It's 35°c in the UK

>It's 35°c in the UK
>Not even playing games, just sat inside with fans blasting
>Sweat pouring down my face like I'm a fucking spaghetti sieve

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>living room faces east
>it's already 40°c in there
>my TV, PC and all of my consoles are in there
It's my first day off work and I'm literally hiding from the fucking sun.

Summer truly is hell.
Only 2 months left.

It’s insane to me that euros don’t have AC. Even 3rd worlders have that

We only need it for 2 weeks of the year so it's pointless

>2 weeks
More like 2 months

and you 3rd world americans dont have proper heating or insulation

Imagine not being able to afford decent cooling.

Imagine not being able to afford decent healthcare.

>not duct taping ice packs to your body for summer survival

Gonna be 40 degrees here later today, thank jeebus I bought airco

Pathetic. 35 is not even high. Anglos are soft.

Nice thread

>TFW Plymouth chad enjoying the 26 degree sea breeze.

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What? Are people really this retarded? Just because we don't live in commieblocks where everyone is forced together like you doesn't mean we don't have insulation.

You know gookmoot sells your name, address and credit card information to the CIA right?

Get an job and buy an AC.

>tfw murrica is currently getting a cold front on top of us having air-conditioning
suck it yuropoors

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>americans dont have proper heating or insulation
The fuck are you talking about?

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>Get an job
Get a education

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>35 is not even high
It is when the average temperature is 16.

>mfw PC room is in the roofspace

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the Irish are more educated than we could ever hope to be

LMAOing at this britbong
Come to Straya m8, you'll die in the summer if you think 35 is hot

There's a fifty % percent chance of thunder starting from late afternoon at least

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I export European building materials to the US and let me tell you, the shit that I have to compete with on the US market is utter shit and I make a killing.

AC is massively unhealthy, I'd rather sweat for those 2 weeks when it's actually hot

>40°C outside before it's noon
>afraid to even start my PC
Release me from this hell.

It also bumps up the electricity bill to a ridiculous level.

>he types out since4pass every post to brag about being stupid enough to give this shithole his money
truly worse than tripfags

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that’s a scot you dum-dum


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October is still far away.

>tfw my pc is doing fine in the heat but I myself am sweating to death

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Hahaha European education, everybody.

>not being at work
>payday today
>taxes taken
>to pay for you fat cunts to sit at home sweating
Go fuck yourselves honestly

>It's 35°c
You are like baby. 32°c here at 2:44 am

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you're a dum-dum

What incredible shithole is this?

wagie rattles his cagie

Maybe since the last 2 or 3 years. Before that we rarely had temperatures going above 30. let alone 35 degrees. Summer was always perfect grilling weather, or to go to the pool. Now it's just sitting indoors, windows closed to not let any more heat in and having multiple fans blasting at you.

why has no one asked what the FUCK a spaghetti siege is?

Join us, you know you want to

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Somehow my PC has gotten cooler despite the fucking sun beating down on it through the skylight, I'm at 40 idle GPU and shit was 53 when the weather was cold, how the FUCK does it work

he has no access to anything more than my email.
not only is it saved between threads, but I type in more than since4pass for threads like this

>spaghetti siege

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>He does not know.

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Shit nigga just buy a fan for 20 squids or something.
>mfw sat in pure bliss with a fan hitting my pasty shirtless brit bod while I enjoy spider-man ps4

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>he has no access to anything more than my email.
That's what he tells you.

He sold 2ch's data even though he wasn't supposed to have that either.

Exothermal Inductive harmonisation you fucking retard.

Enjoying the cool mountain breeze myself.

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Poor Potatofag stuck in France here, help. I wasn’t designed for this.


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My PC's a bit of an old banger in the best of weather, but it's absolutely hellish at the moment. I was playing a rough mission on EDF yesterday evening (hordes of enemies in a dense city and an air raider levelling everything with carpet bomb spamming for maximum particle effects) and I thought the damn thing was gonna catch on fire. I think I'll play on console today.

It's a UK tradition where we attack Birmingham at the spaghetti junction.

Continent is oven.
Someone open the windown.

Right mate, its the winters your kind fear, you cunts spend 50% of your income on heating in that mountain shithole.

>32°C today
>sub-30°C for the next week

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I just sit naked with all windows open, it let's in a nice breeze and occasionally a bee bro

>It's 35C in the UK
>I bought an air conditioner last year when we had that mini heatwave in March
>Then we had a month of the sun melting the fucking pavements
You had a year to prepare
You absolute dumb cunt, this is the summer now it''s 40C now and it's never going back to when you were 10 and it was onlyt 24C
In 10 years it will be 50C

Americans are completely right to shit on Europeans for not having air conditioners

>B-but its only two weeks a year
Bullshit, it's going to be 6-8 again like last year
>Yeah well I'd rather suffer in 40C for a month then spend £250
Poorfag or retarded

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Do you expect us to get on our knees and suck your dick because of that stupid Jew star? I never understood faggots like you. Who are you trying to impress, newfags who might mistake you for a mod or something?

That's what all the wool is for Abdul

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I don't believe Wales is a real place.

I think they just made it up and that's where all the skinwalkers live. No one's ever gone to wales and returned alive, explain that.

>Nothing but flying ants, bees and colourful moths about.
Its actually fucking lovely.

I'm telling you, he has no way of accessing it.

I'll do you one better

Glad I bought a new cpu cooler earlier this year

What the fuck do you think the H in HVAC stands for, Eurotrash?

based, I had an albino moth fly in my room the other night
I'm not quite sure where it went, I lost sight of it and it kept moving around so I couldn't take a picture.

my 3600 stock cooler is hanging in just fine.

What's a good state to move to that isn't as hot and humid as Mississippi, but also isn't a frozen wasteland where rent is a grand each month?

Unless somethings changed it does not save at all between threads. You have to manually type it out every time you post.

At least Arizona is arid.

I had two moths come into my room and fuck.
So I got them in a glass and threw them out.
How dare they, my room is a sex free zone.

Back to plebbit, colossal faggot.

>have AC
>too hot if it's not on
>head hurts if it's on
And it's not in my room. WTF

>tfw you die of heat stroke and your house melts down, but at least it's a dry heat

The binmen normally come at 12 but today came at 7 or something stupid, dear god it stinks and I cannot open the windows or door. I tried moving a bag and the loud buzzing noises scared me off. Atleast I have a huge fan on me to keep me cool.

You posted that one hour ago how can it be so hot so early ? Although my a/c is already on.

>"It's there"
>"You're sat on the fucking glass you fucking idiot just go down and under and you're free"
>Spend the next 10 minutes trying to kill it or guide it out the window
>He comes back the next day, every day, for weeks now

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do you NOT have air conditioning in the UK? like holy shit, these robots keep freaking out about heat in new york and france like they dont even own AC

Dude, stop being weak. I live somewhere where the temperature can fluctuate from 2-3 degrees celcius in winter to 50 in summer. stop being a pussy

You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave

>get raid
>crush for good measure
It's that easy

Just collect spiders from outside and put them in your house.


No we don't at least not in our house only in public spaces like shops, cafes etc.

The worst part is how it's praised by normies. What are some parts of the world I could flee to to avoid the heat ?

You guys should get a job.
In the office it's comfy 20°C and when I get home the worst heat is already over. Also gonna move soon and just had a cooling unit installed in my new home.

somewhere not located near the south

I've been here longer than you, nerd

Give it a few more years and you'll see it all over North-Western Europe as well. The summers are getting worse with every year

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The one advantage of being a wagecuck. I get to spend the entire day in air conditioned bliss.

Get some of those insect eating plants.
I got some for the office, the ones with the tube looking thing and the bear trap looking ones have caught like 6 or 8 of those flies already

>Exothermal Inductive harmonisation
Ah yes, of course. Only morons don't know about exothermal inductive harmonisation.

Come to brisk Australia friend, it's cool all year round.

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>it's another "the entire world is either the US or UK" thread
You're both retarded and shitty countries, fuck off.

>t. spider
you're not fooling me

BRB investing in AC companies

I'm sitting in 20c. Get aircon you poor fags.

t. German
Fuck off Kraut

I used to live near the coast, doesn't the sea air fuck you up with the humidity? Always hated that.

Sounds terrifying

Historically, it doesn't get this hot in the UK, so we don't really have AC

North Pole

It's 29°C in Stockholm. I kind of like it; it's unual.

When it gets this bad I usually listen to the Super Metroid OST. It feels like a dead, barren landscape.

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Nah, my dick has been lodged in your mother's throat for much longer than you've been here.

>turn computer on

well here in the deep south in the US, 100% humidity + 102 degrees is pretty damn common in the summer
need to find me a place to move to where there are less minorities, better internet, and a hell of a lot less humitity + year round heat

This is so dumb. We got wise by preaching 18-19° during winter, we need to do the same for summer, we don't need rooms to be 20°, I'm setting my a/c to 25°, it's meant to make the heat bearable not to act as a reversed sauna.

>when I get home the worst heat is already over
It's the opposite here, heat accumulates and keeps spreading all night long during the hottest days.

plz its so hot

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Post some pictures, venus fly traps never worked for me

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>it's another "the entire world is either the US or UK" thread
Because it is.

Fuck your shitty 3rd world shithole faggot, make some good escapism and then we'll care about your existence.

the South-West is the only REAL part of the UK. Wessex was the heart of England, so too are we the proverbial heart now.

I guess the English don't think it's necessary? They aren't used to hot summers like southern Europeans. If I hadn't AC I wouldn't be able to sleep at all where I live

Imagine not loving hot weather

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But that would leave you with lots of spiders in your... WAIT A MINUTE.

I keep my home a comfortable 10° in the winter.

30% of those posters are Brits, 30% are Yanks and the other 60% are Australians

What kind of shitty AC do you have that costs only 250
Don't tell me you bought one of those mobile units that use more electricity than a single power plant can produce?

>no humidity
It's 37 degrees in my room and 80% humidity outside.

We usually only have 2 or 3 weeks of hot weather a year and usually they are spread from June to September

Actually 70% are Russian hackers

Hot weather is ass. Cold weather is a lot easier to manage.

good thing there not euros

Nigga, how can you even think about anything sexual at 40°C? I just want to have it cool, man.

How does her feet smell like?

>it's a britter shitter can't cope with the lose of his empire and defeat at the hands of colonials thread
Sure is videogames here

>102 degrees

Learn the real fucking system. 102 degrees doesn't mean anything to anyone.

>"How hot is it Fergus?"
>"Ahh sure, tis as hot as when I was a wee lad and me mammy forgot us in Limerick for a week during da heat wave sure"
That's how fucking informative Fahrenheit is, it's fucking WORTHLESS.

Whenever I go away I hate it and then when I am coming back into Plymouth I can taste the sea on in the air and I know I am home, it has never been a problem for me.

Are you retarded?

Is there a summer refuge, bros? Like Scandinavia or Siberia? I can't take this anymore.

abdul, you arent going to be able to collect your gibs if you keep harassing those who feed you

>how can you even think about anything sexual at 40°C?
Because hot weather brings the skin, smell, fun. It may make my balls sweaty but at least it doesn't make me flaccid from the cold

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No mine cost £1000 new but I got it for £150
I saw the heatwave coming

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>work in office with a bunch of computers close together
>has some stupid fixed window design you can't open
>AC stops working
>we all have to go home with paid hours because it's illegal for us to work in those conditions

Based sun.

Wales, its were we stick all the old people and madmen.

>got AC and solar panels installed
>cost me 6k euros but at least will serve me for a long time
>sleep at a comfy 18 degrees while my neighbors are melting in their beds
>they probably get extra annoyance from my outside unit making noise because they keep their windows open for fresh air

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>the best mobile AC would cool down the room by 10°C
>it would still be 30°C afterwards

This heatwave is supposed to end tomorrow, back down to 26 and then 22-24 for the rest of the week at least.
Hopefully it'll never get as bad as last year did, that was hell.

I thought that using AC also speeds up global warming.

>he thinks muslim migrants on welfare post on Yea Forums

doubt they even know how to write in the english language.

Yeah I know. I've been quite a few times there and the weather was quite cold even in the summer.
Is it really shifting tho? Or is it just that a heat wave happened once and everybody went bananas because of it? It once rained for a couple of days here and people went crazy because "summer isn't the same anymore".

>try getting an AC installed
>have to get a shitton of permits that would cost more then the fucking AC unit
I rather suffer trough two weeks of hellfire then support that shit.

lmao you pinkskins are going to vanish with the global warming

Dude global warming is fake xd

>Global warming isn't real
>Also this
British houses were designed to keep heat inside because of how cold it is.

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Who cares if I'm cool.

i use the english measuring system and the english flip out at me for it
i have good reason to believe that gibs guy is not english

using any kind of electricity speeds up global warming, imagine if every household blasted their AC like in the US. fucking pussies can't handle 30°C, most americans cool down their house to like 16°C in the summer. absolutely mindboggling.

we're getting there, each summer the last few years hasbeen getting progressively worse
germany, france and the netherlands are at 40°C while spain is at 35°C. It won't take long until this shit also reaches you island monkeys

>He does not know about the British Biodome project

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Who knows? For me it's too early to say. Boomers still talk about the summer of 76 and that this is nothing compared to that.

Alright britfriends, report in.

Northamptonshire, here.

>arranged to go take some slut for a ride and fuck in my car today
>almost don't want to in this heat

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I'm Irish, 99.999% white country.

Ireland is the whitest country on Earth. Fuck off Amerimutt, don't talk to me until your country is older than the tree in my back garden.

What is worse is the people who use heating or air conditioning and leave windows and doors open to the outside.

use metric on international websites and nobody will flip out at you, metric is used in professional settings even in the US and UK.

>This is so dumb
found the femanon

aren't you gents 'aving, like, a rainstorm every five minutes?

These teletubby fuckers must have made serious bank in the 90s. Amazed I missed the grand designs episode on tinky winky going "uh oh cost x5 more than projected!" while lala files for fucking DIVORCE.

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Humanity deserves to be wiped out if they continue to display this absurd amount of ignorance. I genuinely hope I die before the worst shit goes down.

>using any kind of electricity speeds up global warming
that's retarded, if you produce energy without burning shit you can use as much as you like and nothing will happen.

Never blame the fuckers that just didn't have to submit to slavery lite to live. You would have if you could have.

>always take the summer shift at work
>why don't you ever take vacation during summer, user?
>i can't see my screen with the sun high
>oh user you so crazy
Best summer is 20 degrees celsius and clouds.

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That looks ugly.
I want a hobbit house, bein underground should keep most of the heat out.

>Yeah well I'd rather suffer in 40C for a month then spend £250
Some reasonings get even dumber in winter, parents were always freaking out about electricity bills, I led an experiment and cranked up heaters so my flat would be always warm in every room, it only cost me an additional 50€ per month, when I'm more reasonable it's only 20€ more, like why the fuck would you suffer from cold all winter long for only 20 fucking euros.

32 is freezing, 212 is boiling. Its a simple scale ya lymie nutsack. 102 is when the human body starts shutting the fuck down.

Jesus, is your country so far behind you don't have air conditioning?

Last year was a drought year in every sense of the word, 300 years back and that year would've meant a lot of dead families and sparse food

>Comfy 70° Fahrenheit with breeze
Sorry for not using Celsius

Imagine the smell

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yup. also people who shut themselves in are funny as fuck. there's way too many people that don't understand that MOVING AIR (= wind) cools down way more. so creating a draft is extremely useful when it's hot. which means you should open windows even during the day and try to keep the air moving with fans. it's 39°C here right now (germany) and I feel absolutely fine because i'm not a brainlet who closes all the windows so the hot air is trapped inside my room.

took the day off work today, called my manager and he was just like "fair enough mate"

They're probably too clean to be enjoyable.

Right now the most civilized countries in the world are neither the US nor the UK.

Can he honestly be this retarded?

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>payday today
>not wednesday next week
Confirmed never had a job.

>not killing anything that enters your territory
>not having honed instincts for killing bugs with your bare hands developed over a lifetime

Do you guys have "beaches" like we do in the Solent?
>millions of tiny stones instead of sand to destroy your feet if you dare to go barefoot
>water of dubious quality due to the nearby harbour and shipping channel
>beaches still fucking packed in summer

Attached: lee-on-solent-beach-gosport.jpg (550x413, 62K)

40° C here in Germany. We had to go play minigolf today. Honestly just fuck it all I just want to go home and take a shower.

and everyone else is going to starve to death with no more whiteys around to produce the food that's needed, pick your poison

Do you work for the bloody met office? Every fucking time, every FUCKING time the day before
>Sure mate 99% chance of thunder, its going to break lads forget the sun cream
Next morning
>Haha got you again! Not a cloud in sight mate enjoy another month of no rain baking!

Fucking east anglia. Incarnate in the UK they said, it rains they said. I can't fucking remember the last time it actually rained worth a shit. Fucking Welsh hoard it.

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you can say that shit all you want when you arent in 100% humidity and 102 degrees (40 in irrelevant country units) (@)
this is coming from the country that has a plan in place to bring in so many literal retard level iq migrants in the coming decades. oh and mister ireland, i recall you getting cucked by the uk on many occasions and not having been independent for as long as us
inb4 you call a collection of tribes your "country at the time"

I live in Manchester, but I lived in Somerset for 2 years. It was the happiest I've ever been- great place

That sounds ideal, apart from being in Nigcago of course

Why don't you invite your neighbor's wife ?

>inb4 “>Irish >white”

It's only today.

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I bought one of those neck fans, feel like a king now.

>the brits are too stupid to have air conditioners
what's wrong, no AC license?

Not only does almost no one have air conditioning here, but our houses are designed poorly for ventilation, our even our windows are shit for getting air in.

How do you think they generate the electricity in the first place moron?

Burning fuel.

There's a bumblebee nest right next to my door, it's cute~

>East Anglia


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why don't ukuks have AC? your country is cold and humid, you know it can also heat rooms, right?

you realize that to produce any energy, heat is generated which needs to dissipate somehow, or your generator just fucking explodes?
also don't forget the huge amounts of material needed to create regenerative & shipping of that material (often round the entire globe)

Brit here. It's only 28 where I am, and I'm not sweating at all because I'm not a fat weirdo like you. It was like 32 the other day and again, not sweating.

You're pathetic.

You're everything bad about this country, attention seeking cunts.

I think the French and people in warmer countries have AC, but nobody has it in the UK (apart from very rich people maybe) because the vast majority of the year is cold and grey and shit in Britain. I mean does someone in Maine have AC, for instance?

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I'd consider their daughter.

This year is shaping up to be only marginally netter. Expect this kind of burning heat every year. It won't be long until we see food shortages and skyrocketing food prices.

Wind and water?