt that bad compared to utter shit we get nowdays. Its biggest problem was no new island/world where all new areas are. Also it came after wotlk which is considered to be the best expansion by many so the high expectations where there.

That being said, I had a lot of fun playing cata.

>BC good
>wotlk okay
>cata okay
>mop good
>wod bad
>legion good
>bfa okay

>Fixing dogshit skinnerbox genres.
FF is shit too.

Why are like 80% of the XIV threads shitposts about WoW?

Really makes you think

We don't. Let it die.

Better question is how do we save blizzard

by not giving them money and supporting their current bullshit

they'll learn pretty quick that in order to return to form they will have to look back to their roots

>Better than Wrath of The Kino King

Its beyond saving user some things are best put out of their misery

You skipped one user
>BC godly
>Wotlk sorta shit
>Cata horrendous shit
>MoP atrocity lore wise shit, but raids redeemable
>WoD content black hole, but lore somewhat redeemable
>Legion lore back to being shit, raids even more shit

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MMOs are garbage, especially the theme park variety. Might as well play a single-player RPG, those waste slightly less of your time and can tell a less generalized story.

Wrath is just casual BC with more class homogenization. and 50% shittier raids (TotGC, copy pasted Naxx)

To answer that guys question. Play Dragoon. It only takes 80 levels to pay off!

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Why are ffxiv players so obsessed with wow

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We send more death threats to XIV influencers to show those filthy wowfugees that they don't want to be in FFXIV.

What job would she play?

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Buy blizzard back

Legion wasn't good you retard.


>some retarded anime bullshit
fuck if i know, probably samurai? fuck you


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You're right. It was a masterpiece

Dragoon since she would be riding a shaft all day.

now im interested, what are the names of the characters involved? for research

>durr BiS random legos good hurrrrrrr
>durr I like using the same weapon and never upgrading a slot
>hur hur I love to grind AP, yes more Maw please
Dumb faggot

WotLK > BC in terms of design, quests, music, lore, characters
t. BCbab

Dilate void groin



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Yes it was, there was a fuckton to do and I had loads of fun. Class hall campaigns, the mage tower challenges, Argus, it was great. I stayed subbed the longest during Wrath, but Legion comes second.

Blademsster. There done.

>legion good
Youre a fucking idiot

I don't know what this mean but you too ugh lightbrings breasts

I love big locations in HW and ShB. Hell ShB has no bad zones and new Fate system makes them more alive. But yeah flying is problem and I have no idea how to fix it. Add special weathers where you can't use mounts? Flying encounters?

That’s the end of legion. The first two third was running maw of souls daily for AP and then throwing away your character because you got two trash legendaries and literally could not get more even if you spend 20 hours a day playing the game.

Sunken cost fallacy.

Plus titanforging. Fuck titanforging so much.

literally any female character bigger than an NPC turn in
>Jaina goes to Kul Tiras and somehow survives everyone loathing her for killing Admiral Proudmoore, or literally every other action she's done to enable the Horde. Mom LITERALLY STEPS IN AND TELLS HER NONE OF IT IS HER FAULT, then she becomes leader of Kul Tiras because reasons
>Female Zandalari troll girl fends off the Loa of Death and doesn't skip a beat over her dad dying because he bad, me good
>Sylvannas still a moustachio twirling villain, but now everyone magically forgot Saurfang had 0 qualms with not only orchestrating, but being the speartip of raiding Ashenvale and killing hundreds of night elves, yet magically has an issue with killing Furion, the very person he set out to kill. Then he gets mad because Sylvannas torched the tree since he wouldn't off tree-nigger
>Tyrande straight up tells Andy to fuck off because he won't divert 100% of his forces to fight Sylvannas right fucking now, despite the colossal war effort she's very clearly not invested in
There's more, but you get the idea

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>ninja in dungeon is named Ardyn Solus
I don't get it, why do people do this?

>Yes it was, there was a fuckton to do

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What id the most fun melee DPS in XIV?

DRGchads, of course.

burn it down, never talk of it again
there, saved.


The only one that matters.

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because the NPC meme exists for a reason. Many cant design characters at all, so they name themselves Ultrainstinct Shaggy because its more personality than they have.

There was a BG in the vale. That was honorable elven deaths.

Is this from an artbook scan?

Damn, I should have taken this name. I named myself Johnathan Bravo the instead.

BFA has the exact same gameplay as Legion retard.

>BFA okay

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Removing Mythic+ would be a start. It's been responsible for many of the issues that have plagued the last two expansions. Loot and classes shouldn't be designed around spammable 5 man content.

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NPC meme is retarded zoomer meme.
>"I'm not like others" jpg

There should only be one raid/dungeon tier period.

Sam. It's simplicity means you can focus on fights instead of rotation

more like Wrath of the Retard King

mnk is even more simpler once you memorize the positionals

Raids and ONLY raids should rewards you with high-end level gear.
Also I've been saying it since Cata, but LFR (not LFD mind you) is the cancer that is actively killing WoW.


DRG for fun. Monk if you're autistic. Ninja if you have 15 ms.

i'd unironically start playing WoW again if they removed the retarded shit where you have to complete an ungodly amount of achievements to gain access to flying

Classic is already going to do that, you just sit back and wait

Do healers in XIV really use mouse over macros? Tell me about them.

m+ is okay, the worst part of it is that it enables speedrunning autism
what's really killing the game is titanforging and the stacked RNG when it comes to gearing

The game stopped being good in Wotlk

I just hate how so much of the game is based around arbitrary UI elements, rather than actually being an immersive part of the world. Mythic are just part of that; you’re not trying to overcome a villain in their dark lair any more, you’re trying to overcome a totally arbitrary race timer. Dungeons aren’t adventures any more, they’re sports.

Only for Rescue.

They're not? Until a couple of days ago when janny started deleting them it was non-stop discussion about Shadowbringers.

All you do is repeat combo 1 and combo 2 over and over and use the chakra move whenever it's available, CDs also align with buffs pretty naturally

I play MCH and DNC so I am used to not complicated stuff.

>mop good
>legion good

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The launch of Cata was fucking great. Firelands was pretty good. The entire expansion was ruined with the absolute dumpster fire that was the final patch and abhorrent gap between 4.3 and 5.0

You don't.
The important question is how do we revive Star Wars Galaxies?

>still hasnt edited the title and name
Worthless post

Am I the only one who likes mythic+ dungeon running?
Dungeons have always been content that is generally cleared by most people, adding in the random challenges and timer is just a fun way to keep the content fresh.

DRG and SAM are both fun, SAM is a bit weak numbers wise, but not to the point of it being shit. MNK is really strong numbers, but it's gameplay is scuffed. NIN is shit right now, don't bother unless it gets massively buffed next week.

You might like mnk then, the positional stuff just becomes muscle memory as you keep playing, so focusing on fights and mechanics are pretty easy. They do have their issues as of now, but they can be easily overlooked if you like their core gameplay

Because raiding and mythic + are a very enjoyable experience still, especially when you're a part of a guild it's that and I have a attachment to my character
With that said I am feeling the burn, my biggest issues with the game right now is the endless grind with AP and how random everything is, from the lottery of the weekly myth + chest to titanforging, I honestly wish they would get rid of the AP shit, I hate the idea of having to log in every day to do ap shit so I can keep up with the end content, also they need to bring back class sets because all the armor sets from the raids this expansion has sucked dick while legion had consistently great stuff
how will xivfags ever recover?

>800 people working on it
>10 billion dollars revenue
>always the same old pisswater repetitive content looks like it was made by indie garage devs
explain this blizzcucks

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>A review by a real player: (the positives are all bs or fake)
>Simplified skill system with minimal new content. To drag things along, 14 million exp is required to level. To attain this you will need to repeatedly grind a single instance over and over and over. Essentially time wasting.
>The quest system is more than 10 years old and incredibly clicky. The character motions are just there to waste time and have seen zero improvement from the very beginning of game release.
>The entire game is made to drag things out with extremely little actual content to enjoy. Not recommended for anyone old or new.
>Mostly reused music with very slight differences. New tracks mostly does not fit the scene and environment. The quest complete sound effect is horrifying.

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not to excuse them, but people being dumb you can't make much more than go there kill this come back

FLOPCRINGERS fucking sucks ass fuck ishikawa cunt whore wol is a cuck and a jobber cant beat pajeet or kiss shtola on the lips

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Why are WoWfags so angry all the time?

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I mean ffxiv players always talk about wow

That's absolutely false.
I see more WoW players talking about FFXIV players talking about WoW players than I do FFXIV players talking about WoW players.

We missed you too pajeet user.

its not fucking fair

Why do a lot of XIV bad reviews are made by brand new accounts?

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i wonder why

janny is up
inb4 404

Dude look at every ffxiv thread. Even op is talking about wow

WoWfags can't accept that some people might play games for the story
It's literally unfathomable to them that someone might be interested in plot, characters and so on. That's what happens when WoW's writing is just so fucking terrible, their players' brains just straight up can't believe a story in an MMO can be any good.
>muh not enuff raids
>muh not hard enuff difficulty
>plot?? why would that matter lol i skipped everything n/e-way

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Since when is this a FFXIV thread you dumb faggot? It's a WoW thread mentioning FFXIV.
I hope you get cluster headaches.

Literally every ffxiv thread on v stsrts with some shittalking about wow are you fucking blind

>implying implications
you see what you wanna see, fucking schizo

I like how Yea Forums shills Final Tranny XIV and thinks a lot of people play it when they’re the only ones that do.

NIN. It's the only melee that requires 2 braincells to play

Im new to the game, why does every XIV thread get 404d? I dont understand.

no, you actual mentally ill freak.
you're literally a schizo. you are actually delusional.
most of them start with vauthry walking down a flight of stairs.
you dumb fucking loser.

Who doesn't have issues in some way.

I mean you can stay mad that you trannys got exposed. Wow lives rent free in your head

jannies are seething that people are playing something other than WoW


>muh generals go on Yea Forums
>meanwhile several classic and smash threads every day, but ONLY ff gets deleted

blackmage has zero issues now that xenoglossy allows for movement on top of triple cast and swift

why is ninja low tier dps and you need a heavy iq to play it?

undertuned to hell

Because if they didn't do this then trick attack would be more prevalent. I am actually glad nin right now is in it's position because I am fucking tired of it influencing how other classes play

Trick attack alone adds 1.7k dps.

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The last thread deleted by the janitors was at 100 posts and on page 1 at the time of deletion
the topic was how FFXIV was the best jrpg in 20 years.
Is WoW a JRPG?

>legion good

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You even assume that ypur threads are deleted because the janitors play wow, how mentally ill are you tranny

If TA is that good, wouldn't it not matter if NIN does lower damage?


currently it doesn't make up for what a mnk brings to the table. Now last expansion, hw and arr nin had good damage and trick making them a must have job. Nin was meta since it's inception and only now is it in a bad spot.

They should honestly just remove TA all together

It doesn't. NIN fags fear being not part of group. They want stay in meta comps forever. They want DRG tier dps+TA

Pathetic and laughable
Enjoy no static life nigger

Dragoon if you like jumping all over the place

Because pDPS is still a thing. I for one am really happy that for once NIN is in this position. They have had too much influence in groups that people just won't shut up about not having a NIN every time all the time.

I think meta comps is one of the worst things to happen to the community. Like yeah I get it but it literally doesn't affect 99.9% of the community. When you are doing so extremely well that the job selection matters then yeah meta makes sense but otherwise anything is fine.

>currently it doesn't make up for what a mnk brings to the table
Every meta speedrun group has NIN+DNC+DRG

only shitters cry about the damage, just make it more high ping friendly

Raiton is great. Fuma sucks.

How much ping should I have to play NIN?

Pretty shitty point. I hate wow but ff14s story is horrendous. It's even worse when you consider that you get to a point where it doesn't let you skip cut scenes mid dungeon.

below 50
you suck

People consider it good. THe world doesn't revolve around you, faggot


world's fastest time for titania
No nin in sight

According to Yea Forums - 10ms
According to normal humans 100ms

Are you still the same runar butthurt user? Holy shit that autism

yes. for two dungeons. because new players complained that they didn't get to see the actual dungeon because everyone skipped cutscenes.
and since you're complaining about not being able to skip cutscenes, you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to talking about the story.
you played yourself.

yeah no, maybe in sb

why would you want too?

reminder if you don't play GNB, PLD, DRG, MNK, BRD, BLM, WHM or SCH don't talk to me

Only partially true. I watched the story for a good while, but it was horrible so eventually I started skipping cut scenes.
>b-but it gets good 60 hours in!
I'm not having that argument user.
Also I seriously doubt even half the player base of FF14 gives a shit about the story.


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unga bunga me fel cleave
unga bunga me smartest tank class to play

It baffles me how people think Monk is dead because of the Anatman opener

GNB is the new big dick damage chad tank

>he thinks nina are still relevant
This isn't SB anymore gramps

with how much wars are bitching expect them to be overtuned when savage comes out again

>one of main gimmick is having big dick burst
>can't beat new tank job in dps
Are there bigger cucks than WAR in this expansion?

Homie was running around during the boss killing every egg...

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Legion was shit, cope.

Salty weebs trying to deny this fact. The only thing that matters in an MMO is the endgame and 14 locks it behind literal days of pointless "teleport around the world and talk to npcs for cutscene" quests, and even once you're done with that the raids are meh at best.

Weebs only like it because they can make kawaii uguu cat/bunny girl waifus.

Based genocidal gladiator. The poison stacks were a small price to pay to cleanse the world of their disgusting ilk.

Remember when drg was bad in 4.0 then became the best dps for the rest of sb? you will never be relevant, m*nk

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I've played both and they are both trash, just for different reasons.
I guess western gamers have higher standards though. At least they don't let blizzard serve them dogshit without SOME kind of consequence, even if it's just a bad review.
Weeb gamers gladly eat the dogshit and pretend to love it.

Warrior!! Unleash the inner beast. Out DPSing the "dps classes" always puts lead in my pencil.

boy it really gets under your skin that FFXIV has story that's not dogshit lmao

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>Bring brain and big DPS fail-kick. No doubles. Purple+ only.
This is your future

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>war spam fel cleave
>drk spam bloodspiller
>pld spam holy spirit
I really hate how all tanks feel the same now

If you want to talk shit of WAR you need to pull the WHM card. Now that's what gets them to shout MAKE WHM HEAL.

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>gnb doing less than a war
Oh no no no, how could this happen bros?

I'm a level 29 archer and I want to try dragoon or monk. Which do I choose?

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i agree with you. but you're still a nitpicky little bitch

Fuck MNK, it's extremely unfun

lvl 29 is not much to go by for your preferences, but DRG's jumps are satisfying to use

Be a useful player and go tank

Would tanking be difficult for a lazy neet like me?

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>turn on tank stance
>use aoe on adds
>stay out of aoe
it's like dpsing but you make things mad at you

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RPG's don't need a story bro.

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Is FFXIV easy to get all the trophies for?

Tanking is arguably more easier than a DPS

We make waifu Azshara and N'Zoth win.

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Some yes.
>Do 10000 FATE's
Fuck no.

Would Paladin be okay?

2nd best tank right now and easy to play.

Paladin is in a great spot, and with a strong self heal. My personal favorite tank

the GNB and RDM are right, who cares if there's no wipe? it's just a low level dungeon. BRD is a fucking autist who's acting like he's been attacked when he was the one throwing a fit for nothing

I checked rotation of top NINs from JP servers and some of them don't use Raiton. Hell they all have different openers. Same for SMN. No one use Tokyo Drift rotation and author himself don't always use "second DWT is 2 gcd long" rule

is this playercount or?

>make dungeon take 10 minutes longer because you are missing 1/3rd of your damage is ok
Fuck off, I am tired of seeing faggots like you. I still see you all in god damn SHB dungeons with no right side which fucking baffles me how anyone can think this is acceptable

>Ryne poster getting targeted on twitter
Here we go again, this happened to the last ryne poster than they stopped posting.

which Twitter

Are people mad at them for lewding her? Or just because of spoilers?

And no one use this meme no Blizzard BLM opener.

FrogOperator and their main account.

>implying WoW lore was ever good.

MNK's opener is so shit no wonder all of their skills are designed around never having to do it again.

>BC okay
>WotLK shit
>Cata ubershit drop now holy fuck
and all the rest are worse

retards who say legion was bad have no business talking about the game critically

>jp making better strats than westerners
Why are you surprised?

oh so THIS is epperson

Thinking about coming back
Whats best tank/heal/dps

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Is that /vg/ person or something

the tank had a point, he was still over min ilvl and you were still clearing it easily
you just come across as an insufferable cunt sparking drama for the sake of it

tank all of them
healer WHM

discord, /vg/, reddit
>Yea Forums 2019

I'm not even the brd in the image. My fc plastered this around.
Still the tank doesn't have a point. You are encouraging shitty players. You are slowing down and being a determent to everyone else in your party. You are pure cancer

which game?

Epperson has been on Yea Forums since later 2000s, not really new. They used to be active on Yea Forums.

Used to play Astrologian here and there, didnt really like whm. Thanks for the answers anons.

How do we make them heal?

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>The only thing that matters in an MMO is the endgame

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>want to try healer or tank
>feel like I can be better served as a great DPS
Anyone else know this feel?

>my bad ^-^
Germany was a mistake.

Who are they? I don't remember anyone like them in 2007-2010 Yea Forums. What's his trip?


something something chopsticks

How do we convince yoshi to give them their heal on cleave/decimate back? Even a nerfed heal would help WAR take a step out the shed. nascent whatever the fuck should have included that effect.

something something duct tape

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some people are legitimately insane about housing lol

All roles have their own satisfaction
>when you get multiple comms as dps

>WAR is in the shed
How? The tanks are balanced.

pld and warrior don't play the same and holy spirit is way less important to PLD's dps than fell cleave is to war

It's been a long time since I got multiple comms as DPS.

>pop ir and spam fel cleave
>pop req and spam holyspirit
it's the same thing

I keep getting them on my BLM

you absolutely have not played either of these classes in endgame

they could be MORE balanced if you catch my drift.

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Maybe people love partying with BLM over any other DPs I guess.

>war and drk are the only tanks doing less damage than a fucking healer

pld is a strictly rotational job that needs to readjust its entire sequence whenever downtime happens. warrior is a basic priority order job that barely cares about downtime so long as it doesn't happen under inner release. these two classes have completely different skill flows and adjust completely differently to mechanics

>telling lies on the internet

We can't.

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You mean WAR and PLD.

Also only stormbabies find weird that WHM is outdpsing tanks. ARRchads were used to it.

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do you have the "my ancestor :)" image for the fat human women

Holy fuck look at that difference. That's insane.

>actually looking at max
padded parses don't matter

Who fucking gives a shit that padded tanks are wanking over their damage?
The average joe is just happy to play a class well and get that clear. Parse trannies were a mistake and parsing should be punished by banning their account and access to HRT.

Unlike titania ex, people aren't spawning adds on purpose on eden to boost their parse.

I never get the hate for cata. the launch was good and the first 2 raid tiers were top tier. It's a shame they nerfed the HC dungeons very early. Dragon soul was absolute garbage of course and it introduced LFR, is that it?



Absolutely based.

>Try to level up BRD to 71 to start grinding dungeons
>Try to hit Misery end everytime a monster has low HP
>But it's gone
>Internal clock scream at me to push straight shot when the buff need to be up again
>But it's gone
Shit fucking hurts, man.

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>But it's gone
>can't just regen and forget
I honestly forget the pretty wing button more often than not.

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How can you be missing gear as a rdm? They give you a free set.

>PLD don't have clemency anymore
What are you even supposed to do other than be a stun bot for your alliance? The heals from the spells do fuck all, meanwhile DRKs can just TBN everything

>Drama queens over nothing
He clearly doesn't know about coffers

What's the fastest way to level a new job?

I find it funny that Shadowbringers being so good adds more fuel to the conspiracy theory that funds for FF14 were being siphoned to try and fix the mess that was 15.

as shown when Shadowbringers is the first 14 expansion that came out after Sqaure killed off 15.

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holy shit did a fortune teller rob yoshi?

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That's make seance. When someone wipes in alliance raid or normal there is always one guy who start trowing tantrum by using buzzwords and memespeech. Probably one of your kind
>checking gear of other players in dungeon
I hope you don't parse Fates and hunts

Ya know I distinctly remember this being a wow/xiv thread from the beginning. Don't you wow players have anything you wanna talk about? Are you enjoying 8.2? What are the cuckshed jobs in wow? pls respond.

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silence thine mouth lest ye summon he that shan't be named.

We're going HOME

Who the fuck cares what Barry thinks? Everyone here knows he's a piece of shit and should not care for what he thinks

thanks urianger

I want to fuck Y'shtola

>implying anyone still plays wow

What, Voldemort? Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Candlejack, who exa

It's literally people who didn't play BC, WotLK and don't actually know what a good expansion is.

I'm always fully geared and dishing out max dps in dungeons, fuck off with your personal attack. i'm just saying you're a turbo autist for throwing a fit like that and I stand my ground

why do people hate emily epperson again? it's a dude isn't it

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One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly


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what do you think

That bard is definitely a tranny or at least an autist

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Candy man

Why is ninja so hard ?

>buy wow membership because friend says he will play with me
>they almost always give up after some time but im willing to give this one a shot
>within a day or two already lost him, decide to give this game a genuine shot like ive been intending on doing for years
>finally get character strong enough that i can start doing raids and i need to get some experience in the raids so i can learn them
>desperately need the gear upgrades too
>never manage to really complete any of the raids because theres always one of our groups who falls apart
>decide to go take a piss after getting in another raid queue with a bunch of other randoms
>come back, getting flamed for my character apparently starting the raid before everyone was ready
>booted from queue
>was already really trying to decide whether or not i was done with the game when i got really pissed off with the instant lack of flying that required a bunch of bullshit to unlock once i hit new dalaran
>stop playing with like 3 months of membership still on my account
i wasnt even enjoying the grind half the time. i was assuming that i would finally encounter a group at some point to have fun with and id play with them most days or something. instead, i went full avoidant autist any time anyone asked me if i was doing the same quest as them (and i usually was). oh well
while i understand that the raid autists arent an issue that can be fixed right away without blizzard losing money, they would have to add flying to all areas without having to do some retarded achievements first before i would even consider going back to the game

Think with all the busy work you do as a ninja they would make them do a shit ton of damage.

Can you explain more i really like ninja but hear bad things anout them

If I were the healer, I'd have called out both the BRD and RDM. You get a full set of left and right gear with a jump potion. There is no excuse to not have on all your gear. But the BRD was being an autistic shit with their pushiness and language.

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>dumb casual nigger complaining about BiS legendary farming
>can’t clear anything higher than normal because ilvl was too low
>seething about it to this day
Should just git gud and play arena faggot, nothing more satisfying than running into a streamer and dumpstering them.

>these are the people that will populate your classic server bro
I’m good

You don't even need to jump potion, you get a chest with lv50 gear the moment you unlock RDM

If you like them and play them well you will do better than your average pug dps. But other dps that know what they are doing will out damage you with little to no effort. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the job.

Right, that too. What the fuck did they do with the coffer then? You can't sell it, nor the gear to GCs.

8.2 is fun, but it’ll only stave off the autism from fans until November. This Blizzcon will determine if Activision doubles down on shitty WoW or we get a based dragon isles expansion
Also can’t wait for classic, not because I want to play it, but tired of the 5 or 6 people in every trade chat or raid group that won’t shut the fuck up about it

The west sucks at making games, Nothing new here

That's what happens when you decide that your game shouldn't be fun.

Is anyone else just completely uninterested in ff, because the only thing you really liked about wow was red v blue? Games like warhammer online got me more excited, because it also has a faction war.

Faction wars is the epitome of autism.

Copy paste pre-Grand Exchange & pre-Evolution of Combat RuneScape into WoW engine, graphics, controls etc. .

I'm not interested in farming gear if there aren't enemy players to kill

>have always wanted to play WoW
>can't get past the abysmal art style
Are there any mods to make WoW look as pretty as XIV? I don't want to see neon green orcs or gaudy armor.

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I hope you guys have posted a good questions. Don't let Aether fill all the slots with shitty ERP questions.!

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>get locked out of content outside your faction
>have the risk of being ganked while gathering
Faction wars is the worst piece of content you can add to a MMO. Only autists that feel a dopamine rush when they kill a lowbie or a gatherer in the field care about that shit.

We can start harassing some ffxiv players!

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Sorry bro but I’m busy playing the game.

WoW stopped being WoW the moment Arthas died, know how hollywood keep releasing new shitty terminator movies trying to recapture the magic that was T2? that's what WoW is doing trying to recapture the holy trinity of Classic+BC+WotLK, it's gone and it will never be back

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> final boss
> main theme starts playing

I fucking love this shit.

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That's just therapeutic obstinacy.
Let it finally rest in peace before blizzard ruins it further.

You don't, just let it die.

Don't die on me wow related thread! just a few more weeks till classic. Your gonna make it buddy!

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Does wow have something like this in their ost?

is not worth it anymore man, just let it go

or anything like this?

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Are you for real?
I got put on the bench until I levelled a new toon to 110 because the wrong legendary dropped for me.
Titanforging was just as bad, the AP grind was awful.
Legion was the precursor to everything shit about BfA, it just had better class design.

Let disney buy Activision and then laugh at how much worse blizzard becomes

So what exactly is meol? is it like a dumpling,or is it just bread, what is it?

WoW's music is incredibly samey, just generic orchestral shit. With very few standouts like this here from ten years ago:

What exactly counts as a good question? You can't pry about asking for previews cause they'll just please look forward to it out of the way.

I don't know anything about WoW but why would you need to level up a new character to max level just for not getting a good legendary?

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Why is this the only time WoW got at all experimental with their music? It's great.

What shit taste, get the blizzard cock out of your mouth.

That's some Phantasy Star Online shit right there, I love it.

Drop rates for legendary gear plummet to sub 1% after you get on. Everyone basically gets the first one for free and after that it's pure luck. If your first one is shit you ain't getting a raid spot. The difference between a shit legendary and a BiS one was massive.
For serious raiders it was faster to boost and level a new character than to wait for your second legendary.

>It's another WoW vs XIV thread

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>generic orchestral
Oh but it's ambient and not overly dramatic I'll give you that.
I like Wintergrasp's theme for that reason too but it's nowhere near as memorable as any of XIV's themes.

What the fuck is that trash? It sounds like some dude trying to be a special snowflake playing jazz with rock at the back of a cheap bar.

Wouldn't really call that all too generic aside from being video game backround music

There's 3 WoW threads up right now, just pick another.

...I'm conflicted.
I see the logic in that, and it's pretty understandable, but at the same time I like my character too much to just throw it away because of a shitty rngdrop.
I'm probably a bit autistic but when I play a mmo I like to put myself as my character, so a system like this would be a massive bummer for me...

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It was for a joke boss. The godfather of souls, in the soul forge.

All FFXIV players are trannies or faggots. Your arguing with a weeb tranny, bro. Just stop.

It was pretty bad for casuals and absolutely awful for world first raiders.
Anyone who praises Legion is overlooking so much crap that was introduced in that expansion.

Cata was fucking awesome during the tier-1 and tier-2. Tier-3 fucked it up.

WoW 2. Sargeras' Blade is harnessed by N'Zoth to destroy most of Azeroth. Ruined, dangerous land. Leylines destroyed, portals no longer work. Titan-originated technology failing. Grab your sword and light your torch, it's a dark night ahead.

>m-muh tranny

Define tranny

I don't know user, I'm not a tranny nor a faggot and I don't know any tranny or faggot.
Are you sure you aren't just jaded from playing on crystal?

Anyone with arguments I can't refute.

must be nice living in a world without trannies

Who approved this and why wasn't there more industrial music in WoW?

Seeth more wowfags hahahaha, your dead game can't save you now.

Something easily explained or the reason behind a dev decision. I'm sure the retards asking when Nier raid will get answered because it fills time, it's easy, and everyone knows the answer except the people who asked.

Probably has the texture consistency of a dumpling. An NPC was boiling his too.

I have yet to see any trannies in real life or in final fantasy 14. So it’s pretty good to not see them. They sound annoying and gross.

Pander to the base and stop pushing garbage.
FFXIV is the same game it was in Stormblood but with even dumber class decisions. No doubt that score was influenced by people who hate BfA. The only good thing it had was a compelling villain, which it throws away and shits the bed in the last scene anyways by reintroducing that bland boring piece of shit and getting rid of the Emperor whose story wasn't complete yet unlike "I'm evil because I like to kill less powerful people" Zenos.

Just click the edit button next time, family.

Wow dead die long ago

Whatever, point still stands

Remember he was tired of living and decided to commit suicide-by-WoL while at the save time saving your ass.

And all he asked for in return is that you remember what Amaurot was.

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>"I'm evil because I like to kill less powerful people"
HEY, he may be as shitty villain but he's OUR shitty villain. And we all know Varis is getting revived in some form or another.

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>even dumber class decisions
I have only played DRG, BLM, SMN and MCH.

DRG is a huge improvement
BLM is another big improvement, especially Umbral Soul is the spell you always wanted but never knew you did
SMN is a gigantic fuckup
MCH is actually fun and not autistic

Dunno about the rest but most people are happy with their changes except DRKs, SMNs, BRDs and ASTs, seems to me.

How would that work? His granddad is dead and I don’t think Mr. scared of the samurai will bring him back because he is too scared of his son.

Doing low level stuff as a black mage and dragoon is suffering after getting them to level 80.

RDM and friend were unironically right, stop spergin over fucking Haukke Manor (hard)

>And we all know Varis is getting revived in some form or another.
I hope so. I always got emperor Palamecia vibes from him. There's got to be a reason why he experimented with the Resonant and cloning.

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>his only purpose was to be Thancred's enemy in that one duty
>if he got removed the story would barely change
Is there a more disappointing character?

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WotLK was the beginning of the end. Everything afterwards to me is flash and cinematic experience before mechanics. Run to a glowing safezone sometimes, slide to the left 10 feet, slide to the right 10 feet, kill the trashmob spawns, cha cha real smooth until the boss is dead. Content gating in WotLK was much the same thing as the Planes Of Power EQ expansion; a huge expansion with a vast amount of content locked behind progressionwalls that felt very tedious at times to push forward a story you don't give a fuck about because everyone wants to unlock the raid that may or may not of even been one of the Planes worth your investment of time.

WoW just embraced it openly and hasn't yet been whittled down to a true core playerbase as EQ long ago did when it 'died'.

I'm sure he'll cause trouble in the 1st while WoL of Darkness is in the Source

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I didn't like him but he would have improved massively if he died in the final confrontation with Thancred and, let's face it, Thancred died as well.

How's MCH now? Is it still clunky?
And how much dps does the mech do?

Yeah. Especially AoEing as BLM is horrible, Freeze, F3, Flare, Flare, Freeze feels so fucking good to use.

>How would that work

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I will get a lot of shit for this but FFXIV made me realize a simple truth - get rid of addons.
The fights have to be ridiculously hard in WoW nowadays, because every player has like 20 addons to tell him what to cast, where to stand, what's coming with a minute warning, put a chat bubble above your head, group people automatically when something happens, WA and DBM shouting at you ALL THE TIME.
Get rid of this shit and tune the fights down - make people get good without external help.

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>because every player has like 20 addons to tell him what to cast, where to stand, what's coming with a minute warning,
why bother playing if thats the case?

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I totally agree with this

EPIC LOOT max titanforged, with a socket and a decent tertiary stat of course

A 5% chance to get that piece of gear that's 1% better bro

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Incredibly fun to play. The Heat Blast rotation might be a bit hit or miss for some people, since it's a remnant of the old Wildfire (way less clunky, now you're hard locked to 5 Heat Blasts and you have a cooldown that perfectly lines up with Wildfire so you can always go into Hypercharge as soon as Wildfire comes up).

The pet hits pretty hard, the finisher easily hits for 30-40k, but the biggest part of your DPS is Heat Blast by a long shot.

Sell more mounts/pets in the store, etc

cata destroyed all remaining RP elements left in wow... made all classes be essentially the same and reduced character progression to single stat: ilvl... and it also introduced god-aweful transmog.

BC: Bearable. Flying destroyed wpvp, linear raid progression hurts RP elements (remember, in vanilla even when naxx came, some MC loot was still BIS and guilds were raiding it every single week). In BC noone did ssc/kara after BT came out. Guilds did TK for the mount.

Wotlk: started sucking. Phasing destroyed single-world immersion. Patch 3.3 brought LFG system which essentially made whole server communities and guilds meaningless.

Each successive patch made things worse. New welfare epics every 3 months. LFR. You're doing dungeons and raids without knowing anyone, all it matters is their RIO score and ilvl. That's what game was reduced to. Add mount collection and pet battles and that's it. You get a new carrot on a stick every 3 months and you're "happy". Are you really happy? Admit it, you were not happy since vanilla. You are only paying the sub and buying every successive expansion in hope to relive that thrill from vanilla, where you could be ganked at any time in STV while doing nessingwary quests. That feeling after killing rag for first time with your actual friends.

The only thing that can potentially save wow is wow classic... Will it save it? Probably not.

They really don't have to. People simply fucked themselves with the no fun allowed loot now mentality.

Ideally addons would give another slider for difficulty. Tryhards should play without while shitters should use them all to be able to succeed.

Blizz could even disable addons just for the hardest difficulty of their raids without touching the rest.

Ryne needed a dad.

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What's the best food for healers?

You don't
Ever since MotP it should have been destroyed and rebuilt from 0

Espresso is still the best for anyone

nice reddit screenshot fag lord

Is Frozen Spririts still relevant? I have an abundance in HQ.

>learn CUL
>ingredients clogging up inventory
>everything sells for pennies

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Don't want to be a contrarian fag but i don't really remember anything good from wotlk except for the lich king, BC was good, Vanilla i don't remember ANYTHING except that leveling was A I D S

actions per minute

He mastered Gukumatz
That means he can fall a long way and be fine.

Pretty good idea.
They could add a flying penis, just a giant dick with wings.
The only way to get it is to subscribe for 10 years, but! We'll be nice and cut some off the top so it's only $1,400 for the wiener mount.
Give it the flavor text "Never stop going big dick!" and the fans will eat it up.

You don't. Just let it fucking die and move on to something else.
Blizzard sure has moved on.

I agree, Legion had extremely good raids for once.

>Is there a more disappointing character
the jesters

>blm is hard


>number of oGCDs the chart

You guys are what's wrong with this game. Fucking kill yourselves along with that GUN and RDM.

What's their @?

>tfw cleared bwl in vanilla
>tfw did fuck tons of casual-ish pvp in bc
>tfw was near glad at 2550 rating in wotlk
>tfw didnt play cata, wod or MOP although tried all 3
>tfw played fucktons of legion, seeing it was the best expansion since wotlk
>mfw nostalgiafags are somehow seething about favourable views on legion

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LMFAO it is Epperson. It's so obvious too with the way the tweets are formatted.

>all these retards praising a game with 1 mechanic per boss, 1 button per class gameplay
>all these retards praising the expansion where t4, t5 and t6 required you to stack warlocks and hunters to be able to progress at normal pace until they finally nerfed this shit so the other classes could see raid content
nostalgia goggles is a real thing huh

Did FFXIV finally take the #1 spot away from WoW?

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From what I've read, wow players say that WoW's music is a standout because it uses live instruments or some shit.

Yeah I'm not even joking.

why am I not sick of this theme yet?

The ones replying in any positive manner to you are the rare ones wich the classes they play have not been super gutted (yet), or thye have not played the game for long and remember how it used to play

why is xiv full of pedos?

>tranny mutt
my shock

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>15 years old
only in america

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>teens is pedo
Them niggas dumb. Kids don’t look anything like that.

We've been over this.
Sylvanas spontaneously combusts.
Wrathion becomes the new Warchief.
Kel'Thuzad becomes the new Banshee Queen.
Illidan and Maiev fuck on live TV and their baby becomes the president of space.
In game marriage event with Xal'Talah.

Except Ryne is stated to be 12-13 years old. Want to know how I know you're a cutscene skipper?



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Epperson is a faggot /vg/ attention whore, but the faggot in that tweet is also an attention whoring tranny. On a side note, why does every tranny suffer from "depression"? Every single one has to point out how they're depressed.

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>Ryne is stated to be 12-13 years old
Show us then.

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Is there a Japanese version?

>What is gearscore
>muh welfare epics
Epic isn't epic since BC anymore, its color just became an indicator of the items potency rather than rarity.

Something in the water on the 1st to make 12~13 year olds to look like teens? ALSO SHE IS NOT REAL AAAAAAA.

>On a side note, why does every tranny suffer from "depression"? Every single one has to point out how they're depressed.
It's how they gain sympathy, and participate in the victims Olympics. It also helps them fit in. Edgy and/or Emo Teens and girls in general do this also.

Because they're approaching the 40%

How are there 14 year olds in this world that look like this? Is it steroids/hormones in cows, chickens, etc.?

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Yikes, I really hope you go to Classic. Would do us a favor.

Except Ryne looks nothing like that. If she does to you, you may have a mental illness.

How is healing in XIV? White mage, right? Is he good?

user re read what they typed.

>why does every tranny suffer from "depression"?
The same reason fatasses who hate themselves for being fate do. Self loathing + shunning from society. The man difference is that Lardbuckets can theoretically become thin and will be supported if they try, but Trannys dont even have a hope of being the opposite sex and are shunned even more for trying.

That’s why you have to card females these days. All these young girls looking like grown women.

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I don't understand.

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It's silly in the first place to try and relate fantasy with reality.

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Twitter weeb humor.

But ff14 is an MMORPG, the story is the RPG aspect of it, though 14 should probably be called an MMOJRPG.

probably took over for the time of SB's launch but most likely won't stay at the first place for long. WoW is just too much of a phenomenon, no matter how abusive people's relationship with the game is, they will come back to it eventually

Post your pet collections trannies.


>guys we know legion content isn't very good
>and we really didn't try to hard guys, sorry
>But don't you worry! We're going to MAKE you do it ALL through quests!
>Want that class mount? Be prepared to do EVERY. SINGLE. DUNGEON.
>Why? Well how else are you going to go through our rehashed blood elf storyline to bring you, you guessed it! More ELVES!
>Everyone likes elves, right?
>Have fun being forced to do every single piece of shitty content guys! That'll be 15 dollars a month plus tip

>WoW is just too much of a phenomenon
years ago it was, not anymore. the only way I can see WoW ever getting back its former player count is if they make it F2P

It's funny how most of the people mad about this are lusting over Emet who's killed millions.

Legion content made me realize that WoW is slowly becoming a guild wars 2 clone.

>considering bugmen to be "people"

Please stop projecting so hard and just admit you like little kids. All of your leaders have been caught being ACTUAL FUCKING PEDOPHILES and one of them even raped their own little sister

why is xiv full of transgender folk?

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>one of them even raped their own little sister

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Never seen any and most likely never will.

stop playing on crystal and aether. if you get into the quarantine zone, don't complain about it.

RDM and GNB are right, it's a low ass dungeon, he could probably run it unsynced with his GNB pal if he wanted to.
You are the autist user, I'm sorry

so how do you get better with bard? i seem to struggle with downing the ex dummies and i usually hang around 3% by the time the timer goes out

get better gear, use proper melds, work on your rotation

right now i have ronk set with some inno acc's i don't know what to really meld with bard im assuming mainly crit cause that seems to be the go to thing for everybody and do you know where i can look up decent rotations? im assuming bards is more of a priority list than a standard rotation

How do we stop trannies and LGBTBBQ+ faggots from Reddit from taking over video games? Fire Emblem has been ruined and XIV is swarmed

So do you guys think that they made E1 and E3 easy on purpose because they are hiding some stuff for Savage?

I think E2 and E4 will make people cry honestly.

you're a sperg, don't talk to people online

We don't. It's fundamentally shit since TBC. Even vanilla had flaws in terms of gameplay. At least the lorerape back then wasn't this hard. Not to mention that Acti-Blizz may be bought out by Apple or Disney. Then it will go from shit to turd of the apocalypse.

I always seem to die in E1 for some reason. The AoE always seems to just end me.

Tanking gives me anxiety, even though it's the easiest thing in the world.

I guess WoW needs to pander to trannies and furfags like XIV?

It already does though.

they've been pandering to furfags for lik 6-7 years

You all were warned as early as 2011 and you fucks did nothing but say "It's not that bad", "They won't take your games", and "Just ignore it and they'll go away"

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Don't you people get tired of posting obvious bait and having the same drawn out argument every single fucking day if not multiple times a day?

actually the biggest whales are the trannies and the furries so if you want a succesful game then you want their attention
notice how wow started falling off really hard when it's userbase bought into the alt right propaganda

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So how do we stop them? That doesn't tell us how to get rid of the reddit tranny problem

go into balance discord's bard section, they have everything from gear to melds to rotations to tips and tricks for every encounter in the game.

You don't and you can't. It's years too late to stop it. While we were all distracted by waifus and lootboxes, they injected themselves into positions of power in the industry and now control a good portion of Western gaming and Japanese games that have a heavy Western pandering like XIV and Fire Emblem.

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not to be rude user but i don't feel like joining another discord server and generally hate how people refuse to put this shit on someplace for the people who dont feel like having another server clogging up the ones that they are in

you sound like an absolute bitch dude

All based. Sperg retards are indeed the worst.


fair enough but you won't find any better information anywhere else because it's either outdated or poorly formatted.

i'll either piggy back info off of someone i know is in one of those servers or i'll wait for some kind user to help me out instead high chance with the later is i'll find someone to give me the basics without having to be absolutely wordy about everything in most guides i read