Why aren't there more strategy RPGs?
You have a couple series:
>Fire Emblem
>FF Tactics (defunct)
>Disgaea (probably dead soon)
>Tactics Ogre (Defunct)
>Shozou Kaga Saga (only recently revived)
And nothing else of note. You'd think with the success of Fire Emblem, there'd be a lot more of these games, right?
Why aren't there more strategy RPGs?
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Play front mission.
>core combat has a heavy emphasis on RNG
that's probably why
savescumming in fe4 is a strategic act in its own
pic related. Jake'sCom is good too.
That's part of the strategy
Maximizing your chances
Example: putting Lewyn in a forest next to Raquesis gives those bitch-ass Cross Knights 11% chance to hit him. They won't hit him. He mostly doubles so he mostly kills them. Then have your horse dude squad kill the rest and have Raquesis talk to Eldigan.
They sell like shit. The only reason FE survived is that Awakening managed to pull in the ironic waifufag crowd, otherwise that was going to be the final installment in the series.
>Disgaea (probably dead soon)
That shit will never die and you know it.
It will continue to give its fans what they want.
NIS lost a fuckton, and I mean a FUCKTON of money from a botched mobile game launch
Because people are plebs and strategy in general is dead.
There are more, with a good few western entries (X-COM, nuXCOM, JA2, etc), but ultimately they're just not made anymore because they're not easily pushed into a service model. At least not without going full gatcha.
It's called risk management
Naga translation, honestly I agree it should be Levin and Lachesis, I actually disagree with a LOT of the naming choices, but the rest of it is good so whatever
>Fire Memeblem
Most of these games are barely surface level in terms of strategy if you really want to play a strategic game I'd play a TCG like Magic or Yugioh
they have got to get rid of the shitty turn based system if they ever plan on getting me to buy any of their games
Yggdra Union is an interesting case where it is on its hardest on early game and becomes easier as you go further. The battlefield where you fight a witch for the first time will definitely give you hell and god helps you if you want all the items AND getting the +2 MVP requirement. Thing is, its not yet over after Eudy, Aegina is there to give you hell as well after.
i played magic for 6 years and its so unbelievably based on RNG that at most times there isnt much strategy on the part of the player
inb4 you never played competitively, i placed at a GP before
You almost got me
its mostly marketing. these games are never marketed. with proper general audience appeal and marketing these games can sell shitloads cuz they reach that desirable cross section of hardcore and casual gamers. ive been playing three houses and there's a lot here for both camps- there's more mechanics and variables to play around with than ever with a compelling script and characters tied to it. reasonably good map design, an ok difficulty level on hard, with a generous undo mistakes system. the game will sell bucketloads.
It's just an example but it's still leagues above FE
I got wargroove for ps4, I had been wanting to play it but no switch or steam(no phone).
gameplay seems okay so far, but the color pallet is awful and the females are manfaced tumblr monsters. Idduno wtf they were thinking. The male/monster stuff is okay within fantasy style, but the females are so fucking stupid looking. Advanced wars was cute and fire emblem is wifu city (i've heard), so what were they thinking?
Shit example
>no mention of Advance Wars
Yeah I love the part of MTG where I move my summons around a map and get in the best position.....
I guess you have to manage your resources to buy new shitty cards every year.... or old less shitty cards.... that get banned....
But "do I want video game or new stupid card advantage creature and dual lands that are worse then other dual lands that I can use anymore because bullshit" isn't the kind of strategy I want.
Keep coping bro, FE is just gay Advance Wars
If you wanted to play a board game you should've stuck with chess
And YGO is just a gay clusterfuck MTG
Literally who cares
Both MTG and YGO are more popular and strategic than your faggy waifu chess hybrid for gachafag paypigs
>Both MTG and YGO are more popular and strategic than your faggy waifu chess hybrid
Cope more
Because normalfags don't want to think, which is ironic because most strategy RPGs don't require strategy beyond throwing your overpowered unit into a bunch of enemy units and winning because your numbers are bigger.
Which games feature the best RPG mechanics? You know stats, skills, gear, actual fucking choices when building a party. The kind of shit that makes me want to constantly get new party members leveled and experimented with, akin what I would do in a Diablo clone.
Hasn't some indie game been made catering to autist.?
FE will never be as famous or as strategic as either card game
Wargroove came out literally yesterday
>will never be as famous or as strategic as either card game
Prove me wrong
Comparing TGC to electronic games.
Kinda sad when a card game beats out a video game, huh?
Why don't any of you know the difference between strategy and tactics?
Because weeaboo faggots like FE shills killed off all the good ones like Advance Wars.
I'll never forgive them.
If you weren't a weeb you'd have a lot more options.
>ironic waifufag crowd
Most of them are unironic at this point. It was ironic for awhile, as oldfags tried to cope with the destruction of their community and the cancerous invasion of nuFEfans brought about by the complete selling-out of the developers, but it's all just pathetic men and retarded zoomers at this point, from what I can see.
Those words literally mean the same thing, you pretentious swinebag. Buy a dictionary and stfu. No one cares.
Stay mad you can't tell the difference between two genres.
Play Brigandine: Grand edition!!
>Fire Emblem
>Strategy RPG
It's a dating sim with tactical minigames
>if there's random factors there's no strategy involved
Imagine being so braindead
As of ten minutes ago, you can add Sakura Wars to the list of dead SRPG franchises since the new one is action-based.
>isnt much strategy
>no strategy
the first statement is my wording
the second statement is yours
dont put words in my mouth then proceed to call me braindead
You could have a case if you argued that the RPG elements contest the strategy elements (no strategy if you grind your stats to make your team significantly better than the opponent's) but you just had to be a faggot
You also said "most times there isn't". Just don't play your Nintendoyearold opponent who brings his default deck to tour. Holy shit a strategy RPG thread where faggots complain about TCG's.
Based retardbro
>t. faggot who got waxed on multiplayer in mowas2, ultimate general, total war, and more
Strategy games don’t sell. Fire emblem is probably the most prolific one and it almost fucking died.
>Valkyria Chronicles 4 flopped and probably influenced the new Sakura Wars to drop the tactics for action
It's extremely hard to work on AI for strategy games. If it was easier, indies would be doing it as well, then more would be produced and it could become less niche. The only franchise I can think still producing them nowadays besides NIS is Mercenaries Saga developers.
Valkyria Chronicles fucking sucks monkey dick. It's retarded on its core, ugly as sin, has terrible designs, cringe dialogue and absolutely stupid mechanics. Who thought it was a good idea in any shape or form?
Valkyria Chronicles 4 flopped because it's a shitty mess
>t. Ninty marketer
Hey user tell me why statistics is taught in academia, go on
Lmao fuck off, let's look at the reality of the game instead of being a dicksucker for a second shall we? The entire meta for MTG has been tutoring for your infinite combo pieces before the other guy to win, that's all it's been for most of its lifespan (sans the very early days before the immense power/utility-creep), the game absolutely fucks itself over with its complexity. Same with Yugioh, you just fish for your instant win condition or get fucked, there is no inbetween
RPGs don't lend themselves to strategy because you can always just powerlevel and cheese out any encounter. The two genres don't mix.
Yeah i love Wargroove, it's great with 4 players too, but yeah all the girls are fuckin ugly though, EXCEPT Sigrid, which funny enough, means they can make cute girls but deliberately fucked all the other ones up for god knows what reason
>he never played shining force
>he never played vandal hearts
>he never played suikoden
>he never played riglord saga
>he never played terra phantastica
>he never played Wachenröder
>t-there's no more strategy RPGs
fire emblem is the worst game you can play
>Games ni one has heard of mixed with ones that never got sequels in like a fucking decade
>FE one of Nintendo's top franchises now
History tells a different story
Nintendo always got undeserved support and now exists only in mediocrity reliant on benefit of the doubt for success, only to yield disappointment.
not that guy but i have been playing for years (kinda inactive the past few years) and decided to pick up arena since i stopped going to the local game store
what is this retarded unbalanced shit they call uncommon planeswalkers? i understand that casuals eat that shit up and buy more packs because of it but it completely destroys sealed and draft
"just answer it bro!"
n--ger i came across like 5 answers in the entirety of the cards i saw and i cracked them all
"just automatically be ahead enough to kill it with swings bro"
>Valkyria Chronicles fucking sucks monkey dick
Valkyria Chronicles I is a good game but it has 0 replay value which is its main flaw
It's good for one replay. First round you play normally, second round is breaking the absolute fuck out of the game so you Belgian Waffle Goddess of Death can take down the entire Nazi regime by herself.