Other urls found in this thread:
What am I looking at?
Is the top on a handheld? Didn't think so.
The bottom one looks better, the top looks a little soulless desu
you'll never, ever get the complete DQXI experience so :)
this is not the first, this is not the fourth, this is not the fifth, heck this probably isn't the 10th. This is probably the 50th time you've made this thread in the span of 2 days. How do you seriously let a company live this rent free in your head
don't you get like a shit ton of extra content in the switch version tho?
I wouldn't be too bothered if you were comparing to PS4 since they all run 30fps anyway lmao
We win again
Seethe harder, snoy.
They do. I literally have buyer remorse from buying it on ps4 instead of waiting the definitive switch version.
and he'll probably make this thread another 10 times in the next few hours, and then another 20 times throughout the rest of the day, and then maybe 10 more times that night. Pretty depressing to see someone so obsessed to be honest.
Will the Switch's bonus content be added to the other versions as patch or DLC or would it remain forever exclusive?
it's exclusive to the switch version
still looks a hundred times better than Sword n Shield
its just bloom off and less grass, whats the big deal
>yessss my grass looks betterrr
Imagine unironically being like that.
What is the bonus content anyway? Enough to get mad over? I'm probably going to get the Switch version just because it's "definitive". Sucks the graphics aren't as good, but it's not exactly the best looking cell-shadded anime game ever made.
i havent seen any proof that it is exclusive but im buying for the handheld alone IF the game can keep a 30fps stable framerate otherwise its a pirate.
>This is what niggarell is doing at 4 am
The Switch broke him.
This is one of the better Switch ports all things considered
It's coming as DLC. They refuse to state definitively that the new content is Switch exclusive because they know admitting it's timed content would cut sales of the Switch version
Which one is then the real "definite" version that gives you the best game? PC version?
it's stuff from the 3DS version that never got released in the west and extra things like a fixed soundtrack, dual audio, side stories that develop your party members, new mounts, and stuff like that.
I'd say so. I'm waiting for them to patch the PC version with all the improvements of the Switch version, though. If they don't, guess I'm never playing this game.
Graphically: PC
Content: switch, until we got confirmation that the added contents also coming to PC.
PS4 is the middleshitters as usual.
Why? Even if it's not the definitive version and you can't afford a Switch, you can still play the main game on some platform. What's the point of denying yourself that experience?
Never ever.
Most likely forever exclusive. They said they didn't have any plans to bring it over.
>much grass good
I bought the PC version at launch to support it for more mainline DQ games on PC but to find out the new content isn't coming to PC really fucking hurts, I basically got screwed over.
Actually you know what? Screw the new content just give me the Japanese voice acting and I'll be happy enough.
Sadly because of this ill probably won't buy DQ games anymore just from the fear of getting screwed over. Shit fucking sucks man.
Yes, but I've unironically seen the "too much content" argument come up in these threads.
>Yes, but I've unironically seen the "too much content" argument come up in these threads.
That has to be bait, because otherwise that's some serious levels of cope. In the same way that saying "worse graphics = soul".
Should have waited for the Switch version
>Switch gets a late port with lower graphics and less content: HAHAHAHAHA GET OVER IT TENDIES THIS IS WHY YOU SUPPORT CHAD CONSOLES HAHAHAHA WE WIN!!!!!!
Switch for the content and portability.
REMINDER: OP image is PS4 Pro Advertising bullshot vs Youtube compressed Switch gameplay screenshot.
Mostly because of the voice acting. I've already got too many games in my backlog as it is, and that would just seal the deal.
What tranny buys games on pc? Lmao
Knowing how wide open cracked switch is even if SE don't officially release jap voice pack, I'm sure someone will rip the switch version data to mod it in the pc version.
As for snoyggers they can watch youtube as usual.
The game already has voice acting.
Imagine playing a game but you realize there's another version that has way more content, better QoL improvements and just generally feels like a complete game.
And then you realize you're essentially paying a gimped version and that is a worst feeling compared to not just playing it alltogether.
A shit ton of things.
There is a pic with the info. Sadly i don't have it.
I'll happily trade the ever so minor downgrade for the huge bonus content.
Thanks for wasting my time with this post, you retard
Doesn't matter since I don't own a switch anyway.
Shut the fuck up you goddamn nigger
Hopefully mods can help with it. But would really rather have it officially you know? With all the content.
It is ironic. They were shitting on Switch owners for getting the game so late, but now don't seem to mind getting more content way down the line (if it ever comes). I don't want to say karma is real because that seems like mumbo jumbo, but it honestly feels like it.
I don't wan t
Yeah, but it's only in English. The Switch version will have Japanese voice acting.
I bought switch early for dq11, when I heard the switch version got pushed back and pc version coming out of the left field, I picked the pc ver right away.
Now my switch is hacked, I will enjoy it again for free. I ain't even mad.
I don't have to imagine that, I've experienced it with several Switch ports/multiplats that are graphically inferior to the Xbox One and PS4 versions. Truth is I would rather the game exist on my platform of choice period, if it isn't a total abortion that is. Bloodstained is a special situation because they fucking botched it to hell and back.
I'm going to buy it a second time because I like supporting Dragon Quest :)
Why not?
Both of these look like dogshit but atleast the first one isnt as bad when will gooks and weebs realize anime style doesnt translate well into video games
Yeah let's ignore the blurriness and lower framerate.
holy shit nigtentards are actually autistic
Square had announced the Switch version was coming from the very beginning and that it would have extra content way before the game even released, it's your fault for buying the other versions when we've known that this was gonna be the case.
Looks pretty damn solid when you factor in the power gap those systems have.
>lower framerate
>in a static image
imagine being this retarded
What does it matter when every console version is 30fps anyway?
Just buy a Switch then. It has tons of good exclusives
>game lets you run passed encounters
zero motivation to actually play the game.
>Implying that your time has any value in the first place.
It'll sell better than all the other versions combined.
are you ok
The Switch is just embarassing. Why do devs bother wasting time and money dumbing down their already successful games, gutting them to get them to run on Leapfrog-tier tablet hardware? Why are you bothering creating an inferior version of the game, why are you willingly compromising their vision to shoehorn a game onto a system it really doesn't belong on?
It's not worth it. They are not worth it. Stop doing this to yourself, game devs.
Is the PC version 60FPS? When will this become a selling point feature for games? Even normies know what framerate is now.
>that are graphically inferior
Fuck off they aren't talking about superficial shit like that.
But those are only graphically botched... Not content which is obviously more important. So really not the same case here.
Well sorry for not keeping up with news at the time. All I saw is the game coming to PC and I just wanted to support it on that platform.
>expecting the switch to be higher than 20 fps
imagine being so deluded
>it's okay if other versions are also shit
classic consolefag thinking
should i just pirate and play it on pc instead of switch, or is the shit graphics version in handheld mode only?
i know xenoblade chronicles 2 does something similar, where visuals get cucked massively if you undock the console
Imagine wasting money on a Switch lmfao. Get a real console you fucking losers.
>muh graphics
>gets the 3DS version of the game, both the orchestral and chiptune music, and new content that wasn't in the original game
imagine being a 'muh graphix' brainlet
>Get a real console
I'm just annoyed at people acting like they were robbed when all that's happening is they are combining the original game with the already exclusive Nintendo version of the game(since the 3DS version is unrecognizable compared to the console version and had its own exclusive content)
i bought the switch and pirated every game on it. it was a good investment tbhlad
Do you have a source for your claims?
Well enjoy your free game. Lucky you for having a switch.
Would love to but can't afford it. Where I live a switch and its games are some really premium stuff which in turn make them more expensive. Barely anyone owns a switch here. Also gonna have to ignore some exclusives like smash bros and a platoon because I'm not gonna pay for online. Screw paying to use your own internet.
Yes, every other shitch game.
So no source, got it.
Is there any point to the 3DS version at all? Or is it like what was common in the 2000s where they had a "main" version and then made a totally different thing for the GBA with the same name?
Keep deluding yourself, cuck.
Your tears are always delicious.
to be honest, if the 3DS version was localized, I sincerely doubt the screeching over the Switch version would be as severe. Heck I doubt people would even be talking about it at all outside of the novelty of the game coming to the platform.
No money is wasted on a Switch. It has the best exclusive library this gen
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
>still no source
Don't bother replying to Eric
Top: Soulless
Bottom: Soul
Japan are handheldfags, most of the sales in japan were from the 3ds version
well before the Switch version, the 3DS version had it's own exclusive content, the boomer mode, and all that jazz. It also outsold the PS4 version in Japan so those small things, definitely gave it some appeal.
Not with that midi music you fucking don't
PC version + Orchestra mod is objectively the best way to play this game right now
Where are the good games though?
Why even bother with the falseflag.
the midi music has much more SOUL than the orchestra
You have to play it on pc though which instantly makes it as bad as the switch version.
A lot of them unless you're a person that can only enjoy games of one genre.
>t-t-those games don't count
Classic snoycuck
If there's nothing on that list you like, that means you don't like video games at all
cope more snoyshitter
>>Mario Odyssey
Another bing bing game but seems decent enough, might be worth
>>Smash Ultimate
Fuck paying for online
>>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
Not Released yet, no gameplay, no release date
>>Splatoon 2
Again fuck paying for online
>>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Fun and decent JRPG, worth
>>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
See above
>>Snipperclips Plus
Mediocre simple coop game, may be worth if you have a friend to play with
>>Fast RMX
Definitely worth it
Dead game sadly
>>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Its bing bing with annoying rabbids but gameplay is fun and unique enough, worth but its better to play Xcom
>>Gal Metal
Have no idea what this is
>>Kirby Star Allies
Decent kirby game
>>Mario Tennis Aces
Mediocre and dead game
>>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
Definitely worth it even though its technically a port, but with all the new content its worth it
>>Super Mario Party
>>Pokémon Let's Go
Another trashfire
>>Dragon: Marked For Death
Definitely recommended
>>Yoshi's Crafted World
Mediocre yoshi game
>>Pokémon Sword & Shield
not released yet...but...I mean... have you seen how the game looks like?
>>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Not released yet but its animal crossing so it most likely worth
>>Fire Emblem Three Houses
not released yet but almost but it looks like trashfire
>>Luigi's Mansion 3
Not released yet and it is bing bing but its Luigi Mansion so yeah most likely worth
That mod has volume inconsistencies and it's driving me crazy.
and since it never got localized, stupid westerners are acting like Square made all that new content exclusively for the Switch version when quite literally, all they did was port the 3DS version and made it possible to switch between the console version and the 3DS version. This is why all this autistic screeching is retarded, the content was already Nintendo exclusive for years but since people are only finding out about it now, they're acting like Square did them dirty and intentionally screwed them over.
Midi is absolute trash in any capacity.
Another gamefreak trashfire most likely
>>Daemon X Machina
Not released yet but genuinely looks good
>>Yokai Watch 4
Not even out yet and no mention of English release
>>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Models look good but its capeshit and looks like a generic beat em up, maybe worth
>>Super Mario Maker 2
Nah another bing bing wahoo game
>>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Not released yet and not a fan of the artstyle but gameplay looks good
>>Astral Chain
Not released yet but soon and it genuinely looks good but fast paced action and 30fps don't mix too good
>>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>>Tetris 99
Fuck paying online
>>Rune Factory 5
Not released yet, no gameplay and no release date
>>Cadence of Hyrule
Mediocre as fuck
>>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
Who would be excited for an Olympic game?
>>Bayonetta 3
No release and no gameplay for 3 years
>>Metroid Prime 4
same as above
>>Shin Megami Tensei V
>>Steamworld Quest
No an exclusive
>>Blaster Master Zero 2
Not an exclusive
>>Mary Skelter 2
Not an exclusive
>>Omega Labyrinth Life
Not and exclusive and no i don't mean dumb censored PS4 version, it most likely will come to PC when it hits the west
>>No More Heroes 3
Not an exclusive
>>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
Looks good and the character models is way better than the PS4 version.
>got a switch
>haven't played a single game on it
>all shit
Just hook it up to your tv.
60fps 4k was pretty good
Not when they are shitty renditions.
FETH was leaked and I love it, it's the best nuFE so far. It looks like garbage but the writing and gameplay is good.
Yo-Kai Watch 4 was confirmed to get a localization at Anime Expo.
It's just a list of all the exclusives on the Switch. You don't have to like all of them. I can't really ignore the bad games if they are exclusive
Pretty good list of games right? I'm glad you agree
I remember hearing that you can't marry this girl in any of the current versions but you'll be able to in the Switch versions, is that true? I haven't gotten around to playing this yet but I might just wait for the Switch version just for that. The graphics do look pretty shit though, which is off-putting.
Tetris 99 has an offline mode now, not for free though.
Why even reply the guy is setting up his own shitposting.
>It's just a list of all the exclusives on the Switch
Yeah and you're using it to shitpost by replying to yourself about how shit those games are. We all know it's a pasta.
>all they did was port the 3DS version and made it possible to switch between the console version and the 3DS version
heck what should've been a dead giveaway that this is literally all they did is the fact that to do MOST of the "Switch Exclusive Content" you have to be playing in the 2D mode. So basically, Switch owners are playing the 3DS version and the PC/PS4 version(with minor changes) of the game in tandem with one another and that's really about it
This retard is going to spam this shit for months so I say we turn this into civilized DQ threads to spite him
Are you guys excited for DQM switch?
>stitch fags so starved for games they have to resort to calling Fire Emblem good of all things
Graphics look fine because nobody considers that on a much smaller screen the blurriness is not that visible.
>I remember hearing that you can't marry this girl in any of the current versions but you'll be able to in the Switch versions, is that true?
Someone confirm this man's wild accusations, this is very important.
>i've never played FE but it MUST be terrible!!!!!!!
i play docked on my 4k tv, and there's statistics that 70% of the switch userbase plays docked
Is the bottom docked or handheld.
Yes. You can.
You can marry/become close housemates with any party member.
This includes the guys too.
>Shitting on based Super Mario Maker 2
Discord niggers have terrible taste and lack creativity.
Yes they said you can marry all the girls
>This includes the guys too.
Nah I am the guy who made that list in the first place. I shitpost with it because it makes the snoys seething.
Good on you enjoying it so far.
Sorry didnt hear about it, I'll change my opinion on it then but its still no released yet.
>>Pretty good list of games right? I'm glad you agree
Some are good and some are bad but saying its a good list is a fucking lie. a third of it is fucking mario games.
It doesn't work. We tried that with MH and he only went harder.
Debating pirating it on PC and buying it on Switch, not sure how I want my first experience to go. Excited either way.
>people STILL can't comprehend the idea that a Nintendo version of a Dragon Quest game gets exclusive content
heck, for the longest time, the series was literally exclusive to Nintendo, so I don't see why you people are getting in such a frenzy over this stuff.
Fuck you, I own a gaming PC with a gen 8 i7 and a GTX 1080ti and PS4 Pro as well as a Switch. I'm not a poorfag like you guys to take part in your fucking childish console wars. Fire Emblem is a good Tactics JRPG that faggots like you don't play because you're too poor to afford more than one console so you have to belittle others for enjoying all sorts of games. If anything, it's you fuckers on Yea Forums with your console wars that are starved for games.
I really fucking hate how Yea Forums has become now.
>playing RPGS to look at the grass
wow, so this is the skill level of a fifa customer...
You can be serious right, you don't seriously think FE is good, right?
How could anyone see the over Nintendo games? Literally the worst developer there is. They should make games for adults instead.
>nep poster thinks they have any right to talk about quality
And what about this?
Still switch exclusive content to DQHeroes
But I see a lot of people convinced the S stuff will come to PS4 for some reason
>Fire Emblem is a good tactics RPG
Dude, stop replying to Eric.
I'm in love with you
>Undertale gets Switch exclusive content: PC/PS4 users don't get mad or scream at Toby for "betraying" them
>Dragon Quest gets Nintendo exclusive content: PS4/PC users go into an extreme frenzy acting like Square has betrayed their entire gaming history and everyone involved with DQXI should be publicly executed unless they bring the content to other systems
Hey I'm not into it, just letting you know you can do whatever you want.
>PC/PS4 users
Just ps4 users, after all the pc users have mods and fangames. PS4 users just got a jew sim.
>snoygroids going stircrazy from their drought
Do you have schizophrenia
Legit question
>neither game even released on the Xbox One
Just let him cope its probably keeping him from taking his life right now.
ITT: poorfags that can't afford more than one console so they have to seethe because they can't enjoy the many good games coming out this year on a console that they don't own.
Get a fucking job and grow up, you manchildren. When you're older and once you own all consoles and a PC you'll realize how pathetic you are to care so much about things that don't matter at all. I pity your existence.
Considering he acts as both a sonyfag and Nintendofag I would say so.
Illya a cute.
The absolute state of blunderfag
Why waste money on anything apart from a ps4? They are all literally useless in comparison.
>unironically defending sugiyama's attempt to make a few bucks off OSTs
Its literally one guy replying over and over
The difference between undertale extra content and DQ extra content is literally night and day. What the fuck is wrong with you?
but IS Xenoblade 2 the most shilled game on Yea Forums?
the "exclusive" content the switch version adds for the most part is already on the 3DS version, very little of the exclusive content is actually exclusive and might as well be equivalent to an extra boss battle.
keep seething sweetie
Are you an idiot?
No, the orchestra mod is objectively worse because of the battle theme. Most obnoxious piece of shit I ever heard, I'd take the midi any day over it.
Also Sylvando's theme is worse in the orchestrated version as well, but at least you aren't listening to that for the entire game
Ones a good rpg
The other is a bad rpg
That's the difference
I get that you want to shit on the Switch version, but honestly you just look assblasted OP and people are actually impressed with how it looks.
it was a joke user... you can't seriously think that was serious
so why are people seething over the bad RPG?
You are retarded if you truly think that. Each console and PC have great games that are unique to each system and there's something to enjoy in all of them. I'll never just buy one console, that's just stupid, how could you even call yourself a true dedicated gamer if you don't?
Do you even know why I'm calling you an idiot?
Didn't this fight require the joycons to work? Or was that just aesthetic? It's hard to care because in Undertale is was literally just one additional fight and the trailer even mentioned it barely counts as additional content. Hell, the PS4 version had that additional room just to do a shit take on the PS4's achievements. All versions of Undertale are 99.5% the same game, that's not the case with DQ.
A shit post
Why has shitposting declined so?
I swear Yea Forums used to be better than constant "Oh nonono!" or "Ahahahaha" posting.
People aren't even trying anymore.
gonna need the sauce for this pic
everyone left and all the retarded console war fags that are probably like... 15 years old are all that remain.
when is sugiyama going to fucking die already?
Same reason they seethe over Breath of the Wild
pretty sure it was an aesthetic thing, truth be told, I never played the Switch version of Undertale so I wouldn't know
>implying they aren't just going to make you pay $60 again for a different ps4 and pc release
This is why I don't buy games and only pirate now
im not a ps4 fag but im excited for the Pc version
the box art looks cool
that box art is an insane step down from the original, why did they even change it?
more to relate the idea behind the port to this thread. Both games got Switch exclusive content, but only one of the games actually got people seething for having switch exclusive content
Are you serious? It unironically takes 2 seconds to find. I'm all for spoonfeeding with shit that is hard to find, but you'd have to be retarded to somehow end up on tineye searching for this image.
Let me guess, top one is docked and bottom is handheld?
it was just an aesthetic thing.
Looks like shit.
You missed many points. They actually added more stuff that wasn't in the 3ds or ps4 version.
Yes i'm serious, what am i gonna do ? type sweaty anime titties and instantly find this exact one ?
Why does the top image have a watermark in the bottom right corner?
You will understand it when you buy a console
Yes, easily
No, you use the little arrow right up here ^ and learn how to reverse search properly.
Is this what they call, buyers remorse?
who else besides obsessed shitposters make threads about it?
>th-those don't count!
hold this L
>consoles still look uglier than what the PC could do with crysis in 2005
It's only made funnier when they compare their garbage to eachother
I thought i was pretty fair in my assessment.
With some games being actually worth it whole others are just straight up bad.
>You need to buy everything to be a TRUE gamer
If Nintendo ever make a good game then I'll consider it but they won't change so I never will.
please dont come back here until you are over 18
Trips are truth
Basement dweller with figures of the characters in their houses larping as the welsh cat character
Which God of War game is this?
Nvm found it
i dont know how you could read that post as anything but ironic shitposting
Can you marry Jade or Serena in this?
From what I remember, it includes
>New playable story sections for all party members
>Ability to play game in 16 Bit style from 3ds version
>New sections based on each of the past 10 DQ games
>new Mounts
>Orchestra soundtrack
>Japanese voice acting
All said to only be in the switch version, not gonna be added to PS4
classic snoys can't count
Wow it's fucking nothing.
actually it's this one
But my picture has 10/10s, multiple of them in fact
>calling out a shitty corporation doing shitty corporate stuff = corporation lives in your head rent free
Good goy!
That's still not a 10/10 though.
One point off, ouch, that's got to hurt being so close.
this is not "anime style" you absolute fucking mongoloid
and yes it does translate very well, dqxi is a very unique and good looking game
yes, the accolades poster made to sell the game only included the reviews that wanked the game off, I'm glad you were able to notice
you do know that there are other reviews for the game that don't appear in the accolades poster, right?
It is terrible..
take your pills
>that's got to hurt
Not exactly when it's the highest any game has ever gotten and it's never been beaten and never will.
Trips of truth
>Calling out
making the same low-effort thread 20 times in a row is a bit redundant don't you think?
>Zelda gets a 99
>Gow scores a 120 in that picture
Hold this L, it's yours
Wow it's like 30 hours of extra content
Stay seething Sonybro
Actually it scored a 94 5 points below Zelda.
Sorry :'(.
I was considering getting this game on the PS4, is the extra content the Switch will get be worth it? Any chances it will come to PS4 after a time?
Count up all the 10s, it's 120. Sorry Bro.
At least on the Switch you can.
>Making the game playable on a weaker console and adding fucktons of additional content
>shitty corporate stuff
>less grass
What's dumb is how much fucking better the PC port looks over DQXI on PS4 Pro. The texture quality used on the characters is ludicrous and a lot of the finer details are completely lost on console.
Okay cool, if we're doing it that way, then Zelda has 180. It was nice chatting with you.
>Calling anyone else out for shit taste
the new FE unironically looks fantastic after the absolute steaming piles of shit that were Awakening and Fates, you can't even pull the "m-m-muh anime waifu dating sim" meme because that shit's been heavily minimized in favor of actual gameplay and a damn good story
>four (4) routes, each 70-80 hours long all in the same game
>actual choices with actual consequences can be made
>writing is on par and even better than the older games in the series
>gameplay is more in-depth and customizable than ever
>4 difficulty options and good map variety especially post-timeskip
>not a single cookie-cutter generic tropey ending or plot in sight
>no censorship at all so the girls are still at their unfiltered peak while also being actually great characters like Edelgard
yep, I'm thinking FE's back
>Not playing in retro mode
lmaoing @ you zoomers
its funny how you say bing bing wahoo as if its a bad thing, even though every single bing bing wahoo game on that list you admit is good.
If they charged $20 for DQXI which only included the 2d sprite mode, I'd go for it.
This. The detractors don't even have any legs to stand on anymore other than memeing "l-lol y-you like FE?!"
This game is the SMT x FE we should've gotten. it's borderline amazing seeing how they bait-and-switched us with the school setting only for the game to go balls-deep into its story
But you said it had 99. Why are you resorting to lying now?
Why can't Piss4fags cope?
Literally no games to look forward to this year because Sony chose to spend their money on making another gay pride parade instead of actually having games to show off at E3, that's why they're shitposting harder than ever now
funny to think Sony were doing so well, now they're going back to being the laughingstock they were during the PS3 days
As an idort, the only Sony game I'm looking forward to is Nioh 2, and if it's anything like the first game, it's a timed exclusive and will get a PC release.
I can honestly only imagine how hard of a sell the ps5's going to be if they continue to go the route of "cinematic experiences" over actual fun games.
at least bloodborne is still reason enough to rent a PS4, I had no regrets about that
>muh movie meme
You lost, get over it.
You see, Metacritic compiles all the review scores for a game and creates a median, with God of War having a 94 and Ocarina of Time having a 99.
Since you obviously weren't very happy with Ocarina of Time having a higher score, you wrote off the Metacritic scores and attempted to score the games yourself in your own little unique way by adding up all the 10/10 reviews to create a final score.
Using this form of scoring, God of War stands at 120, and applying the same rules to Ocarina of Time, we get 180.
So with Metacritic, the scores are:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [99]
God of War [94]
And with your own special scoring system, the scores are:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [180]
God of War [120]
So Zelda stands on top in both rounds.
I hope that clears things up for you ;)
it'll be fine
its all about the shooting and sports games
>Outsold in its home country in 2 years by a shitty tablet
too bad 70+ million of those owners are hardcore casuals that contribute nothing to the industry like your average modern capeshit movie goer
So like, do you people actually enjoy your system, or do you only care about being on the winning side?
I wonder why you people never cared about "winning" when Wii was dominating the market. Hmmm.
Dragon Quest graphicsfags exist?
Thats a lot of garbage games, but i expect no less from a copy paste list from a fanboy defending its every mistep. What a shit console.
T. Switch owner.
I have a Shitch and know its shit. I also mainly game on PC
Get ready to buy a definitive edition at full price in two years. Same with Zodiac Age.
I wish we got the 3ds game, the visuals reminded me of 9
>tfw own a Switch and still know its shit despite having other platforms
Maybe its also about calling a shit console shit.
>t. switch owner
sure, but if you're being unironic why the fuck would you buy a console with games that don't appeal to you?
The 2D mode IS the 3DS game.
Do you even know what the Switch is for you fucking retard?
sure thing kid, we heard you the first time. let's see your switch with a timestamp
Top screen was low poly 3D though
The 3DS version also has a 3D version that looks similar to the VII 3DS renake
I bought it in anticipation for quality and enjoyed the average Mario. Its been shit in the majority though. It has a shit library and garbage tier hardware/OS.
>20 million from China that switch and Xbox isn't in yet
>50 million from FIFA in Europe
Wow. Clap clap clap.
can you falseflag a little harder
in what way has it been shit in the majority? also how is the hardware garbage for a portable device? It's the most powerful portable gaming system on the market, if you wanted a budget PC you should've probably just gone for the PS4
also again, let's see that switch library and timestamp
Pretty much this. Odyssey, MM2, BotW and Smash were the only games I truly enjoyed. Aside from that there's just so much garbage on the Switch.
>how is the hardware garbage for a portable device?
It's a hybrid, stop making up excuses. Most people exclusively use the docked mode.
>its another bing bing, BUT...
Fuck you manchild.
Actually most people exclusively use handheld. Every single poll ever done handheld wind by a massive margin
Shit hardware
Shit games
Shit console
You can never own a Switch and not miss out on a single important thing in gaming.
I own the entire library. I hacked it because im not a retard.
Exactly. It's a hybrid. That's the entire point, the majority of people buy the system because that's the selling point.
Why are you so reluctant on showing us your switch if you're a proud owner of the shitty console?
So you accept that the hardware is garbage? I didn't see you defending it.
>never EVER shows his library
bet you've got the shittiest taste in video games
The ENTIRE library? Damn son, you played every single switch game there is? Let's see your library, I bet you have some cool games on there
also do you have any arguments other than "x is shit"? it doesn't hurt to articulate your points you know
Garbage? Name one other portable gaming device that even comes close to the Switch in terms of power. As a home console it's fine but doesn't compare to budget PC's, but that was never the selling point. Please, feel free to point to one advert that advertises the Switch as a powerful home console. The portability IS the selling point, that's what's focused on the most in all the advertisement for the system
>Owns like 2 games because he's too cheap to get any
>"The switch is shit"
Yes garbage.
>Name one other portable gaming device
The Switch is a hybrid, stop making up shitty excuses you autist.
>it 8 AM over there
>uses DD/MM/YYYY format
Where the fuck is it? Sure as hell isn't USA.
>the switch is a hybrid
Exactly. Again, that's the fucking selling point you troglodyte. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was inferior compared to the OTHER console/portable hybrid consoles on the market currently.
Why do you need to play everything when 99% of it is shit ports?
Lmao seething
Entire library.
>can screenshot his switch
>wont screenshot his library
nintendo cant help your shit taste in video games
And 5 minutes ago you were saying it's a handheld. Stop making up excuses, stop deflecting. The hardware is garbage.
>rugarell is in his 40s now
>99% of it is shit ports
>doesn't screenshot his "massive library"
ok poorfag
>>yessss my grass looks betterrr
>Imagine unironically being like that.
traditional british, no ?
>every character is either white or asian
>this is what this nigger worships
Yikes. I wouldn't like to live in a world where everyone was black. Seems like a true distipyan world to me.
But you sure take it like a champ.
Deflecting? Again, please feel free to point out the other, superior hybrid console on the market. The portability was the main selling point of the console, that's a fact. That's why so many people bought it. Again, instead of regurgitating the same "criticisms" over and over again, why don't you point out a hybrid/portable console with superior hardware to the Switch? Then your arguments might actually make a lick of sense
Stay SEETHING Switch fanboys.
Shit console
Shit library
Not worth anyones time.
it's almost like niggers can appreciate games without giving a shit about race like white people on both sides of the political spectrum clearly have a problem with
can't help shit taste in video games
>No library
>has zero (0) games
>too scared to even screenshot his library
>"d-dude the switch library is shit!!!"
Stay ebin my dude
Anons asked you what games you play.
>I have the entire library
is not the answer. You can not tell us that you were able to download and play the entire Switch library.
It's a current gen console and the hardware is even worse than the one of 6yo home consoles.
>B-But it's the only hybrid
Nobody gives a shit. The games have garbage graphics and most of them run at sub 30fps.
Shit hardware.
>new/superior bad
>old/inferrior good
Yea Forums and SJWs belong to two sides of the same coin when it comes to how fucking obnoxious people can get about identity politics
I just want to enjoy my damn vidya
>skip the endless amounts of shit ports that look and run like shit
>resulting library is complete trash
Not bad at all IMO, what's the res the Switch is running at? Any info?
That sure is a nice hybrid console alternative with better hardware that you posted, user. Really impressive reading comprehension skills.
>still terrified of actually showing his library because he knows his taste is garbage and he can only afford 2 games
that's gonna be a yikes from me dog
this console sux! xD
do I fit in yet?? x3
Keep coping, the Switch being the only hybrid doesn't make the hardware any less shit.
>any less shit
compared to the other hybrid consoles on the market that clearly exceed it? Outstanding argument, user.
>ITT C*nsolefags
It's a hybrid that can switch from homeconsole to portable. The homeconsole version however is so bad, it wouldn't even be acceptable 6 years ago, which is why the games look and run like shit. You can keep coping as much as you want, but it will never change the fact that the Switch has garbage hardware.
I wonder how idorts and last-gen fags must feel every time they see one of these stupid console war threads
What did SE mean by this?
>better hardware have better graphics
Thanks for pointing out obvious shit.
Lmao COPE you incel.
Having no argument other than "x is shit because it's shit you dum dum >:(" makes you seem like you're the one that's coping, user.
>still not showing his library
Based fearless user
We all know the Switch has garbage hardware though, silly user. Calm your autism.
No PC won again.
Supports both 4k and 144hz.
How does it feel, you are to us what Switch players are to you.
They mean exactly what they wrote. 'Not for sale'. Meaning, you will never see it... on PS4.
Hum... but when they decide to make the characters black you chimp out about it. No mater if the game is good or not, you will not buy it if the whole cast is black.
It also says promotional disk, which is why it's not for sale.
You can clearly see it looks like shit in the image he posted. For a game that came out 6 fucking years ago.
It's shit because it can't even run most modern AAA games and the few exceptions like DOOM run at sub 30fps and absolutely horrendous graphics. Even The Witcher 3 which is like 3 years old looks like shit and will most likely run like shit.
Some autists sadly don't.
I'll just wait for the PS4 DKC to drop. Gotta be quite the retard to think it will be exclusive lmao.
how come it's okay when games run at sub 30fps on PS4 though, that's what I don't get.
Honestly I think the industry could benefit from all consoles weakening themselves, graphically. Too much of a game's budget is spent on graphics, which makes marketing more important since you're selling off appearance, which creates a loop of needing better graphics for better marketing. Graphics are already good enough, the industry would be better off stopping this rat race of 8k textures and 60fps.
The only thing this would hurt is console VR, but who gives a fuck about that?
Alright, continue playing in the autistic ball pit with them then; you're no better.
says the autist who cant comprehend portability
Eh, a stable framerate of 60fps is pretty important
The difference is that the Switch can't handle these games at all. If the Switch runs a game at sub 30fps, the Ps4 runs it at 60. If the Ps4 runs a game at sub 30fps, the Switch doesn't run it at all. The only way the Switch can even come close to Ps4 performance is with massive downgrades and that only works for a few games. RDR 2 wouldn't be able to run on the Switch if you downgraded it as much as possible.
Not an argument.
>If the Ps4 runs a game at sub 30fps, the Switch doesn't run it at all.
Is this is how Snoys defend their '18fps Bloodborne' masterpiece, or...?
It is actually
>The difference is that the Switch can't handle these games at all. If the Switch runs a game at sub 30fps, the Ps4 runs it at 60. If the Ps4 runs a game at sub 30fps, the Switch doesn't run it at all.
not an argument.
PC constantly runs games better than PS4 too.
Why is it acceptable for PS4 to ever be sub 30fps?
Imagine buying an underpowered drm-box, then buying it again 3 years later for the REAL version and then bragging that it's more powerful than a tablet running a 2015 chipset.
Portability is pretty much an argument when the Switch follows industry trends related to portable consoles and exceeds them by a little bit.
Come on now
That's a fucking huge mojito
Yeah but consoles can never hold a stable 60, they dip far too often because devs cant optimize and publishers can't compromise. Mostly stable 30 is better than very unstable 60. Even Nintendo struggles with this and they've accepted basic graphics
>3DS has officially been sunset
>New Switch literally doesn't have a TV mode
Eat shit, PS4 is literally the weakest console now.
Odyssey was stable 60 FPS even in hand held though
>Doesn't want to marry Sylv
It seem you are the truly gay one
Considering buying a Xbox One S to play 4K blurays and video, how is it? Can you still play Ninja Gaiden Black on it?
Now try a complex game with actual content like Monster Hunter.
whatever helps people feel less jealous of all the new content, i guess.
obsession with graphics is a sign of mental disability, get help
>actual content
7/10 bait
I'll admit that one was pretty damn stable. Played it on launch and I don't remember dipping except on the rainy city levels. But that game's stability can be credited to it cutting out a lot of graphical intensity, the worlds are all floating and they didn't add much detail outside of the zones, if at all.
LoZ shit the bed on launch nonstop and even with the optimized patches can occasionally drop.
That's a multiplat and it had a lot of problems going for it that other platforms experienced too.
>not an argument.
It is.
>PC constantly runs games better than PS4 too.
Yes, and PC is better than Ps4. The Switch however is worse than both. It's shit in terms of hardware, literally the worst.
>Portability is pretty much an argument
It runs like shit in the HOMECONSOLE mode too. Just accept that the hardware is shit and move on, atleast the Switch has games to make up for it.
why the fuck would you aim for 144hz in a jrpg
cope, consolepleb
oh yeah, that sucks so bad... not having your party members follow you in the overworld is really shitty.
>glowing piss grass
Even GU can't get 60fps you dumb fucking fanboy.
>lower framerate on a static jpg
Also, DQZI runs sub 30fps on the PS4 so...
Is this how snoyfags COPE with their drought?
That is quite pathetic
>guy has dark skin in pic
>PFFTHMHMH..."what if i say NIGGER....RIGHT NOW?"
lol you can always tell the person who's on the brink of suicide/being a complete waste of life social outcast.
pscht, dilate. Trump 2020
>not with the music the game designer's intended
Wow, absolutely pleb
Holy autism.
>until we got confirmation that the added contents also coming to PC.
omg hide your envy, user, at least a little
I have a hacked switch and i'll play the definitive version for free, but if i had to choose between the switch version and the pc version (with orchestrated ost patched in), I'd still choose the switch version because of the content and portability but recognize the PC version as the most nice-looking one and the one i'd recommend most to people.
Anyways, no joke about the portability, taking the switch with me has allowed me to finish hollow knight and travis strikes again (with the dlc) really really fast. Instead, since i have no time to sit in front of the tv for hours, games like Uncharted 4 felt so long I ended up dropping it (didn't help that the game is boring af, specially the africa section, and feels like a movie more than ever before)
i still can't really tell which one is which. i know the switch one lets you have party members, so it's the bottom and ps4 is the top? huh. now that i see it the PS4 version does look better.
does the switch version also have the dogshit midi soundtrack like ps4?
thats cause capcom locked at 30 you fucking retard
I'm sure big bad Capcom locked it for no reason at all, definitely not because of the Shitch's budget hardware.
>Bayamon PR
LMAO that's fucking gold.
Nope. Orchestrated.
It was for infraestructure reasons, alledgely. They wanted it to be compatible with the 3DS game.
Let's be clear, GU could easily do 60 with some unstabilities on the Switch.
>They wanted it to be compatible with the 3DS game.
But it's not lmao
Enjoy your shitty midis retard
I haven't noticed any, what do you mean? There has been a version update since its first release, maybe that addressed it.
Oh yes I remember the expanded character stories, new mounts, orchestrated music, and qol in the 3ds version. Oh wait I don't.
Wait a minute I just realized something... We all know Old = SOUL and New = SOULLESS, so the midi version should be SOUL while the orchestra is SOULLESS since it's newer. ...But orchestras existed long before midis did. So which one is the true SOUL and which one is SOULLESS? Are both of them SOUL and SOULLESS at the same time? What does it all mean?!?
reminds me of the BOTW downgrade
fucking hell
Buy a used one with games off Ebay for ~$150 bucks.
Works great as an OG Xbox + Blu ray player machine, though there's no reason to play any modern games on it since game pass is on PC
Switch content is timed exclusive.
Imagine being so retarded to think SE wouldn't do this.
>octopath traveler is switch exclusive bro
Also yes you can play NGB as well as NG2 both with resolution and framerate enhancements.
Just because a form of music was created first does not mean that it's alternative implementation in video games should be considered SOUL. The oldest form of content in the game as it released is always the SOULest, not the oldest form of content period.
but he's right
Niiice, are there games that won't play on it?
I was aiming more for 100 bucks so I'll wait a lil' bit.
I just found this which is pretty close to the $100 target and there are bid listings on ebay which go for exactly $100.
Here's a list of every OG and 360 compatible game on One. Keep in mind BC game additions for Xbox One are over, though might return on Scarlett.
Big yikes, hard pass.
Yes because they stole the content away from other systems
>this is the snoyfags COPE now
LOL, that might be ther most pathetic thing ever said on Yea Forums, congrats
You know the game is running on weaker hardware, right?
Most good stuff's there (no Otogi though! What a shame), it seems, might get Rare Replay while I'm at it (although I'd prefer it on PC or Switch, but oh well).
What's the expected resolution of the game on portable Switch? Around 540p? Can't be 720p, can't it?
It is
$ugiyama will want another huge paycheck
But shouldn't Orchestra music be considered SOUL and midi music be SOULLESS? Midi is just orchestra but with *new* digital versions of older instruments, thus making it SOULLESS. Why is it that it should only be considered SOULLESS if midi songs came out in a sequel game-wait a minute. Holy shit, is Dragon Quest 11 as a whole SOULLESS since it came after Dragon Quest 10, and 9, and 8, etc.? And those games are all sequels too! If anything, if we go all the way back, shouldn't Dragon Quest 1 be the only game to be considered to have SOUL? But wait, Dragon Quest 1 is just a dumbed-down, "accessible" version of even older RPGs! Does Dragon Quest have any SOUL at all??? Oh God, I feel like I'm about to implode!
look at this filthy creature, bet he never used a deodorant in his life.
Some people on Yea Forums are so pathetic it amazes me
OP probably doesn't even realize it
>octopath traveler is switch exclusive bro
Console exclusive.
They'll tell you it doesn't count. But if you bring up Yakuza or Street Fighter V as not being console exclusives, they'll go into cope overload.
Seething snoy.
Eh, like your mom
He is right though
Get a life, OP
It is though? Xx and 3ds xx can play together. GU is a port of xx.
Dunno why im explaining it to a massive retard like you, but oh well
shut the fuck up you coping nincel you don't know what you are talking about you fucking 12 year old retard
Extremely based trips
>Screw the new content just give me the Japanese voice acting and I'll be happy enough.
Why would you want a shitty dub instead of the original English voice acting?
And literally nobody cares because nobody fucking cares about Dragon Quest
it's a shit series
just filter the filename, I'll do the same.
Handheld ports are obviously going to look worse but come on
It looks almost as good and it’s portable. As someone who actually travels a lot, this is insanely useful.
it's extremely funny seeing people so extremely upset that the switch gets extra content, heck, I doubt most of you even played DQXI, you're all just extremely obsessed console war fags who heard the switch that the Switch version of a game will be the best version and you couldn't accept that so you're looking for any possible way to say "IT'S ACTUAL BAD DON'T BUY IT" or "IT'S ALL COMING TO PS4 YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!!!!!" and then when it doesn't get added to the other consoles, like what's been the case for every dragon quest game that's been exclusive to the Switch, you guys won't actually care because you'll have moved on to the next instance where there might be a .1% chance of the Switch version being the better version
>I have no argument, so I’ll just call you a cuck!
If you need side-by-side comparisons to make it look bad, it doesn't actually look bad.
>playing DQ games with Jap VO
I really hope none of you dumb weebs actually do this
I love how PC cucks brag about 4k and 144hz when none of them are capable on this on their shitty rigs.
>non released games and multiplats
>cant afford 7 dollars a year for online
But can you marry who you want?
Based Horii dabbing on Pence
Seething nincel.
seems like the only people seething are sonyfags for having the objectively worst version of DQXI
What's wrong with that girl's right shoulder?
Ok, the switch lite is by far the strongest portable ever made
>nobody gives a shit
You’re just wrong there
it's a randomly generated anime girl, i saved it from thiswaifudoesnotexist
>The Switch is a hybrid
It's literally just a handheld you can plug into your TV. All the dock is is a passthrough for HDMI and charging cables.
You probably need a computer to notice the difference between these two images.
Imagine not phoneposting.
Legend except you keep pointing out "Bing bing wahoo" like it's a bad thing to be a mario game
>One bing has been deposited into your account
I’m a huge Mario and MH fan
Why are you like this
Mario Odyssey is a 6 hour long platformer game.
MHXX in Japan is on the switch and 3DS you fucking retard
The “BoTW downgrade” was comparing a prerendered trailer to actual gameplay
If you ignore the endgame, which is the meat of it
>in Japan
Spoken like somebody who doesn't play DQ games
based, keep calling out these autists
You don't know shit about Square Enix.
Here's some fun facts
>the best way to play DQ1-3 in English is via the phone ports, the PS4 and Eshop ports were never brought over
>Party Chat was cut out of the DS release of 4, making its iPhone version the best way to play
>a lot of this XI exclusive content has been around since the 3DS launch, and could've been brought over to PS4 and PC at any time, but it's Ninty exclusive now
Is this the same REmake2 fag that posted all day every day and made mental breakdown videos in his dirty white T?
Didnt someone partially dox him?
Its gotta be the same fag...this kind of insanity is fucking bonkers.
The PS4 Pro was always snake oil when compared to PC, hell it doesn't even do true 4k like the Bone X it just upscales the 1080p image.
It's about being on the "winning" side and if you try to bring up someone else winning elsewhere they'll screech and pretend that region doesn't even exist. Sony could declare that its fanbase were retards, shit on the floor and sell that for $400 a scoop and people here would still treat themselves like gilded champions for buying into it so long as it sold well SOMEWHERE
>almost done DQV
>just bought a Switch, DQIV and DQM Joker with my vacation pay from work
>going to buy VI and IX for DS as well
>by the time XI S comes out I'll probably be mostly done the mainline available on the DS, at the very least the Zenithian trilogy
Thank you based Squenix, for lining everything up with my buying habits.
>>every character is either white or asian
Yep, because it's fantasy. Can't find them in real life.
God i wanna lick those armpits
Quality of the grass.
Not him but yes, It's for games.
PS4s are generally used for Netflix and FIFA/Just Dance. Trust me, I know many people like this in real life. It's not a meme, it's real. That's not to say there aren't people who use their PS4 for games but that's very much a minority of the player base.
"definitive" version
His YouTube is MichaelDoesLife
Massive autist who spammed threads here about REmake 2, and there are videos of him wearing this filthy white shirt covered in sweat calling out zoomers
ITT: millenials find out small machines have less power
He IS a zoomer though.
I feel bad for the guy though. Imagine if he wasn't obsessed over video games. Imagine the shit he'd get into in the real world...
does the bottom cost less than the home-console version? didn't think so.
>still have my reaction images of him from January and December
how do I find that stream on youtube?
Do you think SE USA dubbed the new in battle dialogues? Or do you think they just cut them if you have the voices set to english?